(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Brenda</font></font>, <font color="aa00aa">agree with u too! It seems that our sep forum has been really quiet lately. Oh, I went to your blog the other day. Love your section on montage. All the montage looks great! Have been writing down your recipes into my little receipe book too! hehehe!!!! It makes cooking for Adele so much easier</font>

Package just arrived today!!

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>base</TD><TD>vol</TD><TD>order</TD><TD>total </TD></TR><TR><TD>phoebe</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>8.151</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>9.35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>3.493</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>4.70 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilovebabies</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>2.329</TD><TD>6.36</TD><TD>9.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>6.986</TD><TD>33.36</TD><TD>41.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>20.959</TD><TD>99.28</TD><TD>121.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lynn teo</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>11.644</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>12.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline chew</TD><TD>1.204</TD><TD>15.137</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>16.34 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hey make some noise leh. Is everyone busy preparing things for baby's first bash? How's everyone's baby's update? My Hannah is learning to stand unsupported. So funny when she did it, she will spread her legs wide and bring her arms up in the air like starfish and she will shout "yay" and then *bump*, fell down again. Then she will repeat again until she's tired. I think she's showing off. LOL.

Me I'm very nauseus and pukey, can't wait for 1st trimester to be over. Currently reaching 9 weeks and baby is doing great even though I haven't been so diligent in taking my hormone pills, aspirin or folic acid. I already lost 2kg due to MS.

What's everyone's update? Anymore new Sep babies can walk yet??
hi melissa !!

hey great to know ur r doing fine ! hey my gynae used to tell me having MS is a good symptom !! means that the hormones in ur body is working.

My rachel still cant walk but like to stand with support. her 2 lower teeth has protruded
.. finally ha !

take good care of yourself ya....
hey good to know that Rachel has catchup! Now same with Hannah! She has two lower teeth and that's it! Dunno how long must wait for the upper teeth, no signs of coming out yet. hahaha. and it's hard to capture a picture of her teeth b'cos she's the pout queen.

about those hormones, i think any 2nd time mommies will go through the same thing, b'cos the body still remember what it's like to be pregnant, so it's more kiasu and reacts more quickly. if i get a boy, can close shop. ha!
<font color="ff0000">Melissa</font>, congrats on Hannah's latest development! Adele can only stand supported at the moment. She likes to crawl to the table, stand up and bang her hand hard on the surface as though trying to tell us proudly that she can stand! hehehe!!! Good to know that you and baby are doing well. Take care!
thanks! Will go check it out... looks quite good for that price...

no prob! congrats to rach on her new teeth! Hee... no more toothless grin tho...

so fun thinking of the next child! Do take care ya? Hannah's so cute, i always rem the photo you posted w her pout... Sophie recently does the same thing as Adele - the scrunch up face smile. wrinkled nose... so funny

Sophie is also pulling to stand with support but not for long. She'll only do it when she sees sth that she wants and tries to grab it from the table. Most of the time she wants to use me to stand. She's still crawling on her tummy tho. Very fast! Also 2 bottom tooth only... She's very into birds and cats and dogs these days. A bit scared scared but loves to watch n point at them. Very cute...
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font></font>, my hubby will be collecting the stuff from you on Friday. Thanks for arranging this spree!
hey gals, ask u all...

any idea where to buy sesame street vcd/dvd? are they educational or just plain cartoon? sorry ah... me not sesame fans when young, so no idea.

am thinking of getting some educational vcd/dvd, is YOUR BABY CAN READ or BRAINY BABY better? no sample to watch leh.

currently i only hv tt one and only BABY EINSTEIN. i find it gd but i duno where to buy its other series. any idea?
kai can cruise ard v well with the support of furniture.

he is now expert in going up the platform and then up to the bed. and same for coming down from bed to platform then to floor.

he can oso stand unsupported for few seconds.

his 2 upper tooth has just protuded recently. a slight dip in appetite during tt couple of days. now appetite resumed.

and he's drinking lesser and lesser milk (as little as 40ml + 2 latch on). but PD says it's ok, just focus on his 3 solid meal since PD is satisfied with his weight gain.
Hi Phoebe,
Thanks has made the transfer to your account as per the information stated below :-

