(2007/02) February

huskie, hehhe u know when I am pregnant I dun have to worry about being fat! Now I am desperate to get rid of my flabby everything, its a huge turnoff. Hate to see myself in the fitting room.

skinnybabe, yes, I believe that FM is better in nutritional value than fresh milk. I have ordered the stage 3 milk already plus some stage 2 as we will have to mix them for a while before moving to entire stage 3. I think in the past, people eat less processed food so maybe taht's why still quite healthy and also less stressed at school and at work. Now things have changed. Anyway, our generation also drink FM right? I remember drinking FM until very old like primary school.

I bought lots of pampers, lugged back on my own.

Catz, i spent about $600 after 20% discount yesterday
damn shiok. And I had so much fun looking at the leapfrog products. Now I feel so bad to ask my sil to lug those toys back from US. She is also buying stuff for herself and mil, so u can imagine...I think I better get her a gift too to make it less paisay. Maybe shop online and send to her home...then she will have 1 more item to bring back hahahaha

my A has been sleeping since 9.45am, still sound asleep, dun know if I should wake him up

humm which brand of FM u got.. so soon upgrade to step 3?

i am using mamil gold intend to use it till my gal is abt 18 mths.. cos as i know mamil step3 has sugar but not for step 2..
Hello mommies!

Have been following this thread but have yet to post here...infact, I just finished doing through the threads...finally!!! Yeh!

A brief intro of my bb and i...my bb, chloe is born on 1st feb. think there are few bbs here that are also born on this date. I am part-time working and SAHM. On certain days, I will be at work and certain days I will be at the beck and call of my daughter.

Have a QUESTION for you moms...
Do you bring along milk and food to feed them when you bring them out? Or you schedule your trip out so that you feed them before you leave home and reach home for the next meal? Coz I have a problem here. Chloe is does not like to drink milk (she used to be ok with FM for a few weeks when I tired to wean her off breastmilk, but now she seems not to like FM. And we have tried almost all the brands on the market). And she does not like cereal. Her lunch and dinner consist of porridge with a combi of fish, pork, carrots, potatoes, onions, corn, spinach, broccoli, tofu etc etc etc. Her afternoon tea will consist of 60ml of FM (if she drinks at all) and at times, steamed apple with brown rice cereal from EYS. I will nurse her in the morning and at night coz now my milk supply is only enough for these 2 timings and she does not like to be cradled when I nurse her (she normally lies on the bed when I nurse her), so I cannot breastfeed her when I am out.

Missed your last gathering so I would like to join you gals and your bbs for the CHRISTMAS GATHERING. Hope this is the latest updated list...sorry if I missed anyone out accidentally...

venue: anchorage function room (opposite IKEA alexandra)
time: TBA..should be noon (est 1-5pm)
food: will split cost between mummies for buffet

thursdae 20th dec PUBLIC HOLIDAY
1)Rachel + josh
2)fat_babe + tyty
3) stella + cherish (hb TBA)
4) jelly + Yunxi
5)smurfy + QY (HB TBA)
6)pekochan + Yunzhi (hb TBA)
7) milkshake + YR + HB (TBA)
8) garfield07 + zz (HB TBA)
9) chocbabe + Ryan + HB
10) longan + Shaun + HB
11) Sunsweet + Smiley J (HB TBA)
12) nana + hb + ryan (TBA)
13) huskie + hb + Soph (TBA)
14) pumpkinni + hb + chloe
welcom pumpkini!!...

i bring milk powder out...then not enuff..juz buy can food n feed...kekeke...or baby bites biscuits...coz he dun go out often anyway...haha

wakakak i also drink FM till 6/7...quite true la..my baby also quite poor thing..always eat jug food or cereal...

hahah i think one of the joy of motherhood is to play "fashion" wif babies...so i cannot stop buying...got this tee for tyler which says "ladies man"...wakakka...tot its so cool!!
Hi Sunsweet, A is currently on similac follow on, when he hits 1 yr old, I will mix similac fo with gain IQ, before progressing to Gain IQ totally.

