(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


wow, how come u know such details? reported in papers huh? i hvn't read the papers yet... wah, 2nd prize in toto still cannot pay off his debts.. sigh..

Maybe must show to my mil hor, she loves to go gamble.... sigh... we already hv exhausted all means to stop her fr going to gamble liao... as long as she dun owe $ from loan sharks, we are very happy liao.


Cuz my dad loves to buy wanbao, haha. It is the gossip newspaper where you get to see all the juicy details. My dad also loves to gamble last time. He quit everything in his old age, majong, gambling, smoking. My parents used to quarrel a lot over it too but also luckily not till got loansharks come to our door lar.
hi mummies on childcare leave today. Chloe's mysterious rash still not ok yet, somemore got blisters one we are afraid its HFMD so brought her to kk this morning.

after thorough check by snr doc, n dismissing possibilities of 2nd bout of chicken pox (cos chloe has it before)& its v unusual to get a 2nd time, & hfmd (she has no fever n no mouth ulcers) conclusion again its viral rash.

wah ur maid beginnig to ask alot of que liao
:p so ur contract with her is strictly no hp? this clause can be decided by us right? i also dun like maid to hv hp :p she scared of her mum from her agy? hee good lor.

just now i went to amk sports link, they hv 2 pairs $29 for the normal crocs (old old design) cant rem wat its name is, but dun hv any disney range so left the place quite disappointed hee anyway tks at least i went there n satisified cant find haha.
there's a shop at AMK hub which sells crocs, maybe not as cheap as BP but some designs are cheaper. I don't know the exact unit, it's at the row of shops behind Ah Mei cafe.
I think there's Barney and Sesame Street performance at United Sq and all the Fraser Malls but details not out yet. Will keep you updated.
Mejo: ur ON stull with me. u can come by and pick it up anytime, i will let my MIL know. just let me know when u r coming over and i will let MIL know.
save money
lots of chance to spree :p the shipping fee so slow...still waiting to find out how much it come up to.

u know wat. i have phobia stepping into places i used to eat at when i was in my first trimester :p once i step into the building or near the restaurant, the smell makes me feel like puking :p
whahaha, true. cant wait for the 2nd spree. my neighbour saw what keira been wearing and she likes them. ask me to help her for her gal too. we even take measurement already!

sometimes, the feeling still continues depsite 1st tri over.
now i move on to another place to eat and i only eat at this place for past few mths. weird.

share with u gals something...
yesterday went to taka with fren and dotter. Leia kept wanting to hold jie jie's hand. they had fun playing and eating together. But after sometime...jie jie refused to hold hand complaining tat her hand is painful but leia insisted and got frustrated.
i was in the hourglass getting something for client and they came in to look for me. Leia was pissed off with rina for not helping her. i saw her trembling with anger followed by a loud shout. everyone turned and looked at her. super embarrassing...
you know months back i bought dress from jshoppers. showed it to her, so ended up selling the dress to her. so now her gal likes to wear that dress.

then for this, she likes Keira wearing the tights with the tops i matched up with. she always full of praised when she see Keira in her kaikai clothes.
Leia so cute! that reminds me yesterday morning at my house playground, there were 3 malay gals playing, 1 cousin and 2 sisters. they told me their names is Leica, Leila and Alysha.I told them Keira got a frend name Leia! the 2 bigger kids LL likes to play with Keira. and even carried Keira!

2 pairs for $29!?! Wah, that's cheap. I think it is the caymen you are talking about. The "original" big head crocs.


okay, thanks. Maybe I'll pick up later on my way home with YT around 8+. Can you send me your address? I din keep it last time. Thanks! sms or pm me also can.

YT also very scary now. She started saying things like "dou shi ni lar" (even when she did it herself, like dropping stuffs) and she scolded a fish "ta shen jin bing" because she said it din eat the food that she fed it... ARGH! I think the "shen jin bing" come from my mom cuz she likes to scold my dad and sis that.
pink: i also experience something similar from ashlyn on sat nite i thnk.. at home after shower.. she saw bubble container.. than she insisted.. last time she will roll on floor n demand.. now she nv.. she tramp her feet n tremble quite hard n than start rolling and pulling her top until become loose.. haiz.. lucky i nv give in.. only made her cry until vomit..

i thnk it's a phase ba.. hopefully.. their temper quite bad hor..haiz..

