(2007/02) February

I get about 2 to 3 nosebleeds per week starting from 15th week, and it's still going on, so I don't think it'll stop till after i give birth.
I was asking Catz and PVL more for the preparation of cf stuff, cos cf stuff are known to be heaty, so if my nosebleeds will continue after that, I will not stock up so much.

OK, I'll SMS you beforehand.... thanks!

Sorry to hear about your dad.
It's good that Ryan is adjusting well to his kindie - at least that's one load off your mind.

Wow, I really don't know how you can manage with 3 kids in your room. I think it must be quite cosy, cos sometimes hubby and I fantasize about snuggling in the same room as Soph, but she will wake up in the middle of the night and jump all over us!


So sad for both u and ur hubby. He will be missing u and the kids. Sigh... It is really a blessing that one whole family can be together nowadays. Seems to be getting tougher nowadays due to work commitments.

huskie, really ah? Ur fren managed to get a unit of GD? Dun mind sharing how much he paid for the unit? We still hope we will eventually get a unit there.

Really very tired to cope with my heavy workload and taking care of the kids nowadays. Think I am gg to stop breastfeeding soon...
hi.. speedread..

sorry to hear abt those hbs who have to leave sg for work... not gonna be easy for ur girls..

whahaha how u manage 3 kids in a room? u knocked down a wall or what? my room oredi so messy with QY's toys .. dunno how meimei gonna sleep inside there next time. sherwin's up 2x per nite coz of milk?? then stephen? how u rest????
Huskie..That's a lot of nosebleeds..but its normal for some preggy to get that many nosebleeds right.

Smurfy..Yr gal is lovely! A lot of hair too!

Jelly..Don't overexert yourself ok.. Hope the overseas arrangements work out for u and family.
She's very cute, soooo much hair!
Hee, makes me want to see my little bundle too, but hope I can tahan till full term cos I tend to have small babies.
What's her name?

Yeah, if you're feeling stressed, then no point pushing the limits in breastfeeding.
It's really not easy juggling both work and bf!

Can do such liver cleanse stuff when preggers?
huskie, my nose bleeds weren't as bad as your but I do believe it's pregnancy related and your cf food will be OK to eat lah.

smurfy, congrats on little princess.. what's her name? So now can shop to your heart's content for girly frilly stuff.. hehe

jelly, it'll be a tough year for him since Timor Leste is like the newest nation in the world and a lot of things are very very very backward.. plus he'll miss Beth's first day of school and their birthdays and all the festive occasions for an entire year! Ah well, hope we can work something out lah.. my hubby is not a man of many words so we'll have to work on long distance communication :p

Giggler, wah I really don't know how you can cope. I cannot tahan interrupted sleep!! Hope your two princes can start sleeping through the night soon!
Catz, Charis,
Yeah, when I told gynae about my nosebleeds, he just shrug and smile!
He shrugs and smiles about almost everything - pretty relaxed.

And yes, I am looking forward to cf food *drool*

I just asked hubby about your hubby's reservist being so close to your EDD... he said when he attended some course last time, some bloke also deferred cos wife giving birth anytime soon.
He says can try to defer leh, afetrall, it's for family's sake.
But of course Catz' hubby may know better since he's a regular.

Anyway, if your hubby really has to do his reservist, make sure there is someone staying with you OK? E.g. your MIL or mom.
What are your confinement plans?
I didn't really do a proper confinement when I had Sarah (and the nosebleeds). I was in the US. My aunty just cooked whatever she could with more ginger and sesame oil lah. But, I did have one problem that time... I had a broken capiliary in my outer ear that kept bleeding at the slightest touch. It would really bleed, like dripping blood. Took a couple of weeks to stop. Don't know how that happened though.

Lovely baby! Congrats again!
I'm not taking any chance this time with confinement - hired a cf lady for $2k. A little expensive, but we think it's worth it, esp. if I am not having #3 (although I would really love to!).

Last round with Soph, I didn't do a proper confinement - ate steamed fish and steamed broccoli everyday (no ginger, no sesame oil, not even stirfried anything)... I fell sick after 2 weeks, C-sect wound hurt like mad when I coughed, and then milk supply was really low cos I didn't have any soups, had a needle pierced into my nips till they bled when there was a blocked milk duct... total nightmare for me!
Actually, to be frank, I almost fell into depression esp. when hubby had to travel for long periods during the first 6 mths after Soph was born.
Friends and this forum mainly kept me afloat during that time!

