(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Odie, updated with yours.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Current Pregnancy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starfruit</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>moogen</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Just a woman</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr. Phyills</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mejo</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Christopher Chong</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peace lover</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD>60% girl</TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueberries</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>W K Tan</TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn_Angel</TD><TD>22-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olene</TD><TD>27-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K T Tan</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Freda</TD><TD>28-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Wen Lim</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinoopy</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dolly</TD><TD>29-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Karolyn Goh</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>m00n</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K C Yeo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>Koh Gim Hwee</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD>Odie</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>2nd </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>1st </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Hi Belle &amp; Freda
Yap...the acne problem had been affecting my dressing too. I had to cover up the areas when dress in babydoll dresses &amp; tube tops...

I'm so happy that everyone is sharing their experience &amp; got someone to walk thru this with me...cheers all mummies!
hey odie! i think i heard abt that prediction method last time! ok! next time i go back i try haha!!

my husband's sis-in-law is also like u. she said she enjoyed pregnancy so much coz she felt so pampered then! actually until now, i still cant imagine being a mother and have a kid by my side.. like i told my hubby, a baby is not like a toy, you can throw or give away if you dun like. no matter how the kid turn out to be, he/she is yrs to keep forever... coz i dun intend to have a maid, so i can imagine in future, no more karaoke, cinema shows for me... worse thing is, no more supper and late nights with my frens!!! last wk we had supper with my friends. one couple has 2 boys at home elder one aged 2. in the middle of the supper, their maid called to say that the younger one 6 mths old was awake and refused to sleep. in the end, the couple had to hurry thru their supper and rush home... i look at them and i can see my life ahead... haha!!! guess this is all the sacrifice we have to make for our kids...

bellepepper, this same couple fren i had the mummy just quit her job to do tuition coz she wants to spend more time with her kids. recently she is considering teaching but i dissuade her !!! haha!! no doubt compared to private sector, teaching is a gd job for mums coz its "officially" half day (but for 2-3 days / wk we still have to stay back for meeting, cca and remedials). but i can say the stress the job brings is too heavy! unless you are that kind of boh chap, take pay and go home teacher, arbo its really a big burden on yr shoulder 24/7. esp when u have gaduating classes. whats more frsutrating is the non-teaching extra duty like cca, organising events (we have to organise our own teachers day concert lor.. irony... >.<''') etc etc etc dats why i intend to go into part time teaching aft my kid enters child care... then i can choose to do no frills pure teaching which i enjoy. its really true that i feel bad taking mc. but luckily my sch is very kind to engage an experienced relief teaching to continue teaching for me. think i should give him my pay for that day... haha
hi odie,
ur EDD near to mine as well arh? hee hee..

i will try your method.. interesting.. i am hoping for a gal this time..
Belle... thanks for taking the effort to update =)

Edde... will you be able to cope without a extra help at home? Esp since you teach I suppose it will be very tiring for you. I know of people who teach. I have to say it is not easy being a teacher in Singapore esp because of all the additional admin work that teachers must take on. So who will help take care of your baby in the future? Although having a maid gives you some headaches (it took me a while to get used to the idea of having a stranger in the house)... but I think it does help alot especially at night and weekends when I can spend alot of time with the baby and not worry about housework. My boy sticks to me like glue and I sometimes complain cos very hard to get any rest... but when I think about it... better enjoy the moment. Once he grows up and have his own friends... he won't want to stick to me. By then I will get my own life back =p

Freda... so you had a boy for the first one? How old now? My boy is now 14.5 months old. I hope to have a girl but everything seems to indicate that it will be a boy again. Oh well... at least I can recycle the clothes.
I ordered a papaya milk to drink during lunch time earlier, totally forgot that I just took the calcium pill. Looks like what they said is true abt preggy, we tend to be forgetful and blur...haha. Anyone got similar experience?
hi odie, i also dun like the idea of having a stranger at home. esp in a HDB flat when the space is already so limited. I intend to take no pay leave aft my maternity. so when the child reached 18 mths, i will put her in child care. not the best idea, not boh bian lor... like u said, teaching is not a cushy job, thats why i intend to do part time teaching. am intending to negotiate for 3 or 4 day work wk with no cca. then at least i can fetch my gal from child care early and spend time with her.

