(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Mini North Gathering on 13 feb (tue) at doggiebb's hse (bishan).

1. doggiebb
2. Diana
3. Gan (12 or 14 feb aso can)
4. Connie
5. Dey (may be going)
6. Kimi

yo guys! pls confirm attendance hor. then we order some delivery for lunch hor?


no air con in living room. sleeveless no prob!

Hello Mummies

My cough/cold is much better, but still got some residual cough + a lot of phlegm... haiyo better get well before CNY, is not I'll miss out on a lot of good food leh

So funny one... how come you kanna suspended??!!?

You want to buy dresses for my Jingting too??!

Yesterday went Kiddy palace and bought a CNY dress for JingTing. Bought the 3-6 mths one altho she's only 6wks old hee hee..but the 0-3 mths one really just nice for her, will outgrow very fast... KS mah... cos we got to attend a relative's wedding in late Mar, so hopefully she can still wear it then :p

How much wt did Evee gain? How come PD say wt gain not enuf? My girl was also very huge at birth (3.7kg), but at 1 mth, she was 4.8kg... I tot her wt gain was no good cos I see a lot of the bbs here are at 5kg even though they were much smaller at birth... but the polyclinic doc says is ok leh... I'm worried cos my girl will spit out quite a lot of milk sometimes, and she started to stop nite feeds at 3 wks, so I'm afraid she's not drinking enuf...

Is the gathering next week still on?? I can't wait to meet all of you!
pap smear results take abt 5 working days. Not immediate cos they send to lab for testing.

pap smear good to do about once a year or every 2 years...

today, I just took my ger to get her pnuemoccocal jab and rotavirus medication... next mth getting her 5 in 1 jab.

over the weekend, we went to stay at Pan Pac hotel. It was really relaxing...when we asked for a baby cot, they gave us a rubber kitten (instead of rubber duckie) and a Pigeon mini bath set for bb.
We got to shop at Marina Sq and I spent over $150 at Mothercare just to get their VIP card!!! :p feel a bit guilty! :p It was a nice break overall, tho still in SG. Unfortunately, I oso found out that my hives not caused by allergens at home - cos i still had them!
Today went to get new medication...doc said it might even take months to go away and that mine not so bad liao cos he's seen patients with worse cases.
but, hives is hives lor...still uncomfortable. Oh well...

time flies...CNY coming...the week after that, my turn to be back at work...HAIZ!
my gal too, big at birth, but din grow that much month on month. but i'm also buying 3-6mth clothings for her, cos she's a bit too long for 0-3 mth clothings liao.

wow, such a relaxing stay. i want to stay in a hotel too! dun feel guilty lah, i also spent $150 to get the mothercare vip card.
heehee...i felt guilty cos i was really looking for things to buy just to make $150. My hb keep asking me "u really need the card ah??" :p end up buy presents for frens who are having bbs soon. What did u buy? I got some sleepsuits, a pair of "pre-walker" shoes for my her for CNY. Heehee!
Go stay in hotel la...it's a nice break! Plus, go shopping oredi can just go back hotel rest, then go again! 1st time i ever do this...my fren always takes her sons cos can swim and watch cartoon movies in hotel. She says for them, as long as not sleeping at home is a holiday! haha!
Her boys abt 5-6yrs old.
After u pop dostinex, how long it take for the ss to stop totally??? Today is the 2nd day i am on dostinex, even though ss drop alot but still dripping leh

dora, och,
I am another KS mummy, bought a pair of shoe for my boi. Size 1 just nice so get size 2
wah... your method works well ya? good for you. how long have you and hb been married? is it long time already that's why never buy pressies? hb and i married for less than two years leh... i ok with no pressie or celebration but will still feel a bit like... like i want surprise like that...

maid chosen already. not v pretty but not ugly lah. must see her everyday so want to choose a decent looking one. i still prettier! hahaha!

can help me to go to this website and vote for my son and daughter?? thank ya!


