(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

I dun understd what u mean by "i dun understand why sometimes my IL will hv to visit Mav at my mum's side lo"... u mean ur MIL purposely visit Mav at ur mum's place?
not tt i dun hv prob lah, juz tt i dun wanna say. and moreover at the end of the day, i tell myself my PILs juz wanna see their grandson. so no need to kick up big fuss. in fact my PILs come over to my place once a wk during their day off to specially look aft R. Then b4 R has his dinner, they will send R to my mum's place so my MIL dun hv to cook R's dinner. ANyway its easier since my mum can cook for 2 kids. I hv no issue wif my ILs visiting R at my mum's. But knowing tt my mum is busy taking care of 2 kids, my ILs usually dun do tt. somemore every sat, we go back to my ILs place 4 dinner. so they c R twice a wk. its fair enuff rite?

do u think u can manage if u be a SAHM for both kids? i dun dare to imagine. horrors! hahahaha

Jenny & Jlyn
wah kao, wat u girls taking abt swallowing intestines ah? catch no ball & gross lah!

huh! u threw away the entire pack of medicine???? so exp i will sure take it!!!

Glad u dun think i am showing off. yah she is a wonder woman, wonder mother and now wonder grandma!
my mum did say its my MIL's right to decide if she wanna take care of my kids. only when she says she dun wanna take care, then my mum can take care. old thinking lah. thankfully, my MIL knows she cant cope so she gladly gave up the task to my mum.
But hor, my MIL did say when R is older, she wanna take care. i am dreading the day coz i am v fussy lah, though my MIL is v nice but of coz i prefer my own mother lor. sigh.
i dont think u r showing off but rather envious

then again everyone has different way of handling stress just that my mum handle the stress of taking care of kids by complaining. I realise her stress level is the highest when zac fall sick. I was thinking luckily so far zac only fall sick twice, if nt i think i will go crazy listening to her complaints.
Actually despite all her complaints and nasty comments, i know deep inside she really dotes on zac and lele. if she didnt see them for more than one week, she will call and even come to my place to see them.

If u know ur mum well, just do some things to make her happy lor. For me think my mum needs a lot of praising and acknowledgment for her hard work so everytime i will tell her that zac has grown fatter under her care or find things to praise her. Now booking a korea tour to give them a break cos i am starting my permanent job soon in july. No more freelance so hours not so flexible liao which mean they will need to take care of them more often. some gestures will make them feel appreciated and less complaints lar

I dont know how much think its a free gift. If u really cannot find then sms me lor.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Crystallized,
Erm... Jlyn and I are crazy haha...
Ignore us lah, we 2 understand each other can leh, hor... Jlyn?? **muacks muacks** **pui** hahahha</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
ok, thanks in advance.

Shirley reminded me, give yr mum some praises or little gifts to show you appreciated her hardwork.
When we go out, we try to get my mum to come along, eat dinner, shopping etc, pay for her expenses etc. Family gatherings are enjoyable lor. Then on and off, if I see something which I think my mum will likes, I will buy and give her, then helps her run errands etc.
I'm planning to bring my mum to go travel cos she has never been on planes. But then, hb has no time now. So, I'm going to check out coach bag as a gift for her during this GSS.</font>
Crystallized, Jenny and I miss eating kwey chap.. you ai join mai, we arrange one session. SAHM is horrifying, I agree! Btw, where is your workplace?
ya..i guess i got to ren &amp; make back-up plans along the way too..hb also keep pressing me to tell him hw i want #2 to be taken care by..sigh..now i dun want to think so much too..keke..thks anyway..thks..ya..cant change her thinking also..that's why can only adapt to it lo..u know for Mother's day meal my mum also say dun want to eat la..waste $ but hb say must go one since his family also got celebrate..then my mum will say no need la..is ok..etc..even for Mav's 1st outing to any place..she also dun want to follow..i also duno wat can i do next..

in ur case, ur mum also cant help out since she's q far away too..also maybe u staying with ILs too..so she's sure ur MIL &amp; SIL will take gd care of A one..

