(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">Adele thanks all the nice aunties for their best wishes!

<font color="119911">As of this afternoon, her fever seems to have subsided but hopefully it will continue this way. PD has advised that if her fever still goes on till tomorrow, would have to bring her down for blood tests. Guess its really good to avoid crowded places for the next couple of weeks. Seems like the virus is everywhere.</font>


wah adele look soooo happy !!

bear in mind that fever may hit again at nite.. well at least this is what happen to my Rachel that time. She is well during the daytime. So my PD suggest we give her a dosage of NUROFEN before she sleeps.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, I do 1 of these methods;
1. Potatoes or sweet potatoes in the stew, mashed then mixed together with the stewed beef and other veggies, serve with porridge.
2. Potatoes or sweet potatoes in the stew, mashed then mixed together with the stewed beef and other veggies, minus the porridge.
3. Steam the potatoes/sweet potatoes, serve mashed as staple then treat stew beef with other veggies as side dish. Reason for doing this is to provide her with a bland staple.

I'm not sure about the carboh diff between the 2 potatoes. I bought RED potatoes this week, they come in small knobs, so I don't have a problem with too big of a potato for one meal (like the Russette ones) and had to resort to freeze the balance. A can finish one whole knob cos really small..
brenda, do u puree the beef? from what u saying now, seems that u pureeing the root vege, what abt the beef? sorry coz i trying to imagine whats the end result lah hehehee.

phoebe, i got PM leh! u rec oredi?

alicia, so glad that adele is better now. and my PD also said fever may come at night, so be careful....hope she fully recover very very soon!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">JGze</font></font>, are u using a new nick? this 'precious angel' is so familiar but I can't remember it belongs to who! heehee..

Stew = Foods cut in chunks then cook in a hot pot over small fire for a longer time like 30 mins and above.

You can use any meat or poultry and rooties are better for stewing..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, yes I do puree the beef and the veggies. I use a BIG chunk to stew.

End results for Method #1 > 1 portion of Porridge, 1 portion of Pureed Beef+Veggies with Mashed Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes

End results for Method #2 > 1 portion of Pureed Beef+Veggies with Mashed Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes

End results for Method #3 > 1 portion of Mashed Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes, 1 portion of Pureed Beef+Veggies

Can understand? heh.. I also getting blur myself! heehee..

Nowadays I also try NOT to puree the meat together with the veggies. I prefer this way of eating, like classier (heh..). So end up I might have, 3 or 4 portions of food.
Long time never log in or read the forum as I was very busy with work and sometimes I need to be offsite, thus no Internet access.

Finally managed to glance thru these 2 weeks' postings.... *phew*

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
I quite like Andy but I dun think his birthday fall on 18 Sep leh.... I thot he's born on the 27th Sep??