Oh, I will want to attend the gathering:

venue: anchorage function room (opposite IKEA alexandra)
time: TBA..should be noon (est 1-5pm)
food: will split cost between mummies for buffet

thursdae 20th dec PUBLIC HOLIDAY
1)Rachel + josh
2)fat_babe + tyty
3) stella + cherish (hb TBA)
4) jelly + Yunxi
5)smurfy + QY (HB TBA)
6)pekochan + Yunzhi (hb TBA)
7) milkshake + YR + HB (TBA)
8) garfield07 + zz (HB TBA)
9) chocbabe + Ryan + HB
10) longan + Shaun + HB
11) Sunsweet + Smiley J (HB TBA)
12) nana + hb + ryan (TBA)
13) huskie + hb + Soph (TBA)
14) pumpkinni + hb + chloe
15) cherryale +hb +Ashton

update on A's trial class at TLG
that boi was ok until halfway through the class it was his nap time and he was super super cranky. Cried and cried and cried..stopped for a while then cried again. But he couldnt sleep there as there were too many distraction. So, finally class ended but we have to bring him for a haircut. I cannot take MIL's nagging me about bringing him for haircut anymore so definitely must do it. Again cried at the salon. the stylist was very nice, helped me to pat his backside to get him to sleep, so we literally had to cut his hair while he was sleeping. Then, hb wanted to visit his grandma, so again cant go home to sleep. But he managed to sleep soundly in the car. Anyway, it has been a long day for him, poor baby.

huskie, sorry since A was so grouchy, couldnt stop to talk to u. Your soph is so cute
well since the class is full, I will not be joining until the Jan term. The hours are also better either 5 or 6pm. Will u sign up for jan class? U mentioned your hb prefers another gym? What is the name of the gym and why? Actually my hb thot the TLG stuff is not v useful, he prefers something where baby learns something. He said its just exercising..

skinnybabe, A actually dislike jar food, today he has no choice but to eat them but can tell he is not as enthusiastic as compared to home cooked food.

pumpkini, I tried to schedule my outings with A after or near his feedings. eg. we have church on sun at 11.30am, so we will heat up his porridge, veg etc and put inside a thermal jar. We will feed him when we arrive at the church. Then we will try to reach home before his dinner time around 5.30pm. He will have a FM feed at 2pm but its manageable as he drinks pretty fast. Wht do u do that allows u to work part time? I find that part time jobs are so hard to come by in Singapore.
cherry, wow, that's a looooong day for little A!! Beth would be too grouchy to bear!! So I try to let her nap as much as possible even though we are deviating from schedule :p

skinnybabe, both my kids LOVE jar food leh. I have a whole cupboardful of jarfood for going out!
As for dressing up kids, yeah I think u and I sama sama lah.. I LOVE dolling up my kids too much!

pumpkini, WELCOME!!! For feeding at home or outside, it really depends.. I do try to do as much feeding at home as possible but then again, with 2 kids, it's just not humanly possible if we wanna get out of the house at all! If I know my girl is cranky, I will feed her as late as possible so that she'll be too hungry to get distracted by outside goings-on. Of course, you gotta train your kids to sit in high chairs to eat. That makes feeding them outside a lot easier. Or train them to eat when in the pram. That's what some of my friends do too. For me, I pump out for my girl's last feed so I will heat up the EBM and bring it out in a thermal sleeve to keep it warm.

Hv just switched my little piglet to #4 Avent teat and she drank 8.5oz EBM for the last feed before conking out at 6.45pm. not to mention that she has been eating a HUGE dinner at 4.45pm everyday. And thanks to wonderful flaxseed oil (muacks to huskie for this fantastic recommendation), she's been pooping daily!!
Hi pumpkini

i'll either try to feed him b4 we go out & TP dinner from home to be fed outside or TP lunch & try to be home for dinner..
i'll oso bring 2 portions of FM, 1 for his usual feeding, 1 for emergency (in case didn't go home in time lo..)

sometimes dun really like to go out lo cuz gotta bring so many things!
can't pack light
Sorry to hear about J's op. My hubby got a friend also had this condition when he was a baby. He is now 30 yrs old and just had a baby boy. Dun worry too much, after the op, they an lead a healthy normal life too... take care...

Pumpkinni, my boy also born on 1st Feb. Our outings never schedule around his feeding times. When outside, either bring out the porridge in a thermos, or feed jar food, or buy the plain porridge from crystal jade. Very cheap $1.50 only.
me that kind nv sign in 1 lo
so everytime wanna post a msg, gotta key in password, username & email le
hate to use vista lo
cuz even sign in oso will keep prompt me to store password & username for future use a not
troublesome rite!
Welcome to the thread!

For feeding outside, I normally bring my food in a Thermos. In fact, I prefer to feed my baby solids outside, cos I realise she eats better and is more well-behaved when outside.

