(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

lit pony

actually i havent see all of them yet.
i think we can still place order from all 3 sites and ship to vpost. can also share base shipping charges.
Hihi, hope everyone is having a great weekend so far...have not come into the forum for some time as I have been sssoooooo caught up. Looks like I caught the tail end of info on food nutrition for our babies and the BP for ordering 1st birthday party stuff. Phew!

<font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>
I will pay you the balance when I am meeting you to collect the CB stuff?? Sorry for the delay. I am off to China tomorrow for a week and will be back next Sunday afternoon. Can we meet week of 25th June before 28th?

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>
I have used Mustela no rinse cleansing fluid but only for the buttocks. I suppose you can always rinse her with water after the swim and bath her properly when you get home?

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
As promise, my checklist for 1st birthday party:
1) Location (require booking? availability? $$?)
2) Music (player, cds, genre, batteries)
3) Date/Day/Time
4) Theme (I am doing a purple and green theme for alexis)
5) Cake (size? from where? flavour? delivery? self-collect?)
6) Guest list (names, add, tel, rsvps, no. of adults and kids and maids)
7) Toys for little guests (rental?)
8) Phototaking (batteries, photographer, standby)
9) Food (halal? light refreshments? full meal? baby snacks?)
10) Tupperware (for leftovers??)
11) Party favours
12) Decorations (balloons (helium?), banner)
13) Invites (self-design? postcard styles?)
14) Activity centres (TV and cartoons? crayons, papers, bubble machines, magazines, mahjong for adults?)
10) Weather (contigency plans?)
11) Budget (per pax? grand total?)
12) entertainment??
13) Gift registry?
14) Extras (wet wipes, tissues, diapers, water, plastic utensils)

If I miss out something, can someone please let me know? Many many thanks!

<font color="0000ff">baby yoghurt</font>
Only seen Yoplaits and Horizon in NTUC and Cold Storage, found no other brands. Or are other brands only avail in Jason's? Sorry, I am a tad confused...and speaking of food, alexis now has absolutely no interest in her fishy veggie porridge and little interest in her rice cereal. She has become a nightmare to feed. She loves her fruit puree and baby biscuits though. A gf of mine suggested udon with very gentle soup base, what do you all think?
the supplies at celebrateexpress are indeed nicer but i want to buy the candles at birthday direct. how how???

wow ur party v grand! like wedding!!! haha...

u been giving her the same fishy porridge everyday? tried other meats? some babies just not v keen on fish. do a trial n error. i hv a frd whose baby rejects porridge all the way so she started eating soft rice with soup since 8 mths old!
Party - initial stage. Prob will see many changes
It is a lot of work for the organiser and I am one lazy mommy! Might even just go to one of these kids-friendly restaurant to celebrate...
Porridge: I gave her chicken once and someone said it will cause phlegm. We seldom cook pork in the house as my helper is Muslim so left with only fishes as the option. I offered mainly threadfin and sometimes cod, always together with vegs like carrots, spianch and zuchini. And alexis does not drink more than 150ml of milk per feed.
alicia and peachie, its true, shld NOT feed strawbeery now!! thats why i ate my strawberry yogurt and left the PEACH one for Jovann. Peachie, u fed strawberry???????? and must thank you again for Mullers, its a life saver! Jovann loves it with pear and ate the WHOLE small tub! and he poo-ed twice today!!! but its still hard poo though.

not sure which method worked, coz i tried many that u mums suggested. e.g. yogurt, massaging, rotating legs in the morning, hehehhe!

jrt, wow! the food science knowledge in u coming througH! hehehee..... way to go.
thanks for clarifying.
wow phoebe u organising birthday spree?!! i WANT!!!!!!! let me browse browse first when i have time.....

