(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi coral,

I do have a small tummy before when i'm preggie. so now, a bit confused whether my tummy is swelling now. But nowadays, if see myself in those full-length mirrors or in lfts, can see a slight bulging tummy.

These few days, i dun get hungry easily which I'm very worried as compared to few wks ago. Is this normal?

Gemini, don't worry so much. Anyway, preggies are suppose to eat 20% more only. Sometimes being tired might just affect your appetite. So long as it's not pro-longed lost of appetite should be fine.

doggiemummy, yours is hard ah? Mine hard too. That's why I keep thinking it's not just me growing fat.
Wow this is crazy, just logged in to see if there are replies after my posting and wow - you ladies sure is "eng" hor....that's great that's great.
I was feeling sick just now so went to a corner to zzzzzzz.......
Anyway for myself, my mum made me most of my maternity clothes last year - hee hee so i save up a bit already.........cos she was shopping with me one day and i bought a top for $49 - she was like HUH - so ex.....then went to Joo Chiat to buy 7-8 pieces of nice cloth and made at least 6 tops and 3 dresses for me hahaha.....self designed and the cloth is only $40! and looks quite nice also - too bad my friend borrow and came back kind of worn out now........but mum promised me to make new ones lah......
AnW, you're lucky.

If I log on very often it means I feel sick and come in here to distract myself as I feel too sick to concentrate on work leh.
Hi mummies...

Wah lao... I must really update myself thru ALL these post in one shot...
Sunday think too many ppl log on, I cannot even access this forum.
Ok... here goes...

Hi Jenny, Wendy,
Me started on my bb blog liao... Still trying to update it as regular as possible...
Maybe later let you all know the URL. Will go scan my U/S photos by end of this week to put in the blog... hee... so exciting...

Hi Coral,
Happie Belated B'dae!!!

Hi Jenny,
Sorry abt your m.clothes... but then again... new ones paid by hubby might not be a bad thing after all... hee...
BTW, I just went on my very first maternity shopping last weekend. Went suntec's Spring to find work pants but not very comfy. Maybe becoz of my size. In the end, bought one pants from Perfect Mum. Yes, the sales is a bit pushy and tell you to try this, try that, but I quite like the feel of the pants. And the fact that it can be wore till quite late of the preggies. So there goes my money. After they pass me a top to try with the pants, when I step out to look at myself in the mirror, I got a shock! Ahh... I really look like a pregnant mummy... haha... look really pregnant... then I faster took off the top... haha.. think still cannot accept the fact that I am going to grow SOoo big... haha... now still cannot forget that scene. Lucky hubby never see me... haha...
BUT it is fun though...

Hi Doggiemummy, Gemini,
My tummy not really hard leh... but can become a bit hard when I got lots of gas... Do you all mummies have this problem of having a lot of gas too ??
Hi gers....
firstly wanna congratulate all mummies here!!
me jus realised was pregnant 3wks ago..
bb's 7 wks plus now... goin for 2nd chk-up soon...

got lotsa queries to check with all of u....
hopefully any of u can help me cos it's my first time....
Hee, I think I read wrongly hahaha... so is doggiemummy. Siong for her.

I think the forum was down for a short while on Sun.
You had a great time trying the clothes? Ya, I dun like Perfect Mum sales, very pushy.
Hi mummies
Have any of you bought your maternity clothes online before. I came across this website, clothes esp pants seems cheap and not bad http://www.sassymom.com.sg............might wanna invest in some pants for this new baby. Take a look yah

Ya too add - Perfect Mum is very pushy - from my previous pregnancy, wah lao, they throw this and that foryou to try and i only ended buying 1 piece - gave me a black face look - after that , i dun go back to the shop anymore. Spring maternity and Cloud9 are not bad. I also went to china town hawker centre there to buy cheap weekend casual wear....tops less than $15 only.........and T-shirts about $10.

Me already 8 weeks and tummy still soft, maybe still too much layers of fats after my 1st pregnancy - hahahah i am 5kg heavier than before pregnancya and haven't shed off those fats and now, 2nd one coming - sigh gonna be a big fat mum........lucky i am tall lah if not sure look like a ball
Morning Gals,

Does anyone of you experience a pulling on your tummy area? For me, I do get it on-off, but this morning, it's quite bad that I cant even stand up straight for a while. This pulling only happens on my right side tummy.

