(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hi gals!
miss u all so much... now staying at my mom's place... onli get to use the comp when i'm pumping in the morning..
aiyo.. ss drop liao... too lazy to pump at mom's place... coz using manual.. heee... :p oh ya.. but the gd news is tt i can pump at work.. so happy...

rainy morning...zzzzz

busy past couple days...
just wanted to share my excitment at receiving the Ergo yesterday (Finally)!! And yes, mummies, thanks for all your feedback on it. It is indeed very good! Tried it on hannah yesterday and we love it!
shihui, so u r going to continue to bf?
why u never bring ur ameda to ur mom's pl?

bobiahah, that good ah? but too bad no front facing .... cos kate loves to face the front...so now i am trying to hip carry her using sling so that she can face the front...
bobianah, me got the carrier yesterday too! but tim was already asleep could not try. have to wait till the weekend. is it easy to use? saw those buckles i 'luan' liao...hee hee....

TanSL, you wanna join me and bobianah at the aquaducks on sat at 3pm slot?

roo, no news on your complain huh? sigh!
Yeah...happy for u. We also love our Ergo. Still use it when I bring E 2 wet market
Only con is can get quite hot for bb and u. But short trips out or in shopping mall is ok. One day we can have mummy, bb n Ergo outing

Sometimes going out 2 crowded places carry bb inwards facing better. Bb can turn away if they dun like the din. E also likes to be carried facing forward but when we go out we prefer to carry him facing in cos he gets scared quite easily
Hahah...he such a scaredy cat...sometimes at home we talk abit loudly at home he also jump. Gong Xi gong Xi Kate crawl liao.
roo & nana
I PM you already. Just activated my PM function this morning.

where did you buy your ergo from? I'm also thinking of getting it. Is it easy to use and comfy? No backache? I'm currently using Baby Bjorn Air but it's giving me a backache cuz my baby is getting heavier. But she really likes the face outward function.
hi morning!

Ivan turn 7th mths today!!
5 more months to end of bf..

yest went marina sq for walk...then pop by suntec..saw queue for doughnut factory....we didnt q the one which can buy boxes one..we q for the buy two doughnut queue...almost 2pm still many working pp queuing...so good hor..no nid rush back to work..:p

hubby rented jumperoo n leapfrog execsaucer..bt he didnt like the latter...cried like mad when we put him there..think he is afraid of the music !! ?? we off the music stll the same...
tink wasted $42 liao n now white elephant..jumperoo a bit better bt he doesnt 'JUMP'in it...just playing with those small toys infront...today his 2mth bumbo will be returned liao...so now one less ting to confine him...n he still cannot let me out of his sight..

He has eaten pumpkin porridge for past three days..yest tink cos his dad fed him he managed to eat 10 spoonfuls!! almost 3/4 of his bowl..tink he quite like...tink after this wil try sweet potato porridge...

thanks bloom and Dora for the reply on introducing solid !
if he really like solid then i will feel much motivated!!!
Hey mummies,
Long time din post.. hope every1 are doing well.

Sharing Pics of my Hayley wearing her new leggings & her Ribbes hairclips (which is given by my friend).

* The Ribbies hairclips (esp made for bb's soft head)is handmade in US and even can clip my ger's few n fine in place. We even can wear the clips (perfect for bb to toddler - big girls like us).

For those interested, maybe u can take a look at this site http://divasvibes.spaces.live.com/ for more pics/details.


me din rec'd ur PM. Can send again?

Hayley is so bubbly.
Denise hair style oso e same as Hayley. I'm gg to get her clips liao. YEAH!
bloom, snowy
ergo's good.
I'm quite happy with it. Very easy to use conpared to other brands! initially, I thot that no front facing is no good, but then i realise that everytime i carry hannah, oso not front facing mah...so it's ok la. It helps cos nowadays hannah very fidgety in my arms so i worry she'll slip out. and the ergo is quite secure...

hwee and i bot it at a recent BP. So it's slightly cheaper. no backache, the padding is superb.

easy to use! much easier than my previous carrier! not many straps. Watch the instructional video. actually, can oso carry without watching video, but it teaches u how to hip carry too.

