(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

kai has got the fevers again.

last wk i passed the fever to him i think. then we both recovered on the 3rd day. 1 wk later, he started getting fever again. today is the 3rd day still not recovered yet. damn worried.

brought him to pd today. slight throat infection. hmm... when child is sick, parents just cant feel any less tensed at any moment.

<font color="119911">emoments</font>, u r most welcome!

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, sure! You can put your name down first and confirm again nearer to date. Anyway the party is still quite a few months away. Organizing a gift exchange is a splendid idea!

<font color="ff0000">edksd</font>, sorry to hear that kai is not feeling well. Hope that he will recover very soon! Can understand how heart pain it is for the parents. U take care too yah!

hope kai is OK.

Throat infection is very common among kids. I heard from PD that getting throat infection up to 7 times a year is normal.

btw any babies taking Wyeth PROGRESS GOLD ?
they sent me some samples but Rachel is taking EnfaPro.

If anyone is interested, pls PM me and I'll mail to you. It's only 2 sachets.
i hope kai will recover soon!

my Hannah still got phlegm and runny nose. now i'm beginning to suspect that it's her formula. i just switched her to Gain IQ but I gave her a diluted formula. but she's still active. here's her latest pic.

alicia, ilb, melissa, thanks!

kai has blocked nose on top of the fever. it makes sleeping uncomfortable esp at night. does anyone has encountered tt before? fever + blocked nose. i wonder how long is it going to last?

im glad im still bfg coz he has not much appetite. but at least he's willing to latch on. but sometimes w the blocked nose, latching on is quite uncomfortable for him too.

wow look at Hannah's big round eyes and she dont seem a bit unwell ! What was she drinking before Gain IQ ? u chk this out with PD ?


no prob. try to tuck a not so high pillow under Kai's chest/neck area so that his head is abit tilted towards the back. That means his chin is point upwards and head is tilted back lah ! aiyo .. dunno u get what I mean ...

anyway this method will clear the nose and get him to sleep better. u try and let me know ... ok ?

My PD says such infection may cause the fever to last for 4-7 days but the flu may persist after that.
gain iq is heaty. make sure she hasenuf water, may cause constipation too. just wondering, hannah has nt turned 1 yet right. why is she drinking gain?
Haaaaaaaaaa. I was browsing thru the forum and saw this winnie the pooh head that i can't help but to post! Haaaaaaa! THAT'S SO FUNNY!!!!!!!
And Rachel's grin is so SWEET! Seeing her smile makes my day liao. I bet she makes u damn happy and cheerful everyday!!!!!

Sorry to hear Kai sick. Hey, PD gave u nose drip? You can drip a drop on Kai before he goes to bed. This will help him sleep better. Raise up the pillow so that he is lying abit higher. That will also help him to sleep better. Normally, block nose will last for 5-10days. In the meantime, lots of water! I am sure he will be well very soon!!! Don't worry!

i nearly pengsan when i saw your posting.. hahahhaha! nice work!

btw, ur Rachel very SAT, can sit next to cake and not smash it!!

Jadelle went for playnest and when playing with flour, she decide that mummy needed extra make up lor.. we both had green & yellow paint down our clothes! Cannot imagine her with cake!
edksd, hope kai recovers soon. having a baby sick is worrying i know...

melissa, hannah looks fine and cheerful to me! heheheee.
hope her nose stops dripping soon though...

ilovebb, AIYOH!!!! THAT PIC OF RACHEL SO DARN CUTE LAH!!! aiyoh hehehehehhe! i know what u mean, that kinda grin, J sometimes wear it too! very very cheeky right? looks so good on rachel hehee. yah doesn't she brighten up ur day every day?

e-ling, finally a pic of amabel! u long time no post, tot u MIA. aiyah, me also lah, so cannot say u hehehee. amabel looks tall now...

emoments, dun worry about dylan's teeth, u may get ur birthday wish soon... babies look the cutest toothless anyway! when the time comes, the teeth will just come out lah...

alicia, yES! i am so excited about the trip. my first time in melb! so....anyone can share where's good to visit??? Ling? Cheekz?
jasmine, when u playing with such colours and paint at JG, do you use bibs or disposable bibs? if disposable bibs u know where to find big ones enough to cover the body??? i saw disposable ones before but not very big....
kai's fever has been gone since this morning. hopefully it doesnt come back again tonight which it usually does at night :p

his blocked nose is still quite bad.

