(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>,
<font color="ff0000">Birthday Spree</font>
Can you remove the wording "Zhang" from the banner and just have "Sherilyn" name on it only -per order that you have already posted.

So the wording for the banner will only be "Sherilyn".

Thanks a million.

<font color="ff0000">Re-Posting For Phoebe</font>

I think some of the mummies here miss this posting so I KPO abit and repost it again for Phoebe.

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">The Children's Place "Monster Sale"</font></font>

Anyone interested? Please put in your order to Phoebe.

Website: www.childrensplace.com

Exchange Rate US$1 = S$1.59
Flat US$5 shipping charges, via VpostUSA



Size (if #1 OOS):
Color (if #1 OOS):
Conversion: US$AA.aa x 1.59 = S$BB.bb
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font>,
Will send you my order via email. Thanks!
<font color="ff6000">Jaime, thanks! Her body temperature has gone back to normal since tuesday nite. Thank goodness! But I will keep her at home for at least the whole of this week. Hopefully, I will be able to join u n Chloe next week.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jerene, Jaime has kindly helped me to answer your qn on the toy. Adele likes the toy very much. Dun worry abt the money. We can always meet up when u r back. I look foward to meeting up with u n Jaime soon! Oh, can I check w u do u need to pay for Alexis's airticket when u travel with her? I am thinking of bringing Adele for a holiday in Oct and I saw that children under the age of 2 do not need a ticket unless they occupy a seat. Can she sleep on the plane? Really worried how Adele will behave on the plane?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mommies, when u cook porridge do u steam the food separately or cook together with the porridge? For eg now when I cook fish porridge, I will steam the fish and add into the porridge after that. Sometimes, I will steam the fish or meat together with the vegetable depending on wat vege its is like broccoli n asparagus coz after tat I will put it into the blender to puree it first b4 adding it into the porridge. But for vege like carrot, pumpkin n potato, I will cook it together with the porridge. Should I just add everything into the porridge to cook instead of steaming separately first?</font>
Hi mummies,
Me just dropping a quick line to say Hi. Its been so busy at work, I've been reading the posts on and off, but no time to join in the chat.

Little T is officially nine months now and definately time to teach her some discipline. Such a stubborn gal at times. Some of her favorite past-times now are singing with her cousin, ransacking our drawers and 'blowing bubbles' on my arm.

We did what seemed to me like a really fun thing last night. Little T and I took a long shower together. I stuck her bath seat in the adult bath tub put her in it. Me sat in the other end of the tub and we took turns in washing each others hair and brushing each others teeth (I brushed her gums, she has no teeth yet). It was really fun. Definately recommend it to the mummies. If your tub is big enough, perhaps daddy can join in the fun too.

Got a question again. We've been watching the 'Baby Can Read' starter disc for almost a month now. She seems to be interested. I was wondering if they have something similar in Mandarin too? Anyone know?

Those who have the GD word cards, how's your bubs doing in the program?
You will still need to pay for a baby ticket. The price of the ticket really depends on the airline. Eg. when we took united airlines, the baby ticket was only about 30% of our adult ticket. But when we took SQ or CX, the baby ticket was almost 80% of our adult ticket.

Check with the airline first before confirming your adult tickets.
its me again,
any mummies ever when for the SSO baby prom? What's it like? If its good, shall we try plan to go together?

From what I recall, the tickets get sold out realy fast (recall last Dec the forum had lots of postings looking for tickets)

will take a pic of the stacker tonite & post it here. i actually got it online fr a taiwan website thru a colleague of mine. not sure u can get it here or not.


yes, u hv to pay for a baby ticket. as per Mrs Luk, it depends on the airline. i pay abt $380 for chloe's ticket to perth (for SQ) which is abt 50% of my adult tickets (inclusive of all taxes & fuel charges), but for Qantas, its slightly cheaper. there wont be any seat for our baby but u can request for a bassinet where she can sleep on it. so where r u heading for holiday? i'm also looking forward to my perth trip in 2 wks time.
Brenda and Button,
From the link posted by Button regarding the frozen of vegetable. It seems like Vegetables must be blanched before freezing to retain the nutrient/vitamins. As this deactivates the enzymes found in the vegetable (it's the enzymes in vegetables that cause them to deteriorate), brightens their colour, and preserves their nutritional value whilst frozen.

Blanching Method
1. Chop vegetables into even-sized pieces. Place in a colander. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Plunge vegetables into water. Bring back to the boil. Cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2. Lift colander from saucepan. Drain vegetables well, shaking.

