(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hi all....
wah...heard my name being mentioned leh?? hahaha... that's y popped in to kpo abit... my home PC went kaput last wkend... so i not online for the past wk...sobss... now using hubby's working laptop lar... home PC still gone case, have not sent for repair yet....

u still here boh?? no leh...my birth story not in my boy's blog...cos i only started his blog a few mths after he was born...hahaha...
urs in ur blog har?? i wld go read...hehehe...

urs leh?? in ur blog or not?? hehehe..
u wanna know mine har.... next time we meet then i tell u ok??
very lazy to type leh... now i very sleepy & tired...kekee.. but i can tell u i super blur mummy lar... didnt even know i was having contractions thruout...hahaha.. jia lat boh...

no worries lar... maybe i forgot to mention to u... anyway, now i think abt it, it seems that my birth experience very surreal to me... cos my boy premature...so that time alot of emotions running thru me lor... like cant believe it is happening man!! hope we have chance to meet soon ya...then i tell u my story..hehe..

wah...envy ahh... back fr HK trip... hopefully i got chance to go there soon also... i nvr been to HK yet... our TBP meeting still nvr materialise yet...hahaha..

then u got backup any of yr stuff or not. I was so sad when my harddisk just 'die' few mths ago. all my data are gone. luckily, tx's photos and videoclip still have not deleted fr the SD card. but still sad. hubby also 'panic' too when his stuff also gone. he even call recovery data co and those co charges very high pricing wor...cheapest is $500 loh & can be up to $1k++.so in the end, the only thing is buy another harddisk fr sim lim sq.

hmm as for birth story issue, at least, there is contravtions for u, mine not even any symptoms, just dilute 4cm during the 38 week checkup.

I pm u liao.
Hello Mummies

Today is super Mon blues for me... cos Hubby flew off to US early this morning, for full 2 weeks!! ARGH!! SIANZ!!!
JT woke up this morning and walked around the house looking for daddy... and refused to leave the house cos she wanted to search for daddy... aiyo... then her CC teacher asked why she looked so moody today... hopefully she won't miss daddy too much... poor girl...

wah, seems like you enjoyed yourselves very much. Haiz.. I am still hesitating to bring JT for holiday cos she has soooo many food allergy... can only listen to all your tour stories here...

Please try to rest more, take Vit C...etc.. cos your immune system can go down if you are tired. Try to rest whenever they are resting...

Will see if I visit this weekend or next weekend lah.. but this sat got to wait for the stupid air-con repair man... will let you know again.
Lil, ahahha.. all ur relatives camping in ur living room? So sweet taht ewan call u mama!

alabone..my bbsitter always claim taht keeping the body liang will prevent HFMD..so maybe u try to give nat more cooling stuff?

fizz!!!!! sat went esplanade with kate alone and i brought the UHT only... then that gal drink and just open her mouth and let the UHT flow out.. argh..seems that she dont like the 'full cream' taste.. must change liao.. sighhh

nana, i dont think i put it in my blog lah.. anyway not exciting lah..just pre mature :p u must have a high threshold of pain not to feel the contraction pain...

dora..ahaa..got handsome aircon man har..wan us to descend onto ur pl instead?

What are you eyeing? If its not too bulky, can ask hubby to bring back for you. He can check out other shops other than toys r us as well. PM or sms me lah
ya lor. we were gossiping bt u. dunno where u went. hehehehe... u free den post here lor or on ur blog. i where got chance to meet u n let u tell me urself? hehehe. ya, mine is on my blog, under 2006 nov or dec.. can't rem. we sama sama one lah. mandy's edd is jan, but i join e dec thread n pop in nov.

n ya, sad to say, i'm still here.hahaha, v mao dun cos really really wanna end tis bedrest. i dunno how i tahan bedrest 4 so long. but it's taking a toil on me cos last few days i just bo dai bo zi cry e whole day. later really kena depression. me n hubby act get q happy when i haf discharge. siao liao hor?