as for the housework, rite now i have a part time helper. so i intend to continue with her service. at least she can help me with more tedious chores like changing bedsheets, cleaning windows and ironing which i hate most! at most all i need to do is sweeping and mopping and keep the house clean for the baby!

actually my hubby doesnt mind me being a SAHM, but i think it is quite unfair to put all the burden on him coz his work is already very demanding as it is. also, i dunno if i can stand staying at home facing the 4 walls everyday without meeting pple outside! i am the very dependent kind, so i am not the type who can still lead my own life without companion and still full of activities. without my hubby, most likely i will coup myself at home.

well, these are all initial plans. will have to see how things go in future. so r u a working mum or SAHM?

pinkdaisy, i think you r rite, preg women seem to be quite forgetful. when teaching, i often make a statement and forget why i said that. haha!
Hi edde, at least you can take no pay leave to look after your BB, that is one of the good point being a teacher. For me working in an MNC company, this is almost impossible. So I am also thinking whether to quit my job after giving birth but also have the same dilemma as you, scared of being bored at home.

BTW, how much did you pay for having a part time helper? How often does she come to your house and wat does she do? Am thinking of engaging one.
hi Odie,

I had a boy during my first pregnancy.. he is now 13 months old.
I hope to know if this time it will be a boy or a gal.. my hubby is still hoping for a boy while i would prefer a gal(as i plan to stop at just 2 kids)

Any birth plan for this time round? i had a c-section for my first therefore i am thinking of a c-section this time round also..
hi pinkdaisy, yeah.. being teacher is def more welfare than being in the private sector when this is concerned! dats why i am quite happy when MOE lifted the age limit of kid for parents take up part time teaching! though i have to suffer 50% pay cut for part time teaching, at least i can still enjoy maternity leave!

anyway, i paid $60 for 4 hours of service. she has been working for me since 2 yrs ago. initially was $50 for 4 hrs, but later i gave her more. she comes to my house every fortnight. so u can imagine my housework (incl sweeping and mopping) is only done every fortnight when she comes. haha!!

she does almost everything from changing bedsheets, cleaning windows, toilets, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning, and ironing. bulk of the time goes to ironing coz she has to iron 2 wks' load of clothes for my hubby and I. but of coz job is not 100% perfect lah... sometimes i have to scrub the toilet bowls and shower screens even thou she has done it.

but i can say she is a great help. at least she does what i hate most! haha! and dun need to spend time doing household chores lor... rather spend the time sleeping! esp now! but of coz laundry still must do ourselves lah... and since she only comes twice a mth so every mth only $120. $120 for all the hardwork she does and extra time we can have i think is very worth it!
hey bellepepper
thanks for updating the table, so sweet of u!
hey edde,
im also not getting a maid cos my flat is quite small - 1room to my MIL and the other 2 rooms are merged into 1 with half a study room inside, only enuf to put bb inside. Not getting a maid cos nobody to watch over. After 3 months maternity, i may work part-time (2-3 days a week) or few hours everyday, sacrifice part of my pay and see if I bear to send bb to infant centre after that.
As for gender based on the old wives' tale, mine seems to be more like boy. I thought if its boy, i can close shop after that tho i really love to have a girl, i mean just in case I'm not capable to handle more than 1.
Hi edde, your part time helper is not expensive leh, how do you find her to work for you in the first place? Thru' maid agency or source around on your own?
hi pinky, actually i dun feel safe to leave a maid alone with my kids too.. but guess when the situation leaves no choice, this is still the last resort. like my fren's case. boh bian lor... i dunno for others, but for me, if finances allow, i think sacrificing part of the income for the bb is worth it. personally, i want to watch my kids grow up. but of coz this is the ideal situation lah.. if can do it who doesnt want!? haha...

but my hubby a bit cuckoo. he said why not send the bb to infant care aft my maternity leave! i scolded him for having the crazy idea! i told him wait till you see yr own bb then tell me if he bears to leave a 3mth old with strangers!