3. Plunge into a bowl of iced water to 'refresh'. This not only stops the cooking process but helps to retain the colour. When cool, drain again. Arrange on kitchen paper. Vegetables can now be frozen.

So it is almost the same if we steam the vegetable, puree, put in food cube and freeze? When we want to serve then bring out to steam and serve to baby. So is it mean this method will retain the freshness and vitamins better than one that kept in chiller and cook only when wanna serve?
<font color="ff0000">Angeline, thanks for the info!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jaime, so u mean although u paid for Chloe's airticket, she still doesn't occupy a seat ah. Initially I wanted to go HK Disneyland but tot of wanting to visit my sis coz haven't seen her for a long time so decided to go Perth instead. But everything is still not confirmed yet coz still waiting for hubby to nod his head lah..
If I do go will most probably in Oct coz its their spring season so lots of nice flowers to look at. Hehehe... I tot that baby below age of 2 no need to pay for airfare n have been telling hubby the same thing. But hor I really worry whether Adele can adapt to the flight journey. Scared she throw tantrums n refuse to sleep.</font>
hi alicia,

so glad to know that lil cutie adele is much better now!

so exciting to plan a holiday with the lil one, right?

perth is such a nice place!


are u still going perth?
<font color="ff0000">Hi Cheekz, thanks for your best wishes! Planning a holiday is indeed exciting n furthermore this will be my first trip together with Adele. Did Rae Ann enjoy herself when u brought her to Perth the other time? Did she adapt well to the flight journey?</font>
i know alot of you working mothers are preparing food at home and then freeze it, then pass to your caregiver everyday.

I understand this intention cos u want to prep the food yourself and relief your caregiver. But at the same time, you gals are very worried abt the loss of nutrients after blanching and freezing.

so my suggestion is .. why not you prep the raw food in the morning and ask ur caregiver to cook it together with the porridge or steam it separately ? this way, you decide what your child eats, and retains all the nutrients by serving them fresh ? then you dont need to worry abt what temperature to store the food, how much nutrients are lost in the process of preparation ....

my 2 cents worth ....
hi alicia,
we went there in feb 07 when she was bout 5mths old and has not started on her solids...

since i b-feed direct, we needn't haf to bother bout bottles or pumping, etc...

it was such a stress-free holiday...

we took SQ flight @ 1am so we slept all the way there and reached perth @ bout 8am (due to daylight saving hours, they were 1 hour ahead during summer months, not sure about other months)

in that sense, we SAVED one whole day lah...also, i stayed in self contained apartment so we managed to request for early check in...

i pre-booked (no need to pay) a car rental from the airport itself and we got the car immediately after getting our luggage, no queues...we also booked an infant car seat...it was clean and branded (britax)...the company is budgetcars...

it was convenient to return the car @ the airport coz we needn't haf to worry bout getting there from where we were putting up...


unless u pay for child fare then will hv a seat. otherwise adele will hv to sit on your lap for take off/ landing. i'm taking a day flight so most prob chloe will be awake. anyway its only a 5hr flight so shd be ok lah. dont worry too much.
I am doing the way u mentioned. I think Button concern is that she found out from a link that vegetable that keep in a fridge loss 90% of it vitamin after a week whereas frozen vegetable can retain it vitamin. Button right?
<font color="aa00aa">Cheekz n Jaime, thanks so much for all the info! It would be much easier for me as my sis is staying there. I will be staying at her place and most prob she will be my tour guide throughout my trip. Just the flight journey that I am worried about.</font>

dont worry too much lah. just go!! moreover there is no time difference. its gd to hv someone there to show u ard. actually there r quite alot things to do & site see which i wont be able to cover all in 1 trip, will definitely go back there again. ke ke ...
hi cheekz, long time no see u here!

yes me still goin perth, but in summer rem? end dec. its not my choice, its hb's co. trip.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Buttons/Jerene</font></font>, u girls wanna order VS too ah? okok! ON!! so happy got people to share my shipping. I've only got a few things to order, that's why.. Can you girls rush me your orders via email please?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, hahahhaha! now that I read that 'too low cut' sentence again, I laughed out loud at myself! heehee.. But why u want to wear tubes? how about getting those like exercise bras? which can be strapless too? dual purposes la.. or get some sexy bras from VS la (eh the diamond studded one!! I think u can also order the feathered wings!!) heh.. but seriously, u can get those VS swim suit bra tops (CHEAP!!) which are really nice and fancy, they come with front clasp so if u want to release for BFDG, it's convenient la..

