(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Jerene! Aiyo poor thing u... no wonder so quiet these days hehheh.. remember to drink more chix essence yah :p
My trip's coming along well, Nice part all confirmed already, now only left London's service apartment to deal with la.. A bit scared to end up in some dodgy apartments filled with musky smelling carpets and rugs.. worse, bed bugs errrrrr..and u JAI YOU! get going with your books

Melissa, ya la.. so quiet these days.. but I still come in at least once a day just nothing much to yak about now.. heehee.. how you coping with 2nd preggy? does Hannah show any signs of jealousy yet?

I just started A on fresh milk and cheese, just try try la.. cos I'm hoping by the time we leave for our trip she can handle these when we're in Europe.. She loves them by the way! surprise yah.. cos I didn't start my 1st - Chloe on fresh milk or cheese until she was probably 1.5 years old.. I also heard Gain IQ is not bad, let us know how did it go with Hannah when u eventually start her yah..

Er...actually its better to only start Stage 3 formula when they hit 1yrs old.
Even the CRM of Abbott who called me this week to promote the GAIN IQ also said once bb reach 1 yrs old, then I start introducing Stage 3.
<font color="0000ff">Mommies, thanks for the quick response on the X'mas party!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, Sorry, forgot to add in the details. hehehe... Its almost the same as the birthday bash which Jerene has posted sometime back. Here are the details:

Party Package - 2 Hours ($688 for 20 babies, Additional Child: $12.50)
Theme: There will not be a theme as this is not a birthday party. But they will be putting up x'mas decoration for us instead.
Activities: Games, gymnastics, Space Flight, puppets, rides, songs and exciting events led by the staff at MyGym
Food: An additional $290 but it is mainly finger food more for parents such as sandwich, french fries, juice etc
Favor: no favors provided. Need to pay additional. They have $5/$8/$10/$10 kind of favors.

I have already reserve the slot with them on 15 Dec from 4 to 6pm. This is still subject to changes but depends on their availability.

As for the payment, may I suggest that once u sign up, u are allowed to cancel up to 1 week b4 the party and no payment will be required. However, if you cancel within 1 week b4 the party, u will still need to pay to be fair to the other mommies. Is this ok? If not, pls feel free to come up with other suggestions.

<font color="ff0000">EP</font> So sorry I missed your posting. Of coz, you are welcome to join us at the x'mas party!

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>, study is important but so is your health. Take care yah!

<font color="119911">X'MAS PARTY - 15 Dec (Sat) from 4 - 6pm</font>
1. Alicia
2. Phoebe
3. PG
4. Jaime

Any mommies interested to join, pls add your name to the list.
fresh milk as in cow's milk izzit? sometimes when i drink milk, i will give Hannah some too. nowadays she like to kaypoh and eat my food and no longer want to eat her own food. so now i give her whatever i'm eating. but she didn't eat much though, however she still loves her formula milk. anyway how to know if she's displaying jealousy? she's forever clingy and nowadays when we sleep, she will sleep in between, no longer on her own mattress. she will sleep on my tummy and making it like a head pillow. my hubby will scold me b'cos she's like pressing on the baby but it's ok b'cos at this point baby is still very low down there.

hey abbot called you izzit? they called me too to promote Gain IQ and wanted to send me a sample but till now me waiting till neck long long never come. they had send me Similac 2 with a toy before.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, the up front payment is quite clever. However does that mean if there's any cancellation, the mummies who turn up would have to cover that portion? Sorry ah, I just want to make sure we all know what's going on la..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, I guess the signs should be more whining and more attention seeking.. tummy = pillow! hehee.. maybe she just trying to communicate with her lil sibling la..
Yes fresh milk as in cow's milk.. I use whole milk..
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, no prob! Erm.. actually I also quite confused. U were saying in your earlier post to consider collecting payment upfront to be fair. So I thought of suggesting that mommies who cancel at the last min would not be able to get back their refund. Just like when u reserve hotel rooms and you will still be charged even if you don turn up at the last min or u cancel at the last min. However if there is any cancellation of the party due to poor response, you need not pay. I will postpone the party to another date again. I have already paid 50% deposit (ie $344) for the birthday bash which is non refundable. I can either change the party to another date or use it for their programs. Just like wat I did for the birthday bash. I had to postpone it coz the response was too bad. We only managed to have 7 babies out of 20 which means the $688 will be split by only 7 pax which is way too ex. In this case, I really hope that we can get 20 babies or at least 15 so that it would not be too costly for each mommy. If the response is just as bad, I will have to cancel the party and postpone it to some other time again. What do u think of this suggestion? I am not a really good organizer. Please feel free to come up with better suggestions if you can.
mrs alicia see,
thk u.. i think its fair that pple who sign up cannot back out last min.. u need at least 20 babies (each baby is $34.40).
I jus had a july bd bash at My GYM n we had abt 30+ babies so we refunded the bal to the mummies. the party was GREAT ! i really encourage all mummie to participate..
Hi Melissa