jerene, yah man, ur plans like wedding preps, so exciting! hehehee. i still cracking my head on WHERE to celebrate. part of me want somewhere special. but the other half rational part of me, knows that IF i make it somewhere special with games or toys or party favours etc, it will be more enjoyed by the older kids (guests) more than Jovann will. he is too young to appreciatr this right? shld i save $ for his 2nd birthday? but i know if i dun do a good one this yr, i will keep on thinking about how it could have been better hahahahh! what do u girls think?
<font color="ff6000">jRt</font>
no lar...seen in the overseas BP thread got spree for birthday direct.
then came across reading got other sites as well.
so do a search to see which are the nicer ones

<font color="ff6000">BM</font>
we probably can do 2 sprees: 1 from birthday direct and 1 from celebrate express if there are orders from both sides.
if not, i can then open the birthday direct spree to others in the BP thread.

<font color="ff6000">Button</font>
No problem. Take your time.
Start to inform everyone that this spree is on the way. So should be sufficient time for you to think and plan. Then place order in July to ship it in latest by end August to prepare for the 1st Birthday Party!!

And for sure, Javier's 1st Birthday Party will be more colorful than Dexter's coz last time dont know got such websites to buy party decors.

Dex's birthday party then was inviting all the relatives and some close friends. So basically its gathering for the adults. No other children then coz Dex was the only BABY.
But he got alot of presents then. haha
wah if ship by end aug too late lah! cos jo's party is on 1st sept and im sure many mommies with early sept babies will heva it in early sept right
no worry. tat will be the latest date.
the earlier you all put in your order, then earlier the package comes in.
will have to do a few sprees too (if quite a no. of us going to order)
ok so i put in my order now? im ready leh!! been waiting for u to do BP for days haha... btw, u think can order pinata not huh? seem heavy to me

Nick :blessedmom
Email: [email protected]

Item: 1
Item #: E2290MB
URL: http://www.celebrateexpress.com/celebration/alapic.asp?pic=E2290MB
Qty: 1
Cost: US$2.49
Conversion: US$2.49 x 1.58 = S$3.9342

Item #: E2290BL
Qty: 1
cost: US$3.25
conversion: US$3.25 x 1.58 = S$5.135

Item: 3
Item #: E7864
URL: http://www.celebrateexpress.com/celebration/product.asp?sku=E7864&mscssid=MV2T2P0T8X598L6JS9RE391P6DV32G08&ref=thumb
personalised message: Our Little Princess Johannah is 1!
Qty: 1
cost: US$14.99
conversion: US$14.99 x 1.58 = S$23.6842

total: S$32.75

** still considering abt the pinata.
yes i wan i wan!!! alrdy saved some of my orders last nite... will revert to u asap.

my food knowledge rusty liao. can only rem some... hehe...
hey i captured a v cute pix of clarisse and jovann yest... wait 4 me to downsize then upload here...
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">The Children's Place Monster Sale</font></font>

Anyone interested?

Website: www.childrensplace.com

Exchange Rate US$1 = S$1.59
Flat US$5 shipping charges, via VpostUSA



Size (if #1 OOS):
Color (if #1 OOS):
Conversion: US$AA.aa x 1.59 = S$BB.bb
<font color="0000ff">Buttons, thanks for the advice! I tot so too that they r too young to have strawberry yoghurt right now. Just wanna confirm. Had a hard time trying to find horizon and muller baby yoghurt. Heard that u had bought the last one, I called them the next day to check if they had replenish the stock but unfortunately they had run out of stock too.
Had to call the other branches to check n thank goodness I managed to find Horizon at Paragon market place. Quickly told the person to reserve for me coz they left only a few packs and rushed down to pick it up. But I must say it tastes pretty good! So far Adele has tried the pear flavor n she loves it! Will try out muller when they stock comes in. I saw that vivo city has got the biggest branch for organic stuff. Perhaps u might wanna try that location too.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Phoebe, thanks for the link on the birthday spree! Will check it out these few days! How time flies. Our babies r going to be 1 soon... I am thinking of ordering the birthday cake from ecreative. Love the 3D sesame street cake which my sis ordered for my niece during her 1 year old birthday.</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, no worries!
Anyway I'm all well again, just still on some med to clear off the last bit of flu. Aiya so pai seh I missed 2 chances to meet Lil Clarence
, wonder when it'll happen.. When are you taking leave again?! heh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Doreen</font></font>, 'mmmm' is a universal command for pooing right?! heh.. I can't think of another intonation that can be used for that special moment! heh.. Your Damien so cute, can still smile at u when u do that ah? he must be thinking who's the one having constipation mann! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I thought I was wrong too, especially I was quite 'high' on that flu/cough med when replying Peachie's post. But when I went to check on my references, apparently the 'H' in UHT can also be referred as 'Heat' or 'High', no right or wrong about that. In fact, if u google for the whole word 'Ultra Heat Temperature', you'll still get positive results explaining what 'UHT' means. So both is acceptable
. And yes, you're right about UHT treatment is different from 'Pasteurization'. Thanks for the correction!

