(2007/02) February

<font color="0000ff">hi gals!!</font>

i just back from KL last wk......now reading thru tons of archives.....

thanks all for the advices on my rashes...

some updates:
my rashes r actually pregnancy rashes... just that normally it came much later like 7th mth or so...but mine appear so much earlier...
before i went to KL on 8 sep (fri), i actually went to sgh on thur (7 sep) hoping to see my gynae to seek her advice... but end up my gynae not ard, i got to see another crappy doc (indian lady) instead... she super inexperienced... can tell me dunno what is it... then refer me to do blood tests ($$ gone) &amp; dermatologist...
but since i going KL, so can only fix appt for following fri (15 sep) which is also my detailed scan &amp; gynae appt....

went to see dermatologist on 15 sep in the morning..confirmed is pregnancy rashes... then later see gynae, she also confirmed ....

detailed scan: everything is normal.... but cant see baby's face as facing inwards... so cant check the lips... wld scan again for the lips on next visit....
my baby is a boy boy!! ;p
those calender predictions not accurate in my case leh...

Charis, do u all have expectation of a boy or ger?

Charis I am also 18 wks, but u only put on 2kg? I think my baby is small despite my fatty tummy. I put on 4 kg already, so fast, scary hor.. Muz really restrict what I am eating. Keep eating fried things and yest even crave for french fries.

ah ger I only have a few pcs of maternity wears. The reason why I still haven;t started on the maternity blouses to work because I dun hv much to switch alternatively among the days. And if I put on maternity wear, no turning back to normal wear right else ppl will bird-talk (my coll here are 3 - 8 ppl)..Anyway when I go hospital or going out on weekends, I always wear my maternity blouse.

I am really farny.. I afraid my neighbours see me preggy again, duno why I react this way also...

PVL, oh really so baby will kick more vigourously around 25 wks? Coz what I learnt from books and web was around 18 wks, that's why I am sort of quite worried here.

My first preg I have some water retention, wrist pain on both hand and leg contraction esp in the night. Any1 experience anything yet? I really hope I will not face all these anymore in this preg! My wrist pain is terribly, I cannot even lift heavy things or carry a bag. Even my gynae cannot do anything and he told me he also suffer from the same problem (???
) Even after I delivered, can;t even carry my bb. I even went to chinese sensei for acupuncture still cannot recover.. Took at least 9 months to recover fully! Terrible right?!
Hi ladies,

Just a question esp for those that already know the gender of bb.

Older generations alway say that those stomach that look like inverted balloon (bloat on top), you are having boy. Those bloated below, u are having girl. Is this true for ur case?

Just curious to know.
Charis, I dun know why I didnt gain weight cos my MS was very mild. Maybe cos I eat very little every meal (my usual amount)and also too busy to eat at times. I am having my lunch now as I was at meetings just now. As for baby moving, I think it is the baby lah, cos if its cramps the feeling will be different. Like you, its a throbbing sensation or like muscle twitching. I read from the books that some women describe it this way although most will say its butterfly-like fluttering but I dun know what that means. Maybe you can ask your hb to put his hand on your tummy and see if he can feel it too. Its very exciting for daddy to feel the kicks.

Ah ger, I dun think the webcams are very expensive. My gf and aunty both have that after they go back to work and can go to a webpage and see from their pcs in office. Very cute, my gf will then tell us that her baby is sleeping now and she knows exactly what the maid is doing. My aunty just had a boy and she has an Indo maid (married with kids type)to look after the baby so she is quite worried and check almost all the time. This is the best option for mums leaving baby in the hands of maid without a relative supervising.At least more 'fang xin'.
Bloated on top = boy? OK let's see, Wait til my detailed scan on the 27th. Hopefully can tell if mine is a girl or boy. My bloat is definitely on top. So should be a boy yah? My hb will be happy if it's a boy. Hehehehe.

Yah, the Mayo Clinic book which I am refering to says that by Wk 25, all should be able to feel baby clearly cos it starts to get tighter in your tummy as baby grows. Now maybe we can't quite feel it yet cos there's lots of space. I think I am also FAT! So maybe not so sensitive. Hopefully lah. Hope nothing wrong with my baby too. 10+ more days to detailed scan.
LBB, not sure mine considered bloated on top but I am carrying quite high and relatively compact. It is an obvious breast then sharp tummy type. Mine is 100% boy as revealed by the amnio test.

Gals, how can I gain weight? I am already drinking enfamama although not really putting the recommended scoops cos its too thick and sweet. I am weighing myself everyday now but my weight fluctuates between 47 to 48kg. I am already 18 weeks. Sigh...to think in the past, I have to work hard to maintain my weight at 45/46kg, now dun have to try also can lose weight..big irony.

