2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

How did you manage your triplets huh? I was on my own for 3 hours this morning with my twins and I'm exhausted already. Really no joke having the 2 crying for milk at the same time. Although I didn't panic, I was afraid my neighbours would think I'm ill-treating my babies. Whew! I think I just had a taste of what its means to have "my sanity hanging by a thread". I guess this is what life will be for me starting this Sunday night. Arrhhh...

Latest update from Jovia Ger.. baby Cayden and Jaydon have arrived this morning.. weighing 2.95 and 2.88kg!

Congrats and well done Jovia!
twins MTB, I share ur sentiment! It's only 6 days since the arrival of my 2 boys and I am exhausted.. after their last feed at around 11pm plus, they need to be fed twice at around 2 and 5am. Very siong.. now hb on leave can help with the other twin. Cant imagine when he returns to work. I am seriously thinking of getting a maid now.
saw u buying the stickers leh...whats ur nursery's theme? Princess??

Wow jovia....good weight! Big congrats! ur turn to enjoy motherhood now! Take care rest now please and post your darlings pictures once u r ready

Jlyn and twins_mtb,
Think its the most difficult job and after that things would fall in place?? Hope u gals will make it thru well
Congrats on your delivery! Take care. Do tell us more when you are ready.

No particular theme, my walls are white...and I won't be painting it over. So I thought I'd buy the stickers to stick on the walls. Thought the fairies were cute n pretty...moreover got 2 fairies included...
hi all,
went to kkh for my appointment today.

The babies are doing fine, I asked doc about the movements and tightness i was feeling lately, he said its babies kicks. Babies were in 69 (transverse position) during my 20th week scan but today they were in "T" position, the noti one below had turned so much that he is kicking my bladder (i guess) every day. Everytime i feel a kick need to go and pee...hehe..

I was really really pissed offfffff by the "D" clinic staff today. I have known them well for their attitude but i thot i will just put up until i deliver the babies as it was twins, but today i cant tahan. Doctor's room nurse fixed appointment for my next detailed scan at 8 am and then asked me to go to the cashier pay and then get the doc appointment after the scan appointment. I did as she said, the cashier said the earliest she can give me is almost 1pm i thot the gap is too wide, nowadays i m sooo tired easily so told her i cant wait soo long so please give me a bit earlier, she said doc is not available in the morning on weds and he will oni b in in the afteroon. Then i told her then u just give me i'll call up and change later, she got up and went to check with the doc's nurse something and then said to me..."they have already informed u to just come here after scan"(in a accusing tone)I was really mad at that point cos believe me no one said that to me, if thats the case why would i want to ask her for an appointment time??? The reason why i m soo pissed off is firstly, the two staff who handled my case were very rude and behave like as if nobody pays them extra for doing that for me. secondly, this is not the first time they blame all their mistakes on me, it happened two times earlier and i was very patient at that time but was too angry today.

Why are they working like this??? why is the morale soo low in them, wonder if they are underpaid, overworked or simply no motivation from senior officers???is it only D clinic like this or the entire kkh like this? If not for twins i would have immediately changed hospital too bad i m scared to do that.

sorry for dumping my emotions here....I really cant tahan today. Just feel like changing the hosp
Need to check something with u...

Based on the charges details u gave me last time for TMC after medisave we will roughly pay about less than 1000 in cash??

How much did ur bill come up to and for how many days? what was the amt u hav to pay after medisave deductions?

I m seriously thinking of changing hospital. Do u gals think its a good idea to change gynae at this point???? soooo confused!!! I like doc LOH but cant stand the staff
Peacy,twins MTB,choco,

They are still in the hospital in the special care nursery. I had to wait for them to gain weight till abt 2kg before i can bring them home.

I try to visit them everyday and talk to them. They are growing quite well now both of them abt 1.5kg.

My hubby will visit them everyday and bring them breast milk.But mummy can only express little milk & it won't be enough for them.