Heee, remember don't OD beth on the flaxseed oil hor!
Do you find her skin/eczema better after taking flaxseed oil?

Don't be too bothered by A's behaviour... when Soph is sleepy, she behaves the same way too. The gym instructors are used to the babies

Heee, A is very good-sized leh! Haha, now I believe you when you said he eats more than 10 cubes of food!

Eh, you must tell your hubby that exercising to a baby is not "just exercising"! They learn A WHOLE LOT from the exercise! Is your hubby talking about learning from flashcards? I think BJG (Baby Jumper Gym) in Bukit Batok uses flashcards. GUG (Growing Up Gifted) at United Square also, I think.

I'm not sure if I wanna sign up for the Jan term, cos the weekend timings are not ideal for GF babies. Only the Thur 3pm timing is good, but I want hubby to join in also leh. So still considering lor.

The other gym is Gymboree (which has branches in Tanglin Mall, Parkway & Vivo). I took a trial at Tanglin Mall on Deepavali. Hubby likes the gym facilities but don't like the instructor's fake angmoh accent. I also don't like staff at the reception area... very fake & disorganised/blur. Today I called up the branch at Parkway; the girl sounds really nice and friendly over the phone so I'm thinking whether to try out their classs.

Why hubby likes Gymboree gym:
- It's similar to TLG's, but the mattress has better grip/traction, so easier for babies to crawl.
- Also more features like slides so more fun
- And they change the gym every 2 weeks, so you get new layout and features.
- Once you're a member, you can use their Playgym (i.e. without instructors) for $8/hr, as long as they're not having birthday events... so it's quite a nice "playground" outing for baby.

Hope the above info helps!

P/S. I think Parkway is also very near your place
Hmm... the fruit is not too cold yeah?
Eh, at least your baby just gives Yucks look. Mine will gag and gag until my mum tells me that my cooking is bad!
fat babe,
Hahahahaa.... for once I got a big scare... that such a small baby got pneumonia!

Eh, such a coincidence, I was also thinking about ang zi gu ni yesterday... observing all my dad and my uncles to see how tall they are since they took condensed milk... but most are quite OK in height leh, don't seem to be suffering from a lack of calcium

I'm also wondering how to wean off my baby cos she doesn't like FM. Might just end up feeding her ang zi gu ni since bm taste like that.
sorry ya hvn;t refund yet
yup tried to give him 30ml lesser, & he did eat more

think cuz he finally accept FM so juz wanna make him drink as much as possible lo ;P
Hi Pumpkini, welcome! Yup, like some of the mummies, I always try to schedule my outings after his feeds. However, if there is a need for him to have his meals outside, I will bring the porridge out in a thermal jar as well.

Chocbabe, thanks for the info about buying plain porridge from crystal jade
I will bring some ikan bilis powder out next time and just feed him with the porridge and ikan bilis. It makes a meal too, yah?

And mummies, thanks for your concern and encouragement. PD called this morning and said that Dr Sankar from KKH will see to the operation. Date wise, still not confirmed as he is away on a holiday. So we have to wait for further notice. According to our PD, it has to be done pretty soon, like in a few weeks time as a condition like this cant be dragged till it's unoperable... Yes, mummies, would appreciate it if you could pray alongside with me and my family... All of us have not been able to eat and sleep well... for me, I get emotional very easily so when someone mentions it, tears will roll down my cheeks. It has been tough the whole day trying to pretend that nothing is happening in front of Julian... but i know I need to do that as I can feel that Julian can sense my feelings and thoughts.

Tried giving shredded cheese to my boy after getting some advice from you gals. Add into his breakfast cereal and he is ok with it. So, not at least i know even if he doesnt drink much milk, there is still some calcium from the cheese that he is taking.

Wow, Cherryale! What did you buy with $600??? Thats a lot! Think i will drop by Robinsons tomorrow to see if I could pick up some clothes for myself. eversince I became a part-timer, I have not been pampering myself with new clothes.


