(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands!</font></font>, not nice la u.. tempting people like that! heehee.. enjoy yourself yah!

Does L'Organic sell the fresh veg? good range? fresh? Cuppa there?! Oh I didn't know they've got a place to do that.. will check it out soon, thanks for info..

nedlands!!! arrrrgghhh u making me so yearn to go lah.... u not good lah. but u do deserve the break. enjoy urselves kae!!! how i wish i have lobangs like this.....sheeesh....

brenda and peachie, Jovann dun necc get up at 8am. sometimes he gets up 7am. but i will feed in bed, then hubby and i will laze in bed with him for at least half an hour after that! so end up 8am earliest to wake up. i will go pump my first morning pump, wash pump. end up 8.30am. prepare Jovann's bf (have started giving him bk during weekends). get ready bath water, start bathing at say 9am, eat at 9.20am, finish 10am (if long). this is very very optimistic oredi. STILL too late for bf at botanic!!! i think u most likely tell me do away with the laze in bed right? but we work so hard whole week, its a luxury to laze in bed leh. and we very bad habit, friday sure sleep late. and if J that night cranky wake up middle of night to fuss, then lagi tired loh. peachie, u have helper is very very different leh. she can wake up 5.30am do things for u. we have to do ourselves leh, including packing bag, getting him ready, his food, bath everything. hehee.
Hi Mummies,

FYI, Nestle is giving away a $38 goodie bag that contains a NAN 3 follow-up formula (900g), hippo plush toy, powder dispenser and a set of 3 bibs tomorrow between 11am to 3pm at OUB Centre Walkway.
Mummies, in order to collect the goodie bag, you must remember to bring along your child's birth cert and any empty tin of formula.
(But I saw a lot of people working in that area just give the baby's birthcert no, never give any empty tin to the Nestle Staff to collect the $38 goodie bag)
NAN 3 is a follow up formula for baby fm 10mths to 3 years
hey <font color="0000ff">brenda n buttons</font>, sorry ah..should not tempt. thanks anyway.

<font color="119911">ling</font>, hmmm..how to explain? its like engrave to wood. maybe i show u next time we meet
<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>, L'organic- to me it seems good range. got baby yoghurt too. I find it better than the Organic shop along bukit timah, maybe its the ambience at L'organic I prefer. Cuppa - yes yes, they have a lill deli too.
they also have recipes at the clothing section including baby recipes.
e.g. they sell smallish cut-up pieces of butternut squash (like cake slice kind) so it helps when u dont need to get a big BIg one and end up storing or puree-ing a big load of cubes.
<font size="+1">shopping queens,</font>

any gd gss offer for bb swimsuit?
seems like only iplay has reusable swim diaper?

<font size="+1">buttons,</font>

where u bought the yellow float for j?
<font size="+1">peachie</font>

tt day i was at gwc b2 4 seasons organic market, the lady introduced me an enzyme drink. suppose to boost health and clear toxin in body. sounds good but not sure whether it's really tt gd. she says local actresses buy them. imported fr japan.

<font size="+1">anyone heard of enzyme drink?</font>
<font size="+1">breakfast</font>

u all v romantic hor... my hb likes hawker fare for breakfast leh... so we r confined to wet markets for breakfast during wkend.... only once in a blue moon somewhere else w better ambience!
edksd, i bought my yellow float from taka baby fair some time back. can find floats in the swimshop in paragon, shops in united sq, or try taka also.

if i can even make my way to hawker centre to eat bf once in a while i also happy loh. thing is, now with baby around very hard leh. after the schedule i listed abv, its time for his nap. so i cannot go out to eat bf unless i forgo his bf (just feed milk), or dun bathe him, or delay his nap. how to leh? so end up always hubby buy bf back one. eat at home. so no ambience. hawker centre also ambience okie?