Hi hi linsaw..
Okok, thks for the advise..will be starting soon..i guess the dun over the next few mths will be a better one..dryer & hotter..thks for all, u have been sweet...

Hi hi coral..
I guess it doesnt matter if u r growing fat healthily...at least u r assured that the bb is absorbing from u..its gd..i only noticed that I grew fat from the breast downwards..i m ok for the bbs sake..hubby even asked if I m growing fat too rapidly & not very gd to the bb..haha..i guess we will check with the gynae during my visit this sat..u mean we cant even go to baby fair now? hmm..can share why? Thks!

Hi hi babygrace..
Thks for sharing with us abt lying on the left side..i didnt know abt tat..nowadays, I lie on the right more often than the left..wil change my sleeping posture from tonight onwards..thks~

Hi hi JasmineGok..
Thks for sharing abt the maternity exchange url..will go & take a look..cheers~

Hi hi doggiemummy..
I dun go & press my tummy to see if its hard..only touch it & also get hubby to put his hand at the lower tummy area to feel the bbs heartbeat..haha..but I duno if its my heartbeat linked or its really the bbs heartbeat..then when hubby lie down to listen..he only hear water..haha..

Hi hi AnW..
Wow..so nice of ur mum to make u maternity clothes..it must be very wen-xin..heehee..my mum can make as well but I think her eyesight isnt that gd nowadays..so I guess will probably get her to go shopping with me..i only asked her how come she didnt keep her ah-go-go style maternity clothes for meheehee..

Hi hi Vivian..
Okok..will be great to be able to hear from u..cheers~ I think nowadays I farted more often..hubby cant stand me at times..hahabut I duno if its becoz of the contispation prob..but yest I eat one piece of papaya..its really useful..evening b4 I go off from work, really effective leh..cool!

Hi hi Carol..
Welcome to the thread! Like u, we have a lot of 1st time mummy here too..

Yap yap, very pushy and I kena conned to become member... 1st time mah, blur blur... ended the clothings from Perfect Mum all KIV in the wardrobe cos dun like the design. Dunno why I bought in the 1st place hahaha...
Aiya dun worry lah, I also very big size one cos I'e been practising mouth exercise dunno since when, can't stop kekeke...

I think on and off you will feel the pulling. But if really painful, consult your gynae cos we won't know if it is the inner expanding for bb or what.

Coral said she is avoiding bb fair cos of pantangness lah... Some preggie women who are not pantang will become pantang when they preggie, either too stress or they encountered miscarriage like Coral, so just to play safe. But personally I never heard can't go bb fair lah. The only minus point is that preggie women have to squeeze with the crowds and kids lor. This kind of fair, no one will give way one cos most are preggies or mothers with kids. I only know some pantang ppl dun buy bb stuff only after 4 mths preggie. My colleague's MIL is more pantang, she said can't buy bb stuff until bb is born!
I avoid going bb fair cos I don't want to be tempted to buy bb stuff lor. As the pple told me to be more pantang now and shouldn't buy bb stuff too early. The last time I was so tempted and bought bb stuff in the end I burn it all for my son when he left. So this time I need to exercise control and so avoid all these fair, else see cute things will want to buy.
Jenny, you blur blur leh. I told you it's nto doggiemummy who need to go to inlaw once a week, it me. And you keep saying siong for her. Heehee, she only need to go once a month, so easy for her lah. Siong for me.
Wendy, actually I'm not worried about getting fat, looking forward to the swell so can wear maternity clothes. But I guess will have to wait until 4th mth before I get big.
Oh gals, since they are so many bb fairs upcoming... perhaps you gals can go see see look look on prams/strollers. Do some survey first before deciding to buy when nearer to EDD or after bb is born. That time I blur blur cos I din go see see look look, ended at shopping malls blur blur, asking stupid qns from the sales hahaha
I avoid going bb fair cos I don't want to be tempted to buy bb stuff lor. As the pple told me to be more pantang now and shouldn't buy bb stuff too early. The last time I was so tempted and bought bb stuff in the end I burn it all for my son when he left. So this time I need to exercise control and so avoid all these fair, else see cute things will want to buy.
Jenny, you blur blur leh. I told you it's nto doggiemummy who need to go to inlaw once a week, it me. And you keep saying siong for her. Heehee, she only need to go once a month, so easy for her lah. Siong for me.
Wendy, actually I'm not worried about getting fat, looking forward to the swell so can wear maternity clothes. But I guess will have to wait until 4th mth before I get big.
Hi Jenny,

Thks for the advise. Most of the time, I can tahan the pulling as it's for a few mins. But this morning, it's quite bad. But now, it's ok. But will definitely tell my gynae about it.