ya..IL will purposely visit Mav at my mum's place even thou we cld hv just met up for dinner on that wk...u know..it's diff case la..coz ur IL are working &amp; only come at off day..for ur mum's case maybe it will kind of help out to ease her load since she's taking care of 2 kids..but indeed ur mum is steady leh..1 kid not easy liao..then 2 kids ah..i really cant imagine..i m not fitted to be a SAHM but if really no choice then mum dun want to take care i also no choice ah..rather than letting my MIL take care of both..she's not in a gd health lo..i dun want to be accused of "tiring" her out..since SIL are v againist MIL to take care too...it's a little complicated la...

we tried to tell her that IL has commented that Mav has grow or SIL has commented that Mav is bigger now..then my mum will tell me "shh...dun say out..wait Mav stop growing etc.." or things like cannot say it infront of Mav..wait he patang or things like that lo..i awaz kena made fun by my mum's remarks during dinner with ILs..then i no choice also..just endure with hb's remarks &amp; eat quietly lo..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jlyn,
I eat kwey chap, you eat the intestines for me hor, I dun dare to eat de...
Crystallized workplace near my home, but super nobody wanna go place hahaha...
So, when we going to eat huh???

Ah lao can't take long leave. I prefer to to thailand island... **wink wink**... aiming koh samui. I love there. But my mum won't like such holiday one. My mum wants go mai dong si, chi dong si de di fang aka hong kong or taiwan, which I dun like.
But then, I may have to surrender... my mum "bigger" lah.

Sometimes... women dun speak from the heart...
I'm one of them...
Then when hb really tot for real...
I got angry! haha..
Whether your mum really speaks from the heart, just bring her along. Then she has no excuse to say you.
Dun worry so much now, you should enjoy your pregnancy. I never wanna think when I was preggie with Jaslyn then.
we tried before..but she say u bring Mav can liao..dun include her..if we buy gift hor..got to tell her becoz got special discount so we get it for her at discounted price even thou dun hv la..if not she will nag for a few days lo..u know got a few times i got thots of giving up leh..but i stopped myself to hv such mindset lo..coz it's not right..i hv been q down for a while..hope i will get over it soon..nver mind..see hw it goes ba..thks anyway..thks..
hi, briefly went thru the postings. talking abt mum as caregiver. i too must give my mum credit for helping to look after Caleb. to be frank, she hardly complains, i.e. nag nag nag. but think she is the type that is very sensitive so she tries to put across her 'complains' like something we have to take note of when we alone with Caleb. E.g. she will go "Wah! Your son today almost scared me to death... climb this climb that...blah blah blah..." i dun take them as complains but rather as updates on my son instead. or she will say "now your son so sticky to me i cannot go out liao" but i will tell her go dun bother abt him. after a while he will forget once i am home.

i agree with jenny, just make plans to bring our parents out. my mum also will say no lah dun wan this lah, dun wan that lah but i will insist to bring her n my dad out despite whatever they say. ultimately they will always enjoy themselves after the outing. i think for our parents, they dun mean what they say n also they dun wan us to anyhow spend $$$ lor.
jenny &amp; Jlyn
Kuey chap ah? ok lah! i like it oso. But same as jenny, i dun dare eat intestines. i eat cheap things like tau pok, egg &amp; kiam chye only.
u can eat the "goodies".

my workplace is ulu one lah, can smell rubbish! keke

Both me &amp; my sis wanna reward my mum by gg on tour but she die die dun wanna step out of SG. the last time we went cruise, we tricked her. she said next time even buy air tix, she wun even board. so there's no way to reward her other than letting her indulge in buyg 4D. she derives pleasure fr buyg 4D and mahjong. its simple pleasures.

true lah, diff ppl diff ways of handling stress. got a few times i saw my mum's hair literally standing. the 2 kids were giving her a hard time by wanting her to carry! luckily i arrived in time to "save" her.

kan kai dian bah. sometimes gotta learn to close one eye so life will b easier. no pt making life difficult 4 urself. hope things will eventually work out.

ur mum like my mum, buy her things, she say dun waste money. bring her out 2 eat, she say waste money. but we heck care lah, for birthdays, fathers' day, mothers' day, we will make it a pt to eat out.
as 4 buyg things, my sis is better at spotting wat my mum likes. i leave it to my sis.

