(2007/01) Jan

yap.. iron absorption will be reduce if take w high in calcium pdt.. thats y my gynae keep reminding me not to mix iron n calcium before n after 3-4hrs. if mix, think the iron will be "wasted" cos not absorb properly..

ok, for ease of reference:

Rule 1: Iron cannot take with calcium pills, because presence of calcium will affect absorption of iron.

Rule 2: Following from rule 1, avoid milk 2 or 3 hours before and after taking iron pills (or pills containing iron).

Correct? Kekekekekekeke
Did u get any Birkies for ur hubby? If so, maybe u can recommend some models?? My hubby only likes Hush Puppies shoes lor.. He said very comfy. Bt it can be very pricey!

I cant remember how much i pd for the agency fees. Let me go home and check 2nite then post the details to u..

Oh so its bb pushing our stomach tats y we feel nauseaous lah.. This am i got tummyache, rite at my bellybutton area ley.. Was so worried abt my bb's well-being. Now tat she's moving so actively, i can set my mind at ease.. Kekeke..

I also nvr do Gymboree Spree before ley.. I do have a forum fren, elmobbger, who's very active in doing Gym spree ley.. Bt i now very tied up wf my RL orders cos lots of color and sizes OOS.. Sigh..

The Brainy Baby Board Book is indeed tempting. I am still considering whether to buy for Sherilyn or nt cos she already has the VCDs.. **Got my hint? Hahaha**
<font color="ff6000">sherl</font>, OMG! i dun even know the book is from kids' tool. LOL! see how blur m i! actually i saw it at robinson n since its in B,W &amp; R so i just buy. shake head!
<font color="0000ff">bb milk</font>, i called up but like wat u say they no longer give sample for new born. was told if i want i ve to get it from hospital
janey, serrich..must be a good feeling to be week 30. I juz hit week 28 today..haha..

Uh oh..I have been taking multi vit together with calcium pill..didn't know multi vit contains iron
oh no, i am taking multi vit together with fish oil and calcium tab together too.

All i know is multi vit is better to take in the morning.

BB milk,

you may want to go website like www.netmaid.com, www.networkconnections.com to search online for maid.

I just take a new maid from network connections. i paid 188 for the agency fee, 26 for exam fees, 120 for the indemmity insurance (in case maid run away, you will pay 250 instead of 5000).
my maid is from indonesia so her salary is 280 without off days. and her loan is 8 months (we got to pay her loan upfront). With the agency fee that i paid, entitle to 1 free replacement.
For first time maid employers, you got to take an online course from Singapore polytechnic.
I will pm you a list of black listed agencies.
Serrich, no never buy for him before cos he not interested...he also Hush Puppies supporter...just 2 weeks back he bought one pair of shoes there.

I think for man designs more limited so easier to choose?

According to my gynae's nurse, chocolate milk can drink but not at night. cos our mind will be very alert throughout the night which is tiring.
So fast u wanna buy bb chair leow? Actually can ask ur col/frens to buy for ur bb if u celebrating ur bb's full mth lor.. My parents bgt Sherilyn Jane high chair instead. It can be converted to table and chair. I find it more practical..

Yes u can request for milk sample bt if i remember correctly they usually issue those glass bottles type for single feeds only and nt those 400g tin sample ley..

My hubby also bgt a pair of HP during Robinsons sale last week.. He left his 2 pairs of HP and 1 pair of nikes sports shoes at the shoerack outside our door.. All kena stolen!! Super sim tia!!!

I oso like the jane high chair. thought abit pricey, but it is better cos can convert to table and chair when they are older.

by the way, there are bp for these too. i think carrefour oso selling cheaper than kiddy palace. so when you mummies want to buy, check out carrefour dun kana ke to by kiddy palace like me. it is a price difference of 30 bucks.
snow, kekeke...ok later courier to you! :D

Serrich, we always keep expensive shoes in the house...nowadays shoes always get stolen one.

Cindy...me too...try not to give chocolates or sweets to my son at night else he will have difficulty falling asleep.
no la, not I want to buy. I'm just trying to evil and tempt spree people like Mildy, icy and bluegrapes into it. kekekekekekekeke...

This one is made of cloth or PVC or something leh, then can drape over chair and plop baby inside, quite convenient.

Yeah, my colleagues and friendas all asking what they can get for Claire. I tell them I'm still doing research. hahahahahahahahaha
cindy, serrich, I also like jane high chair. Have been eyeing at it for quite some time..keke..but too early to buy now. The cheapest I can find was during lucky baby sale. $130+

sherl, u naughty naughty!!
$130+ is cheap lor.. My parents bgt it at $190!! No choice cos according to the chinese hokkien customs, maternal grandparents have to buy their grandchild a bb chair and a set of new clothes at 4th mth lor.. Tat x no BP and discount wor..

Yah since then i keep reminding my hubby nt to leave his exp shoes outside. I always keep my birkies in the house one.. Dunno y got pple want to steal shoes hor?! Arent they worried that their foot will rot for stealing ppl's shoes?! Somemore dare to steal 3 pairs at one go!!
serrich, ya me too keep my birkis in the house though it's already orh chup chup...kekeke...you know once my friend went to my relative's house play MJ, we left our shoes outside and my friend's shoes got stolen...poor gal got to go back barefooted! Lucky we send her home so it's only from void deck back to her house. Somemore is not nice or expensive shoes.
back... had yi mee but bian bian soup.

gals i ve a Ylang Ylang $80 voucher. think ve to top up $40+ for the pre natal massage. anyone keen wif the voucher?

sometimes I think it's also not people steal shoes, but some evildoers trying to be funny and remove the shoes to elsewhere just to create trouble...

no la, they also help me burn my pockets sometimes mah, so occasionally I put a match in their pockets also lor.
Anyway, good things must share. whahahahahahaha
yum yum just had lunch n 3 packs of kinder buenos! at this eating rate, dun dare to image wad will be the weight next appt.
ahhhh.... aqua, that makes sense liao. wahahhahahahhahahahha... dunnoe why we all so blur today hor...

Nearing lunch time... was actually going to go Liang Court to eat udon but now raining leh, dunnoe whether colleague still wanna go or not...

Snow ah, 3 packs!!!! Try not to eat too much ah, too much sugar and also caffeine not good for baby.
Sherl, evil leh u.

i think the books very worth it. kekeke.....buy lor..buy la.........can buy la.........kekeke..
