(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

i think by then it'd be too painful for him. they advised better to do it when young.

i think some pple do when bb is still a newborn but im worried the chances of mistake is even higher since it's still so small and fragile. tts my own thinking la.

aiyo... headache...

Edksd, why is it less painful for baby?? Isn't it worse if babies don't know how to describe to you should there be any discomfort or pain? Adults feel the pain and can describe and complain and blar blar blar, but babies cannot leh...
My Trinity is still bogay too. I am in no rush for her to get it as I think she looks cuter bogay than wugay. As long as she does get her complete set before school, I am fine.
i was told by pd that its best to circumcise when the kid is abt 4-5 yr old. this is becos if u do it too early, u r not giving the skin space to grow. that being said, i find circumcising a 5 yr old so cruel! though done under GA, but when he wakes up he will be screaming in pain!! when my 3 yr old had his surgery to bring down one of his testicle (he was born with one undescended testicle), we were in the same ward with a 4 yr old boy who just had circumcision. i could see his penis so sore n raw and he was whining every second in pain. the wound will take abt 1 week to recover and u cant let him wear diaper or underwear for the whole week.

in my opinion, if u need to do it, do it early. many do it at birth when babies cant express to u their pain. that will make u less painful also. then again, im not sure abt the fact to let the skin grow to its max before u do the procedure. perhaps u might wanna seek a paediatric surgeon or urologist for advice? let me know if u need the contact.

as for myself, i dun think i want to circumcise my boys. heart pain lah, unless for medical reason.
i do anticipate the pain tts why still undecided.

my hubby told me when he had the regular checkup in school, the doc advised him to go for it. tt time he was alrdy in lower pri.

im worried if we dun do it now, what if he's advised to do so when he's much older like teenager or adult? alamak. cant imagine.

for me i personally think tt we just try to educate him to keep clean etc. if really kena anything, then really no choice.

but to hubby, prevention is better than cure. esp i think he can understand the advantages of being circumcised i think.

hi edksd
Had the same problem as u in the begining. But as I am mostly taking care of Damien alone I refuse to have to face it alone as I dun think I can tahan D crying n wringing in pain whole day. So I demand my hubby to not work n care for D with me if he insist D to undergo circumcision.
So endup we decided not to do it.
Actually if anyone remembers <font color="0000ff">Michelle</font> was on this topic before n I asked her for the specialist's contact. But I didn't keep it cos decided not to do it already. Michelle also changed her mind.

If I am not wrong boys will only be advised by doc to do it if the foreskin is too much.
Hubby's 3 brothers all kanna circumcised becos 1 of them got infection so they all did it. Anyway hubby did it around 5 yrs old n he can't remember a thing at all. (but he also dun remember half his life so I can't comment on the accuracy)
edksd.....sorry, but when u say gana anything, gana what? i am not much help here lah, coz i dun intend to send my boy for anything like that. i did read before that circumcision equals to hygiene is a mistaken perception. but i guess its up to individual beliefs...can imagine the pain so not going to put him through that. in addition, having the responsibility of keeping himself clean is a added virtue. helps develops responsibility...

smiley, hehehe i have been cleaning his bottom teeth at night during the bedtime routine. but after that i will nurse him to sleep, super bad habit. so recently i have just started to clean his bottom teeth AFTER his nursing. he will be half asleep so refused to co-operate. but i will try my best lah.... even if i risk waking him up, bo bian loh. my friend with 2 girls just told me, her 1st girl nursed to sleep last time when young, and at 2yrs old got decayed teeth gotta go for dental treatment! aiyoh....scared scared. i believe as time goes by he will get used to me poking the cloth into his mouth when sleepy lah heheheee. anyway i intend to try "weaning" him off nursing to sleep soon leh...

alicia, oh 3-5pm!!! then i prob can make it!

emoments, dun worry about the teeth. think i read before that some babies have late teething, after 1 yr old. dunno 14 or 16mths kinda of time frame... think if after 1 yr birthday not teethed yet then ask PD also can. nothing wrong with his gum i am sure...
doreen, my hubby cant remb the pain too. he only remembered tt he had to wear sarong for a wk and had to sit in a pain of salt water everyday for tt wk.