Hi the rest of MTBs,

How often do you see your gynae? From the postings, some of you see your gynae quite often. My 1st visit is when the gynae confirmed that I'm 6 wks preggie. The 2nd visit is one mth later, which is when I'm 10 wks preggie.
Hihi.... me ultra excited....like all of u
in the meantime, im oso preparing for my wedding... so ultra multi-tasking now..

I think i've put on weight too... abt 2-3kg since i knew i was pregnant... so do feel abit low morale...

Would like to know how all of u can keep ur spirits so high wor?? me do feel slpy during d day n kept burping....
hi Gemini,
If your pregnancy is a normal non risky one, Dr Ho will get you to go once a month. That's usually the case for other gynaes. I've seen him 3x already since having tested positive and will be seeing him again this sat. Very siong on my pocket.
me too come in to de-stress myself

lots of gas is common and normal... i rather that than being "merlion" (know what i mean?)


the pulling effect better check with your gynea. As what i know, gyneas are worried over pulling effect and spotting.
just to make sure lor

oh hear heartbeat already?? hmmm... never thought of letting hubby hear the heart beat

the other day i strain my eyes on my tummy and saw a bit of movement, happily told hubby about it, hubby say i siao liao :p

your mum is so nice make maternity clothes for you

the shop (shibuya) location that i posted yday, the Great world city location is gone, wasted my trip there yday. better go to far east location that wendy mentioned
Hi Gemini, I'm only going for my second visit this Sat so also not as frequent as the rest. I guess if preg is normal and healthy, gynae will not ask to see us so often. In fact, in Spore we're seeing gynae very frequently already. Some European countries, they see 2-3 times trhoughout the preg process. Takling about the pulling hor, I get it initially, then it stopped last week, it started again last night, I got so worried taht I dreamt about spotting. But when I told gynae about the pulling during last visit, he said it's normal due to the changes and grow. But soemtimes I still get paranoid.
Carol, I guess many of us here also feel sleepy and some of us got bad MS too. But I think preg is a beautiful process and we should try our best to enjoy it. And for bb sake, we'll try to keep a high spirit. Even when I get very sick, I don't blame the preg or bb lor. I also don't want bb to be born grumpy. So when I think abt bb I get happy. Carol, don't worry about putting on weight ow so long as it's not too much at one go. It's the happy swell! The preg hormones will make you'll look very radiant for your wedding. Congrats! Today my colleague who just came back from 3 wks of travelling also notice my swell in tummy. Hehe, so happy that bb is showing himself/herself to the world.
Hi Gemini,

So far I have visited my gynae twice. Once is on the 5th week and the other is yesterday which is exactly 6th week. Will be visiting again next week.

Like wat babygrace say lor, really siong on the pocket but I also don't mind as me & my hubby are eager to know the progress too. Hee hee

Hi Carol,
Congrates on your upcoming wedding. Do enjoy your preparation and also take care too.
Me too have put on some weight, abt 1 to 2 Kg. Always feel super hungry.
Hi babygrace,

That's why I find it weird. Cos of my pre-exsiting illness, Dr Ho only wants to see 1 mth later. Does this mean that he think that my pregnancy will be a normal one? I hope so too!

Can help me save a bit of $$. I realised that he has increased his consulation charges. Before preggie, it's $50, now after preggie, it's $85. I think my pregnancy will be very xiong on my pocket, need to see my neurologist and also gynae.
But if it means that I can have a healthy baby, it's will be all worthwhile...

Hi doggiemummy, coral,

Thks. Will definitely tell my gynae about the pulling
it's ok to spend as long as baby is healthy, i need to see my thyroid specialist too, but at least thyroid bills company pay, gynea bills hubby pay.
my friend told me when she was pregnant the moment she step out of toilet for puking, her hubby immediately want to drive her out for eating again, if not baby hungry
Hi doggiemummy,

No matter how much, I dun mind spending the $$ as long as the baby is healthy. But I'm on a contract basis, thus my medical bills can't claim all. That's why I say a bit xiong for me.

