(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Hi mummies,

Time flies..some of our bbs already 10mths old!!!! Wanna to see is there any changes in our bb feeding schedule....Here is NQ's feeding schedule:

7am - 150ml milk
8 30am - cereal (1 or 2 spoon only) +egg yolk (4 yolk a week)
10 30am - 150ml milk
Nap time...
1pm - porridge
3 30pm - 150ml milk
Nap time...
6pm - porridge
10pm - 150ml milk

Hope to see your bb feeding schedule here.

Hi mummies,

Time flies..some of our bbs already 10mths old!!!! Wanna to see is there any changes in our bb feeding schedule....Here is NQ's feeding schedule:

7am - 150ml milk
8 30am - cereal (1 or 2 spoon only) +egg yolk (4 yolk a week)
10 30am - 150ml milk
Nap time...
1pm - porridge + fruit puree
3 30pm - 150ml milk
Nap time...
6pm - porridge + fruit puree
10pm - 150ml milk

Hope to see your bb feeding schedule here.

My Zhe Lei feeding schedule is not fix, depends what time he wakes up. Normally his feeding schedule is:

7.30am - 7oz milk
8.30am - some biscuit
10am - nap time
11am - brown rice cereal
2 pm - nap time
2.30pm - 7oz milk
4.00pm - fruit (1/2 apple or pear or 1 banana)
6 pm - porridge (veg with fish or meat)
8.30pm - sleep
2.30am - 7 oz milk
Brandon's schedule is dependent on the time that he wakes up..but generally its like this:

6.00am - milk
9.00am - Cereal (8tsp) + 1 cube of fruit
10.30am - nap
12.00pm - Porridge
2.30pm - Nap
4.00pm - milk
6.30pm - Porridge
9.00pm - Sleep
Let me share Yang's schedule here:

6.30am - Milk (160ml)
7.30am - Biscuits/Small Bites
9.00am - Milk (160ml)
9.30am - Nap
11.30am - Porridge
1.00pm - Fruits
2.00pm - Milk (160ml)
2.30pm - Nap
5.00pm - Porridge
8.30pm - Milk
9.00pm - Sleep

By the way, I notice most babies nap only 2 times a day. Can I know how long they usually nap? Mine sometimes nap for half hour then wake up already but at times, can last for 2 hours.
My boy nap 2 to 3 times a day, sometimes less than half hr n sometime about 1 to 1.5 hr. Sometime take half hr to make him sleep n he only sleeps for half hr, faint!
Chloe's feeding schedule

5.00am - Milk (180ml)
8.00am - Cereal or Veg/Fruit Blend(5 tbsp)
11.00am - Milk (150ml)
11.30am - Nap
1.30pm - Porridge with fish and carrot/ pumpkin
2.30pm - Yogurt
3.00pm- Nap
5.30pm - Milk (150ml)
6.00pm - Fruits or Biscuits
7.00pm - Porridge with fish and carrot/ pumpkin
8.00pm - Sleep
10.00pm- Milk (180ml)

Weekends, I will not give her porridge (cooked by maid). Cos I have time to cook, so it is usually cheese pasta or tofu with egg.

Sprice, Chloe takes abt 1hr nap. Her longest nap was 2 and half hr.

Js777, GD method is a home-based method using flash cards. You can read more about their website here: http://www.gdbaby.com.sg/index.aspx
Brandon, Yang N Zhe Lei sleep quite early hor....


NQ can nap for 1-2hrs sometimes 3hrs provided her room must be very quiet.


Zhe Lei still wake up @2am+ to drink milk???
Hi mummies....his schedule also depends what time he wakes up :D ...

6.00 am - milk 180ml
9.00 am - milk 180ml + snack
10.00 am - nap
12.00 noon - porridge
2.00 pm - milk 150ml then nap
5.00 pm - porridge
8.00 pm - milk 150ml then sleep

the longest record he nap is 3 hrs!