buttons, i mean kena infection. of course we'll teach them to keep clean. but sometimes something will still happen like what doreen said too much foreskin, maybe no matter how clean u keep, it's still a hindrance and therefore causes infection. i duno lah. maybe really hv to go talk to a specialist then decide.
Hmm seems that pain is a concern when circumcision is concerned. I advocate some pain to anyone in life which means that sometimes I don't mind seeing Hannah fall in front of my eyes (not a bad fall of course). B'cos some people learn better from pain. So pain is not the enemy. Pain also teaches one to be more cautious and responsible in their decision so I'm not going to teach lessons in life totally pain-free. I will also not pick-up Hannah immediately when she's crying b'cos I don't want her to be a cry-baby. Sometimes I think I can be a bit military but I am raising my children based on discipline. I will also teach her that she cannot have everything that she wants b'cos that's life. What kind of principles are you going to instill into your children?
At least now I know that I have a high threshold of pain.
<font color="0000ff">Thanks Melissa, Angeline and Buttons for assuring me on my Dylans bogay.</font>

<font color="ff6000">Btw, can our babies drink Vitagen or Yakult now?</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, yupyup! what you do is, u can connect your lappy to the LCD and uses your lappy to play the presentation and take LCD as the output la.. I did that for my events in the past. But the ma fan thing is, you'll need to transport the TV there and back. If you need the contact to rent the LCD/Plasma as they do deliver and collection too, I can pass to you yah
Oh also, you'll need to put the pics together, maybe using powerpoint? as it's the simplest, oh or the moviemaker which <font color="ff0000">Buttons</font> mentioned.

I noticed that most of your pics posted in the forum are quite blurry, what's the resolution of your original pics? Becos if you're using LCD/Plasma, it's better to have at least 5MB and above quality pics, otherwise the output can be not so ideal. But also depends on how big your screen is la.. Just thought I let you know..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, Vitagen and Yakult both have added sugar, are u sure u want to give these now? Or rather what's your intention of giving Dylan these? If it's for the good cultures, yogurt should be substantial..

Oh further reassurance.. my gf's son only got his first few teeth when he was 13 months and within a month, he popped 8! heh.. and now at 16 months, he's got more teeth than his fellow 16 month old peers.. so don't worry yah! but that period was rough for her!
brenda, ur reply to emoments remind me of a qn my friend asked. she says yoghurt oso hv sugar added and why am i giving to my bb?
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, Thanks for the info!
I have seen their ads in the motherhood mags before. Didn't know their classes are so interesting and fun!

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>, it would be really great to have you at the bash too! Have tentatively included your name in the list.

1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Buttons
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun
8. Selina - Sat or Sun (prefer sat though)
Hi Brenda,

Thanks for all the info! Yup, I definitely need the contact for rental of LCD/plasma! Can sms me??? Thanks dear!

By the way, how you doing your montage huh? I only know how to use powerpoint slides leh.... Haiz. Afraid it will turn out not very professional..... Man, there are over 2000 photos of Clarence so far! To sieve through them really no joke.... Must get down to work soon. Clarene's birthday is in 3 weeks' time! Stressed.

By the way, Arianne looks so happy at the JG class!

By the way, you know of this Kinder Dental at Paragon 7th floor? Your PD is there right? You know whether that dental clinic is good or not? I passed by the Kinder CLinic last week on my way to Shenton Medical Clinic (for Clarence's 2nd booster shot of the flu vaccine), and the Kinder Clinic is darned packed whereas the Kinder Dental is empty.... So not sure whether empty = no good??? But I am keen to follow HPB's recommendations and bring Clarence to a dentist before he turns one leh. So thought that finding a dentist that specialises in children and babies will be good.

Hi Buttons,

You are fantastic! You clean J's teeth every night! I am a thoroughly lazy mom. Clarence will fall asleep after each milk feed, and I will not bother to clean his teeth (very very bad....) cos I am afraid that will wake him up and he will be darned grouchy.

Just saw your email... Haiz, darned busy the whole day.... will reply you next week.
You have a great weekend yah?