Congrats on your delivery!
hey sistas, i have an urgent thing to ask, 10 mins ago i bled, like a gush of blood come out like that. is that worrying?

is it my babies gone? doc says to put in the progesterone pill and crinone and lie down.

any advice ppl?
Hi Antz Antz
Please do take good care of yourself. Your babies are in the hand of a group of professional doc and nurses so you should make use of this time to build up your health. With energy, then you can take care of your babies when they come home. As for bm, you must have the perservence to succeed so keep on trying. Even giving them 1 feed, it is considered very good already. for preemies, it is the best to good them bm.
hi twins_MTB
so far, I have been handling them with my maid's help. Honestly speaking, I think for multiple, we do need at least 2 pairs of hands to handle the babies.
Hi mamamic, you mean at KKH, they really let you kiss your babies before they show them to daddy ? so sound and so emotional

Hi Choco_latte, congrats on you having 2 princesses, you could dressed them up
Antz Antz,
Good that your babies are growing well...Don't worry, like what peacy said, any amt of BM is better than nothing. Soon you'll be able to bring them home!

Your babies also in T position like mine! Hee hee...got 2 acrobats in our tummies...yeah, I also felt an increased need to pee in the last week. I think that's caused by their positions.

Before you change your gynae and hospital, better discuss with your hubby first since you like your current doc. Do you have another gynae in mind? Main thing is that you need to be comfortable with the whole deal, since you'll be seeing your gynae a lot. Diff people have diff requirements.

From personal experience, I find that the process of seeing gynaes in hospitals tend to be very detached. A few yrs back, I had a polyp reviewed then removed at KKH (the gynae I had then was referred by my GP) and, as it was my first time seeking treatment in a hospital, I felt that everything was so detached and clinical. It's like you go in and q for registration, then q in a big big waiting rm b4 seeing gynae, q again in another rm for blood test, then q again for payment. I didn't like the continuous waiting time too, spending a few hours there for each appmt just to see gynae for 5min. Adding the shock of that gynae's matter-of-fact way of telling me that I have to go for surgery without any concern or sympathy for my reaction, I really didn't get a good impression then. Anyway, that gynae has already left KKH.

So when I started seeing my current gynae who has his own private practice, I was pleasantly surprised at the warm environment of his clinic. Even when the clinic is packed, no long waiting times as the appmts are generally quite punctual, and his clinic nurses/assistants are friendly and helpful. Also, we're happy that our gynae gives a lot of his personal attention to details. Guess that's why we didn't really think about comparing charges betwn govt and private hospitals.

Thanks! Yeah, can start thinking of shopping for my princesses.
jlyn and twinMTB, I totally can empathize with you as I have gone down that path. But thing are getting better. My babies are stetching a little longer at night. In fact, one of them can drink at 12mn and next one at 7am...

so hang in there..
Thanks for your encouragement.

I can imagine the frustration you had to go through. I'm also very particular about customer service and what the staff at KKH did is totally unacceptable to me.

For TMC, I took the 4-bedded package (as advised by my gynae) becos of the potential complications. Upon admission, I was upgraded to 2-bedded FOC. So my total bill was based on 4-bedded rates. Before medisave deduction, my bill was slightly above $5K. After medisave deduction, we only had to pay $898 in cash. My stay in TMC was 4 days/3 nights bcos it was C-sect for me. Natural delivery only need to stay 3 days/2 nights.

I also dunno whether its a good idea to switch gynae now, but if you seriously want to change hospital, then I feel you might as well do it earlier.
Hi didi,
yes, they did, one aft another. I being so blur and stone aft being squeezed and thugged at during the c-sect, didn't really know how to react oso. But it was the midwives who "let my girls kiss me" lah..

Congrats, Jovia|Ger! Enjoy ur "promotion", ya? ;)
Thanks choco and twins_mtb! Will decide this saturday when hubby is here and do it asap if he agrees

Changing the doc is really my concern now and dont know how comfortable i will be with the new doc...moreover dont know any doc in tmc.

wow, not bad leh...ur bill in cash is very cheap
Am planning to take 1 bedded room may be initially will be two bedded so will call up and ask TMC today.
Hi didi,
my girls are 19mths now. I tried to deliver them naturally then. Although there were contractions but they were too far from the cervix and couldn't get dilated, so end up epi-c-sect. Gynae feels its safer for mummy to remain conscious during the c-sect.
your bbs are already 19mths, so it is a breeze for you now ? do you bfeed them ? as I am trying to get as many tips on bfeeding as possible and btw do you feel any pain during the c-sect ? thanks
Hi mommies,
I'm new to this thread-just discovered it. I'm also a MTB of boy/girl twins, due ard end of this mth/early Dec.