After cf lady leaves, I think I'll try to freeze some food to standby too. Heard from a friend that I can get cf lady to deepfry ginger shreds and keep them in an airtight bottle, so I can just sprinkle them over my food after she leaves.

Re. nosebleeds, my SIL had nosebleeds 3 times in a night when she was in 3rd tri, and my bro brought her to an ENT specialist, who ruled out nasal cancer after doing some scope. ENT guy said there is a broken capillary and then he "burned" that open wound to close up the wound so it wouldn't bleed again. My bro told me that maybe I should go see an ENT specialist, but eh, I am not willing to part with $200+ when my gynae simply shrugs it off and it's such a common thing amongst you girls too.

btw, you won't be upset if my baby is a boy and we name him Gabriel too yeah? :p
Hubby really likes the name and I guess his mum will be happy since it's a saint's name!
But of course, we won't know if baby is a boy or girl till it's born
Been busy with my no. 2, her name is Xin Rui. Have not decide on her english name yet.

She's putting on quite a bit me weigh so much that during if jaundice check the doc and the polyclinic suggest we can hold on a bit to her feeding. Drag to 3hrly feeding instead. But that you mean i have to either bear with her cries or i give go to pacifier.

Re: Gina Ford 7am to 7pm schedule
Anyone tried using the schedule for a 2 week old baby?
My gal can sleep much in the day and more waking hours in the evenings. Though she'll sleep well after her last feed at 11 plus.
Thus i hope to put her in gina ford's routine.
Say she's sleeping soundly at 7am than i wake her up or her feed and disturb her Till 8.30am then let her nap? But say she wakes up, drinks her milk then she'll fall asleep immediately. How?
Somemore i'm bottle feeding her ebm. The feeding time is ouch shorter than latching on so its tough to keep her awake for so long hours.
smurfy, she looks so demure... looks like u

charis, my hb also never defer for zz. his was 1 wk b4 my EDD... luckily zz didn't come out earlier n waited for him. he chose not to defer becos he wanna be with his mates n not other team. act i believe they can come out if wife is in labour lor. but for 2nd birth, it might be faster so if u concern, can try to get yr hb to defer?

re: kids sleeping together. ya my two kiddos also slept in same rm as me. nowadays zz also bunk in together on bed. ya v cosy when 4 sleep together but sometiems quite squeezy... normally when i wake up later, we will put either one or both in their own play pen.
Good morning mummies.

My Ayurvedic teacher said it's good for both mummy and baby. She gave me contacts on 2 mummies who did it before. Called one of them and she told me she even did the cleanse once every month. Her delivery was very fast and smooth. Baby healthy too. I did once so far, and seems okay

It's a good idea to have confinement lady. I regreted not having one too last time.

Would like to ask for advice. This time round I will be engaging a confinement lady. I am planning to total bfeed. Should I let baby sleep with confinement lady in the same room? Also thinking if it is a good idea to have baby, my daughter and both hubby and me to be in the same room suring the first month.

Also, I am wondering if it is okay for me to take food with alchohol now (cooked). Will it harm my baby? My mil prepared chicken with alcohol yesterday. She said cooked already shouldn't harm baby. Is it save to consume during preggy and during bfeeding (especially during confinement period)?

Goo to hear u are blessed with breast milk. If u have access do freeze them for backups. About Gina Ford I am still reading her book. hope I can cope with baby this time.

Kids and baby sleeping together with parents:
I wonder when would they be ready to start sleeping in their on rooms.
sap, for me, first 2 mths at least she stay in my maid rm so tat my maid can feed her my expressed milk while i have my rest. also bbs tend to wake up more often so i didn't wan to cause zz to wake up in middle of nite due to screams. would suggest tat u expressed milk for cf lady to feed her so that u get enough rest n when cf lady gone, u got the energy to take over. just my thoughts.

abt food w alchohol... ya heard if it cooked, it rather ok cos vapourlise liao. but i play safe, b4 i eat, i expressed out milk liao. then i eat n i will wait for a while then i pump out. if it within 6 hrs, i throw away the milk.

but i didn't take any alchohol during preg so can't really comment if it good lo.

I've quite a pkts of milk freeze in the fridge..

running out of space soon.

How can I better dispose these additional milk? Anyone buys? keke
Sunsweet and garfield,
How did u manage to store extra milk while breastfeeding baby? You girls are so blessed. I was having milk supply shortage with my first one. Was so stressed. Luckily I persevere. The first month I have to sub with powder milk. Do share how u and when do u pump the extra milk

Your girls are so sweet!! Are both of your pricesses sleeping with u now?
smurfy, your bb so gentle looking.

sunsweet, nice pic! Envy that you have extra milk.

