(2007/01) Jan

hi astro,

my boy last check up at 12mth, only 76cm in height i think, still miserable 7.4kg. but think now abit heavier, based on his weight when i carry him in my arms.

our babies now at a stage whereby the weight n height moving quite slowly already right?...

hilo JJM and hui

yeap! the bbs' weight and height should be slowing down.. the last growth sprout was at 15 mths.. i am not too sure which is the next one.. long time never read up :p

JJM: if Jenelle is fine and happy.. with ample wet diapers and normal stool.. i think she is alright but of course, it would be good to go to the PD for further assurance :p
just some questions:

-she rejecting ALL food.. or only certain types of food?
-how much milk is she drinking?
- Can she accept textured food and Keen on self feeding?

trying to pinpoint why Janelle is not keen to eat
the above areas are normally the first areas to pinpoint food 'refusal'

Hui: is ur family on the lean side? could be genetics .. well .. at least i know teng got his frame from me! haiz.. anyway, bb's first year.. they grow at a TREMENDOUS rate.. and they should be slowing down now.. if not they will literally become GIANTS if they grow at the same rate.. so.. as long as JK is happy.. no problem!

food and drink intake, ok?

gosh ,, i sound like a PD wananbe hor? :p..kekee.. as usual. i am always doing 'investigative' work.. kekeek..
astro - she does drink her milk, but reject porridge, brown rice, and cereal. Until late last week, she did take apple/cranberry cereal, then slowly accept brown rice. Desperate, gave her all kinds of food, she refused to open her mouth, if managed to put inside her mouth, she will throw them out. Drinking 8oz ard 4 times per day, with one meal cereal and one meal porridge. With the rejection, cereal and porridge replaced with milk. She is keen on self feeding, but it also does not work.

Ha Ha! There was once I gave her ice cream at Haigan Daz, the way she refused to eat like I'm trying to force her to take medicine. Ha Ha!
good morning mummies.


iceblue had dischargered from NUH on 7 June in the afternoon. resting at home now. though his blood pressure still low but doctor decided to let him go home.

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY MELODY!!</font>

Matthan and his 2 cousins (around the same age) are now down with HFMD again. Sigh.

This round not as painful as previous, hopefully they can declared well soon.
good afternoon....

poor janson is admitted again. hopefully he will b well soon!!!

bbmilk, oh dear! just curious did matthan get it from school?

JJM, is ur gal teething? estelle is gettin choosy abt food too
hi mummies,

iceblue, jason, matthan n cousins: hope all of u recovers well very soon.

as usual, always copy icylemon's.. heehee..

happy birthday my melody.
wow.. it's really quite quiet in here!

oh dear.. poor matthan! hope he can get well soon. pls take care of yourself too..

glad to hear that your girl's beginning to eat more now.
where do you get the apple/cranberry cereal from? it sounds nice and yummy... maybe i should let kienan try.

hah. you sound like a real PD giving advice on baby food. by the way, your earlier posts addressed to icy about feeding baby more textured food and going to BKK should be addressed to me? cause i'm the one going to BKK.. not icy leh.. hehe.
Bbmilk - Hope that BB Matthan get well soon. Oh, it's the 3rd time he gotten HFMD? Poor Matthan.

Iceblue - Wish BB Janson full recovery soon!

Charmaine - Yes, happy that she has shown acceptance to some of her usual food.
The apple/cranberry cereal is Nestle Gold cereal. Can give it a try, nice sweet taste!
morning mummies..

is the apple/cranberry cereal for Stage 1?
cause the Nestle Gold cereal that i buy for kienan is the oats/prune one (stage 2) and raspberry/yogurt one (stage 3).

yes, hope that janson gets well soon..

thanks, icy and zenn, for keeping us posted.
received an sms from iceblue at 4.10pm yesterday afternoon.

i think i fwd to some of u.

but i will post it here again.


will update all again once i have the latest info from iceblue.

currently baby janson is admitted to KKH.
aiyoh, poor baby janson. how come they'r giving him so many tests, is it the side effects from pneumococal disease? really hope he will be well very soon.
Afternoon Mummies

Charmaine, yes, the stage 1 one. I still gave her, switch bet the oats one and cranberry one. My girl don't like the yogurt one, so I seldom gave her that.
Hi mummies, those who brought yr bbs overseas, can advise on wat are the impt stuffs to bring? Need bring hw many diapers? Will be gg for 5 days 4 nites. TIA.
charmine, estelle is taking nestle oats/prune one (stage 2). she likes it

1stbb, beside the daily necessity i will bring along medicine, thermometer, fever pad. Think i packed around 5 diapers per day. better bring extra, unless u r sure u able to check over there.
Hi mummies,

My girl is turning 18th mths in Jul and I'm looking to enrol her in childcare.

Anyone has any recommendations/comments? (am looking for childcare centers in town area)

hi mummies
Its been a looonng while since i last popped in!
Thread is pretty quiet -
guess everyone busy with No 1 or/and 2 and some are preparing for No2!

hi Icy
Thanks for update of baby Janson
Will keep him in prayers
U take good care of yourself!

hi 2nd baby
Besides neccesities, i also brought favourite toys and a copy of vaccination form.
Have a good trip and enjoy
Nestle Oats/Prunes.. my girl likes it alot too

Zenn, thanks. It slipped off my mind to bring med and fever pad. Med.. Eh.. bring the whole bottle?

JJM, I booked the tic ytd late noon. Decided last min also. Going to Dong Guan (China) where Shannyn's dad is working. If there is time, will head to HK Disneyland. Journey from Shen Zhen to HK takes a few hrs.