Do any of you have the abbott lullaby cd with mummy heartbeat?? Its supposed to calm baby down as they can hear familiar sound like mummy's heartbeat. It was given to me by the nurse at my gynae's clinic. She said can start playing now around 5th mth.
Hi all,

I'm new here. I am 17 weeks into preganancy and expected to deliver on 26/2/07. My gynae is Dr C.H. Koh in Toa Payoh too. Same as Jas. What a coincidence! This is my first BB. Will be seeing Dr Koh again this Sat. Hopefully, I will be able to know the gender of my BB by then. My HB anxious to know as he's going for reservist next month and won't be around for 3 weeks.

Im very thankful for either gender..but I tot i was having a girl..cos I mentioned about my dream earlier..haha.

Put on more is ok lah..good right..everyone saying I should put on more..they say cannot too littlee..no good etc etc..trying to scare me..but gynae say as long put n baby is growing well good already..n my baby's growing well..guess he's taking most if not all of the nurtrients Im eating..hehe..

Haha..my gynae said that baby at 18 weeks starting to be really active..my baby is always sleeping though when I visit the gynae..but when i sit down, I feel the throbbing thingy..My tummy's pretty tight already..feels so interesting to touch..haha..first time lah..

Cherryale..Im letting baby listen to music already..christian music. I think u can start too..my friend got those kind of headphones..clasp it around tummy..but must have enough of a tummy to do that..haha. My hubby goes really near to my tummy n talks to his baby also..very funny.
back frm Funan &amp; had my lunch. Very rush.......... I tapao bac.

Giggler - I dun hv much appetite during 1st tri bt wt still kip going up. During 1st tri - I put on 1kg every 3wks leh, so I put on abt 2.5kg during 1st tri. Tis tri, so far I put on 1.5kg lor. Dunno hw cme no appetite + dun eat much still will balloon up, scary right? Imagine if I hv super gd appetite..........

Hw much is the Neurogain?

Charis - I will raise the topic w/ hb again...... c if he wanna install camera.

Cherryale - I think my ex-coll has tat also. They can c wats happening bt cnanot pre-rec one leh....

Nana - congrats! Wow - another boy input! A ship of boys coming in man!

Bitbit - y dun let ppl know? Actually so long as u hv 5pcs to wear frm Mon - Fri, tats gd enuff liao. Wkend when I m @ hme, I wear either slping dress or big tees. I seldom get to c my neighbour cos mine is corner then I close my door cos I can't c outside. They r seldom in unless wkends. I dunno if they know I m preggy though......... Know also like tat.

I notice those carrying boys, they carry low leh.. It's like the shape of the egg, the sharper end one. Whereas for those carrying gals, they carry higher then veyr wide, rounded. The roundness is very even one.

I dunno all these is proven or nt lah..... bt so far those gals one all veyr long &amp; sharp.
Drink more fresh milk..cherryale..plus the powdered milk..n take more protein..more healthy snacks in between yr meals..n give yrself a treat with pastries..or fast food, go for better quality fast food like Mos Burger instead of Macs..once a week..it could rev up yr appetite a bit.
Charis, wow... it sounds like it's more difficult to office work leh.

nana, congrats on having BOY! It seems like we got more boys than girls in this thread.

bitbit, how can your col tell if it's maternity wear or not? Some of my single col wear those baby-doll blouse to work and they look like maternity tops to me leh. Your water retention is so bad?

LBB, I cant tell if my tummy is bloated on top or not cos it's not very obvious. Btw, I'm having boy.

cherryale, I ate durians to gain wt for my 1st preg and it helps.

m&amp;m, welcome!!! Maybe you shd try to talk to bb and ask him/her to be co-operative this Sat.

Ah ger, maybe bb is growing and putting on wt? I got from pharmacy at $29.
tat day I wanted to ask gynae on some chim qns. Bt I 4got. I was still sitting tare trying to think wat qns then my gynae still sit tare &amp; wait. Then I said "i think tats abt all."

When I came out then I realised.

I wanted to ask - u know, during 1st tri, gynaes always ask us to watch out for spotting or bleeding, which it could mean m/c. Hw long will we need to monitor tis? Like wat Stella or somebody mentioned, if the cord is twisted, hence bb has no movement &amp; there is no spotting, then hw do we know? Until wat stage will the mummy wun bleed bt yet lose the bb?

