(2007/02) February

bitbit - yes, hb & I bk a car already, collection end Jan.

Yeah, waiting patiently for ur pics.

hi gals

good morning!!! waiting for my hb to come back then go down for breakfast. so hungry now..

ah ger,

i have viewed ur pics..wow ur tummy looks big, considering u r small size to begin with. seems like u put on more after 19weeks hor. for me not too much of difference cos i am already chubby b4 preg. maybe i should also take some preggy pics.
Hello everyone,
Did not get to chat much lost track already. Can anyone advice me on what to do during confinement period? I am the first in the family to be pregnant. My mom and mom inlaw also don't know much. Are we suppose to use special shampoo and and herbs for bathing and wathing hair?
By the way, I went metro sales yesterday. most items are at 20% off. bought advent pump and non under wire bras and some bb items. spent $300 plus. trying to get all the bb items. tonight they will be opening till 11am.
Yup, just about 3 months to go!!!!

I think I asked you this a while ago, dunno whether you replied or not (sorry, cos sometimes too busy to read all the posts).... Why was your #1 a C-sect? Is Dr Han more pro-natural or is he quite quick to offer a C-sect?

What you do during confinement depends on how strict you want to be...

Very strict:
No fan, no aircon. No bathing, definitely no washing hair. If bathe, must use herb bath. No 'playing' with water whatsoever. Eat only confinement food. Drink only the longan-red date drink (no water even!!). Rest a lot a lot. Massage and bind tummy. What else??

For me:
I will definitely have my fan or aircon if necessary
. I will definitely bathe, and wash hair (not every day though). Bathe when the sun is still up, not at night. After a normal plain water bath, I would 'cong' with the herb bath. Eat confinement food. Drink longan red date tea, and water if necessary. Massage etc. I will probably need to bathe my girl but maybe only after the first week or so (after my hb finishes his leave). Bb needn't have a bath until umbilical cord drops. Just a 'cotton wool bath until the cord comes off. Can't remember what else. Other mummies can share what you do?
Oh sorry, think I had miss your question coz I had been on and off here..

Duno if Dr Han is pro-natural or not but I think it's case by case. Nearer to my due date for my 1st one, I was sent for a detail scan judging from my height, the size of my tummy and bb weight. Dr Han said that I cannot deliver naturally coz bb is heavy and too big. A week before delivery, I was sent for scanning again to determine bb's head circumf. Sure enuf, bb's head was too big to pass thru and with my height, will be very long cut and difficult if gonna be natural delivery... Final decision: C-sec is better, quick and less pain.

PVL, was Sarah delivered naturally?

saphira, haha.. think we are almost same case when my 1st was born. I was also the first daughter and DIL in the family to have delivered a baby and so my mother no experience also. Now my mum very experienced already and can handle my bro's baby girl. Seems like my son is a guinea pig, coz my mum gave him a blanklet since baby time, now he is almost 2 and cannot give up his blanklet and everywhere he goes, his blanklet follows. He is dragging his blanklet to childcare too!

stella, i tink becos tis is ur 1st pregnancy, tatz y ur tummy "not much different". Mine tummy pop out big as watermelon around 4th month +.. I look so big now and my breasts big also like "fatty woman walking down the street".. yuck.. so ugly me, ** sob sob **.
PVL, do u think our EDD will come to be the same? My EDD will be 22/2, I will be C-sec this time round too and not sure if it's gonna be earlier than expected?

Hahaha..let's guess, who first?
hallo ladies, I'm back!!! My grandpa is doing pretty OK, apart from the fact he refuses ALL medical treatment. It's true lah, doctors make the worst patients. He's self-medicating..*sigh* So stubborn. Anyway, it was a nice shop-eat-eat-eat holiday.. spent most of the time at KLCC or at my grandpa's. Suay suay the idiots next to us at the Ascott were having wild party so I had such a bad night's sleep on Saturday.. sianz.. but thankfully I'm OK inspite of the long drive.. but hor, starting to pee more and more now. More troublesome.