Poo power, ok. Noted. The purpose of vaccination record is for? Oh dear, my gal does not have any favourite toy. My parents are gg with me so I guess they can entertain her. Haa..
Hi FirstBB, besides Shannyn's fave toys/books, don forget her fave snacks/biscuits. These are very useful to keep them busy.. Also can bring a small magna doodle so she can draw if that is wat she likes. I have one that is smaller than A5 size and I find it quite useful.

Also, these are normally what I pack for my med kit when I travel :-

1) Fever med/suppositories
2) Flu/cold med
3) Cough med
4) Fever patches
5) Thermometer
6) Cherry Chest Rub
7) Ru-Yi Oil
8) Smecta (Diarrohea med for BB)
9) Illadin for BB
10) Hydrating salts
11) Sun-block
12) Calendula cream

I think I've covered all, hope I din miss anything.. if hv will let you know.

Hope the above helps in planning your trip!
firstbb, oh yes how can i miss out biscuit &amp; toys! yes i brought the whole bottle of medication. in fact i brought along her own cultery too. you may want to bring along hat &amp; umbrella too and don't forget to get travel ins
when are u going?

poo power, wats the purpose of vaccination record? in case hospitalized?
re : nestle oat - are u gals giving as breakfast?

1stbb, i did bring along nestle oat too cos i did not cook durin my bkk trip so one of the meal i gave her oat instead.
Matthan is well now. I think most probably he got it from his brother.

As for his 2.5 yrs cousin, he is not able to eat at all. Lots of ulcers in the mouth and buttock area. Very poor thing, he will hold the bread and 'pasted' in on his mouth and cry. Can't eat at all, yet super hungry.

1st bb, have a great time during your trip. So nice to go for holiday.

Iceblue and family: Will be praying for you guys. Please take care.

Mummies, when is our next lunch meeting? want to fix a date?
2nd Baby - I see, enjoy your trip! I'm sure you will have no problem with Shannyn on board, she's such a good girl. Do give her a biscuit or drink when flight taking off so that she will not feel the air pressure.

Zenn - I gave nestle oat for lunch.
bbmilk, glad to know that matthan is well. must b stress on u!

JJM, how many spoon of oat u givin as lunch? do u give any fruits or veg beside oat?
zenn - I don't really measure, estimate only, will give two small bowls. I did not add any fruits or veg. Usually will give fruits on its own much later like during tea break time.
Heyo Mummies, before our kiddos turn 2 yrs old, what's the airfare structure like for them? After they turn 2, what's the increase in price? What about for babies, around a few months old? How much?

Hubby wanna take us (w/o baby) on a trip to Aus end of the year cos' he said it's cheaper before they turn 2. But I don't think I can leave my #3 behind....
hi mummies

glad to hear that matthan has gotten well!

for tiger, don't have to pay for their ticket at all i think (if they are below 2). only need to pay airport tax.

for other normal commercial airlines, think when under 2, you pay 10% of published rates. (and this doesn't always apply to promotional tic rates. you've got to check with the airline)

going aust. will be nice! bring ur twins and #3 lah! don't worry.. travelling with #3 should be quite convenient cause they only need milk! no need to worry about food.. and it's even easier if you're still nursing.

like when i brought kienan to aust last year, he was only 5.5 mths. it was really convenient cause i only had to nurse him when he was hungry. flying also easy, cause they sleep quite a lot when they are that young.
how old will #3 be during time you intend to take trip?
<font color="ff0000">good morning mummies.

talk to iceblue last night.

apparently, baby janson has his blood vessels infected.

will be going thru somemore tests this week.

last week baby janson has done HIV test (neg), lung scope (neg), various blood test (neg). only the skin test shows tat his blood vessels is infected.

baby janson has been staying in KKH for 8 days.

lets pray hard together tat he will be discharged soon.
thanks for updating on bb janson's progress.
really heartpain to see he'd gone thru so many tests..

A belated Father's day greetings to iceblue &amp; yosimite.

Hope everybody 平平安安,健康快乐!
Good Afternoon to All,
me still feeling sick...

Icy - Thks for the update. Poor Janson, got to go thru tis. Hope he will recover fast.

Hui - Thks for the greeting.
<font color="ff0000">BAD NEWS

baby janson has gone thru CT scan today.

results not good.

doctors said they need to take some lung tissues from his lungs.

will try to go back the throat to reach the lungs.

if cant be done. will have to op on janson. after tat he will be in ICU.

currently his hospital bill has gone up to coming close to 10k.

as a friend, i dun know wat to say. like wat zenn &amp; i feel.

<font color="ff0000">MUMMIES &amp; DADDIES

if possible try to sms or call iceblue to give him some moral support.

he did mentioned to me tat moral support is important to him currently.

even though our thread is very quiet now... i m sure our friendship is there to support each other. lets all give our warmest support to the NG FAMILY, iceblue, celest &amp; janson!! jia you!!
<font color="aa00aa">KKH doctors suspect the lungs has problems tats Y it links to the blood vessels infection.

really hope tat they dun have to op on janson. as a mother, i saw rachel gone thru the pain before &amp; again. so i really dun hope to see another child going thru it.
<font color="0000ff">iceblue's wife cried infront of baby janson juz now. baby janson pointing at the tears from her mummy's eyes. his eyes oso turned red.

our kids are already 18mth soon. they understand our pain. how can such things happened!!
it must be tough for celest n iceblue now. really dunno how to say to cheer their spirit up. but have dropped them an sms.

do u know is the bill fully claimable from insurance?
