(2007/02) February

jelly, meimei looks quite different from jiejie hor? But very cute too
she seems bigger built from Ah xi too. is she?

garfield, i dun know whether i can bf for 1 yr or not. Today my ss dun know why so little. Maybe didnt drink water. So I am trying to drink at least 1 litre.

sunsweet, u good man, got so much milk, but your liquid intake is indeed v high.

i feel lack of time n water will min flow.

feel stress also will decrease. try yr v best. little also good... better than nothing. this mth i even take 4 days to get 1 feed! haha cos i was pumping only once a day n it really not much pain liao.
cherry, yes, water is better than any supplement to increase ss.

Ru is actually smaller and darker than Xi. Maybe it's the angle where the photo is taken that's why she looks chubbier than Xi.
garfield, at the moment I am giving a 60ml FM feed at night, the rest all BM but if my ss is like today, then super jialat. Actually my sis in law is the amazing one, she has abt 150ml for the entire day since week 1 and didnt really increase but she still pump 4 times a day for 6mths. If I am her, I would have given up long time ago. In fact if i reach the stage of half bm/half fm, I will prob drop bfg.
mummies, if an hour aft i pumped i starts to experience the tingling sensation, is it cos I didnt clear the breasts sufficiently? But when I tried to pump, the milk doesnt flow well.
wah..so many post..attention put on all the photos!!

Ru is so cute...i know..ru looks more like your hubby xi looks more like you!! but they all haf thick brows yeah!! mus be painful to leave the dollies behind!..but good thing is you can buy alot of clothes for them in china le!...not sure whether your area haf alot or not though///sounds like a v industrial part..

gemma oso dun look like kor kor le! but so cheerful!!

baby is soooo sweet!..the sisters pic are always so sweet!

agree wif stella meimei look so much like QY..curly hair too?? v cute!

poor you...1 year is really v long neh..think jus haf to focus on the kiddos? but i think staying there for a year also means that overseas posting = more $$$ think its for the good of family yeah!
Looking at your gal, she does have a certain resemblance to zz... her smile?

Hey, you've done a great job bf-g for a year considering you're a FTWM. My mum (pro-formula old lady) always defends my SIL saying that she has to go back to work, cannot bf, so better to formula-feed. But I always tell her I have friends who pump for a year or more at work... it's possible, but it's really hard work so the mommy has to make the effort.
Remember to put cold cabbage leaves if breasts feel engorged - it worked for me when in Darwin

Re H1N1, not sure if my BIL got it, btu he was down for a few days, and doc gave him 3 days MC. Now that he reported to doc about his gf having contracted H1N1, his MC is extended till 8 Aug.

I'm glad the portable highchair came in useful!

Ru's legs are really chubby! Like lotus roots

I think it's a good idea to let your hubby make his own decision lah. Can he come home every night during the course? If can, you just need your MIL to help you out during the day... more like just in case you go into labour and need someone to look after Yael.

Hubby was saying he could be going for some retreat during my 37th week - then I asked him so if I go into labour, then how? How to bring Soph along into delivery ward or op theatre if Csect? Both MIL and mum stay so far - both out of the way from hospital. Blur man actually forgot I'll be in my 37th week and 2nd time mommies can give birth earlier!
huskie, yr hb is so blur... haha but luckily u reminded him.

ya i m amazed by my determination too. but i also think tat since i bought the dual pump might as long use it as long as I can. most of my collegues knew I pump n some of them salute me cos they know it not really easy coping w work n pump. everyday bringing the FTG thing... there were times when I need to go to site I have to carry all my barang there n still had to search places to pump. so I guess if u got determination u can pump for some time lo. my mum is also not bf-pro...

cherry, yr sis in law is also amazing. if beginning to 6 mth, I still yield 150ml daily, i think I would stop liao... haha somemore 4 times... I salute her! actually mothers r very wei da

I also got the tinglig sensation like let down after i pump finish for a while... but i press like the breasts are soft liao ley... i thot is my imagination...

fat_babe, huskie, my gal looks v like kor kor, everyone who sees them live agree lo. hehe. but my gal looks v like her daddy n her daddy is SOOOO happy...
Babe, u are right! Ru looks more like hubby and Xi looks more like me but both with thick eyebrow like my hubby. Not sure how good the shopping in Xiamen will be. The wife of one of my china directors said will bring me to shop next time. Haha... Actually Xismen is pretty similar wif here in terms of weather and food so shd be easier to adapt to, I guess.

