(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Smiley</font></font>, I also took A for pneumoccocal jab. No side effects at all.. She yelled for like 2 seconds while the jab went through and it was all over. I think it's more like us who were frightened of it.. heh..

Also, I think in terms of hygiene practice, I'd think it should depends on individual bbs' system, instead of ONE practise suits all la.. I also do the 2 hours grace for milk, discard after that, xim tia but better be safe than sorry!

However, some bbs tend to fall sick easier, while some immunity systems are stronger. So far my A has not fallen sick at all since birth, not even a hint of flu (only the strange rashes she had but now totally out of sight) and I still take as many precautions as I can, especially if they're scientific! Mambo jumbo aunty tales I can leave without!

To add on to <font color="ff0000">Melissa's</font> practice using the bottle cleansers to wash milk bottles/teats, I also use mainly warm water to wash..

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Hmm... am considering either to bring her for the jab tomorrow, or to wait till she's 11 months old then take so that she only need to take 2 jabs instead of 3... (I am very scared of needles myself..)
How about Cloe? You also took her for the jab when she was very young?
I was thinking, whatever it is that you're scared of, do not display it to Chloe b'cos she can pick up your fear and develop the same fear lor. My niece is primary one already but her mother is so scared of so many things and didn't attempt to teach her to brave them so she end up being a scaredy cat too! Can't even be in a room all alone by herself!

Ghost/horror movies,
What do you mommies think about watching it with your baby? Hannah likes to watch TV b'cos I'm a TV freak myself but i'm not sure about letting her watch this. I've tried, but she doesn't even flinch! But I don't think I'm going to let her watch horror movies again!

i think hannah may not understand what she is watching now. But I strongly advise not letting kids watching horror show. I watched this chinese horror show when I was 5 or 6 yrs old and i got terribly scared by it. Till now, i still remember the scenes and I shiver when I thought of it. heehhe .. timid me. my 2 cents worth.
<font color="0000ff">thanks for info on the porridge...okie okie, so i think i feeding enough lah, think the proportion is fine heheheee. thanks!</font>

<font color="119911">smiley</font>, Jovann is getting 4 jabs of Prevnar aka pneumoccocal vacine. i am very wary of this illness coz when i was tested positive for Strep B during pregnancy, i read up on the this related strain of bacteria/virus and got scared by how scary it can be. so once i heard about prevnar jabs, i thought for just a while and decided to give that to him when he around 3-4 mths old. his 2nd jab was 7mths so 3rd will be 9mths then 12 mths. now he got 2 more jabs to go. i know i am giving him a lot of injection, but pneumococcocal is something i wish to prevent. think of it this way, one more jab is better than ganna-ing the disease right? *TOUCH WOOD*. for me, i am not afraid of injections. yes i am VERY VERY bian tai one. when in pri 6, i wanna exchange with a classmate to take BCG hahaha. anyway, to me, if i am not scared, means really nothing scary lah. though i heartpain, but i notice the PD plays a part. my PD jabs very fast, by the time I know it, he oredi putting on plaster. and by the time Jovann know it, the plaster is on and he cries only for a few secs. prevnar is 5% chance of fever. for my case, Jovann got a bit of fever after rotarix, but not prevnar i think.
M Goh

I wanted to start yun on chicken too. But MIL scare wait she got phlegm so i tink will wait till she 9th/10th mths then try meat again.

How did u find out that Chavez got ear infection?


A is veri guai hor, dun pull ur hair. Yun is very notti, everytime carry her she pull my hair and put into her mouth. Me going botak soon
Jst to check,

How many babies still wake up in d middle of the nite for milk? My yun still does & I'm tinkin shd i let her develop on her own to sleep thru d nite or ignore her cry?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Smiley</font></font>, err I think when Chloe was at A's age, they still don't have such jabs yet so I didn't bring her..

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, she does!!! aiyo, and she pulls only 1 or 2 strands at any one time cos her pincer grip is so precised! so it's much more painful than one bunch! and when the hair drops, she eats it! heehee..