Aiya, I thought you might be ok to show your tummy mah heh..

About the <font color="ff0000">Stews</font>, I'm sure you'll like it! remember to cook more for yourself and Samy..

Yes, I usually got my <font color="ff0000">Daikon</font> from Isetan, also Cold Storage Taka's Jap corner or Tanglin Mall's Market Place also have.. Radish is indeed 'cooling' and good for detoxifying the body but we're only adding a few pieces, also don't forget it has an abundance of vitamin C. I think 2 times a week is good moderation. At Isetan, they sell in very small tubes. Meaning, from the BIG piece, they cut into small portions to sell. Jovann definitely can finish in 2 servings from that 1 portion, maybe just a few more pieces left, just nice for u and Samy to savor the stew la..

U mentioned that the spinach u bought from my friend was all wilted at the end of work day?? that's strange.. is it u had it all wrapped up? and the plastic bag had no breathing holes? Cos can't be so fast right? maybe u should ask that friend how to keep it fresh. I just met him last Sunday for a Belgian dance performance, told him my friend(s) think he's funky for a veg seller!

BTW, did u find the mini claypot at Sheng Shong? Did u also see the mini slow cooker, the one I have at my mum's? Aiya Murti broke the cover of the slow cooker so now it's TOPLESS, wonder how am I ever going to find a cover that fits properly. If buy a new slow cooker, then the old, topless one how?! hmmmm..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, frozen foods are more popular and widely accepted in those countries becos they don have the convenience of having supermarkets like ours almost every 1.5km. Especially those who live in the suburbs, they usually do their marketing like once 2 weeks so frozen foods are naturally a healthier choice for their kind of set up. They buy their peanut butter or Milo in 5kg or 10kg containers!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Gladys</font></font>, oh!! aiya! I was squeezing my brain juice trying to recall who's 'precious angel' ahh and I asked a couple mums over MSN yesterday but no one seems to have a clue! hee..
Yes! u need water in your stew otherwise u won't get gravy. That's why I said, SMALLEST fire. I can't estimate for u how much water to add cos I don't know the size of your pot, how small is your smallest fire and also the amount of your food. But the water should be covering all the ingredients. Here's the steps:
1. Chunk all your rooties + meat.
2. Put water in claypot (if u use metal/stainless steel pot, u can't stew cos can't cook long!), boil the water.
3. Once water is boiling, turn down fire to the SMALLEST, add all the rooties, cook for about 20mins. Water should not be boiling at anytime.. just small ripples, like simmering.
4. Add your meat, stew for another 20 mins until meat is tender.
5. Remove the rooties, mash them with fork
6. Remove the meat, put into blender, add the gravy from the stew and puree
7. U can either mix the meat puree with the mashed rooties to serve or separately serve also ok. Yum yum!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, how was your hols?!??!! somehow I can 'smell' the totally rejuvenated scent off your posts! heh..

I didn't make it to the KM class cos I was ill! now I'm sort of recovered already so will be calling up that place to ask for a trial, u interested too? Quite near our place ah, can hang out there for a cuppa at the cluny court. U were the one who mentioned that cafe is nice is it? or who ahh?
yes, yes, cheekz and jamie are right, sq really ke tok us, when we went to NZ we paid only $1000+ for our adult tix (2 to go specials) but we had to pay $841 for alexis's tix!

Just nurse adele when landing and takeoff, good luck!
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, I think the other issue that many of the mummies is facing happens to be the hygiene standards of their caregiver. Or maybe the caregiver will overcook the food, hence loss of nutrients too. Aiya many other factors la.. I think which ever methods all has its set of problems.. the worst one has to be the human factor - a trustworthy caretaker? right..?

Not sure if u know, but I was considering really hard to go back to work, full time, which also translates to being away from Arianne's zone. I declined the job offer and decided to stay home. Then found another so-called job opportunity which allows me to stay home to work but I was supposed to do a bit of travelling at the initial stage. And becos I haven't been able to make arrangements for Arianne to be travelling with me (somehow logistically not suitable la..), I am still stalling the idea of doing that job. haiz.. if only I have a trustworthy caretaker. I don't mean I don't trust my helper, I can give her my entire purse and I know she won't steal a cent. But leaving A under her care for like 3 days, I'm skeptical lor..

i understand. as for your case, why not ask shawn to take 3 days of leave and supervise ur helper ?
or leave A's under your mother or MIL's care ? I believe these are the people whom you trust most, besides youself

sometimes we have to close one eye, we cant expect ourself to be aware of everything is happening around us.

if working mothers chose to prep the food and sacrifice the nutrients, then be it. But like me, i rather serve fresh food and leave the cooking and preparation to my mother.
After reading the link posted by Button, this came across my mind the proper way of thawing food. So what is the proper way of thawing meat and fish from freezer? Leave in refrigerator until it thaw (which i think need long time also right) or just leave outside room temperature until it thaw (which will attract bacteria?)? For me i leave it outside at room temperature until it thaw leh. Is it ok?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, yah! agree with u on the 1 eye open, 1 eye close approach.. but easy to say, difficult to be done le.. heh.. for me la.

