(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa">hi jRt,
for activity table, u may wan to try ToysRUs. They've one by Bruin - same brand as ur pic, but newer model (Search for 'activity table' here: http://www.toysrus.com.sg/).

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Birthday Decor Spree</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">1) Celebrate Express</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Model #</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD>Message </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedmommy</TD><TD>Lil' Princess 1st Birthday Mylar Balloon</TD><TD>E2290MB</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2.49</TD><TD>3.93</TD><TD>32.75</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18 Balloons (Magenta #1, Pink & White with Pink Dots)</TD><TD>E2290BL</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3.25</TD><TD>5.14</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lil' Princess 1st Personalized Banner</TD><TD>E7864 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD></TD><TD>Our Little Princess Johannah is 1! </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Disney Princess Personalized Birthday Banner</TD><TD>E7237</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>14.99</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>23.68</TD><TD>Happy Birthday Sherilyn Zhang </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">2) Birthday Direct</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Model #</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>Cost</TD><TD>SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedmommy</TD><TD>1st Birthday Girl Big Pack Cutouts</TD><TD>94605</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>5.09</TD><TD>8.04</TD><TD>9.70 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Pink Flower Number One Candle</TD><TD>96115</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1.05</TD><TD>1.66</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
thks so much 4 the info! wow! if only i am a Toyrus member... can save $8! might take this chance to b their member though!

when u closing the spree? i am keen! pls wait 4 me.

jus wanna pop by for a while to say Hi! Been sooo worn out trying to settle back to work and juggle motherhood!

Here's a silly pic of Rae Ann to share for a laugh



I'm ordering the b'day stuff too! Will email u. Pls give me some time, ya! Thanks for taking the trouble to order for us! Muacks!!!
Hi Phoebe

Can I order?

celebrate express

Item: 1
Item #: E7864
URL: http://www.celebrateexpress.com/celebration/product.asp?sku=E7864&mscssid=MV2T2P0T8X598L6JS9RE391P6DV32G08&ref=thumb
personalised message: Our Little Princess Evangeline is 1!
Qty: 1
cost: US$14.99
conversion: US$14.99 x 1.58 = S$23.6842

Item: 2
Item #: E2290TC
Qty: 1
cost: US$3.75
conversion: US$3.75 x 1.58 = S$5.925


Item: 3
Item #: 94698
Qty: 1
cost: US$1.85
conversion: US$1.85 x 1.58 = S$2.923

Item: 4
Item #: 96115
URL: http://www.birthdaydirect.com/pink-flower-number-candle-p-12165.html
Qty: 1
Cost: US$1.05
Conversion: US$1.05 x 1.58 = S$1.659

Total: S$34.1912
HI melody

tks for the info ... so make the bread real "nua" before feeding baby ya ? ok ok i will try out. Btw u used white bread ? cos I only have wholemeal bread at home.
<font color="0000ff">jRt & cheekz</font>
No worry.
Order will be placed in batches - if value is high.

<font color="0000ff">precious_angel</font>
Order included
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe, have juz pm u my orders for the birthday spree. Thanks for coordinating!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Buttons, Adele thanks you for your sayang!
Poor gal. She juz recovered from flu just 2 weeks back n now she kena again but much worse this time. She also kena virul fever. Her fever shot up to 40.1 degrees last night! Panic man! Have been sponging her with running tap water for the whole day yest and sticking the cool gel on her forehead thru out the day. Hearing her scream n crying non stop makes me feel so heart pain. I nearly wanted to cry when I see her like that.
This morning, her fever went down again. The PD advise that it will take abt 2 to 3 days for the virul fever to totally subside. In the meanwhile, am monitoring her closely to make sure that her fever doesn't go higher than 38 degrees.</font>

oh no ... so sorry to hear that Adele is sick ! Ya we mothers suffer as well when they are sick. It's so stressful on us !! Rem to let Adele take in more water. It's normal that they lose appetite during this period and we have to be more comforting as well. Good to avoid crowded places now. take care !
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, thanks for placing the eOutlet order. IB done, pls check yah

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Alicia</font></font>, oh dear.. sorry to hear that Adele is sick, hope she recovers soon and u try to have plenty of rest yah..

oh no, hope adele recovers soon, do let her drink more water to flush out. will miss her in class today. u take care of yourself too!
<font color="0000ff">Alicia</font>
Poor Adele! Seem like she is susceptible to flu viruses huh? Just recovered and kena again...the sponge bath must be so uncomfortable for her. I am surprised you have not cry...I would have! I am keeping you guys in prayers.

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Hey I am surprised your maid know what is mee sua! You must have trained her well...perhaps ask your PD if mee sua is ok? And if you do, can you also ask if udon is ok? hehhee...

Birthday location: I was initially fixated on doing it at the function room at my place ($50 from 2 to 6 p.m.) but now am tempted to go to those kids-friendly restaurants such as GogoBambini, Globetrotters, Paulaner Brauhaus and so on. They could throw in cake, music, service staff, decor (I think) and set aside a room/corner for you and your guests. There are def activities for the kids and all one has to do is bring the baby and the camera, and invite the guests. Dont hv to worry abt rain, dont hv to clean up, dont hv to pack party favours, etc. However the bad thing abt this is there prob isnt a place for the little people to rest when they are tired or sleepy, unlike having it in a function room or chalet, where you can just pop him or her upstairs, turn on the a/c and let them rest.
If you aint throwing a huge party, why not just do it at your home??