Hi emoments,

Dun think that our babies can drink Yakult or Vitagen yet leh. In the first place both drinks are full of added sugar, artificial flavourings and what not.... Maybe it's good to wait???

Don't worry about Dylan being bogay. Read somewhere that the first teeth can sometimes take up to 14-15 months to emerge! Gosh. But it is also interesting to note that milestones such as teething, and even walking, are genetically linked! (Read this from the book "What to Expect - The First Year) As the authors claimed, the rate at which your baby takes his/her first steps or teethe are linked to how fast his/her parents achieve the same milestones. So there really is no cause for worry.

Hi Edksd,

Am about to pack up to go home, but decided to research on male circumcision in some medical journals. I have posted the links here just in case you wish to read up.

Maybe it's good to wait a while first, if you are really keen, as I remembered also reading a couple of years back on the risks which blessedmommy shared above. Infant circumcision really carries a much higher risk cos it really relies heavily on the judgement and skill of the surgeon, in not cutting away too much foreskin as the baby is still experiencing a significant growth spurt at this stage. Just my 2 cents'.


Dr Cheah Siew Leng
Children & Babies Surgery
Gleneagles Medical Centre #07-06
Tel: 6735 2886

He was the one who operated on my boy. u can call him to ask abt the procedure. He is v nice n gentle.

basically my 3rd boy has a v long foreskin. this might cause him to trap some urine in there and cause infection. if he complains of pain, dr cheah advise me to circumcise him too. but so far he is ok so im just letting it be.

wow! u sound like one tough mama!! im quite strict with my boys too but when comes to jo, i somehow have a soft spot for her. maybe becos she is a gal and she is much less "aggressive" then her brothers.
im not too familiar with kinder dental. but i have another paediatric dentist which is highly recommended by a few of my friends.

Dr Ong Yen Sze is a pediatric dentist in Singapore with Practice Restricted to Pediatric Dentisty, in simple term, she treats kids ONLY.

Dr Ong completed her dental degree at the University of Wales U.K. Having worked in the hospitals and general practice there she then went on and attained a Masters Degree in Childrens Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute, London with Distinction. She was also awarded the postgraduate prize for her academic and clinical excellence. She is on the Specialist Register in the U.K. She treats her children of all ages and is particularly good with anxious children and those who require complex treatment.

Dr Ong is currently pactising in Dental Excellence located at #05-33 Tanglin Shopping Centre. Her contact number is 68340877.

as for myself, i bring my boys to smile dental at east coast road. its not a paediatric dental clinic but there is a particular dentist who is v good with children.

yes, its best to have first dental visit at abt 1 yr old, whether or not he has tooth. thereafter yearly check up is good enuf. and also, i strongly encouraged u to clean clarence teeth and gums esp b4 he sleeps at nite. cos night time its when the plague and etc... develop and may cause cavities. just gently clean with a cloth if u can. hopefully he doesnt wake up! hah...

oh yes with regards to dental clinic, have u heard of GPA dental at united square? they have all the cute lil gadgets n instruments to reduce fear for children. do a search on google and u shld be able to find more info.
hi everyone
posting cos me bored at KLIA waiting to board my plane. been here since 7pm and flight is at 9.45pm. so bored and missing caleb. so lonely now too

<font color="0000ff">circumcision</font> never thought of this and not prob gonna do it.

<font color="0000ff">birthday bash</font> alicia, tks for organising. i have no issue with the theme but the timing a bit of prob for me cos it clashes with caleb's nap time. i dun mind to clash with his dinner time cos he eats fast and he is used to eating anywhere so i can always feed him there but missing or disturbing his nap time can make him real cranky later.

ok. gtg.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Brenda and Peachie</font>

No lah.. I'm not in a hurry to give Vitagen to Dylan. Just that hubby bought 2 packs and asked me whether can give to Dylan. I suspect his kpo sisters told him can, so he buy lor. But I dun trust his sisters 'cos out of 10 things, 9 things are not true. So decided to ask here lor... my mum also said cannot... *phew* luckily my mum is the one taking care of Dylan :p
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, simply Yogurt's sugar is more acceptable to be fed to bbs becos it's natural from Carbohydrates, whereas for Yakult/Vitagen, they are from Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose.. oh not forgetting, the colorings and the artificial flavorings. If you give natural yogurt like Organic ones, they don't contain these.