Re: Sleeping together
we cant bear to let my kids share rm with maid so everyone in one rm. Sher is getting better with sleeping thru. At least he only wakes up ard 4-5am for milk. And they can continuing sleeping when bb cried for milk. It's me who cant get enuf rest lah. Maybe I shd stop bfg totally but cant bear to stop. Sigh...
Hi all,
Hope some of you still remember me. Have been away for quite sometime but I do 'keep track' on what's happening in this thread. First of all, I would like to congratulate all mummies-to-be again and to those 2nd/3rd time mummies

Life has been 'exciting' these days with 2 kiddos. Norelle is 30 mos today and she is already in 1/2 day nursery now. She's adapting very well since the 1st day. Didnt expect her to like school that much. She didnt even realised that we're 'gone' and didnt look out for us. So far so good. Preston on the other hand, is 7+mos and he's a cheeky baby. He's a big eater and now he weighs about 9+kg. I have stopped bfeeding completely but the ironic thing is that, this time around, I had much more milk compared to last time BUT Preston couldnt take my EBM. He'd had diarrhoea whenever he took my EBM. If I latched him on, he's ok. But at work I need to refrigerate them ma. Even those refrigerated also he could take. *sigh*......so when he turned 6 mos, I gave him FM instead.

I still have 20+ packets of EBM in my freezer and already thrown away another 20+ packets from my MIL's. All 4 of us is sleeping in one room now. But my boy still wakes up for night feed and I hope to move them to their own room when my boy is able to sleep through.
ur last confinement sounds like a nitemare..so hb was away since sop was born?

me again having nitemare breastfeeding... dunno can tahan for how long.. :x
What kind or nightmare are u facing now? I though second time would be easier? I remembered u are also one of the fortunate mummy with lots of breast milk.
Sap, dun envy me... i didn't say i have excess milk! haha the most I had is few days supply nia. during initial mth, i do throw those tat might be contaminated by my medicine or alchohol just to play safe. n if run out, i do give supplement FM. dun stress yrself ok?

invest in a good pump. it really save yr time n energy lo.
I now have 2 saperate Avent electric pumps and one manual. Hope it's good enough. Last time I was using manual for up to 5 months!! Taking 1 hour to empty my breast in the office. Torturing really. later added an uno Avent electric pump. One side manual and the other side electric. Take half an hour to empty breast.

Hope this time will be better
I remembered my gynae adviced me to latch one side and pump the other side to stimulate more milk. Let baby drink the pumped milk if not contented. I can't do that with the single pump. This time I will try his method with the electric pump
Did some updated on my daughter's blog. Feel free to visit. http://xinfaye.blogspot.com/ Not much time to include pictures as my company don't allow us importing files in the office. Will try my best to attach pictures soon.

Any mummies have a blog that I have not add in yet?
I am amazed at XF's ability with jigsaw puzzles! 24-pc ones are no joke for a 2.5yo... Soph doesn't even have interest in a 4-pc one

Re. this liver cleansing method, are there any specific herbs/juices that we require?
I read the first link, but it doesn't tell much... guess we have to read the book itself.

It's really good that you have such a good supply.
How about giving your #1 some of the bm?
And can share what you're eating/doing to have such a good ss?
Who is doing confinement for you?
How come nightmare on bf? Thought your ss is quite good?
If it's over-supply and blocked ducts, just bear with it and use warm compress, massages etc.
Remember to standby some LC tel numbers in case you need it!
Hang in there!

Yep, hubby was away most of the time during first 6 mths after Soph was born. He was only home on average a week every month for that first 6 mths... then he couldn't take it anymore, so he changed his job.
i also don't know why this time i have so much supply. Now producing about 1.5lt of milk daily. My gal drinking 1lt at most. And the doc at polyclinic was tell me try not to demand feed anymore as she had put on 1kg in 2 weeks which is too much for newborn. They should only put on 200gm per week.

Re: my confinement help
My mum had been cooking confinement food for me while i stay with my in law so they also help me with both kids.
As for what i eat? Papaya fish soup twice. And daily i'll have a herbal soup and fish in my meals.

I have my 2 lt of red dates tea everyday.

For alcohol, DOM, I add it in soup so the alcohol will evaporate off before i consume.

