(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hope Issac will recover real soon!!!
U take care too..

Hi Gemini,
Congrats !!!

Think Kim is just too excited going "gai gai"...
But the banging of head abit worrying leh....
You must take care too.

My A also like that... but at least my journey
from Punggol to Sengkang....he will always want to hold all the poles
inside the MRT. When outside the train, he will
rush to the metal chair and walk round n round
too... once we pick him up, he will scream and
cry his lungs out....that was when we let him out to walk n explore...

We found putting him on carrier is
effectively... at least he cannot come down...
If you want to try, you will have to get your hb to carry her in carrier since you are preg.

hi adeline,

been to robinsons sale yest. OMG the paying queue is terrible. got fed up waiting cos the queue doesnt seem to b moving. in the end din buy anything n left the place.

hope u are lucky tdy!
Congrats to Gemini!
No matter what, its a blessing to be pregnant.

Sorry to hear tt Zac has fallen sick. Hope he is better now. Its no laughing matter tt he fell & hurt his head, then vomitted. it was scary to hear u describing the experience.

<font color="ff0000">Lost my HP</font>
Bad luck tdy. Lost my HP. and the idiot bugger tt picked up my hp &amp; had quickly switched off. i realised it 10 mins later but was too late when i rushed back to find it. tried calling my hp but it was alrdy switched off. made a police report wif my IMEI #. The bugger better not try selling it to the local 2nd hand stores.
Only got my HP 2 mths ago... its not abt the money but all my contacts &amp; precious photos are inside the memory card. imagine my pregnancy shots oso inside.
if i ever found a hp, i will not wanna keep it coz i know the owner sure v anxious. i hope retribution falls on this heartless fellow.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies tt hv my HP #, pls either PM me or sms me.</font> now i am as lost as a blind bat.
hi mummies. me is back from hk. really good trip but really tiring at the same time. didnt bring stroller but brought the ergo and sling caleb all the way until both hb &amp; 1 totally shack out. poor caleb also shack out cos this trip we gave him exception to slp late so we can both shop till late too. what surprises me most was our trip to disneyland. at first was reluctant cos not sure if caleb will enjoy himself but decided to go instead. surprisingly, this boy was so excited everytime he see the disney characters. didnt wanna slp but managed to let him nap awhile. tks to the rented stroller from the park. at night he was overwhelmed with the lights and the rides we managed to get our butts on with the long queue slowly disappearing. am downloading the pixs now n will try to share some here.

you ladies have been really active lately. must be the festive mood. too many posting to read so i didnt really read them in details but seems like quite serious. though i cant really understand or comprehend the issue abt maid &amp; bbsitter, my personal feel and belief is to take things easy. since there's no choice but to make those decision, then taking it easy is better for everyone bah.

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> glad zac zac is fine now.

<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font> so sad. les &amp; i found a phone while eating at IMM once n the evil side of les wanted to keep the phone but i insisted no and we called the person's parents to get them to come get the phone from us. i can imagine how someone will feel if lost phone or anything. think what goes around comes around so it wont be long b4 that person who took your phone goes thru the same thing.

In fact, on christmas day, after a long day at disneyland, we left our camera bag, my handbag with cash n phone in the cab. got so panicky but asked les to call my mobile, god bless that we met good natured pple who answered the call n brought our bag back to our hotel. so glad man cos we just bought a set of flash &amp; battery pack on christmas eve in hk.
I think Selina has that bloster seat, but not sure if is safety1st one.

the queue at Robinson was terrible today also...

alamak, poor thing. Those ppl are like that one lah, see hp quick quick take, now very seldom got ppl return liao.


ok lah, I buay dong liao, very tired after shopping. Chat tomor.
<font color="0000ff">gemini</font> yes i have a smiliar booster seat which we have been using since caleb was on solid but now we hardly cos he doesnt wanna get strap down n most times he can sit quietly to finish he meals. we only use it now if he gets naughty n refused to sit still for his meals.
hi mummies....

no time to login these few days... hope everyone had a good Christmas, and Best wishes for the new year!!!

<font color="0000ff">slapping</font>
ok... mayb ayden did pick tis up on his own then... so it was right for us to give e maid e benefit of the doubt here lor...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
tis maid i can stil tolerate... which is why we r not changing her yet.. hb says give her somemore chance, cos we've not actually "caught" her doing anything wrong yet...