Yah! good to use...i think for warm-ness, abt the same as other carriers...:p anyway, hannah is a hotbabe...so, used to it...maybe she'll feel warm in it. :p Yes, we can hv Ergo outing next time!

hayley so sweet! I think i cannot let hannah wear leggings...she sure sweat even more! I love the clips...maybe can get too...but expensive hor?
Hi roo/bobianah,
thanks for yur compliments on Hayley.

I like the clips too as I can get to use it (vain mummy). Finally find a clip that can hold my Hayley's few hair in place whole day without hurting her head. I been shopping around for suitable clips for her but all are usually for thicker hair n quality not so bb friendly. I also looking at this site, planning to order 2 more sets for us.. soo many designs... a headaches to choose hor. hee

Although the price is a bit pricey, the quality/ designs are nicer/better.

Happy shopping.

Hi Choo,
Happy 7th month to Ivan.

hmmm.. the forum looks quiet today. All gone to dark side? (hee)

(i working today.. sneak sometimes away to check forum. shhhh) :p
are the leggings hot? i think they look very good on your daughter. Also thinking whether to get for my girl. How much do the clips cost? How to purchase them?
hi snowy,
my hayley looks comfy in the legging, dun think she feel hot. She got many rompers and think it match great with leggings.

As for clips, u can go to the website n see/email yur order ($12/pair). Or u want to combine the orders with me? If there are mummies interested to combine order. Let me know and I will ask my friend if can get discount. If small order only, I very paiseh to ask for discount. hee

scolded her twice today! I'm so glad she is leaving!
She send me an email with 2 drafts to amend, i amended and she claims there's no change, why I say i made amendment when it's the same...confuse me lor, cos in my PC sent folder ming2 ming2 have mah...
I ask her to come to my office so that i can explain to her and you know what she say "oh, you send so many emails to me and confuse me".
WAH PIANG! Blame me that i send her "so many emails" and confuse her! In the first place, she's the one who sent me 2 drafts in ONE email!!
reporting fr office shared comp.. :p so sad... no individual comp here..
PH is getting more n more cheeky.. yesterday, aft changing his diaper, we left it on the floor.. he creep creep creep to his diaper n smell it.. hahaha.. so funny.. go to quickly snatch it away fr him.. else later he bury his face in the diaper jialet liao. :p btw, PH's 2nd teeth is appearing..
n his top gum seems abit hard... maybe teething too..
so cute..

the ergo carrier is very useful hor. i like it so much tt i stop using my sarong sling.. :p it's very convenient..

haha.. luckily ur staff is leaving.. u found her replacement liao??

i plan to tong as long as possible lah.. currently, my ss still enough coz PH is such a small eater.. :p n i'm supplementing with FM once a day.. so still okie lor..

the ribbies is so cute..
aiyo... too bad PH is a boy.. else i will get one.. :p
so long never online liao..so busy and tired.

alos anyone in the mist of looking for a new job or pondering on a new
career/challenge?do pm me yr email and I will fwd u the email to fwd to.

just would like to ask what brand of bath or shampoo do yr bb use? I'm using J n J top to toe but my muy said too mild. she is asking me to stop buying and intending to use Dove (adult shower cream) on bb tx. I told her too strong and bb might not be suitable to it.but she insisted. I got to 'nag' at her again.

as for the jumperoo and leapfrog execsaucer, may Ivan has not get used to. when bb tx is intro to walker, she also scream, cry. it took her some times to adjust to the items. do try again....

thks for sharing the info abt hairclip. ai-yo, I'm waiting for bb tx 's hair to grow so that I can buy hair clip for her. her hair seem to grow veri slow after shaving her during her 4mth.

wow, $12 per pair, quite ex leh.any shipment fees? hmm can't find the pricing at its website leh?

haa I also sometimes sneak in to check the forum (tough not suppose to be...has to wait for no one seeing it then can secretly open small window and log in).

hmm..saw yr posting previously abt yr staff not wanting to improve etc... hai...those aunties and uncle in my office also, I pass them work to do and they just grumble and mumble saying that they are just o level holder, only max standard they can do. tough already draft out userguide for them to follow and demo how to do, thye still got that kind of attitute and won't change. think they are too comfortable out of their work zone, dun want to improve or learn something new or adapt to changes...hai..so fed up.

hmm..yr staff resign on herself??she so young but yet....