Shawn?!?! hahaha!! no way! no, actually the problem doesn't lie with my helper. I'd say she's the perfect caretaker of babies. If I were to give her up will surely write her testimonial spelling how good she is with babies. Problem is with me and my unnecessary worry la; which I also think that this is common trait with other mummies, it's us who worry too much. The helpers or caretakers are fine.. Err.. my mum and MIL, hmmm if they could be considered, I'm sure I'd have right? unfortunately they're not, so I'd have to rely on myself! Oh do u know I also did my own confinement for both my kids? that's how extensive I am when it comes to dealing with pregnancy and babies! :p

But it's definitely good to have someone to rely on.. besides preparing meals for A on my own, all other chores are handled by my helper, not forgetting the occasional time away for my personal leisures, she'll also be looking after A for me..
<font color="ff0000">Mommies, when u cook porridge do u steam the food separately or cook together with the porridge? For eg now when I cook fish porridge, I will steam the fish and add into the porridge after that. Sometimes, I will steam the fish or meat together with the vegetable depending on wat vege its is like broccoli n asparagus coz after tat I will put it into the blender to puree it first b4 adding it into the porridge. But for vege like carrot, pumpkin n potato, I will cook it together with the porridge. Should I just add everything into the porridge to cook instead of steaming separately first? Does it really matter?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Phoebe</font>

I have just transferred $$ to you.

1) Jack & Lily S$26.56 REF: 1227984404
2) CB S$71.43 REF: 1227985453

Please check, thanks.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Stew!</font></font>

Thought I took pics of my stew today to share so that you girls can have a clearer pic of what I've been talking about

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Arianne's Today's Lunch: Stewed Salmon with Daikon (Jap Radish) + Jap Pumpkin</font></font>

Pic 1: After the water boiled, I put in the Daikon and cooked for about 20 mins, then added the Jap Pumpkin and cooked for another 15 mins. Finally, added the Salmon, cooked for 15 mins. This was how it looked like:

Pic 2: Take note of the water level

Pic 3: After 50 minutes of cooking, this was how it looked like. I spooned out the rooties and salmon for pureeing in the blender. Notice the gravy left in the pot. DO NOT THROW ah!

Pic 4: Pureeing in the blender to the consistency prefered by Arianne (so it's up to your bb's preference, but better if it's a bit coarser so that they can learn to chew using their gums..). I added the gravy from the pot into the puree to be blended together with the foods.

Pic 5: Here was what I got after I pureed for like 15 seconds..

Pic 6: END RESULT: Baby enjoying her food!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Easy to prepare and very nutritious, so try it ok! need more help just shout!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">VS Spree</font>
Brenda, Daisybutton, BM -> postman attempted delivery to me yesterday and failed. will arrange to pick up from post office this week.

<font color="0000ff">California Baby Spree</font>
Items sent out. Should arrive Spore mid next week.

sorry, i didn't catch ur question about the flight to perth...

just bear in mind that whenever the SEATBELT light is on, u haf to strap ur baby to urself.its pretty inconvenient coz baby might wanna sleep in bassinet...so in retrospect, perhaps a daytime flight is better...btw, for SQ, u will be given a bassinet if u manage to do internet check in early and there's enough bassinets for that flight...the weight limit for the bassinets is 10kg, i think...but lenghwise, i'm not sure...sorry

during my night flight, we managed to let rae ann sleep thru on the basinet through most of the night...but u haf to strap baby during landing and take off..also good to nurse then to relieve pressure...

rae ann @ 5mths is an ANGEL...so i'm not sure how she will be now...but 5 hours should be manageable lah...unless she's having her SCREAMING fits...i'd probably get dirty looks from people who haf no kids...

pls dun place my order yet...i have some adjustments...thanks!

thanks for taking the trouble to share the recipe with us! i'm gonna try this weekend!
arianne sure looks like HAPPY gourmand!