Dunno if u gals understand wat I mean.

anyone interested to buy neugro-gain from the "distributor" ? i am interested but the bulk purchase is closed.

if we can gather a 30 bottles, maybe we can consolidate our orders here.
I had durians during my 1st tri also. Maybe tats y I gained wt lor. Bt tis tri I haben eaten any......... esp tis mth, I was sick frm beginning to almost end liao...... still got itchy throat bt no phlegm.

Giggler - I dunno if I shld take w/o asking my gynae. Hmm........ Cos I rem there was once I asked him &amp; he said I will cont eating the 3 I hv.

if(touch wood x 100) cord twisted. There will be no fetal movement.

thats y when we go into advanced stage of preggie, we are advised to look out for fetal movement. If cannot feel, must go to gynae to do scanning to see if there is heartbeat.

Otherwise, cord incident can be deteched during routine checkup.

actually, even in first tri, there are people who dun bleed but still lose bb.. simply becos bb heartbeat stop.

so sad.. praying hard that all of us here " mu zi ping an"
Wah Stella, suddenly u wrote my name in caps, as if u r shouting for me. Ha ha ha........

Wah, I hate this kind of living in fear everyday man.........

Sooner or later will get heart attack.
ah ger...

sorry sorry..was not aware that i din switch off caps lock.

aiyoh... should not have told u all these.
this is the start of the journey..
living in this kind of fear but still moving forward..

next time is worry abt health of bb oredi. there r many cases of bbs dying or dignosed with diseases during the 1st year/
Stella, no lah, I m joking w/ u only.

No, actually I think it's gd to know abit of tis &amp; tat. Cos all along I tot so long as c nothing = everything is fine. *naive thinking*

Gals, hv u all thought of wat insr to buy for bb when they r out? I intend to buy hospitalization, and also savings policy. Life policy - I hv to c if can fit into my budget or nt........

I m thinking of getting some durians to eat leh...... My gf said 777 durian puffs are nice, BPP has a shop tare.
ah ger, i tink it's 727 not 777 rite...hehe the durian mooncake is good, but ex 9 mini pcs for $32. my hb say better durian to eat better LOL.
wow...durians...mooncakes. yummy....makes me hungry.

Goodwood park ...me hvn't try b4. is it expensive?
hehe me forgot the price. their durain mooncakes and puffs are great. sure they will be on some "roadshows" in the coming month
check it out then..
ah ger..

crown prince mooncake no more already...sob sob...

they stopped making liao after the change in managment
Stella - nvm lah, u know Taka (I dunno wat brand), there is another one tat sells, they make &amp; fry the mooncake on the spot. Also quite nice. Las time I always go tare for 'food-tasting' as well as for lunch bt tis yr haben go yet cos no longer wking tare le mah.......
has those mooncakes roadshows started? not right? coz still 7th month right?

i ate only 8-10 seeds, cannot take it oredi, too heaty for me. FOLLowing those 2 incidents, i took only 3 seeds.
PVL, I got your msg, haha, so FAT ppl can;t feel bb kick quite well sia.. me should be classified into the FAT club.. I am coming 60kg already sigh..

PVL, for me 17 more days to detail scan, are you asked to ADC (2nd floor) too? have i told u I finally decided to opt out the antenatal package coz I counted, esp for C-sec case, seems like not worth.

wow wowo, so many bb boys on board this thread leh! All the bb gers here must really hide properly liao

cherryale, how to webcam works? only the area where the webcam is focus can be seen right? What if they do something inside the room where the webcam is not there? BTW also hor is it must logon (like how we logon to internet) to activate the webcam? If so wouldn;t the phone bill be a great boom? Sorry for my lousy IT concept here..

Ah ger how come u noe BPP got 717 durian puffs? Haha anyway Ah ger is right, t's true, just opened not long ago. I am staying juz stone throw away from BPP and wu eng bo eng go there walk walk.

giggler, u ate durian to gain weight ah? Jialat, me i think over weight meaning cannot eat durian liao. Last preg I ate too much durian and kenna the GD.. Then my gynae said dun eat too much, if cannot finish bring them to him he will finish for me, hehe..This preg I dare not touch too much durian and jackfruits..

giggler, where can we find baby doll blouse? I have no such blouses. Usually baby doll blouse got "gather" around the chest area and flare on the bottom right? Me got "big breast" seems like not suitable, very sad leh, me lousy figure..

U all talking about mooncakes hor, I want to intro mooncakes from Crown prince &amp; goodwood park. The Crown prince one is those teochew type where the skin is fried &amp; crispy type and try the YAM one very nice. The Goodwood park one is the Durian one I recommend, the whole chunk of durian flesh is inside, walau cannot describe... Ah ger &amp; all durian lovers, are you all drooling already???
bitbit, hw cme u opt out of antenatal? Cos closer to ur delivery, ur chk up will b once a wk right? Did u ask ur gynae or the nurse on the rough # of visits u will make? Then hor, tat day while I was standing @ the counter, I happen to chance on this Std Guide on Consultation charges. It goes like >10mins is $XX, 11 - 20mins is $XX &amp; etc leh. Do you wanna consider? I dunno if they will really follow though bt after counting, esp mine is every 3wks once, sure will b cheaper to take antenatal.

