(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Star, the shipping cost for a bottle can differ from batch to batch. it all depends on what we order.
generally, it is around SGD 2-3 bah.
nowadays when all shipment can be consolidated via vpost, maybe around $2 can liao.
those tumpang my fren's shipment, it is less than $2.

wah, Anna and Tian are tall and big leh. The size 7 top I got is way too big and the size 5 tights are abit too long for Reyes too.

yap, it's in the news, new ruling wef 1 Jan. Also the medical insurance goes up from $5k to $15k. This means that insurance premium will increase for maid as well.


well, now my MIL is at my place to help jaga the maid lah... before i hv maid, i also ask the mummies here many many qns... hahaha...

yap, hv to take orientation course for 1st employer for maids. Can take online "class", cost $30...hehehe... and take a short test after that. Quite easy one. sure pass.

agency fee, i think abt $300 onwards bah, i didn survey many agency, but generally ard that price. Mine is the same as Autum, agency fee is $388. I heard from my fren, her's is $188!!! she change agency cos her maid going back. But i didn check w her, quality of the maid and the agency service... ;)

When u want to engage maid huh? i think now is the time to source around agency etc.... take your course first loh.... I started my maid agency sourcing in Jun/July bah and confirm maid in Aug and maid arrive mid Oct.... I feel this kind of things needs ample time to prepare etc, start early bah.....

yah, i read the news this morning... in the chinese papers, his wedding photo was featured too, but the bride'face is blur out lah... I find it quite sad too..

Not sure if's it an accident and he fell or what...
mejo/kelley/yvonne: it was reported that he went up to smoke. but hor, not so easy to fall off the ledge cos usually the wall is quite high. unless he was sitting up there on the ledge.
i need to submit via their excel, havent submit.

now i know i must get chest size more than 26cm for leia, so i'll choose size that fits this.

not sure wats the shipping fee yet, did BP organiser also charge handling fee? if yes, we save on handling fee cum postage fee.

if u need to change size, quickly let me know.
re the groom fall off the building,
i also don noe y standing there smoking will fall off, unless he is on drug or drunk? But really feel sad for the bride. Imagine everyone preparing to come attend the wedding dinner, how to explain? Oh no.
Star, AAA
u think leia really understand she did something wrong? hmm...im still very puzzled y she took out the cane. is it for fun? shes not afraid?

hmm...if she doesnt understand she wont be sobbing when i complain to daddy rite?

a bit xin teng when i increase my strength, but she didnt cry wo. i told her if she knows she is wrong and say sorry, mummy will still love and hug you.
but if she repeats again, i will have to beat harder till she understand. they are bigger now, must drill all these into their heads.
Mist, Belle,
my agency fee was $188 and they also have the $88 one but no replacement. :p I think yi fen qian yi fen huo, the agent wasn't quite good but luckily I didn't have any problem with my maid so still ok lor.

I thought BP handling + shipping is $2.50 per piece? Which one you joined is $1.7? You mean the spree is it? That's a spree, not bp, that charged 1.7 for shipping.

I got my maid from Besthome at Thomson. Agent is Ernie. The maid is no good but agent is okay, at least, she din try to persuade us to keep the maid or anything of the sort when I complained to her. She is also very versed in Indonesian, so I get her to scold the maid for me cuz no use I scold, she also don't understand. I can't remember the agency fees, think under $300? Or around there.
i also lost track how BP charges, i know its usually $1-$1.50 handling fee for each pc on top of shipping fee + postage fee...

ash and my maid are from superservant...i paid $388-$488 for agency fee...cant recall the exact amt. the boss said he go down to philippines to personally interview the maids before he came back with a new list for me to select.
the next maid i choose will probably be someone who has working experience in middle east country, not spore if not too smart :p so comparing to their 'hardlife' in their previous job, they will appreciate sporean employers more :p

Middle east countries are not exactly hardlife wor. The middle east wealthy are very very wealthy. Especially if they have come from places like Dubai, they probably have a better life there, haha. But of course, over there, they probably can't show their faces or go out as much but they will like the food there better I think. My maid is forever adding chilli and black soya sauce to her food here. Think she finish a bottle by herself within 3 weeks man!
Brought Adyen for his class. Halfway through I was so hungry I was sweating in the room. So came out and asked my maid to go in, while I went to look for food.