Not just with Yogurts or Yakults, I think we should know what/why we put into our bbs' stomach. With people throwing me this qns quite often - "Can I feed xxxx to my baby?", my reply is usually, "Why do u want to feed your baby this? Is there something in this food that your baby needs?" I like to make them think, so that they can apply the same strategy to other food.

Just yesterday when I went to my PD for A's runny nose med, there were 2 bbs there both below 1 year old, treating for diarrhea, 1 quite severly dehydrated ended up on drip. Both looked so ill, so poor thing. I wonder if the mummies really know what they are putting into the bbs' stomach and I hope none of us become a victim of this. Just a concern..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, I just choose the pics I want (well ok, I do pretty up some of the pics a bit as u probably know that I'm learning to do enhancements on pics right? hee.. still learning la so not much to show off!) and put them together to let the powerpoint presents it. Nothing fancy at all, occasionally some pics will carry some 'quotes'. heehee..

Do u intend to do an intro like make a speech then draw attention to the montage like how they usually do in the weddings? For me, I'll just be letting it auto run throughout the party. But if you intend to intro it then I guess u might want to consider having them down nicely. If not, just let the pics roll on its on la.. anyway through my observations at events with montage, very seldom people fix their eyes on the it. To me, I treat this montage thing as something in the background.. okie, will sms u the contact for the LCD/Plasma arrangement..
anyone tried CJS catering or Neo garden before ?
any comments ?


dont worry abt ur baby not teething now. My niece had her first tooth at 15th Month !!! heeh my sis was so worried and sent her to the PD to check on her gums. Apparently her gums are healthy and strong and she can take ba kwa toothless !

anyway my rachel has 2 lower teeth now ..
wow u really hv a very gd memory! yes we were so convinced b4 ethan was born that we were gonna circumcise him for hygiene reasons, for the same reason as edskd's hubby who said prevention is better than cure.

however, when we googled for more info about infant circumcision on the internet, we cdnt go thro with it cos we came across all these photos of babies crying n looking so pitiful! so we decided, its an unneccesry pain that a baby needs to go thro, unless it really is detected that there is a medical reason. so if there really is a prob, then circumcise. otherwise, y do it n subject ur bb to such pain? i follow the "if the wheel aint broken, why fix it" philosophy... its not fair for us to put the bb thro this kind of pain just because we are 'kiasu' and prefer to be safe rather than sorry. and its not like there's a time limit as to when he can be circumcised. even if he doesnt do it now, n later on discover that there is a real medical reason that requires circumcision, it can still be done! plus i cannot imagin in the event that smthg does go wrong if we circumcise the boy so young (ie not enuf skin, etc) i would never be able to forgive myself cos this is smthg that is irreversible n he'd hv to live with the mistake his parents did for the rest of his life...

so for now, ethan will remain uncircumcised and we'll just hv to teach him to keep clean himself. if anything does happen n the PD suggest that we do circumcision for him, then we will consider it again.

anyway most PD will not advise u whether its gd or bad. they will just say its your own choice. cos there are always 2 schools of tot.. 1 against, and 1 for. so its really personal choice lor

sorry for the long post!!!
thanks all for the talk on circumcision. really appreciated.

peachie, will show my hubby the 2 links u sent.

blessedmommy, dr cheah is oso 1 of the 2 doc my PD recommended. but now i hope we wont nd to see him :p will our PD be able to chk whether our bb has long foreskin? or is it must go specially to doc like dr cheah for chk up to tell?

i think i better start cleaning kai's teeth at nite too. has been lazy coz both of us nurse to sleep. he's being nursed n im the one nursing. haha...

anyone of u using spiffles to clean the teeth?
dear brenda, one more thing i want to ask.

fr the fact sheet u can see horizon bb yoghurt has sodium content is it salt?
you asked at the right time! I just stocked up yogurts last night.. hee..