Did not try any other milk boosting method yet.

Maybe the manual pump suits me too that's why good yield. I pump 4 hourly. May be extending the intervals soon to be able to handle 2 kids better.

Re: jaundice
As my #2 has jaundice as well so i replace the midnight feeds to formula milk. And it does help cos at day 17 she cleared her jaundice test. So i'm happy. Bb is happy. Everyone happy.
sunsweet, u using manual pump? wow that good yield! u really fortunate! u can try giving to lil J... tat time when G is drinking enough n I left some, I would give zz. tat explains y i have few reserves too... but i dun wanna keep milk for too long as i scare not fresh.

now i still not letting go of my bf... guess nxt wk, i will stop completely... well...
Sap, ya it much better using electric while u latch the other so u can balance... dun worry... when the day comes yr mother instinct will come n help... haha
Thank you for the compliment. Xinfaye started playing with her 3 to 5 pieces of puzzles when she was very young. Upgraded her when she can solve them. She loves and enjoy playing with the puzzles. Always asking me to get new onces for her. I guess different child will have different interest.

Liver cleanse:
Ya, it's better to get the book and read for better understanding. For my family we attended talks from a lady who is very experienced. Some of the books she recommended:

"The Liver & Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse" have every details on how to perform the cleanse.

Do give your access breast milk to your #1. I wish I can do that. Now, already telling my daughter if baby comes out she will not ble able to take mummies milk as baby will need it more. Poor thing. Maybe I can aske her to suck after baby suck
Can help stimulate more milk.

confinement food:
"Papaya fish soup twice" Do u mean daily? And fish everyday?

Why want to stop bfeeding? Nothing can compare to mother's milk. It's so precious. Do reconsider.
yah it's over supply as usual.. bb drinking 60ml.. me producing 100ml... i went parentcraft 2x oredi for congestion... sianz... last nite keep on massaging but one side still congested...full but cannot draw out milk in the end this morning took out the old and trusty avent manual.. hopefully it can help me clear the congestion by today while bb is bottle fed... :/

think after today bb dun wanna be on the breasts anymore.. everyday oredi a struggle coz nite time is bottle fed by CL.. and daytime she will struggle on the breasts.
giving breastmilk to #1..
everytime i ask QY wanna drink milk.. he said no.. and immediately took a sip of his plain water.. whahahhahaa
Gald to hear your supply is as good now. About QY, you don't have to let him know it's your milk. U can mix it with other food or drinks. Don't waste leh. Heart pain as i am those who have to work so hard for milk.
Sap, not tat I wan to stop but it really getting v little. n furthermore i pumping once nia... no pt lo... save the time to bond w the kids more.

act I could have prolong the bf if i not posted to this ulu place... cham... but luckily still can hold till she 1 yr old... good enough.
Hi Sap,
Ya, I'm from KL. U're in M'sia too rite? Which part?

When I had my girl last time, I bought the Avent Manual pump and it worked well for me. When I was carrying my boy, I bought a 2nd hand PIS as I wanted to cut short my pumping time when I'm at work. I had avery bad engorgement the 4th day after delivery and the PIS didnt do a good job. IN the end I used back my Avent Manual pump again. For the 2nd time around, I had more milk and the let down was much faster so my pumping time was 10mins flat using the Avent Manual in the office. Wasted my money in buying the PIS. And it's still there laying in the room :p

I did tandem pump when I was feeding my boy. Much faster and yields better result. But need lots of practice. Once you get the hang of it, should be quite easy.
Your girl is so adorable. Very cheerful girl

I am staying at Bukit Jalil now. Didn't realize that u are from KL. Think forgotten. Good to know. Can share more stuff. He heh.
Huskie, Garfield..Rgd my hb's reservist- He has informed his direct i/c..it seems that for this kind of case, usually no problems for deferment..But I told him if he wants to stay with his unit by all means go ahead..BUT he must be around during labour, delivery, n my stay in the hospital..after tat will ask my MIL to stay with us to help out..n pay her a reasonable allowance.
So now depends if the training schedule allows him to be absent for a few days..if not possible then I guess he has no choice but to defer.

Saphira..Xinfaye progressing very well with the puzzles.. It takes perseverance too to complete puzzles..she's very mature.

Yael enjoys puzzles too..so far he's quite good with the 4-6 pieces..I have yet to let him try more pieces though..Now he's very into assembling train tracks and lego.