Are u still BFDG? I find that most BFDG bbs tend not sleep through the night as early as non-BFDG ones.. Meaning they take a longer time to learn to sleep through la.. that's what I think but maybe I'm sa lar.. Having said that, both my Arianne and Chloe were exceptional. They started sleeping through since 8 weeks for A and about at 12 weeks for C.. and they were still being BF then.. funny hor?

U lucky mummy!! Yes, i do find that BFDG baby take longer to sleep thru d nite. But i had stop for 1mth+ liao leh, she still wake up wor. heehee, babies r so funny hor, they seem more happy pulling our hair than playing wit their toys.
<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>, which PD do you bring Jovann? Did our gynae recommend a gynae from TMC to you?

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>, you hit bull's eye leh. I also feel that babies who are breastfed tend to wake up in the middle of the night to suckle for comfort.. sigh.. speaking from experience.. haha.. they are soooo "yang-o"..

<font color="ff0000">Melissa</font>, I also agree with ilovebabies. Don't let babies watch horror show. I still remember the first thing I was scared when I was in kindergarten was actually dinosaurs I watched on TV. Before that I could stay inside a room by myself, but after that, I kept visualising the dinosaur at the door and don't dare to enter a room by myself (quite silly hor =P )

<font size="-2">But I must confess, I watched Pirates of the Carribean last Sun on channel 5 with Clarisse..</font>oops.. heehee...
arianne put your dropped hair into her mouth? hahaha.. very funny. about chocolate, i'm thinking that probably it alters the taste of BM therefore she will suck more hence, more BM produced? that's just my non-scientific theory! haha!

yes hannah still wake up in the middle of the night for milk. but that depends on what time she went to sleep. b'cos she will sleep for 6 hours straight at night. if she sleeps at 9pm, rest assured she will wake up at 3 am for milk! arggh! but if she sleeps at 11pm, she'll wake up at 5am. heee not so bad.

thanks. i think i will not let her watch horror film though i still love watching it. maybe can get hubby to carry her away while i watch, b'cos hubby oso timid! haha!

june issue of Mother and Baby mag (the one with Brenda and Arianne on cover) got this nifty guide of immunization list for babies. i find that VERY userful. just to share.
<font color="0000ff">Smiley</font>, I also brought Adele for the pneumoccocal vacine. She will need to take 3 jabs. The earlier you take the jab, the no of jabs will be more. I consulted with my PD and he highly recommend that I give Adele the jab becoz of the consequences. This virus could lead to serious consequences like deafness, paralysis and even death. If u can afford, it would be good to start early. I started Adele on the jab when she was 6 months instead of 3 months coz I felt that this is the age where they could easily catch the virus since they tend to put everything into their mouth and even more when they start to crawl. In this way, I could also save on the first jab. On my personal view, I do encourage mommies to give their babies this jab. Reason being my hubby's 1 year old nephew just contracted meningitis 1 month ago. He was not given the vaccine as my SIL felt that the jab was too ex. Although, the chances of contracting this virus is not high, but there is still a risk if they are not vaccined. Her PD told her that her son could have got this virus from the objects that he put into his mouth. Imagine the trauma my SIL had to go thru when the PD told her to prepare for the worst. I saw my SIL crying for the next few days at the hospital and praying very hard for her son to recover. Fortunately, the virus was discovered early and her son recovered after spending 10 days at the hospital. Not only the mother has to suffer, the child would also have to endure the pain of drawing blood from his spine for tests. Apologies if I have scared anyone here. But I really hope to share this so that all mommies here can considering giving their babies this vaccine.
Oh thanks Alicia for the details.. I was calculating : since it needs ALL jabs for the immunity to kick in and in between jabs I got to wait 2 -3 months, so may as well wait 3 months more and she just need to take 2 jabs. Heeheehee... does it make sense?? =) When she turns 1 year old, all she needs is 2 jabs to be immuned. If I let her take it now, she will have her first jab now and I still got to wait till she turns 1 year in 3 months time for her 2nd of 3 jabs, so I may as well wait right?
<font color="aa00aa">Smiley</font>, You are most welcome!
Actually, it all depends on you. Of course the earlier she takes the jab, the earlier she can be immuned from the virus. According to my PD, the moment she takes the jab, she is somehow protected from the virus already. U do not need to wait till she finished all the jabs for the immunity to kick in. I chose to start earlier coz this is the age where they tend to put whatever they can grab into their mouth which increases the chances of them getting the virus. If u can start protecting them earlier, why not? For Adele, the gap from her 1st jab to her 2nd jab is between 1 to 2 months. Not too sure if it is the same for every PD. Perhaps you can check with your PD.
his left entire ear was bright red like someone boxed him on that ear. wet with pus inside and smells. 4 days later, it spreads to his right ear. for the next 1 week, i tot chavez is going deaf. for the next 2 months, i kept testing his hearing like make diff't sounds near him and see if he would look in that direction (though the PD says he is fine). scare the life out of me!
Hi Buttons,