Btw, anyone gg to bring ur kids to High 5 show?
jelly, me me! Tuesday 4pm show but if my parents die die wanna bring then I'll let them bring the kids instead for some grandparent bonding time. Besides, my Dad likes Hi5.. hehe
Ruru really looks chubbier than Xixi but v different look! Guess it's quite normal for 2 sisters to look different! So is your departure date confirmed?

huskie, teehee, every good man has his blur moment.. so he'll be opting out of the retreat, I presume?

babe, thought you come in with good news to announce leh!

garfield, Gemma really v v sweet! Both your kids have v sweet faces, guess they resemble you? Well done for persevering with the pumping. I also pumped and latched until the actual day of Beth's first birthday.. wah at least I managed to persevere. Was a lot easier with Timo since I barely pumped. Pumping really v stressful and 'chi li', not to mention so straining on the wrists. I ended up with such stiff and swollen wrists cos of the pumping and squeezing :p

stella, yah lor, Timor ultra expensive and you pay 5* prices but the hotel macham worse than foreign worker dormitory :p Very very ulu and the allowance won't go as far as thought.. ah well.

I ask zz if he wanna go n he say yes... but i not sure if he can sit thru...

thxs catz... they have sweet faces but are devilish hahhaha

btw, gals any one know if bbs do passport - their photos . must be white background? can they have a bow or clip on hair?? I making one for G
catz/garfield, hehe, i only learned abt this Hi-5 sg tour last week when my aunt mentioned to me. Would like to bring Xi to watch the show but not sure whether i will be flying during the period or not. Think I just go ahead and book first.

catz, indeed, the gals looked similar when they were born but now look quite different from each other. Now Ru starts to recognise ppl and whenever she hears or sees me, she will cry for me to carry her. Sometimes really feel so helpless when both gals want me to carry them at the same time. Haiz...

garfield, u know how to make those hairclips??? Wow.... but dun think can put anything on the hair when taking pp photo. maybe u just bring along the hairclip loh, if the photographer said cannot wear then u take down.
jelly, i understand. whenever G wans me to carry, zz will follow suit. he likes to follow G's actions... wun tahan. but sometimes i explain to him n he seems to understand lo.

no la not make hairclips... make passport... haha
I choosing her existing photos cos I need it real soon... n i just realise all has clips on them except a few... it not easy to take her full face too cos she keep moving. the other time I took studio (we choose tomato studio!) she keep moving n we didn't manage to take passport pic. then now i need urgent so taking a look at her past photos...
Garfield, think simple hairclip should be ok but in any case, think white background is the strongest criteria. If u cannot find any suitable pic, my suggestion is to go ica and take cos those ppl know how to take. That's what I did for both kids
Timo for photo update and Beth's first passport.

Jelly, think Xi will enjoy it la. Just book first! I only booked last wk cos kept forgetting. That's the week my hubby is flying off but didn't know until after we booked.
garfield, ooops, hehe... Yes, go ica and take pp photo. I find their photographing is better than those photo shops outside. Hey, u took studio with tomato.com? How is it? Show us!!!

Catz, just booked 3 tickets for the Sat 11am shows! If we can't go on that day, then maybe ask my aunty and uncle or my sister and BIL to bring her. So ur hubby will miss the show?
catz, jelly, thanks but I dun think i have time to go down ica except to collect... do they open on sat afternoon? cos i thot of choosing the photo n do online...

jelly, hmm we make mistake n choose indoor studio photos... their studio is real small so quite limited photos. n zz was cranky
so didn't really took nice photos... there are few... maybe i can post on FB.
u talked abt it soo well.. bb just sucked and suck and cry n cry.. coz no milk come out.. in the end i gave up .. i just express out the milk for her after i cleared the congestion.. make things easier for everyone...
i oso want to seeeeeeeeeeee tomato's work :D
u shld see cheers n tears.. home studio is just a EM living room, ain't that smaller? :p
I also wanna see your Tomato's pics on FB!
I'm now trying to book maternity shots with Studio Loft - figured if this could be my last pregnancy, might as well take some nice belly pics.
Just hope I wouldn't have popped by 35th week!

