(2007/01) Jan

now i think can start to eat liang liaos but not those super liang one la, i ask my mummy whether can i eat watermelon or not she say watermelon is a big no no, but other liang stuff she like ok leh. i also very hearty. yesterday just bought some crysanthemum tea from Hock Hua to cool cool abit. hee hee.....

sherl can your hubby to wet your lips more often so you wont have cracked lips. kekekeke....

milderina OIC. u oso member ah.. i bought alot of their bed sheets the other time. quite cheap one la. ard $19.90. is like every friday got promo one lor. hahaha...

serrich song & song if i m not wrong is at clementi central there leh. JE oso got 1 branch leh.
serrich/aqua - was it u or aqua who said can get free glass bottles from hospital? Sorry, where to get the sealing discs from?

serrich/icy - aiyo what is this S&S? tell me leh
milde, I still eat watermelon...quite often like once or twice a week but in moderation like one slice each time...the only fruit I dun eat is pineapple.

sherl, I also cracked lips now. Use lip balm to help.
sugarbean, think is serrich.
serrich, think I read that S&S at Clementi is a booth outside Bengawan Solo??

Been to the S&S at Holland V before... very very cheap, but their stuff is really factory rejects, not in very good condition. Most are either stained or have manufacturing defects, so check carefully when shopping there.
is it? then hor i also secretly eat a bit. cos hor since pregnant i miss watermelons.

liang stuff like green bean soup? eh.......barley drink?
aqua, janey, zennn, mildy, I heard that if we take too 'LIANG' stuff (as in more than moderation), baby will be very vulnerable to contacting asthma next time..so must be careful.
zenn, for me depends...can be once in 2 weeks too...and I only started taking recently. I never never eat watermelon before preggie one. kekeke

ok, I will go home and hunt my lip balm down. kekekekekekekeke... but what to do about my ulcer leh? I already salted it on Monday but it only seems to have worsened leh.
bluegrapes, ya heard that too but I think fruits should be ok? My galfriend told me not to drink too much cold drink but a bit difficult when body feeling so warm...then she say cut down on oranges...which I do take once in a while.

Milde, ok to take a bit...as long as not too much it should be ok. You see we are also taking ice cream...ice cream so cold too. kekeke...actually sometimes we a bit zhi xiang mao dun. Now I am thinking of fu zhu bai guo yi mi.
zenn/mildy - barley is not 'liang' per se. Its drank to counter 'wet-heaty' and 'li-niao', meaning helpls u urine and water retention. So like chrysanthemum, it is ok to drink. Actually more harm comes when the drink or food we consume is cold.

But easier said than done, now i love everything cold! Ren all the time. Predisposition to asthma is largely dependent on your genes. If either parent has an allergy gene - it will manifest.. tis allergy gene can bring abt 3 forms - asthma, eczema (or sensitive skin) or sinusitis.

Sometimes, we get 1 or some unlucky ones get all 3. Some develop it, some don't. So depends. Like me, I only develop asthma in my late twenties.. started with sinus in late teens and progressed. So those with sinus, pls take care as high possibility of progressing later on to asthma. Control your condition by seeing a specialist and it will be ok.
mummies, wonder if any of you experience some pain at the lower abdomen as you begin your journey into the 3rd trimester. The pain is intermitent occur mainly during walking and will extend to the virginal and cervix area. I ask my friend who is pregnant and she says cos baby getting heavier and press on our cervix..i wonder how true. You experience this?
Hi Zenn

Thanks for updating the Neurogain BP.

As for using rice wine in cooking, it is fine leh. I din have problem breastfeeding my elder gal.


I tot watermelon too liang. I abstain from watermelon since preggie.

Whoa, Aqua sumptous lunch ya.

i bought almond paste with peanut dumplings for tea break later.
icy, it's $1068 for lunch (2 dishes) and dinner (1 soup, 2 dishes)...order one month before EDD get additional 5% discount. I confirm now cos caterer say they are revising their pricing this month...so I confirmed with them yesterday...since I need to cater food no matter what.

The ache I get is at the lower pelvic area, more of like joint pain like that leh, esp at the part where thighs join with body?

you welted my appetite. Now thinking of black sesame ah balling. Should I walk down and buy later? Sigh...