wow, Jav so happily smiling. will melt one heart when one see his pic. I do print my bb tx photo and paste at my desk, her smile brighten my day.
Hello mummies

Hmm.... maybe you stay with your babies and teach them how to jump in the jumperoo? INitially JT also din know what to do in the jumperoo, then we help shake it for her a bit, and encouraged her, then she realised it's so fun to jump, then she kept on jumping

The hair clips look so nice... but really very ex leh... Think JT will settle for the $1 each hair clip lah :p

Aiyo.... cannot lah! Adult shower cream too harsh for bb skin. Anyway, how dirty will bbs get? The most is milk or their food and sweat only mah!

Wah Jav looks so cute! He's a big boy liao, and sitting so stable... my JT is still like a bu dao weng

I've got a new problem. JT still likes her solids, but nowadays she wants to snatch the spoon to feed herself. so now feeding time is like a war. I gave her another spoon to play just now, it's slightly better, but she'll put her spoon into her mouth, so the spoon will also have her food, then her hands will also have her food, then her hair, face, everywhere also got food.... sooooo messy!!! How how??

I fed JT mashed potatoes yesterday... she absolutely HATEs it!! Think my girl is really a china girl, eat rice but not potato!

I also tried giving her Nan HA2 into her rice cereal just now. I think the taste seems acceptable to her... just hoping that she won't have any allergic reaction to it....
on my 212 days old: where's my milk all gone to?

on my 212 days old: eee...what's that mummy is feeding me?

on my 219 days old: In the island of pillows...

on my 219 days old:
<font size="+1">calling all my frenz, any one want to share the big hamburger with me...I CAN'T finish it...sob sob...</font>

dunno why the internet $%$# so slow...want to post message, just keep 'hanging' there...

ok, I am still struggling to clear the emails and read all the postings...

mummies who pump ebm
wondering how to cope using computer while one is pumping? try to but cannot leh cos 2 hand need to hold onto the funnel...any tips...

mummies who use pet pet diapers
is pet pet diapers cutting smaller than other brand diapers? just for info, anyone using pureen dry 5(bb tx is using since birth, find it quite gd for her).

with regard to the porriage, my mum always use 1 table spoon to cook. the portion will be 1 small bowl. bb tx loves it with fish or potato. Have intro green veg -heng cai" to her last sat.

wow after that, her poos *&())^% smelly man...faintz...

normally, after the morning feed for my bb tx, I just leave her at the playpen or just slp on my bed (in betw hubby n me). she just look here and there and then scratch yr face, pull yr hair, if one ignore her, she will guai guai slp.

maybe u just leave yr bb to play on his own loh, see if he can auto slp. cos maybe when bb slp someone there, he will not wan to slp.

hmm..dunno will heinz (the actual co) set up its booth at IMM level 2 attrium on 4/8 or not cos at 1330hr, there is the Heinz bb contest (give prize to those bb who got into the photo contest, haa I 'm waiting fot the letter to see if bb tx is the winner or not). anyway, have stock up 4 boxes of orange box fr NTUC that time when it has offered. luckily, I only bought 1 box of banana breakfast, bb tx dun seem to like it so got to mix it with the mulitgrain one then she eat quite fast. hope, she also will not dun like the apple one cos bought 2 boxes (tot got promo but....hai..).

hmm read that u snatch and throw away while u saw mum feeding mandy the rice coated food. will yr mum angry?

same here, I also attended antental class and read books to take care of bb.

hmm no one help u during confinement mth?

hmm do JT poos smelly when u intro spinah to her? wow, me wanted to faintz...cos bb tx is ^*^%$ smelly when she eat the spinah and tofu.

haa how's JT reaction when intro gerbers apple prune juice? bb tx when given her the Heinz apple prune juice, she tremble and close her eye so tight(see the photos I posted).

hmm same same leh, my mum's thinking has the same as yr mil of the veg thing cooling etc.

hai..will nag at her today to tell her not to give bb tx the dove bath shower cream. anyway, will bring the samples (fr googies bag) of Kodomo bath and shampoo later when I go over to fetch bb tx today(of cos hubby is joining later).

err..I mixed the cereal most of the time with ebm one. what did u mix previously...