nedlands, which part of dempsey is Lorganic. it sounds so good i feel like visiting...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, we passed by there when we went to GoGoBambini if u can remember. Huge complex with LARGE words - L'ORGANIC..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, I also like local fares but sometimes when u do want to go somewhere whereby u can chill out and have a cuppa for an hour or 2, hawker centres very impossible le.. heh maybe when we get to the age of 60 with our grand children la.. ya, it's not possible to bring A to hawker centres or coffee shop, I find the hygiene standard intolerable most of the time and I always imagine goodness knows what will crawl into my A's stroller!
I was at Tanglin Mall the other day and saw Ocean Paradise having sale for swim stuffs, maybe can check it out..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, thanks for the info! will check it out this Friday when I'm there..
hi buttons, brenda,

thanks for the shopping info!

actually i prefer to hv breakfast at home best
im a homely person
but hb v keen to go out for breakfast so i just follow loh...

kai always wakes up soon after we wake up. i'll always feed him solid before we go out for breakfast. on the way home, breastfeed him in the car. come home then bath.

usually i'll carry kai while hb eat then switch role. will not let kai touch the chairs or tables coz i oso quite paranoid. i'll go to the wet market while hb wait outside w kai. v strange hor our arrangement? hahaha..
im bringing kai for his first swim at the end of this mth. just wondering do we need to try it out at home first (as in let bb stay in a tub of not so warm water)?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, no la.. not strange at all, I can't imagine you wheeling Kai around amongst the fish hawkers' dripping wet stalls! heh..

Does Kai bathe in warm water all the time or you've tried using regular tap temp? Is the swim wear thermal? My A can ta han the cold water cos most of the time I use cold water to bathe her, so really depends on your Kai..
Sophie also norm bathes in slightly warm water, actually most times when i put her in, it's already quite room temp. So she's quite ok in the pool. Last nite we brought her abt 6.30pm and she was fine even tho it was quite windy. Think babies are quite hardy.
But what I did was when bathing her, i will drip water on her face, her hair, etc... anyway she loves swimming lah. Think Kai will enjoy it too
I bought half a carton of that enzyme drink you are talking about at GWC's organic shop? Heard that it is very good, so we bought it at $850+ i think. Buy and try try see how lor, and it is safe for breastfeeding and pregnancy according to them.
Something to share, there is this i think newly built Baby Nursing Room at GWC near the food court. It's so beautiful and cozy. Some photos i have taken


BM, it's $850 for 6 bottles of tt enzyme drink.

btw, eling, when did u buy coz i was offered $828 for 6 bottles. tt was abt 2-3 wks ago.
how big is each bottle? but still v exp to me leh! maybe i not the kind who wud pay so much for health drink. how does it help ur body? like tongkat ali? hehe..
it's 720ml.

im not v sure abt this drink. they gave me a brochure which i briefly flipped only. maybe eling will know better.
btw eling how often u drink?

tt lady told me 20ml every 3 times per day. i was thinking 12 days finish 1 bottle. in 2.5mths, 6 bottles will finish. woo....

let us know how is it after u finished the bottles k?
I have not start drinking it yet cos the stock will only be in July. Yaya it is $828, no GST for that meh? I cant really remember whether i pay for the GST or not. And i just bought it last week only. Yah according to them is 20ml three time a day, so total one day drink 60ml. Can put all 60ml in water and slowly drink throughout the day also. Actually i only heard abit from them only, only remember it help in detoxifying, reduce the mercury we take from fish therefore is good for pregnancy and breastfeeding, treat eczema, illness etc. Yeah 6 bottles are for 3 months, after that can stop drinking liao. Just need to drink for 3 months can see the effect. And heard that actually Wong Li Lin bought it from the Four Seasons Market
Hi Brenda and Buttons,

I see! No wonder you gals find it so hard to go.... It's easy to say "dun laze in bed", but it's hard to execute yah? I have trouble getting out of bed early on weekends too! Buttons, actually my helper doesn't do all that much. We brought Clarence to Botanic Gardens pretty often before the helper came too. Maybe you can pack in the FM powder and diapers the night before? The next morning you can grab the hot water and 2 milk bottles, and you will be good to go.
If you are still bfg, then maybe will be easier?