ilb, i tried putting a small bloster on his neck when he's sleeping. seems better but the sound he made is still quite loud, sometimes he's startled by his own noise :p

littlepony, yes PD gave nose drip. right after dripping, his nose will get a bit runny for a v short while (abt 5-10min), and then back to blockage again. sigh...

any idea why nose will block huh? i do encounter it before last wk when i had fever. the muscous just feel so thick tt it's not able to run, just stuck there for whatever goodness reason, making breathing difficult.
buttons, how do u plan to cook j's meal during the trip huh? share leh... coz i wanted to travel too but whenever i tot of the hassle i tend to put off the idea for the time being... :p
Is it Saline(sodium chloride) you're using for drip? my understanding is the drip only temporarily dries up the nose but the mucus will have to come out sooner or later, then the flu will recover so use Saline with care and only use it when really necessary.
The other thing u might want to do is to sleep without aircon, aircon dries the air and also make sure that the fan is not blowing directly above Kai when he sleeps. He should have as much liquid as possible and you can run a hot bath and let Kai 'sniff' the steam to clear his nose but do be careful that he doesnt get scalded. Hope he gets well soon.
ilb, kai grins like tt too. i think all babies will do the same thing when reach certain stage huh?

what shoes is rachel wearing? im thinking of getting shoes for pre walkers. duno which is gd. kai's prev bodux tends to get fury at the sole and inside, small specks of fur sticked onto the feet. do u all hv such problem with bodux or shoo shoo?
Eling | Amabel's really tall!

Buttons | I use the supermarket bags like what I did when I first started weaning. I saw those big plastic bibs costing about S$28 at HV, I nearly fainted!

Melissa | A's got the same kiddy ride as Hannah! there's a little bonnet in front right? A likes to squeeze her shoe in there! hee..
hi brenda, tks!

it's called otriv nasal drops - xylometazoline hydrochloride.

suppose to drip twice a day only.

during PD's visit, PD did try to suck out the mucus using a soft tube.

my mom asked me to use vicks vapor rub. is tt safe? is tt for blocked nose?

oh no, i've been letting him sleep in air con coz i tot it helps to relieve his fever a bit. alamak.

btw, can someone teach me how to teach kai to drink from straw? i still dun quite get it when ilb explained tt time in the post. im getting slower!!
hey! all ur bbs v "guai" hor. my hb wanted to buy a kiddy ride for kai. but we hesitated coz to us, he doesnt seem to like the idea of being seated at all!

he hate to sit in the bb car seat, the bb high chair, the stroller. therefore i dun think a kiddy ride is suitable for him!?!?
my poor mother has been cup feeding and spoon feeding kai ebm n water all these while since he doesnt take the bottle anymore irregardless of the type of teat and size of teat holes ive experimented.

it's really tough on her. so i hope kai can learn to drink from straw but all he does is just to chew on the straw. faintz....
my poor mother has been cup feeding and spoon feeding kai ebm n water all these while since he doesnt take the bottle anymore irregardless of the type of teat and size of teat holes ive experimented.

it's really tough on her. so i hope kai can learn to drink from straw but all he does is just to chew on the straw. faintz....
lilpony,jasmine, buttons

yeah this gal ah .. flash her grin to everyone she meet at my mum plc so those aunties/uncles are so happy when she does that.


1) there are a few vapour rub meant for children in the market. I bought the Cherry Rub for rachel before but my PD warned that these kind of vapo rub cannot go into the nose else it will trigger a reflex reaction in their body and cause heart attack.

Soooo .. put some on kai's chest. That's good enough.

2) It's very difficult for them to drink from bottle with a block nose. So in order for Kai to have enough fluids, use syringe to feed him water. alternatively, dilute the milk.

3) i've this thing from Pigeon to suck out the mucus also. It helps a lot as well.

There's a lot of mucus inside their nose but they do not know how to blow it out. So usually i pressed onto the nose to push the mucus out.

I bought Rachel's shoes from Osh Kosh. It's very soft and comfy. Cost me $29.
I think it's Otrivin you're refering to. Yes, it's saline drops and it's only meant for temporary relieve, afterwhich the mucus will still need to come out so do use it sparingly. The thing is, if Kai's mucus (sorry if I sound gross :p) is hard and thick, u might want to use 'steam' as in letting him breathe in hot air like running a hot water bath instead of using this drop becos the drop dries it therefore making the mucus harder. Check with your PD ya? Yes, the aircon can help keep temp low but it also dries up the nose..
Oh, I use vapo rub too.. just don apply too much. If the mucus is wet, u can try ilovebbs' suggestion, using the pigeon sucker, it does help to draw out the mucus..
oh yay this board is alive again!