Actually now is a good time to help them learn to identify their emotions and also exercise some control? Control is very very difficult at this stage but if they can identify then slowly help them build up the control? Wah, I need to go and find a book on building a child's EQ liao. They are really starting to show a whole range of emotions now. I have seen YT being embarrased, being frustrated, angry, unhappy, happy, excited etc. I think I tend to be one of those parents who brush their child's emotional reactions off but perhaps that's not the best thing to do...
Mummies. Ayden's vocab is improving. Besides addressing us, he knows "ball", "bird", "bye", "star", "baobao" and "balloon".. Hahah.. And he likes to read! Pretends to anyway.. Copycat of Anna..

Yar, just last night, YT threw her trucks till something came off just because they don't move in the way she wants them to. After I told her off for spoiling the truck, she became sad but is still angry at the same time! I tried to fix it for her but she rejected and kept trying to anyhow fit it in and got upset when she can't get it right. Anyway, I got so irritated with her that I just kept the trucks away. :p Oh, and recently she screams in her sleep... twice in a roll already. Dunno what's up with her.

Speaking of copycat, YT like to sit infront of the computer, type on the keyboard and speak in "foreign" language. Haha.
but in the public leh...wow scary, i dun know how to control her temper.

whaha...we really have to watch wat we say..we have a habit of ending our sentence with 'already' and leia is also over-using it.

i like the name Leila..Leica also nice but sound like the Panasonic camera's Leica Lense.

I'm starting to sense that at this age, ignoring may not be the best thing to do. Cuz they are not necessarily grabbing attention, if you know what I mean. Sometimes, they are truly losing control of themselves.
Mejo: Even if they're not grabbing attention, they can learn how to control their emotions in a calm manner. Need to teach them that when unhappy, shouting/crying/screaming/throwing tantrums doesn't make the unhappiness go away. I ignore Anna mostly in such situations. It doesn't where we are as long as I know she is not in danger. And with me, she has learned to control her emotions and talk to me or tell me what she wants. She knows I'll help her if she asks or tells me nicely.
Of course, if papa or ah mah is around, then it's a different story. Cos she knows they'll give in to her. :p
Kaexin: can i jst ask u hor.. is K is hitting ??

Mejo: too emo in the day will dream at nite.. i thnk.. like adults ba... i thnk they jst angry nw.. can’t get things in their way...

AAA: i simply ignore until she no energy to cry.. decided that she wants her pillow instead.. so i still WON!.. ahha.. anyway if it’s my MIL.. sure give in instantly.. sometimes is difficult.. cos we not main care takers... oh.. btw.. i not ordering crayola.. still hv one set at home.. ready to use.. but i will sure support ur next BP..

Pink: i always get such stare.. cos Kaitlyn always scream her way.. don’t know hw to handle her..
so i m quite used to it.. anyway if those pple are parents they will understand.. haha
AAA: ask u hor.. since u put it this way that we should not give in.. do u let Anna cry her way or scream her way.. until she keeps quiet? cos ashlyn will only quiet until i carry her, sayang her.. than she will forget wat she wants..

Dunno, it seems like my younger nephew still doesn't know how to control himself at age 4 now. He will bite or hit people in anger or embarrassment. He also throw toys in frustration. Can control be taught? Or does it come naturally? That's something I'm not so sure of. I hope I've been giving YT enough positive attention that she's not craving my attention even if it is negative.

And hor, YT is acting up not just when she need something that only the adults can give her. She can just act up. Like she can play with her toys and if the toys are not going the way she wants them to, she will throw a tantrum too. But she doesn't want us to interfere. You understand what I'm trying to say? Like the trucks thing, she is not needing me to do anything. In fact, the last thing she wants is my attention.
Kelly: If we're home, I'll bring/drag her to the toilet and close the door for her to cry it out. Before that I'll give her warnings that if she doesn't stop, this is what I'll do. And she will usually stop upon hearing this cos she knows I mean business.
Same thing with Ayden. If he's throwing tantrums, I close the room door behind him and let him cry in the room. As he's younger, I don't leave him to cry as long.
And while he is crying, I'll tell anna didi is notti that's why mummy lets him cry in the room. I reiterate to her that when she herself is notti, mummy does the same thing with her too. Just so she knows I treat them both equally when they're notti. No favouritism..
Mejo: Yes, I believe we can teach them how to manage anger and frustrations. In the very least, if we respond with action ABC when they're out of control, then each time they want action ABC from us, they'll act out of control.