Abbott called me yesterday and today I received the Gain IQ at my doorstep when I came home. So you should be receiving yours very soon.
Hi Melissa,
Abbott called the other time, but they did not give me Similac 2 to try.

Btw, I just received my sample can of Gain IQ today at my doorstep. No1 at home, so it was tied to my gate
jus to share.. BP of BABY Gap Sneakers.
pls Pm me if u r interested , i will email u details $20
Colour : PINK , BROWN & RED
phoebe and emoments,
think Abbot will do one day delivery. i also received my Gain IQ sample can on Friday! but too bad Hannah has the bronchitis so I can't start her on that yet. i have to dilute her milk with lots of water as she refused to eat. *sigh* the PD visit already cost me $200!
<font color="ff0000">emoments</font>, did u manage to convince your hubby? If u intend to go in Sep, u might need to book the tickets soon. I booked the tickets in Jul and I am still being waitlisted for the coming back flight. Coz mine is a promotion fare so seats are pretty limited. Sep and Oct is a nice time to visit Perth coz its the wild flowers season and the weather should be quite nice. Not too cold or hot.

<font color="aa00aa">EP</font>, thanks! Look forward to seeing you and your little one at the party! Oh, do add on your name into the list so that I know how many mommies are keen to sign up.

<font color="0000ff">Melissa</font>, Hope that Hannah will recover soon!

sorry to hear tt hannah is down. i think must be tough on u too since u've another in ur tummy. is anyone helping out?
<font color="ff0000">Hi Alicia</font>
Sigh.. didnt manage to convince him yet wow.. u booked in July and still on waitlist for Oct. How much is the promotion fare? I went thru the SIA site last week and it was abt $880 and still got seats leh?

<font color="0000ff">Hi Melissa</font>
Hope Hannah is feeling better now. You must take care of yrself too dun tire yrself out.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, hahahha!! *KOK* my own head.. pai sei I was confused myself! hee.. I think the forfeit for cancellation less than a week is reasonable. =)

Oh, before I forget!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Happy Happy Happy 1st Bday to <font color="ff0000">Rachel</font> and <font color="ff0000">Amabel</font></font></font>! May you both become prettier and prettier!
wah got sep babies reached one year already??~~

Congrats Rachel and Arnabel

To Rachel,
May you have full set of teeth and start walking too!

To Arnabel,
I hope you can be kwai and stop shouting at your parents ok? Heee..

Thanks for your concern about Hannah. It's amazing how babies can be sick and active at the same time. Hannah now develop a funny habit, she will only stand up unsupported to dance then *bump* to the floor she goes. Then she does it again, till she's tired. She also like to mimic people speaking on the phone, except she's using her palm to make the call. And when she's talking on the "phone" she will raise her voice loudly just like what daddy does! LOL. It's so cute.

Do you babies have funny habits?? Pls share! Can you put up your latest baby photos too! I'm dying to see some new pictures here!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi emoments</font>, when I went to their website in June, they had a promotion called 'sweet deal' which is for 2 pax to go. The airfare is about $400 if I rem correctly but not including airport tax yet so if u add in the airport tax its about $700 plus. I didn't take this promotion fare coz the flights that I wanted are already full so I took the other promotion fare which is called flexi-saver and its cost $150 more per pax. I prefer to take the morning flight out which leaves Singapore at 9 plus in the morning and arrives Perth at around 2pm. As for the coming back flight, I am confirmed on the afternoon flight and reach Singapore at around 9 plus at night. I prefer to take the morning flight out but its currently full for the fare that I am paying so have to be waitlisted. They have another type of fare which is totally flexible but cost much more. They have seats for this fare coz its costs more.

<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>, hahaha!!! U got me confused too! Had a hard time thinking of how to rephrase my speech so that everyone is clear of what I am trying to say. heheee... So u joining us for the party?
brenda, melissa

thanks for ur wishes !

we celebrated Rachel's bday yest and it was so fun ! and she truely enjoyed herself yesterday and she was a great host ! she was smiley and allowing ppl to carry her.