Actually I miss my guilin gao the most lor... favourite dessert, last time will drop by Kang He Tang every week to eat, but since preggy never go liao.
bluegrapes, I have that pain too...really uncomfortable.

Cindy, kekeke...went bugis and everything looks nice. Watermelon is supposed to be cooling so I dun take too much...only one slice a time and in moderation. Still take cos my previous gynae and current gynae did not say cannot eat watermelon...in fact my previous gynae told me can eat cos it's not as sweet as certain fruits.
bluegrapes i already have tat pain during my 2nd trimester.

aquarius ooh.. quite reasonable. the food i se looks quite delicious. kekeke...
sherl, aquarius, icy, so that pain is normal hor? I a bit 'da jin xiao gua' wonder if i should check with my gynae..haha
yeah i really think i like to mao tun myself. my hubby says things i wan to eat i will say can eat, things i dun like i will tell him preggy cannot eat. kekekeke.........

Guilin Gao and Chin chow are the taboos.
ok after delivery we all organise go eat chin chow n guilin gao. wakkakakak.............

yeah I know... so never eat lor. Last time even when period come also never eat because too liang liao. But really miss it leh. kekekekeke

Think the pain is normal, not to worry.
bluegrapes & aquarius the pain i encounted is like after heavy meal you walk alot tat kind of pain like.. kind of like sharp pain lor.

aquarius they dun have test test package one hor? nep garden they have leh. test for 5 days think is ard $50.

talking abt desserts... i missed my zhi ma hu, hua shen hu..
milderina think after delivery we should have a seafood outing.

then we can order sambal stingray, sambal sotong, chilli crab, see hum, lala, da tou. hahaha...
grrr dunno who so inconsiderate have been drilling since 8+ in the morning, prolly renovating the house or something. so noisy, woke me up from my nap grrr now my bb so kicking non stop >.<

speaking of desert i still take ice kacang, is it ok ?
I think Song &amp; Song is a shop that sells branded apparels like Carters, GAP, Old Navy, OshGosh, etc. Seems like many mommies manage to get those rompers at $5 only, much cheaper than the BP prices..

Looks like there are a few branches of S&amp;S: Peninsula, Clementi, Chong Pang, Limbang, etc. But i do not know where exactly are these S&amp;S outlets ley.. Tot of popping over to take a look.

Thanks for the info. I have been to the one at Clementi, outside Bengawan Solo.. Didnt know that shop is call S&amp;S..

I remember buying a sweet pink Carter rompers at that store for only $5!! It's a real steal man.. I saw that same romper priced at $10.90 in a make-shift store in Jurong Pt! Was glad that i bgt it at $5 only.. Hahaha..

There is another S&amp;S outlet at Holland V? Where is it located?? Yah, i will make sure i check for defects before purchasing..
aiyo........i aim the socks n bib very long liaos. so ok la....kekeke......ssssssshhhhhhhhhh.....mai let my hubby know. wakakaka....
<font color="ff6000">serrrich, icy, sugar &amp; sherl</font>, oh didnt know clementi got a shop that sell branded stuff! must drop by one of these day heee

yaya where is the outlet at holland. i might b there next wk!
I also do experience pain ard the cervix and vaginal area.. Sometimes my bb kick so hard that i can feel a bulge popping towards my cervix and vaginal area.. Was telling my hubby that i think i am gg to give birth.. Hahaha..

For the past 2 weeks I have been experiencing tightening of the stomach bt i doubt its Braxton Hicks lah.. Seems like there is nt much space for my bb to grow at this stage ley..

Dunno y today esp, i feel tat my stomach skin is gg to tear apart! My tummy is super hard lor.. I am beginning to worry that my wound from my 1st caesar might just get over-stretched and rupture lor.. *Cross my fingers* Have been feeling nauseaous the whole day. Hungry bt no appetite ley..

i just saw your "then we can order sambal stingray, sambal sotong, chilli crab, see hum, lala, da tou. hahaha...!!!"

ahhhhhhhh............i am drooling on my office table........

btw, if breast feeding cannot take chilli leh.......

where is limbang? never heard before.