Hi coral,

ur friend hubby very cute leh!
Hi Carol,
I also put on 2kg within 2 weeks in between my 1st (5wk) and 2nd (7wk) visits to the gynae. And that was when I dun really have a lot of appetite so kinda scary... But then when I went back to her after 2 weeks (9wk) due to "hip" ache, which I thot I should have weigh even heavier coz I got better appetite as time goes, in the end, I lose the 2 kg I have put on previously. Weird right? I ask my gynae and her answer is becoz my meals are regulated and I tends to have more meals but lighter ones... meaning I eat almost every 4 to 5 hours but each time only eat a bit. So that is better for health, for BB and for me too... You should try that too... (although I keep telling my hubby "I very hungry... I very full... I very hungry again... I cannot eat anymore...", he got so confused and dun know what to do... haha...)
Now, my hubby got the idea liao, everytime we going to order our food, we just order less than 2 ppl's share coz confirm I cannot finish mine... Dun waste...

Hi Wendy,
I having constipation problem all my life... so this time, got to be very careful. Gynae advise me to settle this problem early becoz towards later of the preg, bb will start to take more space, plus the iron pills that will be coming later and if you got constipation, it is going to be quite a torture. So, I actually go and buy a big water bottle, everyday MADE myself to finish all the water in the bottle. PLUS, eat at least 2 portion of fruits... trying very hard... still not very consistent yet but still trying... My hubby is so used to me shouting out loud, "I WANT TO SH*T!!!" haha

Hi Gemini,
I am on contract also. So me siong too.. every visit at $80 onwards... next visit going with hubby for the first time, going to ask him to pay... haha...

Tell you all something funnie, remember that time, someone, forgot is doggiemummy or who, who said that her hubby will touch her tummy while talking to the bb's scan photo? When my hubby came back from work that day, I told him to talk to my bb, and you know what he reply??
"Dun want... wait till he/she has grown a ear first.." Wah lao, like that how to tell him to sayang my bb... sigh...
Vivian, my hb also, tell him to talk to bb now or tell him not to say nonsense else bb pick up he'll say bb still can't hear so never mind.
Wei kuan, don't scare yourself. Don't think it's harmful to bb. Not x-ray.
ya doggiemummy, but want to cultivate the habit mah. And also want hb to be part of the process. Now he kiss bb goodnight everyday.
mine to kiss me liao will kiss bb

mine ki siao liao use stuff toys to play with tummy, so dont dare to tell him about listening to the heart beat :p
Really? You burn the stuff away? Is it a must?
hee... How come I keep reading sala ah? Blur me!!!

Usually in 1st trimester, will go to see gynae about 3 weeks interval. Then when into 2nd trimester, is abt once a mth, early 3rd trimester will be 3 weeks interval, then slowly once a fortnight, then when nearer to EDD will be once a week. This is a rough guide for so called "normal" pregnancy.

Think happily especially your wedding is just around the corner. Don't keep thinking of MS lor. And must rest enough and well.
Jenny, not a must, but since I bought those things with him in my mind, so just burn them for him. Huh, never know we can claim our receipts from Medisave one. how to do that?
Doggiemummy, ya, kiss me goodnite then bb too. My hb had wanted to buy the doopler to listen to bb's heartbeat, but told him I want to avoid being so paranoid. he still not so carzy as to lay with tummy, but he always complain to bb when he thinks I bully him.
If I remember correctly hor, can claim up to $450 from Medisave. On the day of delivery or discharge, just bring all the bills to hospital, the nurse will advise and help to claim.

Hi hi Jenny..
Really thankful to have u in the forum to clarify & share our doubts..appreciate the clarification..i hvnt heard abt not being able to visit baby fair but I guess it vary from individual..also some may find it too crowded..i guess I will heed ur advice not buying the bbs stuff till aft the 4th mth..this is calculated based on LMP hor? So will u be gg down on Fri, Sat or Sun? Me will also be checking out on the magazines availableya, I guess u have a point, go & ask questions now to gain knowledge & can compare also..thks for ur reminder in keeping the receipts for claiming with Medisave..cheers~

Hi hi coral..
Okok, thks for the reply..i guess see can but dun buy now also gd lor..i m sorry to hear abt ur lossu must take gd care..heehee..i m sure we all are looking forward to us wearing the maternity clothings..u r right..must stay happy & keep our spirit high..ur hubby so sweet..kiss gdnight to bb..heeee..cheers~

