(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

buttons & brenda,

jadelle has a long sleeve bib from IKEA that iz very cheap.. 2 for 7.90sgd only.. so during painting class.. use that lor.. but 1st lesson me blur mah.. so no idea that they start immediately on those classes.. so jadelle was decorating her polo dress lor.. but it was easy to wash it all off as it is only flour and food pigments.

i repost what i posted previously in Aug thread on JG lesson:

I brought Jadelle to her 1st playnest lesson yesterday @ Julia Gabriel and just wish to share the activities behind it:

- 1.5 hrs @ 680 sgd for 2x weekdays.
- 12 babies max per class, rooms r big and comfy.
- every lesson, start with sitting on playmat/ playing with toys with other babies (Free play)
- "cleaning up" of toys (using a clean up song)
- "Hello" song with a different animal each week (yesterday was cat - jadelle's favorite)
- and story telling
- break/ eating time with other babies (snacks like rice krispies). Jadelle copied other babies and learn to feed herself with finger/ spoon in just 1 lesson.
- "outdoor" play. In Forum, it is just a playground..@ Bukit Timah, it will be really outdoors.
- special activity of the week (this week is playing with flour & colours)
- washing up
- songs with keyboard and goodbye songs!

My view:
- teacher Lynn was very very enthusiatic and take special note of every baby's development in her class. e.g. she congratulates VERY HAPPILY one of the babies who learnt to walk 2-3 steps herself this week in class!
- there are at least 2 helpers to assist and follow up on every kid. so ratio is 1:4.
- Forum is a little crowded.. especially when eveyone is hand washing in the toilet and strollers are parked outside the waiting area, making it really cramped
- location is great for me. at 1-2:30pm, i only take up my lunchtime to have more time with my girl 2x a week without clearing leave.
- I sign up MIL for foot reflexology & nail spa that she can utilise. or she can go shopping @ isetan...

I think the playclub (18 months onwards) are similar... but more babies per class and can be in bilingual..

Response from jadelle:
- learnt to self feed in 1 lesson
- shared her toys/ can see her interacting with others
- alittle scared to be in class but derives comfort from me sitting behind her.
- she observes that other babies are walking and attempted to stand by herself.
- very enthusiastic when she sees balls and slides.
- she has made friends in class that she recognise and greet enthusiatically!

My class @ forum very crowded lah.. but i think iz enough for me.. but there is no outdoor play/ water play @ forum. However, as i can go during lunchtime with my girl, i save alot of leave and get to spend weekday 2 hrs with her..

JG actually can slot anyone in and their long wait list is actually for weekends and certain popular slots like 9 am. 11am and 1pm not so popular...If you wish, you just go down, wave a cheque and they will slot you in mid way into the school term and you just complete 10 weeks lor.. Jadelle is @ forum outlet. I believe Arianne iz @ Evans road outlet?

I did not sign up for trial class, but juz jump rite in..
<font color="ff0000">Hi Jasmine</font>

$680 is for how many lessons? Jadelle is so smart, 1 lesson can learn so many things already.
edksd, oh dear u better try to make Kai drink as much water. Just keep having a bottle/cup around him.

buttons, yeahh no need to bring home some more, just use and dump.. but i use a peg to clip the back so that it becomes snug..

jasmine, that's right! we're at Evans and graduating next Thu.. when did u join? Arianne's been there since July, so not very long. but she has lots of fun each time despite the fact that the timing is exactly her nap time.. hiak! But we won't be continuing another term becos we'll be away for almost 3 weeks in Oct and it'll be too big of a break for her so I'll be enrolling her elsewhere then go back to JG for 18months classes. Lynn is that Malay girl teacher right? She took 1 relieve class with us before..
Hi Edksd

M had fever on Monday night, I gave him some paracetamol, then on Tuesday morning, i brought him to see doctor, and was given antibiotics for sore throat, and paracetamol. However I did not see any improvement on tuesday and wednesday, and in fact fever went as high as 40 degrees and he had runs like 3-4 times on wednesday. So on Wednesday night, I brought him to Children Emergency, that's where the PD diagnosed him as having viral fever, and the viruses affecting the tummy too, so happen he poo poo while the PD examined him, so PD got to see his poo! Is super smelly than the usual. No antibiotics was given, only paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Then fever went off by Saturday, but he got very nasty block nose, so sunday morning i brought him to see PD to have the mucus suck out. It was super think and alot. Is very heartpain when they use the machine to suck up the mucus, and his nose bleed abit. But after that, everything was back to normal.