I would like to join all of you if Julian is well enough after the op. So, mine will be TBC.

venue: anchorage function room (opposite IKEA alexandra)
time: TBA..should be noon (est 1-5pm)
food: will split cost between mummies for buffet

thursdae 20th dec PUBLIC HOLIDAY
1)Rachel + josh
2)fat_babe + tyty
3) stella + cherish (hb TBA)
4) jelly + Yunxi
5)smurfy + QY (HB TBA)
6)pekochan + Yunzhi (hb TBA)
7) milkshake + YR + HB (TBA)
8) garfield07 + zz (HB TBA)
9) chocbabe + Ryan + HB
10) longan + Shaun + HB
11) Sunsweet + Smiley J (HB TBA)
12) nana + hb + ryan (TBA)
13) huskie + hb + Soph (TBA)
14) pumpkinni + hb + chloe
15) cherryale +hb +Ashton
16) graceofgod +hb + Julian (TBC)
Eh, BM also very sweet leh... you tried it before yeah?
Haha, but my mum will freak out lah, if I feed baby condensed milk. I'm currently trying out goat's milk, but she gags at it too!

So good leh, your boy accepts FM now *envy*
nv had a good nite since my boy came into the pic le
my sleep debts can't see the ending lo!! keke

me think KKH good choice too!
but dun let those trainees come near him k!!!
but i can't latch him anymore lo
cuz he'll bite me le
& me bled lo

cuz he too use to teats liao
can let him abuse lo ;P

can't enjoy the joy of BF anymore *sob*
huskie, eh, don't feed her condensed milk lah.. it's waaaaay too sweet! I was an S26 baby.. so darn fat! :p Beth ah, she has the best appetite and like my hubby, not too discerning tastebuds, she laps up Isomil!!
But it does give her slight eczema.. or should I say, breastmilk gives her nice skin and any deviation makes her skin a little bumpy. How to give up bfeeding?? :p :p :p As for flaxseed, er.. I give about 3/4 teaspoon leh.. it's a bit too much still hor? Heee.. What are the side effects of OD'ing apart from diarrhoea?

gak, it's ok babe, take your time.. but not too long..hahahaha..

GOG, I cannot imagine how upset you are and of course you have to be brave for little Julian. Why not put a prayer request into the church office? Power of prayer!

cherry, $600 is easy to spend hor?
I used to spend $200+ on cosmetics alone.. haha..
the fruits i gave straight bak from supermarket!
but think yogurt too cold??

hehe..mine will gag too le
till i feel so depress lo
cuz i wonder my cooking so bad meh?

but his meals always rojak like that lo ;P
so can't blame him oso
OMG.... Soph's been biting me recently too, even though I never give her bottle much (only tried twice so far). When she bites, I unlatch her and scold her, then put her in her cot to go to sleep hungry.

Eh, I think for our babies' age, half a teaspoon only leh!
Not sure about side effects of too much flaxseed oil leh... but too much of a good thing is also not good lah!
Hmm... I think if Soph continues to reject FM, I just have to sneak fresh milk into her food after 1 yr old liao. Can you believe she gags at her oatmeal cos it contains FM?
Eh, how does Isomil taste like? I've got a tin at home... wondering if I should try it on Soph.

hope julian will be on road to recovery by then!!..keke then can bring and let all the aunties sayang...kekek


got try before..very sweet but light le...maybe mine diluted..wakkaka...condense milk got a very "ewww" sweetness le...haahah v high in sugar la...


yes...s26 is VERY sweet!!!>..
gak, i agree with you. when I was weaning julian off bm, it was emotional as I was actually beginning to enjoy breastfeeding. However, milk supply was really low and I saw no point latching him lo... so stopped. now come to think about it, we have all gone thru the toughest time when it comes to breastfeeding... and there is no regrets cos words cant describe the joy that we experienced in breastfeeding.

Hi gak and huskie!
Think when our babies gag during mealtimes, its not due to our lousy cooking
most of the time, I realise that julian is either too full or that the texture is too thick and coarse for him. Dont worry, my hb always says food handled with love is the BEST and we should be proud of ourselves.

Catz, thanks for the suggestion. My DG members knew about it and they too asked me to put up a prayer request into the church office but I am hesistant cos worried many will come and ask me about him. Then I will get too emotional again... Think I might do that nearer his op date. Now, its tough for me to talk about it.
yup bled but juz a tiny bit
but it's very painful though!!!
didn't realise till i was expressing today

hmmm..if i put him in his cot hungry i can't v a peaceful nite too le
GOG, no lah, I think ARPCians are pretty sensitive to stuff like that lah.. but of course if you're not comfortable with it, then don't do it lah.

huskie, ohmygoodness, you are more nazi than me!! Put her into bed HUNGRY?! Hehehehehe... the apprentice has out nazi-ed the master!
Er.. ok will cut down on the flaxseed.. Haha.

gak, ouch.. bleed ah? Your boy so fierce?
hmmm...come to think of it,
think that's his que to show he's full

i do wonder y he can eat so much solid & yet still drink milk without gagging
but if he're to do it the other way round,
he wld surely gag & refuse to eat lo...

hehe...think he's mad at me for weaning him off!
wahaha ;P
wow mummies, you gals are damn fast, just a morning and so many postings. I shall reply on my fav topic shopping first!!