pinky, u r not worried that with only 1 kid, next time yr kid will feel lonely? sorry to say this but i have students who are the only kid at home and they often told me they dun like to go home coz they are always empty and they feel lonely. i have an ex student who is 18 yrs old now. he told me the stress he has to burden being the only kid. aft hearing all these cases, i told myself at least must have 2.. but of coz lah... easier said than done, if you can cope, i am sure u wld love to have more kids too!

i sound like a very idealistic person hor.. dats why my hubby and friends also say i m very utopian.. haha
pinkdaisy, its thru rec from my previous helper whom i got from agency. she is old auntie.. then aft helping me for a while she said she too old to work liao.. so she rec her relative who is my current helper. she is in her 40s.. so better also. i cant bear to see old auntie doing household chore for me... like very cruel. haha...
wow, we have more mummies here.

How I admire some of you who can take a long term no pay leave or go into partime teaching. I will be alone next year, since hubby is not around. Confinement lady will help me in my 1st month, then i will be on my own.

I am still wondering if I should go to infant care or get someone to babysit my bb next year. mother and mother in law are in malaysia, and nobody will help me to take care of my bb. How sad. and I cannot leave my job since we have to work and feed the family.
QQ, you are very wei da... i am sure yr bb appreciates all that you have done and will be going thru for him/her..

i guess if situation does not allow, you wil have no choice but to leave yr bb in someone else's care... no need to be sad dear! i am sure every parent wld want the best for their kid as much as they can! so its nobody's fault. just that reality bites.

QQ, you are really very wei da
Edde... take one step at a time. I think at least you are pretty much well covered for the first 18 months with a plan. Sometimes really cannot plan too far ahead =) I'm a FTWM... its not in my calling to be a full-time mummy =p I think work gives me some sort of balance in life.

Pinkdaisy... yup definitely more forgetful. I think it is more because of the tiredness. Actually I find that working in an MNC is not that bad either. At least in terms of benefits it is alot better than local companies. I work in an American MNC and I have to say that the medical benefits are terrific. It covers my boy's medical expenses. I get a total of 1.5k a year and this year I have dried up the whole fund just for my boy. Recently my boy was hospitalised for high fever and even this is covered by the insurance policy the company bought for staff. And maybe because it is an American MNC... they respect work-life balance more than local companies and won't discriminate you just because you are a married woman with a child. I started my current job when I was expecting my 1st baby and before I went on maternity leave they even gave me an out-of the-ordinary increment.

Pinkypink... since you stay with your MIL... will she be able to help you when you go to work?

Freda... guess that your situation is quite close to mine. How are you coping with the pregnancy and a toddler at the same time? Ha... I'm hoping for a girl too since the first one is a boy. Good mix and can dress her up! We also plan to close factory after the 2nd one. But even if a boy... I will still close the production line. I don't think I can handle 3. Me too had c-section for my first baby. Baby was overdue by 1 week and still no sign of labour. No dilation... no contraction. And still not in engaged position although his head has turned downwards. Gynae said no point getting induced cos baby not engaged and chances are high that will end up in c-section for such cases. Although the amniotic fluid was still sufficient and baby was not in distress at 41 weeks... we didn't think we should wait any longer. So opted for c-section. Will try for natural this time if possible. But we know that some times situation doesn't permit. I read in this forum before from another mummy's experience... if baby's head exceeds 35 cm for someone of my height (1.52m).. no way can the baby be delivered naturally. Head is too big. And if the first one has a big head... subsequent babies will have a big head. If all these are true... then I think will end up c-section again. Cos my boy's head was 36.5 cm at birth. Any reason why you prefer to go for c-section?
Wah... the forum has grown so much after mia for 2 days. hahaha.. Saw a msg on discharge. I do have that as well. Some times it get so wet on my panty liner and often has to change. I guess is normal as gynae did mentioned before that we will have increased discharge.
So excited to see gynae again after one month. Will know the gender this time round. Also worried abt my blood test result, cos my mum passed away of cancer when i was at 2. I know only breast and cervix cancer will pass down to the young. But can't help worrying.
Hey gals, no sure how u all look now, ppl guess that I am 4-5mth preg and someone even let her seat to me on the bus a couple of days back. I felt so paisay. Sighhh... Anyway welcome all the newcomers in the forum!!!

