(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs


oh ok ok...
i will let him take the 18th mth booster first
oh ya my sis tat time also delay my niece's MMR jab till MOH sent a letter..I am more worried about the fever..


re: paoseng....tx will consume it b4 jab but still kanna fever wor...think the 18mth booster will be more powerful than the other 3.

yr gar gd wor luv cheese, I tried it on tx but she puke out(pick those bread with cheese only).as one said that everything also eat moderate will do, not too much nor too little loh. errr.as for sticking to the intestine type, I never heard leh. maybe true loh since children digestion is not as powerful as adult.
AIYO!!! Dun worry abt us being bored lah, we can of cos find our own activities, I wanted to visit you before you pop mah... so long haven't seen you and Mandy liao... really miss you.... was SOOOOOO looking forward to Sat... but now I have to worry abt you and Mandy instead...

Huh? you can get mild measles from MMR? As far as I know, the vaccine is slightly different from the actual virus, such that you can be immuned to the virus, but won't get the real thing, sometimes with some symptoms. JT also got fever and a few spots abt 6 days after her MMR. And the worse thing was, it happened on my bro's wedding day! I left her with my cousin cos too busy, she developed slight fever and a few spots, wanted to bring her to see doc the next day, but her fever was gone and she looked normal. I was reading on the internet that fever can develop many days after the MMR jab, and having a few spots is a normal side effect.
Found a link to explain this. It is stated that children who develop measles like rashes from the MMR ARE NOT contagious. Your PD says its measles???

I am still on for dinner.... Maybe can meet earlier to let the kids play... I'll sms both of you lah...

Hahaha... next time we have gathering, just put 1 big bowl of cheerios in front of those 2 girls and we can merrily talk while they chomp down on the cheerios!! Hahaha
Still trying to gather enuf courage to bring JT for a tour. Have to do a lot of research 1st... prob will go australia since they have better awareness of food allergy there.
hmmm, according to jac, her doc said it is mild measles and tt it is contagious. but i'm nt v worried lah cos both me n hubby had measles b4 liao. so e one who mght get it is mandy. brot her 2 a GP who was nt v concerned n advised to gif her MMR jab instead. so in e end, she had her jab lor. initially wanna delay it to 24mth. hehehe...

GP oso said whether mandy wld get it depends on a lot o factors inclding duration o exposure (only bt an hr) n her immunity. mandy's nv gotten sick b4 n she nv gets fever fr jabs. e only time she had fever was when she was teething n it was only 37.6 deg. so i tink her immunity is pretty strong lah.... now just hafta monitor her lor. if she gets measles n i pop den beri troublesome cos den barry cannot come home! hehehe...

but unlikely to happen bcos if i pop these days barry shld need to stay at special care, at least 4 a while? in any case, i'm nt worried lah.

aiyo, nt like i pop liao cannot go out. next time when everything's more settled, i intend to bring barry n mandy out shopping one ok?

aiyoo. y u wan me to sms u when i pop? last time round my waterbag burst n chked into TMC, i din even sms my mum hor.

den i asked all my frens nt to visit at e hosp n during confinement. anyway, at KK i stayed less than 24hrs n i was v v weak cos still sick n missed 3 meals b4 popping. tis time, 1st few mths i really need to recuperate n concentrate my efforts on barry n mandy. so i dun tink i'll haf time or energy for many, if any, visitors. last time rd, i din even let relatives visit. they were all q pissed w me but well, it's 4 e gd 4 myself, hubby n mandy. tis time i'll def restrict visitors again.

but o cos when i feel up 2 it, i'll update on e forum!
Jovey got low grade fever 10days after his MMR jab + rashes on arm, neck and whole back. According to GP, the rashes are side effect of MMR and since the vaccine use live virus it would be contagious wor. Advise given by GP is different from the link u given. *BLUR*

Anyway hor, am just glad that Kimi kana measles b4 and Mandy also not affected. PHEW