QQ: I haven't let Anna try on the dresses. Just from the look of it, they look a bit short. Maybe I overestimate Anna's height lah. Hee hee.. Will let her try on after the clothes are washed and ironed.

The size is not standard for the different designs. So when you order, pls look at the size chart for that design.

Kelly: Drugstore items have gone up in prices. I remember last time 1 tube of desitin is only $4 plus usd, now it's 5 plus usd.. Shipping is generally $2-3 cos the box usually comes filled up with foams. Unless we're so zun4 can order exactly the quantity that can fit into the box nicely. Will be easier to estimate if we order in bulk 1 item only.

I have both the sunblock bug spray and the sunblock bug lotion. Lotion has 2 types - with and without frangrance.

Pink, Mejo: Oh yah, that's a spree thread. Dunno why I kept thinking it's a BP biz thread leh.. Weird.. No, the organiser didn't charge handling fee, shipping is $1.7 per piece.

Pink: Of course our kids can understand when they do something wrong. And they'll feel guilty abt it too. Anna will apologise when she does something wrong and knows I'm angry with her.

No lar, sprees not supposed to charge handling mah. But they will increase the exchange rate slightly to their favour usually. BP charge handling cuz like you say, they are doing a business and they have to cover the fees for listing under BP.
Now I know why Ayden is so bui bui even though he's more physical now. Cos my maids have been giving him milk if he wakes up in the middle of the night. And needless to say, this is a vicious cycle - becos he knows he'll be given milk, he wakes up in the middle of the night even more. :p Got to teach all 3 of them to break this bad habit... :p :p
ohh so i've been buying from BP...
let me submit soon and see whether the shipping fee is reasonable. in that case, comparing to overseas spree, we just save on postage fee and hopefully lower shipping fee.

oh how come i always get the impression that life in middle east is tougher :p

i never knew leia knows when she did something wrong because she rarely apologise. she is very wilful, will shout back NO, or throw her temper when we tell her she is wrong. so her change in behaviour puzzles me.
Pink: Leia definitely knows. Her reaction is to shout back "no". She has changed her recent reaction.
Last time when anna did something wrong and knew we'll scold her, she'll go into hiding. At our old place, there's this small hiding place created by the bed and the window ledge, she'll hide inside, knowing that it's really tough for us to squeeze into that small space.. Really cute..
Even Ayden knows when he does something wrong. He's even funnier.. For eg he wants to put a forbidden object into his mouth, he knows we'll say no, so he'll take the object, turn his body away from us and then put the object into his mouth! He thinks that by doing that we won't know. :p :p So you see... Kids know..
star, AAA
the groom who fell down from hilton - i think most likely its due to sleep-walking. they stated 3 possible reasons: drunk, commit suicide after quarrel and sleepwalk.

the arsenic case, the old man said the wife is the one who serve him food over the years...hmm

and the case that affected me was abt this woman who went into depression and jumped to death after hubby confessed affair to her. he said he doesnt love her anymore but he still care for her. his daughter wants to servere all ties with him. Seems like there's an increasing rate in divorce for the middle-age...sad..after all the kids grown up, no more obligation and sound like the best time to call it off
AAA, Pinkpink,
Ya I agreed Leia knows she is wrong.
But we don't want our kids to ok to take punishment or ok to just say sorry.
I prefer them to know it's wrong and not to repeat again.
Pink: Yah, same here. Suspect it was a pure tragic accident with the man who fell from hilton. Think he's too drunk from the night.