Anyway wrt to this, <font color="ff0000">just to share with all and if you're uncomfy with giving your bb cow's milk based yoghurt, there's also SOY based yoghurt available. I briefly scanned through the shelves yesterday at Jelita's Cold Storage and saw this brand called 'SOYGURT'.</font> But I was too drowsy to scrutinise if they're organic or whole milk..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, yes strawberry happens to rank 1 of the highest in the food allergy chart. If you're simply looking for yogurts that are gentle enough to feed our babies, you can also try searching at any organic stores, not necessary have to depend on Cold Storage for Horizon's or Muller's.. In fact the PLAIN ones are better as they contain more nutrients than flavored ones. And at Cold Storage, so far I only saw Horizon has the PLAIN one but its sodium content is high, compare to others. I suspect it's becos it's PLAIN, therefore the manufacturer adds in more salt to make it flavorful. So in this case, for me, I rather buy the banana/peach/vanilla flavored ones from BBYoplait as they contain less sodium, but they are not organic la and can be found at Fair Price and Cold Storage..

For plain ones, u can add whatever freshly cut fruits to serve. I sometimes mash banana or papaya or even avocado and add into the plain yogurt for my A. I'd say almost 100%, ok la 99% la guaranteed to cure constipation! heehee..

Oh almost forget, another alternative is GREEK YOGURT. Plain and Creamy..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, just give u a few pointers see if can help:
- how do u exactly serve Alexis her meals? Is it porridge mixed with all the dishes? Why not try serve dish by dish? I don't mean like a 5-course dinner.. don't mix the dishes and porridge together, when u spoon, spoon only either the porridge or fish each time/spoon. So at least u can narrow down to what exactly she doesn't like.
- Could it be the consistency of the porridge? Maybe too dry or too lumpy?
- How about the temperature of her meal? My A likes piping hot food..
- If all tried and yet failed, try stewing. Put all your veg(rooties prefered) and your meat/poultry into a small claypot, cook over the tiniest fire for like 30-45 mins. Serves together with the 'gravy'.
- Sometimes can also be wrong combi of dishes. Like either too much of the leafy taste or too much of the rootie can also be very disturbing.
- Try to keep to 2 or 3 veg + 1 meat/poultry. Anything more will confuse her taste buds and too much of a different taste might not up to her liking.
- As for increasing intake of Milk, can intro yoghurt, fruits milkshake or use milk to mix into her cereal.
- Oh, maybe u also want to consider rescheduling her meal times.. it might help..

And I think it's kind of strange that you don't intend to feed Alexis pork just becos your helper doesn't eat it. She can prepare for A but don't eat it right? Shouldn't deprive your A of its nutrients mah..