Actually it's quite a good idea to do outdoor shoot, cos kids are usually happier running in the outdoors, and lighting is always good.

Hubby said he will go for his retreat during the day and come home at night - luckily this time retreat is at Changi only... the last time was Malaysia.
Hey, I think I saw your sis and BIL and baby Z while walking Soph home from school today

Their dog is a medium sized shaggy looking dog yeah? Wearing a pink T-shirt...
Baby is chubby!

Yeah, very hard on baby when breasts stuck and milk cannot come out.
At least yours can come out thru' pumping - that time mine couldn't clear with pump, so had to massage and squeeze until breasts all bruised... LC got shock when she saw my bruised breasts!
And milk extracted manually had to be trhown away cos Soph will nto drink from bottle... in the end, I think she went to sleep hungry... poor baby.... maybe that's why she is so skinny!
Crossing my fingers that this second time round will be easier and supply more abundant.

Hope your bf journey will be smooth-sailing from now on!
i went to parentcraft and got them to massage for me... now every nite hb will needs to do some massaging as well... yah i know the feeling of sore and bruised breasts
dunno can tahan how long before i make another visit to them again.. hey did u not try cup feeding that time? QY could gulp quite well from the cup during the initial one month leh. kekeke so u r doing it with studio loft? coz female photographer?

really? maybe i keep rememebering how ZZ look when younger...could be meimei look more like zz's looks now...hairclip should be OK for passport photo, but no matter what i tot will be black and white photo??

me oso keen on the Hi5 show. but not sure when will be able to watch..keke....eh but all the girls changed ar??
You got it! Female photographer lah... hee, I am a bit camera-shy, esp. in front of a male photographer... plus, Sophie is terrified of UNCLES! :p

I tried cup-feeding that time, but somehow it didn't work too well... maybe I don't know to do it? I just remembered more milk dribbled out than Soph drinking it.
Think I better copy and standby all the bf support group and private LC numbers now!

Haha, you don't scare me leh!
Why are you terrified? You have cf nanny with you now yeah?
I assume life will be a bed of roses with a cf nanny since I didn't have one the last time.
skinny babe, must congrat u?? good news?? need winnie d radar? ;p

ok gals, let me have time to load cos ofc can't log into FB. at first i wanted our home but hb say use their studio could be better lighting... who knows their ofc dun have those lights like Foto-U. so shld have taken at our home where the kids r in comfort zone. then their studio seem v long no 1 been there... lol got cobwebs on the few toys they had... place was dusty n i was hesitating for G to get down...

anyway it was taken liao soooo will show u gals.
babe, congrats!! wow!!!

garfield, u mean tomato dun have a proper studio? Thot their charges are pretty high. I was thinking of going somemore.
i oso tot tomato's studio quite good one? tot theirs ones of the better ones in the forum as well... oh but they emphasis they use natural lighting.. so no flash whatever..

i never like newborns ;P.. will take me a few months to bond.. hey.. continue ur story.. u still continue sop on the breasts even with the congestion? how on earth did the congestion cleared up? things went uphill thereafter? no more mishaps with the breasts? did i mention in this thread that just last sunday i was running a high fever 39.70c coz of the breasts oso. luckily did not turn into mastitis..
Hee, this time the radar was awarded to Catz?

Yep, I continue to latch sop on breasts even with the lumpy congestion - just use warm compress and massage properly then put soph on breasts. When latching, I kept talking to her - tell her cos Mommy has this problem, she has to work harder for her milk, but once it's over, this bf partnership will be good. Weird hor? But she seemed to understand leh and guai guai suck very hard
Talk to your baby!

And yep, the congestion cleared up with latching... no joke! I hired this pte LC to my place, and she told me that if I can, try and stick to latching, cos latching is the best way to clear and drain the breasts to prevent leftover milk from congesting the ducts... no matter how good the pump is, it'll never be as good as baby's suckle.
Then after this, things got ok as I just latch.

But but... eh, need a lot of perseverence on this cos the congestion can be painful. I reckoned that since I could go through Soph latching me with bleeding nips at the beginning, congestion also can lah.