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Aiya.. I miss the Taka black card promo again... how did u get to know one? Next time can sms me? Heehee... thanks.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Birthday Spree Update</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">1. Celebrate Express - www.celebrateexpress.com</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Model #</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD>Message </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedmommy</TD><TD>Lil' Princess 1st Birthday Mylar Balloon</TD><TD>E2290MB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.49</TD><TD>3.93</TD><TD>32.75</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18 Balloons (Magenta #1, Pink & White with Pink Dots)</TD><TD>E2290BL</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3.25</TD><TD>5.14</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lil' Princess 1st Personalized Banner</TD><TD>E7864 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD></TD><TD>Our Little Princess Johannah is 1! </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Disney Princess Personalized Birthday Banner</TD><TD>E7237</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>Happy Birthday Sherilyn Zhang </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_angel</TD><TD>Lil' Princess 1st Personalized Banner</TD><TD>E7864</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>29.61</TD><TD>Our Little Princess Evangeline is 1! </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Hot Pink Tablecover (54"x89")</TD><TD>E2290TC</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3.75</TD><TD>5.93</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>fascinated_mum</TD><TD>Disney Princess Personalized Birthday Banner</TD><TD>E7237</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>Little Princess Adele is 1 today! </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>Baby Einstein Personalized Birthday Banner</TD><TD>E7373</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>47.35</TD><TD>Happy Birthday Jovann </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Plush Crown (Blue)</TD><TD>E85371</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>8.99</TD><TD>14.20</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Primary-color Photo Table Tents</TD><TD>A50194</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>5.99</TD><TD>9.46</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">2. Birthday Direct - www.birthdaydirect.com</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Model #</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedmommy</TD><TD>1st Birthday Girl Big Pack Cutouts</TD><TD>94605</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>5.09</TD><TD>8.04</TD><TD>9.70 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pink Flower Number One Candle</TD><TD>96115</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1.05</TD><TD>1.66</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_angel</TD><TD>1st Birthday Girl 12 Foot Banners</TD><TD>94698</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1.83</TD><TD>2.89</TD><TD>4.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pink Flower Number One Candle</TD><TD>96115</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1.05</TD><TD>1.66</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>emma</TD><TD>Happy 1st Birthday Primary Blue 5 Pack Latex Balloons</TD><TD>94902</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.39</TD><TD>3.78</TD><TD>14.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Fun at One Boy Giant Party Banner</TD><TD>42985</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>4.99</TD><TD>7.88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Happy 2nd Birthday 12 ft Banners</TD><TD>94696</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1.83</TD><TD>2.89</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">3. All Aboard Toys - www.allaboardtoys.com</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Model #</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL </TD></TR><TR><TD>fascinated_mum</TD><TD>Mickey & Pals 12" Balloons - 6ct</TD><TD>PL-1083</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.67</TD><TD>4.22</TD><TD>70.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Care Bears Dreamin' Twin Sheet Set</TD><TD>FM-M4421P</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>33.97</TD><TD>53.67</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cinderella Heart Shaped Happy Birthday Balloon</TD><TD>GL-1119</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.67</TD><TD>4.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Disney Princess 12" Balloons - 6</TD><TD>PL-72424</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.67</TD><TD>4.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Disney Princess Happy Birthday Princess Foil Balloon</TD><TD>GL-1082</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.67</TD><TD>4.22</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">edskd</font>
Your mom is right. Irregular menses are usually a symptom of some underlying physical or hormonal imbalance, which affects ovulation which affect fertility. Guess we are lucky

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
Good to know adele is much better. She does look good in that photo! What is that toy on her left? Or is it a toy?

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>
Maybe you miss my previous posting? Is it possible to meet you next week to collect the CB stuff before the 28th? Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">ilbabies, Ling, Buttons, Jerene, Thanks so much for your best wishes! Adele is much better today.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Buttons, how was the kindermusik class on Sat? Was it good?</font>

<font color="119911">Jerene, yup, the toy on her left is a disney winnie the pooh toy. Its got 4 rings if I remember correctly. Let me take a photo to show u how it looks like.</font>
Hi good morning Mummies,
I am from Feb 07 thread. I am intend to prepare baby food myself. Need your experience on what type of blender is good for preparing food baby. Please advise :)
saphira, many of us swear by the ULike.
it is a small blender that comes with 2 kinds of blades (dual blade for dry food and 4 blades for normal puree). it comes with a small container and a bigger container. if u use the smaller one, its very suitable for puree-ing single portion baby meal, or even puree-ing multiple portions for freezing/storing. easy to clean and super easy to assemble. sells at isetan at $69.90 the last time i saw it. heheheee...hope this helps.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, hey I'm still waiting for u to send me the link for the site that says greens lose up to 90% of Vit C when freeze.. I want to read indepth about it.. thanks ahh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Saphira</font></font>, yup! so far, U-Like seems to be THE ONE that works best!
brenda, u didn't read my post properly lah. I said that vege lose up to 90% of their vitamin c after a week in the CHILLER. IF NOT FROZEN. the site is avocating us to use frozen vege or FREEZE our vege, so they supporting it by saying if we DON'T freeze, it loses 90% of vit c...

i try to find and show u....dunno which site now.
ooh <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, so the 90% loss of Vit C is refering to Spinach that are kept in room temp (also, as in temperate countries room temp! and that's aussie webbie right, so should be refering to aussie room temp then..) right? wa pang.. that's bad ahh.. that gives us more reason not to buy veggies from WET markets as they don't keep their unsold veggies in the fridge right? I don remember seeing wet market veggies' stalls having fridges to being with..