den really feel whole body no strength liao, brain oso dead liao. dunno gif birth liao can suddenly spring to life or nt. cos this time rd i'll hafta work harder than e last time. but i tink can lah. as someone said in v broken eng(ahem, u noe who u r hor?): the boat come to the bridge will straighten it! bwarhahahahaha...

hang in there. at least u're nt a sahm anymore. shld be easier i tink? dun need to face JT e whole day??? ya ya, come come. but hor, can only come in e morn until 1.30 or after 3.30 cos i dun wanna disturb mandy's sleep. n pai seh hor, if hubby or my mum/mil is too tired or busy tt day, i cannot let u all come cos i cannot do anything one, just lie there. so they're e ones cleaning up etc. n basically mandy will just run wild so dun mind hor.

aiyo, den in e end, wat did kate eat?

*pat pat*
think mine is opps fr u.....am looking for hubby to be bck tml night....had been 'struggliong' for 17 days liao with hseholds (tough not sahm (something diff fr FTM) but still got to alternate betw, travel to my mum'pc, household, work etc...) and weekend etc....so tired.

cheers...dunno did u get use to being alone when hubby not ard (I mean the feeling. someone told me that she already immune liao))? for me, this is my first time when hubby is away for so long and am lost.
If its not stg bulky, then hubby can buy for your lah... you PM me, then I ask him if he can buy or not.... cos hubby going to cart back boxes of cheerios for JT and it takes up a lot of space!!

Aiya... I know its super sian to bed rest, but just remember that Barry's health is far more important than anything else... just keep chanting to yourself... "Barry's health Barry's health..." Hahaha I think I even more kuku than you liao...
Yah this time should be better, cos JT only spends abt 3hours of her awake time with me each weekday, so no problem lah... the only problem would be I have telecons with US HQ at nite and if she doesn't sleep by 8pm, I'll be done for!! Only need to entertain her during the weekends, which is easy compared to last time when I was a SAHM...
No problem... JT sleeps between 1.30-3.30pm too!! Great that the girls have similar nap times, then they can play together!! Fully understand if your mum/mil or hubby is too tired/busy.... hubby asked me to visit you if I or JT is too bored.. I said mustn't be lunch time lah... cos you already so stretched in resources, cannot imagine JT go there and dirty your place!! But I said can go philson's house cos Dee got a maid :p CF CHANG!! JT going to mess up your place!!!

Of course will miss hubby lah... I wouldn't say I am immune to it lah, more like used to it, cos this is hubby's 7th trip in the past 8 mth.. and all his trips are at least 10days.... but life has to carry on lor... its critical for his career development so have to support him wholeheartedly so that he can concentrate on his work.
hahahaha... they haf e same nap time ar? gd gd. mandy really likes ppl to come n play w her cos she doesn't get to go out other than e playground or e supermkt.

barry's health ar? even doc said no prob where health is concerned so we're nt v worried. just tt come out earlier must stay ICU longer which we're perfectly fine w. in fact, we're quite 4 barry staying in icu 4 a while. got such weird parents one hor? hehehehe... hubby's oso concerned tt i'll affect barry by being so unhappy everyday lah. n our mums r like getting more n more sian bt helping us. so, i dun mind popping earlier. my mum oso said it'll b gd to pop next week when my hubby's still on hol. hahaha.

n it's nt so much e boredom, it's e feeling o being completely useless. feel bad for hubby n mum n feel bad 4 mandy n barry etc etc. aiyo, a lot o tings... hehehe
do you think i can get your hb to help me buy bath and body works shower gel????

do the rashes/spots come out in different batches? the vesicles on jared's back are clearing away but today, i saw some new ones on his forearm!!!! so pek cek. but his fever is gone lah. and he is already back to his normal self. and he keeps wondering how come we confine him to the house and cannot go out... so gotta explain to him. luckily he understands and when he sees his daddy go out, he'll say 'i cannot go'. good boy!!! very proud of him. and he doesn't fuss anymore when he takes medicine.