Good thing you didn't get mastitis! Have you tried manually squeezing out milk with your hands? I find that using hands drain the certain parts better, so if I had to pump, I will feel for lumps at the end of pumping, then use my hands to massage and squeeze out the balance. But a bit of backache cos have to bend over a bowl

When you bf Qy, how many mths did it take for you to clear all congestions and have a smooth pumping EBM journey?
cherry, QY,

NEVER ever choose their ofc premises as studio... act there not really a studio lo... lol

just my advise. maybe they r better if outdoor or at yr own home. becos theirs really look old n dusty la. it like an old shop house. my hb was disappointed act cos the last time at foto-u, tat really is a studio n the floor is relatively cleaner tat u can sit on the floor.

then zz was cranky n cause G to be cranky, but he does not really know how to handle kids like David... he also stand there helpless... so in the end didn't really took many photos n some even show them red nose (due to crying) or tears... hmmm ya candid la. but hb think if like tat, wat as where he take himself.

anyway, i dun wan to say anything bad la cos everyone has been commenting they really good.

ya the charges r higher than others... but i got the promo of all the soft copies returned tat y i sign up w them. so disappointed tat act no pt cos photos taken not much too... sob sob
Babe, are u? Really? Wow!!! Congrats u in advance!

garfield, who is ur photographer? I used Hart Tan the other time and he is pretty good with kids. Ya, he never use any lighting, just natural light. That time think he just came back from Australia and his studio not ready yet, but becos we want Xi to feel at ease so we chose to take at home. Dunno their studio is that bad. Maybe you shd feed back to Hart so that they can improve on their studio condidtion?

I agree with Huskie. Latching on is the best solution. For me, if I have block duct, I would aim baby's chin towards that block duct direction for her to suckle. And with the skin to skin contact and communications, it's very effective. I was basically using all kind of positions to clear my milk duct: football, cradle and lying down. This is when the nursing pillow comes in really handy. Treasure your moment now as baby will grow up very fast
Catz.. sory disturb u here, tried PM u but u din activate.. ned to get from u xander num again.. hp spoilt..
hehe.. paiseh!
Fatbabe..Really ah? No.3? Hehe!

Smurfy..Latch on still the best..I find pumps very painful..Anyway as for e nipples, after awhile they toughen up.

Huskie..U got contact for a private LC that went to yr place the other time?
skinny babe run to hide liao...

jelly, i think hart is the chief photographer? mine is Asri... cos tat promo is with him. hmmm not use to complain when other party seem rather nice. act they r nice ple lo. n it quite some time ago lar... forget it lar. just tell u gals dun go their studio nia.
Hee, Tomato's studio really that bad huh? Can't wait to see your FB pics :p

Studio Loft's studio is really nice - clean and white and "empty" concept, that's why I booked with her again this time

Now that Saph mentioned it, I remember something!
That pte LC told me to aim baby's chin at the part where blocked duct is i.e. my blocked duct is mostly at breast near armpit part, so I can try to do football style so that chin is "facing" that part.

Yes, I used Betty Lee.
Her contact is listed here: http://www.breastfeeding.org.sg/alternative-breastfeeding-help.html

My friend who tried to call her a few mths ago said her hp was no longer in service, so I don't know if she is still in this trade, but maybe can try her pager?
She is a retired nurse from KKH, very auntie and motherly. Came to my place and immed washed her hands, and whipped out her own towel to dry it... haha... she said for hygiene purpose.
Then she checked my breasts and asked me to bf baby, then just sat quietly to observe... she also noticed that Soph was very "understanding" cos she just suckled quietly even tho sometimes no milk cos of blocked ducts. Then told me to persevere and NOT to supplement with FM. She noticed that Soph was super windy and suspected the FM probably caused it.
Cos before her, I went to TMC Parentcraft who gave me LOTS of Enfa samples to supplement then asked me to go back for another session. When I went back for another session and asked them how to switch to TBF since they made me supplement with FM, their answer was just "Why are you here?", and "Oh, you just reduce it yourself!" which really upset me lah. Only Ling at Parentcraft was nice, I find.
Betty also told me that Soph's BIG watery green poops that spilled out of her diaper after every FM supplement feed was a sign of intolerance to the FM, which when I asked Mrs, Wong, she just said it's normal (altho Ling later saw it herself and said it's not normal!).