How's your bb? Better today?


M looks so grown up alrdy!

so M did not finish the antibiotics given by the doctor last monday?

after the PD sucked out the mucus then totally no more mucus is it? or still a bit blocked for few more days?

my boss told me young bb having high fever like 39-40 deg cel is quite common. no nd to go A&E.

kai started to hv fever on sunday afternoon. gave him paracetemol. same on mon and tue. i didnt bring him to PD coz prev experience his fever went off on the 3rd day.

wed morning brought him to PD and was given antibiotics. started having diarrhoea on tt day. continued on thur but fever gone on thur.

bringing him to PD tonight for review and to verify whether diarrhoea is due to antibiotics. the antibiotics is for 6 days!!!
Hi edksd

No, my boy did not finish the antibiotics which was given by the doctor on Tuesday, according to the PD at Children emergency, the antibiotices will cause more diarrhoea. And since is viral, is better to let his body fight the virus.

My mum also told me high fever like 40deg is quite common, no need to go A&E. Touch wood, this is the first time he kenna high fever like this, and my hubby not in town, and furthermore his fever din go down and start to have diarrhoea, I called up the doctor he saw on Tuesday, and was told to bring him to hospital.

Maybe Kai's diarrhoea due to the antibiotics.

Before I went to the PD on sunday, he got bad blocked nose, din want bottle feed, and alot of discharge in his eyes. After the PD sucked out the muscus, there is still some, but not so thick, more runny, easier to take care.
Hope all sick babies will get well soon!! The virus seem to be very strong. 1 wk already yun still not fully recover... hianz.

I had one of those small humidifier, it dosen't really help much, but "no fish got prawn also can" - hokkien verse
helo. all the sick babies, hope you all poor darlings recover soon.

pig2 and edksd, if the fever or infection is viral, doc will not prescribe antibiotics coz antibiotics is for bacteria infection. and yes antibiotics coz it kills both the good and bad bacteria in baby's tummy, so chances are they may get tummy upset aka diarrheao. maybe u can ask ur doc can you feed him yogurt during this time? for myself when i antibiotics i take a lot of yakult or yogurt. and since i bfdg, i also feed Jovann more yogurt. but if ur baby is sick, i can't be sure if yogurt is okie, so pls ask ur PD first yar...

humidifier yah can put in aircon room. its just to "moisturise" the air and the airways. but yes lah, dunno will be white elephant a not also. i also worried about mold coz of wooden furniture. so it depends on ur needs...

edksd, for Jovann's food, i tot of cooking porridge on certain days lah. else will be potatoes as staple...or even lentils or sweet potatoes? Jovann likes potatoes... i think if i cook porridge and just chill the mixture it shld be okie after warming up? anyone tried chilling porridge? or rice? i know got "wind" lah, but just curious... as for heating up, since i storing in VIA cups, i will just bring my usual therma container, ask for hot water anywhere to heat up.. can change water also.... again...this are just my tots. i need to find out if heating up food containing MEAT this way is hygienic a not. i read somewhere that any chilled meat has to be heated to piping hot before serving. anyone knows? if so, then i may consider using microwave...but not all the time... i never use microwave for his food b4....
Hi emoments,
680sgd is b4 GST and some other costs like library books fees etc.. this is for english 2x weekdays only for 1 term (10 weeks). no playnest available on weekends.

regarding sleeping lesser

I was observing this too. Jadelle used to nod off @ 10-11am and again @ 3-4pm and once more @ 7pm. now, she will tong until 12-1pm (juz before class!!!) and another round @ ~5pm and all the way until her bedtime @ 9pm!

Hi Brenda,
long time no chat, we have been busy eh? Jadelle juz started. so joined in week 9 only. and will "graduate" first next week before taking 1 week break and continuing with 8 weeks more! I am on waitlist for bilingual playclub on sat for 18 months too.. hope we can get it.. *cross fingers*
If u dun mind those pre packed food can try the vaccum packed porridge from pigeon. I'm getting that to try for Damien cos my friend says its good n she use it on her trips as u jus need to warm the whole packet in hot water before u feed.
hi doreen, thanks...does does porridge contains salt or MSG? coz i can't read jap, not comfy with ingredient list i cannot understand! heheheee. but i did hear got such things, very interesting.. but sure got presevatives?
<font color="0000ff">Hope that all the sick babies would recover real soon!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>, thanks for the info! I just received a call from them on Friday and I will be joining the 1pm slot next term.