nat is ok. so far!
dora, had pm-ed u..suspect it will be pretty bulky..do let me know if its not convenient..thanks! (so paiseh to keep bullying ur hb)... can ask dee's maid to come along to kimi's pl and then clean up so that kimi's mom/MIL wont be so stress? :p :p :p well, at least u know that when ur hb work hard its good for his career devt, when my hb work his b*tt off, i think the company jst take it for granted....

kimi, oh no..depression setting in??? scary... try to cheer up cos ur mood will affect barry's... heard from my colleague that there is such a thing as online scrapbooking.maybe u try that to keep ur mind occupied? mind if i come and disturb u too? in the end i had carrot cake and gave her a little bit to keep her stomach from starving ... then after taht quickly rush to civilisation (suntect) and get her a cake to eat (and she was crying so loud when the queueing for our orders and waiting for the slow waitress to cut the cake..).... next time no matter what must still bring FM liao..scary... next week means 34th week?

afcai, when hb is not around, should do minimal household chores to preserve ur sanity.

cfchang, have u help me check with ur mom yet??? i check with EYS yest and they nearly chop me on the spot (if u know what i mean)!
How big is the shower gel?? I know its not bulky but it can be really heavy if its those supersized ones... hubby already very skinny... dun want him to lug such a heavy luggage around cos he is already buying tonnes of stuff for JT. But if its just a small bottle then no problem. PM me the details?

Hmmm... Jared's HFMD sounds very diff from the ones that I had and the ones that I have heard. I dun have any spots on the back and arms, only palms and soles and a few spots on the inner thigh.... maybe its a new strain... scary... but glad that his fever is gone.... actually the other time when I had HFMD, my rashes only came fast and furious AFTER my fever subsided.

Erm... yah lah... I am sure he will be ok... but the fact that he has to stay in ICU.... its best avoided lor.... find another hobby that you can do on bed lor... I know I know!!! Do knitting!! Your mum is fantastic with knitting right?? Then you can knit for Mandy, Barry... and shun bian knit one for JT??
I most prob will visit you on Sat late afternoon... 3+ to 4pm like tat... ok???
BLOOM!! You want to go?? I can give you a lift...

I replied your PM liao... the toy that you want really looks BIG!!! I think dun need to ask hubby liao, dun think his luggage can fit lah... if you want something compact like the aquadoodle the other time, then he is ok to bring back for you lah...
Aiyah, you think hubby's company really treat him that well meh... he also worked his b*tt off to get those small promotions... he has colleagues who KLKK also can get promotions one....
my hubby used to travel a lot oso... the longest period was 4 months (but paktor days, so its kinda different)...the first day, miss him, then the next few days - parteee time :p, then after that start to miss him again. haha. his new job now doesnt require him to travel, but just very odd shift hours!

btw dora, just curious why must buy cheerios from US har? issit different from the ones in SG?

hmm.. cant figure out what is KLKK? kong lai kong ...??? ... kay kiang??? :p

hang in there! knitting is such a great idea!

bilibo? sounds like something from LOTR...
Yeah, even after marriage before we had JT, i used to go out and meet friends when he travelled or worked unearthly hours... but with JT now, cannot go out so often liao, so must stay at home so it gets a bit boring, but ok lah, at least now I work during the day, still have adult interaction.
The Cheerios in Singapore is getting very ex (last saw beginning of the year, its S$10.50), and it was always out of stock!! The exact same one is selling at US$2.99 usual price, and hubby managed to get it at US$1.99 the other time, super cheap!! And since JT loves it and can eat loads of it, might as well cart them back hahaha...

KLKK means kia lai kia ker (walk here walk there)
dora, bloom,
ok! c u all on sat! e timing is fine! can c how mandy reacts to gers liao! n i finally can see KATE!!!! e legendary KATE!