When Hannah had blocked nose, the PD gave her the nebulizer to breathe in and some medicine to help with the runny nose. for myself, i swear by Illiadin. they also have the same for babies. it's more concentrated than saline solution but it works very well for 12 hours. maybe u can get the infant version. also can get the infant vaporub, rub on the chest and feet.

Hannah also give out the cheeky grin! think most babies do but how come can't see Rachel's teeth? and LOL i flipped when i saw that pooh photo of yours! :p

the kiddy ride is too cute, we've seen it so many times in Metro only recently decided to buy. Hannah likes to play with the roller. Can Arianne walk already?

didn't know Gain IQ is heaty. she was on Similac Follow-on Formula but it ran out and since Abbot gave me a free tin of Gain IQ, i started her on that. But its' very diluted and i only use half the amount of formula than recommended b'cos she doesn't really like to drink water too. which formula is least heaty? can recommend me some?

finally see Arnabel! wow she's a big girl now!!! looks quai too! hahahaa..
melissa, ive the illadin, but after applied, he seems chocked, keep coughing on and off. so i didnt apply anymore.

brenda, not much mucus to be seen leh. think it's stuck deep not within reach/sight. can only hear the 'chork chork' sound when he sleeps.

ilb, i know the idea is to get some water up into the straw and let them try sucking. but how to get the water up the straw half way and hold it there har?
now another problem kicked in.

kai is having the runs 3 times yday and 4 times today. sigh... what do all these indicate? im damn curious. going to the PD again tomorrow.
hi edksd

My boy has similar problem last week, high fever, sore throat and diarrhoea. Brought to NUH A&E, was diagnosed as viral fever, affecting the stomach. He is only on paracetamol during that few days but we got him to drink alot of water, feed him plain porridge. Got well by end of the week!

Apparently, his cousins and my mum also got the virus from him, and one of them was hospitalised! It all started from sore throat, enlarged tonsils, then fever, follow by tummy upset.

During that few days of fever, he had block nose too. During the day, it was so difficult to bottle feed him with milk, so got to use straw. Then at night, he couldn't sleep well, I apply Vick on his sole, got him to wear socks, he slept better after that.

first you suck some water from the straw and use your finger tips to pressed onto the straw. In this way some water is trap between your fingers and tip of the straw.

Ok something like this:

This is the straw. The horizontal line is where your fingers are. So the water is betw the tip (top part) and finger (line).
Then slide your fingers upwards to push the water up to Kai's mouth.

|-| <---- tip of straw
| |
| |
|-|-- <---- finger
| |

Btw is Kai on antibiotics ? Cos i know that causes diarrhoea too.

pig2, sorry to hear that your boy was so sick ! hope he is well and active now.
edksd, for blocked nose u may like to try what brenda said. if u dun have a bath at home, just on your hot shower in the bathroom, wait for the steam to steam up the plc, then step in with him and let him breathe it in for a few mins or so. it will clear him up. aircon is very drying, do u happen to have humidifier at home? can try that too.

as to ur qn on bringing baby on holiday, everytime i hesitate about this overseas trip, i will remind myself what a friend told me recently. she has 2 girls. she said that only when she has the 2nd one (she brought both on holidays to phuket before with hubby), THEN she realise that bringing one baby to holiday is really a luxury. she's my inspiration! that sentence strikes a cord in me. think about it...when we were doing confinement, we find it so tough. but when our baby grows up and now going to be 1 yr old, our days are actually even busier coz we cook 3 meals for him AND he naps less. so thinking back in retrospect, those newborn days were a luxury isn't it? i always feel very confident that when i have a 2nd baby, confinement will be so much easier! same theory for travelling. i know i intend to have a 2nd baby. there will come a time when we wanna bring both kids out to holidays. that time, i know i will deal with it, but will lament about the days when there was only one notti boy to deal with. soo.....my theory is, DO IT NOW! hehee. i know if i dun do it now, i will not do it until next yr. by then, WHAT IF i am preggie? how to handle belly and a baby? so, no better time lah...to me lah.

