(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Pax, seeing ur advice really jolt me up. Such a simple thing n i din think o it. I Cant believe I'm going to be a mum o two. Btw, e chicco carrier w qq liao

I thought Kent would never cane her!

Belle/Mejo, agree with SQ, your experiences sound so scary!

Re wipes, anyone wants to get Combi baby wipes (http://www.combi.com.hk/03_09accessories.htm)? Getting direct from the local supplier (3 packs for $10). Text or email me if anyone interested.

Astro, dun stress yourself out. if i rem correctly, 5-10% weight loss for newborns are normal. they'll put back before you can even blink your eyes. =p agree with star, latching is the best way to increase your ss. and pump is not indicative of how much breast milk you have. i've never been able to get above 60ml each time i pumped so i just gave up and latched directly. less stressful. and yet with the same pump, my friend can get 100plus ml etc. as long as the pee and poo are on schedule (around 6-8 diaper changes till your milk comes in), you're doing fine. Jia you k? =)
interested in the wipes.
can I get 3 packs? this is my 1st time seeing combi wipes. haha!!

SQ, we also die die also dun let tian sleep. then bring her to playground la, this and that. make her tired, and hm... we are so cruel.

mejo, wah the glass!! scary.
Tummyache: Anna has been consistently saying she has tummy ache in the morning. I wonder what's wrong. She still goes to school, just that she wants to apply the ruyi oil. Shd I be concerned??

Joelle: I'm also waiting for astro to pass me her crayola orders. If you have yours, let me know. I try to add-on. I may start another spree also cos I Want to get more papers. :p

Mejo: The glass incident is really scary. But tempered glass shd not shatter, and in the event it does, they will not cut. The person below will feel like raining small pebbles I guess.. My house is full of tempered glass. *keep fingers crossed*

Belle: Chloe's incident is not so much a problem with crocs than the escalator. My friend says sing escalator is low-class standard.
Star, oh yes I wanna comment the quality difference between our bibs.

I checked the piece that u passed to me, it is simple, and ok. the only difference is it does not have the waferproof layer. Those more expensive types usually comes with at least 2-3 layers, which the layer closest to bb clothing is waterproof. without this layer, the soupy stuff, or those liquid will penetrate through the bibs and stain bb clothes.
but to me, this cheaper one also can be used la. our kids dun always take soupy stuff.
most importantly, it is cheap!

wha the combi wipes sounds interesting.. read this.. ok, the england is a bit funny but nonetheless, it sounds impressive.

Combi Baby Wipes contain Deep Ocean Water from the depth of 374m in Kochi Japan. As plant planktons can't carry out photosynthesis at that depth, deep ocean water is stable at low temperature (Below 10degrees celcius), biological cleanliness and environemental friendly.

Actually it is very strange that it crack at all. Cuz when we go up later, we realised the glass panels are actually double layered. 2 panes with silicon in between I think. It should have withstand impacts. And I don't think anybody hit it, it just spontaneously crack by itself. I'm not even 100% sure it is tempered glass wor. Maybe they just do the double layer with silicon in between to stick any broken glass together.
Mejo: Maybe someone was playing a prank. Doesn't have to be hit by impact. I believe it'll crack on high frequency vibration too? I must have watched too many CSI/fringe type of movies.. :p

Oh, it meant to say since no plants can grow down there, it is therefore very clean (cuz no oxygen, no food etc.) That's not entirely true by the way, scientists have found bacteria colonies living in ice caves that have totally no sunlight and is extremely cold. But of course, these bacteria will totally die in an oxygen filled and warm environment. Not being able to culture the bacteria doesn't mean they are not there. :X