But really no need to bring baby to Botanic... Anywhere outdoors where baby can have fun is fine!
Our babies are at the stage where they are intensely curious about everything and anything, so it's a joy to bring them out. Cannot wait to see little Arianne and Jovann at the KM trial!!!

L''Organic sounds so chi chi and upmarket!!! Gosh! How to pronounce that??? Heheheee.... me very sua-ku... Thanks! Must check that place out!

My mom prefers the Jasons at TM to BRP these days.... But I find Jasons darned overpriced leh.... Anyway, she has lotsa time on weekends, so she will pop over to Vivocity's Giant for organic food as well.

Hi Nedlands,

Thanks for posting the links to those nice nice toys!!!

Hi edksd and msapple,

Yup yup!!! Four Seasons ALSO tried to sell me the enzyme drink the last time I was there. They started by telling me all the actresses who imported it from Japan (such as Huang Biren, Zoe Tay, Wong Li Lin) and how they all swore by it after drinking it. Anyway, I just told them that I am not interested and I haven't heard of any of these actresses... who are they??? Haha, that drove the poor sales ladies at the cashier nuts and got me LOADS of odd stares from the rest of the eavesdroppers around the shop. Then the 2 ladies changed tack and said that all the Japanese moms LOVED it, and they can show me all their written testimonials (written in Japanese, mind you). Then I was like - In the first place I don't understand Japanese, and in the second, anyone could have written it. (Anyway, I guess by then 80% of the shoppers were eaves-dropping). Anyway, I guess they also reckoned that they should clarify and redeem themselves, so they changed tack AGAIN and said that they could provide me with the contact of this Japanese lady who is willing to come forward and share her experience.... Basically her first daughter was not on enzyme, and she had skin allergies and was often sick. The younger son on enzyme is never sick and never had skin allergies. Hence the enzyme drink is not only beneficial for me, it is also good for babies 6 months and above and it PROTECTS the baby from getting HFMD. So I countered that if they can show me research reports from credible insitutes such as Harvard Medical School or MIT that such enzyme drink, when taken over a prolonged period of time, is truly beneficial without any side effects, I will be interested. After all, the Japanese lady is only one sample size.... any credible research must be carried over a sizable population under controlled conditions and external factors.

I guess they almost died.... It was not their lucky day to have met me, and I am almost afraid that I am blacklisted the next time I return.... I like the shop and the items they sell, but not their hard-sell tactics in pushing for the enzyme drink.... The drink may be truly good, but their selling technique truly sucks.... Just my 2 cents' lah.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, actually I've always DREAM to be able to have a morning picnic at the Bot Gdns like 8-9am since A was born heehee.. nice right? I love the smell of the morning dew and eating chai tow kuai! Cliche, but so true le..
Hi mummies,
I'm from Jan06 MTB thread
My sis owns a market research co. and needs to do a survey on mummies with the following criteria:
1) has a kid between 0-12 mths taking milk powder or breast fed
2) Can attend a 2 hr survey session on monday 18 June. timeslot depends on which milk powder/BF the kid takes.

If keen, pls email her at [email protected]
Mothers will be paid $70 for their effort.
peachie, u are hilarious! hahahhaa guess i wld be intyeresed in ur conversation with the sales ladies too if i was there! hehehehe so farnie.
yah not their lucky day man.

i am still TBF, so no FM to pack. but thing is, i need to pump in the morning lah, so that takes about 20mins oredi. and from what i said above, coz i wanna feed him bf esp during weekends (today my dad just started feeding bf too), so feeding BM alone not enough mah. by the time all the things finish, he nap time oredi. sigh.....maybe i shld consider waking up REAL early. but its really nice to laze in bed with Jovann and hubby during weekends. Jovann will be making a lot of noise, climbing all over us, pulling our hair, kicking us, hugging us, and we will be enjoying his presence, very sweet loh.

brenda, u mean u have been dreaming but have never done it? as in go bf with A to botanic ah? i tot u went oredi lotsa times leh?

peachie, the market place at raffles city is called jasons. but the marketplace at tanglin is called tanglin marketplace leh, not jasons hehehehe. i think there's a 3rd marketplace, i forgot where?