as for the mashed potatoes, maybe JT need sometimes to get used to. my col is telling me dun let a kid to develop to a fussy eater loh. try and try to intro the food to her again some other day even bb dun like it.

haa with regard to hair clip, same same, will settle on $1 type of hair clip..haa..but envy JT has so much hair.

recently, bb tx appetite increase man...

haa..why yr hubby so many qns, why kate pee so much and u wear so many clothes...ai-yo...then u ask him bck more qns loh.

wow, the photo that yr hubby and Selina slp posture so interesting.

ai-yo, u stay near ntu, still need to take cab meh...

wow, feed so much porriage, not so gd idea loh scared bb digestion not gd to absorb all that.luckily, my mum know that, she told me feed 1 meal temporary and will increase as bb tx grow older. so now morning feed cereal with ebm, lunch feed brown rice powder with ebm and evening time feed fish/potato/bveg porriage (bought brown rice fr medicial hall). same same, when I brought bb tx home, we will pump her with milk fr 150-200ml. so she got the most ebm and all ebm she snapped up.

wow, selina still wan to lathc on, gd for u...bb tx and I got inpatient with each other when latch on so give up.

haa..same same, told my mum that milk is the most impt source, she said she know she know yet....hai...

bb tx also did not drink so much ebm to 750ml also during wkdays.

ai-yo, old folk dunno why want to add soy sauce etc to the porriage..ai-yo...me also kept reminding my mum and ask hubby to tell her mum not to do that.

same same, got to 'lun" mum and then give her dirty looks when she say silly and not logic thing.

bb tx is also first grandchild at my mum's side. think she got to spoilt her...as for my in laws side, cos my hubby's brother wife dun visit my pil at all so now bb tx can be 'considered' as their first grandchild. mil dotes and brought her clothes, toys and small little pillow(tough my mum recently make her a plently of pillow/boaster etc).

ai-yo, my mum hor, dun wash teat properly one, still got those cloudy look on the teat.I told her and she gave all kind of defensive excuses like where got, how can it be...

haa abt eyesight, my mum also like that, also dun admit.

for me, my mum will not poke and touch my teat, she will go and buy the teats...then secretly poke. of cos, I accidentally found out when bb tx go and touch here and there (she hide under the cup etc).

seem lot of common areas between our old folks....

Same same, I also always busy @ work and after work still need to go and delivery ebm at mum'plc, by the time, came bck, dead tired, in the mronign felt like a panda cum walking zombie etc... so seldom come into the forum liao. so need to take leave every alternate fri to clear my email box (now got 400+ email mah after 7 days did not clear). hmm yr jav 's development stage can be considered quite fast.

my development stage for bb tx:
1) Toothless

2) kan cheong when come to food, will scream if action slow.(any bb like that??)

3)Know how to sit firmly last week but sometimes, will tend to fall back.

4) walker: roam ard the whole hse and she loves to KPO at the door step(my hse is face to face door type, gd for her, kept her busy)

5) bb tx likes to do push up and then wriggler like capterpilla twd instead of crawling with knee cap

6) Makan: 1 porriage,1 brown rice powder with ebm, 1 rice cereal with ebm, 4X milk, biscuit during tea time.

7) same same, kept on saying mama mama and momo when want to carry or makan.

8) sleep thru the night since 2mth (during ML, need to find her to drink cos ss so much that drip).

9) same grab card or book when flash.

10) same like to put anything she can grab into mouth.
when papa raise his voice, bb tx 's mouth will overlap each other, give him a look.

11) wow, Jav so 'opened' to stranger. now bb tx stranger anxiety is lesser(no cry) but only stare hard at the unfamilar face.

12) bb tx loves advertisement show on tv. she will stare hard and no matter how hard u call her, she won't response.

haa..so cute, Jav loves to shao jiao by plc his head on yr chest.

did u mix the oat cereal(what brand of cereal u use) with ebm?

u using manual pump now? wow , won't it tiring and take longer time to pump? so did not go and repair yr amedala pump?
Just for a laugh
1. SUSAN (age 4) was drinking juice when she got the hiccups. "Please don't give me this juice again," she said, "It makes my teeth cough

2.JACK (age 3) was watching his Mum breastfeeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked: "Mum why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?"


I just came across this very touching local love story!