U wont be able to imagine the "WHO-HA" we went through.....kekekeke
Lil.ahah.taht day i borrowed a board book and try to tempt kate... she just grab from me and start to play with it her style... make the book stand on its spine, its side, flip from page to page without looking at the pics.. :p

mommies, this kate now high class liao..if she din finished her FM and i 'soak' it in hot water, she wont wana drink if she gets hungry half an hour later..she will insist i prepare a fresh batch..sky ahhh...

stephanie, AVA (or whoever) did clarify that only NZ ribena got no vit C, SG ribena is ok. but i wana source for delrosa cos i wana see if there is less sugar (ribena taste so sweet) and more vit C.

jen,not sure abt the cheese thingy... but frankly speaking, i will take that with a pinch of salt...

dora, shihui, i might need to play by ear for this round..cos MIL is discharged, so have to visit her.. hb said he will knock off in the afternoon then we will go. if that is the case then i can meet u all fro dinner..but if he knock off evening then i canot meet u all cos will have to go visit MIL during dinnertime...

kimi, smart choice... i was so tired last time trying to squeeze time between entertaining visitors and making sure i express BM out before i kena mastitis

i understand how u feel as i been thru this before when jav gotten measles from his daddy on Jan.. his measles was veri serious and his fever was up and down throughout 5 days before the rashes full blown on the 6th day. Those days were definately a nitemare for mi as my hub's measles was so serious tat he was warded to hosiptal for 6 days and while he was on the road to recovery, jav measles started.
Jovey's measles is side effect of MMR so still not bad as the measles Javier went through.

My boi is still running around like a monkey. So i am not too worry

Now we are monitoring and keeping him at home since measles is contagious.
Yesterday nite my hub told mi my mil broke down to cry whenever she tink tat she no longer took care of jav this coming jul when jav attend full day cc. I was so shocked. Tat time she told us to look for a cc for jav as she dont wan to keep staying us over the weekdays n separate from my fil. Sigh.. she even told my hub she no longer can see jav liao.. but we will b visiting them every Sat. shldnt tat be enough?? my hub suggest to her she can come some fridays nite to stay wif us over the weekend. SIGH.. next time weekends will be ruined by her.. or must bring her along when we went out. cant she understand i wan some times to spend wif my jav. y must she always wanna to spoil the moments i hav wif my own child. urrggg.. n she always make comments like cc not good lah.. later jav ganna bully by others kids as jav still not speaking. or say later the teachers will abuse jav.. all these kind of nonsense.. i been tolerating wif her all tis while. n one more ting she is spoilting my jav badly nowsaday. she never will listen to mi when i told her not do let jav go on his way.

sorry mummies.. i always seem to be complaining abt my mil here. tink if i dun let it out, i will turn crazy soon. Luckily my mum agree to help mi take care of my 2nd one next time. else i dun tink i wanna to give birth again if she is going to be e caregiver again. I HAD enough of my MIL for the past 18 mths and 12days. So tats it.
Hmm.... all vaccines use "live" virus, but they are diff from the actual thing and therefore is not supposed to be potent and contagious. If not all children would have to be under quarantine order after they receive jabs liao.... JT also got a low grade fever, for abt 1 day, and a few red spots on her face, arm and body. Because of her egg allergy, we specifically asked the KKH PD what we should be looking out for and she said those few red spots are expected in a small group of children and not a concern at all. And I think if Jovey is still running ard like a monkey, I think he is probably like JT, just a side effect, so shouldn't have a cause for worry.....

Oh, in that case, let PH and JT go park tor lor wahahaha....

Whatever the case, just be more vigilant lor... Yah, I understand how tiring it can be... but do try to update your blog or forum if you have the chance.

