(2007/01) Jan


u r here!!

jurong west?? wat happened to jurong west??

aiyo! wat u gals talking abt??

dun corrupt my innocent mind ok..
<font color="ff0000">January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel - fried bee hoon &amp; otah
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi - bbq chicken wing &amp; potato salad
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi - tibits
4. Jenbibi, mr jenbibi, isabelle - drinks
5. bbmilk, mr bbmilk, malcolm &amp; matthan - Ngo Hiang.</font>
<font color="ff0000">January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi
4. Jenbibi, mr jenbibi, isabelle
5. bbmilk, mr bbmilk, malcolm &amp; matthan
<font color="0000ff">
1. Fried Bee Hoon &amp; Otah - icylemon
2. BBQ Chicken Wing &amp; Potato Salad - sugarbabe
3. Tibits - aquarius
4. Drinks - JEN
5. Ngo Hiang - babymilk
kate, think i paid $89.90 too. the org price is $100+

lawpei &amp; charm, i saw a travel set at punggol earlier. think the brand is toyomi (local brand) selling at $49. any idea wats the market rate? wonderin issit cheaper if we combine order kekekekeke

aqu, v sweet leh. u organising bp?

sherl, when r u goin to hk? considerin to go wif my family end aug if got good promo heeee btw ve not get cookin stuff for estelle. just ordered fm bp
January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi
4. Jenbibi, mr jenbibi, isabelle
5. bbmilk, mr bbmilk, malcolm &amp; matthan
6. zenn, mr zenn, estelle

1. Fried Bee Hoon &amp; Otah - icylemon
2. BBQ Chicken Wing &amp; Potato Salad - sugarbabe
3. Tibits - aquarius
4. Drinks - JEN
5. Ngo Hiang - babymilk
6. Fishball - zenn
kok ur head! ah sherl wed in 2006. very fast got hers &amp; gup xing's "ai qing jie jing" leh... newly wed somemore u see.

u where got newly wed...

u &amp; andy "lao fu lao qi" liao lah...

oops.. sugarbabe &amp; mr ng lagi "lao fu lao qi" *siam, b4 she chase me with tat "stick"*
zenn - the travel cooker think i saw at compass best denki 39.90??

icy - si lengmong! how come mr sherl become GUP XIng?? machiam like gurmit singh like tt! wahahah!

mildy - u quit newly wed?? hmm

Yeah, I 2nd month of marriage hit jackpot. Wakakakkakakakakakakaka

Me going over Good Friday weekend.... Just wanna get away from Sg for a while. So stressed at work lately.

Ok, talk later, me going to grab Claire for a nap liao. kekekekekekekekeke
if i want to go HK, main purpose is to visit my god grandpa &amp; grandma not really on shopping. they are old le. cant travel to spore. the last time i saw them was during my wedding back in 2004 until now. their health oso not too good.

sherl mei mei,
wah! guo xing so "steady" ah! young man jiu shi young man. swimmers sia!!
zenn - i normally bring kimi there early early when they open cos i wanna escape the aft sun. We reach abt 8.30 to 9am

icy - eh, u oso newly wed meh? i thot u oso LAO FU LAO QI?? kekek
sugar, wow so early! usually will stay there how long? i wanna bring estelle to zoo leh but sat edmond working, sun got class. haiz no chance
i so envy u... kimi really sleeps at 7pm? JK now still waking up to nurse for 2-4x every night... n he sleeps as late as us! 12am! sometimes, he's even playing when we want to sleep. hiaz.
back! kekeke FV not so happening la. Think Rivervale there the condo more happening. kekeke

Bt Batok the best I heard. They organising overseas race somemore! *SCRAM*

Sugar, sherl is going there to practise her racing skills. Without claire can try stunts 24/7 mah.
hui - yes kimi sleeps at 7 but of cos he oso not robot lah.. sometimes 6.50 sometimes 7.30pm.. U oso can wat.. u must set routine. Actually, tell u frankly, it is no good for us to sleep late more so a young bb. Latest they shld go to bed is by 10om cos 11pm to 2am is when our liver detox so we really need to rest.

At this age, he shouldnt be nursing aft 12mn liao! When bb at this age wants to feed at 3 or 4 am, its normally cos they do not eat enuf solids so they need to fill up on milk.

Aqua - wow! v professional hor?? keke
aqua - hahah!!! eh, no need the mat lah.. mayb they swing from one pole to another or hanging upside down or wateva.. remember they stunt man! *scram*
really? i tot jk's been so used to nursing, he just wants my breasts as pacifier. coz when he wakes up, he just closes his eyes and cries n refuses hugs or pats n needs only to suck. then he'll get back to sleep even less than 1 min suckle.

i gave him 3/4 bowl of nestle instant cereal for breakfast and porridge for lunch n dinner leh. n in betw he also snacks biscuits.

Aqua means she must be jockey then she happy. Wakakakakakkakakakakakakakakakaaka

Eh, what chu stunt? I innocent one ok. :p I will be too busy relaxing to go horseriding. LOL.


Caitlyn asked me to pass on the message tht her friend received the free trial coupon from JG already and it is only valid for WEEKDAY trial class, not weekend.