Catz, i havent even touch cosmetic cos hb was with me! My counters for clarins and shiseido are at taka and tangs respectively, so in order to accumulate points, I can only buy there. btw, with 2 kiddos now, do u still spend a lot on cosmetics? I remembered in the past at SB forum u are quite a champion in the number of foundation, blusher etc etc that u bought. Do u still go to BI?

GOG, poor gal, I can understand how upset u are and have to be strong in front of julian. We will pray for Julian's op to be a success. Yes, do go and buy something for yourself. It is impt to splurge a little on ourselves sometimes to regain some sanity. As for what I bought at robinsons, i got a safety gate, 10 packs of pigeon cotton balls, 3 packs of pigeon wipes, BUDs anti mosquitoes lotion, 2packs of pigeon detergent for bottles,utensils, 1 dress, 1 pair of pants and 2 camisoles for myself. Havent decide on the car seat but need to buy one soon as A is super uncomfortable in his maxi cosi now.

gak, no discount but I order 12 tins each time so no need to keep buying.

huskie, A's size is deceptive. He is not as big as he looks but he has a round face thanks to mummy so he looks chubby
Sop has pretty good size thighs too
I love to look at baby's thighs.

parkway parade..i was just telling hb that maybe we can go there today for lunch. today we all overslept, too late to go to church (guilty

I dun like GUG, its too fake. I sort of know the people who started it. DUn want to say in a forum but I will not send my kid to them.

huskie, pls NO condensed milk!!! its not good for the babies. As for isomil its for kids who are allergic to cow's milk. The taste is a little weird but we do use it to cook adult food sometimes esp in recipes that uses coconut milk.

mummies, when u feed yoghurt, do u heat it up or feed straight from fridge? I have been feeding A cold yoghurt as i am not sure if the good bacteria will be killed by the cooking. So far A is ok.

gak, so good your boy can signal to u he is full. For A, we have to signal to him that he is full. He will continue to open his mouth as a sign for food even after he has finished his food. We will have to give him water, tell him lunch is finished then give him his toy before he will stop showing the chewing motion
cherry, omg, you remember me from SB days? teehee... yah those were the days I splurged A LOT on cosmetics.. now ah, no lah, no more. SAHM how to spend so much? My hubby not high flyer mah.. No more BI already.. have not popped by to see the gals for a long time. Did you go there too?

gak, no lah, I don't think he's angry with you lah
Hi hi mummies, missed those times that I can chat with all of you. How's everybody??? Sher is getting naughtier each day leh. Now he likes to make "grr grr" sound once he's angry, really sound like wrestler. Hahaha
catz, of cos remember u lah.. u bought so much!
Actually must thank u for recommending the stila convertible colour for blusher. I am still using that sometimes, its a faker for good natural blushing look. I used to go BI but didnt sign up for more after my previous course ended. I like Jessica but the location is not too convenient for me. BUT I may go back to her again as I find clarins institute too crowded. I am the type who decides there and then I need a facial so need a more accomodating facial place.
graceofgod, sorry to hear about Julian. Yes, do let us know when the surgery is. Will keep him in prayers.

cheeryale, wah... u happy shopping huh? I spent my long weekend staying home most of the time. Timothy was only 7.9kg last Monday and my guess is, he is max 7.5kg today. He was sick with stomach flu for a week, and spread it to MIL and BIL. They both ended up vomitting and diarrhoea too. T has recovered 90% now but now, he doesn't fancy eating anymore. Sigh, so unlike him previously. Luckily, he still drinks milk or otherwise, YY Yip is going to tell me that T is underweight
ur boy so cute!
think i prefer that le
cuz sometimes he simply refuse to open his mouth lo

always a chore to feed him le
like want his life like that
always eat till very messy oso!
then i need to clean up after him le..
gak, you funny leh you.. :p Thanks for the refund and doing the BP!
See ya soon haha..

