(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

I am already spending more on them now liao. I get more clothes and stuffs for them than myself. Sometimes when I want to get something for myself, I'll always think about their happy reaction if I get something for them instead. Then I'll end up getting things for them.

yes, i always splurge on Keira. though i dont have the habit of buying exp things. but if it less than $10, i will just buy, dont need to think too much abt it. but lately, it got me thinking, and this habit actually amount to hundred after a few times!
my collgs commented that my gal is a fortunate one.
Yes, it's common for parents to do.

With 2 kids our expenses are much higher. Hence now will think twice before spend on ourselves.
I brought Reyes to shopping at Orchard with my mum, sis, aunty and cousin on Sat. Had went with the intention of getting bags and shoes for myself. I ended with nothing but hairclips, a little bag and T-shirt at Far East Plaza, all for Reyes. My goodness ...
that is why when i found out hat i pregnant with a gal, i wasnt too happy! coz i know if a gal, i will have the tendency to buy more stuff as compared to a boy
i had a good friend die when she fell off her bicycle. please ask ur spouses to be careful when cycling on the roads and esp at ubin. =(
Joelle: Got your orders..

Kaexin: My hubby is the same. Before he buys something, he will tell me the goodness of it. He's someone who doesn't really spend money on himself.

RR: Yah lor..
Joelle: Good thing I don't think my hubby is the type who'll go cycling at Ubin. It's really dangerous.. Esp for "older" people our age.. No joke leh..

Oh no.. I read wrongly.. Your friend died from falling off a bicycle?
hi mummies!

mist, hg,
she is active already... and the sabulmol puff sold in kkh is extremely cheap! i bought extra... wahahaha... kiasu right... but den, it is onli 5bucks! i m buying triple the cost from clinics! anyway, she need the puffs, so is bel.. i don think i will apply the rubs, worry it will worsen the nose... now no more runny nose, onli can hear phlegm, not wheezing.. good ah! wahahaha... i realise pedialyte is magic water... can make her from lethagic to active healthy tod... wahahaha... she still got 3stick to go... she hate it... i must force her to drink .. maybe i should freeze it for her to bite... kekeke..

bel also keep saying she stomachache ! cos she wan to apply ru yu oil... anyway i just apply la... no harm... she outgrow the rash liao... *touchwood.
Great that Sam is back her her normal self. Dylan also dun like to drink the pedialyte.

Hai...., the kids so poor thing.
Joelle, sad to know abt your friend. we just went to ubin for cycling a couple of months ago. super xiong with a kid.
my friend was cycling with a group of colleagues when she fell and went into a coma. she neva regained consciousness. it was very sudden and she was so young! =(

i feel extra sad cos i was one of those who taught her to cycle when we were in jc. maybe if we neva teach her, she wouldn't have been on a cycling trip.
the amk one sounds fishy leh... why did the wife say"why did u take my children along?" like she knows he is gonna commit suicide...
The amk one my mum said she saw on papers the wife commented the hb good to be dead. Think he giving her problems with the loan shark bah. But shocked to hear her kids died in the fire.
remember i mentioned i've got a friend who teaches art and craft? she has some programmes up for this dec. here's an abstract:-

<font color="0000ff">Dear friends,
I will be conducting art and craft workshops for young children in December. The first workshop will be a felt-fabric collage. The older children will be invited to do some simple sewing (yes, with colourful thread and REAL needles). The children will work with an array of supplies such as felt, buttons, glitter, sequins etc.

I like to work in small groups so each session will have max. 6 children. This way, I can cater to the individual child's needs/requests. All completed works will be framed/mounted for you to put it up on your mantelpiece :)</font>

<font color="ff0000">Theme: "Spirit of Giving- Christmas"
Duration: 1 hour
Dates: 1- 12 Dec 2009
Cost: $25

we can form our own groups and arrange our own dates with her. =D
Joelle, Huingee,
the kids weren't burnt to death, right? They were found dead in the bedroom. So sad for the mummy ...
wat caused Sam to have so much phlegm? does that mean she cannot eat cold stuff like oranges?

read abt the news. the poor wife is pregnant with the 3rd one. hiaz...

the hilton groom who fell, apparently he was locked out on the 24th floor while smoking. they suspect he was trying to climb down to another floor and fell. i wonder how come the security was not being alert when someone is locked out on that particular floor.

we told her she can go for the first meeting, as for her xmas gathering she has to spend xmas with us instead :p

im happy to spend money on dressing up gals :p
My sis maid got no day off. But she gave day off on hari raya.
My kids also like my sis maid too back she going back soon.
Ya, think the kids not burn to death. But before their death they should be quite scared cos the neighbour heard the girl calling papa, papa like pleaing papa to save her.
cannot fathom wat the father is thinking leh. he closed the bedroom door right? so apparently wanted to prevent fire fr going in? then y set fire in the first place if he wanna jump? weird.
giolyn, i read the news. so sad hor?
joelle, feel sad for your fren too.
alamak, accidents cannot be avoided, but hor, this fire thingy, quite sad leh.
sometimes i feel that our kids are very fortunate.

i like to make my gal pretty pretty, but sometimes i dunno how to. maybei have limited resources. limited clothes and limited shoes for her to match. haha!! anyway, i feel that I buy many things for her already, now maybe i should also pamper myself woh. So, i buy less now. haha!!
focus shifted from tian to myself.

mejo, the whiteboard mobile chart, quite interesting., already used our 1st piece.
got pros and cons.
tian likes to draw on it. if she forgot to wipe clean the sheet, the stains are hard to be removed. anyway, still serve the purpose la. quite interesting.
we were so scared that the ink will penetrate and stain our wall, luckily not too bad. it will not stain unless she draw very hard!