I think it is quite normal cos she has built a bonding to Jav... my MIL took care of JT occasionally only she was also upset that she can't take care... but she was diff lah cos its her own health. Slowly lor... I tot she was the one to ask you to look for CC??? Then if she complain, then you say you were the one who suggested mah... my MIL till today still says JT is too young to be put at CC...all the same reasons as your MIL lah... altho JT is obviously very happy and putting on wt there... I just ignore her lor....
i'll surely update one lah. but seriously i dunno how busy or free i'll b tis time round. both kids will b w me n i'll still wanna cont reading to mandy n playing w her, at e very least. as 4 barry, i wan to b e main caregiver cos our mums sure spoil him one. but hor, act my biggest worry is tis time rd, there'll b someone to NAG at me! ahhhhhhhhhhh... dunno, c how it goes! hehehe...

i can understand how pek cek u r. *pat pat* but ur mil was e main caregiver o jav so understandably v attached to him. n old folks hor, sigh, sometimes can't expect them to tink 4 us one. u just b assertive n do wat's rite lor. n b sensitive a bit to ur mil. anyway going cc liao. prob solved.
GP was the one telling me that it is contagious. Anway hor, i prefer to be safe than sorry. So these few days Jovey will be under QUARANTINE

Cause your MIL is the main caregiver, she will feel a sense of LOST mah. For my case, i am going to send Jovey for daily 2hrs playgroup for a short period. Once inlaws get used to the idea of Jovey gg to school than i will send him to 1/2 day cc. Hopefully, with such planning both Jovey and inlaws can get used to the change in routine.

Get your hubby to assure yr MIL that Jav will visit during the weekend. Maybe with that she will feel more secured.

Relax and smile since you had already decided wat to do

i can understand she is the main caregiver tats y she is veri attached to javier. but i cannot tahan how she make comments jav being bullied or abused at the cc. i even bring her to the cc to let her know jav will be in good hands, friendly teachers n nice environment.

tat time she told us find a cc for jav as she wanna to go back to work.. n she dun wan to be separate from my fil. now her ex-company does not want to employ her back. now she like regret to let jav go cc. anyway last year, i already decided to send jav to cc once he reached 18 mth. so no matter wat she said, the decision is mine as jav is MINE son.

Yah, better be safe than sorry lah since the doc said that... but because I am in this business, it sounds really wierd to me so pardon me if I sounded not-so-friendly earlier on....

yah I know what you mean abt the nagging... but then you need help mah... so dun try to be a super woman... just put up with the nagging, at least for the 1st month to build up your health...

It's the same with my MIL, she also suggested engaging a maid then put JT with her... but I know JT will be totally spoilt by her so I rejected the suggestion straight away... anyway, now sometimes I just bring JT back on Fri nites so that we have the weekend to ourselves lor... slowly "wean" her off Jav lah... as in sacrifice a few weekends initially but slowly cut down... BUT from experience, the most important thing is dun go back at the same time every week, such that your MIL feels that it becomes a routine and EXPECTS you all to go back. Try to go back every week initially, but try to arrange different time/days... so that it doesn't become an expectation on her side. It worked for me!!
wah.. hope jovey recover will fast..

okie.. nvm.. shall let PH go pak tor with JT mei mei... hehehe... :p hopefully mandy will be okie...

okie.. we can still meet for dinner..
we sms to confirm timing lah...

The more I think abt your GP, the more I realised that he is not doing something right. I've sent you a PM due to the sensitivity of the information.

OK ok, I'll send you an sms tomorrow
So how is Jovey now? I gave Nat MMR jab at 15 mths and she had a case of fake measles. She had fever five days after the jab and when the fever subsided, the red spots started to appear. Thankfully she was eating and drinking well, unlike when she had HFM. I hope Jovey is better now. =)

As for the link between Austism and MMR, according to my PD, she says there is no basis of that. I attended a Special Needs course and Autism is pretty much a neurological thing.

When will you be due to 'pop'? So exciting for you hor. Is Mandy all geared up for didi's arrival? Hee!