<font color="ff6000">vivian</font>
thanks... hopefully ah beng is fully recovered by now... ah seng is better... also "chut pattern" during tis sick period... i think he learnt how to pretend to cough liaoz.. sometimes he will pretend juz to see our reaction... *haiz*...
thanks for sharing abt e maid stuff too... im also getting more n more "wu qing" towards her liaoz, think she can sense it too...

<font color="ff6000">haze</font>, i used to LOVE xmas too... plus after tat its my bday... but tis yr with these 2 lil ones, no mood, no energy to even think of celebrating...
when r u due ar??? by e way, u r SAHM rite??? how do u cope with ur 2 kids now?? n how r u going to cope with #3 arriving soon???

<font color="ff6000">shirley</font>
oh dear, it muz hv been a big scare for u... luckily zac is ok now liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">gemini</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!</font></font>
ya... our Oct mummies r reli supportive of e govt hor... i lost count liaoz.. how many at present count ar???
graduated: bunny &amp; me
graduating soon: haze, adeline, shirley, doreen, gemini...did i miss out anyone????

<font color="ff6000">sweetycute</font>

ur lil girl very cute wor... u r always welcome to join e 2nd time mummies club too mah, as long as u r prepared lor...

<font color="ff6000">delphine</font>
hey, desiree is at e 'perfect' weight now leh... juz last week Straits Times had tis article abt overweight babies in SG mah... its not good to hv heavy babies, even if they lose weight when they reach adulthood, they r still at higher risk of falling sick nex time.. so dont worry too much abt her weight liaoz okie...

<font color="ff6000">adeline</font>
ayden sometimes go knock his head against e wall too... we hv no idea why he does that, or wat he's trying to tell us by doing tat too... all we can do is distract him lor... he doesnt do it when he's angry/unhappy though....
now ayden also want to walk all e time... at home or outside.. if we let him down liaoz,he'll never want to get up, n throw a huge tantrum if we carry him up... also use distraction lor... my entire family now very good in e "art of distraction" liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">jRt</font>
aiyoo... i hate losing my hp too.. feel as if "handicapped" cos lost sooo much of our personal stuff inside... i'll sms u tmr bah.. now too late liaoz...
The festivities are over. I'm so shacked out from all the partying. The happiest people are the maid and the kids. haha!
Maid told me that she had eaten enough roast, cakes and desserts to last her for 2 days.
Kids overdosed on sweet stuff. Was super hyper and nap times were all messed up.

But i'm glad to see Joshua and Emma enjoying themselves and being so loved by everyone.

It's nice to have another branded bag or latest gadget as xmas present. But the best present for me is seeing the kids' smile and hearing their laughter. This is especially so after emma's incident. All i want is to see them healthy and happy.

congrats! dr ho got business again

so glad that zac zac is fine. was so worried for him after u told me about it. can understand how worrying it was for u.

sending bad vibes to the person who picked up your phone.
a few months back, i picked up a hp at the pool downstairs and i called the person's home immediately and he didn't even know he lost it.
This is the 2nd time i've returned a phone.
I did that in the hope that if one day i should lose my phone *touchwood*, someone else can return the kindness.

will sms u my contact to u tmrw. too late to do so now.
<font color="ff6000">selina</font>
seems like it was a great trip thru' out!! esp since caleb enjoyed disneyland... look forward to seeing e photos...

<font color="0000ff">shopping</font>
*haiz*.. i can only envy envy u all chionging all e post xmas sales... im still "tied up" at home... dunno when then can be more "mobile" to go out with these 2... my mum always complain too "leh cheh" to go out with them.... make me so sian...

<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
eh... nobody wana come liaoz huh????? or everyone missed my post in e excitement of e festive period...???
i try again ar..
date: 5th Jan 08 (Sat)
time: around 2-6pm (?)
place: Starz home at Hougang, beside Hougang Green Mall
who's coming..........
I brought the kids to cycle at ECP this morning.
I took emma while hubby took Joshua.
Joshua has always enjoyed it since he was 10 mths old.
The first time emma tried it at 10 mths old, she hated it, cried and wanted to be carried. Today was a vast difference. She was so happy and was clapping and pointing at the things she saw along the way.
It was a nice ride with the cool breeze blowing that after 1 hr she started nodding off. It was a challenge for me to try keep her awake and to hold her head with one hand to stop her from falling forward when she falls asleep. haha!
But still we enjoyed ourselves.