as for food, i ask every shortlisted accomodation if they can allow me to use their kitchen. i only consider those that can. i am lucky in that i got a B&B who serves bf AND allow me to use kitchen hehe. so, what i intend to do is, the day before i fly, make 4 meals worth of food, for his 2 days of lunch and dinner. breakfast will be cereal mah so no prob. so for the 1st 2 days in Melb, will feed this food. since we intend to visit the queen victoria or south melb markets during our stay, and markets there i heard are very nice, i will buy fresh meat and vege, so on 3rd day, i will cook another batch to last me for next 3 days. i intend to buy bigger VIA cups (mine is 220ml) to hold each meal portion to store in their fridge. oh forgot to mention, u need a plc where there's fridge lah.

i did consider cooking every day. but i know if i do that, it will be endless washing, preparing, cooking, feeding, washing, just like at home. and i wun be able to enjoy myself. i figured that feeding freshly prepared but chilled food is the next best to fresh food and i am not compromising too much on nutrition. though i will try to prevent it, but there's always alternatives of jar baby food or just feed cereal!

hope this helps.

ilovebb, aiyoh! she smiles like that to EVERYONE that day? hahaha such a happy girl, so sweet!

brenda, u use plastic bags at JG?? really???? aiyoh yah loh! those expensive bibs are kill people put fire!

edksd, kiddy rides...well, sometimes babies are unpredictable. u may think they dun like something, but turns out they do. they outgrow things, or they may just grow to like something they dun initially like. why not rent a kiddy ride and see if he likes it, before buying?
edksd, if u using the pigeon mag mag straw cup, u can also use your hands/fingers to squeeze the softest portion of the cup so that water goes up the straw. do it slowly bit by bit else kai may choke on the quick upsurge of water.
<font color="ff0000">ilb</font>, Rachel looks so pretty in the photo! I guess our little ones are getting really cheeky as they grow. Adele likes to smile like that too.

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine</font>, Jadelle sure have lots of fun at the JG class. Am trying to sign Adele up too but long waiting list.
Which branch do u go to?

<font color="119911">edksd</font>, Adele is just like kai. She doesn't like to sit in the car seat, stroller or any rides. We always joke that she got needles on her butt, cannot sit still. Just rented a walker cum car for her and she sit less than 5 mins and she want to get out already. Aiyoh, thank goodness I didn't buy one or it would be a waste of $. I have also tried to teach Adele how to drink from the straw. But gave up in the end. She just like to chew the straw. Hope that kai will recover real soon! U take care too yah! Its really tiring for the parents as well when their little ones are sick.
<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>, you are going to Melbourne! How niceeeee.... I also want to go on holidayyyy.. I need a break badly... You can try the Puffing Billy in Melbourne. It's lovely!

<font color="0000ff">ilovebabies</font>, Rachel is so cute. I like the red dress! Is that cake from Swenson or Bengawan Solo?

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>, my gal also hates the car seat. In fact, i am still carrying her in the car every time we are in the car. I just cannot stand her screaming when I put her in the car seat. But she loves the kiddy rides, especially the Powerpuff gals one, where the seat will swing and moves in a circular motion. Heehee...

As for the <font color="0000ff">pigeon sucker</font>, it's good if baby is co-operative. Otherwise end up a big struggle and if you use too much force, may hurt the delicate walls of the nostrils and my colleague warned me she used that on her eldest daughter too much til when she grew older, she had a problem of getting nose bleed very often.
Smiley, Alicia


I got the cake from Sweet Secrets. I actually bought a small piece of cake to try out first before confirming my order ! eheh just want to make sure that the cake taste nice. But on the actual day, I thought it is a bit sweet.

if you gals are carrying ur baby in the car, need to ensure that you are strapped to the seat belt for safety purpose hor ...

and if you are sitting beside the door, dont position ur baby near the door in case their head bang onto the door during emergency break.
<font color="0000ff">Hi edksd</font>, Hope Kai is feeling better today...

<font color="ff6000">Hi ilovebb</font> Your pooh head is so funny and it livens up our thread... so cute! Rachel is so pretty with that smile

<font color="119911">Hi eling</font> Finally get to see Amabel after so long... she looks tall like u :p
ilovebabies, me too.. I also bought a small one to try out first. Initially I wanted to get from Polar because of the sweet Hello Kitty designs but after I tried a small cake from there, I decided not to get from Polar coz it's not really very tasty. The cake is a bit dry.