E-ling, that nursing room is GORGEOUS! thanks for taking photos for us! Another nursing room that is GORGEOUS is CK TAngs, the one in the children's dept. anyone went there b4? it din occur to me to take photos! its really POSH. hahahaa. got 2 cubicles, with a cosy waiting area outside for daddies with books and toys to entertain u. inside EACH nursing room, its dimly and cosily lighted, with a cushy armchair, pigeon steriliser, hot water dispenser, nice changing table with Tiny Love musical and lights changing table toy, designer sink. lovely. hehehe. i had a good time pumping there once. :p too bad didn't use the steriliser hahaha.
hey brenda and mommies, brenda i went to the webby on freezing food u gave me. and i found out to my horror that spinach loses 90% of its vit c after 1 week in the chiller! gosh, and i have been keeping spinach lke that for about less than a week, and throw away when they start wilting. means J getting less vit c than i expected! how did u store ur spinach and how often u do marketing? i guess u can finish the spinach faster then me coz u sahm and u cook for family as well? what abt rest of the mommies? can finish so fast? the webby actually said FREEZING the spinach (in raw form!) is better. anyone doing that?
Once you start to feed Jovann yogurt & toast, you can actually bring it out with you! That's what i did with Sophie. I packed the yogurt & a pieace of toast n i brought sophie to starbucks for breakfast. quite nice leh...
But ya it's really nice to sleep in on weekends la... Botanical gardens is another ballgame altogther. I tried once with friends. By the time we made it there was almost 1030am. Quite hot but we got a good spot.

Ya the nursing room is SO NICE!! I'm really glad that they are upgrading all the nursing rooms. The new CK Tangs one is so nice!! I Was so surprised when i went there recently. Very cosy n relaxing... Oooo Jurong Pt also very nice. Individual rooms, quite spacious. But if i rem correctly it's very near the toilets. Oh wells! I still can't figure why they always associate feeding with toilet. !?!?
<font color="0000ff">Mommies, I remembered someone mentioned abt cooking zuchinni for our babies in the earlier postings. Cannot recall who was the one who posted already. Can someone advise how to cook it again please? Sorry ah, I lazy to go thru all the thread to search.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Adele can finally crawl! Yipee!!!</font>

I dun freezed cooked pureed spinach leh, in fact I never freezed vegetables except for potatoes, carrots, those roots vegetables but no green veg.

I will keep the raw spinach wrapped in newspaper and keep in the veg compartment and use it within 3 days.
wahaha... the sales girls must be having headache cracking their head to hard sell the drink to you. For me, they nv tell us much lah, cos we already heard of the drink from others so we just went there to check the price and buy it.

Button, yes yes i like the CK Tang one too, but didnt think of taking a pic of it when I were there afew months ago. I like it cos is cosy and my in law and hubby like it becos of the waiting area while i bf Amabel and also the steriliser and water dispenser but didnt get to use it.
hi Ling, yah the CK Tang nursing room NICE HOR?!! its so cosy and luxurious hehehehee....'

oh yes thats true, when he has more teeth and can chew and afetr 9mths, i got more things to feed him with! i can try toast oredI! thanks for reminding me! so Sophie chews with teeth oredi? how u give her the toast? she can finish??? I tried feeding J yogurt before, he hates it leh. will have to try again some time later.

alicia, Zuchinni? for babies, just cut off a portion, peel off the green skin (if u get the green zuchinni lah). then steam it to feed with cereal, or to add into porridge. very straightfwd. but other mommies may have diff methods? OH congrats on Adele crawling!!!
now u gotta be careful of her pulling herself up on furniture and crawling off the bed!