Those who are keen to try, you can rent the bikes with child seat attached to the front. Mornings are good cos it's not as crowded.

Was at Robinsons today for a short while cos i wanted to check out a car booster seat. It was so crowded and the cashier queue was so long. So i was out within 10 mins, didn't want to buy anything.

Will be going Isetan early tmrw morning just to beat the crowd.
I can't shop with 2 kids in tow. i agree with your mum, very leh chey to bring all the barang barang.
So i usually sneak out when they are sleeping.
<font color="0000ff">gathering</font> starz, i saw your post but cos i will be away from 2-4 jan to kota kinabalu for work so not sure if can make it on 5 jan but shld be fine lah. die die i will try to go cos i really miss everyone so much.

date: 5th Jan 08 (Sat)
time: around 2-6pm (?)
place: Starz home at Hougang, beside Hougang Green Mall
who's coming..........
1)selina, leslie &amp; caleb

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> talking abt ECP reminds me that have not brought caleb there to inline skate for a long time. mayb shld try to do it again but cycling instead hopefully caleb can have as much fun as Emma n Joshua. me will be off next week onwards till after the new year so mayb can plan to bring him there.
i'm sure Caleb will enjoying it, this is the age where they are so curious about everything.

Speaking of blading, i was just telling Joshua and Emma today that mommy and daddy will blade with them when they are older. That is provided that this mommy here can still remember how to. haha!
Gemini, CONGRATS! Hope your ms go away soon...I still remember how terrible ms is. Yucks!

Will be going Isetan sale today too...hope to catch some Mummies there since I've not had the chance to meet you ladies for a long time. But wont be staying at Isetan for long cos running some other errands.

BBgrace, Robinson sales so corwded ah? Luckily I didn;t pop by as I was in Paragon today...
Good thing u didn't go today. The queue was so long. Unless u got lots of things to buy, else it's a waste of time waiting to pay.
some pixs of our trip to share. next time anyone going HK, must stay at this apartment. excellent. i love it very much. very good for family. the apt comes complete with a plasma tv that can be slide from area to area as well as a dvd player.

living area with an orange sofa bed

bedroom area with a queen size bed

kitchen area with complete cooking facilities, utensils + microwave as well
here's some pictures we took on 22 dec. went to a mall which houses all factory outlets of branded goods. interesting place but prices ok only lah.

getting dressed

being entertained in the mtr

having fun at the mall

having fun with papa's sunglass

drinking water from the bottle
bear with me hor. some more pictures to share.

fun at the streets along TST

sleepy boy at ocean park. he slept thru the entire park which was super duper crowded. only woke up after we left the place.

having fun at the reunification site
Caleb looks like a big boy now.
The apartment looks nice. Where is it?
I usually stay in marco polo cos the location is good. Can consider this apartment the next time.
<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> the apt is in TST area. exactly location is at Ashley road. very convenient too. it is managed by somerset n now called citadines ashely apts. very nice n reasonable pricing. chance upon it over the net.
oh... TST area... good, i like that area too. That's why i choose to stay at Marco Polo.
How much is it per night? I dunno when i'll go lah, but good to know just in case
last set of pixs

engrossed in the street parade

njoying the street parade

slpy boy forced to take pix

finally slping in rented stroller

having fun on horse ride. only managed to do this ride n another with hb but we had to do it separately cos need to garga the stuff

posing for pixs

<font color="ff0000">Congrats!!!</font> So happy for u welcome to the preggy club.....hahaha
How many weeks r u liao?? Mixed feeling I can understand that time when know preggy also abit cannot accept it lor so still continue doing thing n even carry my mattress. So regret but lucky bb was okie already. Nowadays D sleep the leg keep popping on my tummy so worried again still gotta wait for my next checkup.....sigh
Back ache is very common according to my gynea cos its our #2 but she says normally it goes away during 2nd tri. I'm cossing my fingers cos if I carry D abit more my back will ache very badly.

Try not to let Kim kick ur tummy okie cos not I wanna scare u lah but my friend scare me also.....hehehe
Her colleague #1 kick her tummy n her placenta seperate from the womb.
After wat gynea found in my 1st scan I very cautious liao even now cleared I still try not to carry D n try to use pilow to block my tummy incase he kick me accidentally.

