(2007/01) Jan

hi gals,

<font color="119911">zenn</font>
i wld transfer the money to u this evening... then wld sms u the ref. #

thanks for ur patience....

<font color="0000ff">aquarius</font>
if u organising the birkenstock mini spree, do reserve 1 slot for me hor... thank u...

not sure what size though, i wearing a size 5 normally, what size is it har?? *blur* think gotta go the shop one of these days to try out...


"I delivered in TMC. No need to bring anything for bb cos everything is provided. When bb discharge, TMC will give receiving blanket with hod, mittens, clothes, left over diapers, wet wipes, diaper cream, bottles of formula milk, cord spirit, nuk teats. Also no need to bring shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, face towel to wipe yourself, comb &amp; soup. These are provided.

I jus brought front opened clothes, nursing bra, disposable underwear (if u do not want to wash your underwear), bath towel if you intend to shower in hosp, stick on maternity pad (TMC provides loop type maternity pad). "
Zenn, I bought the one which states 17" by 24" (quite small but I din notice the measurement till I got home). Can't remember the amount, think less than $10 or $5 for a few sheets.
<font color="ff6000">ginger</font> ok will go n check out. thx!

<font color="119911">bluegrapes</font>, think thats the one sugar mentioned b4? the old type of pad which no need to wear underies? pls collect me if wrong.
Today rainy day meh? Clementi area still sunny ley.. How i wish the rain will spread to the west area too..

U getting the books too?? As for the VCDs, u gals no need to buy.. Can "borrow" from me.. Kekeke..

I have been to Elmobbger's place.. She is staying quite near my place.. She always organise Gym Spree one ley..
back from lunch... Jap curry rice and then green tea &amp; red bean ice cream for dessert. Kekekekekekekekekekeke

Think any pharmacy also got sell... (assume you are referring to the blue and white one?) I just checked out the price at Mt A pharmacy earlier this week - it was $3 for 10 sheets. But not sure about the measurements though.

yeah lor, my or-pit here quite heavy rain.....

ok this fri when I go for antenatal class I'll try to pop in and have a look. if got time... If not next sat ok.
Mummies, how many packs of the protective sheets are you planning to get?

Think last time Mrs Wong ever said before that she got lobang to order the protective sheets leh, if we got enough orders dunnoe whether we can or is it worth it to org a BP on it or not. kekekekekekeke....

If any mummies free can drop by a pharmacy near you la, we do a price comparison... get price, measurement, no. of sheets in a pack. At the very least we can see where has the best price.
Anyone has any comments on this massage lady - Sadiah?

Read from one of the threads that she's quite good and reasonably priced. Thinking of calling her up to make booking.
sherl ok. help me to keep a look out. then this sun i go TMC for my class i oso check with TMC pharmacy.

sherl how much is enough? i oso not sure leh.
sherl, icy...took set lunch...baked rice, soup and we order additional pizza to share...now so full...dun think I can take much dinner later. Yesterday I also only eat the Fu Zhu Bai Guo Yi Mi...and drink some fish soup...not much appetite.

icy, initially we wanted to order the drumlets but scared too much food...so din order in the end. sherl, I like veggie lovers too.
i oso feel v sleepy.... always wake up middle of the nite at ard 2-3am n stare at the ceiling for hrs before i cld fall asleep again.

i bought the sheets fro guardian pharmacy.... tink $4.50 for 10 sheets (poor memory liao). Tink mayb can get one packet first, if not enuff then get hubby to buy... afterall not too ex.
actually i din buy the protective sheets for my first delivery. i take from hospital a few. but i think 10pcs - 20pcs should be enough ba. but it depends on the menses flow too. mine not a lot lah.


