(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

can't be 86cm bah. Then she's shorter than Anna and Tian by 10cm?? That's a big difference for kids at the same age leh.
SIL said my nephew very hard to rouse, refused to feed. From formula milk at 9 am until now din drink wor. Not normal right? I ask her to call up the PD.

Okay, I just re-measured her with a measuring tape stuck on the wall, she is about 89cm, maybe just slightly less. Underestimated her height, woops. But I remembered measuring her at those boards at the mrt stations and she's around 86 wor, maybe the stands on the boards added to the height of the chart bah??
I think maybe those boards not accurate bah. Measuring tape should be more accurate.

This is supposed to be a long top, not exactly a dress wor. Besides, the material is stretchy de. You got see or not, below the sizes are the names and height of the adult models who wore those.
if u can give me before 6pm today, still can make it.

u did order this in your first batch of order:
size: 7

your 1st batch order:
Size: 9
colours: brown (OOS beige)
Price: 150

Size: 7
colours: brown (OOS beige)
Price: 150

2-for 199

size: 7
colours: beige (OOS pink)

size: 7

your order last nite
( i changed to size 7)
size: 7

Okay, thanks!


Er, I sort of have expected YT to be short... you see, it is not like her parents are tall. Both parents under 156 cm leh.
smae lah, both ws and I are short too mah! but i hope that Keira can at least reached 165cm

ya, MIL yesterday nite happily told me that Keira needs to pay busfare liao. dont know how accurate is they reading.:p
my mum is 1.50-1.55 at most, my dad 1.7...im 1.58, so K will likely be average btw u and ws, which shd be more than 1.6 - my guess
i do hope so too. my mum is short but my dad is more than 1.7m, my sis is 165 and my brother is 170+. i am the only sibling who inherited my mum's short genes.
helo mummies!

how are all of u? i miss yaking here.. but am simply too busy + the stress at work.. i reach home and zz together with tiff at 9pm+ liaoz..

Yvonne : thanks for asking.. baby is doing fine.. need to do oscar test in 2 weeks time.. still deciding wanna do a not..

wah! tiff's time do oscar test only $200+ leh.. now its like close to $500! lolz

Tiff is realy in T2 stage now.. i think she slow bah.. hahaha! the other day at home. just before leaving for sch.. she ask for something .. and i did not wan to give her.. she sit on the floor and kick her legs! omg! i told her cannot lor..

and now she keeps arguing back.. hahahaa!
there're a few taiwan sites that sell maternity clothes.
if im not wrong, exchange rate from NT to SGD is NT/20 = SGD
99/20 = SGD4.95, still make a bit

$500? so ex? i forgot how much i paid..yeh maybe close to that..the blood test + the scans...
ur new job is stessful?
Pink: But the buyer doesn't charge shipping cost. $6 is all-in for the pants that costs TWD99.
In this case, are the preggie pants and the childrens' clothes from the same website to order together? And do they ship internationally?
eerr AAA
i also dun know wat she earns??? :p

different sites...they are different owners with different shop names. they just 'rent' space from taiwan yahoo to sell their stuff.
AAA: for this piece http://tw.page.mall.yahoo.com/item/p0391619305 i cannot remember what size i ordered maybe a 7. anyway, its ok, will let her wear tighs underneath if its too short. anyway i think the top is suppose to be longer so that it will look ok.
hey how tall is anna now?

RR: how tall is reyes? i dun think she is short leh. if she is taller than rae, confirm not short liao!,,hahaha

Pink/Traz: i thought i read somewhere that the bride is 3 yrs older than the groom.

oh wait, i went to chck, i ordered size 9. Pink correct right?i ordered size 9 for this dress? Pls help me confirm. thanks.
Size 9?

Mejo: i think rae also about 87cm/88cm only.

RR: yes rae is shorter than Tian by half a head. its very very obvious.. u can see by the photos from the dancing class.
Pink: I see.. Then we can't order together? What a waste.. *sigh*

Star: Anna is 96cm. I anyhow measure using a measuring tape, dunno whether accurate or not.. Recently, I noticed she has grown bigger. Either that or the PJs I bot her shrunk after washing. Cos there was one set which seams look like they're about to burst through her tummy. And she wore it like 2 times maybe.. :p

Think you're right. They earn from the supplier. Actually getting tougher to do business since we can spree directly.. Kekek..
u ordered size 9.

hmm..but im ordering direct from supplier too...from this site...oor maybe this one is a distributor? no discount mentioned

order taken...err..no more order and changes after 6..:p

SIL called PD and she say that the dr suspect that the baby can't drink properly from her breasts. I understand from her also that her breasts doesn't soften from his latching. Maybe she wasn't latching him properly or something. She said just now she tried to latch from 2 - 5 but baby still crying so fed 30 ml formula milk. She's going to the PD tomorrow and will visit the LC also.
Mejo: i also think bb not latching properly and no milk came out from breast. yeah better see a LC. u can also advise lah, since u were quite successful at BF
Hey take pic of YT in the ice cream dress ok, i wanna see. i think thats a really adorable dress.