I'm also under Dr SF Loh's care at KKH. Have you thought of transferring over to KK's The Private Suite (TPS)? You'll still be under his care, but considered a private patient. The consultation charges will be a little higher - abt $73 per visit (consultation + std ultrasound), but at least you won't be treated like cattle. I was previously seeing Dr Loh at Clinic D as well, but moved to TPS because I preferred Sat appts (he does weekdays too). I think it may be a better idea to stay at a tertiary hosp like KKH which has the resources to handle any complications, esp for twin pregnancies, which are after all considered more high risk than normal singleton preg... you know, just in case. Just my 2-cents worth.
hi K Toh,
Welcome to the thread

Ya been thinking abt what u said, that the best place to deliver multiples is kkh but the staff really get on my nerve at times, I would moved to the TPS long time ago its oni abt $10 difference between 'D' clinic cos i m a private patient. But i heard that if i m from TPS i cant downgrade below B1 should the babies stay longer in hospital. Dont know if this is the case. Oh i heard the waiting time in TPS is now more than 30 min is that so? So far my longest wait in 'D' clinic is 40 min and most of the time i wait only 10 or 20 min.

Thanks for info...will call up TPS again and check abt the downgrading soon
Hi all

THanks.. just came back from KKH today, babies home with me as well. Both babies can latch on, so trying for total breastfeeding at the mmt, very tiring for me and HB, but let's see how it goes....

Attached is a pic of the twins, the left is elder Cayden and right is younger Jaydon.

Hi Jovia,
Your twins are such sweetie-pies! Congrats! Let us know more abt your birth experience when you have more time...hee hee... Which brand of b-pump are you using?
Hi mummies

My c-sect experience overall was quite OK. Here is the short story:

730am - Arrived at KKH to prepare for c-sect
1015 - Wheeled to operating theatre
1020 - Epidural administered (not super painful, bearable). Waited for DR SF Loh, who was late.

1050+ - Dr Loh arrived and started on operation
1102 - 1st baby Cayden arrived
1103 - 2nd baby Jaydon arrived
1130 - Babies cleaned up and brought to me, and then brought to daddy, before bringing to ward. I was pushed to recovery room for monitoring
1220 - I am ready to be wheeled back to ward
1430 - My A1 ward was available (previously booked in for B1)
Afternoon - Started BF lying down.

2 Nov
Morn - started to sit up. BF sitting on bed.
Afternoon - started to walk. BF sitting on chair as well as twin-BF at same time using BF pillow

4 Nov - Discharged from hosp. Estimated bill abt $6k++ for me and babies, cash amt abt < $3k in total.
Congrats Jovia|Ger. Ur darlins look so adorable!!!

Hi Didi,
guess Jovia|Ger already gave the summary. The c-sect isn't painful jus dat u'll feel the tugging and pulling. For me, i felt like a human "toothpaste", all the squeezing and pushing. It felt like someone was putting pressure on my ribcage :p probably i'm exaggerating lah.. haha.. even my anesthetist had to help push the babies out from the top (behind the curtain covering my face)..

Breastfeeding wise.. jus have to persevere.. i was engorged on the 2nd day.. like 2 big lumps of rocks instead of breasts.. jus keep trying to express and massage.. painful but gotta tahan to get the blocked ducts going..

It works on a demand-supply logic.. the more u express or breastfeed, its like telling ur body to make more milk. but the actual milkflow is still subjective lah.. some takes 3 mths or more.. but knowing all the goodness there is in BM, jus gotta persist!!! Jia You!!