i am also considering C-section. Is it hard to recover? will u experience nausea after u wake up from the operation and unable to breastfeed the baby?

my tummy is still so small although i am week 14 now. Dunno whether baby will be getting enough nutrient as i can only eat one meal a day. Dinner is just a cereal drink because i cannot digest and will throw up.

How big is ur tummy now? very visible?

I'm not as wei da, and i feel guilty to my bb. I didn't take a good care in my first 2 months. Now, I call my hubby almost every night, just to ensure that i don't get prenatal and post natal depression next time. He has to work in overseas and cannot be posted back too soon. So, I'm left alone. He comes back every 3 months to see me and bb.

No choice la, but i would want to give my bb quality time next time. I cannot provide quantity, but quality should be the least that i can do. Worst case, resign and give tuition.
QQ, tuition can be a gd option. coz at least u can give tuition at home and look aft yr bb at the same time. in fact i had that idea initially, but i am worried that my teaching subject which is chinese has no mkt
bellepepper, haha... i am a chinese lang teacher, thou i am lit trained too. majored CL and C Lit in U. my sch does not offer C lit coz it's a neighbourhood sch
actually my chinese is not those "shi shor shi shor" kind. just above average sporean std.... Singapore-born bred and educated! haha
Giolyn... isn't it better this way? Good to be able to announce your pregnancy this way and get a seat ;) Alot of preggies are so tired and feel unwell but because still not showing so need to stand all the way.

Belle... any reason why you want to chose c-section? Yes... definitely slower recovery than natural. No matter what it is still an operation with a wound of 10 cm so you need to be extra careful in order not to burst the stitches. I know of someone who did as she over-exerted when she tried to carry her baby and had to get stitched again.

You can opt for either epidural or GA. If epidural then you will be awake during the whole procedure. But you will experience some "pulling and tugging" and breathing may be a bit more difficult. I chose GA because for me it was a very sudden decision to go c-section and therefore no time to explore the pros and cons of GA and epidural. I made my choice at the operating theatre itself. I decided to go GA because I cannot lie on my back for too long as I can't breathe properly so I don't want to make the situation worse. In fact I was told by the nurse after that my blood pressure dropped tremendously during the surgery. If I need to go for c-section again... I will choose GA.

Didn't feel nauseous after I woke up... but groggy. Not allowed to eat for the whole day and was on drip.

I tried to breastfeed when I woke up but was tougher because of the wound across the abdominal. Couldn't carry the baby properly and it was painful when the baby's weight rested on me. The lactation consultant did say that usually it is harder for a mummy with c-section wound to bf than if you had natural. Moreover when you bf your womb will have contraction and the contraction will cause your wound to be even more painful.

Unless for medical reasons... natural is still the best. Because I read that babies who are born naturally will have a certain hormones released(can't remember exact details) when being pushed out. And this hormones are apparently good for the baby. But if c-section... the baby will be lack of it.
edde, wow! I can also teach chinese. Haa! Lets see, hope that there is a market for us. Meanwhile, i think i can only teach general science/math, otherwise i will be too stressful.

I admire u leh. I always hope that ppl will give me seats because I feel terrible with the shaky feeling. sometimes, i had cold sweat throughout the whole journey in train. The feeling is terrible. My tummy can be seen, but not too obvious yet.

