(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi jo and all mummies

BB Carissa says HI and Morning to all mummies





<font color="0000ff">jackiejon</font>

thanks gal
appreciate it

PS: i just wasted another ovualtion test again, 10 bucks down the drain, no reference line at all, is it becos my urine spilled onto the middle ?
<font color="0000ff">yoko</font>

hehe, thanks for giving us a cheerful start to a Monday at work

the 1st pic without the punky hair makes her look very sweet & angelic

the 3rd pic looks so cheeky yet so lovable!

the last one she is trying to say Hi ? ;)
<font color="ff6000">hi mummies sad to say this but i am getting back into my FTWM status starting today (ok ok i know i shld have done this long time ago) but it was really hard now to wake up early to try to come in to office by 9am (i was late but hey i'm making an effort here). it was also hard to leave caleb behind. think i really too attached to him liaoz. really pei fu those FTWM how u ladies do it hur? HELP! i wanna go home now....</font>

place caleb photos in front of you, then at least not that bad... rush home once you reach 6pm and as and when call the caretaker to get updates.
<font color="0000ff">delphine</font> tks. i will do that. but wont call cos he's wif my mum today. he will b wif my mum on mondays n tuesdays n in infantcare fr wednesdays onwards. poor thing hor but tis is the best option for us now
<font color="0000ff">alice</font>

I have returned your PM
Thank you once again

<font color="0000ff">jamie</font>

wow ..if u dropped by here again.. i must say that is a pretty long email. Thanks for sending me that email all the way from US.

A lot of learning points
i wish i can post that..haha
<font color="0000ff">selina</font>

caleb really looks very comfortable on the playmat

<font color="0000ff">doreen</font>

damien is really a water boy
<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
I dont think so but never mind try again.

By the way, I like the picture of you, Kelicia & your hubby taken together. So nice.

<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>
You can do it. As what <font color="0000ff">Jo</font> says you will get used to it soon.
doing my closing now and it's monday ....

KB looks like Reubern meh? no lar, i think R more handsome leh. K not so cos he looks like me!!

thanks all mummies on K's behalf. busy mummy not going to celebrate for him today. but will try to finish work early tonight and spend more time with him.

always forget to tell u D still looks very much like u, VERYYYY cute. seeing his pic really makes my Monday morning more bearable.
paiseh ladies, utilise a bit of space to thank all the ladies at one go just now , cos dun have time to reply all individually via email
i posted R's 1st puree pix in Sept thread coz he was eating the puree fr the sat class so i showed them his rxn. hahaha, u can go see how his expressions looks like there coz i cant load it now since the pix r at home. his expression was funny but he finished it anyway. keke
then the sept mummies asking me how come i can feed him so well tt there isnt any stains on his white bib!
actually i din realised it until they mentioned.
as 4 his v 1st solid (i.e cereals) he was ok leh. i snapped pix but nothing interesting so din post here.

How did i get into FTWM status? tt time, i did it by slowly transiting back. i.e i worked for half a day for 1st day, then for the entire wk, i worked for a total of 3.5 days only. i did tt in fact for the entire 3 mths until my 3rd mth ML were consumed. it helped and i dun feel v demoralised lor. at times when R got nusring strike, i will spend more time wif him.
if u can, take half day off tdy. then tmrw work full day again. slowly adjust urself, and most imptly, ur mindset. say u can do it.
somemore this fri is PH!

No lah! KB is oso handsome. Who says he resembles u so cant b handsome?
<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> oh yes i saw the pixs yesterday. i like his expression. cuteeee....

blender i go see the one my mum using. compact n ez to use n wash. it's not the branded type tho but gd n powerful. i using philips at hm tho.
wah... so fast, so many bbs pix to view!!
What a great way to start the day!!! (erh, althought the day already half gone... haaa)

yoko, your gal is SO CUTE!! esp. with that funky hair... cool...

Coolmum, KB really grow up hor.. look so different from last time we saw him... makes me want to carry him... next outing must give me a chance to do that hor...

aiyo.. so long never see you... so busy ah.. I saw your posting of R's eating puree... SO FUNNIE EXPRESSION... noticed that R likes to give funnie reaction... so cute!!! Glad to know that he is taking semisolid very well... jia you!!!

it is not easy to be FTWM. Got to slowly let go lor... I put Rhys' photo as my wallpaper, every few seconds can look at his funnie pix... my colleagues always ask me, how come keep smiling at my laptop... hee.... finish your work ON TIME, even cannot finish also leave on the dot... go back and hug caleb... that is my fav part of the day... you can do it one... JIA YOU!! GAMBATTE!!
I forgot where I read in the forum abt blenders... think got one quite good and popular...
Me go search and let you know... wait hor...
<font color="0000ff">vivian, crystallized</font> tks for the advice. strange thing is the more i see his pixs, the more i wanna go hm
mad woman here. it didnt help cos tis morning when i left hm n went to say bye bye to him, he stretches his hands out wanna me to carry n kept looking at me when i walked away. my heart melted man... guess it will take a while to get used to it but m sure i can do it.
Selina & Vivian
hahaha, u all noticed R likes to make funny rxn? i was laughing when i fed him the broccoli puree the other day. my hb was snapping the video. his 1st taste wif the puree, he lagi more funnie. gave a shrudder like he kena some shock!
i was laffing and laffing non stop.
i dunno if he can really take semisolids well coz i juz started for a wk only. mayb its still new to him bah. but when i feed him cereals, its always messy! for purees, perhaps thicker consistency, so easier.

