(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">Happy 6th Month to Maverick, Joeie & Desiree

hehe, check in liao & accessing the free internet ;p

<font color="0000ff">Happy 6 months to Maverick, Joeie & Desiree</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
Enjoy & have a safe trip to Japan.

Waiting for your good news too.

Does any mummies here know the Singapore website address of Fisher Price or the name of the distributor for Fisher Price in Singapore?

This is because I am looking for Trike (plastic type) for Jonathan.

Thanks in advance.

Hi mummies received SMS at 815am and helping Huijun to post on behalf as she will be busy clearing her work :
She tender her resignation letter and withdraw Raeane from Infant care because she has accepted a better offer with very good pay!! As she is very upset to force wake R every morning from her beauty sleep at 5am so as to send her to infant care and proceed to work..Hence R will be in her mums care for 9months thereafter R will go to playgroup. This arrangement will not only help her + R and also another step ahead to becoming a SAHm after her next arrival of darling
hi hi jo..
keke..glad that u have a quick glance..keke..wish u all the best & hv an enjoyable trip..eat more ramen & sashimi..drink more sake..keke..bring us gd news ahh..btw, Mav is truly made in singapore but "nurtured" in Hokkaido for a few days..keke..


<font color="aa00aa">hi hi ladies..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Thanks for all ur well wishes!poor Mav is down with cough & bad sore throat..so red that PD got to give him 3 medication, 1 bottle of antibiotics 1 for cough & 1 for "thinning his phlegm"..me bot a Mike Ojisan Cheesecake for him but didnt get a chance to celebrate for him..never mind, will KIV till he's 1 yr old..keke..hope he gets well soon..</font>
Hello mummies,

thank you for the well wishing...
so fast hor, cannot believe that desiree is 6months old liao, still have the fresh memory of how she is born and the day she is born 6 months ago.
hi hi selina..
icic..ok, i will go & chk out the shops..me also need to get lor..coz super lotsa of stretch marks + i m super fat now..sigh..oh,u stop bfg liao ahh..then it's easier liao..me also want to stop...just that i just switched him to NAN HA 1..so got to pump extra for him to mix with EBM to get used..hope he can get used to it fast..me also tempted to start drinking..keke..just hope time passed faster for me & i WANT my menses back!kekeke..

<font color="ff6000">hi hi Delphine & Bunny..
Happy 1/2 year old to DESIREE & JOEIE!yeah!</font>
Glad that weikuan is moving closer to her dreams. At least her mum is willing to look after R, so she can put her heart at ease during work.
<font color="0000ff">esther</font> tks for the update

<font color="0000ff">wei kuan</font> good for you. m really happy that you decided to take up the new offer. looks like we both same same hor. n yes i also think your sis shld give up your mum for R cos think her kids are older oredi right. now i starting caleb at infantcare on wed-fri. mon-tue he will b with my mum. really hope tis arrangement works out for me. if not i will have to buy my mum out of her work instead. let's strive together to b SAHM ba... GAMBATTE!!!
<font color="0000ff">Interesting Fact on Playdoh

Playdoh was invented in the US in 1956 and was meant to be wallpaper cleaner.

The real Playdoh's exact makeup is a secret, but it is primarily a mixture of wheat flour, water, deodorized kerosene or another petroleum distillate (which provides the smooth texture and the distinctive smell!), salt, a drying agent such as borax (which deters mold), an alum-based hardening agent, and colourings and perfume.

How to make your own "improved" Playdoh:
1 c. flour
1 c. boiling water
2 tbsp. cream of tartar
1/2 c. salt
1 tbsp. oil
Food coloring

Mix and knead together. This playdoh is not sticky and does not dry out.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>
Thanks for sharing on the playdoh.

Now I can learn to make some for Jonathan to play since he likes to play playdoh.

Thanks Selina for sharing the recipe

I never got round to making any myself cos Joshua has lots of playdoh from presents.

What i noticed about the real playdoh is that it is very SALTY! Yes, i taste it. I guess that's to deter the kids from eating it. haha!
<font color="0000ff">Babygrace</font>
I am here.

By the way, I saw your hubby & your handsome Joshua on Sunday in church.

I tried to look out for you but didnt see you.

I was in the canteen waiting for Jonathan to finish his sunday school.

i was inside the church with Emma

I dropped off first with Emma while he parked the car. And this naughty Joshua can't stay for the whole duration of mass cos he keeps wanting to go outside to see fish and birds. So hubby got to bring him out.
My sis is usually in the canteen waiting for her kids to finish sunday school also so we will leave Joshua with her if he wants to get out during mass.
*phew* finally finised 8 archive!! OMG... so many things happen just in few days.

luckily today queit. if not, i cant catch up liao.

think i shld sign up msn then only i can chat more with u gals hor. but i hav agreement with hb no msn at nite lel. tat mean i cant join ur NGM lor?

<font color="0000ff">HAPPY 6 MTHS TO MAVERICK, JOEIE & DESIREE</font>

Hi jo,
too late for me to wish u...anyway, enjoy ur holiday & forget all the unhappiness...

