(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
how are u? when r u due?

<font color="119911">shihui</font>,
hmm...hope yr dream of having bb gar came true....

<font color="119911">Mbb</font>,
Meg in that indian dress so cute...

<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
hai..hubby initially also ask for no#3. but seeing me suffering fr day 1 till confinement (still admit hospital), he put off the idea. hai..woman after delivery most of the time still need to look after kid, no own time loh.


2 more weeks to go...I have a confinemt lady...I hope she is gd...n 2 clueless men who still havent passed my training...


Temptation ahead...beware!!!...you need email and sms alert...whahaaaaaaaaa!!!...


Cae has an Indian/Malay costume...I paid $10 at Geylang Serai for Hari Raya last year...u mean there is Harmony Day...next time we can dress them both together...

Yukata...there are new designs wor...

I am still contemplating the Ergo leh...shall I shall I...there is a BP now...


I am getting by lah...I just feel like a hippo now...hee...2 more weeks to go...howz Tx n her bro...
Glad that u have engaged a confinement lady.

Haha Men........be patient with them.

I've gt Beco bb carrier in Pinkkkkk print.
I can lend u if u r interested.
<font color="119911">Fizz</font>,
haa...why describle until like hippo? u gd appetite huh? oh...so yr no#2 is gar or boy?

now tx luv her brother so much. she is a babysitter to her didi and supervisor to my mum. She had also withdraw fr ccc cos mum said she kept on falling sick. end of jun, doc said she got slight fit (face white, lips black and no respond when call for 10mins so went kkh A&amp;E) due to the suspected cause of her on and off fever. so now, she is happy at hm, think will be putting on weight like her chubby little piggy brother. u got tx and HX (her didi) blog?

hai...Men....deep deep sigh.

jiayou.....and 'enjoying' looking after the bb via sleepless nite. welcome to panda club then.
so sweet, Meg is really a pretty gal.
Nat's cc didn't celebrate racial harmony day, no chance to dress up. ;(

wow, so fast eh. Have a smooth delivery.

happy shopping, it is fun looking at girl's stuff.

I'm for Friday 31 July too. Yipee, can meet up.
heee....tot u made up ur mind abt Ergo?
dun buy la unless u plan for #3 since u got Bjorn (sp?) liao.

u dun looked like hippo at all.

i m e hippo.....still have 11kg of FATS to shed. sian.

TX is a gd bbsitter huh? u must be very proud!

1. Bloom
2. Roo
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
are you guys meeting in town? if yes, i will sneak by for lunch too.


how's the little one? so after this one you are not going back to work liao ah? meg in that red sari is soooo pretty!

pls lah you just gave birth, the last time you lost all your weight what. my boy already 1 year old and i am still carrying an extra 3kg with me. lidat then gek sim ah!


oh dear! what happened to tx? sounds scary to have a fit like that? did doc say it will come back or not?


wah! just 2 more weeks! so exciting! so are you getting a little princess? hope you are!
should be in town kua.
you sneak out again k?

sooooo fast Thaddeus is 1 yr old hor?
went to kpo ur blog....can PM me the contact for face painting?


oh...still going back to work coz i dun likey asking hb for money.
work for how long.....clueless. i am taking a day at a time.

the yakuta ex hor?

i saw in Liang Court got a shop selling but din went in to bio.

heee....no excuse to buy tis year.
will juz stick to drooling nia.
Did u just buy a new baby carrier? Means got good news?

Meg is so pretty. Your hb v lucky...got so many pretty ladies at home

Good luck on your up coming big day.

Depending on location and time of gathering...
1. Bloom
2. Roo
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
6. LiL

soooooooooooooooooo busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

juz moved hse n needs to handle 2 crazy kiddos.....really drives me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! GATHERING!!!!!!!!! i need to a break!!!!!i need to see some adultsssssss !!!! count me in. hope u all dun mind my 2 crazy kiddos screaming n their siao mama screaming hor :p

SH!!!! ger ger huh? WOOHOOOOO!!!! u must b very happy!!!

wowwwwwww!!! meg sooooooooooooo sweet n pweetyyyyyy

aidoooooo!!!! tx ok bo? so now neber go to cc liao huh? my philson oso didnt attend any cc at the moment (dat's 1 of the reason y i siao siao) now everyday act like a xiao hun hun aka xiao ah beng :p

roo!!!! got gd news ah? *blink*

1. Bloom
2. Roo
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
6. LiL
<font color="119911">doggie</font>,
my col 's gar (also 06 bb) got 2 fit due to fever too. doc said it is cause of fever loh. he also mentioned fit is common for child fr 6mth - 6yrs.so if kana fever again (touch wood), got to monitor closely. but hor, last time, she also got fever, lao sai and vomit but dun have such thing. so mum 'blame' it on ccc. anyway, when she is bck hm now, she felt happy. she did mention that she not happy there, dun like certain teacher cos fierce(yup, they have kind of 'dao' look), floor dirty and dun like aunt to bath her. mum said that she might be lack of slp, not so much appetite there and scared.