Alabone, wah you married less than 2 years and already 2 kids...must be another young mummy here.

Dora, Evee only gained 500g since she was 6 weeks..now already 3 months.
bloom, alabone, och, mbb, dora,
aiyo... so many mommies start asking me to be their daughter's sugar mommy ah... :p lidat i juz need few hours of shopping to declare bankrupt liao.. :p

dun worry lah... as long as dun neglect ur hubby, no reason for him to be seduced by maid.. else like wat kimi said.. choose an ugly one.. :p

so nice.. u can teach mandy urself.. me most likely won't send pin heng to those ex ex playgrps.. at most send him to music lesson, wushu etc.. see wat he like lor.. :p

he still wake up at night.. but not as frequent liao... hopefully he will slowly slowly be able to sleep thru the night..

so nice... i oso want go hotel stay..
Hi Bloom & Jackie,

Though I have enuf ss to tbf, I also took dostinex last Sat to stop milk ss as I experienced mastitis frequently and have multiple lumps in my breasts (probably got to remove surgically).So after much consideration, decided to stop bf so that I can take better care of bb instead of kept falling sick.Can share your sentiments of having to stop bf

My gynae told me not to pump at all after taking dostinex so my breasts are now very engorged, lumpy and painful. It's still dripping alot such that I got to change my breast pads every 2-3 hours!Do both of you experience this? Have to tahan how many days?!

BTW, do putting cabbage really help to reduce dripping?It's so uncomfy to put the cabbage right? Hope dont have to do so during cny visiting!
och, shihui,

i was e music n movt facilitator at e prechl but was oso e teaching asst so i'm q familiar w e phonics system they're using. we've oso ordered one set 4 mandy liao...wait a couple more mths more, i'll start her on her phonics class! heh heh... want 2 start her on music n movt oso but one bb how 2 sing n dance? so sian... so wld prob let her join music enrichment classes outside lor..

shihui, wah! wushu ar? gd lah, can learn self defence... got erhu classes 4 toddlers or nt?


alrite man. so c u tmr. remember to pm ur add hor! in case i dun accept pm, my email add is [email protected]


honestly hor, i can't really remember how long we've been married. 2 yrs bah? cos we moved in 2gether 1 yr b4 e dinner, then had ROM b4 we moved in... v luan leh...

4 us, we discussed bt V-day, Xmas etc n agreed tt we dun want any presents. he buy too ex one, i'll feel e pinch... but if he buys useless gift just 4 e sake o giving, i'll tink it's a waste o $$$... so ask him nt to buy lor. we'd rather save up n go 4 hol or buy a new plasma TV or new hi-fi speakers etc... heh heh...


tink i jinxed myself. e day after i posted tt mandy sleeps all day, she suddenly woke up fr her hibernation. now dun wanna sleep liao. tink she's v sick o lying down. put her dn only she cries. must sit her uprite or make her 'stand'. now getting more clingy 2 us, oso more whiny n fussy.... just now she's crying while i's dusting e hse, bobian gotta put her on e carrier n cont dusting... asleep now... hope she doesn't fuss too much at doggiebb's place tmr..
I kana infection twice only and decided to stop. Really pai fu u can bf so long when u kana mastitis frequently. Agree that i rather spent quality time with BB than keep falling sick.

See GP on sat evening and took dostinex on sunday, so today is 2nd day and breast still leaking. Cannot pump after taking dostinex ah??? GP told me to pump abit to clear leh. Need Bloom to advise liao.