<font color="ff0000">Mommies</font>, ANY OF YOU BABIES STILL DON'T POO EVERY DAY? Jovann don't let, and its worrying coz after a few days of no poo, the next poo will be hard. in fact, its so hard that once he bleed down there leh, there's blood in the poo. i confirm its not papaya lah, so brought him see pd. PD found 2 tears in the anus.
very sim tia. so fed him some stool softening med, and apply healing cream down there. but he still dun poo everyday. even when i feed papaya 3 times a week (PD advise not more than 3 times a week), and eat at leaast one fruit (not fruit cube hor) every day. PD did say if dun poo everyday is fine, but he said its not fine when his poo is so hard it tears loh. and it is just funny that though he dun poo, one days with good appetitie, he can eat a lot esp if my MIL feed him!! there was one day he ate a LOT for lunch that i paiseh to list down the items. is occasional overfeeding harmful? but he keeps opening his mouth. babies know when to stop don't they? anyone has same no-poo problem?
ya JP nursing room quite spacious also.... but i just dont understand y they must put e nursing room entrance in e FEMALE toilet.... y cant it be outside!!! hubby wont be able to help us change baby's diaper because in order to get into e changing/nursing room hubby must enter e female toilet entrance..... weird weird rite????
yuna, yes i dun freeze cooked spinach anymore though i used to. but the book said can freeze RAW spinach leh. funny right? oh u can finish within 3 days? how u do that? perhaps coa i try to alternate vege? usually dun feed the same vege for 2 consecutive meals. maybe i shld buy smaller portion from market lah. mine usually lasts until 1 week. i find that wrap in newspaper make it wilt faster leh, did u notice? i leave mine in the ntuc clear plastic bag and it kinda stays crisp longer leh....... but still, i better throw after 3-4 days hor?

Jovann is so sweet!!! Clarence does that every morning too, so although I gripe and gripe and gripe about he sleeping between the 2 of us, I haven't had the heart to really kick him out! Haiz... very very bad.

Huh, freezing spinach??? I dun do that too!!! I have been doing what you did all this while! Oh no, looks like both our babies are getting less vit c.


The nursing room is really nice, forgot to tell u that ytd. Thanks dear for the photos!


Congrats on little Adele crawling!!!
Hi Brenda,

Haha!!! Morning dew and chai tao kueh indeed!!! You truly haven't been there for breakkie yet!!! Sorry for laffing lah....
To smell the dew, you need to be there between 6.30am to 7.30am (that's the timing which I went every Sunday morning before I was pregnant... the morning air was truly invigorating!) The chai tao kueh, if any, will be at the food court which is far removed from the greenery, so you wun smell any dew there no matter what time it is!

Okie okie... sorry for laffing at you... I know I very bad.... Okie, promise not to do it again.

Hi Eling,

You let us know how is the enzyme after you've taken it yah??? If it is very good, I may even take back everything which I said and go back and buy from Four Seasons!!! But I will send hubby to buy instead so that I wun appear so boh say! Heheee...

C also have constipation problem few months back, it happened when we first started her solid food and her body was trying to get used to the new food thus causing her not to poo for abt 2-3 days. Lucky thing is she din tear her anus juz plain hard stools. PD perscribed the stool softners too.

Try giving J GREEN PEAR, it good for constipation beside papaya. Now she got no prob wif her poo, every day will sure poo. if she miss one day, the next day, her poo will be damm a lot and smelly. hee

I give gripe water if yun dosen't poo for 1 day or d stool is hard. It does help. Or alternative, u can serve yoghurt. Try a different brand if J dosen't like it. I do find tat some brand is more sour & baby may not like it. And lastly make sure J drink lotsa water.