As for walking maybe u should let Kim walk more lor cos hor she will keep wanting u to carry in a while more liao. If u okie with the idea of kiddy leash can get 1 so u can still control where she goes lor. I got D a bear backpack with a leash but so far haven use cos he already at the dun wanna walk stage liao. Ask him only want to walk anot n he will give u those pathetic cry.
N for the stroller hor go to the bb hyperstore to buy lah I bought mine there for $238 I think 30% off cos its last yr model.
Temper wise think gotta control already else #2 come out ur auntie will headach also leh.

Glad zac is much better already so wat did the results in hos say??
Tml gonna chiong Isetan also hope to see u there.....heehehe

Caleb seems to enjoy the trip so much.....sigh
I also itchy to go again......still am.....haaha
btw u book ur accomodation n tix on ur own?? How much u paid??
<font color="0000ff">dor</font> he did enjoy himself which we were surprised. yes i book online via www.asiatravel.com. i paid ard S$220 per nite.

tho' HK is a bit like SIN but the Christmas mood there is so good and festive, weather aside. everywhere is into celebration. the entire TST was closed on Christmas eve.
Yesterday noon Q at Robinson Centrepoint was bad too. I wanna buy something but saw the Q, I went off. Not much ppl at Takashimaya, OG and John Little. All ppl at Robinson haha... and I have some peace at John Little and bought a lot of kids clothings keke...
Actually this year, not much post Christmas Sales leh.

Glad to hear Issacc is ok le... You gotta take care too.

Congrats once again. You keep saying not ready yet... Well, just like it runs naturally. Tricia going to be jie jie soon! I think the age gap not bad lah, bb arrives, Tricia abt 2.

Agreed our thread very productive! Then when's your turn??? hee hee hee **evil smile**

Jaslyn also bad temper. She buay song she will cry and scream, throwing her temper one. She only scare her daddy. If is me, she will bully me and cry even louder. Actually I usually let Jaslyn walks ard in shopping mall, just got to be extra careful lor. Kim may be curious and excited with the "outside" world, that's why her behaviour is different from at home. Jaslyn is opp with Kim. She q guai outside as compare to at home. She's a big bully at home, snatch jie jie's stuff and run.

Welcomed back! Wagh, your HK trips make me xin yang yang leh! And the apartment is nice. Is 1 room or can squeeze 2 families? What's the apartment name? Gotta consider apartment than hotel next time.

You forgot delphine!
Hey, you forgot abt internet shopping ah, though can't chiong shopping malls, but internet shopping is always there 24/7.
Gathering, I confirm attendance nearer to date, ok.
Din know there was Robinson sales y'day cos i m on leave y'day. But since it's so crowded, dun think hb wanna go in. was at Parkway y'day afternoon.

John Little got sales?

Glad to hear that Zac zac is ok now. 4 molar come out together? oh..my god! can imagine how uncomfortable he was. cos A reject milk totally last week, then on monday, i just realised he was teething, 1 molar pop out.


wah liew..our thread really productive lel.
All 1st time mommies promoted to 2nd liao.

Adeline / Jenny,
hehe..after heard both Kim &amp; Jasyln 's stories, now me can 'fang xin' a bit. sorry hor..
cos A also hav very bad temper. plus he still dunno how to talk yet, he only can scream or yell to express out his need. then ppl ard him keep said he very naughty. made me very frustrated.

Welcome back! waa...very nice pics! Can share with me the apartment name &amp; location? wanna go oversea with A b4 planning #2. hehe...

Is your house near to Kovan mrt or hougang one?
hi selina,

can see that Caleb has enjoyed himself.

hi jenny/selina,

thinking of getting the booster seat is to put at my mum place. tricia wont sit still at meal times, so need to strap her in.

hi mummies,

thanks for your best wishes. really hope that the MS will go away soon, it's making me v pei chek.

hi bbgrace,

i was telling dr ho's nurses too. he got business again. his charges has increased from last year rates...

hi doreen,

i'm around 6 wks plus. also hope that the backache will go away also, mine is on the right side and it's quite painful...think i have to try to practise carrying tricia on my left side.
You still can go, today the sales still ongoing haha...
John LIttle no sales lah. But peaceful to shop w/o crowd. There shd be one coming up this weekend bah, my guess lah.
Hmm I know what you mean, sometimes ppl keep complaining, hear le very fan.
Hi Selina,
Wow.. made me so "gian" to travel again.. but got to wait for another 2 years when the 2nd one is older.
Caleb really enjoy himself as shown in the pics.