Ur mum is oso like my mum. she wun nag abt taking care of the kids but rather her complains is exactly like how ur mum puts across like when R almost fell off fr the chair/sofa, tts exactly how my mum will tell us too.
and when she wanna use the cane to teach R a lesson, she oso ask 4 our permission! *faint* i say juz go ahead dun need to ask me... coz i know she dun really whack R but use the cane on his palm or soles juz to scare him. we got 3 canes at home to scare the 2 kids!
Now I try to not squat so much n walk less but still abit hard lor. Think with the medi should be able to 'dong'another wk min bah. But I jus feel funny lor cos dunno can tahan how long since already start dilation liao then I take the pill dunno I can feel it anot like very mao tun lor.

Same lor for D water bag jus burst without warning somemore was at 35wk 6day so next day give birth was 36wk liao.....haha
But gynea gave me the pill to induce after I admit cos I also never feel any contraction although she say the machine say got very mild contraction.
N she check me I only 1cm dilated. So imagine I so shock when she told me 1cm leh. I was like "HUH, last time I admited also 1cm leh"......hahaha

So hor me this blur mummy also dunno how BH or mild contraction will feel like lor......keke

Wah ur twins were 2.8kg when born aah. U very eh sai leh....hehe
My son only 2.68kg nia. But my gynea predict quite zun cos went for checkup 2 days before his birth she said 2.6kg and when born 2.68kg....hehe
I dun experiance any of this for #1 n this preg I took the medi to reduce contraction since bout 6mths after I got spotting so all the more dunno.
Actually to me the weight okie liao cos #2 all along is slightly below average her size but now also try to eat more beef n durian beef her up alittle if possible.
Cos my son already look so small to me at birth if this 1 smaller look even more kelian.....haha
My gynea very optimistic she say at least 1 more week then can liao 2.6kg like my son. So I said okie I eat more durians she never say anything.....haha

A look slimer in this pic n he n belle look so alike both got the cheeky look.....hehe

I tell u hor now adays hor D will ask for milk at night before he sleep bout 9-10pm so I will make 200ml which he will finis. Then 30min-1 hr later if he dun sleep he will ask for milk again. I will let him ask a few times before I finally make another 200ml for him.
Then this ah siao sometimes will ask for milk AGAIN. SOmetimes I give in n make another 150ml if he still doesn't sleep after 1 hr. Or when I refuse n he finally sleep he will wake at 3-4am n ask for 200ml AGAIN.

Siao lor his food intake is the same leh not eating lesser. Infact sometimes he takes a small bowl of rice at 7pm. N still ask for all the milk.
Siao hor but my friend say its growth spurt. so big liao still growth spurt aah.

Talking about inlaws hor u know how near mine stays too ma n Mon hubby called home to tell me my inlaws wanna come over n see D. Say they "miss" D very long never see D.
WTF I so angry leh. We go to their place more then 1 time a week. N we jus went over on Sat nia. Its their problem if they wanna play mahjong everytime we go down so their majiong more precious then the grandson then say until like we dun let them see D like that.
Wat stupid excuse lor. N my fil very weird 1 lor if he found out my dad bring D to J8 he will quickly want to bring D downstairs on his own also. Mon whole family camejus to bring D to the 7-11 opp. Si beh boliao lor.
I think they see my tummy suddenly so big liao they scared D will keep going my dad place after I give birth so now they want to make D like them better. Ling shi bao fuo jiao. Now I worry my confinement my fil will keep coming to ka jiao....sigh
Since you all on this topic, thought I must praise my mum a bit also... I really dunno wat i'll do w/o her. She does a fine job and is still telling me to quickly hav #2 otherwise she might get too old by then. Wanted to send my boy for playschool to ease her load but she doesn't agree cos she thinks he's too young. I really 'peifu' her, even I CANT stand my boy at times...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Wendy,
Sometimes just ignore these naggings lah. Though yr mum nags for few days, but she may be so happy deep inside.
Or she prefer cash? Then give her red packet lor.
Dun worry so much, gotta be happy. Hey, happy mum = happy bb

Yes, I think our parents do think for our pockets, but they still enjoy the outings. I think, at least for me, if next time I grow old, my gals treat me like this, let me and hb join with their family gatherings, regardless which type, we will be very happy.