Thanks Melissa and Brenda for the advance wishes. Another 11mins Amabel is 1 year old loh. Times passes really fast. Think she knows going to be her birthday so now she still refusing to sleep and wanna to play with all of us. haha!

Happy 1st Birthday to Rachel. May you become prettier. Hehe!
happy birthday to you ..
happy birthday to you ..
happy birthday to Amabellllllllll ...


dear Amabel, may you grow up to be a pretty and filial gal.
Happy Birthday Amabel & Rachel!!! May u both be pretty & happy always!!


Yun like Hannah. She was sick last wkend & yet she still very active, like hannah, she like to play on the phone, hold the handle jst like the way adult do but she hold it upside down hahaha.

Here's her latest photo
<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Spree Collection</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Venue: Vivo City or Great World City
Date: 22 or 24 Aug (Wed or Fri)
Time: 1pm

Please advise.</font></font>

sorry im a day late! both of u r the big jie jie here! may u grow beautiful, healthy and happy always!!

wow rachel is so pretty!!!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY TO RACHEL AND AMABEL!! May both of you grow prettier, healthier and happier!</font></font>

Long time never see Amabel.. any photos of her?
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY AMABEL and RACHEL! so fast...time flies.

ilovebb, glad to know Rachel's 1st yr party was a BASH! Now i am planning mine and so many things to do! aiyoh.. hehehee.

Holidays - we are going Melbourne in Sept!
Yippeee, going on holidays! so happy. the airfare is not cheap man, I missed the cheaper promo fair. but dun care lah.....any one with reccommendations on the things to do in Melb? Will be there for a week. Planning to visit Queen Victoria Market, St Kilda, Bridge Street (fty outlets), Chadstone mall, drive to Mornington peninsula, or simply nua in the cafe stretch near the place we staying....any other plcs I shld go? Wanted to visit some Lavendar Farms but will plan the route see if got time anot. heard the winery there not very worth the visit, so may not go coz bringing Jovann along dun thinnk can have leisurely wine tasting lah heehe.
alicia, swell idea of changing it to Christmas basH!!! but i cannot confirm the date with u yet, i let you know later can? Hey you are doing great, dun say you not a good organiser! prob coz sept forum recently quite quiet thus may not able to get response fast. keep it up!
Eh, ask ur hubby to attend the KM on saturday lah hehehe. I think Jovann enjoyed himself either coz I not there or coz ur hubby was there coz he kept smiling at hiM! oh and hey, think we have a date on sunday issit?

ilovebb, Rachel looks CO CUTE IN THAT DRESS AND SITTING BESIDE THE CAKE! AIYOH! no wonde the party was a bash, the HOST is so adorable how to resist???? i still thinking what to dress Jovann up in leh.....initially wanted to dress him up in the original Man U jersey set hubby ordered from UK. do u think its nice? then now i tot of splurging on an outfit just for that day, but a bit wasteful right?

Teeth - one of Jovann's top teeth sprouted out already! saw it the day after he turns 11mths....when he on the changing table and doing his usual "pa pa pa pa..." heheheee....

any mommies got any reccommendation on nice jelly for 1st birthday, except james chan?
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO RACHEL N AMABEL!!!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons</font>, WOW, u going on a holiday too! Looks like quite a lot of mommies here planning to bring their little ones for a trip. Aiyoh, the forum will be even more quiet during that period. Thanks for the encouragement!
Hope that this party would be a success! No worries about confirming your attendance. There is still a couple more months to the party. Hope that you will be able to join us too! Hehehe... I will drag my hubby along for the KM class! He is one lazy man lah.. Oh as for the date on sunday, so sorry we gotta postpone coz we have a prior arrangement already. Spoke to Malcolm yesterday. Will have it in Sep coz he is not free next week. Looking forward to the date with you, ur hubby and Jovann!
wow wow envy mommies going away for holiday in sept! me can't go due to morning sickness and very tired b'cos Hannah is more active than ever.