These are just my thoughts la.. just keep trying, don't give up
Horizon Yogurt,
Brenda, can baby finish the whole pack of that yogurt? Amabel like it so much leh, she almost finished all until i scare and stop her from finishing, scare later diarrhrea.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, I'm not sure how much should each serving is for our bb. I supposed 3-4oz or around 100mg should be a safe guideline since bb yogurts are usually packed in this quantity. I can't remember Horizon's packing amount though..
<font color="0000ff">Yoghurt</font>
which mummy mentioned yoplait? i searched cold storage tdy and cldnt find any Horizon or Muller brand. anyway the yoplait brand comes flavoured wif either berries, strawberry or vanilla. dun think any of these combi is gd to intro now rite? so end up i din buy any....

Buttons.... came back and realised my R really got constipation. its his 1st time ever and so poor thing, he was cranky and crying when he tried to poo... we chg his diaper 3 times within 30 mins, each time to find a small lump of harden poo tt is v unusual coz his poo has nvr been hard b4. its the 1st time i saw it and i knew he is feeling really uncomfy. i added more veggie to his porridge and bot papaya 4 him. hope he will eat it later coz my mum tried feeding him papaya twice and he din like it.

yah i guess heat or high is acceptable since this process undergoes high heat treatment anyway. but i prefer pasteurized milk though. it juz taste better.

u still sick? oh dear... hope u werent like me, took me 2 wks to recover and visiting the GP 3 or 4 times!!!
btw wanna ask any mummies noe of any nice activity table except for FP ones? my R played this at a fren's plc but cant find it. R seemed to b so attracted by this set.

pattisier look and taste good leh. even many of my frds say so. ecreative i have tried many times. their spong cake is really soft. i love their choc spong with blueberry.

during jo's full mth i ordered from room for dessert, also v nice. must try their choc a lot.

i agree with BRENDA. why u deprive alexis of eating pork just becos ur helper doent take pork? its not "sinful" for them to prepare pork even though they cant consume it right? sorry to say ah (dun kill me for writing this), if im being made to eat fish porridge with spinach/zucchini everyday i will get sick also and will start rejecting food leh! heh... chickn cause phlegm theory i dunno how true is that. but i suppose in moderation is fine right?

btw who prepares her food? maid or u? if its maid, aiyah i think she trying to tell u to do it for her instead! hah... just have fun ok! u still bf?
Hi hi from BJ!

BM and Brenda
Many thanks for the advice, especially Bren's, really appreciate you making the efforts to ask all that questions and make suggestions, good ones, may I add...
1) Usually maid cooks but once in a while I cook as well as. Both of us put all ingredients altogether into the porridge.
2) Pork. Because we have been so used to not eating pork, we don't buy them. Didnt really think of buying such a small quantity to cook for alexis. But I am now determined to do so soon!
3) Consistency of porridge is between runny to average. Def not dry, and I dont think it is very lumpy.
4) Temp of food is usually lukewarm, I tried hot (coz that is how i like it) but she makes a face when I fed her!
5) Yoghurt - I was dying to do so but my MIL told me not to intro to her yet. However I am planning to do so when my helper is not around (helper has a tendency to shoot off her mouth - one of her few weaknesses). Shh...
6) Milkshake and stewing food are EXCELLENT ideas - thanks! Will try when I get home on this Sat.

Oh BM I nursed alexis for the last time this morning before my flight, now feeling a little shi luo (literal translation should be "lost and depressed")

Okie dokie I got to go now, early morning tomorrow. All, have a good week ahead!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I'm alright already la.. but Shawn said must finish all the med so I'm just trying to finish the balance heh.. so still blurblur la.. oh you're the kind if once kena sick will sick for a long time type ah? like me!! But that was me pre-preggy le. Meaning when I caught a cough or flu, it usually lasted for at least 2-3 weeks. Very dreadful! Actually I haven't been ill since I was preggy with A, only until few days ago lor.. Somehow I also felt stronger when I was preggy, did u? I think preggies tend to be healthier and fall sick lesser la..