Smurfy..Good that yr supply is abundant..and very early too..but guess u have to watch the engorgement..
Dont give up on direct latch-on..
Last time, my boy took weeks before he could latch on properly..I alternate between bottle n direct, so the sore nipples can rest.
Sap, thxs.

Charis, ya hopefully he can take some days off if really kenna same time. but i guess it rather diff? cos maybe for labour n delivery, they let him off for tat period... not for too long? not sure but can try. cos i rem asking my hb to take time off if i really labour. worse case. ya i also dun wish to face it alone lo.

now my hb no need to serve liao... haha
Hello girls,
My BIL's gf who stays with him (and my MIL, PIL) was just diagnosed with H1N1!
So scary - MIL just called and told me to stay away from them and not drop in unexpectedly.
Good thing I haven't seen them in the last one month, so should be safe.
Not sure what implications H1N1 has on preggers, but I'm not gonna risk anything!

Hope your congestion will clear soon! It's really not easy to bf baby when there's congestion cos baby cannot suck anything out - I had the same problem with Soph that time... poor baby just cried and cried cos she was so hungry but cannot get milk out.... this mommy also cried cos breasts were painful and baby was hungry!

Good that your hubby can defer, cos I don't think the army will wanna take the risk with such cases, plus govt is supposed to be pro-family mah.

Thanks for the links!
For the fish soup it's twice within this confinement month.

I'm using avent manual. I bought the Freestyle. But it took the same amt me time to get the same yield. So i sold it off after 1 try.

your gal looks v much like QY...


so sweet ..ur two little princess

Gemma so cheerful!


timor leste is a exp place to stay in...my ex co got a office there, whenever our staff is outstation there, their expense claim is so high..a meal easily cost USD 20..and the hotel rooms have no mirror or bath tub??!!??
wow, havent come in for a while and so much happening.

catz, so sad that your hb will be away for a yr, hopefully can work out something for him to visit on important date or at laest CNY when its supposed to be yi jia tuan yuan.

birthday stuff, hey, remember to let me know if u spreeing ok??? Very very keen! When will that be?

smurfy, sunsweet, congrats on having your princesses!

sap, my two kids are also sleeping in the same room as us.#1 on our bed with us, #2 in her cot which is placed next to our bed. In the first mth, #2 slept in the cot with the cf in the children's room. But once confinement lady left, we moved the cot to our room as we didnt want maid to sleep with the children. As my gal slept thru at abt 6weeks, the disturbance to my son was minimal. But during the 2 weeks when she woke up at 3am for milk, my son managed to sleep soundly
Hopefully it will work for you too.

Confinement - Its v impt to have a good confinement, both my kids were during CNY so paid almost double the rates still it was worth it. everyone said I looked radiant aft confinement which showed that I has rested well.

Garfield, well done, u managed to bf till Gemma is 1 yr old think that is great! Was it total bm throughout? I have started to supplement with 1 FM feed at 9,30pm recently. But I am still storing bm in the freezer, in fact no space already. My ss has dropped a lot too, so I am not sure how much longer i can hold on to. At the moment my target is to bf till 9mths old, after that will be bonus. Dun think I will b able to cope with work, bfg and new maid all at once. Esp my work is the toughest towards end of the year.

Plus I intend to move the kids to their room when the new maid comes, so lots of changes coming soon.
huskie, ya take care... they say preg woman must take even more extra care so guess u have to stay away from them! tat includes yr hb as well. u mean bil did not kenna?

cherry, ya there is 1 pt where i fully bf... then when I move to site, which was abt 3 mths ago, I partial bf as was not producing enough liao. supply drop as I couldn't take time to pump in ofc. then I was throwing away the ofc pumped milk too as I feel the "air" here is not so good.

starting from today, I will stop. hopefully no blocked duct. so tired noe as ytd, celebrated G bd... she was so happy eating her bd cake... zz got abit jealous but towards the end, he was happy too... glad it ended well.

Gemma is such a pretty and cheerful little gal! And you are doing a great job for being breastfeeding her for so long! I think i will be stopping soon as supply is dropping and I will be travelling very often in the coming months.


This is for you! Thanks to the portable high chair, it makes feeding her so much easier, and she seems happy to be "tied up", at least for now. Haha...

Huskie, Garfield..I prefer him to defer..but i understand that having to go to another unit is quite sian for him..But we hav not told asked my MIL whether she can help us out..knowing her she so scared she cannot manage etc..thankfully Y will be older and more independent by the time baby arrives.

Jelly..Yr gal has big big eyes..so cute!
