(2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

Care to list down wat ingrident u have use for PORRIDGE?

xiao bai chye
kai lan
baby corn
sweet potato
tau kwa
butternut pumpkin
marrow green
long bean
french bean
kidney bean

Gou qi ji

chicken(so far few time nia)
sheng yu
red snapper

ppp, thanks for the vote! keke

you can pm me your orders..fill it in the following format:

===Orders for BIRTHDAY DIRECT Spree===
Contact no:

Item #1
Item name:
Price in USD:
Price in SGD: Price in USD x 1.58 + $3 (for shipping) =
Hi all Mummies

We are organising a NoV Babies Birthday Bash on the 28th Oct 2007...location at Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
aiyah!! 28 oct is exactly cayden's birthday! can't join like that.

wah, u hav practically listed all the foods possible liao! haha! but jus one more which i let my boy tried: mushrooms.

if order now when will our loots reached us? i thinking or ordering some more items, but dunno whether can reach in time anot.
Stacey, voted liao.

Babygal, wa, you are much more adventurous than me when it comes to porridge vege ingredients. Others not in your list that I had cooked before are tomatoes and onions. Btw, what is marrow green?
Thanks Toothsome.. will go Kiddy Palace Marina.. our favourite place... haha

yo Stacey, I juz voted. What's that spree thingy and where to view the items..?

peng, bbgal
My every lunch meal for Owen sure put pumpkin, brocoli, gou qi zi & carrot. Add'l will be potato, sweetcorn, Huai Shan.
Very much wanted to add lentils, too bad NTUC hardly sells nowadays.

hmmm... still considering 28th Oct.

Any bb here likes to "grind" teeth? Like rubbing teeth together and produce some hair-standing sounds?
Owen likes to do it & thot it's unusual.
stacey, voted liao. i wanna get some loot bags from bday direct too. do u think can make it in time for 28th oct? are u using comgateway or vpost? if vpost, then i will pass, cos they are so slow!

peng, my gal's bday party on 28th oct. i cannot join the bday bash. sigh...u ladies enjoy & take more pixs for me to see.
I thought mushroom 1 yrs old then can let them try so have not tried b4 ut think will try in a next few days.

Tried tomato but forget to add in liao pai sei btw marow green is look like cucumber but bigger size abit but normally when buy u sure will find a little bit of soil stick to it.

I heard tat too much orange item wil cause skin to turn orange leh like u mention pumpkin and carrot everyday cannot lah.Btw wat huai shan and lentil?
wow.... u really can tink of so many variety of food for your little ones...

My son also everyday eat pumpkins and carrot..as i can't tink of any food liao...tink i better reduce liao...

Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
PPP...Laguna Park is located at East side...near east coast marine parade...is actually Gingercat's place..she is helping us to rent the function hall....
Thanks Peng.

Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
hi mummies,

Anyone know where to get Sulphate free apricot? That day i got dried apricot at NTUC but never indicate sulphate free..that's y i dare not give my bb...
Hi Mummies, count us in too for the Nov bbs birthday bash! I can bring the bumper playmat.

Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs
As i myself am a picky eater so hope my gal won't be picky in food when she grow older hence i intro so many varieties lor to let her tastebud adapt to it.
my boy also likes to do that n I think he is same as his dad. My hubby also do that when sleeping. The sound makes me feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes feel like to slap his face.
hi strawberry,

I know for adults, teeth grinding is one of the symptoms for stress. Not sure for babies.

need your help to collect the spree items from PMM. Can u e-mail me at [email protected] to contact me? Thanks.
Ha Ha Ha, my boy also like to grind teeth, not when he is sleeping but when he is awake. Observed this start to happen after his front 2 teeth start to come out recently. Whenever i heard him grind i will scold him or light smack his mouth and tell him "NO". But he look at me so sotongly.

Wow Garfield, kenise got a good mummy ler, get to eat so many thing. Think my boy is the strangest BB here. At almost 10mth plus already still don't know how to eat porridge. Anyway i just let him be. Maybe he can grow up without eating porridge and just jump to eating rice, HAhahah...
No worries lah actually i took almost 3mth then kenise take to cereal and 2 mths then kenise take to porridge maybe u take a break rest for 2-3week when he dun remember try intro him again lor.
Sometime it becoz bb like their porridge watery and some like it sticky and some like it hard so maybe u try different method snd u will noe wat he realy prefer though.

Thanks for the offer. Our informative doggymum oredi collected for me. Before I got her number, she managed to get mine..haha.
bbgal, me efficient rite? so dun "pray pray" with me u know?!

bbroom, I may pass by your office tmr. Will sms u 1st, then u meet u at ur office bldg's drop-off pt ok?
Like tat u got any chances of meeting pa&ma anot if yes help me pass her her healthy times lor.