Betty charged me $80/hr that time, just slightly more than the $60 or $65 that TMC charged me, so it's really no difference since I had to pay cab fares to go TMC anyway... so I'd rather call Betty and have everything done in the comfort of my own home.
Huskie..Thanks for the link.
I can't remember the one that handled my case at TMC..she was very stern..kind of uncomfortable for me..but if I have to get an LC next round, I rather get a private one..and Betty lee sounds really pro but nice n assuring.
Wahaha think fatbabe hiding liao.. these few days my radar quite on lei.. spotted 2-3 pregnancies.. so see if my winning streak continues. If Winnie pops in then CONFIRMED LIAO!

Huskie, I also think TMC Parentcraft is overhyped. From what my sister went through with them and the subsequent attention and help she got from Uma Thambidurai at Mother and Child... vast difference! Plus Uma still calls her every so often just to ask how she is doing. Uma was the one who came and saw me when I warded myself for Timo's jaundice. Not money faced.. very pro!

You've always had problems with oversupply hor? Hope this time things are better. Yes, latch on is the best. Baby is the best pump. Try different holds. Wish I had your supply

My Ben is finally without diapers at home in the daytime
. I'm quite pleased with him. He now knows NOT to just let go in his pants. He will wait til I ask him to go to the potty/toilet. It took just 1 day of accidents and then everything fell into place.
Congrats PVL. The only way to potty train is to go diaperless. They have to feel the wetness to learn to control
Later can try diaperless at night. Xinfaye didn't use any diapers once I noticed she only pees 1 or 2 times at sleeping time. I make sure to pee her at around 11pm. When she is half asleep.
Yeah, TMC Parentcraft is really overhyped. Plus I don't understand why there is such a BIG Mead Johnson signboard outside its room when it's supposed to help us with bf... guess everyone needs some advertising dollars!

Hey, can you give me Uma's number to standby too? Does she do home visits? How much does she charge?

Pls standby BF support Group number too - hee, desperate me was calling them every 2 days in the first month! They can't always pick up the calls, as it's manned by volunteers, but when they do, these long-time bf mommies give pretty good advice.

Congrats on Ben going diaperless!
pvl, congrats on Ben being diaperless!

zz also start to really potty train... he no longer scare of potty liao

i guess kids def do grow by themselves... no need to pressure
PVL..Good to hear abt Ben!
Yael is still refusing to go to the toilet when he is outside..although at home he has been off diapers for sometime.
I just can't convince him to go to the public toilets..unless he wants to poo..then he will force himself to go..haha.

Huskie..I gave up calling the BF support group tat time..so I had no choice but to go down to TMC.
But I think this time I am much more confident with bf..only scared if its another csect..sian..then recovery more painful.
i am just too scared to latch onz oredi.. anyway latching onz will not solve the problem for me.. coz i will need to pump again to empty the breasts.. :/ my eposides with QY ended only a few wks after i went back to work.. after 3.5 mths or 4mths bah? when he weaned himself off my breasts? that week i went back to work, coz of the changes in pumping schedule.. got a bad case of mastitis, was even referred to kkh breasts cancer to check for abcess.. luckily no abcess.. but they gave me 1 wk mc to rest n try to readjust my pumping schedule.

i just got fever the 2nites ago.. on the other breast.. but heng after 2x panadol and vigorous massages.. it's over..
Aiyo. Hug hug... Glad u are better now. Try to relax and enjoy your motherhood okay? Soon, me and Huskie will be facing all these pumping, latching and sleepless nights again. Hope this time will be better and easier.

Hi mummies,

How are you all? I've lost touch with all of you. Hope you girls still remember me. Yesterday I was looking at our babies' photo, one of the mummy here(I can't remember who, sorry.) did a collection on that. I'm wondering how do all the big babies look like now?

Maybe just to update on my 2 bbs. YZ is diaperless in the day time now,have to wear diaper during her nap and bedtime. My boy is 8 months old and has 4 teeth... the 5th one on the upper incisor is growing. The day when he had teeth latching him on was a challenge! The boy had his first taste of formula milk 1 week ago. This moo moo cow is going to stop her dairy production soon.... I'm still expressing my milk in office now though.

Can I know who stay in the west? I thought of organising a gathering. Anyone keen?

smurfy, are you feeling better now?

charis, im glad to hear that you have more confident in bf now. Well, i guess all those 'hardship' we went through in bfg is worth the effort. I'm very proud that I fully bf my 2 kids till they are 8 mths old and I'm very willingly to share my experience to other bfg mummies, especially the 1st time mummy.