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
This trip is for fun, simply accompanying my hubby on his business trip which is why he flew Business and I flew Economy! Everone on flight was crammed like sardines...no joke travelling on school holidays, I tell you. BTW I have been doing nothing but chill and relax and eat and sleep and watch cheesy television programmes!

You started Arianne on beef huh? I fed my little one beef once (Heinz commercial food in a little clear glass jar) but that was out of necessity as it was one of SQ's offering and we were on a 10-hour flight.

Thanks for the tip on buying small qty of pork, plus the parts which would be good for baby. I feed alexis at least thrice a week, but no more than 6 times a week. Sriyati seem to do a much better job of feeding her as the food disappears a little bit more and just a little faster.

MIL said yoghurt is not fresh food, go figure! Feeding out of sight is a tad hard lah...got to work leh...

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>
Hey can you help say hello to you-know-who? Your photo of Rae Ann, is she trying to blow bubbles or something? Hehe...
hi all,

ive a silly question to ask. normally a bb drink formula milk until what age?

phoebe, can tell me for S26, what's the follow on stages available?

now tt kai is eating more solids, his alrdy-low-milk-intake decreased further.

nowadays i only need to bring over 2 x 100ml bottles to my mom's place. morning and night - latch on.

since demand low, my supply oso not v enthusiastic alrdy, feels as if it's natural wean off. no point storing alot ebm right since they've an "expiry date" too??

my mom asked me to stop bfg when kai is 1 yr old. she worried my period will nvr come unless i stop bfg. alamak.

anyone whose period has not been back yet? or am i the only weird one???
my oldest boys who r 6 n half yr old still drinking fm! they wud have preferred fresh milk but its so exp lah! esp i got so many mouths to feed. they dun drink a lot just a cup morn n nite. i dunno when to stop them also! cos i feel milk is a good source of calcium. my 3 yr old still drinking 300ml every morn n nite too, also with a cup. i stopped bottle feeding for all my kids early, say 2 yr old. v scared of cavities and bottle dependency
<font color="ff0000">phoebe, i have PM-ed u my Celebrate Express birthday purchase too! pls check ur email, thanks so much.</font>

Alicia, oh dear 40degrees is super high! she must be feeling so terrible! hope she'll be alright soon with ur tender loving care...
can imagine ur pain loh...

<font color="0000ff">edksd, i also dunno drink till what age leh, drink until they dun like it anymore hehehee. my menses came in 6mths, when J dropped his milk intake coz start cereals...sigh.... u so lucky have not come! so man fan now, so used to 15mths without need of pads!!!</font>

brenda, ur beef stew recipe u mentioned some time back hor, do u feed it with porridge or just alone like that? so if u feed with porridge, u stew oredi and puree the whole combi in ulike and feed with porridge issit? if we wish to feed without porridge guess we need to add carbo like potatoes right? sweet potato not as much carbo?

<font color="aa00aa">cheekz hahahahahha!!! rae ann so cutE with that pouty lips hahahahahha!!!!!
<font size="+1">jerene, buttons</font>, wow! u both enjoyed menses-free days huh?

<font size="+1">jerene</font>, before u were preggie, was ur menses regular? mine sometimes a bit siao-siao. so i tot having regular menses is an indication of being healthy so i wish to be healthy than pads-free!!!! :p

<font size="+1">BM</font>, did u ever ask PD abt this? is fresh milk or fm better for toddlers like ur sons?
<font size="+1">buttons</font>,

maybe i shld write...

buttons - u enjoyED menses free days huh?
jerene - u enjoyING menses free days huh?

pd say for my boys size, its up to them whether they still wanna drink milk not. but well.. my boys ask for milk when they wake up n b4 they sleep. habit i guess. they dun drink much so i let them be. besides, whats more nutritious than milk when they need to have a quick breakkie b4 go school?

wow! adele's fever v high! u brought her to pd? i wud be worried sick if my boys fever that high, let alone adele, still a baby. viral fever usually last 5 days. in any case, if a child has fever more than 5 days in a row, its good to consult pd.

my mensus came back when I am stopping BF. It came back only for one month then it stopped !! why ah ? anyone can enlighten me ?


actually i find this very puzzling. When baby drink milk via bottle, why does it cause cavities? I thought cavities is caused by the leftover milk/food in the teeth that is not cleansed properly and NOT by the means of consuming the milk/food. So .. my qns is ... why do we need to wean baby off the bottle ?
<font size="+1">ilb</font>,

maybe i didnt follow the thread closely, when did u stop bfg? i oso duno why some pple menses back only when stop bfg, some pple menses back while still bfg. puzzling isnt it?
i rem i ever asked gynae this qn but she says it's really up to individual. i think next time must ask her again for detailed explaination.
eh me too lah! my period came for 2 cycles after stop bf then now late for 12 days! so gan cheong i have tested with 3 kits all negative. but still cant stop worrying until it come. im shifting house, boys gg P1 next yr blah blah.. aiyo i dun wanna be caught unaware!