"u-know-who" has been posted elsewhere...i dun think i will bump into him anytime soon...maybe u'll haf better luck than me and in that case, say "hi" to him for me...

peachie dearie,
sorry for not being able to meet up the last time, too...i'm like a fish out of water now...struggling to juggle work and baby...u're more pro at it lah...i'm a late bloomer!

hey, when u going perth? need help with the tourist stuff? joon not going liao so can pass to u first....then edksd...

sorry i forgot all about this

so lucky lah u...got sister there!
save alot of $$ that way

btw, ask ur sis to bring u this Harbour Town...
There u can get VERY nice children's clothes from Pumpkin Patch or Cotton On kids!
for the flight timing. I suggest that you evaluate how active your baby is during her waking hours.

My experience. I've flown with T during wee hours of the morning. She slept through most of the time. It was quite peaceful.

For our last trip, we flew in the late afternoon. HB complained flying in the middle of the night is disturbing for T's sleep. However, was so active during the flight, she kept wriggling and baby talking for all 3 hrs. The noise she made definately disturbed the passengers sitting around us.

For me personally, I will try to take flights during her sleeping time in the future.

suggest you weigh the pros and cons of each and decide which works better for you.
<font color="0000ff">Cheekz, thanks for the detailed info!
Will definitely get my sis to bring me to Harbour Town to do lots of shopping!!! But are the clothes really cheap at this place coz our currency isn't very strong as compared to Aussie$?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Angeline, I tot so too that flying in the wee hours would be better coz Adele would be asleep. But I am worried that wat happens if she cannot adapt to the flight n makes lots of noise, I am sure lots of passengers will complain as they need to sleep too. I am thinking of taking the evening flight which leaves Singapore at 1850 and reaches Perth at 2350 coz at least even if she do make noise, it will not be so bad for the other passengers. But will monitor her sleeping pattern in the meanwhile as wat u have suggested. Thanks for the advice!</font>
eling, thanks for the info on blanching and freezing!

ilovebb, i know what u mean, thats y i have been preparing fresh ingredients then bring them every day or every few days to my caregivers for them to cook porridge with. but hor, there comes the question, how FRESH are these FRESH vege? thats why i posted abt spinach kept in fridge for 1 week loses 90% vit c while those frozen (from harvest) ones loses only 30%. that causes me to panic coz if my spinach looks fine sometimes it can last 1 week. so i realise i been feeding J some spinach that is only 10% vit c left. GOSH. sigh....thats why i posted that lah. and hor, when i used to feed J cereal for lunch, its very gang kor to ask my caregivers to steam and puree the veges fresh with cereal.so that time i use frozen food cubes or fresh fruits. but now, with porridge diff mah, coz u gotta cook the porridge anyway hahaha!

Brenda, swim tops?? isn't it hot for me to wear inside clothes? it doesn't breathe right? aiyoh dun ask me to buy sexy bras, i bfdg now i only wearing nursing bras!!! hehehe but i have nursing TUBE bras, which i sometimes wear with a bit low cut blouses, u can't really tell its a bra. but this top that i have, from VS hor, is very low lah, so if i wear my that tube bra it will be obvious its a bra, u know what i mean?

Oh, actually hor, i oredi have a slow cooker leh. for my own home use for J. BUt to make things easy for my parents and MIL, i bought the MINI one u talking about from SS, and i bring it to and fro frmo my MIL and parents plc every week loh. Oh, ur cover broke? hhhmm...buy another one set lah. urs is the claypot one or the glossy one? the claypot one can use as claypot to cook things on the stove mah, so not considered wasted lah.

yes, it wilted leh. yes i got ask ur that friend, but ur that friend said keep in newspaper loh, so i kept in newspaper loh. hehehe..dunno lah, maybe that batch not very good? hey! i did NOT NOT NOT say he is funky leh. did you tell him its YOU who's drooling over him?? not me at all, hahahahah!

ALICIA, i try to ans ur qn hehehe i know u posted TWICE! okie, i do the same way u do leh. i used to cook the root vege with porridge, but steam the meat seperately. now i just steam everything seperately hahaha. actually though steaming loses less nutrients, but i also wonder for boiling, where are the nutrients lost to? if its in the soup, its okie right? or is it just lost due to the prolonged high heat and liquid? so, due to my doubts, i just steam everything lah heheee.

cheekz! what?? the bassinet can only take babies up to 10kg!!???! oh dear...then i better bring J overseas before he is 10kg right? now he about 8.8kg now i think....