You looking for FM ah??? Why? I thought you are still bfg?

Anyway, in my PD's words, a baby can try different brands just like adults drinking different brands of milk. Just scout around for free samples and let little Jovann try.
You have anything in mind? You can join the 2 baby Cs in the Similac club! Hehe...

Anyway, Clarence was darned colicky during his first 3 months' of life, so we did what most parents of colicky babes did - just put the blame on the milk. Hehe... So we did try a lot of brands... from Nan (yup, its higher iron content makes the poo turns green and it STINKS! Got this fishy fishy taste, due to the iron I guess), to Isomil, to Friso, to Dumex and to Similac. Cannot take it. By the time we switched to Similac, I guess Clarence outgrew his colicky phase and well, we kinda stopped at Similac.

But if you are looking for FM, there are 1001 research reports out there on what is good, what is not... You just need to GOOGLE...
But a lot of research reports are funded by the same infant formula manufacturers (there are only those few major players out there), so they may not be truly independent so you have to take it with a pinch of salt.
Anyway, there are detractors against the use of palm olein (aka palm oil), and also the use of aluminium (such as in the case of Isomil) to aid calcium absorption. But all in all, I think infant formula are by and large the same, so you can research and research and still end up pretty clueless by all the brands out there and all the marketing tactics.

Let us know what FM you eventually use yah?

About your porridge question, I am equally clueless, so not answering.
It's hard enough to get Clarence to eat porridge (though he loves fruits and baby biscuits), let alone thinking about what is the rice vs ingredients ratio! Sigh...

Clarence is all conked out today, after the flu jab. He's been sleeping quite a bit.... The whole family (including our helper) just went for flu vaccinations this afternoon. Think it's better with the flu virus going round...

Had a great time with Clarence these 2 days. Brought him to Botanic gardens in the morning, followed by some shopping then playing with him in the afternoon. Life is good!

Hi Yuna,

Hehe, thanks for answering Button's question for me!!! Haven't called for eye check-up yet... Mommy very lazy! Shall do so tmrw.

Hi Smiley,

Actually according to my PD, he prefers that we vaccinate Clarence for pneucoccal after he turns one, since only 2 doses will be required. But since we do bring him out quite a bit, we decided to jab him at 6 months. It's entirely up to you.... If your baby is with your caregiver (ie not sent to any infantcare) and does not have extensive interactions with other babies (such as through playgroups and courses), it is perfectly fine to jab her after her first birthday.
hihi, any mummies here have the contact number for the retired nurse who help to clear block ducts???? if yes can please sms me at 96320063?

i'm having high fever since thursday and it doesnt goes away and that very night i had lumps on one side of my boob....till now still having fever and the lumps still arnd...suspect it could be due to that. Appreciate your help very much. thanks in advance!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">CALIFORNIA BABY</font></font>