Joanna is a 17 years old student in National Junior College. Like
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Jacky, a classmate of Joanna, believes that Joanna is not suffering
from any curse. He believes that Joanna is just suffering from
some mental illness.

When their paths crossed, a touching love story began.

Read their bittersweet love story at
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Hi Ladies,

I'm now in dilenma, my ex ex boss called me a few days ago, asking me to help him in another company. I don't know what to do leh, but he understand that I need to pump ebm for Reyna and he can meet my salary requirement. But I'm worried for Reyna, she still can't take bottle yet and she still very clingy to me. Most imptly, I can't bear to leave her leh. I quite enjoy the days as a SAHM, but this is just too good an opportunity to miss.

I'd sent him my resume, but inside my heart, I hope his boss will say no to my application, cos I dun fit the job description, but it's an opportunity to learn as well. Hiaz, just wait for next week lor. DILENMA!!!!
i mixed rice cereal with oat cereal..
oso added in carrot and spinach for every meal.. :p he's taking it well now..

the story is quite nice..
but hor.. the last 3 chapters gone.. sian... dunnoe if i want to buy to finish it anot.. :p think i shall go library borrow.. hehehehe... :p

wah.. not bad leh..
up to u lah.. maybe u can go back try try.. if can't take it, den quit lor..
at least u tried.. won't regret in future..
Hi Friends,

I'm so happy today, I just came back from my baking lesson!

So relieve, Reyna behaved herself at my mum's place!! For the 1st time, I left her alone at my mum's place and I'm gone for so many hours!! Wat a relieve man.... hee, that shows that I can go for my spa, facial, massage, hairdo and my classes liao!! More or less, I've regained my freedom!!! YippEE!!!

Oh ya, I just saw your posting many days back on the pumping. Congrats!! U can Pump at work!!! See I told you, now you can start to build up your ss liao!!

Ya, I will go back to try the workforce again provided I'm "wanted" lah, else, I just enjoyed my days as SAHM. Really hate to give up my baking business Full time.

Today I just learn the molten chocolate cake / lava cake, so yummy, will try one day. Want to be my guinea pig again? ;P
Lil, bobianah..ehhehe..kate always very kapo always to face front. if i get ergo i think she will refuse to sit in it cos cannot face front! :p

choo... so u decided to continue bf till 1 yo? what famous donut factory is that? btw when starting to intro solid must start slowly. after a while they will start to show 'appreciation' before that it will be WW3!

gan...wow..u sure the leggings are not warm? looks very hot leh :p but the toes peeking out is cute!

serene..ahaha..javier alot of bling bling leh :p he does not chew on them?

bobianah..ahahaha..i think there is so co-relation between ulu locations and stupid staff :p

shihui..ahaha..PH wants to know how much u all are suffering :p

afcai, dont use dove lah..bb dont need such strong bath foam. TX's pics are so sweet!!!!! she does not climb over all those pillows? i think men all got alot of questions.. cos bb not like PCs so straight forward :p

vanessa...wah..sound like ur boss very eager for u to go back... so ur mom feed reyna bottle no prob? but if u go back to work u will still bake parttime right?

shihui, har..u mean the one afcai post in real books ah... eheh..anyway me dont like love stories...
i also saw the queue for the donut factory. is it really worth the queue?

if u know the ending of the story, let me know hor... coz i oso went to read the online one.. then realize.. alamak! no ending.. sianz liao. hehe..

wah.. molten chocolate cake... sounds really yummy!
wow, the forum has been so quiet! the server had been slow and in fact down for a while last friday.... or did everyone chat only at the dark side?

vanessa, i think esp now you can leave reyna for a while, you can go and try if working is still for you. like shihui says you can quit if you dun like. baking can stil do part time la.

choo, starluster, guess wat? i wen to queue for the donuts at the donut factory last friday. bot 2 dozens. it is really yummy! but some are too sweet. its the latest craze in town.
well, all i can say is, i've tried it b4 liao and i wil only buy if there's no queue. its nice but the wait is crazy. i waited for 40 minutes for mine. i know some ppl actually waited for more than 2 hrs! the price is reasonable at $11 per dozen, so i guess its a hit with the youngsters. plus they look really good and pretty! my advise is go for those with chocolate, others are surprisingly sweet!

bobianah, we didn't go for the swimming class cos tim was sick! sigh! coughing and nose blocked. think i'm sick now too!
Ya lor, he sounded so eager, but I'm not leh, hee. She only drinks abit abit lor, but she's on solid so still ok lah. I will still bake part time lah, though I still wish to do if full time :p

Really yummy, especially when u eat it with ice cream and raspberry sauce and warm it slightly.