Did u try other cold storage for the bbyoplait? cos yesterday I was at Jelita's and they had plenty of the vanilla and banana ones.. Poor R also kena constipation, then more so u should go hunt for those yogurts!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jerene</font></font>, aiyo at BJS still come into forum ahh.. holiday or work or just accompanying your hub? enjoy yourself yah.. no worries about the info, just hope they'll help.
In addition:
1) As mentioned earlier, try separating the dishes and the porridge so that you can nail her dislikes.

2) My family, Shawn's family and MYSELF don't take beef. But I cook for both my girls. We just do what we can, it's really quite convenient. Just go to the delicatessen counters at Cold Storage that handle pork, ask them for either 'Mei(sounds like bad luck) Ro' or 'Yao(sounds like waist) Ro' part when u buy. I don know what's the diff between these 2 chinese names(ya! beats me! heh) but this part of the pork is most tender and nutritious. It comes in ONE LONG part like a tail actually and usually costs about $8-9 per piece.

At the delicatessen counter, u can ask the aunty to sell u about 200gms which can cook for about 3-4 meals (depends on how much your A eats). Once u get home, cut it into chunks, per chunk for per meal and put them into either individual containers or bags then freeze them. U can keep them frozen for up to 5 days, that's what I was told by those nice aunties at the counters.

3) Then it might be the case that she just doesn't like everything mixed together. How many times have u tried feeding her btw?

5) Did your MIL state the reason why? Why not feed her off her and your helper's sights? heehee..
Brenda, frozen meat have to finished up within 5 days? I ask the uncle selling pork, he said can frozen and keep for 2 weeks leh. Same for fish too. Btw how to see whether the pork or fish is spoilt or not fresh liao?

Yogurt, is it that this have to be try for 3 -4days to test the allergy too? Today is the third day Amabel to eat this.
And yah, my PD told my hubby that baby have to eat the food for about 2 weeks inorder to test on whether she is allergy to that food leh, wondering whether my hubby mistaken the PD meaning or not? Is it have to eat for 2 weeks or eat the food for 3-4days but after 2 weeks than can see whether the baby is allergy. Just like Arianne case where the allergy took place only after 2 week, right Brenda?

Brenda, i also feel i am stronger during preggy leh, nv ill and even my migraine also gone. Since preggy my migraine never happen again. *Touch wood. Even before preggy, i never fall sick except for that stupid migraine lah. Now still ok but have a very mild flu this two days. Think is becos of the weather, it is sooooo hot.
Hi Hi mommies,

Wow, so many postings!!!

I have fed the Muller strawberry yogurt on Sat to Clarence leh.... The packaging said suitable from 6 months. Well well, Clarence loves it and gobbled everything up. He seems fine the whole weekend leh.
So far so good. Didn't know that strawberry is not suitable until I saw the forum this morning.... But what is eaten (AGAIN!) cannot be undone right? Haiz.... But anyway, Clarence LOVES yogurt! He finished 3 Mullers (strwberry, peach and raspberry) and 1 Horizon over the weekend!

Saw the baby yoplaits on Sunday... It's much cheaper at $4.50 for 4 packs! Will put him on Baby Yoplaits after all the Muller and Horizon yogurt have finished. Baby food is so expensive!

Hi Jerene,

Thanks for the info on the birthday stuff! Wow, you really came up with a detailed list! But hor, have you thought of the location yet? I don't even have a suitable location! Haiz..... Let alone buying any of the other stuffs. You know anywhere that is of good (aka accessible) location and the rental is not ex?

Actually I also have the same problem with Clarence.... Very very very difficult to get him to eat porridge. Fruits, yogurt, biscuits are not a problem. My maid suggested mee sua. I am not kinda sure if mee sua can be introduced at this stage though....


