(2007/01) Jan

Bluesky, I'm doing yoga now. Not special prenatal yoga class, normal yoga class, just let the instructor know you are preggie and they will modify the poses for you

I find the prenatal yoga too exp and location all too far and inconvenient...plus if want hubby to fetch me there, will be quite rush...

I will be starting on aqua aerobics after the yoga sessions end
have booked a slot for the YMCA one, but have yet to confirm cos I would prefer having it at a condo nearby with another fren

Currently still doing my 1/2 hour nightly walks with hubby and dog
plus my workplace requires me to walk up and down 4 storeys everyday...alot of walking done at work...heehee...

pre-preggie was 1 hour with intensive runs/swims on weekends.
Now weekends is sit there and watch my dog run and swim with hubby while I jaga things
Too clumsy to run on sand...

Swimming costume wise I bought normal swimming costume, bought 1 size bigger. The design of the swimming costume is those with extra fabric (gathers) at the tummy type...meant to conceal flabby tummies one...but good for preggies

Bought mine at Robinsons, around S$70 I think...

Snow, if you not working, you can go swimming weekday early evening ard 3-4pm...
I went at tt timing last week, no one ard
Only got 2 old ladies swimming, 1 couple cuddling at the corner and 2 handsome lifeguards
Got this from another thread...very cute.


This is so cute and oh so true

Your Clothes:
1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.

2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.

3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.
Preparing for the Birth:

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.

2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time,breathing didn't do a thing.

3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.

The Layette:

1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.

2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains.

3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?


1st baby: At the first sign of distress -- a whimper, a frown -- you pick up the baby.

2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.

3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.


1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home and wash and boil it.

2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle.

3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.


1st baby: You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not.

2nd baby: You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.

3rd baby: You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.


1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing, and Baby Story Hour.

2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.

3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.

Going Out:

1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.

2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.

3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.

At Home:

1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.

2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.

3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

Swallowing Coins (a favorite):

1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.

2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you
carefully watch for the coin to pass.

3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his allowance!

GRANDCHILDREN: God's reward for allowing your children to live!
mrs wong... the nearest swimming complex for me is at cck... always got alot of people haha. i think i very suey, cos i'm not so "big sized" so people swimming... even though swimming pool very big also like to swim near me and "deliberately" hit me if i dun move fast enough one. Once i dropped my ring and then dive in the pick.. the lifeguard thought drown..so embarrassing...i think the best is condo swimming pool at my friend's place
just worry what to wear when swimming...

$81 for sterilizer quite cheap, my aunt bought me one last month at metro. about $90 after discount.

aquarius, the part "At home" very funny ^^
good morning all mummies

today dun know wat happened. my lower abdomen, left side has some sharp pain. do you encounter that before?

as for bfast. i m having mee siam now.
Morning Icy!

Sometimes, there's a sharp pain on my lower abdomen, on the right side. It's like a tug or a pull. But more commonly, it's a dull ache that I experience when I stand up or start walking around. If I were to lie or sit down, I don't feel the pain.

Had dinner with a fren who's a doctor last night, and even she told me that a lot of pains and aches are inexplicable. So long as the discomfort is not prolonged and that there's no spotting, everything should be fine, cos' it could just be the BB pressing onto your organs or the uterus expanding.

Hope that you'd feel better after your mee siam.
Morning all...

Think I've experienced what you've before. Like what Alethea says, think it's due to your uterus/skin, etc expanding lor. Nowadays I always get funny aches, sometimes feel like my ab muscles are tearing up (which they probably are
) My belly has also started aching, sort of like the kind of ache when my boobs feel tender. ??!!

Ok, going bfast now... kekekekeke
icylemon, I also experience sharp pain occasionally. Is the pain still persisting? AletheaT is right. As long as the pain doesn't prolonged and no spotting, should be fine. You can call up gynae's clinic to check if you are worried.
Morning to all

I have a $20 voucher from Modern Maternity @ Amara. Was there to meet a fren, passed by the shop and the sales gal just gave me the voucher.(equivalent to 20% dis.) The voucher is valid till 18/9/06, with a minimum purchase of $100. I dun think i will use it. Already bought some stuff from Perfect Mum... i like their collections. :) If any of u interested in the MM voucher, let me know and i can pass to you. I'm staying at Punggol 21... so convenient meeting place wld be Punggol Plaza or Compasspoint...

Last nite i went to Perfect Mum @ Kovan and bought some bottoms liao. Now poor poor. I bought 2 working skirts and one 3/4 pant for $115. Average 1 pc around $40... They are having a promotion now :3rd pc for 50% and additional 10% off the total px. If u gals are interested can check it out too. :)
bluegrapes & alethea i had the pain ard 8am while i was walking. the pain lasted 2 mins till get on the bus. but after that the pain goes on & off. even untill now.
Icy, I had that last Thurs and Fri too! It was intermittent. The pain was not that bad that you've to keel over and break out in cold sweat, just uncomfortable.