Dated 08 August 2007
Amount S$41.55
Transaction Reference 1302062559

Will meet you on Friday at Vivo to pick-up the stuff.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, wahh the Thai food looks yummy!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, thanks for visiting my food blog. These few days a bit haywire with trying to arrange air tix and hotels for our upcoming trips as well as nursing A's little runny nose so not much time to update the blog :p.. aiyo I wonder how come such a small bb with such a little nose can house so much pee tee! hee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, I'd suggest letting Kai tune in to the programs on TV first then from there decide what he likes to watch then invest the DVDs.. A's current favorites are Elmo's World and Blues Clues(I find it quite educational), her attention span on Sesame street is only during Elmo's appearance, other than that she's not interested. I saw some DVDs/VCDs sold at Isetan and also bought some from mall's VCDs' shops before.. Anyway in my opinion, we can stock up all the educational VCDs or bring them to all the academic classes but it's really up to the bbs' preferences afterall!

Here are some TV programs and their timings which u might want to try letting Kai watch:

Elmo's World | PH Disney | 0830 to 0900

Sesame Street | Kids Central | 0900 to 1000

Blues Clues | Nickelodeon | 0830 to 0900hrs

Blues Clues | Kids Central | 1400 to 1430hrs

Koala Brothers | Kids Central | 1330 to 1400hrs

These are mainly weekdays programs, not sure if they're also showing on weekends. Weekends are not TV time for A :p, it's more family time we spend..
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy National Day Sept Mummies and Babies!!</font></font>

This thread is so quiet so I guess everybody is busy celebrating. I just came back from a crazy afternoon at Vivocity. That place is so crowded today!

<font color="0000ff">Emma, Buttons, Alicia, Brenda</font>
Sorry for taking so long to respond. My whole family has been down with flu in the last 1 to 2 weeks so haven't had time to post.

Actually the one reading Harry Potter is my husband. I don't dare start reading in case I get so hooked and decided to dump baby in cot whole day. Hee hee.

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
I thought I saw someone who looked like you outside my companies' HR and finance office the other day. I was rushing so didn't managed to stop to have a good look. Makes me wonder if we worked for the same company.

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
I'm looking forward to the birthday bash. Let me know if you need any help besides the photo taking.
<font color="0000ff">Educational VCD/DVD</font>

<font color="0000ff">edksd,</font> have you tried teletubbies? I found it both educational and fun. Chloe loved it. She reacts by smiling or squealing when she sees certain images or when the characters does funny things.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">SPREE COLLECTION - CANCELLED</font></font>

Hi Sha / Melody / Alicia / ilovebb,
Sorry to inform the collection today has to be postponed next week. Got to go attend a farewell lunch today.
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, you are welcome!
U planning to go for a holiday? Where to? Will be going to Perth with hubby, adele n MIL 1st week of Oct. Lots of things to look forward to lately.. moving house, Adele's 1st yr party, holiday... hehehe!!! So hows the swimming class at JG? Did A enjoy herself? I called them to enquire about the playnest class the other day. Gosh, their classes r really popular. There is a waiting list to join their classes. Did u have to wait long for A's turn?

<font color="ff0000">PG</font>, hope that you all are feeling better now! Take care yah! I look forward to seeing you, your hubby n Chloe at the bash! Thanks for offering your help! I guess thats not much to do coz everything is done by MyGym. All we have to do now is ENJOY OURSELVES at the bash!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, eh we're also going 1st week of Oct! yes.. my long awaited Europe trip.. hee.. I'm going to London then Nice, Provence. My first time in Provence, so pretty excited about staying in a Chateau! Oh after our Europe, we're also going to some remote village in Thailand to attend a wedding. I'm also having lots of things happening now heehee.. people keep wondering, SAHM how come so busy one.. :p

Oh I took A off class for a week becos she was having running nose, will resume next week. Yes, their classes are very popular. They're quite sticky when it comes to absence, need to produce MC if not no makeup class. I kinda like this disciplinary la becos a lot of parents don't take this seriously.. In fact, people are already enrolling the new term. I've also enrolled A already, which starts in Oct if I remember correctly. Why not you join at the new term? I was quite lucky when I called them. Someone just dropped out of the class so we managed to get the slot and I joined immediately after the trial. And I supposed we'll not be going for the KM class on Sat for the time being..
<font color="ff6000">Brenda</font>, WOW Europe! I went there with hubby 2 years back b4 I got pregnant. Went to Switzerland and Paris. Nice scenary. So how long will u be away? Planning to go for a holiday is always exciting!