U always prepare "ang mo zhia" for Chloe..hehe...I seldom take ang mo food (only fast food) so never let NQ try.
Btw, how to prepare tofu with egg? U give Chloe as a meal? If yes, how much to give?
ppp, hahaha, ya, Chloe likes 'ang mo zhia' more than asian food, cos maybe in my tummy she is always eating these food. I seldom eat porridge myself (unless sick)

For tofu with egg, I will cut ard one quarter of the silken tofu (rectangular shape). Place some minced meat mixed with egg yolk (tiny bit of soya sauce for taste) on top of tofu and steam until cook. Can serve for one meal. Last time I prepare the chawanmushi, realised that it is not enough for her one meal (she still wants more), so I improvished.
Lucas's feeding schedule

7am - milk 3 or 4oz (normally cannot finished)
10am - cereal(2 scoop)
11plus - Nap (normally < 1hr, most of the time only 1/2hrs)
12plus - Porridge x1 spoonful mix with 2 scoop cereal
2 or 3pm -Milk 50z than Nap, normally < 1hr, most of the time only 1/2hrs)
5 to 6pm - cereal, 2scoop
8plus - Nap for awhile(15 to 20min only)Hee hee, this is the time i can sit down properly and eat dinner.
10plus - 5oz milk
11.00 -12am - Finally he Zzzzzzzzzz....

At night he still wake for x1 milk feeding

Why all BB sleep so early har, think lucas will soon be a panda.
Tiwi, if you want Lucas to sleep early, you should remove the nap at 8 plus. Read that we should not let them nap after 6, in order to cultivate good sleep habits.

At 8plus, you encourage him to sleep for the night already. Meaning, dim lights and if he wakes up, just pat him back to sleep.
Nouvelle's feeding schedule
(it also depends what time she wakes up)

7am - milk 7oz
10am - milk 7oz then nap for 1/2 hr
12 plus - porridge
3pm - milk 7oz then nap for 1-1.5 hr
6pm - porridge
8plus 9 - milk 7oz then sleep
night time she still wake for x1 milk feed

my gal finally call me Ma Ma last sun (after calling Pa Pa for so long), so happy....

Thanks for the recipe.
Will let NQ try this new dish this weekend...U only use 1/4 of silken tofu and the rest of the tofu how did u keep it n can keep for how many days in fridge? 1/4 of tofu like very little only leh, enough for Chloe as a meal?


Lucus is very small eater hor....


So far, NQ only says "A,A,A.....and mum mum(when she want to eat)...don know when she can call me mama.
ppp, u adjust according to Nianqi's appetite, if u find 1/4 too little. If you store it in an airtight container, I'm sure you can still keep it for a few days in the fridge. Otherwise, add to soup for adult.

Thanks for the recipe.
Will let NQ try this new dish this weekend...U only use 1/4 of silken tofu and the rest of the tofu how did u keep it n can keep for how many days in fridge? 1/4 of tofu like very little only leh, enough for Chloe as a meal?


Lucus is very small eater hor....


So far, NQ only says "A,A,A.....and mum mum(when she want to eat)...don know when she can call me mama.
Ya lor, peng, lucas panda soon......

Babyblush, he can' sleep early cos my niece and newphew there. They will played and shout and come into the room and play with lucas until 10plus. Than let him cool down wash up and ready for sleep will be 11plus already. So no choice i alway tell them to keep quiet for at least 1/2 hours at 8 plus and let him nap for awhile, sometime ask them to keep quiet for 1/2hour also difficult.

Tried let him sleep early before, he wake up in the middle of night sit up and clap hand, wanna to crawl out from the bed.
Ya lor PPP, very small eater.
Basically i think he doesn't show much interest in food, not like me.......anything also can go in, as long as it is food.
My Yang too! My maid always complain that she rock him for more than an hour but he only sleep half hr!!

I envy those babies who can nap for 2 - 3 hrs.. my Yang can never do that unless under the "protection" of his daddy. That means the daddy also nap beside him and longest nap was 4 hours!

I wanted to train my Ysng to sleep later but cannot leh. No matter what we do, if he wants to sleep, he will sleep. Lucky he slept through the night though.

NQ is not the only one.

Reena can only call A,A... , sometimes YeYe, which makes her grandpa very happy :)


Thanks for the info on GD. Will take a look,
brandon sometimes sleeps even earlier.. usually by 8pm or 8.30pm he will feel tired and doze off. so we're at home by that time, I will put him down to sleep already.

Babies at this age require 14 hours of sleep a day, of which 11 hours is during the night. The rest would come from naps. They should be taking 2 naps during the day. At about 2 years old, they will drop the morning nap and have one longer afternoon nap after lunch.
ya lor, he still wakes up every night to drink milk. Don't know when he will sleep through whole night.

