(2007/01) Jan

icy, that time my company also has fire drill...then I was already given permission to be excused but some of the fire warden dunno then anyhow comment why I dun need to be there etc...lucky my coll helped me answer them back.
icy, during the annual fire drill every year my whole dept fights to be the "casualty" or "missing person".
zenn: ok, i will send u a revised list these few days as i need to cfm wif my sis's orders again.

if really v. troublesome for ur friend to take in my orders, let me know. thks again!!

btw, r u also buying the same dress as what i and june r eyeing on? *smiles*
zenn,bLuE_gEnIe, i oso not too sure leh..
cos i dun noe what's the full package?
or if i'm getting the full package liao..

we went thru the excerise, watch video on the different method of BF, cleaning of the equipment, different type of equipment, the GOOD of BF, the result of BAD BF etc...

Just mine 2cents worth!

zenn, 2 classes i think...
excluding the excerise part...
icy? Huh? No la, we all lazy, if you're missing or listed as a casualty then you dun need to go downstairs to report mah.
blue_genie, how u go to MAH to attnd the course? my course will be start on tonite... not sure which bus stop is nearer and no need walk too much...
<font color="aa00aa">Bluegrapes</font>, that's good news! Too bad, our detailed scans were already done last month, else, can do 3D. Can't wait to see BBs again!

<font color="0000ff">Pinky</font>, what book were u referring to? Can share with me the title? Cos' I think it's time to think of names for my BBs, tho' the middle Chinese character has already been decided by the family book.

<font color="ff6000">Zenn</font>, re these 4 BF classes, if I'm not planning to deliver at TMC or taking antenatal classes there, can still join in?

<font color="119911">Sherl</font>, if it's not too much trouble, could u help me update my BB girl's name? We;ve decided on Shannen cos' it just stuck with us and I think she likes it.

<font color="ff0000">All Mummies, stay tuned to Arts Central at 10pm tonight for the new series of Child of our Time.</font>
Congrats on deciding on a name, Alethea! kekekekeke....

fyi, the 4 BFing classes zenn, faeriekim and I are thinking of attending are organized by the Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (BMSG) and not by TMC... Join in la, one class is $12, hubby additional $5, if you joining for all four classes will cost $42 (exclusive hubby charges). kekekekke
hihi morning!

aqua, my bb also kicks at night, like 12-1. in the morning she's also kicking,sometimes until i awake. wonder when she's really sleeping keke. afternoon?

iceblue, finally after burn midnight oil complete ur blog huh :D grats!!

icy, dun worry, bring some oranges stuff in their mouth keke

zenn, estelle is a nice name
going off for my appt liao. Going to save money by taking MRT today, so leaving earlier. \clipart {biggrin} Hope can get a seat today...
Alethea - I need to go home to check the title of the book. Btw, u may use the link below to find a name for your "Long2 Feng4 Tai1":


The no. of strokes suggested by this website tally with tt i gathered from the book except tt the book will give u an explaination on the child's overall character based on the total no. of strokes.
Morning mummies,

Whoa this thread really moving very fast.

Seems like alot of mummies to be are attending the pre nantal class.

Actually for my first preg, i did not attend the prenantal. I tot pre nantal classes teach you to do stretching for easy delivery only. Seems that they are increasing the topics over the past two years.
then when i deliver at Gleneagles in 2004, there are classes during my hospitalisation stay where they will teach you stuff like how to bathe and care for your bb.
There are also lactation consultants who will teach you the correct way to breast feed with the baby during the hospital stay.

So first time mummies, may want to check if the hospitals where you are delivering have these services. Can save abit of money.
thanks, blue genie! I am quite lazy to climb overhead bridge.:p is #132 near our class?