Hehehe!!! This is the 1st time I hear about producing MC for makeup class. I intend to join at the new term too. They wanted me to join the term now so that I can be automatically included in the next term but Adele is still having the BJG and KM class which ends in Sep. Furthermore, it will be too far for me. Will only be moving to Bishan next month which will be much nearer. So I am being waitlisted now for the trial class.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, ahh Switzerland and Paris are nice!! Probably about 2 weeks or so.. but we might extend our journey to Italy, Turino if my hub has to continue his biz meetings there. Dreaming of the hols is nicer than planning la.. aiyo I'm getting all that french words headache from those websites I search for info u know.. heehee..

Yah! and the other disciplinary is, we ALL must go out of the class together, come back together when the teacher says so. If any parent needs to leave the room, we'll have to let the teacher know. Once I left the room without informing the teacher, she cornered me and told me that I have to inform her first, we need to show uniformity and disciplinary starts from here, she said! I feel like I'm back to school! hah!

Oh u moving to Bishan? Err I remember some mums here are also residing in Bishan.. Ya, Evans is near Bishan. You can also opt to have your classes at Forum or Chiltern House then transfer later to Evans but subject to availability la..
Wow <font color="ff0000">Brenda</font>... Europe.. so shiok. Are you bringing A along? How abt yr eldest daughter?

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>, u gg to Perth too? I might be gg in mid-Sep but hubby is a bit hesitant... sigh. Actually we wanted to bring my mum and maid along, but my mum is not interested. So I told hubby tt only 3 of us go (without the maid) and he's a bit reluctant *lazy man*. He's afraid we can't handle Dylan as he's too active.... so now our trip is still pending.... are you bringing yr maid along?
hi mummies,
jus to share, i found a contact for balloon twisting when i was organising my son's first bd in jul.
Its by some jc students who are raising some funds for some cause i cant remember. they charge abt $50+ per hr.. balloons for all kids.. if u want to add tattoos, add $10..
if any of u interestd for yr kid's birthday bash... pls pm me then i will give u the person in charge nbr & u can call to discuss.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, yes! at this point I'm still suffering from SA (Separation Anxiety) so where I go, A will sure to follow :p Not for Chloe, she's not interested if we're not doing Paris - Disneyland.. heh.. besides she has her year end exams to take care of too..

And I'd think that bringing an extra pair of hands would be a luxurious thing to do and I think holidaying is all about relaxing and having fun so if it can be arranged, it'll be good to bring helper along! Hey, don't forget the visas requirement. I'm now like an administrator applying visas for my helper! Got to get ready all the supporting docs, including our bank statement becos we're considered their financial supporters when they're in that foreign land. And if you're going in Sep and bringing your helper, I'd think u need to prepare the visa now.. Not sure how long Aussie visas take though, but can be up to 2-3 weeks..
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, no wonder u have been so busy lately! Happy planning! heheheee... As for the JG class, guess I will wait for the one at Evans coz its much nearer. Thanks for all the info and advice!

<font color="ff0000">emoments</font>, yup! I will be going from 5 - 12 Oct. My MIL will be going with us. Not bringing my maid coz gotta pay another $800 just for her air ticket. Hubby said too costly. For me its a bit easier coz my sis n aunt lives in Perth.
<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>
I have transferred $40.86 for the birthday direct spree. Thanks! Has the shipment arrived?

To Account POSB Savings
Amount S$40.86
Transaction Reference 1305582084

Wow so envious of the vacation u ladies are going! <font color="aa00aa">Brenda....</font> can i be ur helper... and u bring me along to Europe....?
<font color="ff6000">Brenda</font> Yep... an extra help is a luxury, but I dun really like gg holiday with my helper... heehee... duno y...
Wow.. yr Chloe is really mature, she's willing to stay in SG while u gg holiday... who will be taking care of her? No SA towards her?