What about you? By the way Nat has started going to Champtots. We put her in the second service, what about TA?
helloo ladiessssssssssssssss,

very happy tonight!!! just sent the kiddies back to my mum!!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! oh dear. better not sound overly happy here.

had eight days of time with the kids and we're definitely closer. but i do appreciate the alone time i can have with hb now... finally some peace and quiet again.

poor jovey. but he still sounds so energetic so it's ok. but quarantine hor... no joke leh. like jared was quarantined for the period of time when he was sick, it was a torture for us all coz he got sooooo bored at home.

you talking abt confinement when you'll get nagged at is it?? sure pek cek one lah. but tahan ya?? come online to vent hor. else we'll see you on the darrrrk sideeee. hiak hiak hiak.

i know how you feel. but you must stand firm lah. if you don't want her to take care then put your foot down. hopefully not the drastic measures like i do though. and i think dora's suggestion is good. abt not setting a routine for your mil so that she expects you all to be there. see if you can try that.

tomorrow, i'm going to cut my hair and get it straightened and after that, go for nice dinner and movie with hb!! yeah yeah yeah!!! for once, i won't be having dinner and behaving like a mad woman going 'no, don't push the table!', 'NO! i don't want your foot on the table!', 'NOOO! don't put your hand in the soup!'. WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Hi Tan SL
Haven't heard from you for a long time??! How are you and Nat doing??
Hmmm... measles and fake measles (roseola) are 2 entirely diff viruses despite the similarity in their names. Roseola virus is more related to the chicken pox virus actually, and can cause very very high fever. So it might be coincidental that Nat got it after the MMR jab, when her immune system is down. However, it is possible to have measles-like symptoms after the MMR jab, but that is not contagious and with low grade fever.

How is jared now? Hopefully he is better liao. No lah, I can understand why you are so busy because it must be very tough being preggie and taking care of a HFMD kiddo at the same time. Do take this opportunity to rest well.
serene, haha..some pp... but the mommies are right.. u must be firm... if it means being the bad 'guy (DIL)' so be it... did i hear no 2???

dora, SH, pls still keep in the loop ok..most prob i canot make it (dora i will pm u later..long story...) but in case .. :p :p :p

jackie..ahahah..SH might say kate and PH looks like twins..but in terms of personality (hyper-activeness) i think she and jovey are closer! :p

Tan SL..long time u din update natacia's blog leh!

alabone..i really gota post..u mean ur hair is not straight...??? so jared is ok liao? what did the original pd say?

sighh..mommies... yest i was reading someone's blog (u might know who u r )..and today reading abt alabone..i am jealous that u gals are so close to ur hubbies.... i am jealous that ur hbs agree to no2/3.... ok i have finish ranting :p (dont worry i am perfectly fine :p)
hi mummies

yeah i tried before... delrosa is def less sweet than ribena
tastes quite bland to me but since lucas doesnt get sugary drinks etc yet, think it tastes suuuuper good to him. kakaka. Mix with water also mah so u can make it as sweet/ bland as u want

haha, sorry ...wat's "i am jealous that ur hbs agree to no2/3"?? u sound very cute lah...

i also wanna straighten my hair... permed it in Nov 07. Now like Ah Siao like tt... but.. oh... just realised i din tell u guys!!
found out few weeks ago that #2 has arrived!!!
*surprised/ shocked/ happy/ but also tireddddd!!!!* Baby due 15 Jan 09.
Soooo... no straightening hair... noooo colouring (altho i previously coloured abit brown then now growing out SOOOO UGLY!!!!) got 4 weddings to attend from 28 June to 27 July summore... so throw face

yeah... so when are u expected to pop?!
are u all ready?
not yet no 2. keke.. but planning. My mum not working liao. so i can go for no 2. Since i dun wan my mil to take care of my no 2, i must make sure my mum available before try for 2nd one. keke.. finally i m seeing the sun after the terrible storm..
my mil also expect us to go every sat mah. sometimes, I told hubby we also needed family time together (at least full sat cos sun will b only half or less than 1/2 day b4 we sent tx to my mum'plc) so no need to go every sat.

yr mil took care of Jav since he is born. she sure got the 'she bu de' feeling as she has developed so much feeling to him. that's y she has the sad feeling. hai-ya, my mum said the same thing to me by sending tx to ccc, do she has thing to fill up her stomach, will she kana bully, will she can take care of herself, if the teacher gd, will sure fall sick easily, now HFMD somemore etc.....one of the time, when I was a temp 'sahm' for 9 days, think my mum miss tx so much. once, we sent tx bck, she will say to tx "did u miss me? and kept on hugging/kissing etc..that's why usually old folks spoilt the grandchild. one of my fren's toddler, her mil on and off even give her softdrink and those nonsense stuff. this made her so pissed off and told her hubby. but her hubby just say never mind. errr....think smoke come out of her nose man...
Hi Dora,
Reply your PM liao. Thank you for the information