Congrats on Adele crawling!! Yun also started crawling 2 days ago & I'm so happy tat evening. But my little naughty little girl woke up at 1.30am to practise her crawling & doesn't wan to go back to sleep.
Freezing spinach,

I had been freezing d cook spinach. But tis wk, i ask MIL to cook freshly everyday. But my MIL does marketing once a wk only. Does tat mean freezing it is better at retaining it vit.C ?
Peachie and edksd, ok will try and let you know. Hopefully it work well on me lah if not i will dui... my $800+ will be gone. Btw i still checking and confirming whether pregnancy and breastfeeding can drink or not cos i dun really trust what sales girl there said lah. If cannot drink perhap will let my hubby drink instead cos he got eczema, backache etc basically more weak than me lah. Hehe!

button, me too always end up throwing alot of vegetable and meat and fish cos keep too long, worry is already spoilt. Cos i buy all food from cold storage or NTUC so they usually come in very very big pack of vegetable, so much how to finish within 3 - 7 days right. I usually buy my broccoli at Plaza sing carrefour, cos the broccoli there pack in very very small portion, just right for baby to eat with 3 days. For carrot i also buy very very small one.
Baby carrot and those normall big carrot, is there any different huh? Thinking of buying baby carrot cos is so much smaller, so i dun have to cut and keep the other portion back in the fridge.
Dear mummies,

I've sent an email to you for your order for the <font color="0000ff">California Baby</font> products.
Please check and revert if you are ok with the costings.
The shipping charges will be at <font color="ff0000">S$0.57 per OZ</font>.
If ok, I will visit the bank tomorrow to T/T.

We should expect the shipment to arrive last week of June.
buttons and eling,

why not cook a simple meal for yourself if your babies cannot finish all the veg/meat/fish within 2-3 days instead of throwing them away? i mean its ok for us adult to eat food that is keep in the frigde for a couple of days rite though some nutrients has been lose. very heartpain to throw away food leh. hee....
Yuna, sad to said i dunno how to cook for adult. maybe i cook, i myself also dun dare to eat. Unless i eat like Amabel, without any favouring lor which i think is yucky. Hehe!
Actually now i buy from the wet market coz can tell the auntie, ok ok little bit only pls. heh. But i normally plan for the whole week all that i wanna cook n then buy the stuff. I norm go once a week. If run out of things, i'll buy from cold storage.

For heng cai, "dies" really fast. So I will eat within 2 days. Leftover goes into my tummy for lunch. Other green veggies i get are broccoli n peas. After spinach, if the broccoli "dies", still got frozen peas. Hahah... that's my strategy. So always got sth green to serve to Sophie. Hiak hiak...

Sophie also gets constipated so i have to be very careful to makes sure she gets a balanced diet. Your PD says papaya cannot serve everyday is it? Oops I didn't know that. Why ah? But i don't lah but i think more than 3 times a week. I also give yogurt. As well as other fruits like apple/pear. But she didn't bleed but will cry when stools are hard. like you i also heart pain... she doesn't drink a lot of water so i will give her water thru the day, sip here n there, hoping she gets more in.

At first sophie also didn't like yogurt but i gave little by little. Now she can finish 3/4 of small tub. Toast i give her in little pieces and she'll just eat it slowly lor... got no teeth but somehow she can eat leh. Anyway toast is just for fun now. She only takes the most 1/2 piece of bread, without the sides. Btw, mummies, what kind of bread do you give babies? I've been giving normal off the shelve white/high fibre bread, is that ok?
anyone baby have started walking ?? normally how many months will our baby started to walk un-assisted ? mine only keep standing up , using baby cot.

where do u get d toast? or u mean white bread toast them in d oven ourself? I haven't try bread cause yun bogay. Maybe will try d wkend on toast bread since she can like to munch hee...


All babies r different some can walk really at a young age. My friend's son walk at 10mths but my colleague's son doesn't walk till 15mths.


How u toast bread for Sophie? using the toaster oven? any different giving plain white bread without toast and toast bread?