If high frequency then all should crack, not just that one? No need high frequency vibration to crack glass. In fact, I think fairly low frequency can do that. It is something call resonance. You can experience in daily life like sometimes if you listen to music, at certain pitch and volume, you can feel your chair vibrating. I watched a very impressive movie last time. A concrete bridge with a road on it started twisting like a ribbon in a low wind. The bridge just shatter. The wind isn't even all that strong. It is the frequency that did it in. That's why soldiers always break up steps when going across a bridge. If they march across it at the "right" frequency, they may break the bridge. I always doze off during physics lecture but that is the one that I listened to with close attentiveness, haha.
Mejo: Haha... We're getting scientific.. From the look of it, the pieces are joined by metal pieces, which also act as a "separator". So if a person placed a high frequency transmitor on just that piece of glass, then only that piece will shatter. Actually I also dunno.
I hated physics.. Everything was a black hole to me.. :p
I haven't been able to sleep well.. This baby Ariel has been having rock concerts every night without fail. :p I thot she was more si wen than the other 2, but alas! I spoke too soon. She is showing me her "talents"... :p
Mejo: the glass should be tempered glass lah, i tot its a regulation that all glass panels within a mall or complex has to be tempered.. if not too dangerous liao. imagine all the glass shards falling down on you.

Haha, I think the glass panel is just pressed too tightly together and eventually due to temperature changes, it couldn't take the stress anymore.

To travel in time, we have to travel beyond the speed of light assuming if speed of light is the fastest speed possible. Gravity can also affect time, by slowing it down!

I love quantum mechanics, it is so mind bending cuz it goes beyond common sense, or rather against common sense. The scientists themselves hated it. Haha. Cuz they can't find a simpler explanation and it just kept boggling the mind.

My parents said something a boy getting cut on the face due to falling glass shards in a mall? Dunno leh.

Me not taking any confinement tingkat.. cos got confinement nanny this time round... will ask maid to learn from her a few dishes, then can cook for me after the nanny goes back.. hahaha..

btw, I think hor, i forgot to include my own name for x'mas party leh... hahaha...


$188 for agency fee, quite cheap hor.. and got 2 replacement somemore... wow!

That day, my maid shared w me her stories during her stay at the agency's boss house, wah, she say the mums there always scold and beat them gently. She got so scared tt she will get a "devil" boss.

anyway, maid got many patterns one, now she start asking me alot of qns eg. y her loan is spread over 6.7 mths and not 6 mths... y the agency confiscated her hp? she say her job description does not include that she cannot bring hp... sigh.

I explained to her the hp part, for the loan part, i told her will try to explain to her, if not, will get the agency to explain to her.. hahaha... cos she scare of the agency's mums ... hahaha... that's y she "sign" on the papers tt she understood and agreed!!


aiyo, so you found your maid liao?? did u buy insurance for your security bond huh?

Can consider asking your hubby to speak to your MIL... not every maid will do harm to the baby mah, that's y MIL and FIL are there to monitor her. Tell her the consequence, if she ill-treat the maid....

Sam has sensitive airway? hmm, i think X also leh... a little bit only, he will catch the virus liao... then all the flu symptoms start all over again... I know very stress! I sure hope he will outgrow it, many pple say they will outgrow very soon.

I think, becos of X, i also hv sensitive nose liao.. hahaha... cos always kena flu from him...

Me today on MC after my battle w the stupid flu for 1 week. still hvn't recover... sigh! sian, hope it doesn't affect the baby loh


hahaha... me dun know sleepless nite for how long liao. The baby always like to kick me while sleeping. and recently, i hv been waking to pee... sigh!! think this is the "training" he preparing for me before he comes out to see the world man...


ay, so fast the baby can be put on GF routine mah... i thot usually after 1 mth will be a better timing? no?
Hope sam recovers soon, more cold weather coming soon cos dec coming.
I find those baby vicks vapour rub or sniff quite good for difficult breathing. We will rub on the throat and chest.

Crocs with singapore escalator is like quite common. Must becareful on escalator with crocs.
Lucky Chole toe is ok.

After caned the kids we will felt heartpain. Hai....
I guess they will be scared after it and will behave as daddy is serious.

Found your maid already. Hai..., your mil is a headache.
Think you have to think of alternative.
Haha, you said too fast Ariel is more gentle.