With YT's case, then all the more you shd ignore her since she doesn't need/want anything from you. Maybe that's how she plays with her toys.
AAA: Anna can still hear you when she is crying ah. ashlyn can't.. until i sayang than she will absorb in.. tt's y i wonder hw will i do that.. i thnk my neighbour cum MIL will complain n run n rescue my daughter when she hear her crying at my toilet. wat is the max record of anna crying in toilet?
if we ignore them, they wont know wat they're doing is wrong?
for us, we used the attention diversion method which is wrong but save us from embarrassment when we are in the public

Kaitlyn is still a bb, i find that its still acceptable. But for a kid coming to 3 yr old, trembling in anger and yelling in public...thats a bit out of control. for yesterday's case, we ignore her.
pink: kaitlyn also not very small liao.. her speech n understanding different from ashlyn.. her temper is worst some more.. haha.. tell u hor.. when i was letting ashlyn cry.. she cry also.. cos she can't see her elder sister cry..
Kelley: I started this method of discipline quite early on. Ayden is only 13 mths old and he's already got this treatment before. Actually thinking of it, it sounds like the "notti" corner concept.
So this notti corner treatment has been wired into Anna. Most times she will stop if I threaten to bring her into the toilet to cry, but if it comes to the stage where she's being dragged into the toilet to cry, she usually stops after a very short while on her own. Cos she knows once she stops, I'll open the door for her to come out. And then I'll ask her nicely to tell me what's wrong, and I'll help her out.
Ayden is quite smart. In the room, after a while, he will stop crying to make me open the door, then if no one opens after a while, he cries again. This can go on many times.
Pink: I reason and talk to her when she's calm down. And I'll usually bring it up again when papa comes home. Will tell her a few times what/where/why she did wrong. And let her know what she shd have done instead. Which is to talk/ask nicely and not throw up a fuss.

Yah, depending on the severity of her tantrums, I'll use the diversion method too.

Er, I can't ignore her if she is breaking stuffs! Or worse, if she is fighting with her cousins! I heard from MIL that once she hit the little boy till he cried... Oh, and I caught her ramming him with her digger once too. Usually if the kids are squabbling, I'll let them sort it out themselves, but I'll definitely step in if they come to blows. And if YT try to spoil things, then that's a definite "no, no"! I also dunno how lar, therefore I need to go read some more books. Haha, as if children come with manuals. And we just have to find the right manual to use on the right kid. In any case, I'm quite bad with all these emotion stuffs. Every books keep saying you can differentiate hunger cries, from wanting to sleep cries etc. etc. I can never differentiate. They all sound the same to me. :/
Anna is obedient because of the fear of the toilet treatment. i might be too protective, afraid tat Leia will knock herself if i lock her in the room or toilet :p

It is one thing for the correct pronunciation and another thing for people to twist it. YT in hokkien actually sounds funny too but we are not going to call her in hokkien ever so that's fine. Being a teacher and having seen thousands of names, I will tend to be on the wary side when choosing names. Seen too many MANY examples of nice names that became horrible. But Leila is still not so bad I guess.
Mejo: Oh.. What you described is not the same as throwing tantrums.
If anna beats didi on purpose, I'll be very fierce with her (sometimes I'll beat her hand too) and make her apologise to didi. Then I'll tell her didi is hers and she shd sayang didi instead.
Luckily she doesn't throw things about when angry.
You need to separate YT when she's into a fight or when she starts to throw things about.

Pink: Hhahah.. Actually I'm very afraid she'll do something dangerous to herself. Which is why Ayden is locked in the room only, not the toilet. And the most scary thing is when all is quiet inside. So given any opportunity, I'll definitely open the door when it's quiet.