Anyone want to order the molten cake to try?
I can do and just warm it up urself.

I want to make again myself, but hor 1 batch can make abt 6 which is too many for my own family, cos too heaty liao, so if anyone wants to try, can order from me, so that I will motivate to bake it, cos now I headache if I bake no body eats :p
vanessa, u bad lah.. i got ulcer already and u r tempting me with ur lava cake.. how big is it? :p when will u bake it again?

hmm..i dun know how to give up bf leh...i got all my FM samples at the cabinet like a display set bt dun know how to start with...

It was doughnut factory!! they opened a new branch near Carrefour!


We only tried two as we queue for the Express counter.The two flavours we tried are much better than the ones at Vivo City .


WOW!!! u went queue?!! is there a limit to how many boxes a person can buy? ya we tot lunch hr over so crowd will get shorter but it never!
if i got so much time n patience maybe i will go queue! heard the main branch at raffles city..pp ald start queuing 7,8plus in the morning even when the shop only open at 1230pm.


Sound like yr ex boss really determined to get you back!!
n i believe u will get the job!!


dun know wat's wrong with Ivan..sat nite...he woke up 12plus am i was able to nurse him to sleep ...but when he woke up at 5am when it was raining heavily...he didnt get bk to sleep!! i tred to rock him,pat him...but he just dun wan slp!!he actually closed eyes n sound asleep..then cried tilll hubby woke up to handle him for 1hr.last nite also same case!! not sure if his upper teeth coming out cos it was the case when his lower teeth came out..very sorry for hubby cos he even woke up tis wee morning 3am though he has to work..
but i tink he scared i screamed madly at ivan...now very tired..
The cake not very big lah, just a small one, cos this is for 1 person to eat. I also dunno when I will bake again, unless got many ppl want to help me clear, then I will do it earlier, else will be like waiting n waiting, but I won't wait so long lah. :p Me also drooling for that cake. :p
vanessa, i wan! let me know when and how much! if each is for one person, then i take 2!

choo, one person limit is 2 dozens. i was in the queue for so long, so i might as well buy all i can and try all the flavours. brot back to office for my colleagues too!
just give it some more time.....the queue will get less when they open more branches...
then i help you buy, k?
Ok, let's make a list here, as long as there's 6 orders, I will do it.

Order for chocolate Molten Cake
Collection at Bt Batok

1. Vanessa
2. Vanessa
3. Hwee
4. Hwee (collection location ok for you?)
aiyoh, last week forum was down a few days! But just as well cos i was oso quite swampped....end of last week wasn't very good at all, glad its over!

wah...yum yum, Choc Molten cake! Slurp!

Oh dear, hope u and tim get well soon. Anyway, last Sat, class was cancelled cos of rain...too cold for bbs. There'll be a make up. Remember to email them for it. I'll be buying a aquaducks wetsuit for hannah to help keep her warm in the water. I'll oso be signing up for Aug classes...discuss with hb liao...we'll probably continue for at least another 1-2mos.

Btw, i really love the Ergo! Wish I had bot it earlier!
bobianah, oh gotta email them for the make up class huh? hmm.....won't be attending this sat cos we're watching the ndp preview this weekend. i'll send the email once and for all. thanks! guess will just continue for the month of aug then see how.....

yes, the ergo is good! no back ache for now....
yup, wished i bot it earlier too!
bobianah, think the make lesson will be on sunday at either 10.30am or 4pm...... can't do both actually....morning got service and evening my ger is taking swimming lessons at bt batok.... you think they'll allow to carry on for make up in sept if i choose to stop in end aug? how much is the aquaducks wet suit?
Were u at Fish & Co at Plaza Singapura Sun for lunch? Tot I saw u but wasn't sure if it was u or not

Ivy, Hwee
This donut outlet is literally called Donut factory? It's not a krispy kreme outlet is it? I lurve Krispy Kreme but never see in SG leh.
lil, this donut factory is not Krispy Kreme. there's another one i think its called muchy donut.....too many la... donut factory has outlets at raffles city, suntec, vivo..... maybe vanessa should make donuts? haha!
haha, I also interested to learn how to bake donuts but no time to go n learn :p

Oh, btw, u dun mind paying $4.50 each for the molten cake rite? this is only cost price.

