(2007/02) February

mag, I think u don't need the Avent lor.. u got so many pumps and the Lactaline is a solid pump already

Giggler, yah it's really gross.. :p

Sorry, I know I keep asking about the Avent pump and bottles. Gig/Catz, why is disp bottles better? Dun u need to sterilize the bottles anyway?

Gig, yah, for the 7 pack set shortsleeves bodysuits at mothercare is going for $42.40 after 20% less. There are still quite a lot of stock various sizes (got designs for boys as well as girls).

Btw, where do you gals get the pyjamas with front opening so that you can wear it in the hospital after delivery?

mag, honda cars are very good. I have driven hondas all the time, from civic hatchback vti to civic Sir to integra. All manual cars and they all lasted well with minimum problems.

Ah ger, I keep having this stupid thot. U know I am looking to buy my own car so that I can drive home after work instead of waiting for hb to fetch..after watching princess hour, I am seriously thinking of getting a green beetle (of cos in the show its a convertible which I cant afford). Even the normal beetle is so expensive. The best part is I used to hate beetle's shape cos its so round. hahaha, I think I am under the princess hour poison.
Ah ger, think your niece still dun really understand lah. But got to keep telling her that there's a didi to play with her next time and she got to sayang didi leh. Placenta looks like brain???

cherryale, I dun mean that disp bottles better lah. If you haven got any normal bottles, then you can get the set with normal bottles leh. But if you want to try other brands for normal bottles, then you can get the disp bottles and use the disp bottles as storage for your bm.
I got those pyjamas from Robinson or JL, brand is Karmy. Cost $16.90 when I saw them at JL last week.
Ah ger,
I see. It's good to be able to get hand me-downs. Saves money. Better check with your BIL then, whether it is an infant seat or not
. Sekali you find out too late that your bb can't use it then have to rush out to get one.

Yah. If you want to save the trouble of getting 2 car seats, then get those that can be used from 0 yrs to 4 yrs. For the first stage, usually the car seat is placed in a rear-facing position.

Yup. Sarah is diaperless in the daytime now. She's been diaperless for over a month. It took quite a while for her to be reliable. I had lots of accidents while training her, since June or so.
Tell you a funny story. My friend recently bought a car. They have a boy same age as Sarah. So their neighbour promised to pass them their car seat.
When they finally got their car, they went to get the car seat. What a joke. They found that the neighbour's car seat had NO SEAT BELTS!!!! The neighbour had cut out all the belts cos their child didn't like the belts. Strange or not? What use is a car seat without the belts? We all had a good laugh.
PVL, WOW!! I'm aiming to get Tim out of diapers too but doubt I'll get it done before the little one comes along. Er.. car seat without seat belts is just irresponsible parenting.

cherryale, if you're going to store a lot of BM, then get the disposables to freeze up. U can sterilise and re-use up to 5 times.
Catz, thanks, since I dun know if I will have BM or not, I will stick to the normal bottles. Will go and check out the britax car seat since its on sale now.
Don't worry lah. If you bf, you will have BM. Remember, it's a demand = supply thing. If you feed less, you will have less. So if you bottle feed, then try to latch on, then chances are, your bb will take less, and hence, you'll have less. Or if you latch on, then bottle feed, bb is very very full, will feed less often. Hence you will also have less.
cherryale, agree with PVL.. it's purely demand and supply.. only 2% of women have physiological problems providing enough milk

Heading off to KL for the weekend to see my ailing grandpa.. will be back on Sunday.
Cherry - beetle is nice! Bt then very exp. Mini cooper is nice also.

Gig - I dun tell her tat, mum tells her though. Mum said nx time she will b da jie da (big sis big) ha ha ha......

Yeah I find it a pc of soft soft yucky thing.

PVL - dun hv to rush lah cos during the 1mth I wun b going out to anyware also, so by then just ask hb to buy lor, if really necessary.
Catz/PVL, thanks for the encouragement, hopefully I can at least do full BF during the 12 weeks. Subsequently will be tough since I have to travel for work.

Catz, hope your grandpa gets better.