KNITTING! wld u believe me tt i can't knit 4 nuts? I can't even do cross stitch!!!! i'm really bad at handicrafts but if i can knit for mandy n barry, how nice hor?

dunno y my mum is nt knitting anything 4 barry leh. hmmmmm... 4 boys, really so hard to find pattern ar???

my mood now is super erractic one! now i'm beri e happy again. siao siao.

aiyo, poor kate so hungry ar. so now u're bk to FM! mb can still try 2 let her used to UHT? mb one day she'll like?
Anyone have a copy of Motherhood magazine in hand?
can help me check...one full page advertisement for Delrosa...
can I have the phone contact and the name of the marketing company and distributor pls?

ai-yo, so scary alone in the hse with so many accomany of insects (xiao and da qiang, big flies, ants, green 'ladybird", lizard and some weird insects) all party at my hse. wow piang, dunno why they came at this period usually only soft legs spider are found in my hse only. have to battle with those unwelcome creatures wor esp night time. think it is gonna to do with my new neighbour doing some minor reno (now painting and install air-con) so all uninvited creatures party here. faintz.... so killed and smashed them on the floor etc...their dead carcass so disgusting man til my floor so dirty. so got to clean and clean.

yup, it is indeed lesser clothes to wash but hor, no one to nag mah....think tonite, I got millions of words to trash it out to my hubby loh...haaa...think he will faintz...

oh...4 mth, that's long wor....if for me, I think I kana 'xiang si bin" then. so interesting, party time for u....

thks for sharing the 'experience'. what is cheerios? kind of biscuit??
hi dora,
it's not a big bottle but i would like to buy 3 bottles coz they have promotion in june now. buy 3 get 1 free. and ever since hb got it for me last dec, i've fallen in love with the scents and only use bath and body works now. i think i shan't trouble you and your hb. hehehehe. thanks hor.

ya lor... makes me wonder if he actually is having hfmd leh. think i'm gonna have to call his original PD to check.

last night he woke up 3 times to cry coz it was sooooooo itchy for him... sim tia him man... and also means no sleep for me...

conniemummy ah,
i've already replied to dinut liao. i told her to give my orders to someone else. thanks.

you hang in on there ok? next week you'll be 34 weeks already??

delrosa: marketed by pharmalLink, singapore
distributed by: zuellig pharma pte ltd
wow.. the price difference is HUGE! good idea to cart them back. initially i thot they got different type that is more suitable for JT (since she got allergy).

i pm u.. got a question for you. ;)
i've been looking high and low for Del Rosa too!! Let me know if u manage to find can? I tried calling that no that abalone gave but no answer leh and mailbox full! :p

Read somewhere tt last wkend the Expo motherhood fair would have?? but i only read yesterday so missed it... dunno whether really had or not. So upset... so hard to find!

It's made in Australia tho so thinking maybe need to ask pple buy from there lo...
aiyo, so pai seh n thx 4 wanting to come visit me n mandy but i'll hafta ask u to come another day... hehehe.. i told e other mummies too nt to visit me in a grp, at most 2 kids at a time. becos my hubby/mum/mil r v stretched already. imagine i pile on them e work o a full time mum. hubby still has sch wk 2 do n our mums haf their own hsechores to do, plus ours. so all o them r doing double duty.
they o cos dun mind visitors cos mandy likes to play w her little frens but i shall b blunt n say tt we're q afraid o e mess if too many kids come. can't possibly ask u all 2 stay n mop floor n clean toys 4 us rite? hope u understand.

but i'm really v grateful tt so many o u wanna visit.
ya...cannot get thru oso.
I emailed them but not very hopeful.

If i get any reply will let u know. If u find it, tell me okie?
really search everywhere...all oos.

i replied u.
Your hubby also overseas ah? When is he coming back? I can bring JT over to your house, or you can come over, or we can go out together!! Let me know lah!!!

