(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">XW</font>,
see this...

(Dunno how true the below is but worth to read for fun ...)

Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage. For those of you do not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man’s sperm consists of X &amp; Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female whereas Y is the male. Referring to these physiological properties of the spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of ‘Choice of a girl or a boy’.

1st factor: Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food: vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food: meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor: Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your body temperature here).

3rd factor: Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X &amp; Y spermatozoa
- X: Marathon runner with good stamina
- Y: Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be higher.

4th factor: Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation. Secretion from female vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor: Wife’s Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1 liter of water. Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of water.

6th factor: Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position &amp; male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position &amp; female to be on the bottom position. This posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster.

The wisdom of our (?) ancestors!
For those planning to have a baby &amp; those who will need to plan in future, the chart below may help you to predict the sex of your future child.
The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate.
Believe it or not.


AGE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

MONTH 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 G B G B G B B G B G B G B B
2 B G B G B B G B G B G B G G
3 G B G G B G B B B G B G G B
4 B G B G G B B G G B G G G G
5 B G B G B B G G G G G B G G
6 B B B G G G B B B G G B G G
7 B B B G G B B G G B B B G G
8 B B B G B G G B B B B B G G
9 B B B G G B G B G B B B G G
10 B B G G G B G B G B B G G G
11 B G B G G B G B G G G G B G
12 B G B G G G G B G B G G B B

AGE 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
MONTH 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
1 B G B B G B G B G B G B B G
2 G B G B B G B G B G B G B B
3 B B B G B B G B G B G B G B
4 G B G B G B B B B G B G B G
5 G G G G B G B B G B G B B G
6 G G G G G B G G B G B G B G
7 G G G G G G B G B B G B G B
8 G B G B G B G B G B B G B G
9 G G G G B G B G B G B B G B
10 G G G G B B G B G B G B B G
11 G G B B B G B G B G B B G B
12 B B B B B B G G G B G B G B

You can choose for yourself whether you want a boy or a girl by following the chart. The woman’s age from 18 to 45 (Chinese reckoning) is on the top line while the months Jan to Dec indicate the month when the baby is conceived. By following the chart you will be able to tell in advance whether your baby will be a boy or a girl. Thus, you can plan to have a boy or a girl.

This chart has been taken from a Royal tomb near Peking, China. The original copy is kept in the institute of Science of Peking. The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99 percent accurate. By reckoning, you follow a line drawn from the figure representing the woman’s age to a line drawn from the month the baby is conceived.
For instance, if the woman is 27 years old and her baby is conceived in Month 1 (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar), then her baby will be a girl. The chart is based on the month the baby is conceived and not on the birth of the baby, B-Male, G-Female.

Remarks: A Chinese Scientist discovered and drew this chart which was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago.

<font color="aa00aa">hwee</font>,
yeah...now hubby is thinking of whether want no#3 or not cos he see me so 'xin ku' this sec preggie.

<font color="aa00aa">LiL</font>,

<font color="aa00aa">bloom</font>,
one of my friend kana gars few preggie. then she got stress also bec pil kept stressing her to have boy again n again....

thks for the compliment on tx. try to train kate too....nag at her loh...

<font color="aa00aa">serene</font>,
same goes to tx too. when hubby gave tx food when I'm ard, she rejected. but I gave the same food, she take. tat's y hubby always highlighted why tx gave unfair treatment.

oic...re:seafood. tx only ate fried scallop and prawn once.
long time since i checked the forum.

star, jackie, afcai,
congrats!!! who else is preggie? did i miss anyone??

mbb, doggiebb,
aiyo, i must hv remembered the wrong hotel!

bloom, doggiebb,
naturally there r slightly more boys than girls. when healthcare wasn't as good as it is now, baby boys die more easily, so nature skews the ratios to give equal ratio at childbearing age. that's what i read lah, dunno if it's garbage bo.

