(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I was at Jurong Point just now & happily shopping, seeing the variety show there , admiring Lina Ng & Kym Ng, and finally develop photos to put on my office table which looks too bare for a lady table ( my colleague has commented ;)


<font color="0000ff"> nearly forget the main agenda of exchanging sing dollars for jap yen, until hubby reminded me :p</font>

well done! i am a pretty pte person, thus am cautious abt who views our photos. thks a lot 4 the trouble. so erm, can u see my name in the profile? i tried adding this morning and i dunno if i am successful.
hi ladies

My bb currently 5.5mths. She rejecting milk so no choice nid to give her cereal.......

Wow, nice family foto. My gal gal damn playful.... she likes foto taking but always moving while taking.
<font color="ff6000">hi mummies. sorry didnt login yesterday cos i konk out at 10pm. tis morning went to guang ming shan to pay respect to my dear friend who passed away 5 yrs ago. our annual ritual after his death with his mum & sis. come to think of it, 5 yrs is long n every yr when i visit him, i can still remember that fateful day he passed away. ok enf of me getting emotional here. ok will upload all the swimming pixs now n start posting in yahoo</font>

<font color="0000ff">esther</font> tks for the warning. will not post anymore pixs of hb & myself here anymore.

<font color="0000ff">jo</font> like wat crystallized mentioned, just be more tactful in our postings n we can minimise alot of misunderstandings. same here i am not taking any sides. dun mistaken. agree with esther n doreen that we shld just let this matter rest and move on. there are more n better things for us to worry n share.

<font color="0000ff">storm</font> u wanna used the link vivian provided n sign up to view the pixs?
<font color="0000ff">wei kuan</font> tks for sharing R's schedule. seems quite similar to caleb's. yes i agree with you that schedule is just a guide and many times we play by ear depending on how long or short our darlings nap or stay awake.
I have put in a request to join the group, pls quick quick approve, tks!

sorry I am unable to help. Each meal, my baby licked the spoon clean!

attended the babies n cream class today and baby alexis was super hyper and def the noisiest one of them all. Immediately after the class, cranky junior zzz...and I went off to sign the lease to my new home for the next 2 years.
<font color="0000ff">yoko</font>

hehe, i like to take photos ever since i m young myself :p

can we have more carissa's pictures?

FINALLY, i managed to skimmed thru all postings. hope i didnt missed out much.

Didnt know so many pp were sick also. i started having running nose last Sunday then Monday supposed to go JB to celebrate my birthday, in the end only went for 2 hrs then returned liao. tue & wed on MC the Thur & Fri blur blur went back to work. Fri & sat spent more time to bond with KB and today whole day went "shao mu".

CONGRATS! rest more and stress less.
"Chuan dao qiao tao zhi ruan zhi". no worries over A, let your HB take care!!

i love the pic of both J and E together, they really do look quite alike. guess E will grow up to be very pretty, just like gogo so handsome.

happy anniversary! (guess i'm abit late). i like the pic of R on the red sofa, so cool. Guess today still wont be able to upload those pics here.

u giving up on BF?? let me give u some motivation to go on. although my supply which has been consistently low (abt 200ml per day) all the while, i'm still BFG!!!! so, you hv no excuse to stop yet!! i'll not stop until i hit 9mth or when it auto drop to zero!!!

M looks less chubby liao hor. guess it's b'cos he is taller now. very handsome baby. u sorted out on the infant centre thing?

wei kuan
R getting prettier liao, looks more and more like u now. she still chopped by my KB hor!
just like u, i also tried to finish work as early as possible, but usually i leave office at 7-8pm. so, i tired not to come into forum during office hr plus my office is super open concept one. next time when he start to take porridge i dont know how man, wont hv time to cook for him. how long does it take to cook bb porride har?

so nice to see so many bbs' pics, i must really find time to do one for KB and post it here.

BB puree class - is someone organizing this? or over liao?

BG gathering - I should be able to make it. pls remember to jio me, just in case i hv no time to come into the forum.

MSN - when u all do conferencing, my yahoo one can join in or not huh? it is easier for me to join in the MSN chat during office hr leh. next time jio me hor.

can't remember what else to say liao. remember then post again. now i go upload KB's pic into my laptop first.

oh jo,
just look forward to your japan trip and be happy!
I can't login for quite sometimes tomorrow onwards cos it will be a busy mth for me. sign......
will try to go forum in the weekend.