<font color="aa00aa">emoments</font>, Adele is also sleeping lesser now. She used to take almost 1.5 hours of nap in the morning and 2 to 2.5 hours of nap in the afternoon. But nowadays, she sleeps for an hour or less for both naps. She used to go to bed at around 8pm but now she can be awake up till 9 plus. I think our babies do not need as much sleep nowadays as they grow.

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>, are you thinking of preparing those food cubes ahead and bring it along for your coming trip? Coz I heard from my sis that Australia is very strict in terms of food items. They dun even allow u to bring in an apple. Initially I also tot of freezing her meal in those cubes and heat it up over there, but worried that those cubes might not be able to go thru the customs. Have u heard of this b4?
hi all,

kai's fever has really said bye bye since thur.

fri brought him to pd for review and pd told me he did warned the antibiotics will give kai the runs (but i didnt hear it). so he reduced the dosage. now a lot better liao and today's the last day of the antibiotics.

as for his blocked nose i realised i didnt give kai the medicine! coz it's for running nose, so i tot no nd to give since his is blocked not running leh. anyway, after taking it for 2 days, his blocked nose is ok liao.

thanks all for the concern and tips!
was just browsing thru the recent postings n saw urs, a quick one. dun think ur cubes will pass custom. they r v strict. they even hv sniffing dogs to patrol round the immigration counter. if u need to bring any baby food, incl milk powder n cereal, pls make sure they r sealed, means never opened b4. enjoy ur holis!
i'd like to ask those who has the following toys:

1) Stride-to-Ride Playskool


2) Stride-to-Ride Fisher Price


is (2) v low as compared to (1)? coz from pics it seems so. im just worried it'll be difficult to ride (just like we riding a v low bicycle).

ive decided to rent one for kai to try it out.

I have the Fisher Price one.
Dont buy this.
It's ex and it's very fast. I find it quite dangerous for Rachel. And it doesnt comes with a back support so they may slide backwards and fall.
ilovebabies and edksd, even if it comes with a back support, also got to keep an eye coz my niece fell backwards from one of these toys that come with a back support. Back of her head hit the floor real hard.
I also can't read Jap. So I dun really know whats inside too.....kekeke
But pigeon is a brand I quite trust n since my friend always feeds her son this when she is not free to cook for him. Should be okie ba....hehe
Anyway I'm jus bringing for incase situations if I really can't find anything for Damien to eat or if he didn't have enough.
Seems to be a better alternative then me trying to find ways to cook for him during holidays...hahaha
dear phoebe,

are u there? i'm very keen to get a few things from gymboree

Can do a spree for us? Alot of pretty things on sale
BM and alicia, thanks for the info. i didnt know aussie is so strict. i am bringing VIA cups and not food cubes, but i guess it will be the same rules. i saw dogs there before, but din they are trained to sniff out food too! hehee. in that case, i have to rethink my food plans. since melb got a lot of markets, and there's a supermkt within walking distance from where i staying, shld be okie but just in case.......anyone got other recc?

doreen hehehe yes lah, its an alternative lah.

cheekz, helO! rem to give me ur email addy can??? still owe you the photos!
what u eyeing at gymboree? pretty birthday clothes for Rae Ann? hehee.
hi buttons
ya aus is really strict but they are nice to mothers w babies in tow. If you are bringing milk powder/cereal, you need to declare. Even if they are sealed. You must bring a new box/tin coz even if you seal in tupperware/ziploc, it's not good enuf.

The supermarkets are EXCELLENT so no worries lah. Not sure if I told you. My last trip, i spent the first day there just preparing all the food and froze it to use over a week. But didn't freeze meat. Bring lentils (in original packet) if you can't find fresh meat.