Nevertheless, go c your gynae and get that U/S done. U'll feel more assured when u see your BB on the screen.
alethea i m abit reluntant to go off now. got some work to rush out for my boss.

but the pain seems to come & go.
If u are interested u can join me at CSC Bukit Batok for swim. I can sign in 2 guests for free.. I am planning to swim every Tue and Fri.

for the past 3 days i have been experiencing pulling and sharp pains very often on the right side. I suspect its muscle cramp after i started my swim last Fri ley.. Prior to the swim I did nt exp such frequent pulls and pain.. Hopefully i will get better after a few swims.. :)
mummies i m going off now to see my gynae. though the pain i still can bear with it. but coming almost 2 hrs le. i still feel the pain come & go.
Re maternity wear:
Hehe I more cheapo lor.. Bgt my maternity wear from Boon Lay mkt.. Those plain cotton material short dresses for casual wear at $12/pc and a maternity top and shorts at $28 each.. The more formal maternity dresses only at $28. Last weekend i bought 8 pcs of maternity wear for my aunt who is residing in Aussie at only $130. End up i bgt 4 pcs for myself at $67 only..
Serrich, do they have the stretchy type of spaghetti-strap dress, that's is gathered around the bust area? I've been meaning to buy some simple and casual dresses (like those u can wear to the beach, of stretchy cotton material but not the colourful types) but can't find.
icylemon, that pain also got, on and off.. having it now. lay down and rest awhile will feel better.

serrich, cool bukit batok near my place :D need to get a swimming costume first... my original swimming costume now cannot fit liao ^^

maternity wear - i didn't really buy special maternity wear, just buy bigger size clothings compared to the usual and those that won't be tight cos maternity clothes kinda too mature designed for me
msn_queen, will the stripping action induce labour? better check. Did brazillian a couple of times, and now, even thinking about the pain, I shudder....
For swimming costume, do you gals buy the one pc suit or 2 pc suit? I'm looking for one now ..budget below $50. Cannot fit into my Bandeu bikini anymore, the bust line a bit tight.

Brazilian wax -- never try b4 leh... always DIY!hahaha
yah lor i also nvr try Brazilian wax before.. I have low threshold for pain ley.. I also always DIY-shaving but my hubby complaint of the spiky feeling when ML lor so now nvr DIY leow...

No pbm.. Let me know when u wanna join me.
Never heard will induce labour leh.... somemore, now go should e quite safe leh....
Sigh, duno wanna go not... still deciding...

Bbjan /serrich,
Wax cleaner and not so spiky ma... not really that painful though...
MSN Queen, my regular wax lady advise me not to do brazilian cos I went to her to wax my legs, my pores flared up. Nvr happened before, so she say my skin more sensitive cos preggie, so she dun encourage brazillian waxing...she is afraid might get flare up and infected pores...

Alethea, I doubt the pain will induce labour, but my hubby not keen on me going cos he say when I feel pain, we actually pass 'pain' hormones to baby and baby will be a 'painful' kid...

Babyjan, I just buy 1 size bigger than usual and buy those with gathers at the waist
1 prefer 1 pc cos more comfy, dunnid to worry about this and that dropping off :p
hello gals

icylemon / bluegrapes / snow
congrats on having a galgal! can buy nice nice clothes liao....

congrats on having a boyboy!!

hmmm........wonder when wld be my turn to know??
Mrs Wong,
U so good.. Only need to get 1 size bigger.. Now my tummy very obvious leow.. suddenly my tummy like grow so big over 1 week ley.. Really need to put on maternity wear leow..

Don't be anxious.. Soon u will know bb's gender leow!! Just be patient..
Afternoon Girls,
Just came back from my detailed scan. Everything is normal and confirmed its a girl girl.
so means...............MORE SHOPPING!!! Wakakakaka............
ok i wld be patient....keke... hopefully during my detailed scan on 15 sep, wld be able to know...

u r welcome....
ooh icylemon on mc today.... hope she is doing well....

take care, icylemon!

congrats on having a gal gal!! can go "attack" all the cutesy stuff liao..... haha
yeah..............dun run cos i am coming!!! wahahah.......

take care ya, i think it should be fine cos i kept having this pain too. it will come n go come n go. so far my gynae only tell mi its due to the tummy getting bigger n stretching.
congrats! Girly stuff is so cute, there is a shop at Suntec, selling pastel pink and blue clothling for children... very cute. And i find the pinky so sweet especially.

U cna't accept PM?

So you go back to find Dr Chen after your scan?
Do take care and rest well..

Congras.. The # of princesses are catching up! :)

Yah today so quiet hor.. Not much postings..
Thanks Msn_queen. how to accept PM huh?
Yea i went back to Dr Chen after the scan. the shop you saying is it directly opp spring maternity? i aim that shop very long liaos.

Thankies serrich and snow. Actually know last friday le just confirm again today. hee hee.......
u must go to profile and accept PM lor...

Ya, the shop is right opposite Spring. very cute the color... but i find their boys too ligh blue liao.... like very pale... hahha
msn_queen, I know which shop you talking about..I LURVE that shop..always tell myself I will go there to buy clothes for my little kid next time!!
Wait till ur princess pops then u will realise there are even lot more to buy from the BPs!! Esp those sprees for children clothings.. Kekeke..