regd ur Q abt bottle feeding, u r right, its not so much abt the method of consumption. but many babies fall asleep on the bottle during nap or nite time. this is the one that will cause cavities. it does not refer to all babies, but many babies, even toddlers need the bottle to sleep. its a habit i guess. my nieces n nephews r like that. maybe thats why health professionals encourage weaning off bottle after 1 yr old so that they r not dependent on their bottles and thus reduce cavities. if u ask me, 1 yr old is a little young to wean off bottle thats why i chose 2 yr olds. and if u ask me why i wanna wean my kids off bottle by 2 yr old, its a personal choice i guess. cos i think i said b4, i dislike seeing kids as old as 5-6 yr olds still holding their bottles. and even my sons' classmate still need his bottle to sleep at 6 yr old. maybe the later u wean, the harder it is? cos they will know how to resist by then. i dunno?? just my 2 cents worth
My menses have never been regular, it could last as short as 3 days and as long as 10, there was once it wouldnt stop so i had to go see a doctor to stop it! It comes once every 1.5 months, or 2 months or even as long as once every 2.5 months!
In fact I discovered I was preggie coz my menses has not come for the longest time, and 2 pregnancy test kits tell me it aint positive but then at the doctor it appeared as (in his words) 'slightly positive'...hubby always teased it is coz i bought on sale pregnancy test kits!

i stopped abt 2 weeks ago. well is dry.


ehhehe u sure are gan cheong !! i dont even think I'm preggy just find that my hormones behaviour is weird !! probably it needs time to adjust itself.

Oh so now I know what u meant !! ya I agree it's a bad habit to need the bottle to fall asleep. Shld alway enforced them to brush their teeth. Even if they fall asleep we can just use a cloth to clean their teeth right ? I mean, better than not doing anything abt it.

I also think that 1 yr old is too young to wean them off bottle or pacifier. I dont think they will understand why we want to do that. 2-3 yrs old is fine, since this is the age when they know reasoning. right ? ;)
<font size="+1">ilb</font>, pardon me, when u say well is dry, means u pump at ur usual pumping hr and the output is v little or no output? does this drying happen gradually or suddenly? sorry for asking so many silly qns.

it's ok.

it's gradual and also becos Rachel wean herself off my breast lah .. so supply dropped lor. and when I pumped, I have foremilk, probably becos I pump at long intervals. So not v good for her, so I stop.
<font color="ff6000">Birthday Spree</font>
Order received from Alicia & Emma.
Button, havent received your order yet.

<font color="ff6000">edksd</font>
For Wyeth range of milk powder, the steps as follow:
Infant - S26 Aplha Pro (0-6M)
Follow On - Promil Gold (7-12M)
3rd Stage - Progress Gold (1-3Yrs)
4th Stage - Promise Gold (3-7Yrs)

There isnt a exact age to stop drinking FM.
My boy Dexter (Pri 1) is still drinking FM - Promise Gold. He drinks average 3 times a day (morning, before or after afternoon nap and before sleep)
So its still 1 week 1 can of milk powder for him.

<font color="ff6000">menses</font>
Well, I'm 1 of those unlucky ones to have menses when I'm still bfg.
My gynae said its still common. Just unlucky. Haha...nothing more.

<font color="ff6000">jerene</font>
you're not the only 1.
i also bought 'on sale' pregnancy kits. haha
wean herself off meaning she doesnt want to latch on anymore? but if u give ebm via bottles she still take? u pump at long interval but how abt each pump how long u pump? how do u know urs is only foremilk?

yes, she dont want to latch, prefer bottle cos faster flow. I make a lot of holes in her teats so she can drink faster mah ahahha

She still takes EBM/FM in bottles. That time when she starts solid food, I tot her milk intake decreased so I cut down one pump in ofc then supply dropped a lot. But that time still can sustain her demand then her milk intake increase as well so I start to give her FM.

My supply really dip to all time low .. and when I pump, I see foremilk .. it is very diluted and looks like barley water.
ilb, thanks for answering me...

i think most of us will be coming to this stage soon too...

just wanted to know to get better prepared otherwise garung kabo.

i intend to let kai go partial fm after he turns 1. not sure whether my supply can substain till then or not. v she-bu-de to stop bfg leh.

what a dilema.

I was very reluctant too. But I am concern if my rachel drinks too much foremilk... so thought I shld stop BF. and also I need to go for courses and expressing milk is not possible.

we shld be glad that we have come this far ...
hv u all checked out the party shop besides mygym in gwc? they sell quite nice stuff too. but is it really cheaper to get online since we duno how much the shipping cost wld be like?
smiley, i think the fats are in the hindmilk. bb needs fats to grow besides just getting the antibodies. so when do u intend to introduce partial fm?
ilb, u're right, we shld be thankful we've come this far.

kai nowadays cannot focus when latch on sometimes, keep turning his head at the slightest sound ard.

but i think he still prefer latch on than via bottles.