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font> So nice to have yr sis & aunt living in Perth... for us, our Perth has been postponing and postponing... sigh... hope we get to go this time, man! In May, when we were abt to go, my hubby's sisters said want to go, asked us to wait for them (need sch holidays), so we went HK instead... now ask them to go, they dun wan liow, say Dylan too active to handle if maid not gg... sigh. Fedup, told hubby dun want for them liow.. we go in Sep... but they convinced hubby tt bringing a baby on holiday is very shiong, mafan etc etc.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">emoments</font></font>, got la.. just not as bad.. heh and Chloe is also like an adult, has her own agenda. Her grandma will take care of her and anyway she's quite independent, can cook for herself too! heehee.. I taught her since she was 4-5 years old.. Nowdays kids are not what we think anymore u know.. so different now.
<font color="ff0000">emoments</font>, as wat Brenda said, bringing your maid along is a luxury but like in my case, I am lucky coz my MIL is also coming along thats why I do not need to bring my helper. Having a baby is always not easy be it at home or not. B4 I got pregnant, my hubby always said that having a baby is mafan, no freedom et etc. Now everytime we go out, he always make it a point to bring Adele along. If u find Dylan too active now and when he learns how to walk n run, it would be even more tiring coz u will have to run after him all the time. I always stress to my hubby that we should try to go for a holiday like once a year if we can afford be it whether near or far, long or short coz I would like to let Adele see the outside world with us. Quite a lot of mummies commented that Perth is a nice place to relax. They have lots of parks and playgrounds suitable for young children. That's why I decided to choose Perth for our first holiday together. Just a personal point of view. Hope you can convince your hubby!
alamak our thread is getting slower than ever. how's everyone today?

My girl couldn't sleep well last night. Poor thing she has a cold and nose blocked and she caught the fever. Her nose is very runny and occasionally mucus color is white and almost yellow, should I bring her to see GP or continue to administer nose drops and panadol? Her fever is winding down. I feel guilty that I'm still at work now!!!

monitor her fever. if it last more than 4 days, need to see a PD. PD may prescribe antibiotics if necessary but should be avoided as it may causes diarrhea.
<font color="ff0000">Melissa</font>, sorry to hear that Hannah is not feeling well. Personally, I feel that you might want to consider bringing Hannah to a doctor coz fever is no laughing matter although u mentioned it is winding down. According to my PD, fever tends to die down during the day time but will start to be 'active' during the evening and night. Hope that Hannah will recover soon.
last fri i was down w fever. went to see doc.

then the next day, kai was down w fever too. i gave him paracetemol.

both of us spent our wkend having fever.

monday i brought him to PD. PD wanted to check the cause of the fever. could be spread by me. checked no ear or throat infection. no UTI. luckily no nd to check blood coz right after leaving the PD clinic, he has no more fever since then.

as for me i went back to the same clinic but a different doc and she gave me another new set of medicine. i took it once and was recovered on tt v day.

last night i noticed kai seems to hv rashes on his front and back torso. none on face, limbs. not sure if it's false measles. any idea anyone?
i think sometimes when babies recover from fever, rashes will appear. my aunt says that's a sign that the heat is escaping. dunno how true lah. but it will go away by itself. or did Kai ate something different?
hi edksd,
is normal to have some rashes(red small dots) after fever for babies.... if u still worried can call Dr Ong EK's nurse cause they can usually advise u over the phone too...
this is wat i do when Zhaohui is having rashes after fever last month.
hi melissa n paulnelaine,


kai didnt eat anything different during this period.

dr ong did mention might hv false measles. but i dun rem him saying what we shld do abt it and this morning i was so tied up at wrk forgot to call his clinic to ask and they're closed for half day today.

so paulnelaine, do we nd to do anything abt it?
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">SEP 06 BBs BDAY BASH!</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Jerene, peachie, Jaime, PG, Buttons, Phoebe</font></font>, I really need a final confirmation from all of you urgently as the bash is just next week. I guess its just gonna be the 7 of us attending which means each of us will have to pay $100 for the bash. And if anyone backs out at the last min due to unforseen circumstances like either parent or child not feeling well *touch wood lah*, it will just be that few of us having the bash. Are you all OK with it? As I have already paid the 50% deposit, there is no way we can cancel holding the party but we can change the date of the party. I have a suggestion i.e. why don we have the party in Dec? I know its still a couple of months away but time flies. It will be in Dec in no time. We could have a christmas party for our little ones instead. Hopefully the response will be much better. I really don mean to dampen your spirits. I myself am really looking forward to the bash but personally I think $100 is really too ex to spend just on a 2 hour party. As for the deposit, I will pay first. You all can pay me at the party itself if you decide to go ahead with the christmas party and hopefully more mommies can join in. Please let me know your decision. Apologies for being a lousy organizer.
Hi Alicia,
I'm for the idea for a Xmas party. And hopefully we can get more babies then.