Guess what? My son has caught conjunctivitis. My MIL had redeye that day and still insisted on carrying both my kids insisting that I am too paranoid. !@#$%^&* Now my son has green gunk oozing out of his eyeballs and red red eyes. Not to mention he's already gone to KK A&E on Deepavali.. tomorrow gotta bring him to pd again 'cos he's still got flu PLUS now conjunctivitis. !@#$%^&*(@#$&*(#
wah liew ur mil oso 1 kind 1 leh
always so inconsiderate!

ur son so poor thing!
wat happened to him on Deepavali??

the other day my mil's birthday me oso quite piss off...
my mil's sick, my bil & his gf oso sick still carry & KISS my boy!!!!
lucky he nv fall sick lo *phew*
my bil's gf still can comment wanna bring him home wif her since i complain not enough sleep...
she say not enough sleep only wat so big deal meh
she think so easy to look after babies loh!!
Rushing off now. Beth now has a fever and I need to bring BOTH to the pd. ARRGGHHH.. thanks, gak.. I hope both of them get well soon!

hope beth n timo is well

GOG, be strong. Julian is a brave boi.

Gak, i read from one of the thread abt the feeding? or u wan to drop the 1 a.m feed?? think he drink alot! or is my zz drinkin v little?

huskie/ fat babe, zz still coughing. but sometimes seems better. this morn got some phelgm manage to come out too. he also coughing since late sep... starting just cough now got alot of phelgm. but he no flu n fever.
so much posts...

i oso bringing Qy to the PD the moment he finishes the milk... smelly urine.. quivers whenver he wants to urinate.. sometimes tip of penis is red.. scared UTI..
Hi all...

Friday on half day leave to go back JB clean up my house, as 2 cleaners were there to help clean, so we monitor. The place was so dusty! After a whole weekend of clean up at least now it is liveable.

Now scrolling the posts to see wat's on here over weekend.
garfield, i started having menses 2 months after i stopped bf and my menses have been irregular since. Used to have very regular menses every month (every 28 days), now the menses come after 30 days. But thank god, no more menses cramps though still have discomfort at tummy area.

This Thursday and Friday gg to be on leave, as my aunty gg for cruise so nobody take care of YX. But hubby will fly to Beijing today!!! Sianz... He actually asked me whether want to join him to Beijing but i scared the weather too harsh for YX plus pollution there is pretty bad, so decide to stay put in sg.

Graceofgod, so sorry to hear about Julian's condition. Our babies are stronger than we thought. I believe Julian will be stronger and healthier after the op.

gak, ur boy eat little? I think he eats much more than YX though they born on the same day! YX currently only have 2-3 times of milk feed (180ml each) and 1-2 solid food (cereal or porridge plus 2-3 cubes of pureed food) per day.

smurfy, i just bought 2 packets of Pampers Active size L for $46.00 from NTUC last week as there are promotion. How much is the 30% off?

U all msn? Nobody use skype?

Welcome Pumpkini!!! For me, we do not schedule our outing b4/after my baby's feed. I will bring either milk, or heated pureed food (if lunch) for her. And yes, baby bites and gerber star biscuits is a must if we are gg to have meal outside and not her milk time yet.

Catz, glad to hear Beth's appetite has been so good and poo everyday! Must be such a relief to u...

Cherry, got ur sms last saturday on robinson sale but was in jb. So envy and want to go shopping too last weekend, but end up mopping and eating dust in my jb house.

Catz and smurfy, hope ur kids are ok now...
You use Isomil to cook? So interesting... first time I heard leh. Can share with me how you do it -> do you replace Isomil for cocomut milk 1:1?
Maybe I'll try Isomil on Soph if she continues to dislike goat milk.

Hope your kids get well!

Quivering when urinating sounds quite serious! Hope it's not UTI... very painful leh... poor QY!

I think the $46 for 2 packs is the 30% off promo, cos I bought the same as you too.
Normal price for Pampers Active L is $34 per pack, so $46/2 packs works out to about 30% discount. It's a really good deal! I had to go to 3 NTUCs and 1 ShopNSave before I found my L sized pack!
I fed Soph egg yolk yesterday - tried the organic eggs... woah, a whole lot of difference in taste! The hard boiled egg yolk is not powdery like our normal eggs, but more spongey and tastey... color deeper too!

Your BIL's gf not very diplomatic hor? Ignore her comments lah... she'll know what it's like when it's her turn next time!


zz also quiver sometimes when he urine ley? but i see he got no prob. but u better check since u saw redness rgt?

jelly, cherry, thxs for menses info. I will take note.

me rather bz today so not much time to tok here...
is so cooling today... feel like sleepin though!