Eh, until now I still don know what is PAUY LENG!! my mind can't seem to register that! hehee.. but I am sure that one in the pic is not our usual local red spinach which we buy from cold storage or some NTUCs.. I guess there's definitely more than one type of spinach available..
yah loh, yesterday bought the spinach from ur friend during lunch, came back to office put it in my mini fridge (5degrees c), end of the work day oredi half wilted! sigh.... think now i buy spinach frm supermartkets better. unless those in markets is fresh and delivered that same day, else wun keep as well.

yah the one u see in the pic is puay leng lah. it has long pointed leaves.
oh yah, brenda, wanna ask u, by right our babies shld eat what ratio of vege to meat huh? e.g. in a meal, the amt of vege (root or leafy) before cooking (total amt of diff vege) usually shld be around TWICE the amt of meat before cooking? what is ur usual practice? I wanna know if i am giving the right proportion. they usually say 2 servings of vege and 1 seaving of meat a meal issit?

how much root vege do u usually cut out? e.g. if i have a fat zuchinni, i usually cook about 1 inch of that, plus an inch of carrots and 1/2 small sweet potato e.g. is that too little or too much? i know very hard to measure lah, so agar agar lah.

by the way, ur recipe of stews above hor, one method is feeding the vege/meat stew with porridge right? in that case, isn't it a bit too much carbo is potato is used? coz that time i said when i feed potato/spinach/avocado for example, i felt must add cereal, and asked u if too much, u said too much carbo coz cereal is carbo mah. then porridge?
BUTTONS and brenda,
Thank you so much for your kind response. Wonder if u have any pictures

Could u also teach me how to place color text?
Mommies, anyone knows where to buy those simple TUBES tops. those that u wear with tops/dresses that are too low cut? hehee. i dun want tube bra (i have lots), want white tube tops. thanks!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, 'that are too low cut' is meaning what?! Tube tops are straight on the chest right? how to be low cut? unless its bra top you're referring to.. VS got a lot what.. and now got lar-gee more sale! hee.. I just browsed earlier, think I might want to get some stuffs, u want?! (GOT SOME TOPS going for 9.99!!)

Anyway, I've got this tube top dress from one of my last purchases and I can't make it in it cos of my TUMMY, don't think I can ever wear it, will just be hanging in my closet to collect dust
.. u want to buy over?

<font color="ff0000">or any mummies interested?</font>

This is the exact color, Size S
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Saphira</font></font>, if you're a Feb 07 mummy, that means your bb is now 4mos to 5mos old? When do u intend to feed solids? cos if u are starting with FIRST foods, most of them can be mashed simply using a fork. Like Bananas, Potatoes, Papayas, Sweet Potatoes, Avocadoes (not really 1st foods la..) etc.. but of course u can buy the blender now and use later la.. I bought mine at Isetan Scotts (level 3 I think, must ask SQ-Peachie..)
<font color="aa00aa">brenda,</font>
My girl is born in 24th of Jan 07. I don't have much experience in weaning baby. Nervous about it. I plan to start her on solid only after 6 months. She is still on breast milk now.
Mummies, normally if you give your baby a piece of apple, does your baby actually eat the apple? Coz sophie bites a bit and twirls it in her mouth but ultimately she doesn't really chew it enough to swallow it but she won't choke either so i will take it out of her mouth.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, very good qnsss!

I've no guidelines when it comes to ratio of meat vs veggies.. but I've always been doing 1:2 or 1:3. But then again, it really depends on the menu.

Yes, when stew meal is going to be accompanied by porridge, the potatoes/sweet potatoes will only be a few knobs or I won't use potatoes all together. I'll use other rooties/veggies or even fruits of such combinations:
- Stew Pork with apples, pears or peaches and one more veggie/rootie **Yummy!**
- Stew Beef with Parsnips, carrots and asparagus
- Stew Beef/pork with Radish (the Jap Daikon) ***I love this! the smell damn good!!***
- Stew Pork with tofu, zucchini and squash
- Stew Beef with zucchini, squash and radish ****Super Yummy**** (I don eat la, but looks and smells damn damn nice!)

Eh.. actually these are the menus that I was compiling in my BRENDA'S BBS' FOOD GUIDE, but u keep asking me all these qns now! disrupt my compilation la! hee..