By then, our babies are 15M, it will probably be more fun for them as well
the rashes after the fever is called rosealo.. its common after 4 -5 days of fever.. usually in babies below 12mths. My boy had tat, some babies will rashes that are mild while others are quite red n wide spread..

if yr borthday party becomes a xmas bash, can i join??
i m from jul thread
Hi Alicia,

The Christmas party is a good idea. Actually Chloe has become more ill last few days. She's now down with tonsilitis. PD say there's no choice, better to take antibiotics. Today lao sai 3 times since taking her medication in the morning

Thanks again for organising the party.
<font color="ff0000">alicia</font>

i'm also ok with the Xmas party.

<font color="119911">PG</font>

sorry to hear that chloe is sick. hope she recovers soon.
PG, sorry to hear that Chloe is not feeling well. Hope that she will recover soon!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Sep 06 BBs Bday Bash - Cancelled</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe, PG and Jaime</font>, thanks for the quick response!

<font color="aa00aa">Jerene, Buttons, PG, Jaime, Phoebe and Peachie</font>, thanks for signing up for the bash! Unfortunately, the response was very bad. Therefore, the bash will be cancelled. BUT, as I mentioned earlier that since I have already made the deposit, perhaps we could have a Christmas party instead? So far Phoebe, PG and Jaime are ok with it. I have spoken to MyGym and they advised that as Dec is always packed with parties, we need to firm up the dates asap.

<font color="ff0000">Any mommies keen to join the X'mas party bash?</font>

<font color="119911">X'MAS PARTY - 15 Dec (Sat) 3 to 5pm)</font>
1. Alicia
2. Phoebe
3. PG
4. Jaime
Hi Alicia,
Date should be ok, about a week plus before Xmas.
Thanks for organising and providing the alternative solution

So, we got to arrange meet up to collect your stuffs
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, changing it to a Xmas party instead is brilliant! And I'd like to participate too but may I suggest you provide more info on the following so that we have an idea of what to expect?

- activities?
- estimated cost? (like what kind of circumstances will each pax expects to pay how much for instance..)
- any themes? or just that winnie the pooh?
- F&B for our bbs? what about parents?
- favors?

errr.. I can only think of these so far and sorry that I've not been following up this party thing and have no idea of what's expected..

I also like to suggest that you should consider taking payment upfront from the confirmed mummies so that in the event if they can't make it, it'll still be confiscated to pay MyGym and not impose on those mummies who can make it. I find this system fairer to you and to those who turn up.. what say you?
Hey Alicia and all other mommies

How have you all been? Have been too tired to log on and catch up, fortunately there's still smses and msn and whatnots! Sorry to hear that the bash is cancelled, but rerouting it to be a Xmas bash is a fab alternative.

This mba is truly kicking my ass and I am struggling everyday to stay afloat and sometimes it seem really impossible. The amt of work we are expected to do in 12 weeks is worth at least six months.

In any event, my exams end on 15 Dec but the timing is not fixed yet so I will not be putting our names down for it until I get confirmation from the nbs office.

Hope everyone is getting on great and having a lot of fun with their little ones. Oh EP, I am sure sept mommies would welcome you and your baby to join in the xmas bash, just put ya names down. We are super friendly, just terribly bad at expressing it.

Bren, is your eurotrip all sorted out?

hello good morning,
i'm sad that the board is going slow..

any mommies here started on 1st year formula yet? any intention what brand to try? me thinking of getting Gain IQ and mix it with Similac. if Hannah likes it, i can slowly convert to Gain IQ soon. can't believe she's turning 1 year so soon. i miss her baby days so much!