Hi Stars,
me too in the 2nd time mummies club.

am already very happy with D weight, not too concerned liao after seeing report that overweight children will tends to get diabetes, high blood when they are older.
As for gathering, need to confirm later cos maybe i need to go back and work due to closing.. keep you posted.

Hi Jenny,
thanks for remembering me..

ya lor..very fan. sometimes thinking tat how to teach A so tat he can b more guai. but then angry to those ppl who comment cos this is the stage where they need to explore but dunno how to express what they need.
hi jasmine,

thks. me kapo a bit, answer on behalf of starz, her place is not near kovan or hougang mart, if you are saying like walking distance. have to take a feeder bus.i find that her place is more near to buangkok mrt. starz, correct me if i'm wrong.

hi jenny,

my mum dont want a highchair, cos it takes up space. the booster seat can be folded up, so save space. i know, tricia maybe can fit into the booster seat for a few more months only
Just one ear in one ear out lor.
I filter comments that I dun want to listen that will affect my mood. Remember, we can't please everyone.

Not sure if is dangerous for Tricia's age to use now. Cos I have this feeling that it will topple over.
<font color="119911">Mummies in Yishun/Sembawang/Woodlands,
I will be making a trip to Capt Budi's place on either 6 or 7 Jan. If you have anything to pass on to kids at Timor Orphanage, pls pass to me before 5 Jan hor.
Things they need are babies &amp; kids clothings, stained are ok, if tore, pls use needle and stitch up pls (no adults one pls), bedsheets &amp; blankets, non battery operated toys, baby pillows &amp; bloster, training cups, utensils for kids like plates, fork, spoon etc, pacifiers, nappies, etc things that babies and kids needed. No bulky items pls due to high cost and transport issue to bring over to Timor. For clothings, apprecipate you can wash it once before we send over to Capt Budi, so that he doesn't need to wash before sending over to Timor. Thanks!</font>
i dont mind she terror at home.. but outside sometimes just want her to guai guai abit.. like if i carry, let me carry and hold her lor.. but she dont let us hold at all and anyhow rush one..

Serious?!?! liek sometimes i carry her up, she accidentally kick my tummy or when at home i sleeping on bed.. she sometimes just use hand to beat my stomach also. i try to avoid already..!
Is like that de... You know hor, Jaslyn if we let her down in shopping mall, she chiong everywhere, and if she sees us chasing her, the more happier she is, she will run even faster for us to catch.
i glad to know that not only kim behaves like this!! i tot she is super hyper leh when she does that but luckily not. my aunty telling me all dogs baby like this. So far those dog baby she look after, ALL behave in this way -_- (her daughter also)
dear all,

wow this is a real active thread. so many postings since the last time i read!

<font color="0000ff">hi crystallized,</font> sad to hear tt ur hp is lost. I rem one time when mi n my friend was on an escalator and her hp was placed in her haversack. Immediately she went off the escalator, she realised her hp was lost (cos she wanted to make a call). The thief's action was damn fast! She was so sad af tt! HP has become part of our life. Without it, majiam lost one arm hee hee

<font color="0000ff">hi caleb's mummy,</font> wow HK trip must b so exciting yet tiring. hw old is caleb? tinking of bringing my girl to japan next apr/may with my parents hee hee. looking forward to the trip!

<font color="0000ff">hi starz,</font> i'm pretty prepared for a 2nd one but my hb is nt very supportive of tt leh. Any mummies suffering the same fate as me? I guessed most of the time, it's the woman who din wanna hv a 2nd one, nt so much of the man. But i just happen to b the other way round. Still trying hard to "brainwash" him leh. Anyone has any gd idea hee hee?