Choo here!!
ya called The Donut Factory.tink Krispy Kreme not in spore leh...

nid to check with u mummies.for those who have put dried scallop in the porridge for better taste where do u get the scallop? cos my MIL bought a packet of ready to eat type of scallop(japan type) bt not sure if they can be put in porridge.
Hello mummies

Haiz... JT now doesn't like her solids liao.... dunno why leh... and she doesn't sleep well at nite...looks very sleepy but just dun wan to sleep.... but she drinks milk now.... dunno if she is teething(finally)... but now it's really a struggle to feed her... she keep "boo" and blow out the food... Really angry and funny at the same time....

Tx is really cute, esp the photo with the big hamburger. I used to put EBM with the cereals. But I want to try to put FM so that I can feed her outside. If not, when she's outside, I only use water.

The vivo donuts not nice ah? I saw a long q on Sat afternoon. But not as long as the queue that I saw at raffles city on a fri afternoon.... can't imagine that the queue got to break up a few sections so that the people can walk past... and it was Fri afternoon... siao lor....dun need to work one meh?? I think I will try it like 6 mths later when the craze die down....

JT also keep waking up these days. I was so tired and moody, hubby also started to wake up these few nites to help out, cos I also can't take it liao.... never mind lah, let hubby help out....they also need to share the torture mah!

Haiz... you got the same dilemma as me the other time lor.... so have you decided? Depends on what you want to do longterm lor... cos if you really want to develop your baking business, then I would advise you not to go back to work. Cos once you work, many times you won't have the inertia to continue to work on your business liao... but of cos if you only want to bake for fun, then you should go back to work lah! Yummy chocolate cake!!!You really can start your business liao lah!!
ya ya! Manhattan Fish la!! I thot i saw u too...i very blur one...i walked out to go bathroom, then suddenly my mind clicked that u look very familiar...then i thot go back to restaurant take a closer look at u and hb and bb to be sure...but u left liao. :p It was my fren's bd lunch so the whole crowd of us take up the inside space....

wetsuits abt $50...i think reasonable cos the material quite thick and i've seem more expensive ones outside. Haiz, i'll hv to figure out the makeup class too. They suggest i wait a while to do make up class cos weather a bit freaky... Think shd be ok to ask them abt Sep...
Vanessa, no problem...
lt me know when then i go pick up. i pm you my mobile number. but hor, donuts is fried one not baked one.....hee hee.... i like bagels more....more chewy...

choo, make sure you soak the scallop so that it is not salty before cooking for ivan.

dora, at least yr hubby helping out. not so bad la. my kids both blocked nose and didn't sleep well, so me also not enuf sleep....zzzzz

dunno if tim is finally teething or not... very cranky now... hopefully once his flu gone, he'll be back to his normal self....eat and drink....now no drink and no eat like 'sian' liao....dun dare to weigh him....:p

haiyo, both kids sick ah.... poor thing leh... you take care also.... hubby helped out cos I was getting moody liao, he scared volcano eruption! Then he even more jiat lat hahahaha....
I know, the usual donut is fried one, but a more healthier style is bake one which will also be the same as those fried one. I know how to do the normal fried donut, just the bake one got to learn the technique a bit.
bobianah, yup, for $50 its not too ex cos its thick. those similar material outside selling like 70+... but i won't be getting la...boys should be tough! haha! i'll get another top like the one i have for kelly for him when he outgrows this. i already bot his swimming shorts.

dora, yup, the 2 of them sick is super jia lat. i have to work round the clock lor. now zombie at work...zzzz.... not bad la, at least your hubby bothers lor. my hubby cannot one.... he super not hands on...so even if my volcano erupt, he'll stil let it erupt lor. men! :p

vanessa, oh...dunno can bake lei.... quickly go learn then can open shop liao!
i haven't been baking for a while now.....maybe should start after the kids get well....