Horizon and most other flavored(not the natural ones) usually contained sugar. In the case of Horizon, they use organic sugar but I can't tell if all the carboh is from this sugar, could be from other ingredients' source. Yes, sodium means salt after being processed, but sodium is naturally derived from fruits or the other ingredient like cream or milk so it's not as unsafe as added salt. Through my little observation (not comprehensive), Barambah's Organic Yogurt contains the least sugar and salt.
Here's what I noted:
HORIZON Organic Baby Yogurt
(as per Serving Size 113g)
Sugars (Carboh) > 17g
Sodium > 65mg

NESTLE Fromage Frais - Disney
(as per typical values based on 100g)
Sugars (Carboh) > 13.7g
Salt > 0.1g

MULLER Little Stars Fromage Frais
(as per typical values based on 100g)
Sugars (Carboh) > 11.7g
Salt > 0.1g

BARAMBAH Organics - Whole Milk Yogurt
(as per typical values based on 100g)
Sugars (Carboh)> 4.7g
Salt > 55mg

These are the ones I have in the fridge now, not sure about other brands.. Sugar and Salt are not totally evil, in fact we do need them for various important purposes in our bodies. For babies, we just need to make sure we're feeding in moderation and as most foods already contained these naturally, we should just avoid the 'added' ones. That's what I advocate la.. Also, my hub's family has diabetic history and my younger brother had kidney stones when he was 1.5 years old so I'm just being extra careful when dealing with these 2..
<font color="ff0000">ilovebabies</font>, the first time I tried Neo Garden was at my uncle's place during CNY. Both hubby n myself liked the food. We will be using them for Adele's 1 year old birthday party.

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, where can we find Barambah Organic Yoghurt? Haven't seen them at NTUC or Cold Storage.
<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>, you are most welcome! As for the timing, I am so sorry but we have already confirmed it at 3 - 5pm with MyGym. They are not able to reserve the slot for too long so we have gotta confirm asap. Really hope that you and Caleb are still able to join us for the bash.
<font color="119911">edskd</font>, sorry I am not sure of what is a spiffle but this is wat I use to clean Adele's teeth. Coz Adele is still not able to hold a toothbrush on her own at the moment. I would slip my finger into it and brush her teeth for her.

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Birthday Direct Spree #2</font></font>

Base Rate: $13.24
Volumetric: $30.23

Split as follows:

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD> base</TD><TD>vol</TD><TD>order</TD><TD>total </TD></TR><TR><TD>peachie</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>8.361</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>9.57 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>3.859</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>5.06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>13.507</TD><TD>77.10</TD><TD>91.81 </TD></TR><TR><TD>rexbabie</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>4.502</TD><TD>35.16</TD><TD>40.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
brenda, tks for ur explaination. i read cheese's label and they've sodium but not salt. so is it safe?

alicia, spiffles is wet towelette to clean bb's teeth, gum, tongue, etc. i wonder after brushing, since they duno how to rinse their mouth yet, then wat happened to those plague we've just cleaned if it didnt mge to be picked up by the cloth or brush? go into the stomach?
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">SPREES SUMMARY </font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Pending collection & payment from</font></font>

<u>California Baby Spree </u>
- chocolat (Paid)
- lil_precious (Paid)
- xena (Paid)
- sepsuprise (Paid)

<u>Jack & Lily Spree </u>
- daisybutton (Paid)
- xena (Paid)
- nedlands (Paid)
- e-ling (Paid)

<u>Celebrate Express #1 & #2 </u>

- fascinated_mum $35.76 (Paid)
- daisybutton $71.49
- xena $3.08

- crystallized (Paid)
- rexbabie (Paid)
- Jo (Paid)

<u>Birthday Direct #1 & #2 </u>

- melody999 (Paid)
- joon $7.77
- crystallized $24.93
- jo $4.07

- peachie $9.57
- xena $5.06
- daisybutton $91.81
- rexbabie $40.86

<u>All Aboard Toys</u>

- fascinated_mum $106.75 (Paid)
- melody999 $4.45 (Paid)