For me hor, will put cabbage before going to bed. Uncomfortable also have to tahan cause really will ease the engorgement
. Cold cabbage will help stop milk production it wont help to reduce dripping.
ur bb's weight gain really quite little. the recommended weight gain for the 1st 3 mos is 1kg/month. Does ur bb drink less now that u intro bottle? maybe u wan to let ur bb latch on for nite feed?

can i have ur msn add? wan to ask u something
Karen, i bf her direct for first 1 month then introduce one bottle per day from 1 month to 2nd month...only 3rd month i switch to full bottles. Not really sure how much she takes when i feed her direct.There is a possibility she is drinking less since i introduce bottle as she didn't take it very well as she prefer the breast and also keep falling asleep while drinking. Was thinking also if it is due to her lack of sleep..she only take cat naps about 15mins for 2-3 times each day. I have stopped latching her at nite bec she takes very long..can drag for 2 hours then dunno if she really hungry or comfort sucking..the moment i withdraw my breast from her she wake up and cry have to do this so many times till drag till 1+ 2+ am previously.
i think bb at this stage are still adjusting, so there will be lots of changes. my boy on TBF too and yesterday he slept from 7p.m. to 1a.m. (highest record thus far). A lot of TBF bb are sleeping longer hours at nite, so i don't think u need to worry, as long as ur bb is gaining weight.

oh ya, sometimes my boy refuse to take bottle too. cry only. i will then latch him on for 30 secs, unlatch, give him the bottle.

how come milk come out from his mouth while drinking? maybe u try to burp him then continue again?
sound like ur gal sleep very little hor. i think at 3mos, recommended sleeping hours is 15 hrs. Does she sleep this amount of time? my boy's weight gain is quite good, more than 1kg/month. i think that is because he sleep A LOT. 3 naps in the day, each abt 2 hours! nite time abt 10 hours. actually hor, won't ur gal be grumpy since she sleep so little?

i suppose nite feed is not possible for u since ur gal feed for so long! i sure get impatient. but then again, is that cluster feeding which Vanessa mentioned before? oh ya, was reading Dr Sears website yesterday and he mentioned that some bb stop thriving because there is a change in parenting style. well, just hope the vit works for her and she starts to put on more weight.

can u share what phonis book did u buy for mandy? i am interested to teach my boy phonics but donno how it works. jia lat.
hi bobianah,
how old is your girl? i am actually wondering when my girl should take the pnuemoccocal jab and rotavirus medication.

Is it? My gynae (from TMC) told me not to pump as this will stimulate further milk production. Hence my breasts are XL size now. How I yearn for my S size now....

Then are your breasts hard like rock now? Any lumps? You can tahan the pain?If I rem correctly, you started work?

BTW, the milk in our breasts will slowly dissolve by itself since we don't empty them now? Or form lumps?

I wonder why my bf experience is so torturing...
I'm on for tml gathering at yr house Pls PM me yr addy.

Enjoy yr time wth yr hb tomorrow. What's yr feedback on the fridge-to-go? Is it model FTG-120?

Hope u be able to find out the reason for the acct suspension
mbb, haha..yes pls tell us what happen last night bet u and hb..ahahha just kdding :p maybe ur hb try to hack into ur acct thats why kena suspended.

alabone.. 3 words.. dense IT man (dont even know when is v day). wahhh.. why nat sleep so much..sometiems when kath sleep too much i get worried cos means she skip some feeds
tahts why some hb dont dare to talk to maids even to give instructions.. cos afraid 'misunderstanding' will happen or maid accuse sir of harassment. wahhh..3M... near my home too!
or was that 3com? :p

QSG, did pd mention why evee's wgt gain is not fantastic? or maybe its just normal for bb to slow down after certain age?

afcai, yes i still get engorgement when i cut down on pumping and use cabbage... and blocked too..taht was why in the end i got no choice but to go and get the pills. But i think it differs from pp to pp ... dont alot of pp swear by the cabbage method...

Poor shihui, i suggest one thing then now all the mommies with bb gals looking at u liao :p :p :p

bohbiahah..shiok for u! my hb got free ritz carlton stay if he go and attend a talk but he don't want to go and claim
u brought ur bb along to stay at panpac?

jackie, 2nd day will still drip..took me abt 5 days to finish leaking... i stop pumping after 2nd day (ie, last pill). so u better still wear ur breast pad to avoid embarassment in office. Now I am cup AAA again!

kimi, u start home-stay phonic class for the north bbs can? :p actually is there phonics class that we mommies can attend so that we learn what to teach our kids har....