Hello mummies,
Just want to update, anymore orders?
Email me by Sunday if you want to place order.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Qty </TD></TR><TR><TD>chocolat</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>No Fragrance SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>Natural Bug Blend SPF 30+ Sunscreen 2.9oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>Swim Defense Shampoo 8.5oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>Aloe Vera Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>No Fragrance SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Super Sensitive Bubble Bath 13oz</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Super Sensitive Shampoo 8.5oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Calming Shampoo 17.5oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Natural Bug Blend SPF 30+ Sunscreen 2.9oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Calming Botanical Moisturizing 4oz</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>Everyday SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lil_precious</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>6 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
thks 4 the wonderful shrek montages. love it.
btw happy belated bdae! age does not matter, as long as we feel young at heart!
so any surprises fr ur darling? hehehe...

hey r u a food science student? u r v gd in food hygiene leh! Machiam QA Officer!!! *clap clap*

ur J can eat quite alot, well, at least in comparison to my R. i only cook a chinese spoon of rice. and 4 veggie, how to gauge huh? i steam a bunch of it, then cut+minced the cooked veg using knife and scissors then throw everything into the cooked porridge. my veggie always seemed a lot leh. there's nothing wrong wif eatg too much veggie, i hope! as 4 fish, i usually throw in 3 slices but aft i mashed it up when its cooked, i only let him take half of tt amt, coz i wonder if its too much protein.
oh and my MIL asked u to buy "leng1" (pronounce the 'leng' as in the dialect name of someone) bones (pork) to brew stock 4 the porridge. tdy dunno why her pork bone stock was soo yummy, it was my 1st time seeing tt R had such a hearty appetite tt he only left me 1.5 tbs of porridge to finish. usually he will leave at least half of the cooked porridge 4 me. tdy i only got to eat 1.5 tbs
but i am happy tt he is eating. imagine my shocked when he cried for milk 1 hr later?! (the usual interval is 3 hrs) anyway not tt i am complaining abt it though.

i am in ur league.... still got nite feeds! ARGH... i dun think he will ever wean off.
i cant tahan his whining and cries at nite and i end up latching him and dozing off aft tt. its so much easier than patting him to sleep! but if i no need to work the nxt day, i will b more diligent and try to pacify him by offering water and patting him. if all else fails, then i will latch him. on days tt i am wkg, i usually latch him when he cries. its a bad habit, i noe!!!

talkg abt pneumococcal jabs, aft seeing the discussion here, i was tempted to start R now, meaning tt will b 3 jabs. but aft reading oct thread, think i will only do so when R turns 1 yr old.
i hope he is well protected, in the meanwhile.
hi mommies! been a long time since i posted ( i do still come here n read but never really post lah). just wanna say its great seeing all your bb photos in here so keep them coming!

crystallised, melody,
i oso join u all in the midnite party club. even till today, after 4 wks of giving ethan only plain water when he wakes up in the middle of the nite, he's still waking up! so obviously water doesnt work. dunno wat to do liao :p just hope he outgrows it himself magically one fine day... ;)
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melody</font></font>, when my Chloe was about 6 weeks she was already dragging her sleeping hours.. from 3, 4, 6 then to 12 hours straight at 12-13 weeks old.. But I didn't know I was lucky then.. only after some years when I started to chat with other mums then I realised I was indeed fortunate with my luxurious sleeping hours and others were teasing my BM must be super solid so difficult to digest! heh.. As for my Arianne, on the 2nd day after delivery still at the hospital, she had her 1st shot of sleeping 6 hours straight. My hub and I were so worried then and when she was rooming in with us, I kept checking on her breathing! heehee.. When we came home, her nap each time was on the average of 3 hours then prolonged to 5 at 4 weeks old, then at 7-8 weeks, she was sleeping from 2300hrs to 0900hrs already..