<font color="119911">Tan SL</font>,
u still bf?

<font color="119911">Mbb2</font>,
yup, first 3 mth (minus off my boy stayed in hospital for 1mth) is the terrible thing to attract attention cos tx will do all kind of extraordinary things like spilt on floor, pour water, throw paper into toilet bowl, play with soap etc. but now, she get used to another playmates liao and kept on telling her didi to faster grow up so that she can play ball ball with her. as my no#2 is botak (shave hair), she luv to rub his head and call him botak or "tua pui sai' and then rub his tummy. seeing them really interesting. one thing is tx dun share thing with her didi. what is her is hers and what is didi also hers.

so how is Meg react to her sister?
<font color="119911">CF chang</font>,
welcome to the new estate. yup, can imagine the 'stress' when handling a 'demanding' bb and a active toddler. hmm....do u still can attend the gathering alone huh?? hmmm...maybe one weekend, we meet up with SH also forming the beach boy club....(yr 2 boys, Sh's PH and my HX). will u change ccc for Philson?

tx ok liao, happy happy appointed as a babysitter cum supervisor.
Lil, CF,
How I wished!!!!!!! Hv to work harder haha.....
1 of my colleague, 42, preg with no#2. She is my inspiration!
my Selinna has the same habit as u. her toys &amp; books are her. hazel cannot take. if take she will snatch back &amp; shout loudly to her. JIE JIE ONE. u cannot take. i see liao realli want to lol leh. then this Hazel sometimes hide back her toys dun let S snatch back. see both fight realli funny manz.
but then she will subsitute her sis toys to give her &amp; this is urs. Dun take mine.

cf chang.. wow sey. not easy leh.. 2 kids and u shifted hse. omg. where u shifted to??

The IUD no side effects lar. just that i took the cheapo one. Copper one. shld take Minera(sp) cos wont hv as heavy menses flow one. hehe

1. Bloom
2. Roo
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
hmm gathering where...31/7 I'm on ccl cos taking my boy for a jab.

<font color="119911">Jen</font>,
cf chang my neighbourhood neighbour loh(see my msg to cf change- welcome to the estate). yup, kids hor really fun but...

how they insert the IUD ? pain or not? gyane said still got risk to get preggies. best method is male sterlise. hmmm think fat hope for men right...

no pain lar. no much feeling one bah. a very thin thing to be insert into vagina lor. ya lar. nothing is guarantee one. but at least got abv 99% protected bah. haha. my mom also has a frd who also got IUD but still got pregnant also lar. hahaha

Aiyo...it is so scarrry...you muz hv scared outta yr witz...yr mum is so nice n "sarg arg"...she actually manages to take care of 1 tod n 1 bb...elderly women r juz so much more capable...Tx is such a sensible girl...

Afcai and Doggie...

Yeah...I am expectin a girl...n I hv been spreein like $$ rainin fm the sky...haizzz...n I hv been feelin guilty as I hv not been buyin much for my lil boy...nice boy clothes above 3yo r a rarity...



I m eyeing the yukata toooooooo
but the nicer ones no size liao lei...

Come come join me..
next time we have a little Jap gathering heehee
Registering on behalf of kimi...

1. Bloom
2. Roo
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi

Suggestion -- It may be gd to indicate how many tods are gg.. so tat can book the hi-chairs...
If u all are interested in jap clothings. can also visit Jshopper. hehe. I bout a Jinbei for selinna and it cost less than $30 bah (include shipping &amp; postage)..
<font color="119911">Fizz,</font>
wow, congrats. very happy for u wor...one boy one gar wor...haa..some nice nice clothes and accessories for gars can't resist right....

yup, super mum wor...can handle 1 tod n 1 preterm bb who need highly attention.
thx 4 helping me register! haha.

like cfchang, i need to get outta e hse once in a while. i'm sure it'll b somewhere accessible hor? i can only go where e mrt can go.
if there's so many ppl, shall we book a rm. both my kids r walking n e boy can't really sit still. er, i tink most our tods can't really oso hor? so rm gd idea bo?

all the preggy mums,
CONGRATS! n sh, congrats on having ur wish granted. unlike wat e mummies say here, i enjoy shopping 4 barry more. girls' clothings hor, so many diff patterns lah, designs lah... so troublesome. boys more clear cut! hahaha.

