(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

u juz thanks all the "hui"s here... haha.. :p

paging for u leh.. dun scare us wor.. aiyo.. now getting worried for u since QSG said she sms u n u din post the update here.... u okie??

welcome back QSG

wow....the time u took 2 deliver bb Evee is so fast!!!! luckily u dun ve 2 suffer those long delivery process....o.w will b so stressful 4 u...thank god 4 dat....

do relax & take care of urself......everythg will b fine....jia you
Wow, u all so fast buy pampers liao?? That day I ask my hb to buy, then he said no need, cos bb very fast upgrade to S and also depends on bb weight, cos I always give birth to big bb, so he said wait till bb pop then go n buy, cos 1 pack from hospital is enough to last since only need it at nite and confinement won't be going out too
OO...congrats~ hope dat ur engorgement will be better. thks for sharing ur story with us. i feel dat u are really brave. relax...and update wif us your condition n ur bb's. stay strong n dun be too stress...(erm...now my mind go haywire cos very kan cheong..)
hehee.. ya lor.. since i started posting in this forum, learnt to look out for cheap lobangs liao.. hahaa... :p coz alot of parents bought extra n selling off cheaper than market price.. heheheee.. :p

so far, all the nappy liners i bought are fr the forum... :p hubby asked me to stop buying liao coz not sure if we will be sticking to nappy anot.. :p so far got 4 boxes on standby.. heheee.. :p
och, shihui, jackie
geeeeeeeeee....i bought 3 cartons of fixies pampers 4 my bb leh....2 cartons NB & 1 carton small size....each carton has 6 pkts......oh....2 many hor...going 2 faint liao ;p
i hv not buy any pampers yet cos heard dat bb grow very fast then olso heard dat some hospital will give one packet for free?? many of my hb's colleagues advised dat we dun buy newborn pampers 1st till we bring baby home n c...if nid, for most one packet?? they said baby grow very very fast....
CF Chang,
wah!! we count by packets u count by cartons ah??? :p scary leh.. :p but u going to use nappy? we using nappy tt's y dun need buy so many.. :p
Got reply from doggiebb....She enjoying her leave too much liao. Will post ltr

Think u got surplus of NB pampers liao...Can start selling
u bought cartons ah?! u r not using nappies i suppose? shihui n i trying to use nappies, so buying too many diapers is quite wasteful.

oh, volunteer n u thank me liao. haha. u r too kind liao. ur bb is so big, u should buy s size right away.
oh ya.. btw, anyone using Mustela's anti stretchmark cream here? me selling off my BN mustela cream leh... coz i apply liao den my skin dun like.. :p
aiyo......i like u mah....c got gd lobang so grab loh ;p....i thk i m not using nappy 1st cos lazy 2 wash....but if got nappy rash then must reconsidered liao. i bought so many cos i heard if BF must keep changing.....i kaisu so i buy loh...heehee...hope my bb dun outgrown the pampers so fast....anyway my bb quite small size.....until now still 2.5kg....
Morning ladies..overslept today...just woke up only...

Ya lor..what happen to doggiebb har? Haven't see her here for days...

Glad to see u back here. Your delivery is so fast! 2 hrs and without epidural somemore...Do come in and update us on Baby Evee progress okie? I am sure everything will be fine..take good care..

Wah! you took over the updation of table now kar? Can help to update mine? My boy is now 2.8kg at 36 weeks 4 days
Doggiebb is enjoying her leave too much and lazy to post online....Dont worry she have not pop

U r so bad......So tempted...Kekeke....
do u want me to pick up the eric carle books for u? i'm picking up tonight, can pass to u when i'm in school on monday.

MIA for one day, so much action leh!!!