I can still keep myself going because of this forum. Otherwise, i will feel so lost, so lost..
another weekend coming! yes! take care everyone.
hey edde,
i think i will take 1 step at a time. see how things turn out after birth. i may become more positive after ms really disappear completely and social life back to normal, but like what some said, what happens after delivery is scarier than the pregnancy process.
hey QQ
you are indeed very wei da leh, maybe u can start asking around for recommendation of nanny, at least better than maid. seriously i dun think i can cope w/o hubby not around, now i already kinda think he's quite bochap, always play pc game until late at nite and he dun sleep at the same time as me, sigh.
hey oldie
my MIL can only help to watch over the bb, she said her back no good, cannot even carry the bb.

ladies, do u feel giddy when you stand up fast from sleeping or sitting position? i do.
ya, i think i need to start looking for a nanny in woodlands. I haven't started. I don't intend to get a maid unless my mother in law wants to come here (but she never offer, and I never ask). This is the biggest headache i have, worst than my morning sickness.

try not to stand up fast from sleeping, will trigger ms one. ya my hubby also play pc games and i sleep earlier to escape from the feeling of nausea just in case it strike again late at night.

i also think that once ms disappear and i can eat like before i will be so happy i forget and want to conceive again. but i will rely on my hubby to remind me of the suffering. i already told him we will only have one child lor.

QQ, i am also drawing strength from this forum everyday. without it i think i would have slipped into depression and gone to asylum. dealing with ms like i said was a sickness of the mind too. a battle everyday to find out whether when will the next wave be striking....so eerie.

good morning everyone....hope it will be an ms-free day
Hi Odie, too bad I am not working in some foreign MNC, am working with a local MNC, so the benefits here are not that great. No insurance for family too but luckily my husband's company does provide and thus, my medical bill for delivery can be offset from the insurance. And bosses also no sign of concern, so broaching the subject of taking unpaid leave for a year is impossible. The only alternative will be to quit the job. Will consider this after the BB is born.

Meanwhile, everybody on this forum, enjoy the weekend.
Hi ladies,

Wow! In just one day, the forum has expanded so much!

Just got my fetal test results. Everything is normal. Low risk. So, gynae says not to worry.

Now at 12 weeks, my tummy is still not showing too much. Sometimes if my hubby doesn't drives me to work, I will have to take the train (over 20 stops). Most passengers on the train do not give up seats for me as my tummy is still not very obvious. Probably I should try putting on an armband that reads "I am pregnant!". Ha!

Oh yes, for all taking obimin, is the supplement supposed to be taken in the morning or night? I used to take it in the morning together with the other vits. But the gynae advised me to take it in the evening instead. Any idea?
Since yesterday, I have been feeling much better...no longer feeling that nauseous. Could it be a sign that MS is finally getting away? But I am just into my 12th week. Too early? Anyone with such experience?

Btw, I share the forgetfulness too. Yesterday, I just finished my bath and was drying myself up. Suddenly, I just forgot what I was doing and went back for another bath again. I didn't even realised it until I was finishing on the 2nd bath! Talking about forgetfulness to the extreme!!!
mmm... my tummy huh... a bit look like preg, a bit look fat lor. U know my stomach looks big cos do not digest well and then the tummy also looks big. SO to others may see as if i am very very preggy or this woman is damn fat. hahahaha... i do see some woman who only got tummy shown up only with the stomach small small one *envy*. I also have not much appetite but try to eat lor. cos i really scared bb is not getting enough nutrients. Of course dun overeat urself, try to eat so as to increase ur appetite (my logic lah hehehee..)
Dun envy me cos that is the only incident so far. ahhaha... no more after that.. hahaha.
Pinkypink... actually it is not a bad thing to be staggering your bedtime with hubby. My hubby is a nocturnal animal and don't need a lot of sleep. PC game is more impt. So now our "timetable" is that he will tend to the baby (if the baby wakes up) at the earlier part of the night while I sleep and after he goes to bed... I will tend to the baby.

Pinkydaisy... agree that you should shelve this issue until a later date. Well at least if you are on maternity leave while still being employed... you continue to get paid =p

Karen... did the gynae say why you take should take it in the evening? Mayed to reduce MS? Everybody is different and infact every pregnancy is different. For my last pregnancy I was a Merlion for about 1 week only from the 9th to 10th week and after that I was back to normal. This time round... no merlion only feeling nauseous since the 5th week till now. Isn't it a good thing that MS had subsided ;)
Hi hi,
I also feel that my ms is not as bad as before now. I don't vomit now, but only feeling a bit tired and nausea. Appetite is real good. Some coligs thought i am fat but not pregnant since my whole body gains weight. I also admire those mummies with only protruded tummy due to bb. I'm not. I look fat! Anyway, fat but happy. Got to stay happy.