Ah Ger, I am also horsey
Too bad the govt scrapped the incentive for graduate moms to hv 2 babies before 28.. if not I ho say already :p
Stella - yeah lor, bt funny leh, u gals here all say my tummy is big, bt my colls all say for my stage 6mths+ almost 7mths my tummy is considered small. So could it b bcos of the shot & angle? me very small size meh? I started w/ 52kg leh till date put on 9kg lor. Bt yest when I was @ my gf's hse, she couldn't tell I actually put on 9kg, was guessing abt 6kg.

PVL - I will def on my aircon, esp CNY period - it's def very warm weather - hw to hv aircon/ fan off???????? Even when u stay in hospital also has aircon already.......

Many of my gfs said bb's vaccinations r very exp, any idea hw exp can they be? Hw often do they need to b jabbed? I haben research much on all these man....... seems like still very far away.

bitbit - me also 1st preg leh........ maybe bb's helping Stella to look pretty? Whereas ours are kicking so hard tat we look bigger? ha ha ha.....

Catz - glad tat ur grandpa is doing fine. Elderly usually r like tat, they prefer their own medicating style. Bt think tis way, @ least he's medicating & nt sitting tare nt doing anything.
bitbit/ah ger..

i also got mixed comments..some say my tummy small, some say very big. mine grew fast during the 3rd/4th mth, after that grow slowly liao leh.

ah ger,

yah maybe its the angle or photos tend to look bigger than real life.

or maybe urs is a boy boy , thats y tummy grow faster? but i am sure all these are secondary, most important is bb healthy.

i will also on the aircon or fan during confinement. the weather so hot, how to tahan? lucky my mum says can bathe and wash hair. she even recommend me to go downstair salon to wash and blow dry so i wun feel tired. dunno wat my mil will say leh.
ah ger

jabs ah, depending on go pte or polyclinics loh. if pte (going to padietrician) will be ard 100 or more each visit bah? no sure also.. also got so many type of jab , wat 6 in 1, 5 in 1.

if go normal GP, maybe cheaper abit

i intend to go polyclinic for jabs, then if got illness then bring bb to padietrician/GP. For our case, if we apply CSC card for bb, the jabs and consultation for bb is very cheap. less than 20 per visit, but the quene is terrible loh.
Ah, I see. Sarah was natural birth. She was around 3.4 kg. I had to push about 60 times to get her out, and only after my midwife did a cut did she finally come out. But then my hips very big leh, so big bb should be no prob. Did you have a choice as to whether you wanted to try for natural?
My EDD is around 15/2, a week before yours.

Dunno how much truth is in that article. Lots of pple can post strange things on the internet. It's impt to get a balanced view. Would you rather your child die of a disease which you might have prevented through vaccination? Anyway, when your bb is born, you'll get a health book with the vaccination schedule. I think 1st vaccine is BCG and Hep B given at birth. Then at 2 months (DaPT), 6 months, 1 yr and 18 months there is a booster, as well as MMR. These are the standard vaccines. You can opt for others like chicken pox, Pneumococcus (Prevenar) and rotavirus. With Sarah I only took the standard ones, + Prevenar (cos she started her first dose in the States, where it was standard). Yah, we went to the PD for her jabs - very ex, but our PD does a complete developmental assessment each time, so we like that.

The only problematic vaccine that I have heard is the MMR, which has a very slight chance of developing autism in children. But then this is not conclusively proven. Some parents delay the MMR til they are 2 when the brain is better developed. But in most cases it's nothing lah.

Our children need to have all the standard vaccines before they can enter P1. There is a certificate for them when they complete the course, by 2 yrs.