Tan SL,
Jovey is on the road to recovery with only a few spots left on his arm. He is his usual active self running around like a monkey in the house

Glad to know that Jared had recovered and your mum is back. Go and enjoy the dinner date with your hubby. Both of u deserve a break

You are right, Kate and Jovey can be good friend. Oh dont forget about Connie's Belle

Gong Xi Gong Xi

haha, me too...my highlights are growing out. fortunately, my hair is very short, so not too obvious. Before i start work, sometime during ML will go and highlight again. keke!
U know hor, my hair, everytime during pregnancy it grows faster and is also curlier...sooo annoying! So i keep cutting short short...and still look like some ah soh cos hair curly and a bit "pong pong"! Aidooooo!

glad to hear everything is better now and u are getting much needed rest.
tan sl, stephanie,
when m i expected to pop ar? I DON'T KNOW!!!!! but if u're asking bt my EDD, is 21st july. still a long way man. but i've started dilating 1 mth ago... so... v hard 2 ans ur qn.

as 4 whether i'm prepared.... erm after 1.5mth o bedrest hor, how prepared can i be???? *shudder* i'ev been e sole caregiver (tho hubby helps on wkends) since mandy's birth so hor, when i had to haf bedrest suddenly, everything got disorganised. mandy's stuff got mixed up (my mum, mil, hubby puts them at diff places!), dvds on my dining table, shoes on my piano, fan covers on my keyboard..... u get e drift... n bcos nobody noes where to keep them, nobody does! i'm on bedrest but i SEE but i cannot DO! n i try my best nt to nag at them. hehehehe

so erm, i shld say NOT VERY PREPARED. still must clear out e cupboards to put barry's stuff n tis n tt! aiyooooooooooooo!

but they did an EXCELLENT job so far! in fact, they did so well i'm worried mandy will reject me when i take over again! den i no face!

anyway, am starting to break my bedrest slowly. bcos i'm approaching 35 wks which is when e doc said is ok to stop all measures n perfectly fine to pop. bcos it's nt gd to eat the medn 4 too long. it's afterall a cat c drug w side effects. n i need condition my body into the erm, uprite position slowly oso. ya...

so fr today, i'm starting 2 pack a bit. ONLY A BIT. tummy big liao i do a bit nia oso chuan!

i noe i'm v lor soh! but it sure feels gd to b 'vertical' again!

congrats! looks like we two r really jolly today tho it's FRIDAY THE 13TH! *deng deng deng deng!*
anyhow, gd mood n being positive is beri impt in pregy one u noe? *grin* enjoy ur nice dinner n ya, ur hair nt straight enof meh????

CONGRATS on ur no.2! So exciting hor?? so i'm guessing u wan a ger????

tab SL,
is mandy ready ar??? i dunno leh. i've done everything i cld. she's used to nt spending so much time w me. she noes bbs r fragile, needs to b sayanged n will cry... etc. she kisses my tummy n nods when i ask her if she noes didi is inside... she sleeps by herself in her own rm... n i read up on preparing an older sibling 4 e NB etc etc. BUT, anything might happen still... so keeping my fingers crossed!
stephanie + conniemummy,

wow.. the list is getting longer... so exciting... should i should i?
hmm.. think better not chong dong to try to join the list

congrats!!!!! have a smooth pregnancy!!


CONGRATS!!!!!!!! so u are the one !!
tat day i saw u ,how many weeks preggie
take good care!
stephanie, conniemummy,

congrats to both of u..

alabone, dora, afcai,
I wil be firm wif my stand on my children upbringing. dun wan them to be a spoilt brat next time. thanks for the advise : )
Found Delrosa!