I never dare to eat kuey chap until my hb told me can tell the uncle/auntie dun put the intestines. I very sua ku de, only started to eat recently and I'm hooked! I eat only the pork meat, tau pok, egg and tau kua. I love the pork meat and tau pok most haha... Kiam Chye I leave to you lah, I dun like.

I also blur with BH and mild contraction during Jaslyn's time. Oh well, my colleague was right then, she told me you would know when the big one came.
I had BH as early as 6mths preggie with Jaslyn. Pain till I wanna die.
I gave birth to Jolene on week 36th, same time as you gave birth to Damien.
I admitted, was straight away to delivery ward and kena strapped to the machine liao, then induced via drip. That time also 1cm... took me 4hrs to fully dilated then I started to pain like mad, but then I was so high with the gas mask, gong gong liao.
But Jaslyn's time was different. A week before delivery, I was then 1.5cm dilated. Then BH more regular and more painful. 2nd time was contraction pains then I admitted. When admitted was then 3cm then all the way till I went into delivery ward still 3cm. 生Jaslyn时,痛死我! Cos din really use gas mask. Call me stupid, but I wanna experience the real pain cos I'm not going to go thr it haha...
So, you now guai guai stay at home to rest to prepare for the BIG day keke...</font>
Haha, these few days been having it bad from my Mum, and what a coincidence, you guys were on the topic too. What else can we do but ren ren ren.

Jenny,you always tempting us. I just ordered a batch form the forum spree.
Now with the free shipping regardless of amount more tempting.

Lotte will start the bilingual class Sat, 2pm at JG next semster, anyone in the same class? But we'll miss the first 2 lessons as I'll be bringing her to the US to look for hb end of this month.
the intestines very nice de. try to eat n you will hook to it.

I can eat all the things inside the kueh chap. keke..

yeah..your mum really super. deal with 2 kids really not easy.
must reward her once a while.

no lal. if my mum stay near to me, she also wun offer help one. cos she think that we must settle our problem, we all have to learn independent.
imaging my eldest sis stay so near wif mum, she due soon, but she have to find part time maid to do house chores, then find nanny for the new born, all she have to worried by her own (bil also bo chap). but my mom din say anythings lel.

MIL also dun like to go out for meal. Hb always use A for excuse then ask her go along. think they do think for our pockets.

Dun worry so much, but always think of the baby inside your tummy. Cheers~

huh? D drink so MUCH? i saw so many btl of 200ml? Di he drink during daytime? can see that he love FM. what brand he drink?

then you 'tahan' abit till 36 weeks. 2.6kg will be a good weight liao. D only 2.68at birth, but one mth later he become so pui pui, right?

re. your IL, they are jelous D too close to your family arr? tell them 临时抱佛脚没有用的。haha...

then 顺一下her ba..
actually other than taiwan &amp; HK, can go Bangkok if she want 吃东西,买东西。
My MIL cant walk too long, so HK &amp; tw are out for her &amp; she been there many times on the past. Now she prefer go BKK, eat &amp; eat &amp; can shop till siao. they even can drag back mangoes, guava, flower in boxes frm there.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">coral,
I'm just sharing nia, I din tempt hahaha...
Good news must share share de...

Yes, I did think of BKK, but with 2 kids, I a bit sianz... haha... anyway hb can't take long leave now. So wait lor...
I'm looking for this kind of cup.
Translucent plastic cup with a cover.
Anyone saw at any pasar malam or any shop selling at North or West?
Went Causeway Point Pasar Malam yesterday and couldn't find?

I last saw in mid May at Pasar Malam @ Yishun, selling $2 per pc. Looking to replace the cups at my mum place.

Hi Jasmine,
Me come from M'sia

I think u send Mav to cc, got subsidy at $150 (full time working mum), then #2 can put ur mum's place. in this way, u actually cut down a lot compare to engage a nanny. If Mav is sick, at least ur mum can still look after for few days. My fren pay $500 for her mum +$200 (for her gal's playgroup fee), of course the gal stay at her mum's place.