Huingee: Of course. That needs teaching, and so discipline comes in. Different methods work on different kids.. Trial and error..

my mil commented that the groom's family will prob blame the bride...those superstitious ones will say she 克夫..

and yes, u r right..cos i'll prob call mine off when the kids are older... :>
so sad to hear these cases. how to poison own husband? maybe it is not. maybe it is just a tonic?? some aunties are ignorant on these.

traz. psst. psst..
yalor maybe they will say she ke4 fu1. but hor. she is quite poor thing also leh.
they didnt mention the bride's age..but she looks young from the pic.
my neighbour even commented in jest tat maybe its her plot! to inherit his asset since it was mentioned that he owned a computer IT biz and is doing well.

btw, just wondering...now that he's gone, does that mean that his wife doesnt hv to pay for their new punggol flat which they hv collected keys alr?

i agree it's very drama..the bride will prob feel very very bad...and she has a long way to cope..imagine wat to do wif the flat, honeymoon plans etc....poor girl
traz. yes!!!
i think the properties will be paid by the insurance. so u are right bah.
plot?? a bit too ke4 bo2 to say that right?
ya thats the part i worry abt. i dun want her to just let me cane her, say sorry, still smile smile and repeats. so...thinking whether to beat harder whahaha

u are still young and pretty ya know. u mean its a definite plan to move on after your kids are grown up?
Me and hb quite strict and fierce with Esther. Sometimes i know i beat her real hard but she didn't cry. She knows she's wrong and dun dare to repeat again.
But Leia is still a little girl. Slowly see how bah.
We only take out the cane when it's real serious. Or else we just punish them by siting in a corner or no tv.
Try a different approach, dun use the cane too much bah.

Now with kids we have to think or our kids lst rather than ourself. Dun think so negative, maybe will get better over the years.
we're just like business partners now, common interest: the 3 kids.
The rest are all gone with the wind...
I dont even yearn for his care and concern anymore, not like previously, i will feel so hurt by his cold treatment. But now not anymore..so i think there's really nothing left except for responsibility and friendship.
traz.... stay positive.. u still young and pretty.dont think so much.
settle your business (3 kids) first.

eh xmas party..
i have a game for the kids!
not sure if it works la. but then when can we have a confirmed list?
let me know. cause I need to have photos of the family members, ask the kids to make their own family collage!
i can pre print the photos out first.
Traz: Wah! You have a conspiracy theory. I'm sure the police will place the wife as the prime suspect.

Star: You ordered this. This cutting is the shortest. It's very short. I ordered size 9 for anna and it's a mini skirt. The skirt has can can underneath leh..


QQ: Just measured Anna. She is 96cm.. But I used a measuring tape, maybe not very accurate. Keke..

Pink: I saw some designs I want to order also.. Let me know how the taiwan spree goes.. I organise the next one..
the dress you posted is nice. These kind of short dresses will reach Reyes' knees. haha!!!

that's the reason why I didn't order that though I like it very much. :p
Traz, QQ: Unless the couple buys ppty insurance, the ppties won't be paid off. Also, some policies may rule our foul play, suicide etc..

Traz: Do you think it is also your hubby's intention to stay together until the kids are older?
QQ: Afraid it could be a bit too mini.. Then not much mileage liao.. And this one is the biggest size I ordered, but it turned out to be the shortest! Wahahha..
Even shorter than the tutu skirt (just comparing skirt to skirt without the top) which I ordered in size 5.
here's the latest list: cut of date for attendance is end this month.
20th Dec
1. Nana
2. Kelley (mite go away)
3. Giolyn
4. Ash
5. pinkpink
6. Irin
7. QQ
8. kaexin

take care!

i havent submit, will do so end of today when i have more time. if you still want to join this round, can email me..
I think the smallest size will be long for her also lah. She just reached 90cm.

Usually for HDB flats with loan, they'll be required to get the HPS (Home Protection Scheme) so most likely the couple is covered but depending on how many percent they opted for.