Also I gave Sophie jar food in the second week coz too busy.
Hi cheekz,
Ok. You email me your order.
Exchange rate US$1 = S$1.58

Will check and see if we going for VPost or International shipping.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Pig2 & edksd</font></font>, does your PD do a culture test with your bbs' mucus? The last time when A had runny nose, my PD did and he can accurately diagnosed what virus A was having and recommended the exact med and her recovery sped up quite fast after consuming the med. The culture costs about S$60 if I remember correctly..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, oooh I love the stuffs at Gymboree too, heh.. <font color="ff0000">PHOEBE</font>, don leave me out if u doing a spree there yah.. hee


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy

to 2 lovely girls - <font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Diana's <font size="+2">Jac</font> & Yuna's <font size="+2">Clarice</font></font></font><font size="-1">(29th Aug)</font>, may your day be filled lots of joy and TOYS!! Stay sweet and pinkie!
brenda, PD gave rhinramine for running nose. but i didnt give kai coz i really tot he's having blocked nose why shld i give him med for running nose.

when i went back for review PD corrected me. after giving him the med for 2 days, his blocked nose ok liao. blur mommy me.

didnt do any culture test.
any mommy still on total bfg? meaning no FM given yet?

when do u intend to stop or go on partial bfg?

do u all intend to let the body rest for 3 mths after stopping bfg to replenish all the resources before trying for 2nd bb? or just continue to bf until realise preggie liao?
i am gg to intro FM to R soon... i wanna wean him off so can recuperate my body and try for #2 next yr.

will b introducing Gain IQ to him as the small tin of sample has alrdy been delivered to my plc. but i was advised to give him Gain IQ aft he turns 1 coz its meant for aft 1 yr old. Meanwhile if i wan, actually can use Similac. My niece taking this brand so no harm trying to intro a feed of FM once a day. But i hv not decided when is THE day. hehe..

i noe buttons is oso planning to intro FM to J soon...

Ohhhh... Both Clarice & Jac's birthday on 29th Aug? <font color="0000ff">Happy 1st birthday!!!</font>
I already intro FM to Damien n he has at most 1 bottle of FM a day occasionally becos my BM supply dips real low at night when my menses comes so need to give him 1 bottle of FM else he keeps waking to drink.
Had quite a bit of fuss when I started introducing the FM but real glad he's taking it well now.
I'm still fully bfing. Haha... latch on 3 times a day - morning, tea n before bed.

But for cereal, i've been using FM all this while coz cannot be bothered to pump... No idea when I'm going to wean Sophie. Was planning to when she was 9 mths coz she was not putting on weight well but PD stopped me. So I'm still hanging on!

But Sophie is ok w bottle feeding n FM coz when MIL/Mum looks after her, they'll give her FM and sometimes when i'm out, I'll bring FM too.

Haven't decided when to wean yet....

thanks babe! i have already consolidated my orders in the excel format u used for the ON spree...

i had such a hard time deciding what to order u know...i think i'm gonna be bankrupt soon!

btw, how do u work out the GYMBOREE dollars thats given for every $50 spent(i think its 50, can't check now coz the website is down)for our individual orders?

btw, pls order soon coz i'm so afraid the items would be out of stock!they get out of stock soooooooo fast!

yup the clothes are nice! real nice...luckily rae ann is on the smaller side so i manage to get the sizes i want...

eh read, u going to europe! u lucky babe!

i'll drop an email later..but i dont haf the pics with me now....will send u the pics later...btw, JOVANN is so cute!

i've been trying to feed rae ann formula...its pathetic! she drinks about 30ml of FM aday...spoon fed by my helper...

she doesn't even latch on much in the afternoons! she only drinks milk at night when she needs to nurse to sleep...

what i do is i try to add milk to her food...but then she also hates eating...vomit blood!!!!

she hasn't grown much lah...but she's healthy
<font color="ff0000">alicia</font>,

So you join which outlet of JG? will i see you @ forum then?

<font color="ff0000">Edksd</font>,
I am pbf Jadelle. She is on 2 feeds of BM a day. when i am working. However, she refuse to stop latching. Will want to latch to sleep if i am around. On weekends, she totally refuse the bottle! I have to sneak in the FM milk via other methods like creamy pasta/ steam egg yolk + milk / cereals + milk etc..

even if i give her the bottle at night, she drink 2 oz only and insist to latch. And when she wake up at night, she will want to latch or will start to cry and cry until very cham..

cham cham cham liaoz, i foresee a tough time weaning Jadelle off my breasts...
Dear Brenda and jRt

Thanks for your birthday greeting! I'm touched! But but, Jac's birthday is 28 Aug, which was yesterday! And we went to the zoo ! Jacs liked the zoo very much, and she insisted to walk by herself, which she still haven't mastered it!