Anyway, from a week ago my Arianne dropped her last feed at 2230hrs, and the last feed is now considered at 2100hrs after she had her dinner at 1800hrs and napped from 1930hrs to 2030hrs thereabouts. So meaning, she's going about 12 hours from 2100hrs to 0900hrs her morning wake up hour without any FOOD or milk these days..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, actually my dropped strand of hair can occupy Arianne for about 30 mins.. she kinda enjoys twirling it around her fingers! And she does it with such precised movements! heehee..

More suckle, more supply - this theory is definitely scientifically supported.. but choc altering the taste of BM or probably adding flava to BM, it's probably possible u know.. just like if the mummy eats too much ginger I heard it does affect the BM's taste..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, no la! me just like to know what I put into my kids' stomach and also it's my interest to know so did some intensive read up.. one of my gf suggested that I should become a BB Nutritionist and to compile a bb nutrition/recipe book! heh..

aaiyaa I pee-chart his surprise la cos I heard him talking on the phone trying to cancel the booking cos he can't get away from work (my mum's place not big enough to mask phone conversations! heh..).

Anyhow, we had a great time at Sentosa (dinner at Jewel Box) and also taking Arianne on her first cable car ride! Also, mine in don't know how many years - think the last time I took was 25 years ago! We bought the glass bottom tickets but I chickened out and insisted of taking the NON glass bottom one.. almost wanted to wear A's nappy while riding liao cos I was so scared that I almost pee in my shorts! So if any mummies is as scaredy meow as me, forget about riding on the glass bottom cabins, either that, or wear your baby's nappy! heh heh

Here's A on her FIRST Cable Car ride..

<font color="ff0000">Anyone heard of 'Songs of the Sea'? Watched it? Queue was sooo looong! I was told it took over the old musical fountain..</font> Anyway I didn't find Sentosa bb friendly enough. As we left our car parked at WTC, we were car-less when we were moving around Sentosa and had to use the buses/trams. They don't have designated seats for bb and strollers on the trams and had to fight for seats with some inconsiderate I*dia* tourists! but the bus drivers were helpful enough to get out of their driver's seat to help carry our stroller up as Arianne was sleeping in it. Overall, it was quite an enjoyable experience..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, glad u had a great time mummy-ing Clarence! considering converting to a SAHM? It can be quite rewarding..
Thanks to all mummies who had ans the midnite feed Q. Michelle u also using d plain water mtd. I tried tat too, same as ethan yun still wake up. I'm also waiting for her to outgrow it. If you manage to try any mtd tat work let me know yah. Thks!!

M Goh
Glad to hear Chavez is fine now. Becas I always see yun scratch her ears tat why I check wit you wat are the symtoms of ear infection. But I brought her to the PD last friday when she keep crying in the afternoon. Oh gosh, she got a red buttom jst like those red bottom monkey. Very bad nappy rash. Guess is becas she use to using disitan cream and recently MIL use d calendular cream and maybe not strong enough thus develop nappy rash.

hee.. u had an enjoyable trip at sentosa ya! Same as u I had height phobia, d first time I took cable car was when I brought my China collegue there & while taking d lift up, my phobia already started. When I was in the cable car, I really pray tat it would go faster & even request my colleague not to move when taking photos cause I was so scare.
Hey phoebe,

when is the whampoa bb show hah? how to get the details?

Joon & I might consider going and have a meetup @ the same time, since we both stay there..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jasmine / Joon</font>

Whampoa Baby Show (Group C 6 to 12 mths -6.8.06 to 5.2.07)

05-Aug-07 (Sun)

SUNDAY 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Registration Closing Date:

Fee: $12.00

Venue: Whampoa CC
Address : 300 WHAMPOA DRIVE, Singapore 327737
Contact No. : 62547060

heee, i noe how it feels when u thot u cld handle the 'bottomless' cable car ride and in the end freaked out. kekekeeke... i tried once when i was in Taiwan. i thot i cld handle it but got cold feet when i went in. but coz got my hb's colleagues were ard and i din wanna embarrass myself, i put up a brave front and went in. while inside, i freaked out each time they moved a bit! hahahahahhahaa... but it was a wonderful experience. i dun mind trying it again!

buttons mentioned jewel box b4... wat issit gd 4? food? how much is the bill size?
tt was a nice photo!
well, apparently, u were not nervous enuff coz u still managed to pose 4 the camera!
eh ur Arianne soooo gd! 12 hrs w/o food or water? some mums juz hv it better! sigh...

