(2007/01) Jan

hi all....

gd morning....
Idea on BBQ seems great... I'm interested leh... haha

What happened?? Getting more ulcer after birth?

So fast do order liao.... hey any interesting thread lately let me know
icy, msn queen, no it's the lip cold sores. Everytime when not enough sleep or stress it will come out. It can pass on to other people during the attack/outbreak thus you all dun see me sharing food with people. If share I got to make sure using serving spoon etc.

Doctor told me is very common and some people dun even know they have it cos the virus dun attack/affect them. I dun even know who I got it from cos it was only after first pregnancy then I got it. During the entire second pregnancy the virus never attack at all. Straight after giving birth it appeared...in fact end of confinement month I know that it's coming out.

Pregnancy is actually a stressful period for our bodies because they go through many many changes. For some people unfortunately it does result in some bad effects.
So far for me the big change is no more major cramps, so is good.

Weekday or weekend? kekekeekeke... I dun mind coz Claire and I really enjoyed ourselves last week. But maybe mai BBQ to save the hassle? BBQ quite ma fan to prepare leh??
for me i realised that after pregnancy my auntie flow a lot during first 2 days. must keep changing pads, dunno y like tat.
is a weekday friday. public holiday.

i will booked the pit. juz in case we need to use the area.

anyway, sugarbean offered to marinate the chicken wings. (on the line with her now)
<font color="ff0000">January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel - fried bee hoon &amp; otah
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi - bbq chicken wing &amp; potatoe salad
zenn - how much u bought the FP kitchen set? me saw KP selling $89.90. wanting to buy 1 too... cozs nanny house got 1 and she likes it.
sherl - hope claire is well.. if got phelgm, think better monitor bah..

mummies keen on JG trial hor..i not sure if e FOC is still on.. but u can try this link to get e e-coupon first.. i reg liao but still waiting for e coupon.. not sure if got deadline so i post here, u gals try getting hands on e coupon.. if anyone gets it liao, can let me noe also... hee..


replace * with b

have written in to JG for a pte trial during weekend.. also still waiting for reply
January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel - fried bee hoon &amp; otah
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi - Tidbits
I get mouth ulcer quite easily &amp; frequent but during pregnancy none at all... i heard is becoz of the folic acid that we take halpe to prevent that. After birth all coming out!!! Aiyo.... pain man more

Mine same case as u, after birth AF alot in the 1st 3 days, and happened that overflow de

Icy, I wanna go.
January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel - fried bee hoon &amp; otah
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi - bbq chicken wing &amp; potatoe salad
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi - Tidbits
4. Jenbibi, mr jenbibi, isabelle - drinks?

Aqua is half right.... 21 March I will be in HK, pending confirmation... wakakakakakkakakakka... But bo horse racing la, think other people will be taking part in the horse races back here in Sg... happening in Punggol Field and Fernvale Road. Wakakkakakakakakaka...

<font color="ff0000">January Thread Gathering

Date: 21 March 2008, Friday is a GOOD FRIDAY!! public holiday!!

Time: TBA

Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D, Pit No. 48)

Food: BBQ &amp; ALA CARTE

1. icylemon, mr icylemon &amp; rachel - fried bee hoon &amp; otah
2. sugarbabe &amp; kimi - bbq chicken wing &amp; potato salad
3. aquarius, mr aquarius, Egan &amp; Deszi - tibits
4. Jenbibi, mr jenbibi, isabelle - drinks

Yeah. But only confirm when I get my tickets tomorrow. LOL. Not bringing Claire though. Spur f the moment trip.

Oh, Punggol Drive it is then, LOL. Always thought you Field leh... one more happening location is Woodlands. WAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKA

You gotta find sheep picture la, the horse picture for you only. Wakakakkakakakkakakaka
sherl, i think the last time i bought the toys at $7.90 and if never remember wrongly is those toy fair. tonite i go to toy shop and check.

aqua, nice nice pants.

Decided to have some couple time with hubby to celebrate our 2nd year anniversary also. Did not get to celebrate 1st wedding anniversary coz busy with Claire last year, hiaks.

Actually feel very guilty for leaving her behind but think I gotta learn to do it la. wakakakakkakakaka