I'm sorry your darling is sick too but doc say it's a good sign for them to remain active. Hannah is still dripping on her nose. Doctor say she has sensitive nose. Haiz dunno where she got that from. Both me and hubby don't have that problem. Yun seems cheery in that photo! So cute! Yeah did u notice them babble on the phone? Too cute. Even my handphone is not spared.

wow how did you manage to get Rachel to pose smiling so sweetly beside the cake? If I let Hannah sit beside the cake, her hand will smash it for sure! I think our babies are the stage where they're curious about everything!

congrats on jovan's top teeth. my Hannah still got no signs of top teeth yet but no rush lah. she look so cute with bottom two teeth only! heee!

yay Arnabel is 1 yr old! quick bring out that cute photo of her! dying to see!

ya, i was tellin hubby tat it's good to c her active at least not so worry. But it cost me a bomb on her medical fees, jst 5 mins talking to PD wit some medicine cost $70. Is hannah sensitive to dust? Maybe could try to keep her play & sleep area dust free. Hope ur hannah recover fast too!!

Rachel look so cute & sweet in that pic!!

Amable mummy,
Haven't c pretty amabel for very long, quick post some pic of her.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Happy 1st birthday Rachel and Amabel</font></font>
Aunty Smiley wishes the two of you good health and looks!

i got Rachel dress from TH at $14 only. hehe as long as your Jovann looks good and suave, any outfit is fine ! but the MAN U jerseys sounds good cos I'm a MAN U supporter !! But remember, must distinguish from the rest of the babies cos Jovann will be the key figure on that day mah ! ehhehe so now you know why I dress Rachel in bright RED !


hmm ... i dont know too .. ahah she jusst sit there and staring and smiling at everyone. Guess she was too excited ! And u have to be fast in snapping that foto !

oh did u notice that my Rachel is holding to a sweet ? hehe ...

smiley, melody, BM

thanks !! you know.. i was the first one who gave birth here and then everyone starts asking me on my labour story, BF, confinement etc etc .. and now i get qns on celebrating 1st bday ! ehehhe ...
ilovebabies! Update your blog! Then we can know details of Rachels' birthday bash and also look at all the photos you have taken!

Rachel is the big "jie jie" here in this thread. Heehee...
ilovebabies! Update your blog! Then we can know details of Rachels' birthday bash and also look at all the photos you have taken!

Rachel is the big "jie jie" here in this thread. Heehee...
<font color="ff0000">Hi Melody</font>
Hope Yun is feeling better now. It's sad to hear babies falling sick.

<font color="ff6000">Hi ilovebabies</font>
Yep you are always the first in our thread
Did u get Rachel to choose something? What are the choices? I'm thinking whether to let Dylan choose or not thou it's not our culture, but for fun :p

<font color="0000ff">Hi Buttons</font>
Congrats on Jovann's top teeth... Dylan still bogei.. no sign at all... my only wish is at least one tooth on his 1st birthday...

<font color="119911">Hi Alicia</font>
Thanks for the flight prices. I think the one I saw with seats available is the most exp one then. I didn't see any promo online last week. I doubt I'll get to go on my trip.... 'cos I have a super lazy hubby and a super non-lazy son!!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, I'd love to! but I'm not confident that I'll be in town come December.. Can I put in my name first and apply the 1 week cancelation policy on myself?
And if I do go, maybe I can help organise something like a gift exchange? What u think?

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">X'MAS PARTY</font> - <font color="119911">15 Dec (Sat) from 4 - 6pm</font></font>
1. Alicia
2. Phoebe
3. PG
4. Jaime
5. Brenda
6. EP?

<font color="ff6000">Hey the rest of the mummies, I'm sure this party is going to be lots of fun! Do join in if u can!!</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, YES! nice red outfit for Rachel! I also noticed the gold medal, must've made a beaming appearance! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, A's learnt not to plomp on her bummies when she's wearing panty at home. but the moment we change to diapers, she'll be plomping away! cos I think she knows that diaper has some cushion for her.. hee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, such a lovely smile Yun has in that pic!! must be getting excited over something?! heh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, what spree are you refering to ahh? anything is mine?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mae</font></font>, it's littlegastronomy.blogspot.com but I haven't been updating it for awhile ;P
Hi emoments,

Thanks!! I'm also thinking of letting yun choose for fun. Me intend to put pen (writer), book(scholar), ruler (architect/ engineer), calculator (accountant) & drumstick (chef). Mmm... i guess my greedy yun will aim for the drumstick hehehe.
Phoebe, if possible can I opt for postage? I send u a email, wonder if you had rec'd it?

Brenda, yun probably laughing at this silly mummy trying to be a crown... muahahaha

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Happy 1st Birthday to Rachel & Amabel!!</font></font>
What a milestone!! More birthday photos pls!! hee

Whose birthday next?