u mean u want a boy bcos most of the march thread hv boys?
<font color="#C8B560">Och</font>
yup, of cos, I would prefer a boy boy this time since I got a gar gar mah. my pil and hubby also want a bb boy too cos their side no grandson.

yup, most of the march thread have boys wor...dunno why this time rd, my tummy is very fast big (maybe bloated esp after meal too) and can feel the bb movement since I was 2mth.
Morning Mummies

Greetings from Shanghai!!! Today is the last day of the meeting and I'll fly off today midnight!! Have been doing ok, I think I was too busy to miss JT very badly.... the only time was when I called her and talk to her, asked her what she was doing, she could tell me "mum mum"(eating).... and when hubby took the phone, she cried so badly in the background, so heartpain.... then hubby said tat nite she took longer than usual to fall asleep cos she kept asking for me.... but the next day she was ok liao... so I didn't dare to call her again...

have been going for dinners and coming back to hotels at 10+pm every nite... wah the China people really order a lot of food, extremely wasteful... last nite we had a 11 course dinner with a 8 course cold dish in front... all extremely big portions.... faintz....

Didn't have time to read thro all the postings, but I think star is also preggie rt?? congrats!!! Sorry if I missed out anybody else?
Hi mummies, currently almost hitting 32nd week and is due for c-sec on 9th Dec; 38th week. Planned c-sec due to the removal of a giant uterine fibroid June last year.

Just got a msg from hubby that he’ll be away in Bangkok for about 2-3 weeks from 3rd Nov. Though preggies are allowed to travel till they’re in their 36th weeks, do you think I should/can tag along, just be there for about a week or so? Really in a dilemma.........
i will not.
coz wat if bb decide to arrive early?
hospitals in Bangkok is not fantatstic. and currently, Bangkok is politically unstable.
besides, not all airlines are willing to take you even if you have doc's cert.

great to know tat JT is doing well.
kudos to your hubby.
the 1st time is always a challenge

u were looking for Thermo pot?
OG cardmember can buy a 2.5L at $29. (24th till 29th oct).

anybody have OG card huh?
i am also interested.
wat?! thinking of #3 now? haha! so brave of you especially you are still going thru a tough period for your #2 now. for the sex of the babay, i believe its 'ke yu bu ke qiu'. i know of many ppl who has 4 or more girls and some who also has 4 or more boys and of course they wanted the opposite sex children. as long as all children are healthy, i guess the rest is not for us to decide.

glad to hear you're doing great. well, i'm sure JT will look for you la, you're mummy after all. dun heart pain ok.... she'll shower you with all hugs and kisses when you're back!

its natural for our tods to feel jealous la. my kids are all like that too. Now i also cannot carry other babies in front of Tim. but some old folks will say this is esp so cos you're pregnant. they say when you're pregnant, the older one will tend to be more 'yang oh'. dunno how true la....

glad that you're ok now.... dun worry too much. stay happy for the pregnancy!!!!
och, dora,

sometimes sophia goes back to muar w my mum, and i oso dare not call her too much, coz a couple of times the days that i call, in the middle of the nite she will start crying for me. maybe out of sight then out of mind.. but if got reminder than she start looking. hehe.

i saw kimi, doggiebb post abt how loving the jiejies are to #2. so endearing. then i see my gal.. aiyo, so jealous. why like that wor??
I dunno leh. Last time they had a similar promotion I bot 3 units leh. I dun think they limit the number of units per member. I'm not buying this time round tho. Am happy to let u hv my card if u need it.
Roo,Conniemummy n Doggiebb,
the clip thread (for spree #2 n #3) were removed by the moderator hor.

need to PM Marie with new info

the last i know is tat Marie said the seller (clip maker) cannot accomodate so many orders.

Connie n Doggie's order were drop.

so contact Marie ya.

dun ask me why i am awake at such odd hour....

i forgor to sms you.
will be in SG till tuesday.
not going to town. will hang ard in the east side.
will be in Hougang on sunday evening. wanna pickup on sunday or stick to wed?
Hi Mummies...