How much is Sadiah charging?

i wish i can take my eyes out to rest man. very sleepy. last night kana tekan by elder dd. keep waking me up to sing songs to her....
sherl, I think I heard her name before...think after considering...I may stick to Siti instead of Nisah. Will call Siti to check if she has package.
icy, heh heh, me very full now.

pinky, I can sleep at night but not deep sleep...I will wake up few times, toss and turn...sometimes to go toilet...etc

Same same. becos 3rd tri, bb weight become more heavy and we like more clumsy.


but i cnt bear to let her sleep with my in law leh. cos she machiam super glue to me (something which you love and hate at the same time).
mummies... liek to check with u all...

do u encounter pain in your breast currently? i m feeling some pain &amp; discomfort. juz like back in 1st trimester.
see u at the antenatal class tom ahh.... *wink* call me if u see me hor......i quite cocked-eye one....hahaa...

i going out le..... byee!!
*dreaming of veggie lovers pizza* Hmm, think tonight I will try to convince hubby to go eat pizza. ??!! Kekekeke... but I also feel like eating my chicken rice leh... long time never go Seah Street eat chicken rice liao.

depends on what you wanna do with the sheet. Last time my godma actually advised me to do away with the rubber cot sheet and just use the protective sheet all the way because easier to bring around... In that case I would have needed a lot of protective sheets. But now decided to use the rubber cot sheet liao, so dun need so much. For the present I think need only 1 pack ba, enough to put on your bed at home (in case waterbag leakage at night) and on the car lo (dun even try to test who is more precious, you or the car. You sure lose wan). Then maybe next time will use sparingly lo, put one sheet under bb's bedsheets, one sheet in the stroller... heheheh. Ok la, think in the end I'll just buy 1-2 packs. It's quite cheap after all, so no point stocking up.

no leh. Better call gynae to check.


I like this phrase "on the car lo (dun even try to test who is more precious, you or the car. You sure lose wan"
aquarius same lor.. toss here &amp; there lor.. wake up &amp; go toilet...

cindy u r staying with ur in laws?? good hor.. got help from them.

think $45 per session, according to some earlier mummies... but I will call her and check out her latest rates....

My colleague says sometimes when she's tired she will play cheat and repeat the same song over and over to her dd... her dd soon falls asleep from boredom.
i oso wake up to go toilet at ard 12+am... sleep again n wake up at 2-3 am... then dunno y cant sleep liao. according to my hubby, i m getting more n more like panda liao... dark eye circle, big tummy n clumsy.
Cindy, true mah, think every wife also will tell you the same thing.
I am banned from eating on the car because cannot risk dropping crumbs, and also cannot put my leg up because my foot tends to brush against the glove compartment (will leave a mark). Among other taboos.

your colleague very cute. my gal will say mummy, baa baa sheep, farmer in the dell then i got to sing according to her wish. if i sing wrongly, she will say mummy wrong.

I called up nisha, its 320 for 7. bb milk booked her. i think she is the cheapest so far that i have enquire.
cindy, ya lor...sometimes find it so difficult to even put on panties...hop here and there at times...wuahahaha

sherl, lately I keep eating chicken rice too. :p
bye nana!!! Ok I will scream when I see you. Kekekekekekekekekeke

no leh, no painful boobs for past couple of months. But this painful boobs thing quite intermittent one I think - the boobs machiam got growth spurt like that, will grow very fast (OUCH!), stop to recuperate for a while, then grow again (OUCH OUCH!)

I also toss here toss there at night.... and somemore getting more and more difficult to turn with the tummy in the way... sometimes I miss my non-preggy body... sigh...
Cindy...actually nisah not bad...only thing I worry is her strength...if not sure will book her for the massage cos she is charging $400 for 10 sessions.
pinky you oso ah.. same lor.. quite xin ku hor..

aquarius same here. got problem putting on panty.. hahaha...

sherl then pain is like come &amp; go one lor...

staying with in laws is a good thing if you master the art of bo chap. Initially when they shift in with me cos of my elder gal, i cannot adjust to it. but subsequently i bo chap whatever they do just for the sake got people help me jaga the maid and my darling.

so far,luckily my hubby hvnt complain me eating in the car yet...


my chicken rice craving is always triggered by smelling chicken rice when I walk past food court. Normally I will never think of chicken rice. Like dog like that, follow smell one. kekekekekkekekekekke

the bag looks so nice!! Too bad I already bought diaper bag liao leh... But how come so cheap ah? Strange.