I heard that babies get priority at the Polyclinic. Dunno how true.
Morning everyone,
Hi Stella, hows your birthday celebration? Actually i attended my cousin's wedding, some said i'm big too whereas all my frens said small! anyway, as long as bb is healthy like wat you said, we shouldn't worry too much

Welcome back, Catz, glad that everything was well for your grandpa...btw, you are so young too!!!
Ah ger, I dun really want to buy too many bottles of the shampoos etc cos what if I dun like it?? In the past, I only have friends asking me to buy more of the body wash for them after I gave them the hamper as a gift. But no one ask for more shampoo leh. Think we better try first and if like it, then order again.

I think I am very fat now, I bought 3 nightgowns from JL yesterday. Omigod, at first, when I saw the Karmy nightgown, I thot that only very fat gals can wear it cos its huge! BUT when I tried it on, it fits damn well, the tummy took up most of the space...sigh...why have I become ah fat now??? Then yesterday night, I went to a tibits store to buy biscuits, saw two types of biscuits so I asked the storekeeper which one is nicer and first thing she said was 'wow your baby so big, buy both lah!' faint..

Sap, which metro did u go? Is the 20% sale still on? How much is the Avent pump after discount? Is it better to get the pump with the bag (on-the-go set) or just the pump with bottles?
Morning gals...

Went for routine checkup yday. Bb double her weight over the month, now 764g (at 25 weeks), but mummy put on another 2.5kg, total increase 8.5kg. sob sob...

Abt tummy size. Everyone commented mine looks small for 6 months. But hor Friday nite we went to have a big dinner - beef steak + nachos + chocolate brownie (i finished 3/4 of the brownie. Wo...), then afterthat i went home and found my tummy suddenly grown so sharp and big! Even my hubby commented so. Was thinking whether my 2.5kg was mainly contributed by the friday dinner. Haha...
cherryale, oic... my fren is the sil of the owner of the biz. What's the hair powder for?

bitbit, you went thru GA or epi c-section the first time? Ever thot of gg thru natural delivery this time round? My col went thru epi c-section cos she had a breech bb for her #1. She managed to go thru natural delivery for #2 leh. If you gg for c-section this time, it'll be apporx 2 weeks before your EDD.

stella, go go go and take some preggy pix and compare.
That's what my col did leh, went to salon to wash and blow dry hair. You dun need to queue for bb's vaccine.

Ah ger, maybe it's your angle of taking pic of your tummy. You can always go to Polyclinic for bb's vaccine. It's the cheapest and you dun need to queue for bb's vaccine.

Catz, good to hear that your grandpa is doing fine.

PVL, those nurses at Polyclinic also do thorough check for bb nowadays leh. That's why I intend to go to Polyclinic for vaccine for #2 instead.

Jas, your bb grows so fast...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No #</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Weeks</TD><TD>CRL(cm), wt(g)</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hosp </TD></TR><TR><TD>(koh)liling</TD><TD>2-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>27 weeks</TD><TD>900g</TD><TD>Dr S T Chan</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Saphira</TD><TD>3-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>22 Weeks</TD><TD>388g</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>3-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD>364g</TD><TD>Dr Yu Suling</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>fat_babe</TD><TD>4-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22weeks</TD><TD>621g</TD><TD>Dr CH Koh</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummy2b</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20weeks</TD><TD>15.2/356g</TD><TD>Dr Tang</TD><TD>KL </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloe</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2 Boys,1 Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>jojo</TD><TD>7-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>500g</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC/MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah Ger</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24w3d</TD><TD>675g</TD><TD>Dr Tham Kok Fun</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>starlite</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w5d</TD><TD>320g</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>vambbit</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20weeks</TD><TD>14.8cm</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>ck</TD><TD>11-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>23w3d</TD><TD>586g</TD><TD>Dr Tham Kok Fun</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jazzcy</TD><TD>11-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD>12-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>26weeks</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggy</TD><TD>14-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>PVL</TD><TD>15-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>charis</TD><TD>16-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22weeks</TD><TD>400g</TD><TD>Dr. Goh Y.C.</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catz</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>octbride_78</TD><TD>19-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>cherryale</TD><TD>20-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>23weeks</TD><TD>759</TD><TD>Dr Tan Hang Yang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smurfy</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w3d</TD><TD>312g</TD><TD>Dr Phyllis Liew</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>natty</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>thenuahcouple</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng Tun Lan</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>bitbit</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25 weeks</TD><TD>500g</TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JC</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20w5d</TD><TD>379g</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>leomom</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24 weeks</TD><TD>700g++</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>chea</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18weeks</TD><TD>9cm</TD><TD>Dr Henry cheng</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>mag</TD><TD>23-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w1d</TD><TD>328g</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giggler</TD><TD>23-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>21weeks</TD><TD>445g</TD><TD>Dr K.H. Chan</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunsweet</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>m&amp;m</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr C.H Koh</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25weeks</TD><TD>764g</TD><TD>Dr Koh/Dr Chu</TD><TD>JB </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Princes</TD><TD>20</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Princesses</TD><TD>13</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Gig, so your friend is gary's sis?? small world. I intend to use the hair powder to absorb the oil after giving birth/b4 my first bath so that I can look presentable in photos.