Esther/ Selina & all experience mummy,
think i need ur help on making puree. hope can learn more frm u all cos i hav to start solid food for Alvis liao.

thanks in advance...

Congrat!! so happy for u...

Thanks for ur reco..Alvis' rashes getting better liao. all of us very happy on it.

Damien's rashes not recover yet? can see his rashes frm the pics u posted here..

i'm back frm my holiday. remember? i'm worried my BM supp;y. guess wat? supply > demand!! and i hav to manual express out cos no intend to keep it.
thanks tat u always tell me hav to remind ourself tat our supply is more than enuf for our babies...

ask u hor..can we use QV wash to wash bb hair? cos i use Avent body wash b4 & it's suitable to wash hair. i scare too trouble for MIL cos she will confuse to use too many stuffs..
<font color="0000ff">Babygrace</font>
I see.

I normally attend Sat evening mass @ Queen of Peace church.

Jonathan also cannot keep still for 1 hour in church during mass. What we normally do is to bring colouring pencils and colouring book for him to colour do that he will not disturb the rest of the people attending mass.

By the way, I saw your hubby talking to this couple (dont know whether is it your sister) and I always find the husband look very familiar. He looks like my neighbour staying opposite my unit. Does he has a elder brother staying in Rivervale Drive?
Hi ladies,
me sneaked back home again.. hee...

you are back!! hee...
I also use QV Wash to wash Rhys' hair... anyway so short so just wash lah... me too lazy.

hee.. CONGRATS!! Me only can drool and envy nia... so happy for you!! When you say something big, I told the committee members last nite that I guess is abt your job and I AM RIGHT!!! But your news is even better! YEAH!!!

so sad to hear that Mav is sick... take care leh...
Dear Mummies,

Thanks for all the well wishes.

Hi Wendy, Delphine,
Happy 6th months to Maverick and Desiree too. Wishing Maverick a speedy recovery too.

Time flies, I'm so bz that I din even realise today is Joeie's 6th months until I read all the wishes in this thread. im a bad mummy hor ;p juz now was telling my sis, she oso so surprised... time really flies...

Hvnt been posting here for a long time thou I've been popping in to see all the cute babies' pics. managed to glance thru some of the post but really no time to post my own aft reading cos got to get back to work. ;p

both my girls are sick too since last fri. had been waking up in the past few nites to chk them. and today I feel so tired and aching all over. n my throat feel so dry hope I don get a sore throat. feel like taking MC to rest at hm but cant cos got to attend a conf call in the afternoon. lucky this wk is a short wk.

I've juz decided to get my driving license aft hesitating for years as I really see a need to hv 1 now. cos with 3 kids, it'll b so much convenient if I can drive. so now, my wkdays r bz at work and 1 wkend got to go for my driving lesson. only hv 1 day per wk to spend time w my kids.

Congrats to u. when is ur EDD?

Selina & Huijuan,
Congrats on your new job. me oso very tempted to find a new job aft this delivery, but I'm too comfortable in my current job v sad to change. but if I hv beta offer, I'll go for it. money is more impt mah earn as much as i can now, den can retire early. hee

Pai seh... so long post...
Eager to see their 1/2 yr old pix leh....

Btw,those who can't see my A two teeth,here is another clear pix.... hope u all like it...


That could be my sis and BIL. My sis has brown wavy hair. My BIL's parents and bro stay in Rivervale something (i'm still not familiar with SK area) so i think they are probably your neighbours. They have a son who is in pri 1 this year.

you can join us to chat once in a while lor. Hubby will sometimes ask me to sleep early also.

Has your new maid arrived?
yes..i m back.
oo..so u use QV wash to wash Rhys' hair? think can hor...i bought QV wash last week but this PD suggest me use Sebamed bubble bath.

how to join u all in msn?
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> welcome back n glad your ss > dd now. sure we all learn together. mayb we can arrange to meet at someone's place to demo to each other how to do puree.

<font color="0000ff">bunny</font> how's bb coming along n dun mind i ask boy or ger? cos i wanna confirm if mum's theory is right.

<font color="ff6000">Another Job Offer</font> suddenly so many job offers comes my way. but doubt this one will come true cos position super high i hear oredi also scared. expect to relocate to shanghai for luxury fashion. told hb n he super happy say i can work n he can fulfill his dream to learn cooking so next time can open restaurant. wah piangz.
<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> u can create an account than pm either one of us (dun post your email here hor) so whenever we online will invite you to chat lor. mayb u wanna pm your addy to more than 1 person.
my new maid will arrive in spore on 9apr and Iris will send her to me on 11 or 12apr. really looking forward for her to cum cos really cant wait to send my current maid back. Hopefully the new maid don give me too much prob other than language barrier cos im really tired these days.
hvnt cfm the gender yet but my gynea told me looks like goin to be a girl again.

anyw, will wait for my detail scan on 16apr.
i'm happy tat my ss was more than enuf for the past few days, but on the other hand mean that i hav to continue bf. while my initial plan was 6 mths.
yes...puree class. esther can b our teacher hor.