thks 4 checking out the blender 4 me. i read somehere but cant rem which thread liao. think they recommended Braun huh?

it takes time... dun worry, its normal. yah when i stay over at my mum'c plc and at times R will b awake to send me off at the door, my heart oso melted when he kept staring at me.
its ur maternal instinct tt makes r miss him now. anyway tts wat being mothers r all abt anyway rite?
juz think of the rest of us FTWM, then perhaps u might feel better tt u r not alone.

you can make it de... just bear with the first few weeks... i also like that when i first return to work after my maternity leave. every moment keep thinking of desiree.. just keep looking at her pic lor... hehe
think the thread gone liao... yah.. what I remember also braun. Got different watts somemore... they were like saying what 300Watts enuff or something like that...
Actually my mum got a no-brand cheapo one and it is quite good too... $20+ nia...but I never use coz me still using the pigeon/piyopiyo food maker set to make puree for Rhys. So far so good... no need blender for now... think maybe later when need to cook meat for porridge then need ba...
me always mixed the fruit puree into his cereal... then not too watery... so wun be too messy... why dun you try that instead... it makes the cereal taste much better too... Rhys loves it...
u haven start on veggie puree? no need to use blender ah? tell u hor, my piyo food maker is wif jenny! hahahahahaha
esther passed it to her, but i haven collected fr jenny.
i haven mixed cereals and puree together coz its only 1 wk tt i intro to R. so i intro separately 1st. will mixed it together later.
wah got so cheap blender ah? heheee
<font color="0000ff">crystallised</font>

Can tried the Munchin Grinder

Good reviews also and cost less tahn 18 bucks at Kidsmall IMM
About Munchkin Baby Food Grinder


Natural food takes a turn for the better.

A little turn is all the power you need to turn any food into healthy, natural baby food in seconds. Veggies, fruit and meat are ground down to safe-to-swallow pieces. Its fun, easy, compact and the perfect size for traveling. Why spend a fortune on bottled baby food when you can make it even better for a fraction of the cost?

* No batteries or electricity needed
* Healthy recipes included
* Ideal for 6+ months
haven start on veggie yet coz i think hor, veggie with cereal very weird leh... with porridge maybe not so weird...so started off with fruits first. Fruits very easy to do, so no need blender at all. Just use the strainer from the food making set can liao... even my mum and maid commented tat it is easy to make.

Rhys took apple, peach, pear liao... well, if sweet potato counted as veggie then yes, he started only with sweet potato nia... hee... that is his favourite but Esther warned me abt it coz too heaty for bbs... will be trying banana soon...

I will be starting Rhys on porridge in abt 1 or 2 weeks time coz he will be 7mth old so just right to intro porridge. Already told my mum to get brocolli or spinach plus fish... hopefully he will like it. Now he just loved his cereals...

My Rhys dun like to eat the fruit puree on its own but loves it when mixed with cereal, so i just continue to mix lor... hee.... you should see his reaction when we feed the puree directly, can match your R... haa... he can give us the "want-to-vomit" look... bth...

As for the cheap blender, dun know where my mum find one... think those got promoter demo one lor... think somewhere in AMK.
<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>
Dont call yourself mad woman. I am also a FTWM. Its not easy to leave the kids at home while we work but what to do, unless our hubbies are very rich and dont need us to contribute to the household expenses. That is why I always try to do/finish my work as much as possible and then rush home to spend time with them.

Like what <font color="0000ff">Vivian</font> says leave on the dot.

Weekends are very precious to me as that is the time I can spend with them. That is why I seldom log into the forum when at home.

Do worry, you will get used to it, its just a pass period. Dont feel bad. Just think that you work hard for the family and for Caleb

coz during the puree class, the mummies were saying to intro the horrible smelling purees 1st, i.e the veggies one. the steamed broccoli smelt like fart!
and coz fruit purees are sweet, they will probably like it better. so i noe R is probably as fussy as me, thus i better intro veggies to him 1st.
yah agree tt fruits mixed wif cereals probably sounds a better combi but i think as babies and haven tasted anything except milk, he will prob b ok wif this weird combi! i dunno yet until i try it lah. bet he will give me weird funny expressions too.
sounds logical.. haa... looks like we will just need to trial and error.. isn't it more fun this way... hee...
Really ah.. smell like fart? aiyo... no wonder they always say kids dun like to eat brocolli... must be the smell... will try it myself soon. My hb LOVES brocolli, keep pestering me to give it to Rhys... just hope that Rhys likes it just like his daddy.