DecBB, my ss not that much so i think didn't leak as much as urs.. if still engorged, can pump out abit to relieve (tahts what my doc says) ... my doc also give painkillers so that i can tahan the engorgement and blocked ducts pain but i didn't take. Cold cabbage supposedly reduce ss..but didn't really work well for me..maybe cos I am too lazy to change very few hrs.. but it does make the engorgement less painful for me... actually feel abit sad that i have to stop cos its my gift to my bb... I am also wondering if by stopping so abruptly will i have problem bf-ing for next kid, or those milk that remain behind will harden and cause lumps or whatever...

Karen P , u know what is the recommended wgt gain per mth after first 3 months?
Karen, she sleeps only about 8-10 hours each day. Actually i told PD about her lack of sleep but he said no issue and bbs that sleep too much may become obese easily.

Bloom, seems to him, the only possiblity is that she is not taking bottle very well as he said bb din have long naps is fine.
Vanessa, yes i mention that and also mentioned she sleepy feeder...he said just have to continue trying..just give about 90ml every 3 hours...is reyna more stubborn than your 2nd gal?
thanks kimi, afcai and karen for advices. Hm.. hopefully wat u say is true.

the milk come out from his milk when drinking. I think he refuses to drink and I force it. Hopefully Im wrong. Okay. I will try to burp him and continue next time if I get same situation. Sigh.. if he so difficult on bottles, I can't leave him with my mil ley and go shopping...
karen p,

eh... i bot e zoophonics set. chk out www.zoophonics.com

i dunno if it's gd as compared to other systems but tt's e one i noe so i buy lor. there's an instructional tape/cd-rom. i haven't looked at it tho...


phonics class ar? ha ha... i tink we'll end up chatting n complaining bt our bbs, in-laws, hubby n taking pix etc etc... :p


mandy's oso gaining q slowly. she gained 1mth+ in e 1st mth. now bt 11 wks liao, still haven't gained another kg yet... dunno if she'll b considered underwt since she's a premmie...
she sleeps a lot tho how come nv grwo fat fat? heh heh...
yup, brought my bb along...it was quite enjoyable. nice and cool cos no need to walk out in the heat to go shopping.
ask ur hb go and claim the ritz carlton stay la...
My ss not alot so breast not rock hard but still red and painful lar....Mine bust was L and now XL...Hope will reduce to L asap

Alot of yr question i cant answer cause still popping the pills. Last 1/2 pill to be taken this evening.

My ss not alot so hope it dont leak so badly lor. But will wear the nursing pad to avoid embarassment. So meaning bust will return to orginal size after the 5th day???? Cant wait man
Bloom & Jackie,

Tks for sharing. Am so glad to have someone to seek advice.

Why you didnt take the painkillers? I'm popping like nobody biz.So your breasts were engorged & hard till 5th day?What happened to your blocked ducts now?

Let's hope our case will be like Bloom's...fine by the 5th day and we can enjoy our cny w/o worrying about leaking..
QSG, but was she taking to bottle well.. could it be a matter of she dont like the teats or she is testing like what mrs wong (tmc) said?

kimi, then must the mouth of the mommies before the class start :p

bohbiahah, so u let ur bb swim in the pool..my sisters said must wait till kath is a few yrs old efore i can bring her swimming

jackie, maybe return to original size slightly > 1 week lah..cos the milk inside have to disappear (to don't know where) too mah.. now i see my AAA quite sian... hahahaha