Ah ger, went to the motorshow at suntec last night, not many brands participated this year. But hb was excited at the subara booth..thinking of changing to the sti WRX..but I strongly objected cos the 2.5l monster is a petrol sucker, average we will have to spend about $600 per mth on petrol compared to our 2l car now which spend about $300 plus. Also roadtax for 2.5l is higher. Dun know why guys just like fast cars, not like we can drive very fast on spore roads.
Cherry - u went arh? Tis morning's Wo Bao showed some Ferrari & Lambos - so shiok leh......... The man is damn rich...

Actually it's so stupid to hv a Sin made Subaru. Who wanna buy? If Sin really wanna mft a car then jolly well do a Sin brand. Ha ha ha....

Yeah, we can't speed in Sin, everyware has cameras & traffic lights, dunno need such a gd runner for wat. Ha ha ha........
Catz: Have fun in KL. Hope your grandpa feels better with you there.

Cherryale: I think all men like cars. My hb also wanted a WRX at one point in time but subaru cars drink a lot of petrol. I think they like the fast pick up, like the first out leaving all other cars behind at the traffic light. My hb also like that. ha

Ah ger: I'm only week 25. Phew!
Mag - all of us r almost there! Jia you!!!!!

Tis morning I scooped milk powder to ofc cos las 2 days I din drink then I felt guilty...

hey ah ger, actually i didnt drink milk at all leh...more guilty! coz keep vomiting and milk makes me worst! btw, so in the end, you got a Honda Jazz is it? Honda car is good but maintenance is high! we are driving a civic too and spend alot on maintenance!
Ah ger, yes the ferrari are really nice, drool...lambos booth is just beside ferrari. I dun like WRX, in fact before we bought our current car, hb was looking at WRX and I strongly objected too. Now, he is starting to think again..haiz. Not just cameras and traffic lights but lots of white Subaru along the expressway to catch speeding cars!

Mag, yah, my hb is thinking between the following cars now Honda Euro R, Evo and WRX sti. All fast cars..think its those stupid racing shows lah.

I am entering 26 weeks on sunday. Hey gals, I will take orders for the confinement shampoo and ginger body wash when I am in 28 weeks which is the last week of Nov since some of you are ahead of me, so by the time the goods arrive, you all will need to pack the hospital bag already. Think about it and let me know then ok?
Catz, take care during the long journey.
Hope your grandpa is better.

Ah ger, I may try to find the oil if I gg to Indo the week after next. You want to try? I can help you to get if I'm buying. I didnt take much milk this time round too, just dun feel like it.

mag, yup... I'm so happy it's Fri. Hopefully can get some rest tmr.

cherryale, dun worry too much on bfg. If you tell your mind you can do it, you sure can do it!
Always rem DD=SS!!!

Wow, you gals are really into cars huh?

Ah ger,
I also don't drink my milk so regularly. It makes me feel too bloated. But I have calcium tabs that I take daily.

Don't you intend to put your bb into the car seat on the way home from the hospital

You will be able to bf with some determination. But cos you'll be returning to work you'll probably need to start pumping and storing in the 2nd half of your ML.
haha...maybe you loaded...just joking. No lah, i find the servicing is much more expensive than other brand cars which we have driven previously.
Doggy - hv to make sure u hv enuff calcium. I read frm the net, bb nw takes in @ least 200mg of calcium per day. If u dun hv enuff then bb will take urs then u will end up having calcium deficiency.

Yeah we got a Jazz. I know Kah Motors maintenance fees are high bt then it's only the 1st fw yrs. After tat u can go get ur own repairshop. bt again if u wanna void the warranty also can, jus tat watever prob u face u go outside immediately lor, dun go back to Kah. bt 1 - 2yrs we rather play safe, dun do anything to the warranty yet.

Cherry - I was abt to ask u on the shampoo/ ginger shampoo - hw much did u say they cost? Hw long can 1 btl of shampoo last if we r really to wash our hair everyday?
tks cherryale......for organising. kind on interest in the Ginger shampoo. Perm hair can use anot ?

Sold our Honda streams abt 5mth ago. Basically, Honda is a good car. If is new car ...not so much maintance lah. Unless is 3 yrs & above.