Mummies looking for Delrosa, if the regular shops still dun have, you can buy it from:

Yue Shin Siang Medical Hall
Blk 34 Upper Cross Street, #01-154.
Tel: 65334915

Yes, same blk as Cheong Choon. :p
I remember E wears size C8/9 for crocs rite? May i know what is the length of his feet? sorry for asking this as i intend to join the Crocs BP but not sure what size to order for D. HIs feet measure 14cm now. Thnks

Other crocs users
If you know the length of ur toddler's feet and is a user of crocs, please advise what size should i buy for 14cm feet. Thanks!
E's feet is abt 14.5cm now n he is wearing size 8/9
It's abit tricky when feet length is abt 14cm cos size 6/7 is too fitting, but 8/9 is slightly loose. Although 8/9 looked too large n loose, E seemed to walk well enough in it (did not trip etc) so I went for it.

Is this a new BP? I also wanted to join the previous Croc BP but the choice of colours are v limited. But it's so much cheaper than buying at the crocs store.
stephanie, thank you for saying i am cute :p :p :p (thick skin) :p congrats on no 2 !!!

jackie, we have the hyperactive trio!

kimi, thank you for reminding its friday the 13th... office testing hit problem..argh!

starluster, jia you!!!!

bobianah, wahh..so far.. i will wait for it to be available island wide first...

dee, connie, rem that time the Q i ask at the dark side..i got someting from the medicinal hall liao.... hehee.. so u all dont have to dig info for me liao...thanks!

doggiebb..ahahha... philson really know how to 'stand out' of the crowd leh.. :p

karen p, i thot usually they will advise u to try at the actual crocs shop first?


Too bad you missed the dinner on Sat. Both PH and JT were quite noisy at the dinner.... Both Shihui and myself had a good time chatting while the 2 of them were "yakking away". hmm if plus Kate, I can't quite imagine, the restaurant staff would prob faint!! Must catch up with you this weekend!

Talking abt Fri the 13th... I got a parking summon at IL's place in the evening.... ARGH!!!

Your Philson hor... really Da Ming Xing!!! This weekend you free bo? I'll sms you....

wow nice pic leh!! they look like those nursery kids out for an outing.Its a shame we didnt get to join !


Yr son really 'drama king' leh!
Thanks mummies for all ur congrats!!! Sure hope everything goes smoothly too. Feeling quite bad actually... spending all my time with Lucas and thinking abt him and suffering from my muscle aches and nausea etc etc etc...hardly ever think abt the baby!!! So bad!!!

hahaha congrats too!!
i'm abt 9 weeks too...10 this week i think. When's ur edd?? Mine 15 Jan... ours should be quite close then
Are u delivering at TMC too? I rem meeting u before to pass u the Lansinoh milk bags... u remember me?? hehehe

i called one confinement lady recommended by colleague... she said normal price $1800 but she will charge $3000+ for CNY!!! wahhhhhhhhhh siao.
Anyone know any good CL who wont charge this kind of crazy price for CNY confinement?!?!!? haha

Wow... boggiebb,
sooooooooo cute!!!!
sorry man... have never joined u guys for any outing before... think Tornado Lucas might spoil everyone's fun... pull picnic mat and snatch food and toys etc. hahaha :p

wahhhh u very resourceful. Ok ok i shall try to make a trip to that medical shop soon
hope still got stock by then!

yes yes i remember u...

my edd tentative is at 13 jan.. 2 days before u..
as for which hospital... have yet to decide lei
cos wanna try Mt A..

confinement during CNY is crazy.. I read from somewhere. market rate is gg at $2700 plus 2 ang baos.. and hor all the food prices will go up at tat time too.. its gg to be an expensive confinement man.
hi connie and stephanie,

I'm from Jan 07 thread and actually nearly nearly have to do confinement in CNY last year but instead I ordered confinement catered food instead as there's mil to help me. if you have maid or parents to help out, maybe can consider that cos the food is quite good to me and the portions are for like 2 persons and price is reasonable (to me lah). =)

just my 2 cts worth. =)