Bb so cute, time fly v fast ya..

Sleeping time
Already the 4th nites, my G will wake up at either 2am / 5am mid nite. So sian..&amp; tired. He all along is guai guai can sleep thru e nite, dunno why recently changed liao. No choice, i've to put him sleep at around 10pm+ even can drag to 11pm. But still wake up! Tao tiah la!
<font face="kristen ITC"> hello mummies...

TGIF.. i no mood to work liaoz... hehee.. miss chatting lah..

on mums as caregivers.. i also got my 2cents worth to share...

all e while b4 belle arrived, my mum was e sole caregiver... to me, altho ayden was already a very easy baby, everyday i still have to listen to her complains... to me, i feel that at tat point in time, after a whole day of facing a baby who cant chat back to u.. its her way of "getting back in touch" with e adult world lor... so i juz let her be lor...

then when we knew belle arriving, n hired e maid... e complains "turned" towards e maid... n now, every single day without fail, complains is about belle... *haiz*... i already "numb" liaoz.. cos every day is...

(1) aiyooo, ur daughter hor, today dont wana drink milk leh... 120ml take 1hr to drink leh...

(2) aiyooo, ur daughter hor, today dont wana sleep leh... each time only sleep 20mins, put her down she wake up liaoz... total less than 2hrs ar...

(3) aiyooo, ur daughter hor, today very notti leh... keep screaming n crying... until im going deaf liaoz...

that being said... i know she still dotes on both of them alot.. but being cooped up indoors all e time does strain her lor....

but as for bringing her out for meals, shopping hor... she'll tell me she rather not go... cos even if we go out together, she'll end up having to take care of 1 of them (usually is belle, cos e rest of us will be running after ayden...
)... or if we go out for makan, everyone will be rushing thru e meal cos gotto take turns looking after e 2 of them...
whenever possible, i juz let her go out on her own on weekends when im home n not planning to go out lor.. but other than that, she doesnt wan anything else.. if i buy something for her, i kena scolded instead....

i know she been wanting to go HK.. so am planning a family trip for year-end... but she "ai mai ai mai"... cos i think she feel tat end up gotto help out with e kids she wont enjoy... but even if i sponsor her, there's nobody for her to go with.... *haiz*...

paiseh ar... long time no post so abit long-winded.... </font>
<font face="kristen ITC">
thanks for all e compliments on my babes...

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>,
my bf-ing career ar.. still "struggling" lor.. already succumb to e medication domperidone liaoz... hopefully can sustain till belle is 1yr old bah....

okie... going off liaoz.. finally going to enjoy my lunch hr... heheh.. TTFN!</font>
i thot my R is a milk addict liao, now then i noe D is the real champion!
he really drinks alot of milk! growth spurts ah? hmmmm, i think might b possible. anyway i believe by now they r able to tell when they r full, so if R ask for milk a few times, i will make 4 him.

R oso same thing wat. He usually has his dinner at my mum's ard 5+ or 6pm. When i hv my dinner at 7pm, he will wan to eat as well. sometimes he eats quite a substantial amt. then b4 he sleeps at 8.30pm or 9, he'll ask for milk as usual, regardless of how much dinner he had. sometimes i touch his tummy n tell him its alrdy so rounded, u sure u still wan more milk? he will nod his head!
then i wonder issit coz FM more delicious? how come he is not a milk addict when i was bfg him leh? free flow leh!
wah looks like u r really due anytime...

wah u serious ah? recently then started to like kway chap?! heee... i dun even eat meat... so if i eat alone, v lugi one... muz eat wif someone whom will finish everything.

eeeeeee..... i dun dare to eat intestines lah.... so gross... i tried but spit out everything. not gg to try again lah.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">crystallized,
I love those pork meat cook long long in those black soya sauce kekeke... My mum cooks the best. Dun really dare to eat outside one cos very er xin.

you know hokkien got this tradition where after we given birth, our mums will buy intestines over on the 12th day? My CL cooked white pepper intestines soup when my mum brought over. I called and asked my sis bf to come up for dinner to finish that dish hahaha... yucks, he still told me very nice...
we are 同乡。keke...