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>mamamic</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peacy</TD><TD>DOB 29th May 06</TD><TD>Kaylyn-1.5kg Nicole-1.4kg Ashton-1.3kg</TD><TD>3(girl/girl/boy)</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Tan HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>DOB 20th Sep 06</TD><TD>Jun Heng-2.8kg Jun Wei-2.2kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>DOB 18th Oct 06</TD><TD>boy-2.753 gal-2.730 both of them 48cm</TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>DOB 26th Oct 06</TD><TD>2.81 and 2.82</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>15th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>DOB 1st Nov 06</TD><TD>Cayden-2.95 Jaydon - 2.88</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>DOB 19th Oct 06</TD><TD>girl-1.2 boy 1.4 kg</TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>K Toh</TD><TD> early dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choco_latte</TD><TD>16th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>Private</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(girl/?)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoo</TD><TD>16th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>mooch</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="119911">Verona &amp; tch, I cant find ur details anywhere, can u post it when u r free? Thanks

Mooch, post ur details too

mamamic,pls let me know ur other details ya!

Hi all,
Hope i have updated correctly, let me know if anything is wrong or if i have omitted anyone!</font>
Good morning ladies!

mamamic, verona and peacy,
who is taking care of ur kids? are u both working mums or SAHM?

Have u gone back to work yet? How are ur boys doing, How is ur older son feeling abt his two younger brothers?

twins_mtb and doggies mummy,
how are ur darlings doing? So far have u brought them out anywhere?

audry, jlyn, jovia and antzantz,
u gals must be busy attending to ur new arrivals and recovering ur body rite? Hope u gals get well and healthy soon.

K Toh,
seems like u r the next one to pop??, jia you jia you

how are u doing dear, hope everything is fine and the babies are growing fast and doing great!

didnt hear from u for very long liao! really miss u....hope everything is going as planned, enjoy ur rest now while u can and do post here when u can

where r u liao? Still working or stopped working already? Do update us when u have time.

I think u r busy shopping leh....i guessed correct right? so are u working now? How ur babies are kicking hard now?

Have dr Loh given u the Edd yet? So how's everything with u?

Didnt hear from u dear, hoping that everything is fine and u'll update us....take care ok!

For me, I m fine, just too bored at home and easily get tired so I dont go anywhere. Planning to take some bed rest from now on, but doct did not say so. He just said rest as much as possible. BTW, whats the correct definition of bed rest? Do we have to be in bed at all times? So far i only sleep at night, keep moving a lot at home itself and get too exausted by it? Do u gals think i should sleep more?

<font color="aa00aa">23weeks ++
next detailed scan on the 15th Nov
so far put on 8 kg only</font>
Hi Best_Twins, my details :

DOB : 03/04/05
Names : Gwyneth (2.48kg) &amp; Lyneth (2.52kg) - 2 girls
Hospital : KKH
Gynae : Dr Tony Tan

Best_twins, I am going back to work next week..so sian..time seems to fly so fast. I was back to office for a day last week and already missing my babies. After work and picking my son from childcare, I reached home only at 7+pm...so hardly any time to interact with the babies as sometimes they sleep at 7+. So was feeling very sad that when I go back to work, I probably won't be able to play with my babies during weekdays at all.