Just changed my appt to this sat, so I can look at baby again
Hope I dun put on too much weight. Somehow, my gynae's weighing scale always add another 1 kg to what I weigh using my home scale.
Morning ladies...

kindda busy today. Popping in to say Hello..

Glad all of you doing fine. I had a busy weekend too...
morning to all..........

2day on 1/2 day so will MIA on/off frm here cos need to rush my things. Just realised 2mr mtg then I haben complete my Mins. *oops*

Stella - actually I dun really care big/ small tummy lah, so long as bb pop out, is healthy, I can regain back my figure can liao. Ha ha ha.......

yeah I hv the CSC card bt then hv to depends lor, in order to sve tat few $10s, worth it to do the wait or nt?

Cherry - can ask ur gfs abt the shampoo? Then I can gauge? Cos some of them may nt wash hair daily, hence if they use only once or twice a wk then it's enuff to last them thru the mth cos it's only 8 washes.

Actually y shld we buy nightgowns? For hme use? Cos hospital has hospital clothings mah. Oh, my coll says TMC doesn't provide clothes for u leh, my sis also said she wore her own.

Jas - dun worry too much, u still lose me. Ha ha ha, I put on 9kg already, dunno hw much bb has put on though. Las chk up was 24w3d then bb was 675g.

Gig - hw cme bb vaccine no need to Q?

Cherry - my gynae's &amp; my weighing scale same measurement, only my mum's is heavier by 1kg.
Koh, thanks for updating!

cherry, ya, thot bb weigh after one month shd be 500g++ but she is oredi 764g! But happy lah to see she grows well.

ah ger, last week i weigh at my mum's place, the weight shows me still same weight as one month ago, meaning no weight gain. That's why yday very shocked to see weight gain of 2.5kg at gynae's place. Heihei... our weight gain almost the same lah. Hope will not put on more than 15kg for this pregnancy.

Sigh... Hubby flew off to PRC again this morning. Poor him, had bad fever and diarrhoe over weekends, and barely recover last nite then today gg off again. So worry of him...
Jas - I def hope I wun go beyond 15kg man! Right nw I m only 6kg away frm full term. By then will c a watermelon walking all over already. Ha ha ha.........

Oh - did anybody go to Pigeon warehse sale? I was chking out the bb's nailclipper - wah seh $9 leh. Wats so special abt bb's nailclipper? I c the cutter also like the same size as adult's clipper leh.
Good morning mummies,

Been reading some of your posts and noticed that there are some sales going on now in Spore. I would like to ask some favours from you all since Im not from Spore.