I m stil in OSA...

WOW!!!...so much gd news...

CONGRATZZZ Jackie n Star!!!...*envvvvvvvvvy*...

Okie...come bac then tok...I m sooooooooo tired...the lil boy doesnt wanna walk...he doesnt wanna eat...but...I m cool...
...otherwise I wil go crazzzzzzzzzy...come bac then catchup on his growth lah...but he has been a 101% fantastic bb in terms of behavior n tantrums...

Thanks for the info.

thanks for the pics.

catch up with u all again. Enjoy the long holidays with u kiddos.
<font color="#B041FF">hwee</font>
ai-yo....not me thinking o no#3 lah...men lah.....I really had labour phobia loh scared no strength to push this times and also
need blood transfusion (touch wood).

this preggie already drained me away liao..so tough man, totally different fr first preggie.all the problems coming out. any idea how to prevent
legs cramp (tough had raise legs on pillow but still kana leg cramp only on left side) and pop out varcose veins (very painful now spreading to back knee)?
got to ask doc next week when I go for check up if there is any cream for me to apply.

<font color="#B041FF">mbb2</font>
think will wait until next dec sales or early next yr then buy thermal pot cos bought now also not use mah. scared later, left the pot there unusued will spoilt easily.

hmm what to offer for ABN Amro cc?
doggiebb, 116 boys to 100 girls... oooooo .. u bringing no 2 for hols too?

stephanie... now kate also super clingy to me..even at home! and i got no no2 leh (so its not as if they know that mommy is preggy)

roo..ahha.lukcily my gals dont like clips...

serene..ahahha...even if boh bian (one of those rare times when i am not at home) hb will just do minimally.. its still tvtvpc for him!

afcai, nagging does not work for all bbs..my gal is like a man..nagging turns her off! :p

och..mm..read something abt male premmies is less hardy than female premmies too

bobo, mbb is right.not advisable to travel at this stage... to tell u my story u r not a regular here..my hb used to fly too..and ILs nag at him to stop flying so his last trip was during my 8th month (we thot that thats 'safe' enuf)..then guess what.. i had bleeding and gave birth the day he was due to fly back... so dont play play...

mbb, thanks for informing me..ehehe.. during weekend i dont surf net till kate is sleeping so i din get to read ur msg till sat PM.. :p

a joke here....

I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. 'Why?' my daughter asked.
'Because it's been on the ground and you don't know where it's been, it's dirty and probably has germs' I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, 'Mummy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart.' I was thinking quickly. 'All mums know this stuff. It's on the Mummy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mummy.' We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. 'OH... I get it!' she beamed, 'So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy.' 'Exactly,' I replied back with a big smile on my face.
When you're finished laughing send this to a Mum
Hahahahah that joke is hilarious. I dont think my husband will find it funny tho. hahahah

Lil, Mbb,
Anyone bought the thermal pot?
I was interested but din have the OG card so too bad. But today also last day rdy...booo

if anyone hears of good offers, pls let me know k? wanna get 1 for my mum

yeah i don't suggest travelling too. Don't take any risks lah. Also, read somewhere that flying actually does expose us to radiation. So best not to fly when pregnant (altho i still did when i was 20 + wks), esp so when ur preg is so advanced i guess.
knock....knock.....anybody there?????!!!!!!!

9th (sunday) NOV '08

1.mbb n Meg
2. roo n Denise
3. doggiebb n mr D n talia and thaddeus
4. nana n ryan
5. bloom n kate
6. xw n ethan
7. lil n evan (i remember Lil said ok rite?)

WARAKU at 1230 ok bo?
i have to call to book the room liao.
count me in first..
not sure attending anot yet... quarantine PH fr play dates for the time being coz his childcare center got chicken pox case n he's not vaccinated.. :p anyway, he will be able to go on 9th Nov if there's still no sign of pox tt day.. the 2 weeks quarantine ends this week.. hehe...
but hor, if there's new cases next wk, i will need to start a new round of quarantine again.. den can't go liao...