Now i very STRESS thinking of tomorrow going to work and my VERY busy life start again, think abt it i feel like want to vomit. been thinking and feel like that since today morning.if like that i am going to die soon
<font color="0000ff">jo</font> glad u rest your case but plse do keep your posting or unhappiness private (u can always email us to vent but not in here) cos think there is someone trying to cause more trouble (apple88) who posted in sep thread what u posted here in your blog. since the intention is to move fwd, then let's do so.
im oso stressed.........i start looking for job liao but then my mum busy with her own stuff and may not find time to pop by....got interview also no place to put ted...
oh ya, selina u look very siu in the pic leh. ha ha, u should not be jealous of C stealing away all attention. u so be happy!

glad that u've sorted out on your thots. i also ganna a call from headhunter, but after thinking i decided not to even go for interview. it a higher post and definitely more money job but i dont think i can commit now. so i hv to let the opportunity goes. i can only hope that it comes again in 2-3 yrs time.

just went in to see the bb swimming pics. so niccccceeeee. can post more or not??
btw, who is that lady is white in the first pic?

wei kuan
u should think of something that make u happy. me even worst, tomorrow is quarter-end clsoing for me and i hv to finish all reporting by Thur cos Fri is holiday. Laggy more stressed.
he is getting smarter and smarter now. when my hb and i are having dinner, he'll cried to be carried. but he still not really interested in our food yet. will try to post his pic here so u all mummies can see how he looks like now.
ok, i remember that kb n ted looks alike last time
wonder hw he is like nw, my ted also and he starts drooling when he sees us eating :p
hey jo,

jasmine here from sept thread. Really sad about that incident cos since pregnancy until now, the sept thread never had such an issue..

Many of us there are very neutral, but i agree with selina that someone is trying to stir matters up by logging in under a new nickname..

Take care yah??
Yest when jerene saw reubern at the class, she said R looked so much like Damien! hahahahaha i agreed coz when u posted D's photos, i feel they looked alike! and now u say R looked like KB! hahahahaha

Actually the cake is only 500g leh. perhaps it looks big coz i captured fr the front bah.
i like C's pose! so cool! like showing off his mei ren pose~!

like i said in sept thread, Alexis wasnt exactly the only one making helluva noise yest! hahaha, R was oso as NOISY! and he slept halfway during the class! din benefit at all!
Good Morning Ladies

<font color="0000ff">Jenny</font>
Happy belated 6 months to <font color="0000ff">Jaslyn</font>

<font color="0000ff">Coolmum & Ling</font>
Happy 6 months to <font color="0000ff">Kai Bin & Maximus</font>
It was nice meeting up with all the mummies (and not forgetting the babies) on Sat @ <font color="0000ff">Babygrace's</font> pool.

Sorry, <font color="0000ff">Esther</font> got to leave when you arrive so didnt really speak to you.

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>

I thank you. Most of the sep mummies are very nice, but after i read those friday postings, i tell myself i must not go in there again to make myself sad again. Afterall, ignorance is bliss.

But hey, if u see me on the road , like that day u see me in isetan, we can still say Hi to each other right

<font color="0000ff">I have never received so many PMs to my hotmail account since i joined this forum in May also.
I m glad that there are no nasty ones so far , all are supportive, encouraging and comforting.

I thank all the ladies who made an extra effort to send me a PM to cheer me up.

Some of you are neither in oct or sep thread, but u still take time off ur busy schedules to go thru the postings and write me a PM. For that I am very grateful
Hi <font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
Cheer up. Even though I dont really know the head and tail of it but you still have the rest of us (October Mummies) here

Cheer up.

Got to work already. Boss back today
so cant always log in here.
<font color="0000ff">Coolmum</font>

I thank you too

Kai Bin is getting very chubby and adorable

his last pic resemble jrt's Reubern ;)
Thanks Ladies, Jaslyn finally reaches her 6th mth mark.

No celebration for her, she gotta wait till she marks her 1st birthday.

What ghost in oct thread? I blurred...
Hope you are getting better ok! Flying off tomor right? Wish you enjoy the trip hor and bring us good news back!

Added you to my MSN.

ya, ergo can't be used for front facing. Jo used it till 1 year plus, then we forbidden her to use anymore, must train her to walk lah.
Before buying, perhaps during one of the gatherings, try to borrow from one of us who owe the carrier to try it lor, then see how you like it. Whenever I use it on Jas hor, she will fall asleep within 5 to 10 mins.

was thinking of you and you appeared

No lah, still giving ebm. But the tots of stopping came by again last weekend. My hb told me to stop again. I'm taking Selina as a good example, told hb that Selina's low MS has kept her bf for 5 mths+, so though now I dun pump as much (only 600ml+), I have no reason to stop cos Selina still pumping when she's only enough to give 1 feed to Caleb. So, no reason for me to stop yet. BTW, I reduced my pumping to 3x per day since last weekend.

Sorry ladies, I dun wanna post my MSN address here cos I got a lot of spams! If you wanna my MSN address, PM me pls.

Wei Kuan, will PM you my MSN address. You add me hor.
<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> ya think is the angle n i really regretted not buying a cake for caleb. boo hoo
mayb i can do a belated 6mths celebration

<font color="0000ff">esther</font> see i told you the moment you arrive someone will leave...
joking only ok...

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>

many thanks
i have to wake up at 4am, and set off fr bt batok at 5am to reach the airport ay 6am ;p

PS: i realise when one is down, nibbling on the gerber strawberry puff cheer one up :p still remember the Gerber puffs u recommend , selling at Giant for 4.95 at an offer.