Hi hi Gemini..
I saw the 1st female gynae to confirm my pregnancy at my 6th wkthen bcoz I wanted a male gynae, so I went back to him on my 7th wk..my next appt is this sat, my 9th wk..my male gynae sees me 3 wk once I guess..actually quite looking forward to see my bb lor..heehee..although quite ex lah the consultation..heehee..but this time round, my MIL will be following us..i m kinda having 2nd thots..but bcoz my male gynaes clinic is very near to my house..just across the street..so I guess very hard to reject my MIL now also..

Hi hi Carol..
I guess u must be very busy now..preparing for ur wedding..whens ur big day?must take gd careI get tired only at nights..so tend to sleep earlier than usual..

Hi hi doggiemummy..
I didnt know now can see movement leh..i thot usually will have to wait till bb is bigger? Hmm..i only put my hands at the tummy to feel the heartbeat..but not sure if that belongs to me or bbs..heeheoh, u went to shibuya at great world city then no more ahh..aiyaI guess maybe can go over to far east plaza to check out lor..wish u gd luck in ur shopping spree..cheers~

Hi hi Vivian..
Wow..really very jin-pei by u..u really made an effort to drink lotsa of water & also eat at least 2 serving of fruits..i guess u r right..i must ensure that I hv sufficient intake of fruits & also drink plenty of water to move my bowels more regularly..thks for sharing abt this..cheers~

Haha, Wnedy, I think it's more likely to be your heart beat. Although bb's heart beating very fast now, I guess with the layers of our fats, can't feel it lah. Bb can start moving rather early. can't remember 10wks or before, but ususally MTBs can't detect until later 18wks onwards? Now with the amount of wind in our tummy, it's no wonder if some of us can feel movements in our tummy. I often feel it too, but I believe it's my wind than the bb.
Wendy, you don't find it awkward to have MIL in the room during consultation? But I guess if it's tummy scan not so funny. But if v scan I'll feel so weird.
hi hi coral..
my last visit i had a tummy scan..so i guess this time round also is tummy scan..so shd be ok..no choice leh..initially wanted to get my FIL along..coz he's very happy i m preggy & also in the past, when my MIL got preggy, very rare to have such scans done..but FIL wont b gg lah..only MIL..somemore walking distance from my house to the gynae lor...i m staying with my in-laws..so never mind lah..also gd, then she will know how much the bill is..heehee..
Haha, I never dare to let MIL know the bill. She's a very thrifty person. last tiem I stayed in single ward, she keep saying it's a waste of money. In the end, I had to downgrade to 2 bedder. Actually, its nice to let the old folks share your joy. I think they'll sayang your bb more if they're more involve in the process. Happy for you that you have inlaws you get along well with.
Most likely to be Fri evening or Sun morning.
Err I think is based on LMP date bah.
I hor, now everyday 8pm, fall asleep while watching TV hahaha...
The heartbeat at the tummy area hor... kekeke... I checked with my gynae last time is it bb's heartbeat. He told me "No lah, is yours" :p So after giving birth hor, I felt my tummy for the heartbeat leh, but somehow couldn't feel the strong heartbeat like before leh. So till now I still dunno whose kekeke.
I think is doggiemummy who was asking on the size/length of bb. I got this chart but blur me, I forgot thr URL :p

Something like this...

8 weeks @ 1.6cm @ 1gm
9 weeks @ 2.3cm @ 2gms
10 weeks @ 3.1 cm @ 4gms
11 weeks @ 4.1cm @ 7gms
12 weeks @ 5.4cm @ 14gms
Jenny, thanks for the chart. Actually, that's what I did, after bb is no longer in my tummy, I touch tummy and actually can feel heartbeat, that's why i know it ours not bb's.

My male colleagues very funny, they thought bb at 8wks very big already. They thought it's at least te size of our palm. I told them no lah only 1-2cm. I told hb, that time at 6wks, bb only sixe of sesame, but can cause great havoc in my body liao.

hahaha coral, your male colleagues so funny. If 8 weeks very big already, then wat will happen to our tummies at 40 weeks????

hmm, I think the heartbeat is ours. Just that when not preggie, we dun tend to go to feel it.
