(2007/01) Jan


Abbott just called me saying that the government has imposed a rule to milk company not to give infant FM to mothers. Main reason is to encourage us to BF.

However, we can request Similac 1 (0-6mths) fm the hospital when we deliver. Abbott will keep our record and follow up with us when baby is 5mths old....fm then onwards, they are able to give sample for 6 mths babies onwards.

And if you are first time mother and would like to be in their mailing list, give them a call to input your details and you will receive a Abbott baby CD in Dec.
baby_milk - I ask oni ans some of ur questions as i m oso new in "employing maid". I've paid my deposit of $500 to the maid agency. Balance of $2500 will be paid on the day i confirm my selection of maid. The $2500 includes maid's 8th mth salary ($280/mth), balance of agency fee ($688 -$500 deposit - btw agency fee varies, depend on the charge of individual agency) and insurance ($72). Was told by my maid agency tt we can request no off day for the maid on the contract with the condition tt we pay them additional $20/mth as compensation. For my case, i can hv 3 replacement but each replacement, i need to pay a nominal fee (cant remember clearly, got to check). I do not hv ans for Q4, tink got to check w my maid agency next tm when i go for selection of maid. Also, we need to register, study n pass an examination for being the 1st tm employer(either online or at Sgp poly).
janey,i also feel nauseaous, just seen my gynae last monday, told him about this.. he said, during 3rd trimester, some mummies will experience this, something due to the stomach being pushed up as baby gets bigger.. so to minimise it, control our diet, eat less at each meal, but can have many meals in a day.. take care loh..

But me also must drink more water leh I think, because I got huge ulcer on lip also.
But yeah, am applying the lip balm regularly, must say that it helps to relieve the pain from my cracked lips lo!

I dun really keep bank statements and bills... oops! Will only keep the important stuff like: CPF/IRAS statements.
I just cleared 3 plastic bags of papers!

<font color="0000ff">icy</font>, agreed! i had another bad experience wif citibank again. this time for my sister credit card. as she is overseas, i m handling her a/c. last mth she called to waive off annual charge. but this mth we still rcv the statement + late charge! so she called over wkends to check n they agreed to get back to me on mon but i didnt hear fm anyone. so yest i called n they said still checking. shall see how long they gg to take. shake head.

gals, any comments on UOB lady n DBS woman card? i ve both cards but not been using. now thinkin to switch fm citibank to either one. which one better svc or better benefits?
I really blur blur...just transfer $ by mistake to another person...:p Supposed to pay for the Striped Polo Tee but transfer to the Kids Large Pony RL Polo tee seller. Aiyo, blur me.
icy, you can call Abbott anytime...they willkeep your record and followup with you again when baby id 5mths old. In the meantime, they will send you a baby CD in Dec.
<font color="ff6000">aqu</font>, alamak! but i also realised since pregnant i super blur. my sis n bro been teasing me sayin i like more stupid after pregnant -angry- haha
Good Morning Ladies!!!

I dunno how to do Gymboree spree leh, thats y i also join ppl. kekeke....or let mi go "yan jiu yan jiu"

I like UOB lady card, got so much priviledges. So many discount, so suitable for shopping queens like me. ekekekkeke.......DBS women card i dunno, cos never apply. I didnt receive citibank bill for last mth and called to ask them to resend on Saturday, until now I still never receive.
hubby always make fun of my blurness until I immune liao. He keep telling everyone that I need to take 2 Neurogain pills instead of 1 - 1 for Claire and 1 for me. Fed up.

hahahaha! Email the seller and get your $$ back??
zenn keep ur UOB card. i love my UOC ladies card coz got more promo than DBS.