DecBB, one phrase - gay kiang (pretend to be strong). Cos I still pump abit out to relieve engorgement when I was popping pills (though some pp say if u still pump when taking pills the brain will continue to produce more milk)... after i finish popping dont dare to pump anymore. No more engorgement but just feel like still got milk inside lah... seems that the block ducts disappear already but I occasionally still have pain on that breast so I don't know if its block ducts still inside (but AAA cup already leh...) or what.. hope next time wont hardened into lumps or what not and cause problem... Some pp said wearing tight bra can stop leaking too so maybe u all want to try that.
Bloom, she wasn't taking the bottle very well..sometimes accept sometimes reject...i tried different teats finally stop at NUK latex which is more acceptable...now she is slightly better after i stop bf direct...only intial part got struggle when i insert the teat in her mouth. Why your sis say must wait till few years old to go swimming? by then she may be afraid of water leh...usually 6 months can start bringing bb for swim.
i'm not young leh... 28+ already. this year 29... hope evee will take bottle and start gaining more weight.

i also discuss with hb each time whether to get gifts or not. we decided that we will only buy gifts for our wedding anniversary and birthdays and perhaps xmas.

nat can really sleep when she wants to... sleep good la. otherwise not sleeping she'll get hungry v fast and want to drink. now i afraid she will get too fat coz she is already wearing her brother's clothes when the brother used to wear when he was like 4 - 5mths old!!!
hitting 30 next year. like another milestone in my life. finish childbearing business already. no more for me... no more energy to take care and zapping me and hb dry of our $$$!
I'm already wearing tight bra. Still leaking.Feel so uncomfortable.

You said that you dont have engorgement by 3rd day but feel like a lot of milk. Do you mean that your breasts are soft by 3rd day?

Talking about occasional pain, is it around or under the nipple area? I'm experiencing it now. On-off kind of sharp pain..

I'm hoping to get back my AAA size asap. Dont like to be big-busted. Feel so uncomfy, like carrying stones...
i tend to think that if a man wants to stray, he will find some way to stray. i prepared my hubby for the new maid by telling him what he should n should not do when maid arrives n of course, i made sure the maid is not too pretty lah.

aiya, easy lah. i send madeleine to learn music n dance fr u lor, then mandy n madeleine can dance together.
my madeleine also must be carried upright for the past few weeks. only time she deems carrying horizontally acceptable is when she's falling asleep. all other times, must be upright. all our hands n wrists going to break liao, so we r now relying on the bb bjorn carrier. she's very happy, but we dun dare to put her in it for too long, cos her head still not steady.
hi och,
yup. told hb last night abt these fears and he said he won't have much contact with maid anyway. and like you said, if man wants to stray, i want to prevent also cannot... maid looked decent in photo... don't know whether she will turn out to be prettier in real life... a bit excited about the maid... like getting new 'toy' kind of excitement yet worried at the same time coz not sure if maid can do work or not. read in other threads about your previous maid. any advice for me as a first time employer?? heehee.
would love to meet you all there tomorrow. but can i bring my son instead of my daughter huh? bring nat super troublesome leh...
sure alabone!

i will confine my doggie don't worry! and my doggie is the tamest dog ever. my sister who got super phobia since young now carry my doggie like nobody biz and those pple who come to my house for church cell group who are afraid of dogs all not scared of my doggie anymore.

we must share share tips on how to handle new maid lor. mine also coming either wed or thurs.
hi alabone,
advice ah? i think the most impt thing is to be firm with her n set out the rules clearly lor. that doesn't mean being mean or being bad tempered lah. as first time employers, some times hv to learn by trial n error. but if the maid's attitude is bad, dun hesitate to send her off lor. cos the longer she stays, the more reliant the family is on her, then the more difficult it is to send her off.

i grew up with maids in the house, my hubby din, so he actually avoids interacting too much with the maid initially, cos he feels weird that there is a stranger in the house. heh heh.
does anybody know where to buy nepia diapers? think somebody has posted b4, but i lost the page. i checked dignus but they dun seem to hv stock anymore leh.