I start to ask my colig to take photo of my tummy now. I will take it every 2 weeks, i think. u gals might want to keep a record how your tummy grows. Hee.
hey oldie and bellepepper
seems like there are quite a few mummies with oc gamer hubbies here, haha.
hey QQ
the best is to get relative to bb sit for you, if not why dun u consider infant centre? you can sit in for trial and see if you trust them, heard for some centres, the nannies
are professionally trained.
I don't have any relative here. I wanna keep my bb here because if I were to ask my mil or mother to care for the bb, they will surely bring the bb back to msia. Sigh! I will not allow this happen. Bringing bb back to msia is not a problem to them. So, they still don't understand why I wanna deliver my bb here. I insisted that i wanna breastfeed, i wanna deliver here, so that they have less chance to take away my bb. I might sound a bit extreme, but i just want to be together with my bb. hee..
QQ... I don't think what you are doing is extreme. In fact that should be the way. I always believe that if you want to have a child you need to play an active role in bringing up the child... if not don't bother having one in the first place. You should start looking around your area for perhaps a good nanny. Visit her place and see how is the environment. I think the house can tell you alot about the prospective nanny. If you ask me to choose... I think a nanny is perhaps better than infant care. It is a one-to-one care and maybe more flexible in terms of timing. For infant care... the baby runs a higher risk of falling sick. But that's my personal opinion.
QQ, definitely the bb should ideally be with the mother. So you are malaysian? it's good to hear ur appetite is really good. so now u can eat more to nourish ur bb

Odie, thanks for sharing ur experience on c-section. Now i realise the wound on the abdomen will heal much slower than the wound from the episotomy. Also i read better don push too hard during natural birth, else will develop piles. i will reconsider c-section.

anyone started to have craving for certain food?
Odie, thanks for your support. Ya, i strongly believe that i can bring up my child by myself.
How confident? haha!

I will try to look for a nanny first because infant care is too troublesome for me since I reach home about 7.30pm everyday.It will be too late for me to pick up my bb then. I also heard that bb gets sick very easily in centre. so, tentatively, hubby and myself have decided to get a nanny and settle our problems for at least a few months. after 2 months, if really cannot, then i will resign and give tuition. Won't die without a job.

I will try to use this forum to search for a nanny end of the year. Lets see who is the "you yuan ren".
Hello Odie, how are you? Big congrats to you! Just came across your posts.

I'm still TTC'g. I was the one asking about having the 2nd bb the other time and you said you are still procrastinating huh. Now you are already expecting. A fast "worker" leh.

Belle... no problem. Yup... my MIL apparently started having piles after she had her first baby.

QQ... the other way is to slot a notice into all the mailboxes of the neighbouring blocks. You might get lucky. Somebody might be interested to take on the job. Moreover if its a neighbour you won't need to spend too much time travelling.

Miao2... how are you and how's the baby. How many months now? Heh... well was first time lucky for me... and frankly I didn't think we will strike cos wasn't trying too hard. So didn't spend too much time TTC I guess =p Lots of babydust to you! *~*~*~*~*~*~*
hi QQ, haha.. luckily u stay in wdls, arbo we will be vying for the same students! haha!! i cant teach maths and science for sure! coz my maths and science are only at Sec 4 level! stop doing these 2 subj ever since Os.. so glad !!haha!! Anyway, better find a nanny early, esp if you heard of a gd one!