It's alright! We will definitely have to chance to meet each other's baby someday somehow!
hi-5! i also always buy "mei rou" for jo, in fact for the whole family most of the times, depending on what i cook. its nice n tender. i think in english its called loin? no? i always look for the long stripe to identify it. but do u know there is the real "mei" and the fake "mei"? and as usual lah, ur HYPY needs help! its "mei rou" not "mei ruo" hahaha!!!

agree that frozen food may be able to keep up to 2 weeks but for babies, i dun encourage more than 5 days. in fact, even when i buy for my family, i discard frozen meat when they r more than a week.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, eh when I asked that aunty u were there, remember or not? Actually for me when I buy for adults, I usually keep in the freezer up to about 2 weeks also la.. but for babies, I think 5 days is reasonable enough liao, I'll use it for adults after that. I know for your case, u don cook for adults so why not buy in lesser quantity? not sure about the wet markets but at those delicatessen counters, u can ask for half (for your A, I think she will finish it within 5 days) of the whole thing or go by grams.. Per meal for your A, I aga aga is about 60-70grams..

As for sussing out allergies, the usual guideline from most sources is 4-5 days. I'm not sure why your PD said 2 weeks. Maybe your J's reception that day was not so good heh.. Yes, there're some food allergies that'll only surface 1 week or so later. Not for my A's case la.. it wasn't food allergy at all. Anyway I concluded myself that those rashes were just signs of her body trying to accept solids, once the body system got used to receiving and digesting solids like now, no more rashes! heehee.. if u really not sure about what your PD said, CALL and ask again. It's really ok to call them, I do that all the time! (heh.. ya la, I think my PD going to sack me soon! hee..)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, the bbyoplait is much cheaper becos it isn't organic, that's why! If I'm not wrong, for strawberry/kiwi allergy, it usually reacts within the next few hours. The worst symptoms include an asthma attack, swell of eyes, throat and/or lungs. Since you're over that period, I guess it should be safe la.
But this allergy is quite serious one, like peanuts..

This morning I fed my A the Heinz multigrain banana cereal (1st Try) mixed together with milk and the bbyoplait vanilla flavored yogurt and she loved it! I think she finished about 200ml of the mixture! looks yucky to me though, cos everything is nua nua.. <font color="ff0000">Mummies who've difficulty in feeding yogurt cos bb might not like it, can try my style, mix together with cereal yahh..
</font> Oh, I forgot to add fresh fruits so will do that tomorrow..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, eh yah! that's what my mum and MIL usually buy. It tastes like the lousy lean pork, isn't it?! I don't like it.. The fake one is supposedly as nice as the real one, but IT'S NOT TRUE LOR! right?? Wonder why these aunties are so taken in to save that few dollars but to get something of such inferior quality, if so, they might as well buy the common lean pork and pay lesser than the fake mei ru right??

Aiya, I've long given up hope on my HYPY.. heh
Dear all, I'm asking for a gf.. any good <font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Confinement Aunties</font></font> to recommend? EDD is 02 Nov.. quite urgent, if any, please PM me. Thanks!!
yah i seldom fall sick kind... and even when i do, seldom attack me for so long lah. dunno why this round it was so serious!
i usually get diarrhoea lor. hahahahahaa... i get diarrhoea more often than flur or sore throat.
during pregnancy, had 2 serious bout of diarrhoea and tts it. i rem during tt time, at times i wished i can get MC so can sleep at home! hahaha but i nvr fell sick...
however, aft delivery, i realised i hv gotten flu 3 times liao, which to me, is more frequent lor. i did ask GP why bfg made me sick easily and he laffed it off, saying its not bfg tt made me sick per se but rather due to the lack of sleep and rest.

heee, my hb always wanted me to finish my medicine but i dun finish it unless its antibiotics. he always v angry wif me 4 not listening but to me, why shld i take so much medication when its not required? esp now tt i am still bfg, i dun like to take extra medication lor, no matter how safe it is for bfg.

nope, din try the other cold storage 4 the bbyoplait lah. no time. dunno if he poo-ed tdy leh. i hope he does. the poor boy kena constipation suddenly... i juz fed him more water hoping it will help. as it is, he is alrdy drinking alot of water so i am puzzled why he suddenly kena constipated. and there is no special food we suddenly added mah, all the usual stuff he takes daily.... so cant figure it out leh.
