(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> i mix them but what i do is i wait till the 3day wait rule is over then i intro another fruit or veg. i try to give variety to caleb otherwise very boring to eat veg every day. so i will alternate. once after the 3day wait rule and nothing happens to him, i will start to mix fruits to cereals n veg to porridge. now i also give him an extra fruits puree by itself as snacks during evening time. now i mix up to 2 veg per meal e.g. spinach & carrots to his porridge

it's is realli up to you. most impt is u have to be comfortable doing it n enjoys doing it.

Day 1: intro pear (either just give pear puree or mix to his cereals)

continue to give pear for Day 2 & 3.

Day 4: continue to give pear but intro spinach into porridge

continue spinach for Day 5 & 6

Day 7: intro say bananas into cereals or on its own

continue with bananas for morning in cereals for Day 8 & 9, continue with spinach in porridge as well n if still got leftover pears, give as snacks in evening.

then start another veg on Day 10 and it continues.

hope i dun confuse you
i veri bad at explanining this.
congratulations to you on becoming 2nd time mummy. I really pei fu you, the timing is so close, their age is about 1 year apart. Take good care and update us the progress of your new bundle of joy and your little Ayden.

enjoy yourself, don't think too much.

I want to join in the yahoo photo website but can't login from my office, will do it tonight from home, you don't reject me, ok.... company ban MSN, yahoo mail... almost everything got banned but hope I don't miss out too much thing here.

welcome to FTWM, you must have made a lot of calls home to check on Caleb? I understand how you feel especially today is the 1st day but don't feel too sad, you will see him soon in the evening. Be happy, don't worry.
<font color="0000ff">wei kuan</font> cos waiting for someone to send me something n using lunch time to chat too. dun tell me you preggie hor. 3rd one here. but will b happy for you tho. or did u strike TOTO n can quit liaoz?
when i was preggy that time, every nite i told my bb must look like daddy but the moment i saw his face, i was disappointed cos i find he looks like me and i always think i'm not good looking.

u r right that i also always find other pp's baby cuter. think if our bbs know abt it, they will be very sad.
hi selina,
beside spinach, my mum also give the leaves of gou zi cai for my baby, she say it's good for eyes, she also started to mixed fish with veg in the porridge.

btw, beside starz pregnant, who is the 2nd mummy that is pregnant now? please update me. Thank you.
<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> bunny is #1, starz #2 now dunno who else joining the league

<font color="ff6000">ok last posting for me right now until tonight liaoz. gtg get my work cleared. later going to chop off my hair liaoz. dun get shocked when u mummies see me... hee hee</font>

how to PM ar?? sorry me a bit IT idiot, till now still dun koe how to use PM leh... pple want to pm me also cannot.. sigh...
intro banana to C last evening. lucky she likes it so today i mix 1tsp into her cereals towards the end of the meal. actually very wasteful leh, out of 1 banana i only scrape 1tsp out of it. and bananas come in bunches!

lucky i have 3 dogs to eat C's leftovers! my dogs damn happy
finally finished reading the archives....

Starz, <font color="ff0000">CONGRATS</font>!

bbgrace & the rest of the mummies, apologies i have missed u gals. hope to see u all the next time.
realised that the bbs that are swimming are all bois except for the little hostess who did not swim...

Update on Tricia
went for her 3rd 5-in-1 jab +Hep B + rotavirus today. finally have finished with all her mandatory jabs. she weigh 8.9 kg and her length is around 71 cm. the PD was commenting that she will be tall next time.

tricia is able to sit up for a few mins without us supporting.

recieved with thanks

btw, i oso dun noe, the last time wendy taught me how to
double click on the name to send a PM
<font color="0000ff">huijun</font>

wow, u make me curious, in case i can't log on today, cos my packing still undone, can u sms me after u shared with the gals?

so that i can leave spore with a "peace of mind " ;p
hi yoko,

envy ur gal's hair leh.. did u shave her? my gal still taking a long time to grow after she was shaved....

hi jo,

thks! enjoy ur jpn trip...
Hi hi jo..
I added u in msn liao..think u must be getting excited for ur Japs trip ahh..its very nice to be able to travel lor..i think I m glad that I went Hokkaido last CNY b4 I came back to test positive..keke..so I wish u gd luck ahh..