I will try not to feed JT at your place :p :p But seriously, if the kids mess up the place, its ok for me to mop the floor one... dunno need to pai seh...

no lah, its the same type. Cheerios already dairy, egg and nuts free... but the price is really very different lor... 1/3 the price!!!
so hard to find del rosa? i tot i saw it at the ntuc nearby my place just last week. tonite i go recree... can help u buy but how to pass to you all wor?

got it! thanks!!!

good thing JT loves it
alabone.... sorry to make it sound worse..but could it be HFMD and chix pox???

dora, ur hb's company still wana hire KLKK pp? i wana try! :p

starluster, Bilbo!!! ehehehe

kimi, u have seen kate at alabone's pl before lah... yeah will try UHT next time again,..i know she will take it if its sweet (like hb's malt drink which she always fight for..) but i dunwana let her drink one whole pack of drink stuff!

afcai..ahaha.. end of the insect killing for u tonight!

shihui, talk to kimi liao..u replace me to go with dora ok? i will visit her some other time...

stephanie, bobianah, lemme know if u can find it ok... cos read from somewhere else that tis a good source of vit C.. i wana boost kate's immunity!
JT can eat it non-stop if we dun stop her... very scary one... but can get quite heaty so I normally dun let her eat too much.

Hubby say, the criteria to be KLKK is to be a social butterfly and pat the horse's backside... if you know what I mean.... and talk and talk non-stop.... I think this one is tried and tested in all the companies that I have gone to... those pple that can go "UP" and KLKK are those that can talk non-stop... with or w/o sense...
Then maybe I go visit you next weekend or stg lah... Kimi has priority cos in case, TOUCHWOOD, she pops before i can go visit her.... I'll sms you...

Eh... in that case... you want to go visit Kimi, then we go have dinner?? I'm driving lah... We're the 2 lonely souls hahaha...
yup, can't help, need to kill them or else cannot slp man...so hubby will be taking over the job by trapping those insects(if any come again) in the bottle and then let them die naturally.
i understand lah.. dun worry.. i oso paiseh to ask initially coz i think it's really going to be too stretched for ur hb n mom if a crowd goes to ur house.. :p

but seems like now i can go liao hor.. hehehe... :p

wah.. u not going ah? paiseh paiseh leh.. how abt going for dinner together aft tt?

i'm oso driving leh.. hehehe.. hb not in town n i get the car.. hahahaha...
now i'm wondering if i can dun return the car to him anot.. hehehehe... :p so sat wat time?

ya lor.. i oso very lonely... now i watch korean drama online to pass time... :p juz finished the Legend by pei yong jun (airing on channel U on weekends now)... :p moving on to Jap drama series now.. hehehe... :p
u are rite! it is OOS! hmm.. so strange suddenly oos coz usually i see it most of the time. was there an article on it or what??

like that good lei. my gal very fussy... won't take the same snack. must keep rotating her snacks. so one box/bottle can last for months.

yes! totally agree with u on the klkk criteria ;)
hi bobianah,
you're mosssssst welcome! hehe
this afternoon i mang2 li3 tou1 xian2 so that's why could help you to check.

no lah. it's not chixpox. i can recognise chixpox. since nat due for her 18mth jab, will bring jared along to let his PD check. the doc i saw was babybear's clinic dr teo lor. he also cannot be super sure lah. i think i check with my original PD better.
Mandy's nap time is till 3.30pm, and JT typically sleeps till abt 3pm as well. So I told Kimi we'll be there at abt 4pm. I'll sms you!!!

Wah you still got time to watch korean drama!! So envy leh... I watch tv only when I am doing household chores like folding clothes.... and peeking occasionally when I'm doing work on my laptop or writing e-mails to hubby. Other than that, busy preparing JT's food for the next day and all the other household chores lor!!!

I'm the opposite leh, I prefer to be chaffeured hahaha... maybe cos I have been driving for almost 10 years liao lah... so very sian... now I prefer to take the company bus to and fro work, so that at least I can sleep for the 30min on the bus!!

JT is also very fussy with food, she everyday must eat different food one... but somehow she never gets sick of cheerios. In fact, the 1st time she had her molars, she was eating nothing but cheerios and breast milk for 3 days!!

Yah Bloom, want to join us for dinner after that?!

Yah, I think you'd better get Jared checked again. Really sounds very diff from the HFMD that I had, and the ones that I have heard.
Jus have to keep her entertained.
Before taking off and landing we gave her sweet so that she kept sucking and won't feel the pain due to the presssure.
On the flight back, she was already sleeping and seemed like the pressure is not bothering her. Ya she sit down and sleep.

shd nt b a prob even if u r bringing Ryan along. Denise and I survived.
Hope we can arrange smthg when Lil is less busy.