My elder son adores his little brothers just that sometimes he is a bit rough with them. He likes to squeeze their feet and will affectionately put his face to their body, like what a little kitten normally does to our legs.
Decided to stop for a while until babies are born then decide. So currently not working. Think I've started to feel babies kick from inside, but still quite light taps so not always sure. Last nite, been feeling uncomfortable and tight in the tummy area...esp when trying to turn from side to side.
Dunno why...hope today will feel better.
<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>EDD/DOB</TD><TD>NAME(optional)/BIRTH WEIGHT</TD><TD>NO. OF BBIES/GEND</TD><TD>HOSPITAL/CLINIC</TD><TD>DR. </TD></TR><TR><TD>mamamic</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peacy</TD><TD>DOB 29th May 06</TD><TD>Kaylyn-1.5kg Nicole-1.4kg Ashton-1.3kg</TD><TD>3(girl/girl/boy)</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Tan HK </TD></TR><TR><TD>TCH</TD><TD>DOB18th Aug 06</TD><TD>Dion 2.47 and Ethan 2.78kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggies mummy</TD><TD>DOB 20th Sep 06</TD><TD>Jun Heng-2.8kg Jun Wei-2.2kg</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>dorayaki</TD><TD>DOB 6th Oct 06</TD><TD>Gracia-2.165kg Chloe-2.095kg</TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrynzen</TD><TD>DOB 18th Oct 06</TD><TD>boy-2.753 gal-2.730 both of them 48cm</TD><TD>2(boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jlyn</TD><TD>DOB 26th Oct 06</TD><TD>2.81 and 2.82</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Verona</TD><TD>15th Nov 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovia|Ger</TD><TD>DOB 1st Nov 06</TD><TD>Cayden-2.95 Jaydon - 2.88</TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ants Ants</TD><TD>DOB 19th Oct 06</TD><TD>girl-1.2 boy 1.4 kg</TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD>TB Lim </TD></TR><TR><TD>K Toh</TD><TD>early dec 06</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alethea</TD><TD>27th Jan 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>Cathryn Chan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>5th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3(boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>GlenE</TD><TD>LC Foong </TD></TR><TR><TD>BK</TD><TD>13th Feb 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Trips</TD><TD>5th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>3 (boy/boy/girl)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinsmom</TD><TD>8th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 boys</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choco_latte</TD><TD>16th Mar 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2 girls</TD><TD>Private</TD><TD>Dr Fong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Irin</TD><TD>9th Apr 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(girl/?)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoo</TD><TD>16th April 07</TD><TD></TD><TD>2(??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>mooch</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2 (??)</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi hi, forgot to enquiry abt the following ladies...BK, irin and qoo

Hope u gals are doing well aswell.

thanks a lot for the wonderful info that u sms me, Like i spoke to u i have decided to settle with kkh, but hor get really pissed off at times that i start to toy with the idea of changing hospital:p

icic, I can understand how u will feel not being able to spend time with the babies during the weekdays, hey dont worry...u still have weekends and moreover, for now they will be sleeping most of the time rite?

Ur elder son soo cute, thats great that he loves his little brothers...hmmm he must be very proud of them and wld be boasting abt them to his friends in childcare haha (i have seen kids doing that after their mother had given birth). I love to listen to their stories abt thier little brothers and sisters....so imaginative sometimes keke...

the twin stroller price seems to be ok leh, if its in a very good condition then u should keep it cos the new one i enquired at baby hypermart was 590 after discount and everything (2006 model). May be ur parents can buy something else?? See what u prefer...btw, where did u buy the twin stroller?

ya best to rest at home for now
I think the kicks will get stronger in your 23 rd week, for me i can feel them bang at times hehe...My tummy also tight on some days
I told doc abt it he doesnt seem to worry leh...so i decided its normal, abt the tummy bouncing at times he said it could be due to the babies movement, well i just have to listen to him and not worry myself. I think the tummy hardness is caused by food, for me whenever i eat too much of grains and pulses my tummy will seem to be hard.

will update ur info once everyone had posted their info and once the number of posts hit hundreds so that the table will be on top haha...
Have PM you about downgrading in KKH. Pls chk if u have received it.

My details are:
BBs DoB 2nd October 2006
Weights 1.77, 1.81, 2.10 kg
Can help to update table for me? Thks.
Just saw it
and replied u...thanks it was very useful...think u r right there is a diff between twins and triplets and the number of weeks we are while we deliver leh
Yeah, we liked it when we saw it, cos it was in good condition and was very easy to handle...very sturdy and responsive...guess that's typical of maclaren strollers. Thought it was a good deal too. Bought it at the garage sale when my husband decided to go at the last minute. After we choped it, some other pple were also eyeing it...hee hee... Did you go to the sale in the end? We're still willing to let go of it if there are any interested parties. My parents' first grandkids lah, so they are very excited and wanted to buy a new one for us.

I've been eating a lot of chocolate in the last week...until I realised that caffeine in chocolate is not that negligible...so must start to watch myself. Must be all that snacking that's why I put on 4kg in the last 5 weeks! Gosh! Babies' total only increased by 0.4kg, so the rest must have gone to mummy...hee hee...
My total gain so far is around 6-7kg.
Hi Best_Twins,
no prob abt the update. Take ur time

Currently i'm working. Been "insane" for 8 mths as SAHM before putting my girls at the infantcare. Finances were taking a toll and also felt dat the girls are OK enuff to be put at infantcare liao..