Brenda, ur STEW LOOKS DELICIOUS! i will be going SS tmlw to find the mini claypot lah, my mini mini one (very very cute one leh) i had last time lost until duno where oredi.
Alicia, for harbourtown, its DEFINITELY CHEAPER! coz its like a place for those factory outlets for branded goods. I went crazy there and bought a LOT of SHERIDIAN and PERI bedsheets that time hahahahahhahahahha!!!
Buttons, thanks for answering my qn. I tot so too that steaming loses less nutrients. Coz my MIL was telling me that cooking everything together in the porridge makes it tastier n less troublesome. Dunno whether to follow her instructions or not so I tot of seeking advice from the mommies here. Looks like I must definitely go Harbourtown when I visit Perth. Both u n Cheekz highly recommends this place. Btw, how was the kindermusik class? Did Jovann enjoy it? Coz would love to join u guys should u decide to sign up with them.
Hi Alicia, yes its indeed less troublesome lah. but i find that if u cook it over stove u have to watch the fire and keep stirring. if we cook the plain porridge in a slow cooker, u can relax until 1/2 hour before meal time, when u start to steam the vege and meat. is that better for ur MIL?

oh! Jovann enjoys the KM class very much!
i like it too, wanted to sign up but decided to wait first. #1, see if other mommies interested (I know puppylove is) after Brenda's trial, and #2 I wish to trial other types of classes first like BJG (YES THEY FINALLY CALLED ME FOR TRIAL! hahaha), Lil gym, My Gym etc etc...hehehee... brenda is arranging another trial leh, u wanna join her?
Buttons, so when is your trial class at BJG? U mentioned that Brenda is arranging another trial. Is it the kindermusik trial class? Would love to join if I can fit in the date n time.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">PHOEBE!</font></font> Wait for us! me and <font color="119911">Yuna</font> want to order The Children's Place!

We'll be emailing you our orders tonight

Thanks to <font color="ff0000">SHA</font> for reposting it!!

thanks, but i dont need it for this trip coz its a pretty short one (5 days) so wont be doing much. i'm leaving on 10 jul, its more of a rest & relaz trip, will only drop by fremantle & roam ard the city area. actually i hv been there a few years back but this will be my 1st trip with my little gal.

Flight timing

i hv chosen the 9.30am flight as i'm not sure if she can really sleep onboard if i take the night flight, esp in the bassinet, my gal is actually quite tall. anyway also dont want to disturb the other passenger incase she's up the whole nite.


sorry i still cant get the pic of the stacker posted here due to big size. still trying to reduce the pic size.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">BRENDA, BUTTON, BM</font></font>
Collected the VS items just now.
Can pick up anytime.

<font color="0000ff">BM</font>, arrange to post to you?
Or you want to collect from my colleague?
Harlo dear all,
Seems like alot of babies and mommy are sick? I hope for speedy recovery for all sick babies and mommy.

Gabriel and myself also fell sick. Fever, cough, running nose ... ... But am so glad all is over left for slight cough for both. *Whew*

Hey you are planning for the 1st birthdays already? Hmmm... ... mine is still plan ZERO leh. Oh dear... ...

Alicia and Jamie,
Both of you planning for trips? Wish bon voyage and have a great great trip!

be sure to leave friday for the freo markets...since u're only there for 5 days and they're only opened fri-sun...


And if u're in the city, Kings Park would be a real nice place to hang out, though I'm not sure if it'll be a little cold in July...


whatever it is, hope u haf a GREAT time there with lil chloe

glad that both u and gabriel have recovered

i dun think i'm gonna do a big bash for rae ann...will do a more quiet affair with immediate family members
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Jack & Lily Shoes</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Payment Update:</font>
1. Emma - $26.56
2. Dumpy - $19.23
3. Daisybutton - $26.56
4. Mary - $53.12
5. Cheekz - $26.56
6. Brenda - PAID
7. Xena - $6.41
8. Melody999 - PAID
9. Nedlands - PAID
10. e-ling - $106.24
11. Joon - $79.68
12. teddyhope - $26.56
13. emoments - PAID

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">California Baby</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Payment Update:</font>
1. chocolat - $5.09
2. teddyhope - PAID
3. emoments - PAID
4. jasmine - $5.09
5. jerene - $102.99
6. joon - PAID
7. lil_precious - PAID
8. melody999 - PAID
9. Sha - $5.09
10. Xena - $10.18
11. Jamie - PAID
12. sepsurprise - PAID
13. Diana - PAID
14. Peachie - PAID
15. Rina - $30.57