My friend used a eraser to remove the ink marks that have been left on for too long. In any case, I would strongly recommend the use of water soluble ink cuz when on chart or on wall, can easily remove!

The father meant to kill his kids. He already strangled the boy. They found strangle marks on his neck. The girl has bruises on her cheeks. He is crazy! I don't understand why parents must drag their kids down with them. Remember the Singaporean couple who went to Australia with their kids to commit suicide? They fed the kids sleeping pills? Siao people. The guy is probably drunk when he did this. Gambling and alchoholism. He has addictive issues. The wife should have just kicked him out first instance.
mejo. wait..
apa water soluble ink?
mine is alcohol based one woh.
enligthen me pls.
i go buy. haha!!

i go lunch first
i dun understand y he must burn the flat! is he trying to take revenge on his pregnant wife, leaving her with NOTHING! gosh i really pity the wife, will go ki siao!

i buy the clothes, accessories...rina does the dressing up. so far she's quite good at it. Marisa also quite good at it.

how does sensitive airway leads to phlegm, pardon my ignorance.

u collecting your stuff tomorrow?
thanks for the xmas prog update.
i prefer performance than meet and greet.

Maybe? Who knows? I believed he was already drunk. Maybe the kids did something to set him off. In a drunken rage, he killed his son. A man who loves gambling and alcohol has no love for his family. Addiction is strong stuff. It is physiological, not just psychological. It is not something that can be easily changed or escaped from. In experiments, rats rather starved and thirst to death but they will keep stimulating themselves with their "addiction".

So insurance will not pay anything right? Cuz this is an act of suicide. The wife is a poor thing but somehow, I can't help but think that she asked for it... she should have bailed out... long ago... I felt more bad for the kids than the adults. They are the innocent parties caught. Sigh.
insurance will still pay out for suicide as long as policy had been inforce for more than a year.

ya, will pick up the things tomorrow morning. I look for Gladys?
she may have stay on bcos of the kids? but i dun understand y she shd get pregnant again seeing her hubby at this state?
pink. RR has the cream in your bag tat i passed u. remember to take out. ok?

mejo, i also pity the kids. adults are old enough to make judgement. these kids dun seem to have a choice like that.
pink. RR has the cream in your bag tat i passed u. remember to take out. ok?

mejo, i also pity the kids. adults are old enough to make judgement. these kids dun seem to have a choice like that.
oh so washable markers can solve problem? noted noted. will buy when i see next time.

eating my dabao rice here!

So she can get money for the flat as well?


She should have left for the kids! Not stay on. The husband was not contributing financially. He was causing the family to be harassed by loansharks. She was constantly quarreling with him. That was certainly not a good environment for the kids. She was hoping for a miracle that will never happen...
if they hadn't fully paid up for the flat, they should be covered under the HDB's Home Protection Scheme. That one should pay for the rest of the loan. But as for reinstating the flat, that's another thing. I believe they don't have the home contents insurance.

Not all women are as strong and can think so logically when it comes family &amp; relationship.
the cream is in RR's loot already...

Autum and Shannie's loot also packed with yours.

RR is right. my mum is one of those women who stay on for the kids. But she has done well, independent. my dad found a job at the later half of his life :p, he comes to my place to visit leia at 10am every sunday (which is why im always late for dancing class!) and we still come out as one whole family esp after we had leia.

Agreed. Women have been so instilled with idea that a broken family is bad and somehow their fault that they cannot get out of a really bad marriage. Look at the women who allowed their daughters to be raped by their husband and father of their children. Can't believed that have happened in singapore.

what is pedialyte?i dun think X ever use this before leh...


For X, his sensitive airway will cause him to hv running/block nose... then the phlegm/mucus will backflow to his thoat, causing him to cough. If the phlegm gets into his airway, his lungs will hv the wheezing sound. and usually he cannot get to sleep, cos grasping for air. somethin like that lah, the dr explain to me.


dun blame yourself lah.. i dun think your fren wants you to blame yourself for teaching her to ride.


the husband is having financial problem? hmmm, then y drag the kids along? sigh!! the kids so poor thing leh... sigh! Now left the wife only, even worse. Is she pregnant? sigh... wonder how to deal w such situation, mental condition not very stable....

The husband is a gambler who gamble in everything! He apparently still couldn't pay off all his debts even after striking 2nd prize in toto.


hehehe.... X knows how to blow his nose and spit out the phlegm.. hahaha.. think he kena too many times liao lah....

slowly teach leia loh... that's what i did for X, else the phlegm keep stuck in nose or throat. Very stress to get rid of them