Your 'potato+spinach+avocado+cereal' really seemed like an overload of carboh leh and I hope u are not doing this every meal or at dinners, then poor Jovann might have a problem with indigestion, hence constipation (I'm only guessing!).. U do remember that potatoes, avocadoes and cereals contain complex carboh right? I can't be that scientific to tell u that it was the complex carboh that was the culprit but the possibility is high! 3 items with complex carboh in a meal.. hmmm

Aiya, anyway I'm no nutrition guru la so can't confirm with u on that. I usually treat avocado like a staple itself, not even as a fruit unless I'm only feeding like 2TBS at LUNCH or BREAKFAST, NEVER DINNER. However, we usually cut open one fruit and we'll tend to feed at least half, and that itself is almost 4-5 TBS right? Oh! Don't tell me Jovann actually can finish the whole avo even after the potato+spinach+cereal?? Tell me more on the quantity of each item you're feeding.. easier to aga aga..

But your 1" carrot/1" zucchini/0.5 small sweet potatoes sound ok to me le.. I do about that amount too for one meal.

My suggestion will be either u minimise the quantity or u replace the item.. BALANCE the meal!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Saphira</font></font>, yeah.. I can understand how u feel cos I was also a nervous wreck before, twice since I have 2 kids.. but looks like u are on the right start! I'm sure you'll have fun when the time comes like some of us now!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, did u receive my emails with my bank transfers? I didn't get reply from u so though I also post here for your attention

1. Eoutlet Spree - S$56.41 - Ref: 1224608768
2. Jack & Lily - S$53.12 - Ref: 1225518769

Both transactions went to DBS Savings Plus 020-1-027024. Let me know if there's anything amiss..
BRenda! are u still groggy from ur Med?? my post read "Mommies, anyone knows where to buy those simple TUBES tops. those that u <font color="ff0000">wear with tops/dresses that are too low cut</font>?" so i am refering to my own tops that are low cut, so i wana TUBEs to wear INSIDE these tops lah.

You joking!??!!! u cannot fit into that skinmy dress u ask me if I want??? i wanna faint liaoz. my girth and tummy bigger than urs leh girl!

saphira, thanks! at least u understand my post. hahahahahh! yes, way to go! doing research before starting on solids yar?

Brenda, my gosh. ur recipe sounds very yummy! i wanna try!!! u get the daikon from isetan right? eeerrr...another boring qn, isnt it too cooling/strong/sharp (dunno what u call it) for babies? its radish right? radish is detoxifyng, so strikes me as too strong for baby? just asking lah...

Oh! no lah, i dun feed the avo, papaya, potato, spinach thingie every day! hehehe. i only fed ONCE! hhhmmm... or issit twice? MAX 2x. oh, avo is complex carbo too?? okie, will take note.
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
I went to browse the VS site coz you mentioned THE word (S-A-L-E) and now I saw some pretty irresistible deals! Do let me know if you are gonna purchase, yeah? Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
No need tube tops lah. If you got it, flaunt it! Hehehe...

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>
Thanks for the reply. The reason why I was asking is because I will be leaving Singapore on 28th morning which means I can only collect from you in July if otherwise. Fingers xxx goods come soon!

<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
Is the toy soft? BTW I have yet to pay you for the hairband! Let me know when is a good time or I can always transfer to you??
Hi hi all,
I am back. So many posts..err. I am so lazy, I only read the recent ones.

<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,
can get cheap ones at AA fashion la..

<font color="119911">phoebe</font>,
i just transferred too. thanks a lot.

<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>,
there's shopping in BJ - kids stuff any good?
<font color="0000ff">Nedlands</font>
Where did you disappear to? Had only abt two days in BJ, now in Shanghai and have not the chance to look for kiddies' stuff. Had lunch in the famous Nanxiang Restaurant for Xiao Long Baos (queued for about 45 mins!), then walked around the bund before a massage. By then, it was time for dinner. How have you and Clare been?

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
You are being too modest!
<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>,
tied up with work and no access to the net during ofc hours. hope that explains..Clare is good. Got a tooth now and got her mind of her own now so been demanding things done her way.
have fun

the toy is soft. its actually a stacker (pooh & friends design), each character produce different sound. alicia & myself got it together. i guess will hv to wait till adele is fully recovers before u gals can meet up.

Mummies jst wanna to check any babies using pacifier when sleeping. Do ur baby wake up when d pacifier drop and need us to re-insert b/f they go back to sleep. Any ideas how to wean off & when shd we wean off?


Ur toy sounds interesting. Any pic or where do u get it? Thks.