1. Bloom
2. Roo + Denise :)
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi + Mandy + Barry (needs TWO hi chairs!)
yes... scary.. can sense tt my pocket going to burn big hole soon.. :p

jiayou for #2!!
my colleague this year 37 preg with #3..

i'm drooling on the yukata too!!!! i'm thinking if i buy liao, den suddenly if bb change to boy boy instead of girl girl, i can give u the yukata instead.. hhahahaha.. :p

CF chang,
keeping my fingers cross lah... who knows later end up with another cheeky boy in my arm again.. hahaha... :p

wah.. okie.. i think i will ask my gynae aft i deliver on the choices available..

hahaha... v difficult to pyscho asian men to sterilise themselves one.. it's quite common in western countries though... :p

hahha... true true.. never hav prob shopping for PH since limited designs to choose fr.. less headache.. hahaha.. now whenever i look at the gal's clothings.. i dunnoe wat to get... shall i get a nice frilly pants with cute tshirt or a nice little dress or etc etc etc... hahahaha... :p

regarding gathering, how many mommies bringing kids? PH's ccc bringing them for horse-riding on tt day leh... so i won't be bringing him along... he will miss seeing pretty gals again... :p

I forgot to ans u...thanx for the offer...I oredi hv a Bb Bjorn...which I find tat itz not very kind to the back n shoulders...then my hb likes the Ergo when we borrowed it fm Mbb tat time lor...


Now I m in a dilemma abt the Ergo...hands itchy lor...
Hi mommies!

I'll be setting off in about 4 hours' time, and reach Singapore on Saturday morning. See you all soon.

Bloom, thanks for organizing the get-together.
i dun wanna you to gimme the Yukata but i wanna drool looking at your ger ger wearing it!!

actually for bb, Jinbei is more suitable n cuter.
i got one from Jshoppers sometime back but i prefer wat is sold in the BP.
Jshopper's clothes workmanship is not so nice de.

Fizz n Roo,
emailed u gals.
got good lobang again. keee keee keeee
mbb, got good lobang never JIO me??? Will u be bringing Alysia along too? :p

Can start thinking of the venue so that doggiebb can see if she can sneak our and afcai can see if she can bring hx along? If its north side maybe I can bring Kate, else I will go straight from work.

Shihui, horse riding! wow!!!!! That time brought Kate to zoo and she is so afraid of the horses...

Sylk - welcome.. me not thinking of the venue though..super country pumpkin nowadays...

Fizz, the most I lend u my ergo lah... the most u will use it is one year anyway (for me i find it heavy after kate reaches 10kg, maybe cos I am small size), and since I got no news now, means within 1 yr i wont be using it (maybe more than that since 99.9% close factory)....

1. Bloom (1A)
2. Roo + Denise :)
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui (1A)
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi + Mandy + Barry (needs TWO hi chairs!)
10. Sylk + Regina (need hi chair?)
eh, need to amend sthg

1. Bloom (1A)
2. Roo + Denise :)
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui (1A)
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi + Mandy + Barry (needs ONE hi chairs!)
10. Sylk + Regina (need hi chair?)

I 4got tt my ger dun wanna be little kiddo anymore. now she likes 2 kneel on normal adult chairs so i only need one hichair lah!
ah Bloom,
PM u liao.
hee....next time u broke, dun blame me wor.

re: gathering on 31st.
i may not be able to attend coz juz realised tat day hafta take Alysia for jab.
see where is the venue n timing first la.

will come solo coz Meg is in sch n Alysia is too young to go kai kai (nowadays alot of virus).

Got lobang never share??
U ordering the yukata? Today last day...

I couldnt decide between a nicer one (which is just the right size) or a bigger one..

Thanks, Bloom, for MSN-ing me about the gathering! I will go as well!!! But am still thinking if I shd be bringing Annette cos I am working on that day. But may be able to steal some time off, hee hee.

I had not been to the forum for EONS, so congrats to every mummy who had given birth or gotten preggers again!