I am MTB and my EDD will on 28 Jan 2007. I am attend weekday class (every thur) with my hubby. I also sign up the BMSG class ...
Karen: np. compared walking distance, i think aligning at bus 132 bus stop is the nearest to the hospital.

me attending sat class but 1st lesson is scheduled y'day. yeah, it's great that ur hb will be attending the class wif u cos the class will be full of couples!!! i was caught by surprise..was alone to attend the class cos was told by the staff that not necessary for hb to attend first lesson

snow: *shocked* 40 mins? where u wait for bus 132?
blue_genie - how big is the cl??? did they start on the dot?? its a bit rush for me cos my hubby knock of at 6pm... if he dilly dally abit n plus traffic jam, dunno whether can make it on time or not. My colleague told me tt snacks will b provided, so no need to fill the stomache b4 attending the cl. But to play safe, i plan to buy sm cakes along in case all snacks are finished up by the tm i arrived.
blue_genie, can't remember if it's 132. At the bus stop outside amk mrt station. this bus goes to hougang right?

preg_4_a_2nd_one, im one lazy mommie not attending any of these workshops/classes. mainly cos my cousin runs an infant care and she knows the basics and stuffs, rather have someone close to teach me
zenn, juz went there yday and already forgot! but one of them is seriously lousy. pesky sales asst and nothing much. but I know that it's the one to the left when u turn in from main road, no. 69.
zenn, I think Baby kingdom provide better service and I bought my babycot from them.

In terms of price, I am not sure cos both places sell different brands of items.
zenn, thanks leh... but wat i can't remember is whether the better one is hyperstore or kingdom. in any case, juz remember, the no. 69 one is definitely better from my point of view. bigger, more variety, more up-to-date.
pinky: frm what i c y'day,the class grp quite big, think abt 10-20 couples was there.they din really start on time..waited for abt 10 mins then started. some of the couples were also late, almost 1 hr and they were still allowed to join in the lesson. yes, snack and drinks were provided for short break. some notes also given.

if u worried that u'll be hungry, perhaps grab a sandwich before the lesson. think the break time is ard 7.30 pm.

snow: ya, bus 132 is at the bus stop outside amk mrt station and goes to hougang. same as bus 165 too...btw, bus 165 also goes to Mt. A but need to cross the bridge.
some update on the antenatal classes. thanks to ur recommendations, i have managed to get myself registered for Nov.'s session at Mt. A, which will end early Dec. Timing is just what I am looking for. But, will 22-23 couples per class be a little distracting?
snow: you are so lucky. As for me, i only picked up the ropes when i had my first princess. but its very hands on.
When we attended the class without my bb, like very weird lor. duno how to visualise.
faeriekim: frm wat i c, i dun think its distracting at all...all the couples will be v. concentrating in the lesson, bz taking down notes *lols*

Q &amp; A will be at the end of the lesson, so there's no interuption when the speaker is giving talk..so quite ok.
blue_genie - tks for the info. tink will buy sm cakes to eat b4 cl... me usu feel hungry at ard 6plus pm. hungry n greedy mummy... tts y put on so much weight thru'out pregnancy.
<font color="119911">AletheaT</font>, congrats. Shannen is a lovely name

<font color="ff0000">Sherl and iceblue</font>, update us soon!!!

<font color="0000ff">snow</font>, I have the same thoughts as you. My bb kicks me in the day and middle of the night. I wonder, too, when does she sleep!! Haha..

<font color="0077aa">zenn</font>, baby hypermart and kingdom are very close to each other. Within walking distance. I was there to scout for stroller. They focus on different brands but both offer maclarens. The other items they offer are quite different so it depends what you looking for.
Worth going though its rather out of the way.
Good afternoon ALL, finally back from wifey appt...
Baby doing well, weighting 578g as of Week 24...
Dr Woo oso took the length of his leg n the waist line...
both are of average measurement...

while doing the scan, intial part can see the baby's face, but he seem to know that we r looking at him, so he use his hand to cover his face...
from the angle we view, it look like he is doing "gong xi gong xi"...
will soon post the pic in mine blog...
<font color="0000ff">Congrats, Iceblue!</font> Let me guess, u've tawt of a Chinese name for your precious son, already, yar?

wow, that naini very popular manz. i call her make appt she say she very fully book.......................she also dunno when she got time to do pre-natal........she ask mi msg her then when she got time she call mi. but i am having such bad backaches now.