Anyway, here is one of Jac's recent photo, hope you enjoy!
Weaning off baby from BM

I'm having difficulty to wean off Jac too! I will nurse her to sleep, and she'll wake up 2 , 3 times at night to latch on. I plan to wean her off, but I don't know how! One night, I went to other room to sleep to avoid nurse her, and she cried 2 times at 2am and 5am and very loud! And now I gave up already, I hope when she is a bit older, and I'll explain to her "you are big girl girl already, can't eat mama nei nei anymore.." Hope she'll listen to me.

Happy advanced birthday to Arianne, Johannah and DN!
Just in case I'm not able to logon for the next few days! Very busy with the current project!
Dear <font color="119911">Yuna</font>,

Happy happy birthday to Clarice!!!! Wishing her a lifetime of happiness, good health and great wealth on this very special day! Clarice is so cute! She's growing prettier each time I see her!

Dear <font color="ff6000">Buttons, Cheekz, and Jerene</font>,

Thanks so much for coming! Have sent you gals the link to the pics! If you want the individual file, just let me know which pic you want yah?

Hey moms,

Sorry for having MIA-ed for so long! I am really swamped with work, and I am away from office most days hence no internet access. However will try my best to check this forum from time to time, though may not have time to post....

Here are Clarence's 1st birthday pics to share. Looking forward to see more birthday pics from the rest of the forum babies.

Clarence's First Birthday Photos

Dear <font color="0077aa">Alicia</font>,

Thanks so much for organising the birthday bash, and so so so sorry for the very late reply. Yes, thanks for changing it to Dec. As I will be travelling in Dec, maybe I confirm with you later on whether we can attend the bash in Dec can? Thanks a million dear!

Dear <font color="ff0000">blessedmommy</font>,

Thanks so much for the dental contact at Tanglin Shopping Centre! Brought Clarence there for his FIRST dental checkup. The dentist is really very good!

Learnt quite a few things from her which I felt is useful to share:

- Cleaning the baby's teeth before bedtime is a must (though I am very lazy to do myself). Just get a wet towel and wipe the teeth and gums.

- Baby's toothpaste is simply a waste of money cos it does not contain floride. What is worse is that all babies will swallow the toothpaste (cos babies have poor control over their jaw muscles at this stage, so they will not be able to spit nor understand instructions to spit out the toothpaste until at least age 3). If toothpaste is used at this stage, the baby will get so used to swallowing the toothpaste that it will be very difficult to get the child to start spitting it out when you switch to a floride based toothpaste.

- Nursing to sleep is bad cos it causes milk to collect in the buccal cavity (aka the mouth). This leads to breeding of bacteria during the night and the teeth will practically rot (we were showed many pictures of toddlers' teeth which practically rot right through to the gums, and the gums were bleeding.... simply because the baby nursed to sleep).

- Excessive juice is bad. Once or twice a week is more than sufficient.

That's about what I could remember. The dentist has excellent knowledge of babies and children's teeth problems. She looked at Clarence's teeth, commented on their spacing and growth, and shared on the above. As a whole, I felt the $85 was pretty well spent.
The next appointment shall be 6 months later... Hopefully by then Clarence has more teeth for her to see! Hehe....
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, nice party!! so that cake is the gluten-free, sugar-free, eggs-free one u mentioned?? Looks so pretty! Who ate Nemo?! haha!!
Sorry I didn't make it, kicking my own butt seeing the nice pics now! uuurrrgghh..
Eh, thanks for the dental info, gets me on my toes for Arianne's teeth now. Do u mind sharing the contact again?
<font color="ff0000">BM</font>, can share please?

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Diana</font></font>, yes! when I wrote that congratulatory message it was 28th itself. heehee.. but I added Clarice, that's why I wrote as 29th in brackets after her name! Sorry for the confusion. heehee.. Anyway, thanks for remembering A's bday!

Jac looks like a big girl now and such lovely smile must be enjoying herself yah! I'm also planning a trip to the Zoo soon. Did u have problems with the mozzies since the weather is a bit wet recently..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, how's Kai doing now? anymore blocked nose? fever? I'm not sure about this 'rhinramine'. When we went to Shanghai last Dec, my PD gave me 2 types of nose drip. 1 is for wet and the other is for dry. He said to standby in case the weather in Shanghai is cold and dry. I threw away that bottle already.. Just to share, any drips(nose, ear, eye) after opening can only be kept for 1 month, that's what my PD told me..