Hi Karen! congrats on yr very positive test results! i hope mine will be as positive too! incidently, train companies in Japan do encourage preg ladies to wear a wristband to indicate their preg so as to "remind" commuters to give up seats for them! how nice if SMRT can come up with a thing like this! but let me tell u gals a joke...

once i went out with my group of students. On the MRT train, one lady came in and my student quickly offered her seat. But to my atonishment, i dun think the lady is preg! think she is just fat. dats why when my student gave up her seat, the lady was so paisay!!!!!!!

actually i usually wont give up seat for a lady unless i am very certain that she is preg. either she is wearing maternity or the tummy is very obvious. otherwise, its very malu to give up the seat to the wrong person! hee hee

Karen, i am taking obimin too, and its written on the instruction that it shld be taken in the morn.

hi pinky, yeah.. like wat odie advised also.... take things easy one at a time. sometimes things dun turn out as we expected. anyway, i dun exp giddiness when i stand up from lying or sitting position, but sometimes i feel cramps. think its normal. last time i do feel giddy, guess its our blood pressure.

i am also one who have staggering bedtimes with hubby. not becoz he plays games, but he has to work late say till 2am almost every nite even at home. and guess what, for 1.5 mth even aft since my preg, he comes home very late from work, earliest is 9pm. and i have to wait for him to come home for dinner coz that is the only time we spend tog everyday. tho i take snack while waiting, i still suffer from gastric pain during the wait. and this def triggers my ms.

i had a tiff with him few days ago over this matter. thou he cares for me and the bb a lot, but besides accompanying me to the gynae, he does not seem to have done anything to make me feel better. not becoz he doesnt want to, but he has no time.

anyone whose husband is also a workaholic or spends a lot of time on work?
I am now 14 weeks but my stomach still not very big leh. In fact I think people only thought that I am fat and not pregnant. Even my colleagues also didn't notice that I am pregnant. So sometimes, I wonder whether am I pregnant or fat especially when you dun get to see the BB until 4 weeks later. But then hor, got one day in the MRT, there is this aunty who gave up her seat to me, I think she can sensed that I am pregnant, so I said thank you and sat down. Hmm...anyway, they said that first time moms dun show the stomach so quick, may have to wait till 20 weeks then can see a bit. So let's all be patient and endure this 'fatness' first..heehee
edde... don't fret. I think most men do not feel alot for the baby during pregnancy like us mothers. Because we can see and feel the changes in us... esp when the baby moves in you. For the men... they are only able to connect when the actually get to hold the baby when he or she is born. If you can... try to have your dinner first. Not good to have your gastric going haywire.

Pinkydaisy... yup the last time I only started showing when I was nearing 5 months. Some very blur colleagues even came to me when I was 6 months asking me if I am pregnant. Maybe because I didn't really wear those dowdy maternity clothings... they didn't really suspect. But this time by the 10th week I am already showing. Quite an awkward stage esp if you only plan to let others know after the 1st tri is over.

Dolly... best time to attend prenatal lessons is during your 2nd tri and possibly completing the lessons by early 3rd tri. Try to avoid having the lessons run up to late 3rd tri because you tend to be very tired physically by then.
hey oldie n pinkdaisy
me not putting on weight, not showing unless i wear tight fitting clothes which i dun feel comfortable wearing now...
dilemma, if show early, pple wont think we are fat, if dun show early, maybe wont put on too much weight thru-out but also worried about bb.
Hi All,

Went for gynae visit today.. apprently i have an infection now. I have been experiencing a lot of dischange and this turned out to be infection. Doc say i was lucky to detect it early as he say this infection can lead to harm for bb. Now been out on antibiotics.*sigh* So if u girls r experiencing heavy discharge, better check with ur gynaes to make sure its not an infection.

Still cannot see gender, BB was so active today, kept rolling all around, all i could see is the legs and umbillical cord. hehe

Mejo: I check, the triple test with Doc chong will cost about $100 plus. BTW: i will be taking up the gyane package from the next visit. Have u sign up for ur package yet?

hi hi,

odie....my doctor's instructions were to take obimin at night and other vits. in the morning for maximum results. So, now not very sure what to do since all along I have been taking it in my routine "morning pills popping challenge"!

edde....similar to what i told odie, I don't know if I can continue to take obimin in the morning. Hmm.....different doctors, different opinions.

Have heard of the japan's transport system's plan for the pregnant ladies. Don't think SMRT will do something like that and even if so, not really sure how many of us will put that on....unless the design is really attractive n chic! hee