PVL....looking at the stick chart makes me feel so good tt we are all almost there. Still remember when we were 1st doing it we r all in the bg. now we are reaching the finsihing line.
JC, ya... time really flies hor? Imagine that time we still 'anxious' to go through our 1st trimester but now we're entering into our last trimester liao.
PVL - just that short distance is ok one lah. imagine those ppl who take cabs also no car seats mah............

Cherry - I think doggy meant the maintenance/ svc fees charged by Kah Motors & nt say Honda cars need high maintenance.
Hi Mummies,

I am one of the mummies from Nov thread. I have one extra new packet of NEPIA pampers, Newborn size (60 pcs )to let go at $14. Self collection at East Side.

I also have one extra set of brand new medela mini electric milk pump with warranty to let go at $150 . Self collection in east side too.

For those who are interested, please pm me or email me at [email protected]
Just now looked back to the very first archive postings. A lot of mummies not active anymore here. Wonder how they are. Looking back when first did the pregnancy test at home on 22/6 which shows positive, followed by confirmation by GP, and until now, seems like just yday but we have been thru so much. A few more months we will be holding our bbs. Will surely miss my pregnancy journey when i carry the bb inside me all the time.
Hi ladies!

Yeah! Friday is here..tmrw seeing gynae..will get the report of the detailed scan.

Still talking about cars..Im not so knowledgeable about cars..I only find out which are the cheaper but reliable makes, in case one day my hb think of buying then I'll present my research to him..haha!

Pvl n JC..ya..i totally forgot about the ticker line..
I think we should start displaying them..

Ah ger..thanks for the pics..I like yr dresses! U put on some weight huh..can see lah, starting from midd 2nd trimester..But still as pretty!

Aiyah..same as me..I dont put on much by weight..but my hips n butt are much bigger now..had this problem when I gained weight during my poly days too..
Anyway I complain to my hb that I have huge thighs, hips now..n he say no leh..he always say I still slim..nonsense! Then I ask him how what to do with my thunder thighs etc..then he said.."U diet, go aerobics 3 times a week lor!" Then I said, "U nuts!" Then he scold me..say "Of cos cant do that right?! SO dont bother doing anything until after confinement!!!"
Haha..i kena scolding!

I feel like "scolding" my gynae leh..he forbid me from exercise..he said "Antenatal classes start only at 24 weeks.." So I assume ok maybe 24 weeks onwards can exercise also lah..BUT by now, put on so much fat already..muscles all flabby..fitness level go down, tummy big already..who on earth want to start exercising now??!!
Jas, ya...it's def diff by having bb inside your tummy and carrying bb on your arms.

Charis, hehehe... I keep telling myself to go to gym during preg but till now still haven step in leh. Too lazy liao. Dun feel like doing anything this preg. Hb complained that I dun 'talk' to #2 as much as my #1 also. Sigh........
gig, can we go gym? the only exercise i do now is walking and do housework. Thinking of go swimming too but lazy lah...
Jas - I will miss the preggie days bt nt the 1st tri's feelings + the aching pains nw. Ha ha ha......... if only being pregnant doesn't hv all these then all women will enjoy the preg.

Charis - me also supp to c gynae bt postponed. Still hoping for miracles to happen *pray*.

Charis - me also an idiot towards cars, it;s ony when we are researching then I hear tis/ tat.

Charis - my green top is frm PM, purple top frm Bugis village ($15 only), grey capri frm PM (Jas has tat), then my dresses, short cardis all frm PM. Then the blue shorts frm Spring lor.

I put on nt only some wt bt is ALOT of wt. Ha ha ha..... My hb also say I m crazy abt being 2 conscious of wt gain. He said wait till the bb is out then lose, for nw, dun think abt anything else!

Nwadays bcos my rib-cage pains like nobody's biz, when I eat I cannot bend over 2 much leh.... Sobs..... hv to sit straight & eat. *kelian*
I don't exercise too... I simply am too lazy. Haha

Just pig it out till after confinement then start lor. I tried going jogging about 6wks after my first boy, I nearly died man. Haha... And i realised after exercise, my milk supply also dropped. My daughter, never bother already. Weight dropped with breastfeeding but still need time lor. What to do.... our sacrifice as mothers.
Koh, when is your due date? Think u are one of the first few on our list hor, so I will use your timing as benchmark. Typically my friend can deliver within a few days unless out of stock. So my plan is I place the order for us, then we arrange to meet (maybe we can have the gathering then) for all of u to collect the products.