I intend to ask my friend to help me to buy some bb stuff from spore but I need to know the price. Can anyone tell me how much / the best place to get these stuff:
- Avent ISIS On-the-Go set
- Express Electric Steam Sterilizer
- Pigeon breast pad
- Medela PureLan nipple cream

Is there anything else I left out? Would be happy to hear some suggestions from all of you.
Mummy2b - I think these prices quite std leh.........

Avent I think u go their website may b able to ffind the price.

Pigeo Breast pad - 42pcs $12 (saw @ Metro)

the rest I dunno liao.
Ah ger, ok, I will email my friend. She is based in Shanghai now. The nightgowns are meant to be worn in hospital and then at home. Its those button down ones so easier to feed. so far, I saw all my friends wore their own, never the hospital ones. Also, its more comfortable. I bought 3 nightgowns, total cost about $50. Actually they are very comfy, so can wear at home in future.

Jas, think our baby will have growth spurts, sometimes they grow faster than the predicted growth rate. My hb also falling ill and coughing..told him to quickly see doc if not will infect me.
HI ladies.

Let me update on my gynae's visit on Sat.

Report on detailed scan shows everything is fine..praise GOD. I got to keep the scans. Im 26 weeks, baby is 700g..(koh can u update for me..thanks!) kinda light compared to some of yr bb's..but gynae say its normal weight.
My gynae got a new n more sophiscated scan machine, with a n extra screen in front n top of patient, n he showed it off..let us see the blood flow etc..haha.

I put on back the 3kg that I lost during my asthma ordeal..so that's good.

That where the good news stops for today at least..

My MIL pulled out a stunt again..this time its quite bad..story begins ytd when my hb's aunty came..I was sleeping, so my younger SIL open the door for her..n I think she was here to see my MIL n pass her some stuff..The dog was barking, then at same time, my hb came home from work (he work on sundays), so I woke up..then I greeted their aunt (who's my aunt too lah, but I dont know her well), BUT to my amazement, she was sweeping the floor, n clearing stuff in the kitchen..
I asked my SIL where's MIL, she was sleeping..SO I naturally thought, my MIL was ill, n she asked her sis (my aunt) to help with housework..BUT that cant be too..she has me, her DIL n her daughter, n a son to help put..WHY MUST SHE ASK AN OUTSIDER TO HELP?!
My hb n blurr SIL didnt stop their own aunt from doing the housework some more..I was unsure wats goin on, so I didnt want to ask anything. SO embarrassing ok..
COS later when my MIL came out of room, n exclaimed, "Grace (her sis), I didnt know u r here..why u doing housework. I got DIL n then u still come here to do housework..so paiseh!"
That was when we all got a shock! n then the problem started..
when aunt left, I explained my MIL the situation that we tot she asked her sis to come to do housework etc etc..then I scolded my hb for being blurr..n he in turn scolded his sis..BUT as she scold his sis..my MIL said (i was in the room), "Ya wat, got DIL but must ask other ppl to do housework!" My hb explained that I didnt know wat was going on. n said, "Mum u got daughter also right, she should be doing more, n be less blur! Then MIL said, "We all Chinese, the DIL must do all the housework ok!"
Wah that did it..I tell u ytd evening i couldnt stop the tears from flowing..I really felt very hurt.

My MIL seem ok..but inside apparently, she harbours a lot disatisfaction with me..n she never say..I didnt know she want me to do all the housework! I think the Chinese are unfair to DILs..u see her own 2 daughters dont lift a single finger to do anything at home..but I have been a lot since I married my hb..but not enough lah, now I discovered!

SOrry for the long story..u ladies are the only few ppl that I can share with..
Cherry - bt then I tot hospital clothes also are buttons infront. Nt meh? Hmm........... nvm, I go ask my gf again.

I wear slping dresses all along bt it's one whole pc. My sis wore those pyjamas @ hme w/ buttons infront.