Still sourcing for a yummy and pretty one
Btw, do u find yr babies sleeping lesser now? Dylan can wake up at 2.30pm and tong all the way till 9.30pm (if his daddy comes back abt 9pm). Sometimes he tong all the way till 11.30pm if his daddy work slate and comes back abt 11pm... .

He just have to play with his daddy b4 he can sleep... but he refused to even take a nap at 6plus when he's so tired....
On <font color="ff0000">sore throat and fever</font>, I am very guilty now coz last week, I bought a packet of titbits for my niece who's 2 years old and she took quite a bit. Now she has very very bad throat inflammation and has had very high fever for a couple of days liao

This morning I suddenly recall I had very bad throat inflammation few weeks ago as a result of that brand of titbit!!! It's really very very heaty despite the small size that looks so harmless. I had to be on antibiotics and even steroids as a result of that. Now it's my niece's turn. Sigh.. I am so guilty.
<font color="0000ff">pig2</font>,

glad M has recovered! at tt time why u decided to bring him to A&E?

last night i dripped the nasal drop to soften the mucus and quickly use the pigeon sucker to suck out the mucus, managed to suck out quite a bit.

then i used ur method of rubbing vicks on sole and put on socks. he managed to sleep a lot better than the prev 2 nights.

tks for the tips!
<font color="0000ff">ilb</font>,

tks for the visuals! now i get it!

so tt means we've to suck the water outselves. im worried passing virus to kai (if any), i think im too paranoid :p

yes he's on antibiotics! and the runs started on the day he took it! tonight going back to PD for review will verify with him.

as of last afternoon till this morning, no more fever. keeping fingers crossed!
<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,

humidifier is to turn on while air con is on is it? i tot of buying one but not sure will it become a white elephant. if buy a small one do u think is useful?

wah... now i do agree w u abt travelling w bb. tks! so tt means no porridge for J during the trip? how will u warm up the food in VIA cup over there?
<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,

im using pigeon the other straw cup (not mag mag), the smaller and slimmer version w all japanese wordings.

i tried squeezing both, seems hard so i tot no diff.
<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,

im using pigeon the other straw cup (not mag mag), the smaller and slimmer version w all japanese wordings.

i tried squeezing both, seems hard so i tot no diff.

<font color="0000ff">alicia, smiley</font>,

seems like our bbs hv pointed backside! kai oso enjoy those kiddy rides at shopping centres. i guess tts becos it's new to him and only for short while. if let him get on it everyday, he'll sure scream to get out of it.

i tried bengawan cos they have winnie the pooh designs. It's just normal sponge cake which I dont like. Sweet secrets have mousse cake. yummy .... !

eh what brand of tidbits is that ? but i dont think it's entirely your fault cos there's a lot of viruses out there and ur niece + yourself may have caught the virus somewhere and it's aggravated by the tidbits (making your body heaty) .. so dont blame yourself ok ? just be careful with what we eat lor ...


hmm my rachel still nap 3 times a day.
one after breakfast (cereal), one after lunch (porridge) and one after afternoon milk. Then thereafter, she will tong till 10+ for her last milk and sleep. But hor sometimes she still take a 30mins sleep at abt 8+ leh. So she sleep quite a lot.


if you use the Pigeon Mag Mag cup, you can follow Buttons method of pressing on the base of the cup and the water will flow up the straw.

you bet her backside is pointed man.. hahaha! I met up my good fren and after just one hour of breakfast together, she concluded that I must have a lot of energy to keep up with my active gal! Hahaha.. But actually both my and my hubby prefer her to be active than passive though sometimes both of us feel drained if not burnt out...

On the contrary to what you say, I think if you let kai sit on the kiddy rides everytime you go shopping center, it will become a habit hard to kick leh. Next time he will always want to sit in it. Don't think they will get tired or sick of those colourful attractive rides that are so tempting! Heehee..

it's the Japanese brand kind of fried noodle-like titbits. (I can't recall the name). Something like Ma-mee, but it's the Japanese brand one. Got it from NTUC. We are usually ok with potato chips, twisties, etc, but this particular brand one, has proven to be super heaty.

I saw her yesterday, she was so weak. I cried together with my sister and mother leh.
I will never ever feed small children with titbits again..
