(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

leia is a smart gal
I asked auntie to braid anna's hair today. My maid still can't get the angle right - her hair always ended up one side higher or more left than the other. :p

pink: wah.. u not xing teng ah.. cane her?? tt means leia understands loh.. accept that she needs punishment! hehee..
I always tell hb if he want to cane the kids, must cane hard hard to make them scare of it. If it's not so hard they not so scare of the cane and will be ok to let you cane.
To me the cane should be a very scarely thing.
Cane: I see it as a discipline tool like scolding, CIO, etc.. I don't beat them very harshly when I use the cane. But to make it more "special" it only comes out once in a while and when they're really notti.

wha yesterday was my customery anniversary.. forgot all about it, till SIL reminded me. then this morning so funny, when i told hb about the date, he commented that the only date we remember now is 4 March (rae's bday) hahahah. the rest of the dates are not impt alread.. hahah.

Pink: wha Leia has grown up. she knows she did something wrong.

Huignee: i have yet to use the cane on rae.. but i think i agree with u leh.. cane should be a scary thing, rather than using it to threaten every now and then. but i have smack her hands real hard when she go touch things that she is not suppose to touch, like sockets, or the iron!
Hee... I found these pics I took of the kids when my friend came over for a crop session very funny to look at.. Wahahha.. Spam a few here.. Can add super funny captions to them, but I can't think of any right now.



Wa Anna's hair so long can braid. After more practise will be better bah. Me too last time tie not so nice. After a while better liao although still not as good as my son's nanny.
Star: Yah.. He weighs like a koala who hugs very tightly to me when I carry him these days.. His appetite is quite good these days.. Have been walloping up his food most of the time.. And his hair is slowly growing.. Kekeke..
Now I'm waiting for him to grow taller. It's not funny for a boy to be fat and short.
AAA: does he has as much hair as anna when he was born? he looks of an ok size... u mean he is shorter than anna when anna was the same age as ayden? but then again, u can't really compare as anna is really tall for a girl.
Huingee: Yah, I was surprised that her hair can be braided liao. My MIL was the first one who did it. I like how she looks with braided hair. Like some olden days china girl.. Wahahah..
Actually I've only personally tied her hair up myself a few times only.. I want the maid to practise braiding her hair these few days cos anna is going to have her graduation photos taken end of the month. And I would like her hair to be neatly and properly braided by then.
Star: Erm... there's a pic of Anna at ayden's age on my hubby's laptop. She has more hair then. As for the height, am not sure. Cos I didn't keep proper records. Oops.. Lousy mummy..
On the other hand, I also feel it's his hair (I mean the lack of it) that makes him still look like a baby. Once the hair grows, he'll look "grown up" liao.. *sigh* So fast.. But then very soon, I'll have another bb to drool over and play with.. Wahahha...
I think when they all grow up, I'll suffer from "withdrawal" syndrome.
AAA: does he has as much hair as anna when he was born? he looks of an ok size... u mean he is shorter than anna when anna was the same age as ayden? but then again, u can't really compare as anna is really tall for a girl. and ayden will loose his baby fat once he starts crawling and walking.
Star: Ayden is running abt already.. He likes to chase after anna. Of course she always runs ahead of him, delighting in the power that he can't catch up with her.
kelley: there is 2 item from CB for swimming the sunblock with insect repellent and the swimmer defence shampoo and conditioner. which one are u looking for?
kelly: the one that i wanted to buy recently (qq, say i am tooo late for the spree) is the insect repellent lah. insect lotion and spray.. these 2 are not for swimming. but recently, thu QQ i also bought the calendula cream, is this the one u r looking for?
star: i tell u ah.. my memory damn jialat la.. hahah.. nvm than.. i go order from BP also.. i like the sun screen with mozzie protect! hehe.. is the shampoo gd?? candula i have at home also.. nd something for sun.. seem to be going beach so often nw.. so black!
Kelley: The conditioner is good. Esp if you bring your girls swimming a lot.
The spray is so-so I feel. The bug's lotion I still have stocks! OMG! I stock up too much..
Hey, which crayola do u want?
CK: You're so resourceful! From all the way in BJ you're informing us of a warehouse sale here. Do you have the full add?

Star: The sale is good? What is the discount usually? Hey, do you see christmas trees selling anyway yet? Carrefour has, but it's like $100.
AAA: hahha.. i still hunting for the old ones i have.. cos my maid say i still got stock..when u closing the spree? hw mch is ur bug lotion ah?? i see if the BP sell much more ex.. did u try their body n shampoo wash before? which conditioner is gd?
Taiwan clothes: I received mine from the spree from QQ last night. The quality is not bad.. I find better than JE's!! Waht a comparison but yes, that's how I feel. Wahahah.. But be warned, the sizes for the different designs are not consistent.. I have sizes from 5 to 9 and they all look the same to me. In fact, I'm afraid some may be too short for Anna already. Luckily there is meimei to wear them.
At $6 bucks a piece, can buy.

Pink: Did the supplier get back to you re the shipping cost? The BP charges $1.7 per piece, but they're doing a business, so am sure we can get cheaper if we spree ourselves.
AAA: go to giant for the tree.. address for the warehouse sale should be

Royal Sporting House Pte Ltd. 190 MacPherson Road, Wisma Gulab, Singapore 348548.
these are the prices from drugstore

California Baby Citronella Summer Lotion 6.5 fl oz (195 ml)

Bug Repellent Spray with Citronella - 6.5 fl oz
worked OT and busy these days. dunno why. but my days pass very fast.

kelley, i have this sunblock with bug repellent. i seldom use or say never use. u want? i pass u and try first la. i am not using it anyway. everytime we dun apply then already jump into pool.

AAA, i got a shock cause u said the dresses are too short for anna. how tall is she?
this am tian is 96 cm. i tot size 9 looks ok. can wear now right?
suddenly she grows quite a bit recently.
now jialat, i placed order for size 7 and 9 for tian in recent spree.
but i read the measurment, like 50 cm long.. ok bah... i dun have a meimei to wear if tian cannot fit. but i have many meimei from my friends..
eh california baby got discounts efw weeks ago. now no more discount. that time got 15% discount le.
wait la.
kelley, mine is sunblock lotion, not bug repellent. u wanna try?
oh u like the repellent?
iam thinking u all should buy in jan?? so that can use my drugstore dollar. got 7 dollars like that le.
haha!!! die die also must use that dollar. i will remind u all again. see if i also have things to buy then.

QQ: i will have tings to buy lah, i still wanna stock up on my bug lotion and spray lah. pls save a slot for me when u next do drug store spree.

hey i wanna ask, what is the average shipping amt for a bottle of bug spray, SQ passed a bottle to me, i need to pay her lah, and she cannot remember how much.