Melody & Michelle,
if u girls find any gd method, pls let me noe too!
Oh yes, i rem tt Ling mentioned she used pacifier on Sophie when she got up at nite. and now Sophie sleeps for 12 hrs straight, juz like Arianne. how nice...
<font color="0000ff">hey mommies</font>, can I check with you. How many of you are catholics and have already baptised your baby or intending to do so huh? hubby is a catholic ( i am not), and we planning to baptise Jovann soon....so wanna find out from other mommies.

<font color="aa00aa">Freezing puree foods</font>. I dun remember who asked about this liaoz. But what i usually do it once my puree food is inside the food cubes, i will immerse them 2/3s in a shallow containr of water (i usually use lock lock) into which i throw some icecubes. this helps the water to stay cold and cool down the puree inside the food cubes. since u cannot leave cooked foods outside for more than 2 hours (not fresh liao), i use this method to make sure the food cubes cool down fast, so that i can transfer to freeze asap and yet not damage freezer.

hope i din miss any posts! gotta go! hubby waiting! tata.
<font color="119911">buttons</font>,
first u got to find out which church u want J to be baptised at and register. then u need a godma/pa who is a catholic. think that is all. if i remember anything else, i will let u know...

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>,
so is ur hubby taking u somewhere special later on since he is tied up with work? is A still bogeh? My lill C got one coming out soon, can see it at the gums...cannot take pic coz either she clams her mouth real tight or sticks her tongue out.. THANK u for the montage SHrek!

<font color="aa00aa">Melody</font>,
lill C sleeps thru the night. Phew! She was waking up at 5ish am (guess still tolerable) till bout last month, it changed and she wakes up when we leave the house to go to work.
But I still feel tired. dunno why...maybe its just work and stress (<font size="-2">that is why have not been logging and chatting in here</font>)

<font color="0000ff">peachie aka shopping queen</font>,
done any lately? any good buys? now me no time for anything so got to base on tips if want to go anywhere..so its targeted shopping, no window shop. so sad huh..

The days are becoming hotter, esp this afternoon...Take care all..
Hi Brenda,

Becoming a SAHM is no joke leh.... It involves a huge lifestyle change! Hehe, attractive though it may seem, I am not ready to take the plunge YET.
It is a darned tough job which the selfish side of me still am not keen to embrace. Horrible hor???

Your Sentosa trip sounds fantastic!!! I wanna go too! Mebbe will drive in instead. Then it will be less of a hassle to get around the island.


Aiya, what Shopping Queen???!!! Sha is the SQ!

Bought nothing much lately. I promised myself that I shall buy no more toys for Clarence this month, but my hands got itchy itchy over the 2 days while I was on leave last week.

These are what I've got:
From ELC (Early Learning Centre)-
- 2 splash mats ($24 now going for $12 each)
- 3 HUGE tubes of toddler paint ($3.20 each with KK Juniors Club card - 20% storewide on regular items)

I was eyeing at the bottle of bubbles maker (which is selling for $3.20), but didn't buy in the end... Wished I did!!!

Bought a toddler apron at Daiso for $2.... gonna let Clarence have fun with paint next weekend!!! We gonna get DIRTY!!! Hopefully we can sell some of his abstract art to finance his toys...

From Robinsons
- 2 pairs of Bobux shoes for $28 each
(I hated to buy shoes, but now he is cruising around, bo bian... got to wear shoes whenever we go out. But bare-foot is still BEST at home to develop his feet muscles.