Jia-You! another 5 mths Belle will b 1 year old, right?
think we all are same, always heard complaint once back frm work. sometimes i will auto ask A, Are you a good boy today?
then, all the complaint start. haha

think FM sweet than EBM..

oo..is it 胡椒猪肚汤? this soup super yummy one lel. I can eat a big bowl soup with rice. MIL will cook it during festival. But ionly eat those home cooked one. cos if you din clean it properly (have to wash with lemon many times), very strong smell &amp; sure dun dare to eat it.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
yes, that's the soup.
I drink the soup cos a lot of white pepper... intestines go far far from me. I can't help but think of "intestines".
My hb used to eat all these plus oysters etc... after my "eeee" and "yucks", now he also dun dare to eat anymore
that one is pig tummy.
paiseh..i love eating these. but i can't accept oysters or 'ham' those got nuah nuah things inside.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
different ah? Whatever lah, all internal organs I dun dare to eat. Those oysters, mussels, "harm", top shell etc etc, I all dun eat one.
<font size="+1"><font face="Berlin Sans FB">
<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
hehehe... thanks for e "oil"... ya, 5more months.. very fast hor...
hahaha.. i dont dare to ask tat qn.. skully "ben lai" no complain 1... i open a can of worms then more jialat...

<font color="ff6000">jenny, jRt, jasmine...</font>
how come u all today talking abt food??? all those things u all dont eat 1 hor... i love... especially oysters n "hum" n top shell, plus "la la", "tua tou" my favourite!!! *yum yum*...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
juz now u at vivo ar??? i also went there for lunch...
if u there nex time can try The Asian Kitchen at B2... the soft-shell crab la-mien is very good... they use e chilli crab gravy... *yum yum*... </font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">starz,
Eee... all your favourite = All I dun dare to eat stuff hahahha

Ya, went vivo just now. And met coolcoolmum there haha...
Oh is it... next time I go try. Always a lot of ppl leh, I chiong down then chiong back keke..
D jus started this milk craze recently 1 leh. Previously u give him 200ml at night nia he dun even finis it okie. He drinking EnfaGrow A+ now.
Day time he will take 1 or 2 times also like before his nap at 3-4pm then if wake liao he ask again at 6pm I give lor n depends 150ml or 200ml see how much he ate before the milk.

D is 2 mths later then suddenly pui pui 1 he 1 mth still scrawny look very kelian 1.....hehe
My inlaws very jealous lah n esp D is the "zhang sun" ma n they teochew very proud ppl ma. But please lor never use their brain to think aah. D see my parents like once a week nia much less then them but he still likes them better.
How to fight?? N they always buy him those cheapo toys from pasar malam or china that D dun even like or already outgrow long ago lor. I always tell hubby D is growing everyday but his family is not. My bils still talk to D like he's a small bb n pinch his cheeks. D will jus stare at them like asking "WTH".....hahaha

I also dun eat the yo ji is it?? But hubby n I love the kuew chap intestines we will be the 1 to order extra 1.....haha
My dad loves cooking the yo ji soup n make it very peppery. Ask me to drink the soup okie lah but dun ask me to eat the yoji....eeeeee

Hi 5 I also like all those.......hahahha
But me weird 1 hum hor I like it fully cooked got blood I dun eat 1.....keke
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">doreen,
err.. yo ji is what? intestines? No right, is kidney tio bor?

hahaha... I'm getting confused with all the names. To me, all are known as INTERNAL ORGANS kekeke...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">The seller is selling for $8 per pc or $15 for 2 pcs. Might as well go buy the pull up better... so ex.
Same like u, the things tt Starz like to eat, i all dun dare to eat. So we r sama sama. During wedding dinners, i dun eat abalone &amp; scallops etc. My MIL always say its gd to sit next to me coz i give up all the goodies to the person sitting next ti me.
For seafood, my fav is Fish. I oso eat crab &amp; prawns. The rest like lala, dua tao, sotong, i all dun dare to eat.
Yah i rem the white pepper intestine soup. i oso dun dare to take. i only drink the soup nia.