During the 1st 2 days I'm quite stress when all her routine goes haywire. Then my fren told me nt to worried cos when she is hungry she will ask for food which turn out to be true.
I think not a problem to cook in the hotel room jus that more thing to brings for the trip. The distance from the hotel to disneyland is less than 5mins shuttle bus ride. For city hotel, mayb u can cook the porridge then bring it out in a thermo flask. Most of the time Denise oso survived on her cheerios when we in HK. haha....
Both Denise and JT can be cheerios khaki liao. My gal oso can't stop eating when she started. The cheerios is US is so cheap!!!!!

u r always so positive. Take care.

Wish Jared a speedy recovery. U take care too.
dora, shihui, choo,
hey, cannot let u all visit me liao cos we were exposed to the measles virus on sunday. incubation is 10-12 days n it's very contagious.

aiyo, u all so lonely n have car, can go out n gai gai lor!
Dora, Shihui, Choo,
Jovey is the culprit!!!!!! He took MMR jab and on sunday night got low grade fever. Yesterday confirm mild case of measles.


we want visit u before u pop mah!!!
but now...okok...please take care...sms me if you popping!


ivan also about to take MMR jab this sat..but now i still hestiate to take or not? cos i call my pd the nurse told me must take mmr then can take 18th mth booster..but i really fear mmr will lead to fever...
i heard bobianah n cf told me they delaying mmr jab..but i didnt ask the reason....
dora..ahaha..i canot 'social' to save my life .. :p

afcai, tell ur hb dont trap and let them die..just trap and release them away from home...

shihui, was still thiking of asking u to pass the korea drama to kimi....

alabone, so what did jared's original pd say?

kimi, *sayang* mandy.. hope she wont get it.....

dora, shihui, if still wana meet sat for dinner i should be ok unless MIL got discharged before then then i might have to bring kate to visit her...
As far as i am concern, fever after jab is rather normal. Cause Jovey without fail will kana fever the next day after his jab (that happen for all his jabs hor).

Whether to delay the MMR jab or not is really a personnel choice. Some mummies are delaying cause they worry MMR will cause austim.
so far, tx took the mmr on march no fever(the only jab no fever wor). next fri, she is gg to take her 18mth booster liao, sure kanna fever. why not let Ivan take the jab?

ai-yo, he likes to do that man (that's why we have so many spare essence of chicken bottle line up)....but only release the moth or grasshopper only. other insects will 'die' in his hands. dunno what yr hubby or u do when u capture those 'disgusting' pests?

y'day, I used slipper to smack the xiao qiang outside my hse.

oic. by sitting on the plane seat to slp, did u place any neck cushion ard Denise? cos scared neck will become stiff and pain wor...
bobianah/ star,
thanks for helping to look out guys! I just tried called Veronica - no answer leh...
Will bug n bug her until i get her!! hahaha
will let u guys know the result! :p

yup, supposed to be good source of Vit C. Sure beats Ribena which doesnt actually have as much Vit C as it purports (there was this study done previously and they exposed Ribena for making false claims!)
My mum started giving delrosa to Lucas cos she said I used to drink it when i was a kid too! hahah

hi hi.. long time never come in here leh.. My gal also took MMR last mth. Nothing. very steady.. no fever or any discomfort. If u are worried, u can let ivan drink paosheng before the jab lor. The nurse in polyclinic told me that fever will oni come in 3-4 days after the jab if the child kana fever lar. I think those who delay taking the MMR jab is becos there is article saying that some child after taking MMR might have autism lor..

Ask u all mommies ar.. (seldom come in so i put the words in red so i find my postings more easily- sorry hor)
my gal loves to eat cheese alot.. can finish 1 whole piece by herself..
<font color="ff0000">do u all knw can she take whole piece, isit alot.. my FIL claim that this sticky cheese will not be easily digested &amp; will stick to her intestine etc.. I thot cheese is good in calcium all this.. </font> pls advice.. hehe. thanks.