Hi hi jrt..
Its gd that R is growing well..ya, some babies will eat more solid food but drink lesser of milk one..Mav also leh..cant peak more than 120-140ml at times..somemore needs 2 separate times (both within 1 hr) to finish just that small amt lor..sigh..i think R looks tall leh..u also quite tall..so I guess he goes aft u ba..

Hi hi selina..
Hope u will slowly work out to get use to the being a FTWM..its not easy for a start..just remember the aim why u r doing so, I m sure it will be more fruitful soon..m sure u can do it..ok?jia-you!btw, u still bfg, right? So u expressing out at work? Btw, I loved ur swim suit leh..even my hb commented u looked very nice in it..where u get it ahh?btw, Cs shot on the world map looks so cute..lying on his side clenching his fist ahh..lol..

Hi hi coolmum..
Nice to hear from u leh..KB is so cute..he has really grow very well leh..me not checking out the infant care liao..thks for all..think one of these days we shd catch up for lunch ah..i was telling jackiejon that we must arrange for another town area lunch with the mummies..i m glad to hear that Mav looks more chubby..haha..me siao one..hmm..dun think he has grew taller leh..maybe the angle we captured the shots ba..haha..me hvnt start him on solid yet leh..will start soon coz I want to stop bfg liao..just that no choice now coz I just switched him from Similac to NAN HA 1..hvnt a wk yet..so got to pump extra to let him mixed with EBM to try out..somemore now he gets constipated..u know nowadays he poo at the 3rd day leh..aiyo..havent on full-time FM already like that..wait on full-time liao I headache man..

Hi hi wei kuan..
Aiyo..seeing ur posting makes me so excited..u #3 one in the ledge? Tell us leh..wats the gd news?

Hi hi Gemini..
Congrats on Tricia being able to sit w/o support leh..so fast..shes growing very well..keep up the gd work ahh..

Hi hi jasmine..
U back from ur trip? hws As rashes? Better? Quickly update us ur trip leh..
hi delphine & jo,

to activate PM, if i remember correctly, have to go into ur profile (the email address that u sign up for the forum) and unclick something.so that pple then can PM u
<font color="0000ff">delphine</font>

i just went in to check, have not recieve leh, maybe hotmail a bit slow ?

can i trouble u to send to [email protected] as well ?

<font color="0000ff">Coolmum</font>

aiyoh, Kai Bin is a good looking boy

actually i dun find Kelicia good looking too, only my hubby thinks so ..haha
<font color="0000ff">gemini</font>

hehe, thanks for ur well wishes

<font color="0000ff">wendy</font>

hehe, i hope ur history can repeat on myself ;) that i enjoy my trip and then come back test positive..haha
<font color="0000ff">LittleKid</font>

hehe, thanks

hope i can join soon join u, bunny, babygrace, starz, jenny to bec a mummy of two or three ;p
hehe, <font color="0000ff">wendy</font>, i am happy that I can see Mav's latest look before i depart for Japan

Good Omen :p since he is concieved in japan too ?
<font color="0000ff">doreen</font>

replied ur PM, thanks

<font color="0000ff">Storm</font>

have added u to friendster liao
<font color="0000ff">Storm</font>

u have very very nice photos of C in friendster that u never put here !

You are very pretty
I have a good time admiring your pictures

and thanks for wishing me success in my mission..haha, now waiting for a lift back home ;)

then can start my serious packing (last nite still incomplete) once i m back home cos must wake up at 4am later

<font color="0000ff">ladies</font>

<font color="0000ff">wendy</font> tt's not a swim suit. that top is a rash guard i wore over my bikini to hide the unsightly tummy..
you can get it from most surf shop like ocean pacific, quiksilver etc. got long sleeves or short sleeves like mine.

i stopped bfg 1 mth ago. so no need to pump anymore. also meant i can start drinking liaoz...

<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> me joining the league? not in the near future. will wait till my gynae clear me in Nov tis year.