From Daiso:
- 2 handy cloth pouches to put the batik sarong sling (my Indonesian helper slings him whenever he is sleepy and cranky)

From Arab street:
- 2 batik sarong slings for $9 each

From Mothercare:
- 1 sandplay kit (this includes a huge waterwheel, buckets, spades, sand modelling stuffs) for $10.90 -> this is a clearance set and it's the last piece. The packaging is all torn...
But this ties in with the Sentosa visit!!! We can go Siloso Beach and have a SANDY time on the beach!!! Mommy and baby will get dirtier than playing with paint though.

That's it!!! Not much damage lah...

Hey, what about the rest??? Any good buys to share???
hi <font color="119911">peachie</font>,
ok ok. lotsa shopin experts here...

I also got ELC - wooden toy stacker with multi color rings and round ball on top $24. Lill C tried to eat the stick that u put in the middle..and had good time chasing the ball all over the living room.
bot a high chair suction toy which has a steering wheel and buttons $28.
Bought Annabel Karmel book $20. not sure if this is cheap but it was 50% off plus some other books..
Tempted to buy the bouncing thingy (which works the same as jumperoo) but got stopped by hubby...coz no space.

so many slings?? to match the outfit is it?

so smart of you to cool down ur food fast. For me, I dont freeze food at all cos my mum is against the idea. She only wants to give fresh food to Rachel so let her be lor.
Thanks mommies for ur hugz hugz & concern... Mi recovered from fever but now down wif blocked nose, chesty cough & phelgm... Mi can't sleep thru out the whole of last nite & my mommy has to stay awake to accompany mi...

Virus virus go away & restore mi back to pink of health!!!

I was the one who gave her cold showers as afraid fever too high & can feel she is reli hot then... somemore in the middle of the nite..

Little pony & rachel
My PD prescribed nurofen too. but he didn't gave bullet.

PD said it is alright to give cold showers but not too freezy cold type. Shower but not placed in the bathtub as the heat will remain in the tub. Oso to damp whole body skin frequently with lightly damp cloth so that the moisture on the skin surface can remove heat...

I was baptised in novena church,attended RCIA for 1yr & it reli draws mi closer to GOD.... an enriching journey to start with... When evan is abt 2mths old, we baptised her in risen christ... So u reli hav to see which church u want to register... Mayb the church where u attend sun mass now or ur hubby's parish church. Daddy, mommy & god parent(1 couple or 1 person oso will do. God parent, we chose my hubby's sister as I trust she can lead evan in tis faith moreover I believe godma & evan shd have veri close bonding too(godma & evan can b with each other when evan at my MIL on wkdays). All parents & godparents hav to attend 1 night class before the baptism. My MIL oso bought evan a white baptism gown. Oso we chose a baptism name for evan... Father told me that it is best to choose a saint name which u like... Tis saint will be like a guardian angel for evan. I chose germaine...
Hi Nedlands,

What is Anabel Karmel book about??? Good or not? Remembered that quite a number of people have it.
The wooden toy stacker sounds good too! Got picture to share share???

Aiya, your hubby is right not to buy the jumperoo. Now that the baby is crawling or pre-walking, he/she wants to EXPLORE!!! And not to jump up and down on one single spot. Anything that hinders rather than aid the little explorer is not welcome. Hehe.....

Hey, I think I am the last mom to say this here - after MONTHS and MONTHS of waiting, Clarence is crawling at last! Last Sunday was a day of many many belated firsts. Clarence's first tooth (or rather... teeth) has finally sprouted out (in fact the top 2 and bottom 2 sprouted out at the same time), he started crawling for the first time, and for the first first time, he hits 8 kgs!!! It was a Sunday to remember for the whole family.