Bloom is doing very well. her hb din make it for the c sec op but is back in SG leh.
i shall let her update you gals lah

great to see you back here

cant wait to see bb Evee's pic!!
thank U.
nolah. awredy bday n wedding aniversary on the same day...dun wan bb ger's bday on the same day also

hee heee...1115 like a goood date hor?
aiyo....i very kaisu.....got gd lobang so grab loh ;p actually still wanna get size medium & large but no stk oredi....heehee....the brand i bought is fixies....heard fr my fren & those who re using it got gd comments....dat's y i buy in cartons loh....hope is really gd....o.w i heartache;p

oh...if bb's oso same date thk ur hubby very happy....only need 2 rem 1 date.....;p
thank u for your wish

yeah, hb will be the one really celebrating...too bad lor.
mummy hv been doing a good job teaching bb how to count. hee heee.
tkz for taking over the chart.
i shall sms you if i pop then

3 more weeks to go for me.....hopefully.
Trying to tempt us to shop again har? hee...

Happy belated birthday!! So much action here on your birthday...
aiyo... keep getting bothered by the auditors until i can't come in here....

wah... yr birth really sudden... but at least it was fast...
.. i'm sure Evee will be fine... chin up and like the others said... check with the LC when u r at TMC visiting yr gal?

Happy belated bday!!! how was the celebration? had fun?

Me getting excited... today's my last day at work... hope nobody bother me next week... hate it when my hp keeps ringing with work calls...
Dey & Calynn,
Thank U

actually not much fun lah.
hb is a block of wood....everything also ask me.
wat cake i wan, where to go for dinner, wat i wan to do.
so unromantic!!
no surprise install. hmmmmm, wat to do??

i juz tried my best to enjoy lor.

will you still be logging in after tmr??
hmmm... never mind lah... at least he took the effort
same as mine lor... we'll just have to get used to it!! mine didn't even bother with cake and flowers until i make noise... then he bought the following year... then the years after tat again dun have liao!!!!... so now give up...

i will still be logging in from home lor... if i'm not too lazy!!! ha ha... left some washing to do for the next couple of days b4 i pop!!

hope i have everything ready... mind's in a blank already...
happy belated bdae~ ^^

hehe...at least u volunteer mah..i dun even dare to volunteer..hehe..cos sometimes i MIA then hor if i really pop, i will definitely MIA till i finished my confinement cos no internet in my mum's house loo~ ^^
Hi Ladies,

Just to inform u hor, tml n Monday I will be on leave, not sure if I will be able to log in, but weekend sure will log in to see see look.... better inform first, else thought I pop also (choy choy choy)......

Ya, superly long weekend....hahaha... so happy....then sat can see bb again... wonder if she have reached my targeted weight or not
happy belated birthday!
hope you had lots of fun!

thanks for sharing ur birth story...wow, ur bb came really fast! I hope mine wld be fast as well. =P hope ur bb evee will be able to go home very soon.... jia you with ur BF efforts!

ya, think i'll oso change PD after a while cos if he's based in Mt A, a bit mah fun... gotta look for one nearby

well done with the updating!
btw, my bb is 2.9kg at 37wks...thanks.

wah...long weekend! enjoy!
tank u

i am the most free one but i also dun dare to offer to update the chart coz me really IT idiot. only knows how to email and come to forum.
no more no less....

so shiok, long long weekend for you!

yeah lor, so i try not to be too bothered.

you better get things prepared next few days. so can relax abit be4 you start your motherhood career
wah your 2nd time so fast ah!

How long u took for your 2nd time? My colleague juz gave birth last mth...was her 2nd time. She rushed to the hospital & delivered. Total time only 1 hr...wah lau so nervous now... Cos I still need time to send my no.1 to my mum's place 1st....gan cheong spider now.
hey i found another nice place for pig trotter.
it's at upper east coast rd.
it's actually a german restaurant.

Chang and i are considering the cupcakes.
fyi, full mth package: 4 cupcakes in personalised box $6.50. order 50 boxes will be $5.50.

Congrats QSG, can't wait to see your Evee's pics
Wah, you're my idol leh, 2 hours delivery w/o epidural... hopefully I can also do it w/o epidural!!

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your last birthday celebrations with just the 2 of you
Next year would have a "3rd party" liao!!!

Enjoy your long long weekend