I think I may just buy frm those pasar malam can already cheap &amp; comfy. Nobody sees it anyway when u r @ hme.
Thanks ah ger for the info. I tried logging on to the avent website but i couldnt find the price lists. Can anyone tell me which website i can find out on the prices for avent products?
ah ger last time I also buy the baby nail clipper for standby, in the end use 1 or 2 time throw aside liao. It's very difficult to cut and their fingers are juz too small..

Now i use my nail clipper (adult use) for cutting my son's nail, bo chup liao.
2day also bz bz for me.

Dunno hw to rush out the mins liao, &amp; I m left w/ only 1hr to go!

Charis - congrats to u puting on back the 3kg! It's really a relief!

Charis - dun b sad. Lucky thing u rhb sided &amp; shielded u also. Ur MIL very traditional thinking leh.......... hw can she say things like tat? Daughter also must do her part mah, nt say hv DIL then must b DIL who's doing. Besides u r preggie leh, bending up/ dwn is very tiring for u esp the back.

Charis - does ur mum know abt all these? I m sure ur mum will b heartbroken if she hears tat.
bitbit, I think so long as we use smaller nailclippers, they shld b ok right? Cos I c tat pigeon nailclipper, it looks like those hello Kitty those kind of nailclippers leh, nothing special, then cutter also nt very small.
To continue the story..
later on, my hb felt very bad, cos I was crying..so we talked..n he said he will talk to his mum..n he did..Im not sure wat he said to his mum..but never mind lah..damage done alrd..I think cannot salvage alrd..I think the best is to move out asap..I dont know if I can tahan, worse later when baby comes..
Anyway, she also discussed with my hb abut confinement, n guess wat she said..she cant do confinement for me..cos she cannot cope! Then she said if we want her to do, my hb must give her $1500! How can we afford that?! She said we can get our own CL also..Wah now then say this! She knows her son cannot afford..hy hb already sving so much for baby..n Im not working..she still can ask for so much..his own mother leh.

I very fed-up..I told hb said I'll ask my church ladies to help..they are more like family than his family..
I feel so hurt..

Anyway, i think again..n decided that I dont want to do confinement alrd..after all Im not pure chinese..I can say Im malay, I dont do confinement, jus eat normal stuff..so fed up..
So solve everyone's problem..
cherryale, ya better get ur hubby to get some medicine to recover soon. My hubby dun even want to share drink wif me in case he spread his virus to me.

mummy2b, me not sure abt the selling price of those items ur mentioned. sorry not able to help...

charis, dun be too sad, *pat pat*, at least u have ur hubby's support. Just get over it and be happy again, k?
Ah ger..Ya i dont want to tell my mum leh..she'll b very sad for me..n she'll ask me to move in with her..confirm..I dont want to them to think my in laws are 'mistreating' me.

Cant help feeling sad lah..I tot my MIL more 'virtuous' than tat..
cherryale, ya, Spore is small lah.
I gg for gynae appt tom, dun dare to think of my wt on the scale leh... $599 is good price leh, I think TMC is selling at $700plus but maybe TMC comes with other accessories, I'm not sure.

Ah ger, bb vaccine got priority in Polyclinic. BB still young so not advisable to stay in clinic for too long bah. So dun worry abt the wait.
Dun think GlenE provides gown leh. I rem I wore my own clothings after I gave birth in hosp. You can bf your bb easier with buttons infront gowns, you dun need to take out your whole slping dress just to feed bb mah.

Jas, your hb too stress with this new job is it?

mummy2b, prices shd be quite std so it's best to get during sales time.
I normally get my stuff during Robinson/JL sales.

Charis, think of the positive side, at least your hb sides with you and not his mom.
Jas..Ya..I guess I have his support..but I also feel bad for him..DIL n MIL dont get along, extra stress on hb.