Zhe Lei now will pretend cough when he heard my dad or mother in law cough, very naughty! He heard the TV someone call papa, he also call papa. But he very seldom call me mama. He always likes to say "mum mum" when he is hungry.
Darrell's feeding schedule

7am - milk 5oz
9.30am - cereal (3 scoops)
10.00am - Nap
12pm - porridge with pork, fish and one veg
3pm - 4pm - milk 6oz - nap
6pm - 7pm - porridge as above
9.30-10pm - milk 7oz then sleep
night time usually wake at about 4-5am for 7 oz of milk feed
I'm sure you will enjoy the LBS session as my family did. Maryann was the one taking our photos and I've to say she's really good. Candida was nice to chat with too. In fact, the photos turned out so good that we spent $250 to purchase all the photos back in high res. Dun say I never warn you. heehee.

Paisay leh.. heehee.. Candida sees my son too UP already lah. But if there's chance, I don't mind letting my elder son gain a little experience. At least let him earn some fees for his future education.
Nice photos, Sprice!

Owen's feeding schedule (like overfed him liao)

7am - water, playtime
8:00am - brown rice cereal
10am: nap
11.30am - porridge + apple
1pm - rice cereal FM
2pm - nap
4-5pm - banana cereal FM or porridge
6pm - multi-grain cereal FM
9pm - rice cereal FM
10pm - ooi ooi
Hello mummies...
Have not been checking forum for so long... so much to catch up...

My boy also sleeps very late. Go to bed by about 11.30pm. Quite bad... but cos I work quite late... if he sleeps early, then sometimes I will not get to see him when I come home... but think better start training him to sleep earlier...

Also, he starts to wake up in the middle of the night for milk again. He seems to be drinking a lot more lately. Any mummies observe that with their babies? I don't think 10 months is a time for growth spurt right?

I am not sure if I replied to you about Growing up Gifted yet... Corum has gone for 2 classes so far, missed 1 class cos he was sick. I think it is quite good. Cos gives him an opportunity to mix with other kids... so that he will not be too shy or have stranger anxiety...

$250 to buy back all is about how many extra photos? How about their props? You think its ok?

How long did waited for your photos? They send it to you or you went to pick it up?

It really depends how many they take leh. I saw some about 50 to 60 shots. But because I took 2 packages for my 2 boys and I had the sessions back-to-back, I had about 110 photos in total. As for props, I've no complaints leh. Thought they are sufficient enough. I was eyeing the angels' wings for my Yang but Maryann never say another leh. Guess my Yang doesn't look at all like an angel lor.

If you decided to purchase all the photos without touchup in high res, then they'll burn into a CD straight away for you. Otherwise, the 8R/5R photos I think got to wait between 1 mth to 2 mths to get them.

I've uploaded the photos in my multiply site. PM me if you interested to have a look.
wow strawberry,
Owen's feeding is really quite a lot hor..

Here's Ashley's feeding schedule:
6.30am - 150ml milk
10.30am - cereal + 150ml milk
2.30pm - porridge
4.30pm - fruit puree
6.30pm - 240ml milk
10.30pm - 240ml milk
sleep around 11pm
sometimes if she naps from 3 - 5pm, she'll skip the fruit puree feed, but we'll give her some fruits during our dinner time..
nobody come up with any idea leh... even preferred date, time and venue oso dun have... how?
personally i dun mind gg to chinese garden on sat evening...
Jaline, I think garfield also interested in Chinese Garden idea. I was planning to go next Sat (22 Sep), wanna see fireworks (at 10pm).

Maybe we can organise among ourselves, and any other interested mummies?

22 Sep Chinese Garden 'Magical Ocean' Lantern Celebration 8pm

Adult price is $12.
Good idea, can feed my gal dinner first then go see lantern n eat mooncake.

Where to get the tickets?
Anyone else interested?
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
hi mummies,
we have bought tickets to go chinese garden on the 22nd. so maybe we will meet each other there :)

i will be going on a biz trip this coming week. will be away from my babe for 5 days. will miss her a lot, man...cos she's learning to stand w/o support now, so many cute expressions from her. but hor, can never capture on camera one, cos she's v sensitive towards camera now. once i flash that out, she will stop whatever she's doing & will try to snatch the camera away from me. sigh...
Jaline, Tampines Mall has a roadshow selling tickets at $10, instead of $12. I stay just opposite, if you need me to help you buy tickets let me know.

Otherwise, you can get tickets when you get there as well.

Not sure did u received my e-mail for HT btw the item is here and do pm me if u did not received my e-mail for the ctc of the organizer to collect stuff btw if u want i can colect on ur behalf so on the 22nd can meet u at chinese garden and pass to u.