Hey, for mothers with underweight babies, the avocado is an excellent fruit! We started feeding avocado everyday for a month, and Clarence puts on 400gm. This fruit is totally incredible.
haha, forgot to answer your question about the slings....
no lah, it's not to match the outfit. Clarence is looked after by my mom while I am in office, so my helper is at my mom's place during this time as well.... We placed a sling at mom's place rather than to carry the same sling everywhere.
It's also bcos it's cheap lah... Buying 2 allows us to wash and interchange.
<font color="aa00aa">thank you nedlands and precious angel</font>. oh, just need one godparent huh? thing is, hubby's childhood church is not near our house. so we thinking getting baptised at another one
who else are catholics here ah?

<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>, hahaha CONGRATS!
yeah very memorable yah? 4 teeth at the same time must be super cranky for him? but then, one time done leh! hehehee. i heard the rest of the teeth not that disturbing. WHAT???? AVOCADOES EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH? u joking right? doesn't he get sick of it? Jovann loves avocadoes but after a few consecutive days of it he always gets sick of it leh! clarence can eat same thing for 30days? and btw, how did u find nice avocadoes now huh? there's always some avocadoes at my house, waiting to ripe. nowadays i notcie those i buy, either ripe very very slowly, or ripe unevenly, or become rotten very fast! alamak...end up not much good ones to feed him! if i buy those already RIPEn ones from cold storage, chances are its too ripe by the tmie he eats it.
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>, ur sandplay kit sounds very nice leh! i was just telling hubby that ur activities soudns so happening! we old bones CANNOT imagine dragging ourselves to sentosa leh! even our much talked about botanic gardens bf with Jovann also not yet come into fruition. u bought paint? how to paint leh? on the walls????

<font color="aa00aa">nedlands</font>, yes yes do show me ur toy stacker can? and wheree did u get the 50% off books??????

ya how do u manage to feed avo everyday ? I bought 2 avo like 2-3 weeks ago and i left it in my rice bucket and it is still hard as a rock !! why ah ? in the end I threw it away.

Bravo to Clarence for the great achievements!

Hey, your weekends are always so COLOURFUL and FUN. So envy leh

What kind of cabbage do we give to our baby? Those big normal cabbage or beijing cabbage?

Btw, anyone know if beijing cabbage really come from China going by its name or can be from any countries?
hey congrats on clarence hitting important milestones!!! my hannah is already over 8kg due to high-fat night feeds! but she is still bogay! lucky u never buy the jumperoo hor. i bought the walker and it's the most useful thing ever. hannah is able to run after me with the walker and she's fast too. so fast that i have to run to avoid hitting the bottom of her walker. quite painful if kanna!

sick babies,
i was wondering if all our sick babies have gotten well? speedy recovery yeah!

Hi Buttons and ilovebabies,

Can can... just try different variations of avocado. We put it in his oatmeal cereal, do avocado milkshake out of it (Clarence's favorite!!! Just add mashed avocados to formula milk and blend blend blend), or just feed the mashed fruit itself! We even dipped his favorite baby biscuit in it and fed it to him. Where there is a will, there is a way. Hehe....

There are various ways to ripen avocados. Put it with rice (my mom's theory but never tried), or according to California's Avocados official website, put it into a paper bag with some apples and it will ripen soon. But I always buy the ripe ones from Jason's and it's quite nice.... Tasts yummy and buttery. And on days he refuses to eat porridge and cannot eat much, avocado can be a meal replacement. Here are some avocado facts.... Anyway, we intend to stop the avocado therapy soon.... Too much Clarence will be on his way to a TAF (Trim and Fit) club membership next time!

A rich source of vitamin E
Good source of potassium
High in monounsaturated fats

High in calories

The flesh of a ripe avocado is as good for you as it tastes. It is a rich source of vitamin E and a good source of potassium, with useful amounts of vitamin B6, and lutein. It also supplies vitamin C, riboflavin and manganese. Vitamins C and E are both antioxidants and can therefore help to prevent the free radical damage that might lead to certain cancers. Potassium helps to control blood pressure and maintain a regular heartbeat and a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B6 is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, and lutein helps to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
Like olive oil, avocados have a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are thought to lower blood cholesterol levels. But weight watchers should beware: avocados may contain up to 400 calories per fruit.