Im thinking since my MIL dont want to help with confinement, then might as well move out asap..
Do u all think can find a house n move out by Feb?
Hi charis

so sorry to hear that.. i can understand cos my mil is somewat traditional , so she always say u r dil, so must do this &amp; that. Sometimes i also piss off, but since we dont stay together, i din retort her.

hugs hugs to you.

think its better u dont do confinement since she already says all these. if u give her s$1500 as per request, there might be more issues coming up. Worse come to worst order confinement food and ask ur church ladies to help out for bathing of babies etc.

dun worry abt posting ur woes in this forum, cos we understand and more than willing to lend u a listening ear
Anyway, someone mentioned about baby's immunizations..I heard even polyclinic charge $100 plus..private from $200-$400.
Charis - cannot dun do confinement lah, @ least for the 1st 2 - 3wks leh. Y nt u move to ur mum's hse &amp; do the confinement? Since u dun wanna worry ur mum, tell her u prefer ur own mum to do for u lor.

Ur MIL hor - sorry to say tat bt then so $$-face, own DIL also wanna charge $$ leh. U go ask ur mum do for u, then u order confinement catering lor. Malay also got do confinement mah.

Dun think 2 much, nt gd for u &amp; ur bb leh.

Gig - I asked my gf, she said she wore the inpatient's clothes thru'out wor. bt nvm lah, still hv time to ask &amp; then source for clothes when the time comes.
Giggler..yes I will try..though very hard for now.


Thanks..Im prepared to handle baby myself, but i must eat something right..so jus eat normal food, watever she cooks for everyone else I will eat..BUT she did mentioned she tired of cooking n caring for the family alrd..so maybe she dont want to cook also! Confinement catered food is out for me too, cos Im on "kosher" diet..a lot of food I dont eat, pork, fish with scales, prawns..
n my fren help me check out, n they dont make exceptions in their meals.
Ah ger..my mum works..dont think she can care for me for that long..so out of options too..my hb also dont want me to move back with my parents.
Steriliser - I found these fw during my last visit. Sorry gals, I haben got time to update the Bb's Prep List.

- Avent Naturally Express $70.51 (4 btl microwave steam steriliser)
- Avent IQ 24 $198
- Pigeon $49.50
- Pigeon Rapid $116.10
charis, must do some confinement lah. For ur health in the future. Since ur mil not willing to do for u, u have a good excuse to ask ur mum to do! Many ppl ask their mum instead of mil to help wif confinement.

Gig, think due to his intense travelling and not enuf rest and water plus a bit of food poisoning then Saturday body cannot take it and breakdown. Luckily he only sick after come home not when he is alone in china else i lagi worry...

ai yoh, ur MIL very racist leh... lucky u have ur hubby... moving out is obviously a good solution for u all.. but u going to rent or buy? financially ? u have to think carefully leh... i understnad ur feeling... but promise don cry too much ok... ur baby can feel leh... i am chinese myself and also not doing confinement... so don worry... bathing baby can fing ur churh frens to help also mah... i think ur MIL will be unhappy also if ur fren go help out... more issue will comes out.. so u need to be strong ok... wat bout ur mum? can she help?

Charis - can ur mum take 2wks off to help u out? Is ur hb gng to take 2wks off also? Bt since ur MIL like tat, y ur hb dun wan u to move out? Anyway it's only for the confinement period, nt say living w/ ur parents till u get ur new hme. It's gng to b mentally &amp; physically tiring for u leh.

Hv u tot of renting a whole unit 1st until ur new flat is here?

Charis - I also hv alot of things dun eat bt of cos nt as much as u lah. Perhaps you can ask Koh again wat we gals hv listed for her tat day, then you can do those simple confinement food.

Initially i was thinking of saving $$ do those simple confinement food, bt then when I told MIL, she said y save until like tat? I merely told her I wanna order lunch then save abit for dinner, she already screaming say she'll pay for me instead. bt then tats nt the pt lor. I dun want her/ them to sacrifice so much just bcos of me esp when it's CNY period. So hb said will ask his mum to help us buy some fish to store in the fridge so tat during those days we can cook outselves.