<u>The Children's Place Spree #2</u>

- daisybutton $69.25

<u>OLD NAVY SPREE #8</u>

- joon (Paid)
- ilovebabies $6.36
- cheekz $124.67
<font color="ff0000">edksd</font>, thanks for the explanation.
So sorry couldn't really answer your qn coz I have been using those small soft face towel to clean Adele's mouth since birth.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, I think most Organic shops sell. I saw them at L'Organics, Four Seasons and also Tanglin Mall's Brown Rice Paradise.. No, you won't find them at fair price or cold storage..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, no problem
what I read is for babies under 1 year old, the Recommended Dietary Amount (RDAs are officiated by Dietary related associations/governments) per day is 1g and below. Cheese does contain lots of sodium so use with care when cooking bb's food.. Safe or not, it really depends on the amount you use.. Just try to stick to the RDA will be safe I guess..

About SPIFFIES, if I remember correctly, I think I saw they come in fruit flavors, like strawberry. Maybe u want to check if they use natural flavoring or artificial ones.. I'd think using those terry cloth towelette to clean is substantial.

Oh <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font> about <font color="ff0000">Kinder Dental</font>, sorry I missed your post, just remembered hee.. There's only 1 branch at paragon for Kinder Dental, my PD is under Kinder Group but located at Glen E. U mentioned Kinder Dental is quite empty when u saw them right? I actually haven't seen any dental clinics that are crowded heehee.. but my PD did suggest that once teeth is shown on our babies, a visit to the dentist is a good teeth start for them! So I'm making A's dentist appointment next week.. heh
<font color="0000ff">alicia</font> oops. in that case i might have to give it a miss cos clashes with caleb's nap time and without his nap, he gets cranky easily n wont be able to enjoy as much and worst still disturb all the rest. also, might have to work that weekend too or travelling again
hello everyone! Looks like the forum is quite quiet these days.... how's everyone n their babies doing?

Wonder if anyone has been to the Delta House baby play area? I've heard about it. Can someone tell me more about the facilities? That compared to the one at Forum? Hygiene? Equipment? Or are there any other places?

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">SPREE COLLECTION</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Anyone free on 10 Aug (Fri) to do collection?

Location: Vivo City
Time: 1pm

Please post in forum or email me with contact number no later than 9 Aug 9pm - I need to pack your items to bring down. Thanks.</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>, no worries! Look forward to seeing you and Caleb some other time!

<font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font>
1. Alicia - Sat or Sun is fine for me
2. Jerene - All day Sun (if Sat, cannot be between 3pm to 6pm, I hv another friend's party to attend! Pai say...)
3. PG - Either Sat or Sun (whole day)
4. Buttons
5. Peachie - Sunday (whole day)
6. Jamie - Sat or Sun
7. Phoebe - Sat or Sun

Latest Updates: Since everyone has agreed to go ahead with the bash, I have made the 50% deposit with MyGym yesterday. Couldn't delay further or they will take away our booking. As I mentioned earlier that the party is catered for 20 babies & above, MyGym is not able to reduce the cost although we do not have 20 babies. However, they have advised that since we have less than 10 babies, they will include food for us which is not inclusive in their basic package. The food consists of mainly finger food like sandwich, pizza, juice etc (sorry, can't really remember the list). As the bash is still 2 weeks away, we will divide the cost according to the final no of babies on the bash itself. You can pay me after the bash once we finalize the payment. Is this ok for all of you?

I am ok on Fri for my collection.
May I know where shall I meet u at Vivo ? outside BK ?



thanks for the info ! I think I will go ahead with NEOGARDEN.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, oops if it's not too late u might want to consider mum's kitchen (www.mumskitchen.com.sg) too.. I used them a few times in the past before and I'm using them again this time for A's party with the relatives.. I love their mee siam and laksa! hee..

<font color="ff0000">Aiyo.. where did all the Sep mums gone to?! must be busy preparing for little ones' parties! They're so close to ONE YEAR old now, aren't they?</font>


hee i haven ordered the food yet.

oh yes heard of mum's kitchen but dont know anyone who uses them..... so thanks for the recommendation ! I'll take a look at their website.