Thanx for yr Ergo offer...ok lah...I wil borrow it fm u when I go on holz...:p...seems like u all r tryin to pyscho me to save $$$...:p


SH succumbed liao...u leh...GO GO GO!!!...:p...the Chinese bks look gd...but I m broke liao leh...yest when my hb tried talkin to Cae in Chinese...he gave him the blank look...he doesnt understand a word of Chinese...except "wei she me??? (Why???)...how ah???...I dunno how he wil cope next time if I put him in my pri sch which is SAP...haizzz...


Hahaha...gd start...:p


Btw...is it a custom tat we hv to gif CL 2 ang pows...errr...wat is the "norm" rate huh???
Adding chelseadoggie inside (who has forgotten her pwd)

1. Bloom (1A)
2. Roo + Denise :)
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui (1A)
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi + Mandy + Barry (needs ONE hi chairs!)
10. Sylk + Regina (need hi chair?)
11. chelseadoggie + marcus (need 1 high chair)

Fizz, since have then borrow loh... the money can be spent on mbb's email (I have not read the mail yet!)
i am not buying the yukata.
lately, i am "into" books more

buy the rite size since it's the nicer one so Belle can wear asap.

Meg's juz came back with her sch mid term report book, all under chinese, she got C grade! tsk tsk tsk...

welcome to the club!
Spree? who said the magic words??

Mbb, got lobang must share share! pm me too! :p

Congrats to all who are preggy again.
SH, you must be so happy to hv a ger next!

Sorry, wont be joining the gathering...it's my busy season....
ur child give u a blank face when hear mandarin. my child give me a blank face when she hear English words ar.. haha. Teacher also commented that she dun understand / speak English wor. also give teacher blank face.. I also dunno hw. I am not english speaking one leh. basically my English is half pass six leh. hahaha
mbb, think will give it a miss... my gal canot even speak engilsh properly... but do keep me informed of further lobangs..nowadays usually wont go into bp/overseas spree section

btw, do u have a pic on the kind of bookshelf u r using.? my sis is passing me some kids book, i tink i need to buy a bookshelf!

1. Bloom (1A)
2. Roo + Denise :)
3. Tan SL
4. Shihui (1A)
5. Mbb
6. LiL
8. Jenny
9. Kimi + Mandy + Barry (needs ONE hi chairs!)
10. Sylk + Regina (need hi chair?)
11. chelseadoggie + marcus (need 1 high chair)
12. dora (1A) if she recovers from stomach flu by then
We shall meet up more often. Let Denise speak Mandarin to Meg and Meg to teach Denise English.

clips - I spree from marie last month liao hiak hiak.........

ya, ned to give 1 when they come and 1 when they leave for gd luck purpose according to the 'confinement lady's rule'.
Sm required to pay for the transport they come to ur plc too. For my case last rd, my sis helped me to fetch her so no ned to give.
My confinement lady gave Denise an ang pow before she left.

I gt mine from IKEA.
But if buying only 1 item, bo hua for delivery.

I got fm Ikea too...the kids shelf tat can double up as a toy rack wif buckets...self assembly de...


Even tho my dad speaks Canto to him since infant time...he always ans my dad in Eng i/o Canto...


We shall flood Bloom wif emails n smses on BPs n sprees til she buay tahan...whahaaaaaaaaa...


Thanx for the info...my CL stil called me yest to check how I was...
i also got mine fr Ikea. cheap cheap.
hee....most of my books r still in boxes!
juz like toys i rotate them coz Meg dun have a fav book de. she read watever is available

if u wanna buy englisg books, i PM u my lobang.

Marie, now spree toys also wor. wink wink.

remember e canto cd?
Meg can sing one song finally.
so keep playing it for Cae.
it would be fun to watch Denise n Meg play together.

chicken n duck talk!

Denise speak mandarin more meh? most of e time we meet, she speak eng.

Hi Mommies,
wow.. lately here so many postings.
Good to see that

Wont be able to join you all for the upcoming gathering. I on leave today and lately for this month, must save my leave for another occassion.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Sylk n regina, welcome back to sgp! </font>

Hi mbb,
Meg has grown so much and so pretty! the chinese books from BP spree the link you given, is indeed very good. Coz my friend also recommend it to me. I still debating should I go ahead to buy. My hubby is controlling my spending... or else he will sure nag. I recently also hooked on buying more like activities book to entertain my Hayley.

Hi Shihui,
Congrats on having a princess!! Yur dream comes true.

Hi Fizz,
U take care too.. hope to hear yur good news soon

as for boook shelves..
I also going to get a book self fm Ikea later after I deliver, so to set up a mini library in Hayley's Pooh room.