U &amp; jasmine can appreciate all the gd food. me &amp; jenny eat the cheap cheap things only. kekeke

D has been drinking enfagrow all these while? i thot he's taking GAIN?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">crystallized,
I hate fish! Steam fish still ok for me. But hor, you know at Yishun industrial park there got this thai fish, deep fried de, called San Wei Yu? I forgot the restuarant name, but used to be at Sembawang Shopping Centre one. they moved to the industrial hawker centre after shopping centre was demolished. I love their San Wei Yu with the Thai Chilli. Chong Pang there the KFC building is the other outlet but I find the standard there no good. Think Esther mentioned that the owner is her hb's campmate keke.
you ji=kidney. that one hor last time i like to eat when my mum cook. but dunno when mil cook for me during confinement, very strong urine smell. at the end, we throw &amp; never buy liao.

me also teochew. so, i understand why your in law dote D so much. hahaha...My parents has alot of grandchildren frm daughter (me &amp; my sis), but they never feel sastified cos they want the grandchild carried our surname. finally wait abt 10 yrs after elder bro married, now only they got a grand daughter frm my eldest bro. can see they dote her a lot. But glad that they said girl or boy also never mind, as long as their own grand child. see...

how many pcs in huggies jumbo pack? XL should be enough for A, rite?
you hate fish? I love fish, any type of fish. and A like me, he can eat a big fish in 2 meals. luckily MIL is fish lover, so everyday we got fish to eat. keke...

yeah..time flies. another few mths, you can like Jenny, shake legs liao cos both kids already grown up.
Jlyn jio Jenny to go eat kway chap. that's why we start talking abt food loL..
Freshpoison, yes, so I'll see you from week three. Will you go for orientation next fri? Has your boy been to it before? I didn't go for trial, not sure how Lotte will like it.
Yeah!! thinking of moving back to my mum's place just make me feel so great!!! after confinement, will still continue to stay till my house is ready in 09.
hi mummies..
sorry for being MIA yest..somehow no in mood to post..my family's chihuahua dog, Mickey was put to sleep yesterday morning..he was kinda having some illness whc required intensive expensive vaccinations (vet also cant promised if aft those vaccinations, will he get well anot) whc we cant afford in long term also..then wasnt eating well &amp; lose more appetite lately till my mum also got to "pump" the food in his mouth to feed him..he was having cramps in the middle of the night &amp; vomitted..then my sis took him to the vet on yest morn..vet suggested we put him to sleep..i know my sis really loved this dog alot..he has been a obedient dog all along..so she was really v upset when told by vet on this ultimate decision..she even told vet that she want to witness the whole process..it was pretty fast (sad to say) bcoz Mickey's heart was very weak..he's gone in less then 5sec aft the jab..in a way also gd for him..at least he dun hv to suffer anymore..just that in the morn we knew the dog was at home then by the time i m back home..the dog is no longer ard anymore..sigh..really bad Fri 13th...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">doreen,
I also tot Damien on Gain leh.

XL jumbo if I'm not wrong is 30 pcs bah. Jaslyn's usage for pull up very low, a pack can use very long, and I've 2 unopened L size pack. I tot hb to start using pull up at home now, if not wait outgrown. XL should be ok for Alvis.
My hb is a fish lover keke... Realised my gals same as me dun like fish, I think influence by me leh.

It's a better choice to put the dog to sleep when he's sick.
At least yr family dog has a reason to put to sleep, unlike my IL's dog. Dun be sad.
hi mummies

been a long time since my last post! gd to see everyone's babies are growing so well!

anyway, any mummies staying in woodlands? im shifting to woodlands in sept and am looking around for a pre-nursery school in that vicinity.

any good schools with low teacher student ratio to recommend?
i enquired abt Evangel Kindergarten in Woodlands. 2hrs session daily at $160 per month. Reasonable rates but im not comfy with their teacher student ration of 2:13..

will prefer a small class like 1:6 though.

<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babygrace, doreen,
I love borderlinx hahaha...
Really fast! I paid shipping charges on 11th, and they sent over my package. Reached earlier morning today. Now waiting for DHL to deliver my package. But I read in the other thread that DHL dun really do delivery on weekend. So my guess, they will deliver on Mon.