Culture test is good just a bit ex.. but it determines what your child is suffering from and can get straight to the point. I didn't tell u that after we did the culture, A recovered. But my PD called and told me that bacteria is found in that culture so asked me to watch her closely. He also suggested that I give her a dose of antibiotics but I declined becos she didn't look sick at all.
And true enough, 2 weeks later (yes, she incubated the bacteria for this long!) 1 night at 5 am, she woke me up with a fever of 39.8 degrees, it was all of a sudden.. scary la..
dentist info
dr ong yean sze is a paediatric dentist. Dr Ong is currently pactising in Dental Excellence located at #05-33 Tanglin Shopping Centre. Her contact number is 68340877.

thanks for the advanced birthday greetings.


wow 39.8 deg is v high!! is she totally ok now? must be able to enjoy her party ya?
Hi Brenda,

No one ate the Nemo... Actually the cafe staff took out the mashmellow sticks and set them aside, while they cut up the cake and distributed it to our guests. Just when we were about to leave, they boxed up the leftover cake together with Nemo and friends, and that's when I realised that no one gets to taste Nemo!

Hehee.... I shared the octopus with hubby while dumping the rest... Kinda sweet and sticky... too old for it.

I didn't get the gluten free cake in the end. Cannot tahan the thought of a really plain looking cake for the pictures! So I got the cake from Pine Garden. It is a 3kg cake in 3 different flavours.... Costs me $140 (including delivery). Quite reasonable... The mashmellow sticks are from Bake-It-Yourself at Bt Timah. They cost $1.50 per stick.

I am looking forward to this Sat!!! Hope Clarence is fine after his jab!

You are right, there are mosquitoes in the zoo. I got 1 big bite. Forgot to check on Jac. But based on past experience, usually mosquito loves me the most... Do remember to bring mosquito repellent.


Thanks for your blessing!

Brenda & Blessedmommy

Do remember to post Arianne & Johannah's birthday party photo hah!
wow i'm surprised there are mommies who are still breastfeeding. bravo!

to breastfeeding mommies,
Hannah is still on BM and only had one FM during the day but I still got pregnant during the stint. I continue to breastfeed her until she weans herself off my breast. i suspected my milk has changed in taste therefore she's completely on FM now. eversince she's on full FM, she sleeps through the night. now i can enjoy my uninterrupted night sleeps once again! (but not for long hehe).

thanks for sharing the baby dental tip. i didn't use the toothpaste as well. don't think it's practical at this point of time.

thanks for contact of dentist. Is she expensive?

Me will be busy with Jadelle's birthday celebration this sat. too. Her actual day is 3rd Sept.

thanks for telling us about hannah weaning herself off once you got preggie. I am really afraid i will have a permanently attached jadelle to my breast even when she is 2 yrs old!

break the habit fast .. else you'll have a hard time.

my rachel wean herself off my B too. Not too sure why but think she just prefers bottle lah.
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>,

i'll be getting the gluten, wheat, egg, diary, sugar free cake from the consciouschoice for kai's bday

im not worried abt a plain looking cake as i really want kai to hv a cake and be able to eat it! hehe..

anyway, i've spoken to them and get them to cream up the exterior of the cake w fresh cream. then im going to decor it myself w 2D icing from B-I-Y.

so looking forward to it as ive nvr bake not to mention decor a cake myself before! hohoho...

u held the bday celebration at the legends? do u nd to be a mbr there? how many guests did u ve? seems like a big affair
<font color="0000ff">melissa</font>,

i think part of the reason why some of us are still on total bfg is becos we find it hard to wean off from bfg our bb! hehe...

really bu-she-de leh...

i wanted to fully bf till kai is 1 yr old before i even think abt getting preggie w the 2nd one.
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>,

kai has fully recovered since last wk.

the med PD gave us usually state 'to discard after xx days/wks' after opening.

bb getting ill is so worrisome to the parents!

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
i really enjoyed the party! love the cake!

thanks for the lobangs!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">phoebe</font>
i've submitted the orders

pls order soon coz the stuff gets out of stock so fast! and there's an additional 20% off today!
Don't miss it okie!

thanks so much!!!