Doggy, oh, you mean the servicing at kah motor. It is always expensive to send back to dealer which is the same for every brand. So,I only send to my normal mechanic for servicing.

JC, it should be for all hair types. It only said that its for confinement purpose. Can I post a link to the website here then you all can read up and decide?? Is it allowed?? Or maybe better for me to send to the email list that nana collates?

Gig, yah, seems like a long time since we have started chatting on this thread. Most of us now have about 3 more months to go.
ah ger, i dun have morning sickness and the pains from day 1 so for me kinda enjoy the "prestiges" of being pregnant.
ya, why rib cage pain ha? maybe u shd call/email ur gynae and ask.

Just order a dell desktop online for our house and hubby bot a laptop (claim from company). We ask for a webcam too. So next time can chat and see hubby for free thru internet from home when he is overseas. Ah, he is gg off again next Monday. Sianz... Today we gg to celebrate his bday in a nice restaurant in JB. Looking forward.
Koh - I asked him b4, he said like wat Jas or another gal said, cos inside is expanding, tats y it may hurt. bt he said luckily it's nt right side cos right side has all the livers & etc.

My pain is like u know bruised pain? Just by touching it already pain arh...... Getting worse nwadays lor. If I try to stretch my bck straight, the ribs tare also pain.
I wonder if the muscles inside were hurt. Sobs......

Btw, I got sms frm Metro - 20% storewide frm Fri - Sat till 11pm. Gals who wanna c if they can grab some cheap bb stuff can go & take a look.

Modern Maternity Arcade L3 also sms me on their new arrivals sale.
1 @ 8%, 2 @ 18%, 3 @ 28%.
Cherry - I think since u r posting the link here for our reading purpose it's ok mah, u r nt the seller also.

Jas - I've asked gynae on the pain many times already bt then tare's nothing also. Same thing as the back & butt/ thigh pain lor. I ask some of my colls who'd bn preg b4, some also say they hv those pain, so I think it's normal. Bt sometimes when I bend I can feel like the veins kena pressed on, feel like crying.
Cherry - mine was supposed to b exactly 3mths frm yest, bt since I hv asked bb to cme out only during CNY, which means I still hv 3mths 8 days to go (@ least). Ha ha ha.......
Jas, can go gym to do light exercise, eg cycling. Good good... at least you able to 'see' your hb when he goes overseas.

Ah ger, ya lah... dun think too much abt wt gain now. Most impt is that you're taking balanced diet, that'll do.
I cant bend nowadays too, guess bb is 'longer' now. Heehee.... Need to be Metro member to enjoy the sales?

mag, for me, bfg helps me to lose all my wt after 1 mth lah. I didnt put on much wt and also think I lack of sleep that time.

cherryale, think it's ok to post the link here bah. I'm considering to get the shampoo...

my due date is 02/02/2006, i am the first one on our list, gynae says i will be 2-3 weeks early as i have sign of early labour... so i think takes order in the end of nov should be ok.. thanx
JC - u want c-sect mah, I want natural + OVERDUE! I was complaining to hb, all the pains I m suffering nw, I wonder hw to tong until overdue? ha ha ha......

Gig - sometimes I wonder, when we bend over, does tat affect the bb's growth? Nwadays when I bend dwn arh, like Ah Fat Auntie leh...... cannot totally bend over then the butt face up high high. Ha ha ha........

When I squat dwn nwadays, I also feel my legs like very tight already..... las night started doing the leg lifting against the wall, hopefully the water retention goes off.

No need - it's open to public one!

I told hb abt the Pigeon sale 2mr. Bt then we r so tied up w/ things so can't go.
Our heater got tripped yest, so the serviceman is coming 2mr. Since yest already bathing in the common bathrm, nt used to it.

HI gals

since we are on the topic of cars..i am "proud" to declare that i belong to those 0.1% of sporeans who dun have a driving license!!! so paiseh, so old liao still dunno how to drive. think if i drive , i will be like caijing in the princess hrs show.

btw congrat ah ger on getting ur car liao.

its friday..yippee!!! tommorrow is my 25th birthday ( thick skin hor)