But it's kind good to feel them kicking inside. If they too quiet, no movement we also worry.
Saw your blog you bought bicycles for both of them. We bought a new bicycle for Esther as she outgrow the bicycle. But Dylan although his legs is not long enough he wants Esther's bicycle.
Also the old bicycle he using very difficult to cycle. Maybe we need to get another one for him too.
which size and how much did you get the bicycle for Esther for? The 14" bicycles were a good deal, $39.90 each. I saw the same thing at Fairprice Xtra selling at $76.90. Luckily we waited, got 2 for almost the same price. :p

She was also too complacent lah, didn't expect Daddy to cane her. But the impact was harder on me than her. hiaz ...
thanks mummies. Yes my maid is actually not bad. She still sms me. Apparently it is my maid who say she need to go out and take some fresh air but she refuse to return and my mil will also will not open the gate for her if she does.

Mil was very angry with May and keep saying she is dangerous blah blah blah. But i know maid will not do anything harm. Just that she dun want to have any shouting match with my mil. After the incident, i told May that no matter wat she cannot go out. Imagine she is out 4hours and i sms her to return as my fil is back home liao. She still refuse to return and insist to wait for me to return after work. We let her air out her on Friday evening. Then hb also talked to his mother. Mil seems to have cooled down. But hopefully things will turn out well for the next 3 weeks.

Sighh.. Yes my mil is a headache and is a very big one. We have registered Clyde for MMI enrichement class which is 3hr daily starting end Nov. Hopefully things will turn well.
I not sure what size we got for Esther, bought at neighbourhood bike shop at $80. Told hb i want to get from Carrfour or Giants. But he said neighbourhood shop cheaper.
Think get get hb to go Carrfour see. Or else Esther cannot use the bike as Dylan refused to use his bike. Yesterday i had to push the bike with one hand and hold Dylan's hand another hand while we walk back to the car at west coast park.
Cos Daddy and Esther each ride a bicycle.
It's not easily to bring 3 bikes out.
I saw your maid before and i think she's quite ok. She looks like those like kids and not too fierce. Your mil too fierce i think.
Anyway she leaving soon, hope nothing happen before she leave.
the promo at Carrefour was only for 3 days last week. They are selling the bikes at $59.90 now. Actually we wanted to get the 12" ones but no promo and Kent says can get more milege from the 14" ones so let them stretch abit. hehe. :p

How you bring 3 bikes out? I also think it's a problem. The 3 of them said want to buy one for me for my birthday present cos I don't have one, crazy!!
Har, it's really cheap to get at $40. Too bad maybe we lookout for any promotion.
We squeezed Dylan's bike inside the car boot. Then hang Esther's and hb's bike at the boot using those bicylce hanger. Not easily to hang Esthe's and hb's bike together cos Esther's bike still have the small wheels. Aim to let her get used to her new bike and take off her wheels.

Sometimes see people whole family went cycling, looks fun. Why crazy to get for you?
I dun really cycle much, less than 10 times in my life. Hence i prefer to walk behind them .
Esther also complain tummyache this morning and said she dun want to go to school. I put ruyi oil for her and send her to school. See how bah, if she really unless the school will call me.
School holidays and Xmas shows again!!
but think not fully updated yet ...

Winx Club Live Show
21 November - 7 December
Marina Square Central Atrium

Power Rangers
– Jungle Fury Meet & Greet
Fri 13 Nov to Wed 18 Nov
3pm and 7pm

Mr. Men and Little Miss Meet & Greet
Fri 20 Nov to Sun 29 Nov
1pm*, 4pm and 7pm
*The 1pm session on Fri 20 Nov is reserved for Takashimaya Credit Cardholders
(No show on Mon 23 Nov)

Hi-5 Musical Meet & Greet
Thu 3 Dec to Sun 13 Dec
1pm*, 4pm and 7pm
*The 1pm session on Thu 3 Dec is reserved for Takashimaya Credit Cardholders
(No show on Sun 6 Dec at 1pm and Mon 7 Dec)
ya, Kent says it's a good deal too, that's why he agreed to get 2. hehe.