Glad that u hav more job offer. how's ur new work?
no harm going for the interview and see if you'll get it.

Good luck! Like i've mentioned before, if the maid has no working experience, likely have to spend time teaching her. After 1 yr, i'm still teaching / correcting my maid. Her attitude is good so i'm happy with her.
<font color="0000ff">bunny</font> ok then u update us ba

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> continue then. how i envy. try to give as long as ss permits ba. gd for A what.

dun have dun have, have suddenly all come together but i seriously doubt this new one will come true lah. when they heard my age, they went like wah u so young. think they looking for more experienced cos is COO position. really dun think i m up to it now.

have not started at new place. starting later tis month.

ok i go check tonite then add u in cos cannot access home email in office. if u dun mind i circulate your account on to some others so in case i not online u ladies can still chat

puree think we all share n learn together ba. ask esther to teach later she pressurise then stress out... haa haa. <font color="0000ff">esther</font> hor. most impt is u must b comfortable doing it yourself, your way that best suits your bb n your lifestyles. no hard n fast rule lah but just some basic common points to note. our experienced mummy like bbgrace, jenny, littlekid, jackiejon, bunny all can help too.
i hv a rather stupid qn to ask all mummies...
juz bot a set of baby freezer cubes to prepare puree for my Joeie. would like to know hw do u all defrost and warm up the puree for ur babies? microwave??
I've nvr prepared puree for Jolene b4 cos my mum will prepare fresh ingredients for her porridge. sometimes she'll prepare some soup base for me to cook the porridge on wkends.
oso last time i don hv any recipes on hw to prepare purees, now got so many recipes from this forum, would like to give it a try.
thank you in advance.
im not experienced in preparing puree lah... see my previous post. in fact, sometimes i don even cook porridge for Jolene lor... sometimes on wkends, she'll only hv milk and bread. me v lazy 1... bad mummy...

i got lots to learn from u all oso...
agree with you tat we hv to be patient and teach them frm scratch. but most impt is they mus hv good attitute and willingness to learn.
<font color="0000ff">bunny</font> what i do is i will bring those cubes for the next day down to the lower compartment to thaw them then when wanna feed, i will put into hot water to warm it like how we warm up EBM. not sure if tis is the right way but my theory is since it is cooked, no need to cook again. n i dun wanna use microwave for caleb at such a young age.
Congratulation to you, sorry that I only knew that you are pregnant yesterday. You are expecting your 3rd child? How old is your 1st kid? With 3 kids, it's good to know how to drive cos it's more convenient if we are bringing them out. I also have 3 kids, I have license but didn't drive for few year, I'm thinking to go for refresher course but to save $$ I use my hb's car for practise but somehow go to the main road, the car will just stalled, stupid me, rite?

When your gynae said it's a girl, you still has chance to get a boy, maybe the XXXX was being blocked, didn't see it. I have 3 boys but my hubby hope the 3rd 1 is a girl, anyway, we are now very happy with my 3 "FU LU SHOU" or can call them "the 3 Musketeers".

hi ladies,
Any 1 know if I previously learn driving on manual car, now my hubby going to change to auto car, must I go for any lesson?
wow..COO? such a high position.
no wonder still can see u post here cos u only start ur new job later this mth.

guess u will more attend NGM hor..
<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> dun think need to lah. anyway auto is easier than manual mah.

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font> yah lor i hear oredi i also scared. seriously dun think i make the mark at this point. mayb another 3-5 yrs? or even longer.

yes guess once i start new job, cant login so often liaoz so can only join NGM whenever possible.
Thanks Selina. tink i'll try to make my 1st puree this fri. will update here if its successful. wish me luck... hee...

thanks. no worries, sometimes i oso tend to miss some post esp when im bz n when the thread becomes too active.
yes, im expecting my #3, my #1 is goin to 3yrs old tis jul. it'll definitely b more convenient if i can drive cos i bring my kids out myself most of the time as my hb got to work on wkends oso. but i oso duno if i dare to drive too far alone... me no guts 1... if not few yrs back oredi got my license liao... haha...
if im not wrong, u don hv to change ur license or go for any lessons if you hv passed ur manual driving license. i.e. u can drive both munal and auto car. but if you hv auto driving license, you'll hv to take another practical test on manual car. Hope im not wrong.

May I know where did u get the set of baby freezer cubes to prepare puree? I have been lookin around but still can't find it...hope u don't mind telling me...thanks a lot.
selina, what is NGM?
btw, what you mean by your gynae has to clear you by Nov?? ni3 kou3 fu2 bu4 qian3 leh cos your hubby like to cook. Talking about puree, what type of banana you use to make banana puree?

have you approve my "application" to join in the yahoo photo website?
<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> NGM=Nite General Meeting when those with MSN will logon to chat lah... hee hee bo liao lor

tks tks. i very fortunate cos the men in my family all likes to cook, fr my dad, BIL, hb & bro too. all the women just eat n do washing

my dad buys the "gek leng nah jiu" (hokkien) cos he says the del monte type too cooling not gd for bb.