Hi Choco_latte,
did u get the strollers at the Twinsplussing Garage Sale? Mine is the exact same model/color too.. except mine is alittle faded cos' i've been washing the seat covers :p

Hee, mine was also a present from grandparents.. but honestly, the stroller is very good, fits into most lifts and escalators.. now my girls can walk, they hardly want to sit in the stroller, so its been kept at home most of the time.. now, i'm also considering to sell it off.. unless i get preggie wif twins again??!!!

Btw, is there any mummies/MTBs here wif more than 1 twins/multiple pregnancy? I'm alittle concerned abt getting another pair of twins/triplets if i get pregnant again.. :S
icic, my hubby also wants to buy a new one from hypermart they selling the 06 model only for 590, he was tempted to buy on that day but i told him to wait until the babies arrive

I didnt go for the twinsplussing sale cos hubby not around and i didnt want to go alone. Oh so u bought it there? how was the things there? excellent condition? was it worth going for u?

I m gonna stop shopping for a while and wait for year end sale so that we can save some money. I m not gonna buy anymore of baby clothes, have got some hand me downs and bought some from kiddy palace, mothercare and online so will have to buy other stuffs.

Does anyone know when will mothercare have sales? I really like their products
Oh ya now i remember that ur gals are in infant care..now childcare right? hmm...u were lucky there was a good one near ur place, if i have that i will also go back to work leh. So now ur gals are in playgroup is it (toddler class)?
Hi Choco
So you are the one that bot that stroller at the garage sale. haha... i was the one looking at the car seat next to you. =) in the end didn't buy anything there.

Hi Best Twins
Thks! I am fine. gain so much weight! now my waist measuring 42 inches liao! weight gain almost 20kg!

25wks exactly =)
20 kg ah? wow...me oni 8 kg leh my tummy measures 39 inches at night at 36 in the morning hehe...

Btw, what to u eat to put on more weight, me still skinny only tummy big...hubby scared that i m not gaining enought weight
Twinsmum, I am ok, putting on weight
Dr Loh has not given me the specific date yet, he just told me it will be in late april 2007
where is the twinplussing sale that you have mentioned ? I will have only some hand-me downs from my sis, a cot and maybe a stroller, so need to buy another one, if I am using clips, do you know if the 2 stroller needs to be of the same brand ? and also which websites have all I need to know about twins stuff (eg bf, shopping etc). Thanks a million.

Chloe, yep I missed you too, hope to see you log-in here
Yeah, I know what you mean. The moment we tried out that stroller...it was like, wah, it moves very well and we liked the colour combination. Even my PIL were quite impressed then. So we grabbed it, even thought we didn't do much research into other brands before we went for the sale. Glad to hear you like yours too. Will definitely stick to maclaren now.

Haha, you never wave at me that day.
I also bought 2 infant carriers/car seats. Actually at that time, we were not sure whether it was a good deal or not, but think they're prob abt half the price of new ones...so quite cheap. They were also in good condition. So we also grabbed! hee hee...

The sale's not bad, but you need to sift through the baby clothes, some were quite new but also spotted a few that were a little faded. Bought a few rompers and mittens, after trying hard to find some matching/similar ones, 'cos didn't want to be biased towards any twin.
Maybe next time, must go early cos there's prob more good stuff then.

Ya i think its difficult to tell the EDD for twins, its not accurate even for singletons
The twinsplussing sales was held at ulu pandan condo on the 4th from 10-4pm if i m not wrong. I think its a yearly event, its a garage sale, mostly they sell used twins items by expats i heard.

I m not sure whether u can use different brand strollers together, but i think kiddy palace is selling the clip so u can check with the sales person-may be someone else here will help u with that

Me too dont have any hand me down stuffs, got some new born clothes from 2 kind mummies here one bag had twins clothings and the other singleton (seperates, pyjamas etc in good condition), so i only bought a few sets of identical clothes for my boys, thot anyway they will grow out of these clothes very fast and we need to buy again
Other than these i m gonna buy all BN. I'll see if i have saved any links
on twins websites so far and post it here, the best is drop by here constantly and keep ur self updated

icic,how much were they selling the clothes for? Are they branded?