9th (sunday) NOV '08

1.mbb n Meg
2. roo n Denise
3. doggiebb n mr D n talia and thaddeus
4. nana n ryan
5. bloom n kate
6. xw n ethan
7. lil n evan (i remember Lil said ok rite?)
8. Shihui n PH n maybe Hubby

WARAKU at 1230 ok bo?
I looking for a bigger one ard 4L to 6L. ENDO and Thermos have it ard the price of $69.90 to $79.90. Still considering.

timing oso ok for me. Thanks for booking.

hwee not going?
Hello everyone

Has been a crazy week. JT came down with high fever on Tue morning. And I had to host a regional meeting, and with virtually no sleep every nite cos she keeps waking up and only wants me. Sian she's really falling sick EVERY month ever since she entered CC... the fever finally subsided this morning... and we're flying off to sydney tonight! Gosh!! Crossing my fingers she'll be ok for the trip!

Still at work now... have to rush off finish my work so that I can go off earlier. BYE!!!

just to let you know, you have to fill up the thermal pot to at least 50% for it to work well. So dun buy a pot tat is too big for your use. Like me lor, the 1st pot we bot was 5L, for the 2 of us. Now must cook more soup just to fill it up to 50%. Tat's why when I was looking for a thermal pot for JT, I went around to look for the smallest possible one
hi mummies,
i lost the baby. had bleeding on wed. gynae mentioned that perhaps the embryo wasnt healthy n hence it naturally die off.

haf to recall all the defective babydust i send out liao... sorry
hi star,
i'm sorry to hear about your bleeding. i lost a baby in first trimester before too. don't know what to say, but i hope you will wipe off your tears and try again after your body recovers ok? take good care of yourself.
So sorry to hear about the baby. Try not to dwell on it ok. Take care, rest and hope u recover soon.

I'm ok with time. Thanks hor.

Have a lovely time in Aus. Dun forget to pack JT's emergency meds yah.
Rest well and recover soon. Remb to take some tonic. I'm sure gd news will follow after that. I'm pregnant with Denise 6mths after my 2nd miscarriage. Jia you!
today, did not bring tx hm cos hubby working tml &amp; will be bringing her bck tml noon. I can't carry my gar if she and I alone, that's why did not bring her bck.

recently, been moody man...just flare up at the boss when he always side outsider. luckily, my little boss also stand by my side. think everyone in the office wanted to 'struggle' him if got chance. my col even said that he got a brain that grow grass....

Do take note when u go MacDld the next time, esp their curry sauce.
If you realise, they no longer have their expiry date indicated on their packaging. my friend kanna stomoach pain and ended up in the toilet after few hr of consuming the sauce.
so be careful....

<font color="#F535AA">Dora</font>
oh, hope JT recovered fr her fever liao. think most kids will fall sick when enter ccc. will be my turn next yr.

hmm..how come need to fill up the thermal pot at least 50% for it to work well??

do enjoy yr sydney trip!!

<font color="#F535AA">Starluster</font>
oMG, sorrie to hear the bad news.
. hope u will eat more 'pu' during the CL period.
I was scared too when I also had lot of bleeding (nonstop one which scare me out of life) and went in and out of the hospital (tough doc ask me to go hm but I insisted to admit so that I can really bed rest) during AUG (in my first trimster).
mine only stop bleeding/spotting when I was wk 14.

so do take care....of yrself and dun carry heavy thing, walk too much etc..
*pat pat* rest well n stay positive ok?

u shld b in sydney now. hope u're enjoying it n tt JT is well n healthy. must haf been really tough 4 u. now tt mandy is sick, i noe how tough it is to look after a sick child. plus i'm sick myself too. can't imagine how u cope since u hafta work as well. anyway, enjoy urself!!!!
*Hugs* Let your body recover by resting well now, and always remember your little angel but stay positive by looking ahead too...