Mi went to isetan sale tdy. Spent almost $300 there. Just came bk a while ago. It's real crowded but at least the paying queue is fast. So dun feel so pek gek. Wanted to get them to deliver the items bk but wow tt queue is equally long so decided to "kang" everything back myself!
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> the room i got can mian qiang squeeze 2 families lah but will be quite tight lor cos the sofa bed is like super single size only. unless i travel alone, otherwise i prefer apts.

for those interested, the apt is called Citadines Ashely Apartments, 18 Ashely Road. Check out www.ashelyapartments.com.hk. they just changed name to include the Citadines word. the room i took is the superior room. they have standard, superior then deluxe which is much bigger than the one we stayed in. service wise is pretty decent. it is slightly cheaper to book via www.asiatravel.com then direct with the apt. i checked already. think online agents are cheaper still.

<font color="0000ff">sweetycute</font> welcome to the thread. caleb is 15 months (turned 15 on 25 Dec). very tiring cos we ergo him everywhere we go n it gives us back aches at the end of the day. but makan wise, we quite chin chye so he eats what we eat (or shld i say we more lazy to cook for him then anything lah). only when some noodles i think too salty for him, i will rinse it with water b4 feeding him. so actually he quite ke lian during the trip cos he dun get his usual nutritious porridge.

think i quite like you too for #2. me too hoping to have #2 ard by end next year but hb not quite ready so will see how ba. hopefully can go give birth after my major event in oct next year...

<font color="0000ff">adeline</font> caleb is sama sama lor. he will want to walk on his own direction some more. in HK we hardly let him come down to walk cos will waste alot of time waiting for him to finish his exploration. but what i do is instead of chasing after him, i will tell him "bye bye" and walk in the opposite direction n this boy will follow behind me then.

<font color="0000ff">jenny, gemini</font> i think safety wise the booster seat quite ok. of course you cant leave them alone on the seat and anyway it is meant for meals only so they are not likely to sit there too long. you want they also dun wanna sit so long lah. so for caleb, once he is done eating, we will put him down.

<font color="ff6000">throwing tantrums</font> can i check if any babies here like to throw tantrums if cannot get wat they want? dunno where caleb learn it from, if he doesnt get what he wants, he will pa (face down) on the floor n start kicking n crying. no one at home does that so i really dunno where he learns it from. not sure if this is sign of being spolit cos we dun give in to him even if he does that or is he just in the passing phase.
Hi sweetycute,

Me too hoping for another bb, but hb not supportive too
have been trying to "brainwash" him but without success.
hi sweetycute,

my hb is the opposite of yours. he loves kids and when i tell him why not stop at 1, he will say like, 1 will be too lonely, no playmate, etc...

hi selina,

tricia is also the same, she will sit on the floor and kick and cry/scream but she will not pa on the floor (cross fingers). we sometimes also let her cry it out cos we dun want to spoil her. really have no idea where she pick up from...
I think many mummies at Isetan Sales today.
They lagi spent more than you hahaha...

The room looks cosy, I like with the fresh color. Now I prefer apartments too. At least kitchen is useful when have kids ard. Thanks for the URL!
Actually Caleb quite listen to you and Les's instructions. Caleb very guai le.
Re: throwing tantrums, Yes, Jaslyn does that. Sometimes she will "pa" on the floor and scream + cry. Sometimes she will stand there to scream + cry. I feel this is a phrase every parents need to go thr. I choose to ignore cos I feel if I give in, there's no ending. I dun want her to behave like this out of home, throwing tantrums like some kids in shopping malls when they dun get their stuff they want.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> very nice hor. very modern. i chance upon it while planning for the HK trip n really loved it. go asiatravel and read the reviews so far. seems like all very good. we bumped into some friends in HK staying in the same apt too. in fact, we bump into more friends in HK than in SIN. met another friend in disney.

actually i got no complains abt caleb lah. he considered quite good boy liao. he super friendly during our trip. keep waving to pretty jie jies. here's a pix of him kissing an ex-colleague of mine during the wedding reception.

on the flight back, he also kept waving to the air stewardess while all preparing for landing. buay tahan him. only thing to keep him entertained on flight.
Yeap, really very nice. You know hor, I dun like to go HK one, but seeing yr pics make me itchy haha..
Yes, Caleb very guai liao, if you still complain hor, I think you see Jaslyn you will faint haha..
Hi ladies,

today shopping whole day... hee... isetan was really crowded and messy by the time me and dor reached ard 2+pm.
Din buy much. Bot mini remote control cars for R, a portable shopping bag and themos coffee container for myself and a toy for a friend. Heng we walked to the CK side and realised NO QUEUE at the cashier so we paid easily without queuing. This time like not much things to buy for me... hee.... my bomb comes later when i chiong to Robinson and get my tokidoki bag... yes... i bomb my bonus and get my 2nd one... no further discount but managed to get the print and design which I wanted. Had to buy it coz isetan and other places all OOS liao... really limited edition... =p
Btw, when i reached Robinson ard 6+pm, not very crowded leh... but hor the cashier super SLOW... can still chit chat ard somemore... bth.... me din get to shop in robinson at all coz i only aim for my bag and leave immediately, hb waiting. Anyway bomb my bag liao, no $ to buy other things also.. hee...