Ok lah, me going out liao... can only log in later at nite for NGM... ta ta....
Back ..but kind of shock to see the postings. Dun take it to heart Jo .

Experience is not what happens to you , it is what you do with what happens to you.Hope you feeling better now ya.. cheer up.. We miss the happy Jo

Happy to meet up vivian ,selina, doreen, esther, mango, jackiejon, babaygrace, starz and dephine.

sorry got to go now. Bye for the day..

Almost forget..STARZ , i still feeling excited for you hee.. dun know why
<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> brocoli smells like fart? hmmm it smells alright to me... hee hee n i love it myself cos i will kah po some whenever i warm it up for caleb. but i must say cauliflower is yummy. i dun like it myself cos i find the colour boring but the puree version taste good.

yah trial n error n do wat we think is best for our bbs.

<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> ask your mum to try get the bb spinach. was told supposed to be more tender n taste better tho i realli cannot tell the diff.

oh ya there's another type purple spinach. i ate that alot when preggie n confinement. supposed to b high in iron so gd for our bbs now.
Just like vivian, i introduced spinach and brocolli only when Joshua started on porridge. The thought of brocolli puree is so yucky so i wouldn't want to intro something to bb that i would not even want to eat.

I don't use the blender. What i do is to chop the bb spinach leave or the broccoli florets and throw into the porridge (in slow cooker) about 10mins before feeding.
I only use my blender to mince meat and make meatballs for J. I've never used it to puree any of his food.
i love Broccoli oso! i din noticed the steamed brocooli smells like fart, until they mentioned. hahaha. the only thing i noticed R "inherited" fr me so far is he likes drinking water.

u all got energy for NGM huh? me try lah, usually i sleep when R sleeps, coz he still wakes up a few times 4 nite feeds and i need to get up at 6am 2 get ready for work. so sleep is v precious. and this boy wakes up at 6+am nowadays! on wkends, its a struggle man!!!!
hi gals

me in japan now and feeling miserable
nothing went right the moment i touched down. immigration is long, my bag is heavy with my pump and laptop and cooler bag. not enuff sleep. upon reaching the hotel realised that the pump is not working! damn, the suction power seem to reduce, end up i have to use hand to squeeze cos i am so engorged and have to rush to work. my breasts were all red

now at work feeling super tired and miserable. miss my family and deadline here is tight. xianz


taking orders for blue label now, anyone? i heard fancl is cheap here too

gtg, cant log in much now, just msn me or pm me for ur order.
<font color="0000ff">mango16</font>

no worries abt me
After a good cry and a good sleep , Jo is happy once more, especially with all the kind words and encouragement from u ladies

thanks for ur concern
apprecaite it

PS: i understand wat u mean, i m still excited for starz myself ! it is like that when my pals got pregnant, i was excited for them all the way

hehe, dun noe y i felt happier and more excited when my pals got pregnant rather than when i did
<font color="ff6000">Your BB Can Read DVD</font> wanna share Caleb's experience on the DVD. so far he's been watching the starter set during lunch feed (while having porridge) everyday for abt 2wks liao. strange thing is he doesnt seems to react to any of the words but when it comes to the Dr talking in the parent segment, he will smile as if he understands what the Dr is saying... faintz... n he starts coo-ing back as if talking to the Dr.
<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>

Oh dear, take good care of urself there .

It must feel really lousy to have so much to happen to u the moment u stepped down.

Know u miss Isaac & family, but take heart that u will see them soon after the business trip
oh u liked broccoli puree? none of us liked it during class the other day! haha
yah cauliflower sounds great hor? i plan to do 2 wks of veggie puree then start on fruits one.
or shall i mix?

heeee, it looks yucky to me but many mummies say their babies loves it, so i dun mind trying. its rich in iron so i think its gd 4 them. somemore i read somewhere tt their iron levels starts depleting at 6 mths, so a gd time to start them on iron rich food now.

i think when i start R on porridge, i cook my own share too coz i LOVE porridge! actually can tell my MIL no need to buy a small slow cooker coz can use the big one since i can cook 4 myself too! hahaha
Hi mummies,

dun know if this is helpful to you all, just share what my friend has emailed me.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

porriage.doc (13.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

another one cannot upload, file too big, it's about top 100 puree for baby, let me know if you all want the file, i will email to you.
Saw the pix posted on the swimming gathering... wow looks fun for the boyz men.......

Btw, do I still need to do anything on the Yahoo group fr the security thing?
kpo a bit : this is just to share a recipe (for adults) since u ladies talking abt brocooli

steam brocooli till they are abt to be cooked, pour away the water fr them, then add a few slices of cheese above and put back into steamer for 1 min.

Very Yummy cheesy brocooli