Wanna go for the gathering too. Here goes:

9th (sunday) NOV '08
1.mbb n Meg
2. roo n Denise
3. doggiebb n mr D n talia and thaddeus
4. nana n ryan
5. bloom n kate
6. xw n ethan
7. lil n evan (i remember Lil said ok rite?)
8. Shihui n PH n maybe Hubby
9. Linette, Annette and Nicole

Will try to make it for the weekday gathering too!
9th (sunday) NOV '08 in WARAKU MARINA SQ. 1230.

1.mbb n Meg
2. roo n Denise
3. doggiebb n mr D n talia and thaddeus
4. nana n ryan
5. bloom n kate
6. xw n ethan
7. lil n evan (i remember Lil said ok rite?)
8. Shihui n PH n maybe Hubby
9. Linette, Annette and Nicole

resevation is under my name Sxxxxx hor.

please take note that if you bring your stroller, it will be parked outside the private room (tho the last trip, Lil parked in the private room).

pls arrive early coz they will only secure the private room for 10 mins.

the waiter who took my resevartion was extremely rude!!!

rest more and drink more tonic.
i am ard alot tis Nov n Dec.
feel free to gimme me a call or we can meet up.

Sorry leh...I may not b able to make it tis sun liao...cos Cae may nid to attend his makeup Gym tat he missed durin his trip...n it starts at 1+...

Lemme noe how I can pass u yr stuff...I dun mind mtg up in the East...:p
Hi ladies,

Juat back from overseas..

Prague is very nice, Paris also very nice.. after visiting Prague and Paris, England drops to nice only (London is normal, but England Cotswold area is super nice..)

Now pocket big big hole (in fact almost totally empty after the AUS and this recent trip.)

I might join in for the gathering if I can make it too. Hope I can be in time (will try to go to inlaws house the following sunday instead)

Was overseas thus didn't read bout the OG thingy, I've got OG card, who wants the ABN Amro card too?
Hi Mummies...

Long time no chat liao...we came bac fm our trip last wk...

Well...I muz say tat Cae behaved fabulously on the plane...i m kinda glad tat we din purchase a seat for him...he fell aslp at 1am+...then I was able to put him in the bassinet...but there was 2 or 3 turbulence thru out the nite...so I hd to keep liftin him outta the bassinet anyway...he oni woke up when we touched down in TYO...on the way bac...he insisted on bein carried to slp in my arms...it wasnt too tirin lah...cos I managed to put him in the bassinet after he wen into deep slp...when he was awake...he seemed to noe tat he cldnt run ard...so he sat on our laps n played wif the cutlery or gadgets by himself...the takin off n landin din hv any effect on him as well...he din cry at all...

Anyway, Cae's meals wen haywire...we din keep to the reg schedule...initially we cooked both brunch n dinner for him...but he refused to eat any of his cooked porridge...so we let him eat table food for dinner on the last few days...surprisngly...he cld eat rice n fish there...n he cld self feed...
...finally I tot...but he wen bac to his old self a few days after he was bac...I realised tat his food intake decreased drastically for the first haf of the trip...then he started eatin a lot for the next few days...before revertin to norm...

But he kept wantin oni me to carry him...n seldom wanna walk or sit in the stroller...my arms nearly broke...whenever I asked, "Do u wanna walk?"...his reply wld come bac swiftly, "NO!!!"...but he displayed minimal fussin...even when he was hungry or tired thru out the whole trip...n no rockin to slp is needed at all...

Overall...I tink he deserves another trip...


Thanx for yr recommendation for the svc apt in TYO...the svc was terrific...n the apt was very well done...I wil def use it again when I go there...


R u feelin better...

Mummies who wanna thermal pot...

There is an Endo special at Isetan tis wkend...quite cheap I tink...