Same here!
I don't cycle much either. :p I rather go rent one at the parks if I want to cycle.
Mist: I'm ok with waking up to go to the loo. But her kicking is really quite strong and prolonged, very tough for me to fall back to sleep. :p

Huingee: Yes, I spoke too soon.. :p Her hiccups are getting more frequent too.
Anna's tummyache is quite consistent in the morning.. I wonder if it's cos she wants to do her business. I shd call her school to ask them if she does her business in school cos she doesn't do the big business at home before going to school.

RR, Huingee: My hubby also just got a bic for himself. But he paid $1000 plus leh..

RR: You're really fast in gathering the info.
I'm worst, i prefer to rent those 2 person bike. So hb cycle and i only help to pedal.
Sat Dylan was ok cycling the old bike downstairs. Did a few rounds but i think he saw Esther's bike can go much faster than hers hence he want to sit on Esther's bike.
usually if we go cycling, i am the one who will be cycling with Keira. think ws dare not cycle with her on the carrier. and of course, should i fall down, then my fault

but highly unlikely that i fall, think ws scared he is the one falling with her. wahahahaha....

anyway, your 2 bikes seems to be a gd deal.
Same here, my hb's bike $700+ he very baobei. My bro's bike also 1k+. Yesterday at west coast mac he eyes were on his bike while eating. Scared people take away his bike.
RR: It's his newfound hobby. He usually has some 3-min fever once in a while.. It was with flying helicopters hobbycraft before.. I just let him be. I told him how we drivers always complain abt cyclists on the road.. Now he himself is becoming a cyclist on the road.. :p Just want him to be careful on the roads.
ya, we used to rent those with baby seats de. But I think now they'll want to bring their own bikes along liao.

the ones I got are 14". Good deal. hehe.
ya, those bike that your hubby got, most like is the Titanium ones. SUPER LIGHT compared to the normal ones. i remembered i cycled on one when i was 15yrs old. a few of Ws's lunch kakis bought one each, and he also tempted by it. then even organise cycling to Ubin 2 mths back. 1 of them even cycled from home to work.
Hi Mummies,
I wonder if you can recommend me any known nanny in Sengkang, near Buangkok MRT station or be at Compassvale bow, blk 264, 265 266 and 267.

Preferred to be at nanny's place,Monday to fridays, occassional overnight.

Please email :[email protected] or call me at 9794 3399
Huingee: I'm ok with him buying anything he likes. Just don't like it that after his 3-min fever, it becomes a white elephant.. A friend of ours who stays nearby has been chioing him to cycle in the evenings.. I wonder how long this will last..
i just pmed u my orders for joann. thanks! there was a period when seth was hooked to ruyi oil too. he will ask for it all the time. to the point where i rejected him outright even when he had a tummy ache! that got him 'weaned' off. :p
I agreed to let him get the bike cos it's a exercise for him.

Hb like to cycle to dairyfarm etc on weekdays evenings. Asked him to wear helmet but he refused.
Good to have kaki to go cycling too.
RR, Kaexin, Huingee: I was at the SB shop last week with my friend. I saw a auntie (perhaps in her 40s) buying a diecut machine + some dies + lots of other stuff. From the way she asked the SA questions, I know she's not a scrapper. So she could be buying for her dotter or niece etc..
I suddenly had this feeling.. I don't spend on a diecut machine for myself. Just because I'm not convinced of its uses and functions. But if anna were to ask for one next time, I will most likely buy it for her. And this is a very common thing for parents to do right? That we splurge on our children more than ourselves.

ws been eye-ing at the nikon camera for months now, and now he is selling his canon, i told him i dont know nuts, if you want to buy, you go look at it yourself. he got this habit of telling me abt this and that "goodness" when its a exp toy.

my collgs commented that Keira is a fortunate gal, she is blessed with doting grandparents, loving parents and families on materials and not-materials stuff.