BitBit - I stay @ BPP leh. I saw it once bt I din buy. Dunno fresh or nt.

My sis said This Fashion has alot of bb doll tops bt again, I can't fit into their sizes, either something is wrong w/ me or w/ their cuttings. Oh, Bugis Village, if u walk further dwn, there are a few shops tat sell like maternity clothes - $15 only. If u r nt fussy, one design u can buy diff cols. I bought 1 pc tat time. It's those tee shirt material.

I myself can finish 1 whole durian also. FIL likes to buy those exp durians, those flesh thick thick one *sedap*

bitbit - Stella just said Crown Prince stop liao cos change of mgmt. Alternatively I think East Ocean Restaurant also sells the crispy fried mooncake, hv to go Taka fair &amp; find out.
ah ger,

i think hor .. is something wrong with their cutting .. too small liao .. like for XXS ppl .. heh e ..

me too can finish 1 whole durian .. but during 1st trimester i vomit out all .. a bit phobia then .. now think i got a little craving .. think i buy the durian puff better ..
dun need to eat the whole durian by my own .. too filling liao ..
<font color="aa00aa">charis, ah ger, giggler</font>

<font color="119911">charis, giggler</font>
congrats on having a boy too!!

gals, i logging off le.... going to shower &amp; have a rest.... chat with u all again...
sianz, my workplace all infested with those 38 aunties. just now in toilet, one of them hinted to me saying my boss very busy, always fly ard, not in office, still got to cope with moving house and family. then still need to go day surgery next week. i said yah lor, pity the wife, always home alone. then she said, hanor, now u pregnant, cannot travel, oso cannot help ur boss.

#%$&amp;^&amp;*%$#%$^^&amp;^%$&amp;^%^ He go operate backside my problem ar. he accept this headhunter's job my problem ar. he getting 20-30k. me only 1/10 of his pay what!
bitbit, ahger
u good lor, can eat so many durians still
~ envious arrrrr. me body weak, cannot take too much of anything nowadays.
. at least still can taste a few seeds and the durian mooncakes arr, not that bad lar
wow, so many postings in such a short while.

Pekochan, the cd is free, just ask your gynae nurse to give you. All you need is to fill up a card for Abbott. Abbott manufactures baby milk powder like similac so they want to collect mother's details.

Charis, yah, I should play christian music for my baby too. Do u know of any bibical book on prayers for unborn baby? I heard my neighbour mentioned it before. Will be good to buy one. I think I will buy HL milk to drink in the morning when I reach office on top of the enfamama that I have at home.

Ah ger, Bitbit, yes its the type that doesnt record. What my gf and aunty did is they put many webcam in the house, like bedroom, living room, kitchen etc so they can monitor the whole house. The only disadvantage is they have fixed angle so you can only see one direction unlike surveilance cameras which rotates. But think prob now they may have those that rotates in limited range. For newborn its not a problem, cos they will in the cot most part of the day, just need to make sure that your webcam faces the cot.

Bitbit, dun understand the part on phonebill, thot u accessing from office right?? Just like how you go to a website. You are very funny leh, can take 3 durians...now I salivating at the thot of durian but I am quite 'heaty' so must eat with restraint..
Haha, I'm still fatter than you. Was already around 60kg BEFORE preggy!
I did some calculations and I found the antenatal pkg still worth it. Cos it works out to $62 per visit under the pkg. Whereas, it's around $77 per visit if you pay cash. Then as Ah ger says, the visits get closer together after Wk 28. And I also don't feel so 'poor' if I have to go for more visits. I calculated that the antenatal pkg covers 8 regular priced visits, and that's how many I should be having up to delivery. Then I have 2 more to 'spare' for any extra visits if I want to request, or if overdue. Too bad lah if early :p. The hospital pkg is separate leh.

ah ger, the nurse told us if we exceed the 10x visits of package then we have to pay, if below 10x then we lugi. Seems to me miciam lose-lose situation leh.. Moreover my 1st preg was C-sec, i think i can't tahan till full term.

ah ger i c i c, u stay around which BPP area? I am at Jelebu. I rem u told us b4, but forgive me I old liao forget. can tell me again? hehhe...

I can't fit into most of the THIS FASHION clothes leh...