Btw u fast sia so fast collect and can send liao wat a waste DHL nv kidnap u.(like the advertisment saw efficient worker then they kidnap join their company).
Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs
bbgal, I sms-ed pama but she nvr reply leh..

bbroom, I'll meet u in the late afternn. Kopi session today cannot lah, schedule kinda packed today.

Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan
11) Doggymum, HB & BB Alyssa

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs
HI mummies,

My poor baby yesterday knocked on the bed rail (steel)when she played. I onli knew when i reached home and noticed that one of her eye looked smaller and swollen..and the forehead also got blue black. This morning, her eye even more swollen. My father-in-law rub on her forehead but she never cry..NOt sure if she pain or not. But to be safe, i will bring her see GP later. Jsut to make sure that her eye sight is not affected. Hai..so sim tia leh...
accidents happen. at least it was the bed rail and not the floor like my Chloe. er, but how come your bed rail is steel and not plastic? sounds dangerous.

doggy and ppp taught me to rub some zambuk on Chloe's forehead the last time, and the swelling went down.

Jaline, Babygal & Doggymum
Got your tickets already. Can collect from me anytime. BTW, what time will you be there?
Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan
11) Doggymum, HB & BB Alyssa
12) Babyblush, HB, maid and BB Chloe

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs

Will Baby Food/ Porridge be available?

R u able to help me to buy Chinese Garden ticket? If yes, then I would like to join u all there.
Btw, I need three adult tickets.....

I got the bed rail from Safety 1..It is steel leh..quite hard..Yesterday i tried to rub her forehead using the warm towel..but she pushed my hand away..Maybe will try to apply zambak...

my hubby also very worried whether Ashley will knock again her baby cot frame (wooden one).
Sometimes she likes to free-fall and sometimes never hold properly when she stands up.

guess gotta take another 2-3 months to cross over this stage.

my hubby also very worried whether Ashley will knock against her baby cot frame (wooden one).
Sometimes she likes to free-fall and sometimes never hold properly when she stands up.

guess gotta take another 2-3 months to cross over this stage.
by the way, just a update.
3 months ago, we brought Ashley for checkup at PediaOptic. A complimentary eye-check at her paediatric clinic. First time, she passed all the checks except one - astigmatism.

So we were told to go back this month to check again. Brought her there again on Tuesday and Ashley passed all the test!! Probably her eyes are now fully developed so everything is OK.

Also took her weight and height.
She now weighs 11.8kg and 77cm long. (still 97th percentile)
Thank u babyblush.

Day/Date: SAT 22 September
Time: 4.30pm onwards till u wanna go home
Venue: Chinese Garden
Agenda: Lantern Festival Gathering
Pls note there a entrance fee of $12 per adult.
Pls eat b4 u come though heard tat food r lousy selling at the make shift not much variety.
1) garfield n kenise
2) jaline, dragon n nouvelle (will bring mooncakes)
3) doggymum, hb n alyssa
4) babyblush, hb, maid n Chloe
5) PPP, hb n Nianqi
Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan
11) Doggymum, HB & BB Alyssa
12) Babyblush, HB, maid and BB Chloe
13) Mei Lik, Numa and Sumo Owen.

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest
2) Longest Sit n Stay Baby!-(ha ha, will be funny)

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs
Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan
11) Doggymum, HB & BB Alyssa
12) Babyblush, HB, maid and BB Chloe
13) Mei Lik, Numa and Sumo Owen.
14) Luan Fang, Damien and bb Darrell

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest
2) Longest Sit n Stay Baby!-(ha ha, will be funny)

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs

Event: NoV Babies Birthday Bash
Date: 28th Oct 2007
Time: To Be Confirmed
Location: Laguna Park Multipurpose Hall.

Kindly list down the attendance accordingly cos we need to cater buffet on that day...costs of bash (cakes, deco, buffet, rental) will be share among us..please con' the list

1) Peng, Yeo n BB Yuheng
2) Stacey, Desmond n BB Brandon
3) Jaline, Dragon n BB Nouvelle
4) Shannon, HB n BB
5) Shirlyn n BB Ashton
6) Kris, Jon n BB Iggy
7) Jene, HB & BB Ashley
8) PPP, Ban Huat & BB Nianqi
9) Bearyhugs, HB & BB Zavier
10) Rkjk, HB & BB Ryan
11) Doggymum, HB & BB Alyssa
12) Babyblush, HB, maid and BB Chloe
13) Mei Lik, Numa and Sumo Owen.
14) Luan Fang, Damien and bb Darrell
15) Serenemeow, HB, and BB JunKai

Games :
1) Fastest Baby Crawling Contest
2) Longest Sit n Stay Baby!-(ha ha, will be funny)

Please feel free to sponsor prizes for our BBs!

Volunteers To Bring BumperMatS? cos lots of bb s will be crawling around on the floor..
1) Bearyhugs