I went ard several time, din get to see the seat you wanted. Too messy and crowded liao. Actually I saw the seat in the 2 taka sales leh. quite cheap that time but I din get it coz it was quite small and a bit cramp and I dun think R will sit for long. Sorry, din help much.

I love the first "Lee Xiao Long" pic... haa.... so sporty and posed... haa.... the papa and son pix was nice too... very wen xin...
As for throwing tantrums, think all babies here got all different patterns. Got bang head, got kick legs... R is cry loud loud and non-stop one... think most likely passing phase bah....well, at least that is what i hope!!

haa... very tempting... but still need to wait somemore for me. Well, at least settle R's childcare first. Maybe next year bah...

R also same as Jaslyn... chiong all the way by himself when we let him down in shopping mall. He refused to hold our hand somemore.. we just walk behind him nia, he will think we chase after him, chiong even faster... bth...

your girl is really cute... what's her name?

<font color="0000ff">hi caleb's mum,</font> wow he sure looks like a big boy hee hee probably becos he's tall is it? well even if u wanna cook in HK also quite difficult cos gotta go n buy the ingredients n stuff like tt?? i guessed if i were go japan next yr, my girl shld most pro b eatg the same stuff as us hee hee.

oh ur hb also the same as mine hee hee. finally found someone of the same fate. sorrie, nt laughing over it cos spoke to a few mummies and all their hb are supportive of a 2nd one so was feeling quite upset when my hb is nt like theirs! I was so angry at one pt tt i told my hb if i knew he only wan 1 kid, i wld consider nt choosing him as my hb, so bad of me hor! kind of regretted af sayg tt hee hee. lucky thing he nt tt petty hahaha

wow u into some big projects huh hee hee?

<font color="0000ff">hi agnez,</font> sad to knw tt u are in the same shoes as me. u "brainwash" ur hb for hw long liaoz? hee hee, tdy i try to hint hint to him again, seems like a bit successful hahaha. cos met a mummy during my paying queue in Isetan, hee hee so talkative of me hor, queuing also nid to talk to someone, no lah cos too bored liaoz and happened tt tis mummy behind me is with a girl. So she said her girl is abt 3.5 yr old n she just had another girl tt is 2mths old. So she mentioned tt it's too wide a gap for her and they kind of regretted nt having a 2nd one earlier. So nw if wanna go out, it wld b easy for the elder one cos already grown up. But for the younger one, got a lot of things to pack so sometimes end up, they leave the younger one with mum n maid. So she's saying if both ard the same age, if wanna stay at home, at least it's for the sake of both lor. So hopefully cn get a 2009's bb hee hee and close shop af tt. 2 is enuff for me!

<font color="0000ff">hi gemini,</font> oh gd for u to hv supportive hb. i tink guys wld b harder to persuade as compared to woman! hopefully my brainwash efforts wld b paid off hee hee.

<font color="0000ff">hi jenny,</font> so r u one of the mummies who also went to isetan and spend more than me hee2?as for throwing tantrums, well i guessed no nid to learn fr anyone, somehw they just knw hw to do it. just a matter of when i guessed. for my girl, so far if she dun get wat she wants, she wld scream but if i divert her attn on something else, she will forget abt it and wld b okie liaoz. hopefully stays tis way man!

<font color="0000ff">hi vivian,</font> my girl's name is Arielle.

oh yah, must b wondering hw cm i so late still online cos i just fed my girl her fever medicine. overslept by 1hr, really tired when hv to wake up to feed medicine. remind me of my BF times hee hee.

alamak was scratching away while typing my post. cos kena kissed by mosquitoes!! HATE tt man! tt's all for nw. gonna sleep liaoz n hv to wait up 4hrs later again....gd nite....