bb milk can i have the no. to call abbott. thanks.
bbmilk, am not too sure about agency fees etc and different terms cos it varies depending on which agency u go to. maid levy is $200 so long u got children below 12 yrs old at home or elderly above 65. as for maid replacements and stuffs, it's V impt to read the T&amp;Cs carefully, and ask the agency clearly before signing anything; some agencies can be quite "cheating". To add, maid's offday for indo is once a mth, pinoys once a week if im not wrong; the agency i've been to allows u to pay $20 for each offday which the maid forgos, right until the 6th mth and then have to negotiate with the maid whether she still wants offday or rather get $20 more. Lastly, think u shd make it very clear to the agency and the maid no handphones, can trigger to be a very troublesome and annoying issue.
zenn, in terms of rewards and privileges think DBS is no fight for UOB lo.... And DBS service is very bad, even for their platinum card. Hubby quarrelled with the platinum card staff before.
i only got UOB lady's card le.. no DBS.. so cant compare.. but UOB lady's not bad lor.. so far so good for me.. i like the rose n black background.. hahaha..
service wise.. ok le.. i call to waive, they waive lor.. haven give me trouble yet.
sherl, ya lor...cos that time I bought one RL polo tee from her for my son...then this time is striped RL polo tee...so never see properly and just transfer...*faint*
<font color="ff6000">icy, janey, aqu &amp; mild</font>, ok. seems like UOB is more popular. ok start using then haha btw wat r the priviledges or perks of UOB?

<font color="119911">sherl</font>, ur hb so cute! well no used cos i been takin 2 but still so blur hahaha u know i supposed to take vit in the morn n calcium at night but twice i blur blur took vit at night. oni remember it after put inside my mouth.

<font color="aa00aa">bb milk</font>, can i ve the no for abbot too?

<font color="119911">mild</font>, citibank supposed to send out my refund chq + hb bill (requested to resend) last fri. i rcv the bill but not my refund chq yet.

hahaha! Got difference in timing when you're supposed to take vit and calcium one ah? Coz my gynae never say anything so I just assume take once a day, anytime of the day can liao... Last week I also gave myself a double dosage of everything because I forgot I took in office liao, then go home still go and take. hiaks hiaks.
<font color="aa00aa">mild</font>, was told that bb when born they oni recognise Red, White &amp; Black. That's y i bought a My First Soft Book in this color heee

<font color="119911">sherl</font>, we r not supposed to take vit &amp; calcium together. in fact when takin vit (2hrs b4 &amp; after), we should avoid milk stuff.
gotta remember to call and enquire about massage lady... timing really draw very near liao.. in two weeks' time I'll begin packing hospital bag. *excited* hahahahahahaha
milderina think is still early la. dun buy 1st.

zenn indeed UOB is mor popular among ladies. DBS you can forget abt it. i cancelled mine after 6 mths.
where u got the soft book n that toy? how much?
now mummy sharon thinking of buying toys for baby Charlene already. OH NO!!!
zenn.... !!!!! I've been taking calcium, fish oil and iron pills together all along leh! *faint* Iron pills considered vits or not? Got a bit of other vits mixed in it la.

I've been looking and B,W and R stuff from this brand also (Kids' Tools) coz I heard the same thing. But their range quite limited hor? Thinking of buying the discovery pal for my gal.
urghaaa, this reminds me that still alot of things not bought and not done *faints*

sherl, better call to book soon! putting a lot of faith in masseur's post natal massage!

bbmilk, would like to have abbot's # too
i use to take it all together until like 1 mth ago then i take iron n the morning then vit C, fish oil and calcium at nite before sleeping.
wait wait, so calcium supposed to take at night?

hmmm... I'll try to try it out la, but worried I may forget to take also if split up into two times. kekekekekekke
fish oil can take wif either but vit should b separate cos it contains iron. thats y should avoid milk when takin vit. actually nothin really wrong takin together but separate can absorb better.

<font color="ff6000">mild</font>, i also lookin for toys! heee oh i bought that fm fm robinson @ $8.90 b4 20% discount.

<font color="aa00aa">sherl</font>, i heard of Kids' Tools but dun see it around leh. i wanna buy Tiny Love bumper set cos one of the side is B,W &amp; R. I saw it at kaki bt but didnt get it. Last wk tried robinson &amp; suntec but couldnt find
pack bag... when need to start packing bag ar?

i also took iron+multi vits in the morning n fish oil+calcuim at night.. cos my nurse keep emphasising.. 3 hours before n after iron pills.. NO MILK or other high in calcium pdt.. so calcuim got to take at night for me.. easier.

*blur* okok, so I just avoid taking my iron pills with the calcium I guess. Kekekekekekeke

I also dunnoe, but I'm going to start at 30 weeks la. Hubby likes to be prepared. But will slowly pack in bit by bit lo...

the first soft book you got is from Kids' Tools lo. Dunnoe if they got distributor or not leh.
